- gett enter, . : {THE DAILY RRBITISH CITY AND VICINITY. [CTY GRANTED LANDS] 7 THE SPRT REN READING FOR THE i J. Melville Sands, B.Sc., son of Mrs. ra Ee . # . J. Barnett, Queen street, returned BY THE KINGSTON AND PEM-|7 i a pek f Me: d Tues- | BROKE RAILWAY COMPANY. ins wok froin Mexico and on WHIG, TUESDAY. MAY 30, 1011. : : HOLIDAY John Bart, F. Adams Lorraine Robt The' Climax Jenks New Chronicles, of Rebecca; Kate Douglas Wiggin The Ree Mouse, W. H. Osborn The One Woman, Thos. Dixon On Sale All 'Stary. Railroad Man's FASHION MAGAZINES Ladies' Home Journal L Woman's Home Comparién Harper's Bazaar New ldea Magazine. The Designer Ladies' World. Art de la Mode Costume Royal American Dressmaker, | NEW ARRIVALS IN POPULAR FICTION AT Old Chester Tales, Margaret Deland Red Men and White, Owen Wister. COOKE'S AND SYDENHAM TO, MEET THIS EVENING. | The Music Master, {day left for Prescott, where he will be Chas. Klein. carer ' married to Miss Revnodds on Wednes- | Locomotives Beat Queen Street--! or Registered 4 g ? ! ] ades, ts W ¢ | Gets What it Has Sought for Some day St. George's May Enter City] Thos. Dixon. FACTORY 1 Time in the Vicinity of "the Hay | Fractured Her Hip. League--Queen"s Bowling Teams The Fighter, Gret, i W. Chambers Cd th From Trapper Now Running full time mak- INE up Firs for ext win- y i f ter." We're - ! dagily booking i orders from wise people who _know, Garments, Pleces, elec, now is the | time Do It to-day You will find a beautify sort ment Fur, Skins Satin and Rilk Linings, ang Exclusive De. wigns By purchas- ing at this store yan ef- fect a saving of from 206 wo 50 per cent : more than fur stores in other cities, A comparison of qualities and prices will verify th above staie- Ment . x 1. The opening of Bay street to th i JOHN McKAY, Furrier, | water i . 149-157 Brock Street, Kingston. | 2. The opening of King street to the water. - 3: ' Geo Market and Catarwqul Bridge W | Mrs. Myles Robinson, of Violet is! for Ottawa. 1 5 A. B. Terhune. 2 i. Baker, President of the om-| Patient at the genera! hospital wus! This at Victoria School! The Goose Girl, pany, Acquiesced, the resylt of an accident she met with grounds, Harold McGrath. For ihe 'past. two years, the city (at-her home. She had the misfortune | for their first scheduled game . . | council Ie the board of trade have! 10 slip on a storie and as a result her [SS A.A.A. basehall series. It Aa Rock 10 the Baltle, beén trying to get the unoccupied |hip was fractured pected that the game will equal : : . lands. held ander lease from the Dom- | ----e-------- | every respect the opening one between . [inion government, by the Kingston & | Death of Aged Lady. . jQueen and Brock. This league is put- : une {Pembroke Railway company, aroused | The death is announced at Her' resi- | ting up 'a great deal better brand of i {the hay market, and the Catziaqui dence in Ernesttown township, on May | ball this season than last, and no | Blue Book. 4 " {bridge. On Tuesdsy morning the city 120th, of Mary A. Snider, ric of the|dount the games will be watched by Red Book. [succreded in getting practically all "it {jute Charles Snider, aged seventy-two | larger crowds. The fans are requested Green Book, jwanted. A conference was held in t {vears and four months Deceased's not to re to bring their small Ansiee's, mavor's office, st which were present | otal oom \ ji :. { change along. 'osmopolitan, W. R. Baker, of Montreal, i of fun fal gesurred' on Wedneaday | Strand, the Kingston & Pembroke Railway | New Magazine. company, W. F. Nickle, *K.C., as legal! Popular Mechanics. i Popular Electricity. Technical World. Eleclrician a Mechanic, Smart Set, adviser, members . of the cavic finance | and board of trade of railway com-| . ne : | street ch } i the score of y . 3 & nis a i : © hil Hafi- | 8 reet church team by e > 4 mittees, City Solicitor McIntyre and i he Yiscti oi Thiky Nail Ik runs to thise In. x plelanitgs "Ty » ~ 260PRINCESS STREET Philadelphia, 4, New York, |0o0o00esseeesecsscssseee City Engineer®™ (Craig. The wishes of | ™ | game. The game was close all through Boston, [ii Sy wees briefly stated, and - Nr. [rue Whi vs Yiu Swiss: | and was of the kind to keep the fans " {on their feet the whole time. Wednes- BUY A MOTH-PROOF BAG. Beatrice Mantle, The Slim Princess, Geo. Ade The Elusive Pimpernel, : Baroness Orezy. | agazines Now Hampton's, Pearson's. Adventure American Everybody's. Harper's, Physical Culture. Short Stories Baseball Magazine. Munsey Serap Book. Argosy College Book Store, ~~ FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, > Phone 919 JUNE mont evening Cgoke's will meet Svdenham in the is ex- in is ---- en 1 i License Transferred. Locomotives Beat Queen Street. There was a meeting of the board of | Last evening at the riche} field, the license commissioners, on Monday | [-0comotive baseball team beat Queen | Baker agreed tp them all signing a | , i : om rs of the board present were R.| | memorandum containing what the sail. | Members 2 foe P NE $ © |day evening, Queen will play an ex- ol; -------------- j hitition game with the Retailers.' He Was Well Pleased. W. .R. Baker, president and general manager of the K. & P. railway company, left at noon, Tuesday, for Montreal, in his private car. He was pleased with the manner in which he was received by the civic finance . ter : ' 3. Control of lands under license, as ve | to occupation bounded by King street, - {the hay "market and the railway n 3 tracks. committee, 'and said he would feel i. The opening of Ontario street to like coming to Kingston oftener. ithe water, | 5. The land hounded by Ontario Little Boy Injured. 4 Toy Jnter Cir Losmur, |street, Bridge street and the water aw he , THE BiG HOUSEFURNISHING MONTH 6. Control of the water rights be}; Robert Norris, aged three oars, Jiv. may enter a baseball team in the! Our stocks are equal to the demand. | tween Clarence and Brock streets and | ™K on Outasio tree, inet wit B VETY | junior city league. At the present time Ly ---- We can help in Carpets, . Rugs, Cur- | the tower shoal. painful accident, - Monday Eyening: there 'are only two teams in the ague | All Kinds of Sports, tains, Furniture or Repair Work, | Mr. Baker will sell to the city two While playing around Some ol Ma: | park 'Nine and junior Athletics and | Montreat Jockey {#2ctions of land owned by the K. & chinery, near the locomotive works; the advent/of a third team would be | next Saturday 12. railway company on Place d'Armes the Joungates got the first finger of |, 0) waeomed This church was re OPER gees ; the his right hand caught in ® og of § presented in the Sunday school league | Janes, of Cornell, broke the world's wheel, and had the top of it taken off. last season, hut did not enter a team | wily record and Tie fatercoliugiate half The injury was ssed Dr. Hanley. ; | The injury was dre by k Y- | this year. {mile mhrk; on Saturday He record y {mile in 4.15 2.3. 'The May Arrange Game. stood since 1595. It is likely that an exhibition game | Manager Elliott, of the St may be arranged with FEaton's, of Canadian . League club, has released way lows company would grant as City League Meeting Postponed. A ineeting of the city baseball league executive was called for last evening | to deal with a number of important | matters, but owing to the fact that all the representatives were not pres- ent, the meeting was. postponed until Thursday evening. troit, 6. Chicago, 3; St. Louis, 0 ; Wasnington, 0-6 National League--Philadelpiria, 6; New York, 4. Chicago, 4; Mtisburg, i 1. 12-7 Boston, 5; Brooklyn, 4. St. Lows ; Uincinpati, 6. Canathan League--Guelph, 5; Thomas, 7. London, 5; Brantford, 4 Berjin, 3; Hamilton, 1, >t Is usually the month of We have them In different ~weddings We are headqulrt- sizes from the short jacket size to the long Ulster. for Marriag Licenses Club meet With the ' bookmakers Is > wien Wedding Rings, Brides and With these bags there'is no danger from 'moths, roaches, dust, vermin or mice. Bridesmaids' No {by the hay market railway tracks, | The cigy has long desired these lands for the opening of streets to the water and for the new G.T.R. freight «Meds {and yards at the hay market, and G.T.R. No pasting, gluing or sewing ip required; the patent fastener is secure. « ran the bad His Trial in June. June 19th has been set for the trial of Rev. George A. Atlas, formerly a Thomas Patent Clothes Hooks inside. some holiday here for = Dining-room Suites, Bedroom' Suites, Carpets, Rugs, 0il Cloth, Linoleum, Curtains, Draperies, Shades, etc! Lawn and" Verandah Chairs, $1.00, $1.50 up, ' Repair and Upholstering promptly and well done. T Electric Vacuum Cleaner your house cleaning for you. Or you can use our small $1.00 per day. T. F. HARRISON CO. "Phone 90, will do cleatier, ee 'Lace Curtains } Our showing of Lace Cur- talug in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design as the most fastidious could desire, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. --8pecial values at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00. MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. 'R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warehouse, BR00008000000000000000 £ Afford A Home? Sure-Look Here! x a Lots of good houses can be bought for as little as $1,800. Lots of people will gladly lend $1,800 for as little as six per cent. interest. Interest-on $1,800 at six per cent. doesn't amount to such a lot--only 30 cents a day. Few men but who spead thay in - needless indulgencies, And yet there are lots of @ Persons who imagine they can- not afford a home .of their own} It is costly to rent and you 'don't need to. Now is the time to act and get settled for the summer. r ' Come in and have an inter- view dnd look 'over our lists. euRcsIITSOS 2000800 ------ McCANN, "A Home is the Best Investment sssuseIEEssITseTIs in the 'World, eeessscssssssnsssnes i 3 4 3. §0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -------------- OFF TO PETAWAWA. {Advance Guard From Battery Left Tuesday. ¢ An advance guard of twenty-six men from. the battery, left at noon, Tues- day, for the camp at Petawawa, to get things in readiness for the arrival |of the other men. Another batch from the battery will leave on Thursday. i Major Hamilton was in charge of {the men, and the other officers who {vent were Quarter-Master Sergeants feKinmon and Rider, Sergts. Fowler, Rosseau and Richardson. The band turned out to give the boys a good send-off and as the train pulled out of the Kingston & Pem- brok+ railway station, played "Auld Lang Syne," in "fine style, ------ria WILL GET AN INCREASE, Wages Higher for Kingston and Pembroke Railway Men. It was indéed good news that Vice President Baker of the C.P.R. and president of the Kingston & Pembroke railway had to' give, while he was in the city, Tuesday morning. The goad news was to thes effect that "the conductors and the brake- men on the road would" be given an increase if. wages; "also the mechanics at the round house, in this city. The incease will 'amount to about ten per cent all dF¥otund. The conducfors and brakemen will also receive extra pay for any extra switching they are a upon to de: : tte PORTSMOUTH COUNCIL. -- Members Made Inspection of Streets and Walks, The Portsmouth council had a speci- al meeting Monday evening, and made a thorough tour of the village, for the pwpose of ascertaining what re- PANS were necessary to the streets and walks. The streets were found to be in good condition, except in a few places which will be repaired. Quite extensive improvements to the walks will be made. "Witch hazel In 1854 it telegram from cream." Gibson's. cost 28. 3d. to send 4 Ottawa to Kingston. A GENEROUS ~ OFFER To Whom it May Concern. There are hundreds of people in this vicinity at this season of the year who need a blood-making, body-build- ing and strength-creéating tonic, It is to all such, which comprise old people, 'delicate children, the weak run-down and couvalescents, and all those who suffer from chronic coughs and colds, (that we ask to come to oir store and get a bottle "of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and fron to- nic (without weil.) MH it fails to build you up, create strength and restore normal health, we will cheerfully return the money, paid us for it. 'We take all the chances\ you take none. As a matter of fact, we dbn't take much chance eith- er, because Vinol rarely' disappoints us. Come in and get a'bottle on these terms. * Mahood's drug store, King. ston. a KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited). "Nighest Education at Lowest Cost" Canada. . BIOYOLES Presbyterian preacher and presently in Kingston penitentiary, serving. a six- year sentence for forgery of a receipt from the widow of Vani Simoff, mur- dered by Pavele Stefoff; fer uttering that forgery and for theft of $400 from the widow, Street' Watering Service Bad. A Citizen writes "Permit me society, chafing because of the thkough the columns of your paper to call the attention of the street watey- ing committee to the watering of the main street of our city. The service is vevy unsatisfactory, and is ilmost use less to. spend money for such a poor system. The dust seldom ceases to blow, which I comsider is very un- healthy and: especially so when it blows into the restaurants and stores as it does." Could Not Find Place. Ralph Bowron, physical director of the Y.M.C.A., returned, Monday even- ing, from a short trip up the Rideau, where he was looking for a suitable place to hold a boys' summer camp, He did not find a place which he thought suitable, so he and Secretary Trimble will go to Cranberry = Lake, Wednesday, in an endeavor to locate a suitable place. It is likely a site will be chosen there. ------ Ministers Go to Conference, The Methodist ministers of the city went to Montreal, to-day, to attend the annual conference. The laymen of the city elected delegates to represent the different churches, will go down on Thursday. There will be at least two new Methodist ministers appoint- of Princess street and Brock street church?s, whose pastors, Rev. F. H Sproule and Rev. I. P. Bourke, have completed their four years tay. Going on a Survey. Stuart Schofield, who has been at- tending college, at Boston, arrived in the city on Monday, and paid a short visit to his parents, Mr. and Mus. James Schofield, at Williamsville. Mr. Schofield, who is a science student, left on Tuesday for Ottawa; prior 'to leaving Off a government suivev, in the Kootenay district. Mr. Schofield has 'passed his examination, and will be awarded his diploma later on when his practical work will have heen examined. ---------- Waldheim Sentenced. Hans Waldheim, who recently served a seven-year term in the penitentiary was given three years at Toromto, von Monday, by Magistrate Kingsford, for breaking into the Gladstone hotel. By the Torontq police Waldheim is believed to be Toi man who atfempted to. shoot a constable on Brunswick avenue vecently, when he was attempt- ing to enter the Brumswick hotel. Ow- ing to the darkness he could not be identified and this charge was not land. a l--, Bethel's Good Work, An idea of the good work which is Meing done in the city by the Young People's Societies of the city was brought to light, last evening, at the quacterly rally of the societies of the city, w it was shown that Bethel fact that they were doing nothing, un- dertook to canvass the city for funds for the U Canada Bil society. The month's canvass furnished sufli- cient funds to purchase 1,500 copies of the Bible for free distribution never think of « ed to Kingston to occupy the pulpits : Toronto, fo. dar- | Pitchers Easty snd Leighty, ing" the summer. The challenge which | gis ned Pitcher Hydon, of was sent in by that team some time] \y, : ago, has not been dropped, and sever- | al communications have passed 1 gtween the management and, city league of- ficials, The Toronto team is willing to meet the Kingston sports half way as regards expenses, and the fans here may ret assured that the necessary arrangements will be completed. Syracuse The Canadian League baseball teams {are still strengthening. lhe salary {limit appears to be hindrance When the respective managements com mence jugghng with the outside fig ures the end 18 not far distant, At Buffalo William N. Queale, of the | 'I housand Islands, defeated Longboat |of Toronto, in a twelve-mile over the ten-lap track at the Stadium baseball series are scheduled for this | Wuedls led three-quarters of a lap 2 week. Th? one on Wodnesday ~ evenin the finish. : His time LOR50 will be between St. Panl's and Cooke's Queale led in the early stages of the and the one Friday eveiiing between |T3¢¢ by a good margin, but the In Queen and St. James'. Glan was gaining at every stride in -------- the last mile. ' To Play at Ottawa. For the present season, at Queen's Bowling Club will) send oud Phere will be no!change of style of rinks to Ottawa on corenstion day, [the ball now being used in the Am to meet the capitol bowlers. " lerfean baseball league, The retaining J -- | of the cork centre sphere was made a Y.M.C.A. Baseball. {I ractical certainty yesterday, when B The junior ahd business boys of the | I= Johnson, president of the league Y. M. C. A will pla ontdoor-indoor | made known his stand in an edict to baseball this afternoon and evening | the effect that a change is not even at the cricket field. This hall is play- | being considered or is one likely for ad with a large soft ball, and is much | the reason that the new ball has nro enjoyed in the gymnasium in the win- | ven satisfactory. : ter. The juniors will play ' at : fow Hans Holmer, of Halifax, will sail o'clock and the business boys at 6.30 for England June 10th and there will o'clock. : run several match with the | best runners to be secured. One | the first races will be with | fast men at full maratho {race taking place on the lele. of Man the latter part of next In this race Pouchard, a Frenchman, will [Ee Holmer's chief opponent. Holmer has | also 'arranged for a couple of races in France and Ger many no Two Junior Games, racy Two junior games in the S.5.A.A was least, races Baseball on Monday. several Eastern League-- Toronto, 20: Buffa- lo, 11.- Montreal, 3. Rochester, 1 Providence, 3; Baltimore, 0. Newark, 5; Jersey City, 4. American League--Clewsland, 7: distance, month De t ' MAYOR GRAHAM ON BENCH. Summer Coats | Presided at Police Court Tuesday { Morning. In the absence of Magistrate Far: reli, + Mayor Graham = handled the scales of justice at the police court, | Luesday morning. There were but | two cases on the docket, so the ma | yor's duties were pot very henvy, | This was the first ocoasion on which Mayor Graham occupied the bénch, and he was in a rather lenient mood, | being inclined to give an offender « | chance. | Quintin Kirker, registered as a plain {drunk, was given a chance and told not to come back. | James Blake was also charged | with being drunk. The court. was will | ing to overlook this charge, but there Iwas a second charge--that of assault [which had to be given some atten { tion. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. | Joseph Friend, and he pleaded guilty {and was remanded until Thursday, i¥o that the magistrate might dea) {with the case. Blake was arrested by [Constable Marshall Armstrong. Blake {was under the influence: of liquor, {snd attacked Friend at the corner of hing and Princess streets, on Mon {day afterapon, and it is believed that ithe attack was a mast brutal ' one Friend having given him no cause {whatever for such an attack. Friend {was kicked several times on the log and was quite lame to-day Grow Hot Over Water. The water works intake pipe repair question is the topic 'of much dis jcussion. It nearly caused a "scrap" between two aldermen and another citizen, on King street, Tuesday morn ing so warm was the battle of | words, : We carry an ideal Stock of weight Coats for They are made in all from the natural linen coat at $5 to an extra quality Pongee at $22.50. & Our STeclal is a 54 inch Vat. of natural Pongee Silk, embroidered to match - with hawt collar and cuffs of Blue PRICE LOW AT $15. COMPARE. INVESTIGATE! WATCH OUR WINDOWS! | -------- "Sponges," 2c. to $5. Gibson's. Tounst automobiles are making their appearence daily in the city. On Monday several fine large cars were seen passing through here, Buy sponges." Gibson's. * J. H. Hopkins, provincial field sec retary of the Y.M.C.A., was in" the toity, Monday, in cognection With the boys' sumgmer camp! : The retreat conducted by Rev. Fath- er Detling, Toronto, at the Hotel Dieu, will close on Thursday. goods A full stock of Na-DraCo. at McLeod's drug store. The street cars Will commence theie ¥ service next Monday tenm-mmute © "Witch hazel eream."" Gibson's, and hay | '| | | of | Try Moth Proof Sheets wrapping up bedding or lining trunks or boxes. These are 40 inches x 48 inches; and are only bc each. ------------ Dr. A. P. Chown, Druggist, Optician, I88 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343, e900 0senee FANCY - PARASOLS. | 1 | | «BO00OOOGOOIOIOGIOIOPIOIOIEOTTS » We have a great ar- ray of popular styles ready for your inspec- tion. Children's Size each and up. / Ladies' Size 75¢ each and up. £25¢ Wash Dress Goods than ever, and that is fraying a "great déal. The ladies tell us that we have by far the best display in Kingston, and they ought to know Popular prices 10c a yardand up. =~ Ready-To-Wear [iThis department is crowded with the new- est out. White Waists, Skirts, Dresses and Whitewear of all kinds. Reasonably priced, On- Blake was necused of assaulting one, * ly the latest ideas are kept at this store, i000 c00vOeOvOe 0000000000000 0000000R0FCS SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 8886 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER PROPERTY FOR SALE A New Union rooms, b yard, for $240 rable House, corners Streets and cond and Jim Stree aining and Rents - MULLIN Phone 539 Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS-BUSY STORE * KID GLOVES PROPERLY CLEANED. , Kid gloves are ® us, inside and, o 8 without any offensive tached afterwards : R.PARKER & CO., Dyers aud Cleaners, Sw Princess St, Kingston, Ont. cleaned Tones aod invigoraies the who RErvousd system, puakes bow oid Ve Weakne e SL The Great English Reme dy. | Cares Neve. | in ' i nd Bre ¥orry, Des | ous Debilit Mental a go rm i ; KINGSTON LAUNDRY, Cor. Princeds and Sydenfuamn sts. 'Phone 2%. x