Daily British Whig (1850), 25 May 1911, p. 10

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EACH MEAL AN AGONY. Dr. Willams' Pink Pills Cire Obstin- ate Indigestion. "When 1 was first troubled with indigestion 1 did' not bother with it, § thought it would pass away nat- urally.. But instead ol. doing so iW whe moved here this winier from his developed into a painfal chronic 8f-lfarm wear Wellimgton, died, on May fection, which in spite of all 1 did | 14th, aged eighty-seven years. He re- ee worse, and, worse until 1 had} ded with bis son. The funeral wis abandoned all' hopes of ever EINE pod on Tuesday, to Glenwood ceme relief." These words of Murs. Obas. ltory, Picton. Edgar Mastin's new McKay, of Norwood, N.8., should automobile arived last week. Miss 'serve as a warping (o all who suffer | puoice Mastin is home from Toronlo distress after meals, with palpita-| Go iversity, Philip Talcott has erecied tion, drowsiness apd loss of appetite] Lo shed to His barn. - early warning of mbre serious trou-1™ pie gons are' being made to the bie to follow. rs. mde Set Paros 'canning fagtory. the corn hare. visiting ]t 1 ¥ a FMB ick : # _is being enlarged and the -ofiice w guid Te Youling a Bete js being moved from: the main build: or - ing to a new ome built 'on purpose. flesh and after even the most frugal Revolving. tables to peel tomatoes om meal 1 always suflered severe pails {i iy ye put in. Dr: Cahoon and F- H. in my stomach. 1 cat my me Saylor went to Toremio, last wdek, down' to. a fow mouthiuts, It even.' "y new automobile each. Miss thea every morsel of food causediy py of Belleville, has been visiting agony. My digestion was SO weak 8 : i at Canilf Haight's. i Some days I could scarcely 1 deag | yl Elizabeth Bowerman is quaran- mysell about the house, and Was! med at the home of her daughter, never. free from sharp piereing paige Mrs. Wilfrid Cromk, with smallpox. in fhe back and chest. Fogrew so bad! Gt oo ht the disease on ee Way that 1 had to Fon Ao milky, we from Weyburn, Sask., about a and sods water, and even this cause | OUR To. She is recovering. He ed severs suffering. In vain] sought ot Cooper is making De exten relicl--all madisilion 1 hour: of sions and improvements around his useless. Byt in the darkest hour ON Gh" Vieior Campbell, of Kenora, is my suffering lelp came. While reading Sh : Mime Mary find | lore, visiting his parents. Migs Mary a newspaper, 1.calp¢ acfous a "are : | Hubbs, of Queen's University Kings- was quite similar to my own Case, td ore ' wrought by the use of Dr. Williams' | lon, 18 home. Pink Pills. T thought Gf another per OF EE : 2 pi | igin of Boracic Acid. son had been sured by these pills _ of} Forma ult thes hurdle, oF Borie. vo Yipe Jor He, and *| acid of commerce was obtained from at once sent to the driggfst for a sup- borax by heating it with calcined fer- ply "af these pills. The first indication | rous sulphate in closed vessels, where- that the pills were juipin jhe wile the by sor uduferic id al foc, 5 usd i the feelin ¢ al wi « . Pon I began to take solid tery vapors, which escaped. food with but little feeling of distress. THis was a long and tedious pre. I still continued taking tha pills with cess, and not much Progess was made an improvement every day until I{ until it was discovers sak barasie souisl, di wat, all kinds of Jona with sould Je Sad Jrom ihe oifug t rouble or distress. sprin; a of vapor in v. Ay in . lendid health to-day and- Hy after the discovery of boracic | butcher grades, $5.50 to $6.33; the credit. is due to Dr. Williams' | acid in these springs the brilliant idea | £3.50 to 35.33. Bar Pink Pills." struck the physicist as well as the Calyps--Beceipts--2,500. Market £2 oT " GROWING CHILDREN |OUR CONSIGNMENT ' A i A Of Greets and Black Teas from Oey | : ; loa have arrived. Though prices _ Play havd and work hard at school, | are much higher, we are still sell ind rapid growth + uses upp an enor! {ag at 30¢ per 1b. nous amount of energy and - vitality ANDREW MACLEAN that needs replacing. Outario Street. This accounts for the many delicate, i Charles stock yards this forenoon. sickly and ailing children we sce ong ~----ik offerings of live stock at this market | our streets. i . : ' . during the, week "were 1.300 cattle | We wish the mother of such | 2 1,415 calves, 160 sheep and lambs, and hald vould come to Our store | | THECLUBHOTEL 1.720 hogs. The very hot weather had pasty of Viol, A itis a delie ou WELLINGEON STREET, a depressing effect ou trade, but the] od liver An iron tonic which (Near Princess) prices bad an upward tendency all | 'ren love to take and it is easily acihere are othep Mh round. similated. 3 homelike surroundings. Prime bacons sold at from 6c. to 64 A grateful mother in Durand, Mick, : Located in centre of city i - 5 oO R oy ose princi t @ pee 1b: pretty good animals, 5c. to} OVS her hittle g rl waj. weak, Pp J 1 glose te pr sola stor 5ic., and the common stock, 3fe. to and had no appetite. 'She gave' her; @ jCharges are nioderate. 43c. per Ib, Good large bulls sold 'at Vinol and she bes to. thrive at once Special rates by the week, 5c. to Ble, wr Th. Palves sold at --and she gained rapidly in weight, LP. M. THOMPSON, Proprietar, from 3e. to Ge. per Ib. wlor and strength. (Name furnished Sova sttBITATLRTRR SRE] Sheep sold at about 5c. J: J O0, Pequent.) Beep lambs Ge. to he soster Vino! builds up good healthy flesh day, and the spring lambs at fom $1 [24 muscle tissue and makes thin to $6.50 each. Good lots of hogs sold little limbs round and plump. at 63c. to near Tc. per Ib; fat, heavy Try a bottle of Vinol with the un- hogs: are slow of sale, at about Bic derstanding that if it does not bene- | per Ib. 3 i your child vour money will be re} turned. Mabhood's drug - store, King- ston, ' BLOOMFIELD BUDGET. Peath of Thomas Giles--lady II - With Smallpox. ¢ : Bloomfield, May 22.--Joha M, Brans- cone lost a valuable pure-bred Holstein cow recently. Thomas Giles, The Prices Paid at the Various - Centres. Montreal, May 22--About #0 head of butchers' eattle, 200 calves, 100 sheep and lambs and 1,000 hogs were offieréd for sale at the Point 3 The TELL US.* : ------ {The Tidings From Various Points in Worn. Out by the Monotonons In| Eastern Ontario--What People Are door Life of Winter. | Daing and What They are Saying. Blood Weak and Barricfield Briefs. Barriefield, May 22.--The. many friends of Mrs. Butler ate glad to see her around again. Mrs. MeNiece "is poorly. 'Miss M. Pugh has left for Halifax, « haying visited her father, 9. Pugh, Miss B. Hutton, npurse-ip- merrily ¥ training, is visiting Hem feel most keenly the debilitating and}.J, Denny, of Cobalt, is enervating effects of indoor winier| her mother, Mrs, M. Byrnes. Mrs. W. life. : Wynter, of the Isle 'of Man, = spent The blood is so thin and woteryis v with her mother, Mrs: W. that it fails to y nutrition to the | Norman. Mrs. Leader, of the city, nervous system to the vital of-|.ent Sundsy with Mr. and Nis. gans, You fed tired, weak and dis |} 'Leader. Miss Evelyn Morris is vis- couraged, appetite Tails, digestion 8ijijng her cousin, Mrs. S. Saunders. Bired, . energy aud ambitim are| yi Daly, city, visited Mr. and Mrs, and strange depressing {sel | MoNioco, Miss Myrtle, of Quebec, is visiting her grandiather, T. Pugh. Mrs. North and family spent Sunday with J | hex mother, Mra 6. Muller," Mrs. H. Mullen and Mrs. J. Kane have taken over the Country Club work. Mrs. N. Stanton, jr., and little son, spent Synday at 'her brother's, 3.0 Salis bury's. | ° Mount Chesney Budget. Mbunt Chesney, May 22.--Many of the ple intend taking in the cele bration in Kingston on the 24th. vement of the bod allor |Home of the young men are preparing very MOVAIMDE O eatis give placy to attend , the military camp at Bar- to the glow of health and vigor of riefiekl. Ms M. E. Cochrane left, to- mind and body. day, to visit her brother, Dr. Loch- Dr. Chase's Ne rane, in the North-West. M. Fowler spring tonie and torative, Sc. a|has purchased a. new milk waggon. box, 6 for $2.50, at all" Tealers or The many friends of G. Gibson are Edmanson 3 imi _'pleased. to learn that he is recovering p Baten & Co,, Limited, Tor sa his recent illness. G. Goodell left, ane, to-day, for Jones' Falls. J. Brown is THOMAS COPLEY painting at M. Fowler's. A few of the 3 [city sports spent Sunday at 'Barns Puaoxs 987, ville Cottage," James Carey spent a few days with his sister, Mrs, G. Pat- terson. Michael McGarvey has return ed home after ~ a visit at Kilburnie. Visitors : C. Stoness at James Fow- A ler'e J. O'Brien, M. McGarvey, $3 0 Placklock, T. Cashman, and sister at . the System Run Dowa--Vigor § is Restored by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. y Just WY the {ime when the buds are and the birds are chirping in the treetops, mau every but for and and in the morning," + -- Chicage, May. 22.--Cattle receipts es timated af 25,000; market steady to a shade lower; beeves, 5:10 to $6.40 Texas steers, $1.60 to $5.60; western steers, $4.80 to 5.60; stockers and foeders, $3.90 to $5.75; cows and heil ers, $2.40 to $5.70; calves, 3.75 to 87.25; Hogs' receipts estimated at 50,00¢ market generally ten cents lower, light at 35.70 to $6.05; mixed, $.70 to $6.05; heavy, 85.50 to. $5.65; rough, £5.50 to $5.65; good to choice heavy, 25.65 to £5.95; pigs, $5.50 to 96; bulk of sales, $5.80 to $5.95. Sheep receipts estimated at 20,000 ; BO oT H & CO. market strong to 10c. higher; native, at $3.25 to $4.85; western, 83.50 'to FOOT WEST STREET. 84.90; yearling, $1.60 to $5.65; lambs ~ ANA native, $4.75 to $7.10; western, $5.50 to $7.15. if East Buffalo, May 22.---Cattle- Re ceipts 3,125. Market active, 10c. to 15e. higher. Prime steers, $6.25 to $6.40; COWS, be dininid COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal is good coul and we guaranties prompt delivery. "easily assimilated form in Dr. Chase's "Nerve Food. ; Thousands of men and womeéh have "learned to this spring depres- and discourage is great restorative. , "strength and buoyancy is felt in This Wood was peeled and plied under cover to dry. . We are offering this Wood to the public at $5.00 per cord, cut In any wg | lengths. This is the best lot of Wood ever offered for spring and summer use. Try It "aud be com~ vinced. Food, the great It You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer. We could not afford endorse Rexall "93" continue to sell it as we not do all we claim it our enthusiasm CArry us SOWARDS 'Phone 155, North End Outario Street, a card to 19. fin Til ac $5 to to so strongly Hair Tonic and if it did Should | and | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills go right | chemist to employ the heat of the na- | tive,"25¢. higher. Cull to choice to the root of indigestion and other | tura) steam jets. This method had the | $7.75, rn troubles by making rich, red blood | effect of converting an unprofitable Sheep and Lambe--Reccipts, 15,000 which. tones and strengthens every (branch of industry into one of the } Market fairly active and steady. Choice do, will, AWAY, Geocessessasssrrsses cna Prevost, and most successful, lambs, $7.10 GG. Patterson's, Jr; E. W. Webb at F. .W. Grothier's, Ballan- tyne Station; F, { Mc(iarvey at James Hickey'ss Miss, M. A. Cochrane at G. Phompson's; C. (Neil and E. Gra- ham' at. Mrs. P. Fawler's; A.Tyo, C. Cochrane and R. C. Hawkey at G. Patterwon's; Mrs. Wright, Sunbury. at James Webb's; James McGarvey, Jr, and "BE. Prevost at W. Gibsdn's; Miss PICTURE FOR THE BRIDE, We have a cholce line of Nellie Patterson, Joseph Draper and J. Kane at James Fowler's; Miss Am- nie Patterson, at James McGarvey's; Miss Alice McGarvey at Joseph ° Me- organ of the body. That is why they cure and backaches and sideaches, rheuma- tis and neuralgia and the spesial ailments of growing girls and woweh of all ages. Sold by all medigine deal- ers or by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont Bobbie's Mistake. Owing to illness in the family, little Robert, aged six, was permitted to anaemia, with all 'its headaches |' The lagoons are situated near the top of one of the highest hills. As the voleanic vapors pass through the wa- ters of the tb the boracic acid is arrested by the water, which becomes impregnated with it. Li~Eulifornia it occurs as the mineral sassolite, and as a saline incrustation on the crater of a mountain in the Lipari group, north of Sicily. ---------------- _ A New Potato. active and steady. ah to $7.50; cull to $4.75 to $7.25; yearlings, $5.00 to #6; sheep, $2 to $5. ' Hog--Recoipts, 11,900. Market fairly tiv Yorkers, $6.50 to $6.55; stags, $4.50 to $5; pigs, $6.50; mixed $6.40 to 26.50; heavy, $6.35 to £6.10; roughs, $5.35 to $5.25. fair, Ra m Free Advice. A Scotsman 'went to a solicitor, laid before him a case in dispute, and then asked him if he) would undertake n tire satisfaction to the would lose faith in us and our state busi- sxall "93" Hair Tonic not give USOrs, entg, and in consequence our ness prestige would suffer. Wa assure you that if your hair beginning to unnaturally fall out if vou have any scalp trouble, Rexall "93" Hair Tome will promptly cate dandruff, and prevent premature baldness. Our faith in Rexall '43"" Hair Tonic try stimilate haar so strong that we ask you to en- | they or eradi- growth Tinsmithing & Plumbing A AAA A All kihds of Tinsmith, . Plumbing and Contract Work, wl Stoves taken down and stors ed for the summer at moder- ate rates. All work promptly attended to. Lemmon Bros. ures at reasonable prices Sieh ma useful wedding t sitive arantee the s. Bring In your pletures it on our positive guarants that vour t X 'Phone 998. 291 Princess St. money will be cheerfully refunded if it = . ¢ cscssssssssssssessesi {Grath's; P. Kelly, Glenburnie, at W. McGarvey's; W. Blacklock and M. attend church alone one Sunday morn-| During the past two or three years | to win the suit, it is said, let us show how satis- factory it is te Haye 'us deo your prams , Daly at James McGarvey's; J. Culken at John Daly's, Glenburnie; S. Mood oll at G. Patterson's, Jr. Nr. and bh (Mrs. Ducétte, Battersea, at G. Stones', ------------ The Cynical Chauffeur, Cleveland Leader. A chauffeur who had just returned to the garage after taking the state's examination to determine his fitness B Gasoline Launches, Steam | Pleasure Yachts, Passenger 'Boats, Gasoline Bagines, % Steam Engines, X Boilers, try the DAVIS p DOCK CO. x al repairs done promptly. talogue on request, Ea "Phone 420. to be licensed was asked by a fel flow worker what the gestions were : One of them was about meeting a ! gkittish horse," he replied. "They | gsked what 1 would do if F approach: ed a horse which showed signs of be- bing 'afrpid of the car and its driver held 'upehis hand to me." Tr "What's the answer?' asked a by- stander. "Ob, I had that all right," the chauffeur replied. "1 "told 'em Vd stop the car, take it apart and hide bl the pieces im the grass." ~ ------ Too Heinous an. Offence. Summoned ' for representing himself ! and Rating House. p and lighted. - wx our Full Course Dinner, ® | laughter, Cafe 183 Wellington St. § -- The . Up-to-date Restaurant Separate § appartments. Well furnished ® as a solicitor, a. defendant was aske at Bromley, Kent, if 'he pleaded guilty, "What |" he exclaimed, amid loud "plead guilty to being a so- ---- Caused by Weak Kidneys. Dizziness is largely the result of dis. ordered kidneys. Mrs. Hall, 84 Flora street, St. Thomas, Ont. says: - | suffered for years with spells of dizei- S hess that would leave me unable . to attend to any house duties. My: back was weak and caused me much suffer: {ing through the night. 1 had docior- ed for years; but all te no avail. No- thing benefited me and my condition : ame worse, I learned. of Booth's idoey Pills. Ong hox gave me a complete and lasting cure. 1 have not had a' headache or dizzy spell since foud 1 feel like a new pn" Don't think that it's woman's lot to suffer always, this is not true. A box of Booth's Kidney Pills will cone vince you of this. Send for a five trial or secure a box for Slo, at your doalers. Postpaid from The RT, th CUo., btd., Fort Erie, Ont. Re- tombe these bills are Lui ntend. d guaran in Kingston by 5 Ad TT 18 YOUR COAX DUSTY? You Probably Have the White Scab 5 of Dandruff on It. If your coat or shoulders have a white dust upon it the chances are that it is from dandruff. The onmlv way to permadently cure dandruff is to remove the catse, which is a germ. bro'sHerpicide kills ~~ the germ. Every toilet table should have such Fo t contamns dandrufl ing, and he was much elated over the fact that he was considered "big en ough" to go to church by himself, and promised to be very attentive to the service. Upon his return home he was questioned os children are alter sucht an epoch in their lives. At dinner his father said, '"Well, Robbie, so you went. by yourself to ohrroh: did vou listen to the swemon?" Bobbie--Yes, sir: every word of it. His father--What was the text? Hob- bie (triumphantly)--Don't be worried, I will send you another quilt. His father and all present at dinner told him it was impossible that this eould have been the text, hut Bobbio stoutly insisted that he had quoted it correctly, and finally wept - when he saw that they still believed him to be wrong. Two or theee days later his fa- ther met' the rector, and knowing him well, and being curious to know what the text really was, told the rector the circumstance, and asked what was his text of the previous Sunday, say- ing, 'Bobbie said it was, "Don't be i I will' send.you auvother quilt'." i The rector smiled: and. said, "My text was--Let not your hearts be troubled, I will send you another » Comforter'. Protested. Youth's Cempanion. "One of the characteristics of my old comrade, Amos Stillman, Company A, 23rd Massachtsotts Volunteers, was bravery in actual fighting service," said an old soldier. "Another chatac- teristic was a sense of humor which stood him in good stead even in the face of danger and contributed not a little to the gayety of his comrades. "At the battle of Cold Harbor, just pefore making the charge; aod whi under the Confederaie five, var cor poral, who. was oveérgic feet tall aad scarcely bigger around. than a gua- barrel, became excited as the enemy's bullets ploughed up the earth aboot him. \ «What kind of a place is this to keep a man in?" he demanded. 'Ab- solutely without protection 1 "He had no more than spoken when Private Stillman stuck his ramrod in the and. ' @ Here, corporal,' sai he, 'get be- hind "this." " ; = | p------ The Call of the Two Scotchmen met and exchanged the small talk appropriate to the As they wee fing to go andy said to Jock: : Hl go ye a roond om morrn , Tho mora' ¥* Hock repeated doubt ules th "™ said Sandy. Aye, mon, the 3 on the links in "T'll go ye ar the moorn'," * "Aye, wool," said Jock, "I'll go ye. But'1 hind intended to got marriet in the moren',"" ! ! HAS" and: Jerrold. ile { ner. John Deere Plow EY 1 Will the man remarkable progress has, been made in the cultivation of a new species of potato in the department of Vienne in France. This potato originated in Uruguay, and is called the Solanum Cammer- soni. In its new environment in France, and hy reason of ite careful cultivation and selection, it has de- deloped several forms that promise to become fixed, and to possess much value as additions to the food re sources of Europe. Among these forms, all springing from one parent species, there are a yellow variety, a white variety, a red variety, and a variety not specially characterized by color, all of "which possess distinctive shapes and . quahi- tiew. A fact that especially interests botanists and cultivators is that these varieties have evidently not vet reached their final settled forms, ond the experiments in Vienne are closely watched because it is thought {hat they will throw light upon the unset thed uestifh of the general origin of ithe potato. Testing Steel by Sparks. Experiments made in Budapest have shown that the spark rays made by the incandescent particles thrown off from iron and steel when put upon an emery wheel afford a means of testing the composition of the metals. Carbon steels, mangahese steel, and steels containing tungsten and nickel each give a characteriztic spark," of different forms and colors, which are pasily distinguishable. The form of the spark picture changes with the quantity of carbon. Even so slight a difference as 0.01 per eént. of carbon, it is said, oan be detected in this man- Pointed branching lines demote carbon steel: tool steel shows the ap- pearance of "blossom" on the branch- es; tungstem steel gives red streaked rays and = shining points, with little balls thrown out of the formation; and an explosion appearance in the articulation denotes the presence of molybdenum, vanadium or titanium. mm ------ Too Much for the Clairvoyant. "You claim to be a great clairvoy- ant," began shown into the rooms of Mme. La Faxpie. "1 am told that you can read the past, present and future. Nothing is hidden from you." "It is - true," answered the famous medium. "For $21 will tell you---" "1 will give vou $10 i youawill put me. wise Lo one problem," interrupted the client impatiently. "What was it that my wife told me to bring home for digner to-night *" The money was refunded, but not cheerfully, as the advertisements pro- mised, x ; -------------- by - Not Seared by Reciprocity, Brantfard Bapositor. The Oliver Plow com ing at Hamilton, the will erect another at Welland, Massey-Har- ris company is galing additions to ite Toriars and Brantford plants, and the Cockshutt Plow =~ company is in creasing its capital stock to £15,000, 006 in its business. please stand up. who said that reciprocity would rain the agriculyural implement industry y ---------------- any is erect the client who had bees fu "Cergainly," will undertake the case, We are to win." 'Ay, so ye really think it's a case !"' ' "Undoubtedly, my a: verdiet in your favor." "Aweel, I'm much obliged tae but I dinna think Fl tae this time, for, ve ken, the case replied the solicitor, "1 deanrt sir. 1 prepared to guarantee you will speure laid before ye is ma oppovent's." does not do as we claim. Two 50c. and $1. Sold only at our sto The Rexall store. G. W. Mahood. sure good sizes, re, lh A Very Aged Voter. am ye, law I've Gas company, who is vear. Durant refused all offers ot vote, ~ FOR SAL SALES NEGOTIATED. ing surface gives the air better access to the 'source of heat so that the heat is : feonducted away from the coal as rapidly as it is created and with. out waste. yy ------------------------------ Ee LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW E OR' TO RENT Among the voters at the urban coun cil election in Chertsey was John Du rant, a pensioner of the Metropolitan in his 102nd drive, and walked a mile to record his . RENTS COLLECTED. FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK, KINGSTON, ONT. - The * Hecla™ will do this : It is built § = to save coal at every point, but the } big coal-saving feature is the Steel Ribbed Fire Pot. By adding Steel Ribs to the Fire Pot the surface which radiates beat is increased three timed. ' Every Furnace has flanges or projections of some sort on the fire pot to get more radiating surface, because the heating capacity of the fire pot increases as you increase the radiating surface. But the "Hecla" is the only Furnace that has attained the greatest possible radiating surface and the reason is that where other Furnaces have clumsy caste<iron Flanges, the flanges on the *' Hecla" are made of steel plate and fused to the fire pot casting by our patent process. specs A test extendiog over three years, demonstrated that this ribbed fire pot made a saviog in coal--13§7L Isn't that worth looking inte ? Ask someone who owns a ** Hecla," You will find the * Hecla " the best warm air Furnace you ever saw.. You will find that it gives an even distribution of beat-- heat that is moist aod free from gas or dost, " Bs ot You will find the "'Hecla " a Furnace easy to run. One that does not waste live coals when you shake it down. You will' find a Furnace that burns wood or coal GLARE BROS: & GO., LIMITED, - PRESTON, Ont. ELLIOTT BROS., Kingston. ET SQUARE, A FURNACE THAT WILL GIVE YOU AS. MUCH HEAT FROM SIX TONS OF COAL, AS YOU EVER GOT FROM SEVEN, IS ONE AFFORD TO OVERLOOK. ? FOUR SHOW ROOMS Are Nearly Fitted Up | We invite your inspection Let us show you our beautiful array of Blectric and Comblna~ | tion Fixtures lighted up, a ghowérs from $7.60 up. Every home, new and old, | should have electric light. i HW NEWMAN ELECTRIE C0. 79 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 441. 4 sessssasstscsssansssanal WHEN ORDERING FLOUR Ask your grocer or dealer to send you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour. Try it and be convinced of the celebrated quality ot the Flour. * 4 0 Manufactured by the Maple Leaf Miling Go, Branch Office, Ontario Btrest Kingston. Telephonw $88. MODERN BATH ROOMS 'Differ as much from those our forefathers used as the mods ern electric light differs from the old tallow candle. Let us tear out that old tub amd let us iastall & handsome porcelain linéd or enameled tub? with the tile accessories that should go with it. WILL GLADLY FUR KISH ESTIMATES. David Hall, 06 BROCK STREET. "Phone $35. : Residence' Phone, $58. spp me TO

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