Daily British Whig (1850), 31 May 1911, p. 1

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2 YEAR 78'-NO. 126 A SPEEDY TRIAL Sheldon ) Elects This and With- | out a Jury. CHANGED HIS MIND ON APPEARED IN COURT TUESDAY MORNING. HE Trial Will Take Place June $--He is Confident of Aequittal and Will Stay Right in Montreal. May 31.--The ismous Sheldon, blind pool artist, jofil Montreal, Charles D. whir has spent several weeks in pending his trial on a charge of illeg al. money getting, appeared on Tues- day morning betore Judge Langelier, and his attorney, Mr. Pelletier, made the choice of having his trial before the court of sessions. It was at first believed that Bheldon would be tried bdlore the court of King's bench in the June term, hut as forecasted some weeks ago, it was thought best, for reasons no® gt pres ent made public, to have a speedy trial without a jury. The accused, brought' in the van from the city jail and arraigned be- fare Judge Langelier, appeared to have lost of his oldtime composure He i= ax fnserutable as over and pri son seems Lo have done nothing ward injuring his personal appearance, he i as hearty looking though perhaps not as much given joking and puzzle guessing and pro pounding, as when he first arrived hers from the city of Pittsburg in company of Chief MeCaskill, who was pent there after him immediately fol lowing his arrest by the Pinkerton De tective Agency, | His hearing was fixdd for June Sth, and that is the date when one of the most interesting trials Montreal has aver seen will be begun, unless it i found necessary, owing to the number of eases demanding immediate atten tion, to postpone it. The plan of the defence is so far secret, but it is understood that My Sheldon, himself, will be the main wit ness in his own behalf. He maintains as firmly as ever that all his business was legitimate and honest, and that if he had been let alone his clients would still be making their thirty per cent. & month, Sheldon confidently expects acquit tal, and hos declared to his friends that as soon as he is Pree he will pettle down again in Montreal and endeavor to make and repay the money due his clients, hohe to as ever, to n ---- A THRILLING ACT. To Cross Niagara Gorge Hanging by Their Teeth. May 31.-The Great Houdin, the daring high wire per former, who nearly furnished a tra- gedy on the diy of the International Carnival, a year ago, has arranged with the carnival committee to another attempt to cross the on a wire, , suspended by his 'This time Houdin intends to go one better than his 1010 effort, Tor he is going to have hig wife, who is al #0 a daring high wire performer, ac company him on the trip. The two, man and woman, will be suspended by their teeth and dangling in mid air, 160 feet above the surface of the water, with safety "appliances whatever, and they will slide across the Gorge to the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls, make Gorge teeth. no river, LIGHTNING STRIPPED THE "HAT OF A LADY Cleaned Out Church and Used Wire Hat. for Display Without Injuring Wearer. Villa Nova, Ont., May 31.--While the congregation of the Salem Methodist church at Nober were engaged in wor- ship on Sunday afternoon lightning struck and demolished the chimney at- tached to thé chuwch, seattered the glove 'pipes through the building, stripped the linoleum from the floor, amd finally gave a fine vlectrical dis play on the wire frame. of a hat worn by one of the fair worshippers. Win the exhibition was 'over the covering of the 'millinery creation had ham completely stripped from the hat, but the wearer was unhurt. The meet- ing adjotrned without the benediction. Neck Broken in Fall, Fredericton, N.B., May 3I.--Andrew Guibben, a nutive of Dublin, Ireland, aged shout filty years, fell dawn stairs at the Commercial Hotel, York street, and broke his neck. His lifeless body was found at the foot of the back stairs yesterday morning, by Herbert Morgan, proprie: tor of the "hotel. p-------- Chair of Industrial Law. Montreal, May 31.--A chair of in dustrial and commercial law will be established at Laval university as the result of a legacy of $15,000 to that in- stitution by the late Senator L. J. Forget. A Montreal syndicate formed to se cure control of the waler poders in the neighborbood of Prince Rupert. Parl Roberts and Lord Kitchener are to carry the king's swords at the coronation. © DAILY MEMORANDA. 7 - _Che Da DRUGGISTS CANNOT SELL Ay Mare Cigars on Sundays-- Hotels. May "Sell to Guests. Torontay May 31.--In appeal ofthe -attorney-general--- of Ontario {from decisions by Police Magistrate ' acquitting four Toronto dealers of violations. of the law in selling cigars, soft drinks and con- factionery om Sunday. Justice Middle ton has ruled : (1) That hotelkeepers and restaurant keepers may sell these things their guests, but not other persons. (2) That drugg may not sell cigars on Sunday. I'hat cigars not "necessitioa" within the meaning of .the Lord's Day 4) If tobaee is sold a drug" there must be evidence . to show that it is required by the pur {chaser as a drug Py diae magisterial decisions on fei shat aon the Lord's Day act will {be governen * pat of Mid dleton, MELEE CANADA'S VITALITY. London, May a1 Curzon, speaking before the Geographical Soelety, sald that the whole air in Canada throbbed with vitality 'We here are not going to see one of the most spiéndid assets cut eut of the empire." i} Lie Denison, to any are act as Justice Lord PEPIEPL ERP EAP E DEES | | A FOR CORONATION { Going Ov ww Holiday and to Cone sult Specialist, Ottawa, May 31.--Mr saves to-day for Emgland, attend the corondtion. It wd that "he is going over simply for a holiday and to visit his daughter, Mrs, MacPhee. It is understood that he will also go to the continent to consult a specialist Yegarding the fac ial paralys- %5 fom which he suffered last winter, | It is not the minister's intention to attend any public gatherings. HE BLEW UP THE MAINE DIED Fielding, who not anpounc: will GEORGE BOYNTON, WHO RECENTLY; THE MAN. . He Was a SoMier of Fortune--Tuarn- ed on Current, Exploding 'the Mineg--U.8. Government Investi- Story. R ork, May 31.--Tiw federal gov ermnent is investigating reports that the battleship Maine was blown up in Havana harbor by. am American who had been condemned to death by the Spanish, but who won his freedom by destroying the American warship. The man who turned the story in at the secret service bureau at Washington, asserted that George Boynton, a "sol dier of fortune," = who died recently, was the man who actually blew up the Maine. "Ie Spaniards; said" the informer to Chief Wilkie, of the secret service, "were entirely unpreparad- for the visit of the Maine, which was sent to Ha- varia without warning. Once in the harbor, she had the city and its de fences at her mercy, for all of the modern guns in the fortifications faced the sea and none could be brought to bear on, her "('aptain-General Blanco and his stafi did not relish having a hostile warship in such an advantageous posi- tion in the event of war with the Un ited States, which they regarded as a possibility, and it was decided to blow her up under such conditions as might make it appear she had been destroyed by the accidental explosion of her] own magazines. "A large boiler yards wae taken (6 filled with, "powder. It was provided with mechanism by which it could be exploded hy electricity, and then; hey- metically sealed. "The boiler was lashed under a highterer, which across the bow of the Maine at night. When the lighter was directly in front of the battleship, the lies which held the boiler were cut and it dropped into the mud. "The wire by which the mine th be exploded was laid to the end of Machina wharf. At a favorable time Boynton was taken to the spot, and turned the switch which blew the bat- tleship inta smithereens." from the navy the arsenal und in a sing was © towed was Drive Preacher to Murder. Tacoma, Wash., May 31.-T. 8. Gardiner, a travelling preavher, tached to a sect, beat his wife with a club a mile east off Kittitas, and after attempting to drown himself in an irrigation ditch, gave himself up to the authorities. Gardiner told the officers that he heard if he~lid not kill his wife she would become. un- faithful to him through influences of his enemies. He said he had received occult messages to that effect. ------------ A Prug Decision. Washington, May 31.-Drugs may be jabelléd as cures for man and yet be absolutely ineffective for that purpose without violating the national pure food and drugs act, according to a decision by a majority of the supreme leourt of the United States in the case of Dr. 0. A. Johnson. H nt Sr ---- Is Allowed Six Cents. Washington, May 31,--Six cents is all 6! Ckiarles E. Appleby, of Bufislo, N.Y. will get for land forming the bed of the Iifalo river and which wagwon- denned for, the stream's improvement, He wanted $250.000. The court of the United States declined to disturb the condemnation findings, Clearing sale of groceries and all fix- tures. Come if you wan bargains. suprem: | which allowed Appleby only six cents. [gest certain LATEST TIDINGS THE WORLD'S EPISODES Te GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Notes From AN Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re. membered. H. E. Wilson, is dead at St. Marys, aged sixty. The Montreal Hebrew Free society' "has been organised $7,000 in the treasury. o Michael Voomri, one of Windsor's ex-mayors, died, Tuesday morning, at the family home, aged eighty-six. Peter West, noted" divorce lawyer, is dead at Pendleton, Oregon, with £ record of twelve marriages and deven divorces himself. At Liverpool loan it is asserted that the C.P.R. has sdefinitely decided to-with- draw = from the Atlantic rate conference, Grace church, the lending Methodist congregation in Winnipeg may sell the odifice and conduct an in- stitutional church. Bishop Fallon will lay stone of the new R. C Holy Angels, to cost Thomas, next. Sunday. A regular service of passenger trains will be. inaugurated over the line. oF the Algoma Central railroad, com menecing on Thursday " . Archibald Watkins has offered to sell the goverament "dirigible fog" by whitch an enemiyon land, sea or the air could' be enveloped 7 T. Carruthers, blackstith, at Mel- bourne, was kicked on the hed by a horse, drove one caulk three-quarters inch into his head. James thirteen, struck and mortally injured by the auto of Law ver Franklin Nevins in New York, as- sumed all the blame for the accident. Governor Dix was arrested by nell students in their spring day bration, haled before the "court of in justice' and fined $1, which he paid. Prof. Richter has been saptured by bandits on Mount Olympus while pursuing his topographical studies for the geographical societies. of Berlin and Jena. Mrs. Levy Z. Leiter to have a summer house tirely of glass which will boating ahd will revolve by pressing a button, Governor Shafroth, of Colorado, is urging Mrs. E. H. Harriman to locate the university which she proposes establish a memorial to her band, in Colorado. "wat the ' corner church of the $100,000, at St a in which shoe Jowen, Cor cele Beverley, Mass., built he on ball simply to as hus Because her husband did not con- form to her vule to be in the house by nine o'clock every night, Mrs. Sarab Lloyd, Camden, N.J., cuffed his ears, and he had her arrested at once. At New York Samuel S vice-president of the nited Wireless company, who pleaded guilty ta frau duulent use of she mails in advance of, his -associates, was fined $2,500 fhe gasoline fishing schooner Id rie, of Reattle, lias been cogfiscated to the British government for fishing within( the three-mile limit She was seized in February by cruiser Rainbow. E. IL. Hill, formerly of Guelph, has been awarded the honorary degree of Master of Scidnee by Alberta Univers sity, while his wife 1s made an M.A J.T. File, another ex-Ontarian, was made x M.Sc. = Judge Emory Speer, of the United Qates circuit court, threatened Thom as B. Felder, attorney-gentral-elect of Georgia, with disbarment unless: he quit describing the negro plaintiff in a peonage case as a "migger. : Six houses in a village in the Grand Duchy of Baden were swept away by the floods, following a cloud burst, and twelve persons were drowned Four persons werd\drowned near Hei- delbery' shere a mill was washed a way. 3 'After suffering for more than a week all the agonigs attending hydro- phobia, Catherine Matilda Vevrinek three vears old, died at her home in New York after having been treated at the Pasteur lustitute, Manbattan, where she received two of sorwn daily. the injections FEARS DR. NESBITT © HAS TAKEN HIS LIFE Sensitive to Disgrace and Would Never Live With That He Night Be Seat to Toronto, - May 31.--""1 am convinced that Dr. Beattie Nesbitt is dead. He is not the typs of man to remain a fugitive from justide. He was a uni erie man, proud of the political in- fluence that he once exercised; proud of his former membership in the legis liture; confident in himself and am: bitious. | believe he has committed suicide and that he® will never * be heard of again on this earth." This startling statement was made at the junction cattle yards, yester- day, by « former political colleague of Pr. Nesbitt's. He knew the supposed Iv fugitive former president of the Farmers' Bank intimately und a irisight into his character. ? "His medical knowledge would sug i jent means of sui- ied. "1 also know that ight of his flight from police hot on his trail, »"» Fverybody--| collector of customs, |. with | | been [sus of the state of Victoria ily KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1911. ASKS A HEARING LAWYER DIVORCED 11 TIMES. Built "Up Big Divorce Practice Through Knowledge Gained. Pendleton, Ore, Maz 31 Whey Peter West, an-attorney, died, bere it. je his - i Dying rin a, - I " h friends 'and business acquaintances | that he had been Jpartied twelve times fift v-or f hie voeed \eleven times. knvwn throughout the aid North-Wesd territory Whlest divorcee lawvers in the co At the time of his dealk twenty divorce cases- were pending in which he was the attor- e all beer dismissed. during his years o and had heey Mr. Wes Pacific coast as ope of the mntry here ere in They } court ney. RIGHT REV _ PF Cédnada Ottawa STAGNI Who I'ne ablegate resides SETS HIGH STANDARD. Ninety Per Cent. of Australian Can- didates for Training Physically Fit Melbourle, May 31.20f 133,000 youths re istered for training under the compulsery training scheme in the commonwealth, per cent have been found physically fit, In spite of the criticism directed against the lads who came forward for en- rollent at the outset, on the ground of difability due to si it ap- that the youths of Australia a high standard of" physical development. over mnety King, pears reached : | THE SATURDAY WHIG. The Whig will be publish- ed on Saturday, June ara, the King's birthday, but it is expeeted it will be issued, at least, by 11 o'clock: In view of this, advertisers, clergw myn and others arp asked to fave their 'copy' for Satur- day's issue in the office by five o'clock on Friday, so to assure publication. as PEEP LPEP PEOPLES PP 4 PLR PPT 3 i 3 i i | saved Babe; Let Husband Hang. soflogatur, His, May 3L ker knotted a rope about Harvey Par the naek of Bogart, the This" four-year-old daughter and swung ar hody from n yafter Liss barn, fit | before he committed suigide in the SADE "Mmanoer' Mrs. Parker dies in time left her oroner arrived. CARUSO. IN A RAGE FOR + in the two bo child, but until the discovered to husband save the hanging SUES €IRUSO PROMISE. GIRL SUF BREACH OF SHOP Opera Singer Admits He Gave. Her Much Money in Payment for Re- turn of Letters. a Loudon, May 31.--The Pall Mall Ga ztte prints « di patch from Rome stating that a shop girl of Mildn has Wrought suit ~ agsinst Enrico Caruso, the opera singer, for £50,000 for alley breach of promise to marry her. glloges that she has letters from charge. vs shown the printed dispatch he was in a-rage. He 'Waid : "} offered to engage this girl Mil an as housekeeper and she declined. When | teached London she wrote me she was willing to come 10 me Sever- letters wore exchanged with her over matter and finally 1 tele graphed ber to meet me in Berlin, "She came with her father and 1 quickly at I bad made a mis take as her people wera very, ordinary. 1 gave her 10,000 francs before 1 sail- od for America the last time. I wrote her to be a good girl and give me back my letters, as I could not marry anybody. hater in the year I sent her 2,000 francs. z 4 "When I returnel to Paris I met her mgther there. 1 said to her: 'Madame, I don't want your daughter. There's the door, please take her away. I'm a gentleman and Ul 'pay you something for my letters.' I gaveher 1.000 move francs and they Soparted. Then my lawyer . juguird of them how much they wanted for my letters. They said 250.000 francs. They were told - this was too much! Since thea nothing has -- heard 'from the girl or her Tou "» ed She nim to prove her When Cafruso w al this saw t Krmmeiai-- H. R. Jamieson Dead. New Westminster, B.C, May 31-2R. R. Jamiesgn died. He was mayor of Calgary last year, and for two years was C.P.R. superintendent at - Winni- pez. He was brogght bere a month ago broken. in mind and body. He suffers Nom the hallucination that he was Christe _ ------------------------ ai Melbourne Grows Fast. ; Melbourne, May 31.-The final cen show that ihe y 100%, Bel FOR JUNE 12TH. Fought Through the a Test to Ascertain Catholic be as of Case to Courts Powers Church. Montreal, May Roman ® - il.--Another step in the now famous Hebert-Clouatre mar riage case was (aken vesterday, when attorneys for Madame Cloaatre filed an inscription, aski gz thit the appeal from the judgment annulling her mar riage with Emile = Hebart be hear June 12 \ The marriage was aopulled by Judge Luurendean, because of a cree that had been issued by de Arch of Roman Catholics by Protestant ministers. Emile Hebert and Marie Emmas Clouatye are both Roman Catholics, but their marriage was cele brated by a Protéstant minister, Rev Mr. Timberlake: ~ It is likely that fought through 10 aseeriain Rowman Catholic with regard vince. will be ne a the case the courts what powers church marriage tont the pe NESS this case to wm pro DEATH OF ISAAC JAQUITH, . wim Was of Huguenot Descent--A Noted Shipbuilder./ The death occurred Sh Wednesday morning at his residence, X7 Union street, of lsaac Jakguith, aged seventy years had failing health for a year and suffered a couple strokes of 'par alysis lately. He was a descendant a Huguenot family which was expelled France early in 1700 and settiqd in. Massachussets. Mr. Jaquith was powerful man physically, averaging 250 pounds in weight. He was one of the best shipbuilders in the country, and had worked both in Canada and the United States. He was also a practical wrecker. He participated ia the Fenian raid of 1866, sceing service on the steanfer Watertown, which pa trolled the.Canadian shore in this vicinity, and received a medal for his service. Mr. widow been In a half, one The deceased and from survived by his sons Jaquith is and three and three danghters:--Mrs. George MoAuley, 87 Unjon street; Mes. Thomas - Hennessy, Livingston avenue; Miss Minnie, nurse in-training at Detroit, Mich Jaquith, Wellington stree® 220 University Stuart was St James A and Joseph, In religion the .deceased a Roman Cathalic, belonging Mary's cathedral, The be private . avenue, street OVERHEAD BRIDGE AFIRE, Set =... ling Lgcomeotive. 12:10 , Wednesday the fire stalions to proceed to the River street, whic whited from When firemen ouple of Babooe put out thi fire tom up and after general opinion is should be srected, oft "Iay noon, after a call bridge o'clod received overhead was at alire, having rk from a locomo arrived they used a extinguishers and weral planks bards replaced. The hat a weal bradge this place, A Spas tive "BICYCLEW TO DEATH, : Convulsions After Trip. Toronto, May After a visit to his parents at Prampton, Alfred Bar sv bicyeled ba/k to Toronto, arrived t hig sister's/house at noon fell sonAious, wd convulsions followed He died last night in hospital He was aged seventeen. { q | -- The' Late William Francis, The funeral of the late William Fran i= took place from his late residence, corner of Patrick and ednesday afternoon. Service Was conducted by Rev. Job Roadhouse in of Rev. T. W, Neal, who Numerdus floral offer- to the esteem in which held by all who knew Toronto Boy Too Lo an John strepts, the absence ¥ontreal. ings testified deceased was ham, 12 in Left for Montreal. Three Kingston young men left city on Wednesday noon, for Montreal} Messrs. James Taber, Harold Hawley and William Williams, They were om ploved in the office of 'the Omthrio Powder compdny, in this city, and have been removed tosthe head offices of the company in Montreal. Will Hold Picnie. The boys' Sunday morning class of the YMCA, will wind up their wea- son's work with a pienie, Saturday afternoon. Games, raow and aquatic The committee 'to arrange matters will meet, Thursday evening. : ---------- Pr. Carman Speaks Out. Stratford, May 31.--At the London Methodist conference, this morning, Dr. Carman at the ne temere de es. HE said that the vo.. ou church union should be by individuals. For wight moths. off. and on the citizens have been boiling water. Js there any hope of havieg the intake pipes properly repaired ? Col, Ogilvie, D.AAG,, inspected the 57th regiment in Petevboro on Ties dav wight. ! Nelson's chocolates always. fresh, st "Prouse § Drug Siore," MRS. HEBERT APPLIES | FOR. THE TRIAL TO BE FIXED ol} Thomas | he {branch of the Eastern Township bishop Bruchesi againet the marriage ¢ WEATHER {Tor awa der TRIED TO ROR A BANK, But Were Fired Upon by a Clerk a Chisivge. i May 31 ' i lerately warm a tat Danville carly, this mornisy t lera the Bynuk ! A "ak wm the bank exchanged shots | { with three wen, who digappeared, de | Ont nto, Valley and Sherbrooke, Qfie., was madi by tempt burglars an people were. aroused hy the fusilade --OF-.- : DECAPITATED BY TRAINA Tragic i Sen { . ; Death of a Young Seotchman | . at Toronto. | ' Toronto, May 31.--William idly i Re aged thirty, was found early thie worning, decapitated beside the Grand Trank tracks at' the east end of the city, He was a Stotehman, and came to Canada thiee months ago with his mother. He lgot a positmn three ago. Thiy morning he turned | on in the bath, and went for Ik whileithe tub filled. He had | been in poor hkalth lately [Raeeted £ ywhere-- w This creased Linens Ww year . we' have greaily in- our stock of Fine Irish 'Brown's,' "Liddell"s" and "Webb's. The well-known makers of good linens have contributed 'to our great assortment We are also the sole agents for the celebrated OLD BLEACH LINENS awa PIG TRON/BOUNTIES, Ottawa, May 31.-%:1In the fiscal . w ended March 31st. $5 "was paid in bounties on wire rods The bounties on pig iron ex- pired in December, and up to that time payments totalled $261,453, and on steel, $350,455 Auts week we are making a special + * | dsp and we invite your fuspe | } | | | {the sword's poift, to admit Japanes PEPPEPPLONrY +S y + | tion We feel confident it will ex- SPE SPER Ree | (eid your greatest expectations NO JAS FOR 1 SEE THE BEAUTIFUL if it Means Separation, | Pas | Embroidered Bedspreads, says Premier. | May 31. Wil-| i : i i AUSTRALIA, Not Even Melbourne, Australia, Embroidered Shams, liam Noeris Hughes, acting premier of the commonwealth, remarkable wrticle, which he has contributed the-Sydney Telegraph, « tad. Australia will never agree, except / at I Embroidered Pillow Cases, m A » a Embroidered Dresser Scarfs, Ete, leclares - immigrants, event should such refusa Sind Wn NOTE THE "WEBB LINENS Beautiful Bedroom Towels of snow white linen; with embroidered and | real lace effects. Great w look at | Great tO wear mean country BURNED AT THE STAKE BANDITS GOT BUSY WITH RAILROAD MAN. With Demis | Tor Money, and Body is Found in Blazing Ruins of House--(thers lor Are in Danger. | x | | | | { 1 Refused to Comply OUR COLLECTION Fancy Linbns never was better. | Every plece a work of art Prices 8 May very low. to comply with demands by a bund of bundits Michoacan; Robert J American, superintendent of tral railroad of Michoacan, was burn J ol ut the sinke on May 16th, rd- | P'Oylies, ng to the story of Joseph Hausfelder, | ne of the refugees who arrived steamer Newport from Manz H; nsfelder says that the bandits had mad: demands for the district 31. Refusing for . money at Ajuno, Bweasey, an the Cen an Francisco, {Tea Cloths, Centres, ue - a wa | Tea Cloths, Centres, - Tray Cloths, Carvers, Sideboard Covers, We - Napkins, Guest Towels, Etc. \ A % See 0 window display, which Is money ol ey Aierican in Sone tol Hay funeral will | way to Swensevis housw, i | Ablaze From Spark From Passi : i i } made his were | | | ing | gologic dawn sports will constitute the progranume. | ivolution to made rev ume that 'phiel, bat Sweasey ot but a 8 1 portion of the beautiful fold 'sTEACY's MARRIED. declares his three miles on: May burned hody lashed of ithe burning distant from hg own 19th, found" the the groupd apd Sw dst home, and hou the a post. iu timbers ; Mire, Wwewgey had Sdicappeared and FRTTES PLY ive bo vu a; Af 4 | FIELD BURDOCK In is believed to. Fb 1 ve George's Cathedral, Kingston, Out and held for ransom by Hev. Canon Biarr, M.A, Agnes vonaled >» Annié Burdock, third daughter of ¢ Y.. A Nathaniel Griffin Burdock. Pains. ANY, ® OG estershire Eng to avd took 14 formerly f » f Buffalo, NY Nt Aa been prison & by bandits Fearing tacked, Hansfelder, wav to Manzani r ti his own house at vith " tel Sta passage for the MED. ingeton BLOODHOUNDS ON TRAIL. Young Lady Dying as Result Dynamite Explosion. W Va,; \ May Henry Sturm received ot aged May 3st ot Ter eral Hospital Franklin, hr 3h Mrs 8. F mw dyimy bad from pend I'he Blood Bellingham, iol daughter Reid from injures blown tynamite explosion private "ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 877. 230 Princess Strood. JAMES REID Old Firm of Usdert and 356 PRINCESS Phone 147 for Ambulance. «how be by ceiling futher injured. through the s Her mother. are sly deliberate on the trail dvnamiti hounds are A. Remarkable Operation. May 31 of the Ameren: son tbaon, The to 04 Vi Philadelphia, ~Dejegzn tes venlior {ar » al A markable surgical operation here, when rkson, Pittsburg, without the of knife, removed paper ¢lip that had heer a voung woman's bronchial tube eight vears. The mstrument a Jronchoscope, Lo which ed Wotiny electric light, a rofle minute forceps was the patient's was whrk SHIPS HIS WEALTH IN BOXES OF GOLD BARS The ExcProsident of Mesico Took : France the Sum of | ---- me JAMES REDDEN & CO. New York, May the witnessed a re , HOUSE CLEANING TINE, We have our beautiful girussels Car pets, also some Squares 'at reasonable prices, at Turk's Phones 08, > The Weather is Warm and the Water is Bad--DRINK Y § { be. ¢ nge " a brass embedded in for used was nt tack and lowered the Wi tor Gurd's Ginger Ale. Gurd's Seda Water. Imported Ginger Ale. Imported Champagne Cyder, Radnor Water, Poland Water. White Rock. Lime Juice. Lime Juice Cordial, Grape Juice. tube thro after fhe and regnoved about RI chp hour s » 3 ~The Mexican re | GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENTS. is res ible for the arrival | here, yesterday, of = more than two | phe Commissioner of Yukon Terri hundred refugees, Mexicans and Amen | } cans, on board the dleamers Mexico | tory, Retires. 1 ian, and 'Camilguey. > i Toronto, May 31 Arthur ¥. Wallis, Ro great is the rush for passenger !of the Mail and Empire, is appointed accommodation: at Vera Cruz that | registrar of the sirrogmie court of the hundreds of persons were 18 behind. [county of York. A. K. Boswell, KC, Eight little square boxes And iwen lis appointed inspector of insurance, ty-three canvas-covered bars wete un- j and ( F. Harman appointed legal ad- loaded, yesterday, from one of the viser i, the statute revision commis steatners, under the guard of four | sone. sy rr. armed men. The bar: are worth $12] Ottawa, May 31.-G. F. Heoderson, 0% ech, and the boxes contain 2p | commissions of Yukon territory; has proximately $1,000,000 in bullion, mak. {been granted six months Jeave of sb- making a total of $1,276,000 re after which he will retire. His This gold is mipposed to belong to | sucthasor is A. F. Wilson now woting former President Diaz. as commissioner, . Canada's eustoms revenue for: May totalled $6,940,155, the largest sin It is probable that a department for canning vegetables apd fruits will be. jmonth ia the hstory of 'the country. {established ay the penitentiary, oi 2m - ig a pas 5

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