From Trapper te Wearer (Regiatered). _ Reliable Fur Storage Telephone 489, Our Waggon Will Call. : JOHN McKAY, 149-155 Brock Street 1 MAY S -n. ---n THE BIC HOUSEFURNISHING= MONTH Our stocks are equal to the demand. We can help in Carpets, Rugs, Cur- . tains, Furniture or Repair Work. ¢ : 9 Dining-room Suites, Bedroom Suites, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, | Curtains, Draperies, Shades, ete. and Verandah Chairs, £1.00, Lawg $1.50 up. Repair and and well done, Electric Vacuum Cleaner will your house cleaning for you. Upholstering promptly do Or you can use our small cleaner, $1.00 per day. T. F. HARRISON CO. "Phone 90. Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur-~ tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marié Antoinette, Arablan amd Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design' as the most fastidious could desire, NOTTINGHAM --S8pecial values $1.25, $1.60. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00. MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. * ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. Hay R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warehouse, CURTAINS. at $1.00, ' 0000000000000 IN REAL ESTATE ' x For a quick purchase we can sell the three new brick dwellings, Nos, 470, 472 and 474, Albert St, containing all improve- ments, furnace, etc. Rental $540, AT BY - . : . itor avers sessssessessescescescsscasese McCANN, HO bane na or a Fis sone nee eenssvse Sessa 0 BE HEARD FRIDAY CHARGE MADE E OUT AGAINST D. CAMPBELL. Who is Accused of Violating Lord's Day Act--Witnesses State They Were Served With Biscuits and Cake, With Ice Cream and Soda Wager. 0 : The asinst D. Campbell, who conducts the Turkish baths, and a restaurant, on I'rincess street, charged by. the police with an infraction of the Lord's Day Act, will be threshed out in polive. court, on (Friday, The case wns to have been heard, to-day, but owing "to the fact that counsel for the accuped was not ready to Proved, an adjourmment was made for a day, after the evidence of three witnesses, "who could not be secured for to-morrow, were heard. D. A. Givens acting as counsel for Mr. Campbeil. The case is one case ag 1 . which caused 80 much discussion at the city council meeting on Monday night. Mr. Camp- bell was not granted a license for a restaurant, by the police, as the police | are of the opinion that he does not keep a restaurant. This question of granting the license, was left over until the decision is given in the police court case, donn Morrissy, Henry Eves and George Crawford; all young men, were the witnesses whb were heard, Mor- rissy sai that We had been in Mr. | Campbell's place on Sunday, May | 14th, with his wife and his sister's | child. They were in the place between | three and four o'clock. They wished ice cream, but Mr. Campbell informed | them that in order to be served with the ice cream, they must have a lunch with it. Withess said that a short' time before he and the members of party had ipartaken of their dijpner, and as a result they did mot care | much about a lunch. However, they consented to have something, and were servede with ice cream and cake. Henry Eves went into the restaurant with George Crawford. This was about tén o'clock the night of Sundav, May 1th. Several other peo ples were in the place at the time. He and his friend were served with bjs | cuits and a glass of soda water. This | corroborated by on evidence Craw ford A copy-ul two bills of fare, used in the restaurant, were Submitted to the magistrate, but the case did not pro ceed any farther. | was THE LATE CAPT STALEY. One of Kingston's Fine Old Mariners | at Rest, At 6:30 o'clock, Tuesday morning, | Capt. Charles Staléy, of the steamer Holcombe, passed peaceliilly away at his residence, 307 Barrie street, alter | an illness of only a few days. The deceased was one of Kingston's oldest | and best known mariners, having been | sailing for the past fifty vears. He is survived by his wife, three sons, Syl- vester and Vincent, of Buffalo, and | Edmund, of this city; and three daughters, Clara and Taeresa, of this city, and Eva, of Chicago, The fune- ral took place, Wednesday morming, from St. Mary's cathedral, at past nine o'clock. The late Capt. Staley was a resident of Wolfe Island up to twenty years ago, "when he moved to Kingston, | where he since resided. He was a | brother of Archibald Staley, Wolfe daughters, Clara and Thersea, of this | Rev. Fathers Arthur Staley, Toronto, | and Louis Staley, of Railton, nephews of the deceased, were present at the funeral rites, the mass being celebra ted by Father Louis Staley. The reaved family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. DEATH AT SUNBURY Of James Moreland, Aged Eighty- Nine Years. James Moreland, one of ihe best known farmers around Sunbury , $pass- td away at his home, Wednesday, May 24th, after an "illness of £ome duration. Deceased was a mariner for a number of years, but for the past fifty years 'he resided on his furm in that community, He was widely known and well respected, and his many friends will hear with sorrow of his demise, at the advanced age of cighty-nine years. He was a [Preshy- | terian in religion, and leaves {0 mourn his loss his widow, three sons ond five daughters. The sons are: Hugh J., Sterrington;. John, of Marvale, and, William, at home. The daugh- ters are Mrs. Alexander Sharpe; of Kingston; Mrs. Rattan, [Dittsbuvg; Mrs. John Toland, Kingston; Mrs. J. J. Wilmot, Pittsburg, apd Mrs. Rich- ard Arthur, Sunbury. His funeral will take place Friday afterooon, at 1.30 o'clock, from his I€te residence. SEY ERAL HOLI DAY DRUNKS. Eight Were in Line-up 'Before the Magistrate. As usual the holiday was celebrated by a goodly number, in over indul- gence, and as a result, eight drunks ' were in the line-up, at the police court, on Thursday morning. Out of the number, only one was fined, and he was touched for $2 and costs, with; the option of fifteen days in jail, as he had been before the court a short | tim¢ ago. Thursddy was his Jonah, Day, all right. For the most part, the | | show that Ringstonians were on their | good behaviour. Trenton, Gananoque; Gilenburnie and' even Bath 'were repre sented. The first man up hailed from Tren: ton. He was looking for a chance for | & Jab on a boat. "I'll give you the chance," remarked the magistrate, "but make sure it is" not a "schooner" are looking for. | "I didn't think that people in Bath drank liquor," remarked the magi- strate, when the resident of that vil- lage made 'his bow. It was his "first | appearance, so he got 5 chance. " Endorsed the. Vice-President. At their ul meeting held Tuesday tom A Neus Union unanimously endorsed every action of Thomas Irzard, fourth t of the International Union, and the local tommitiee, since coming to this city. ol "Mrs. Turner,- Nelson street, isin tha general hospital, with Master' Charlie, who has scarlet fever. | the race. offenders were all outsiders, going to. { husband, THE DAILY BRITISH WHG, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1941. ary AND VICINITY. should be Careful. ttentiop is Hrawn to the fact that | people should be very careful in leav. oily rags around a building, as very often are the cause of a If thrown i016 closed places, spontaneous combustion will be the re- sult. ng | they bre. His Money Still in Bank. \ ! ago the late John Twenty-five years years--collector of Bowman; for-maay tolls on Catsraqum pridge, and who died last December, deposited $1,000 in a local savings bank. It has just come to' light that this amount, together with the full amount of interest, lies in the bank untouched. Death of Trained Nurse, Mrs. H. M. Lawson, Sydenham street received the sad intelligence on Wed- nesday migrning, of the death of Miss Alfreda Welstead, , of Thorold. Miss Welstead was an accomplished trained | nurse, well-known in this city and vicinity. . Interment took place, Thursday at St. Catharines. -- Gave Exhibition at Inverary. A number of girls from the - Collegi- ate Institute, under the direction. . of 'Physical Instructor Palmer, and a number of the boy tumblers, under the direction of Pbysical Instructor Bow- iron, of the Y. M.C.A., went out | Inverary, Tuesday evening, and as-| sisted in an empire day concert given there. ' The Late J. C. DePorcheron. John C. DePorcheron, aged forty-one years, passed away dt the residence of His brother-in-law, David C. Laidlaw, Earl street, Tuesday, after a long illness. Deceased was for a time in ithe general hospital, in Montreal, came here about seven weeks ago. was & brother of Mrs. Laidlaw. The reinaing, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw, left on the midnight He | train for Quebec, where interment will take place. -------- ce: | * Elected x Vice-President. |W. J. Drisegdl, Kingston, was elected a vice-presigént' of the Ontario' Labor Educational Association, which met at Guelph on Wednesday. A resolution was brought in with reference to McNamara, the union or | ganizer, who is charged with dyna miting. It was ruled for this body to interfere matters across the border, solution of - sympathy to was, unanimously carried. with but union a Marriage and Engagément. The marriage ,of Miss Pah Mills, | youngest daughter of Di. and ~ Mis. {James Mills, to Victor Drury; of Halifax, will take place in St. An drew's "church, Ottawa, on June the 21st. The engagement is announced of {Miss Edith Macarthur, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Macarthur, london, Ont., to W. G, Paterson. The mar- Tiago will take place in June. Two Trotters Sold. . A. Jenkins, the well-known horse buyer, purchased Sir James from [I Trudell, Bath Road, after the race in the fair grounds on Wednesday after- noon. Sir James captured second place in three heats of the 2:40 class. {It is understood that the price was 18500. W. Gibson, of Gananoque, pur chased Prince Wilks from T. Fitz gerald, of Tichborne, immediately after It is said jhe price: paid for this horse was $25 Prince Wilks took third money in . 2:40 class. Scores of the Cadets. The Empire took place at the lege on' May 24th. the scores; the ranges being 200, and 600 yards : Cadet Meclvor heads thast 103; B.S.M. Gordon, 98; C.S.M. Lotbiniere, 97; Major Dawson, (Cadet Turner, 95; CadetrHamilton, 3; Cadet Lovelace, "93; Capt. Kaulbach, 62. The score, Daily Mail rifle match Royal Military Col- The following, are Hon with do or grand total was 768;' average First Trip Steamer Kingston. The steamer Kingston will make her first irip of the season, leaving To- ronto on June lst, armving in -King- ston on the 2nd. The steamer Toron- {to will leave Toronto on June 2nd, arriving here the next day. The crew is about the same on the Toronto, with the exception of the assistant steward. Charles Foine has been ap- pointed to this position. Richards Somerville and Thomas Nash, of this city, have been appointed night sa loon watch. John Grady is day sa toon watch. The World's Largest Contract. The Panama Canal of 1911. This is the largest engineering work that the world has seen Or is likely to see for some time, therefore we cinnot help feeling that the film showing the ac tual condition of the work at the present moment will be of great in- terest to the entire community, esti- mated cost between 400 and 500 mil- lion dollars. Largest concrete mixer in operation, costing one. million dol- lars, track shifter doing the work of four hundred men; at The Kidg Ed- ward to-night, Friday and Saturday, {2,000 feet of good comedy and drama will also be shown. - The Late Mrs. Anna McKinley. Mrs. Anna McKinley, wife of © John L. McKinley, died Monday night at the family ome near Fields Settle- ment, N.Y, following a five days" a ness, a forty-seven years. Mrs. Me- Roehm yr due to a stroke. e deceased . was born 'in Canada aa at lived in the United States for the past twenty-five years. Besides her 8 is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Norris Mould, Water- wn, N.Y.; one son, William Braier ard, Watertown, N.Y; two step-dan ters, Misses Rose and Eva ang of Fields Settlement, and one stepson, Arthur McKinley, of Fields Settlement, her mother, Mrs. Christiana Gordon ; three sisters, Mrs. John Parry and { Mrs. Robert Allison, both' of Latimer, 'Ont.," and Mrs. Louis Powers of Osh: awa, Ont., as and John. Gordon, > Latimer Out, and William. Gordo, of Picton, Ont. --------apii Mrs. M. BE. Marsh and B. N. Hen- derson, Morton, are guests of Mrs. RH Division, ision, street, on! ~ teams 'who play to' { but unconstitutional re McNamara | and three brothers, Thom: | OPENING OF Ee | SUNDAY SCHOOL TEAMS THIS EVENING. . Mayor Graham and Will Officiate at Queen and Brock Are the Teams. E. PF --Fhe baseball league of the u School Amateur "Athi etic association opens {lis evening atl Victorian sehool | grounds. Broek and Queen street teams will play the first game has been given (oc every pastor Sunday school superintendent school is represented in this league, to | be present, Mayor/iraham and EF { Trimble will form the battery to { formally open the league. Faps ave remitided that it requires money to {run this league as well as the city league, and they will therefore go 1. the field prepared to eontribute. then | mite to the box, which will be passed around during the game. There are several city league players on both this evening, and a lively game will be the result. + The game 18 scheduled to start at 6.30 and wliose the Opening-- | Sunday | An invitation | PLAY! { The i Mi The { The Figh A NEW Klein : Trimble | Comrades, 3s. Dixon ter, B. Terhune. The Goose Girl, Blue . Reg Haron MeGrath. A Roek in t he Baltic, Robt Barr ARRIVALS ~~ IN POPULAR EICTION AT 'hester Tales, Margaret Deland Red Men and W : Owen Wist « Old « i Gret, Beatrice Mantle Stim Pr Oe The ~ Pimpernél, Baroness Orczy The "READING FOR THE HOLIDAY "Robt » Climax Ww. ». One Woman Thos. Dixon June Magazines Now On Sale Book 1 Book Green Book. Alinslee's Cosmopolitan. Strand. - New Magazine Popular Mechanic Popular Electricity. Teg hnical World. ' Electrician and Mechanix, Sm clock and the teams are warned to be there on time. A meeting of the executive of the S:A.AA. was held Tuesday evening for the purpose of receiving and adopt- | ing the baseball schedule drawn up! by President Trotter and Secretary Treneer. The stafi of umpires, pic ked | {at a fornfer meeting, were unable to {act so it®was left to President Trot ter to pick one for the-first two games | day evening the season, to appoint umpires » First Golf Match. The first golf match of the was played at. the links, Barrel Wednesday - morning, for a pew tor | cu', which the-losers were to'put up The teams were captained by the pre-| sident, D. M. Melntyre, and the «¢ tain, George E. Hague. Mr. Hague' teain won by the close score of to Beason ~ 7 President's team--D. M. Melntyre Capt. A. Z. Palmer, Prof. John Wat son, Major Sedgwick and Capt. Coch rane, Captain's team--G. E. Hague, | Macklem, . J. M. Farrell, and Capt. Hammond oT. Fayvlor | Baseball on Wednesday. 7-6; Providence 3. Jersey league--Toronto 2-11. Montreal . 14-2, | 3-4. Rochester 4, Newark | City 12, Buffale: 6. National cinnati- 1. Chicago 4, Louisy4, Philadelphia I» ittsburg 0. American Eastern | more New Boston 2, 2. Brooklyn Cin St. 4, league York ¢ >) y q 0 6, league Philadelphia Cleveland St. Louis 1, Boston New York 5, Chicago 3. Detroit Washington 5. Canadian Brantford 4- 3-8. Berlin 7- 1. 8-12, Guelph langue Hamilton Thomas 6-9, ode 0-6. 5. 7 Lawn Bowling Started. Lae i of the members of .the Bow- 7 fig" bh Were out on the green, Wed- nesday afternoon and had a couple of games. The green was in first-class shape. A large new water roller and a large lawn mower have heen pur chased, and this will enable the bers to keep the lawn in. fiest-class shape. The matches will start The schedule will be drawn up in short time. W. G. Hinds,' chants' Bank, at mer Kingstonian, guest of Dr. R. W returning from a six the "coast. "Buy soon. manppger of the, Aer- Quebec, for- the 1s to and gs is in the Garrett weeks' 3 éity, He visit Gibson's hand ¢leaner." Kingston's Famous, Fur Store. UMBRELLAS & PARASOL FOR RAIN OR SUN. . We have a complete assort- ment ready, and our prices are absolutely right. Fancy Parasols, flowered pat- terns, white embroidered, plain colors, new effects in black and F white, 75¢ to $3. We sell the best $1 Umbrella in Kingston. } BOY SCOUT HATS. Another shipment has arriv- ed. Regulation color and shape. PRICE, 50c. 8.1 and a meéting will be held next Tues- | r for | ol, Balti-! mem- | a | 1260 PRINCE | INCI art Set, Hampton's Pears Adventu Amer rican vhody's a, Physic al Culture Short Stories Baseball Magazine Serap Book ATROSY d Man's ASHION MAG Ladies' Home , nan's Home r's Bazaar Iden Magazive Designer World la Mods Royal easmaker Comparion Ladies Art de Costume Amerk an Ii ~The College Book Store, THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, DENTS OF THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. New po "Bay 1 The she vertising. Advert: an mvest See the | Chown & Moth: be McLeod's 1 Mrs. H visitipg William f | {received at McAuley's. On Tue inspect * boro, | Friday, birthday, | fired, | Ask for Cascara | stores, Henry ( Years mn robbery. { Learn } Chown & Miss Ra guest of treal stree Fhe Military bo: "Buy Mr. anc Montreal, Montreal | Queen elect its "evening, i Mrs. M was taker day, in J College this afternoon Cunningham, Ki ing street. tatoes, at Carnovsky's, aleum Powders." Gibson's. srtest road fo success is ad sing iL fot is ed asset, « highamel demonstration gt Co's alls and cedar camphor drug stores. enry: Dunn, of Montreal, elatives in the city. Swaine, piapo tuner. Orders Phone. 778. Col. Benson Regiment, an expense, It + at is will Peter say the next 57th in Mary be 26th, royal May and in Queen a salute wi'l and druc samples of Nervozone axatives at McLeod's Juackenbush four penitentiary was loronto for given at ww. to grain your floor at A Co's. iby Duff, of Montreal, the Misses ("Go t. ard of visitors of is the yrman, Mon Royal here the wereslo arrive Powders." Gibson's Alex Chartier, J. E. H. aleum 1 Murs. are with street. Street SoC y of Howison wil thi Methodist church representatives at eight o'clock. arshall, Wellington street 1 to the Hotel Dieu, Wednes ames Reid's ambulance, plano tuner, Leave orders at 9 Mr | Auley's bookstore. Fhe ste: excursion cent on William left, jgation « I'rince. | Miss K here Mrs. street The Regiment, efficiency field, Wed Buy 1 on tount ~¢ captain Corps. al Learn at A. Ch Frederic Montreal the bran i Wednesday | "Buy | On church, h Su will presi 000 Hull Fc i Somethi ! taught free | Thomas | two pop I township, { other eve day E Allan man, | New Hav mg, to § father. | The Wa visitors, city, | America, evening, | Fdward i fered loss, | bed of ve li is wife were {was brok The fun i the Mrs. gtreet, The child The tw motor bo { Victoria « stage. Mrs. course of pital, | Bat To] ames veved to tenac. In bench as tenag. been: here matters, Iiterature Three d: ming Wednesday to-day, atie a Jame office He Military h 'k Bateman, Sydenham street, returned tevi-months-old Wellington took place Thursday afternoon ats with gver twelve nm thour speed, and wo in the races jindow of C, Lee, * On Sunday, A special offing of the spection 'department, made to ° first Vin America the its season Cape afternoon. 374 King R. & O. steamer ner of ran to tusheld, to Join the ompany's street, Navi Rapid ¢ M. grandmother £33 Dunn, ntreal, 1 visit to her 8 McCammon, Queen rs and 'men of the 111 L.W.0. Rifles, shot for then pay at the ranges at Barrie nesday S alcum Po te-Bury-has-been the Canadian was formerly at College wders." Gibson's Ordnance the Roy mn ow to decorate own & Co's Warren, staff, h at for and nday Hull, le at your rooms the Bank of ansferred to and left of has been tr Sas Sas ateon, on atoon Gibson's it Nojre Archbishop a Service at children will be confirmed ny four nothing, gramming A Chown & ( and W. J. Fran} of Pitgsburg horse races and Wednes cleaner," next Dame Gauthier which 1, at Stark ular enjoyed the tuts In yeomen Fotonto on A. Bate came up fron Wednesday morn with his son of G. Conn., a few en, pend days tertown band and Watertow: who spent the holiday the ste Wednesda, in Lhe home via at sven o'clock, LIner suf rob and Quick, last aluable of Elginburg, week, by » goods while he Kingston. The being in house en into, eral of Douglas , Roy Curson of Mr. am Wellington som Carson, died on Wednesday. y chips presented as firizes for miles an om lay, are oh exhibition in tix Lane's 0 who . has been taking trentment in the general hos jewellery a was taken to the Kuigeton and Wadnesday, at noon ambulance, 'and ron at Wilbur. station, Reid' « her home May of Fron May IS7S; he ascended the judge of the county of Fron post office iy Washington, h looking into some bus as the refuit of complamt Washington in regard to pent from Kimgéton ays anly free "histruction at A. Chown & C's, as of gre : It is buts few weeks since this wity saw the last of the winter's ie chop ESS STREET 1 appointed a 28th, Judge Price will complete his thirty-third yest on the bench as county judge ececssncaccncsssses Protect: Your Furs BUY A MOTH-PROOF BAG. We have them in different sizes from the short jacket size to the long Ulster. With these bags there is no danger from moths, roaches, dust, vermin or mice No pasting, gluing or sewing is rpquired; the patent fastener is secure. Patént Clothes Hooks inside Try Moth Proof Sheets for wrapping up bedding or lining trunks or boxes. These are 40 inches x 48 inches, and are only each. Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist. Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. be 4 Fancy Parasols We the newest ideas in Fancy all a prices show a big viriety of Parasols, and reasonable Children's size 25c EACH AND UP LADIES' SIZE 36 EACH AND UP Early Nee the Range Still hal {ling the By {Lace Curtains in the at 35¢ a Pair and up to $6.50 trade, > Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. ped sway from main stredts Wea thee of the to wi i swollen ee bir Gegrge twelve the city, fa ' Ridemii King, and taken t hospital in Cx § fermg from inflammatory Prevost, "Brock street all his spring and summer goods his" order clothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gente' fry ishings department." They are all well /880 ried with new go wis. cream in Wasivh Yenurs ol She it Don't expect expect gion. ' People whe fo make mon when yo urd Know &-° wiles fot write "r y 0000000000000 E000 CT000000000T0000OORORQOII® TONG Phone 919 Bar ~Brooc ches SLENDER 14K GOLD, PINS OF WITH SETTINGS OF SINGLE CORAL, AMYTHEST, DOT, OR AQUA-MARINE, ON PERFECTLY PLAINa BARS, OR SETT IN THE: MIDDLE OF A BAR OF PEARLS THESE PINS ARE NEW, AND HAVE A VERY: PLEASING APPEARANCE SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians, 856 KING STREET. PERI Issuers of Marriage Licenses, Corner Johnson aud vision SARs sstssrserseeastssssans = {sae oder shud Svdh ic aes Sete tTTTBLGCTIRNIBBT ROTOR. fe " Up to Your Neck Powe gre MADE OVER "AND REPAIRED $2000 Buys 2 Detached Ne MULLIN, THE REAL ESTATE MAN, + 9» 639 'Phone in Luck wha nigh our +4 collar-we Garments torn 7--No! tuttods - missihig 7eeNo! Faded Shirte?--Xo! Frayed. edges TwXob ALWAYS ON TIME--YES, in luek? KINGSTON LAUNDRY » \ Yerincess) and Sydenham La hone 22, Sta. i ' ¢ i ' ' ' ' ' ¢ 4 ¢ ' : ¢ ' i Frame Houses W. F. GOURDIER