¢ PAGE TWO. ne ; : | THE DAILY BRITISH wae, WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1011. JUNE Ta Ei en 5 ET CRAZED WITH y "READING FOR THE HOLIDAY JULY _ Twilight gent. Mr. J. Armour, of Montreal, = left, I'he Misses Rutherford, of Ottawa, | Preaded Guilt : | . ¥ in the Police Court Ta 5 i oH mrades, » a Lor -- AUGUS p {will be the guests of Mrs. J. B. and was Fined $15 and Costs, or/ Thos. Dixon. ; . Red Mea and White, Robt. 'W. Chambess Carruthers, Sydenham street, for the} o 4 Owen Wister, . ambers i Two Months Jail--Three| The Fighter, The Climax. . 1 - Fa jrsansssasa leaf Sunday, fof twuebée, en. route to| JAMES BLAKE MADE a NEW ARRIVALS IN POPULAR FICTION AT 50 . - - . | June ball. m Gret, Geb ks England with the coronation contin APTACK ON JOSEPH FRIEND. |The Music Master, Old Chester Tales, 7 John Burt Chas." Klein. . Margaret Déland. F. Adams 1 Sto Clo D il At the last day of the Ontario | The Misses Mortimer, who are on} Drinks in Line-up on, Thursday. | A. B. Terhune. Beatrice Mantle. New Sr. Be les of Rebecca re Closes any Jockey Club races, Toronto, among | their: way to their home in Los} -¢ with rink. Juli Blake, > " 2 . ' oy " those resent M I i i i ¥aiec= Wii; "irik, Seed Tis "| The Goose Girl, The Slim Princess Kate Douglas Wiggin 5 O'clock ; Ye Pr po were rs. Douglas | Angeles, after spending some time nly une man, made a brutal attack oy! ; Harold McGrath. a rs, The Ree Mouse, L . oii igs In cream coat and skirt, with | Europe, were in town a few days Joseph $riend, at the corner of Ring . W. H. Osborn \ black and white toque; Mrs. EK. H.|this week, visiting their brother, Ca- nd, Princess s. late on Monday | A Rock in the Baltic, The Elusive Pimpérnel, The One Wom: | Bickford, bl 1 '| ul m (reets, lat mda) ~ ] The One Woman, . fond, lack satin, black hat; Mrs: | det Mor meg. afternoon. In the police court, on | Robt." Barr. Baroness Orczy. Thos. Dixon Lat E Bery, while: Sree ST Black . a Hendry, who Jets on Tueaduy Wednésday morning, Magistrate Far-| ; A iue pi % 3 am yr Torfnto, to join his regiment of jrell imposed a fine of £15 and costs, | N On Sal JOHN M KAY [arty 2 White uni paid pink, with pik | C. FA. 4 will leave on Saturday forlor two months in jail. 'Friend was | une agazines ow e i 4 Q ¥ r 8 un ra u o v : : i C lock, white lace gown, brown hat, jump 8 Yetawawas + . > kicked on the" leg, and wg roseived | Blue Book. Hampton's. i All Story. . brouze feathers; Mrs. -C. Van Strau- i Mra 5 Walk wd h Nittie several severe blows in the face 3 € Red Book - Pearson's Railroad Man's FURRIER [Lenzie, white dress, and ceri h, |d pas Walker and her little} yas in a serious condition, and bad | . Green Book. Adventyre. FASHION MAGAZINES . Fo rt with feu vr ae sas daughter, are expected from Toronto |t, be attended by Dr. Richardson. The | Aluslee's. American, Ladies' Home Journal { 140-157 Brock Street, Kingston. | 3 cath. on Thursday, to be the guests of ligtter gave evidence in the case, when | Cosmopolitan. . Everybody's. Woman's Home Comparion. Mrs. Hallaway ikdal Yront . Pr. and Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Bagot |it was called in the police court. Strand, Harper's Harper's Bazaar street. entertaiaed "rs Fon hat street, for a short 'time. Blake hal never been din trouble in | New Magazine. Physical Culture. . New Idea Magazine. street, o tain 3 Snir wr ul "rl Mr. W. B. Skinner, of Montreal, was the pohlic® court before. He 'pleaded | Popujar Mechanics. Short Stories The Designer ds a © lea Rour, on Monday. |the guest of his mother, Mrs. Wil Jguilty to the serious charge, but when Pc Electricity. Baseball Magazine. ~Tadies" World. i h cal World Munsey. Art de la Mode . {The toa igi which looked Very lian Skinner, 'King street, for the | the magistrate asked him for an ex- | Tee . i ey 4 8 uge centre piece of wosk-end planation of his conduct, he said that | . 'Electrician and Mechanic. Scrap Book Costume Royal ' by Von ie a ys a presided over | y } ' W. Marchand, of the Bank he did not know why he had acted in | Smart Set. Argosy American Dressmaker. i (W. H ig Pn. aan und Mis. of British North America, who was|such & nfanper. He remembered hav- | i a 8 mtly transferred to Victoria, B.C, ling a fen ri s, but did not remem- ! 1 4 11 Bi k [the ices. They were assisted by Miss hd# been moved to the branch of the |ber anything els that happened after | ec 0 e e 00 ore, Ee A A Nora Gordon and Miss Irene Swift. | co," fgley BC. + thay.' N THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ARIO, - . The Misses Silver, from Halifax,| The police got a caljust after th 260 PRINCESS STREET Ye Th one 919 Dh 1 JAN : : | Miss Mar reet, | . ; THE BIG HOUSEFURNISHING MONTH .... ¢ Morioie Merck, Bugs yureet: | will be guests in town' for the Juneassmult took place. Whik a couple of al tea, early in ball. constables reached the scene, Blake | = 00000000 ROOOROSOOONOS Our 'stocks aré equal to the dengad, 110, Xk. The fivats included Hime Mr. P. C. Stevenson, who spent the[ran away, but was rounded up by | 3 We can help ini Carpets, Rugs, Cur- | Ny. Macnee, Misees Hild d De ria week-end in Toronto, returned homey Constable Armstrong, one of the hive | HAMMOND IS REFUSED. tains, Furniture or Repair Work. Kefit, : Miss Helen Gorden oy Miss Monday night. ly sprinters on the force. P [Sylvia Cochrane, Cadets * Gibson : * : Evidence in the case was offered by | Protect Your {Fortt, Boggs, ' Swartz, hii Mr. E. Truesdell, of the Northern Dr. Richardson, Constable Asuiel and | [Stuart, Wilmot, Gordon and Mundell. Crown bahk, leaves for Ottawa on the complainant. | # | «Te. . Monday to spend the holidays. The magistrate pointed out' to Blake | urs XN Mrs. Ross Bradley and her baby, jiust how serious the charge was, and | - BUY A MOTH-PROOF BAG > | i We have them In different { sizes from the short jacket size to the long Ulster. a. PERMISSION ™ TIE PTO WHARF OVERNIGHT. Invitatio ; ' : Se om nvitations have been received in of Ja town, 'N.Y., will go to iDf-|the parfow escape he had from an- | Other Boats Were Constantly Com- ] ing Into Port, and Shifting of town for the marriage of Mi P, ; te ) ge of. Num Pausy tawa to visit Mrs. Bradley's sister |swering to a more serious charge. Is usually RENT nth of most Crafts Was Necessary--Is No | Mills, dau . | Mills, J ter, of De. Lig Dies Mre. Herbert Hollbrook. Later they Blake had made the attack upon weddings We are headquart- of Montreal, on Wednesday, - June |¥ill come to Kingston for a short Friend without any cause whatever,| ers for Marriage Licenses, 21st, at Dominion Methodist church, | time to visit Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Wil-{and any other person might have 2 {Ottawa, and afterwards at 241 Gil. | liam street. attacked in the same manner. It was. understoof that Captain monr street, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Markie, of] Friend came here a few weeks ago | George Hammond of the Steamer La who were the guests of Mr. |from Ottawa, where he was discharged | monde, which plies between here and from St. Luke's hospital, after a_se | Clayton, N.Y., was having some trou weak | ble with the N:Y.G.R.R. at Clayton wbout using their dock there When spoken to about it he said that the With these bags there is no danger from moths, roaches, L Wedding Rings, Brides' dust, vermin or mice. edding Rings, Brides' and . . -- Montreal, Bridesmaids' Novelty Gifts, { "A very jolly picnie arty paddled and Mrs. H. Baird, Toronto, for the : tdown to Kingston pe for tea, om |TACS, retirned, on Sunday, tojMont- vere illness. He was in a very {Saturday afternoon, and included Miss real. condition, and the doctors ordered him | { Helen Crowe, Misg Madge Crowe, Miss Mr. H. W. Richardson, King street, [to come to Kingston Aor a change. | Dorothy Hill, Miss Dorothy Brown is spending a few days in Hamilton. His trip to the Limestone city, how- [company had refused him permission' | field and Miss Marjorie Brownffeld Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, "Elmhurst," [over, was a rather unfortunate ane for | vo tie up at the dock over night, but {Cadets MacDowall, Irving, Powell we lis leaving, on Thursday, for Montreal, | him. Friend told the magistrate that that | it could not refuse him permis Levan and Gwynne, ' for.a few days, and will also be the his home wag in Brooklyn, N.Y. { sion to land passengers there as it was | yo a a guest > of Miss Birdie Harkness, of pr drunks Ware i the Njnerup. [reson or Power to ge 0 He id i There Lancaster, for short time. ey were rounded up by the police | the boal lard over might at the Nirh Cee Club, Butch Joehueon at, the » Lr . . on Tuesday afternoon : ! | mgale dock It was thought that there { which included Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Mr. H. Uglow, of the Merchants' Robert Huttom came first. His story | was friction between the company and | Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Vera Car- Bank, who has 'been visiting Mr. and | was that he had only been in ihe city |Vapt. Hammond, but he said that the ison, Misses Hildy ynd Doris Kent, and Mrs. R. Uglow, Barrie strest, for |since Monday, and that he had been | reason he had been refused permission { Miss Nora Macnee some time, lft on Monday for Strat- [endeavoring to get work He had | te lay there over night was the fact ford. walked here from Belleville. He was | that other boats were coming there Dining-room Suites, Bedroom Suites, acnge. Mr. Taylor, of New York, is the|given a chance to go to work, or (and it meant a constant shifting. No Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Mrs: F ii 1 Mac} 2 4 Mrs. Frane ; shee. Ki Curtains, Draperies, Shadbs, ete. will ont taghes,. Ring sitet, guest of Mr. and Mis. Charles Living |leave the city. hoats: were allowed to stay over night a on Thursday af- ston, Barrie street. Frank Smith and George Duff were | 41 the wharf. . wd ternody. 3 ' . lawn and Verandah Chairs, $1.00, ' - - . . Miss Gunn, of Bondon, Unt., will be | 'also drunks.". Both were taxed $1 $1.50 up. | A guest in town for thé June ball. and: costs. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, i i A picnic has been arranged fdr thi A . {afte rnoon, to Kingston Milla. 4 in Mrs. J. Campbell, who has been SE ---- - - 2 Ropar and Upholstering promptly 3 Miogston & visiting hot daughter, Mrs. T. J. Fire Sale. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By FIRST COMMUNION A , . Ri Ss y ; i Bort ers and well dome, The first Yacht" ( tub: ten. of the sea- iy. Ning ariel, eit oe ! ia turday La ge stock of groceries and store | Regorters on Ther Rounds, ' ml ov : son was held this afternoon guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. Sweeney fixtures must be sold this week. | Palmers Sandalwood Taleum Pow eotrio acuum Cleaner will do - . . - TY Y: Everything at bargain prices. Kirk's! er, 25¢., at ""Prouse's Drug Store." your house clowning for you. Mrs. Willi a . _. {tor the month of June. Later she and hay i Viekimas : FP at Ee Portamouth, wil Miss Penner will return to Kingston |* aeery. ( id Hoymers i Sines Wi 1 > i n on le hirst an t spend me ti hb d will be TT mau ---- olborne passed down on ednesday Or you can use our small cleaner, (second Thursdays inthe month until dio a YWC, ae ) "Tl The marriage of Miss Edna Phippen,!| morning. $1.00 per 'day. the autumn. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Houghton dnd daughter of Hon. F. H. Phippen, to| Mrs. G. G. Hare and children left 'ay i a + . Ir, C G y p o-dr 0 spe . i Lal Cove, Bare wre, te Mom Nil Grit of Outen, who |Ur: Cio Gilmour. of Wianipey, wil for Harryvae, day. to spend he} We are headquarters ; or New oO . have toring { 3 d 8 3 « 8, hy 8 motoring through Western ) for all the requisites T fF HARRISON Go Rev. R.'S. Forneri, Alfred streut, Ontafs pent Sunday with Mr. and forouto, to-morrow afternoon The | Inspector. Merrick is in Veterboro, . . . , ' Tid maid + of honor will be Miss ' Alice | going over new rural mail routes. fe for the little ones 1 | i No pasting, gluing or sewing is required; the patent fastener is secure. . And last, but no least, sults Patent Clothes Hooks inside able Remembrances to present he Groomsman SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians. 856 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Try Moth Proof Sheets for wrapping (up bedding or lining trunks or boxes. These are 40 inches x 48 inches, and are only bc each, -------- Dr. A. P.Chown, Optician, 188 P CESS STREET. 'Phone 343. | seeeseesesecraes sassesstsssesaststenns 0000000000000 0 0000 TITITINCOIVO000OPO0OOS | left on Tuesday," for Ottawa, to she | Mrs. os, William street, {present at the graduation of Miss Fhompson, Montreal, and the best | will report upon them to the depart |Kute Forneri from the Carleton ien- oy Y] F. €. T. O'Hara, Ottawa, will | man, Mr. J. Gilmour, of Brockville. ment, WHITE BRUSSELS NET eral hospital leave) for Fl old country early in] Mrs. Ostler and Miss Ostler of New NM. Twoomey, ex-mavor of Windsor, Miss Macaulay, King street, left, on |Jund, to be gone about 4 month. Zealand, who have been abroad for | who dibd on Tuesday, aged eighty 9 . MADE OVER Tuesday, for Belleville, to spend a] Mrs. J. D. Burpee, 96 Stuart street, | four years, two of which they have [even years, was born in Kingston. He 2 yards wide, extra AND few days. * will hold her "post-nuptial reception on [spent in England, have been en pen- | Went west in 1565. good C unality sun ly REPAIRED Mr. W. Nicholson, of the Northern]: une 7th and Sth. from 4 to 7 p.m. [von at Mrs. J. Campbell's, 46 Earl Ruby Rose Cold Cream cures . ¢ Lace Curtains Crown bank, has returned from Buf- Mrs. Burpee will not receive again | street, for some days burn, 25c., at "Prouse's Drug Store: 8 faio . hb a during the summer. Confirmation slippers just arrived. | Keep vour scalp clean with Hair . 8i0, where he was spending his holi- 5 . : A 1p¥ ] arr ba I Pp i F a a . . Miss Dorothy Cotton, _ Toronto, [Call and see * stack. Dutton's, 200 | Tone Shampoo, 20¢c., at "Prouse's . . 9 | days. Mr. W. J. Renton. University ave- leaves for Niagara next week to spend | Princess street. Drug Store. a month, during the military encamp Patent slippers for confirmation, | Miss Edna Redden and Miss Lillian Our showing of Lace Cur- nue, hasileft for a trip to, the ment jal th k Donald I b 1 1 > y ast. ent. special this week. Dutton's, 209 Prin- | Donaldson, Portsmouth, entertained a or . Jum in Irish Point, Brussels Roa Constance Cooke, "Hazeldell," Mrs. Allan Jones, and her. three |cess street. a Hin {few friends at their home on Tuesday White Hosiery, all et, Marie Antoinette, Arabian children, Quebec, are the guests of her evening, where a very enjoyable time sizes popular prices R ALE wide . Ae. left, on Tuesday, > and Nottingham qualities, In fe Bo oh ay, to spend a few days mother, Mrs. R. C. Barker, in Toron [was spent. Card playing and daucing White, Iv . ! to. > | we e fe res of the evenin yi. 2 . a , Ivory and two tone ef : . . .-- Miss Mona Codville, of Ottawa, * is Kingston's Famous Fur Store, rete ib Segiores of the NY . White Lisle I hread : Snake Visitor From Alabama. Gloves, 20c a par and New House, corner Beverly and fects are as exquisite in design Mr. William Harty went to Toron- . : ted as the most fastidious could to oa Saturduy for Hee last" day of a "ball for the Royal Mili- : =» i r - . Yet Jane. a a > | Union = Street containing ¥ the. 0.J.C'. a. } Ae, A chicken snake, seven feet long, ar- W S re) Nh desire. Harty, he oa a m Mrs Clarke "Taylor, i Bas ben aS | S trived here on Tuesday afternoon from p \ | JOC b 2 and good & 0 ! "|: Mrs, C 2 n { 2 ) rift from Dallas wy NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. § |J. R. 'and Mrs. Kort, roturaed home [visiting Mrs. N. Wilmot, Clergy. street ie [Flobaaun: 1-was a gift irom Sains . . 3 --~8pecial values .at $1.00, 1 Lah one B¥. . returned on Monday to Gananoque. ios i vhe Richardson mica works in Kidg White Ribbons. $2400 $1.26, $1.60. : -- of 3 Craig, of Ottawa, is the] Miss Jean Newman, William street, ston, to 'a friend, who found a keeper guest of 4 H. Houser, "Toronts. is home from a visit to her brother for the pet reptile in the person of \ Rt : IRISH . POINT CURTAINS, §| Mra. J. P. Shine, Joyal Military [ii Foronts. eH Ur pe ate Both Silk and Satin, $8.50 to $8.00. : ollege, expects to Teave the end of| Mr. Douglas Anglin feft last week foe tion, who has the southern visitor on in all 'wanted widths, the 'week to visit Mrs. A. de Mow-|A thurg, wh he will t : 1 chicke y s i = burg, where he will spend the . . J |uxhibition. The chicken snake i best values inthe trade Mr om! irtabl \ MARIE ANTOINETTE from bray Bell. su harmless, and likes-to be petted. Capt $6.00 upward. . Miss Aileen Rogers, University ave fW. Newmaa. left, on Saturday, : Stratford wouldn't part with the buby ; nue, who is spending a few days in|or : . i ' hs ! B Lueon : bec, and will sail k v ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. Belleville, will return to Petérboro the Fagtad 0 od will Sail this week fou : reptile Boys' Ribbed Cot . a amd niaining 0000000000000 000000 end of the week, where she will re | ont. mh 3 Tae ; main until June Toth. gen : . a . ; : - dae rest to Gas Users. Miss Drummond, formerly of Pioton,| Mise Kathleen Daly, Brock street ; {, 1 WoOldlin & Lo. corner Syden ; R. McFAUL. who has been the .gusst of 'Mrs. G.|and Miss Geraldine Daly, of Norsk, ham and Wrduatice street, have - had1R \ _ton Hose | I » to R and Rents McMerrigk, * Toronto, for some time, | will sail for England about June : issued from the Whig press a neal | Hie * left, on PE 3turday for Ottawa, to|21st. | pamphlet giving complele information ' Fast Black, all sizes visit Mrs Burn. Miss Ada Birch. who has been visit- Spneernjug the Perfection Gas Irons, ! 3 S------ ? : i » lean gas water heater and new Kee » . : . ing Mrs. G. F. Emery, Ottawa, re " ¥ , 5 P \ d { I Mise Marjorie Clarke, lately of De-|turned . home, oa inging Miss XK oe | | tor, gue lamp. Mr, Oldfin los sls "1 ca air an j | MUL 8 IN Florence Emery with her. rs. Emery ! added a very useful illustrated artick BR will come from Ottawa on Saturday, on how to read your gas iyater 1 he : i The Real Estate Nkpens, and. will be the guest of Mr. and pamphlets are being distributed a | Mrs, Samuel Birch, Bagot street. i | mong users of gas. Mrs. Buxton Smith, who has been ! i J ------ in Montreal, for some time, is ex- ! i Forgot His Feet. pected in lows the ond of the week, ; A Nothing more agreeable could hap an e and Miss Tessie Smith will | | NJ pen to one on a hot day. Foot powd been en pension at the Y.W.C.A. Tor a ht f ers properly used go a long way to ewman time. {relieve tired and burning feet. The : Se® | hew foot tonic tablets are the finest Mis. Walter Boyd, is expected in Hiscovery vet. Try these tablets. They aw Sow from Quik, au her Baby, and We have a soln vag) are free. One package gi en gway with : . hy the r. andes riety of the new creations in] [each 2 cents box Foot Elm, at Bests: | § yyrip ALwAYS BUSY STORE. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Boyd, Ganan- Wash Skirts. Pretty ma-}/ . Mosquito Chasers. Oque, 'are guests of their daughter, terials. Stylish patterns, | t Bhat the druggist puts up the most Mrs. C. W. Lane, Gore street. "~ eT 3 eetive mosqauto chasers. Une applica- Ca : . . a ot of Mrs. W. g 4 Whittay, 3 Ls . $1.50 to $5. gas and 'the pesky things leave you rriage Painting guest " thers § Guietly alone. Should you be suffering If you want your Carriages to loud | rie street. v 7 « irony: the bites of these insects, apply | and wear wil leave them with us Children's carriages and EO-cAris en wg Brown, of Brockville, is visit- | E i Jittle Peroxide of Hydrogen 10 allay | (nelle tn all atest tines. 'Phone $ | en 0000000000000 000000000 In the Best Block on Brock Street AT A BARGAIN -FOR A- Quick Sale McCANN, - 'Phone 326 or 621. Mrs. John Plewes, Division strent. 1 Richard | itching. Large bottles, 20 cents Mr. Hi ¥ ny returned , Fine for camp. Mosquito Taleum. B. J. DUNP Y, De u, "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Tuesday from a trip up the lake.' Raincoats. --- - Cor. Montreal and Oranpes enty-sixth s 1 Term Professor A. K. Kirkpatrick is ex 2 iat epmtierssaa---- ns August ein : on Sat : ri At the King Edward. ; - Se-------- ] Special programme Yo-night and COAL! graphy, Service 1 day. : uates . : : »d Aida," fre he + i wet the heat Mr. John Mitchell, William street, Beautiful and reasonable Hn iia Photo. pay, aes hy 1 THe kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. positions. Within a who haw been visi Mrs. Ross Brad- | |. » Over sixty secured With 1 v. Jamestown, Ny is expected | JIN price thoroughly de- Higa, soiedien, Hoi % Hear 1. ¥ aay home ne eek, . an Aundary Lady. ear bi xh, we scribbs on our Raincoat stock. Robertson in illustrated songs. Scranton Coal Is good coal and we guarantee { prompt delivery. poracions on rata. Hl a ag >: a BOOTH & CO. ey ds o fi Mrs. F. O. Buicis and datas. Kingston, Candas. Gladys, Newark, N.J.. arrived, Rhter. $1 to $16 50. : : Fire Sale. . : . LN FOOT WEST STREET. SUSTessssancscoee ing His Own" day, to spend some time with Mr. and | Large stock of groceries and store Mrs. . BR. H Stevenson, 172° Barrie § fixtures must be sold this week Ioteont. Everything at bargain priced. Kirk's ) R A Stevenson' arrived homme, grocery : Momda¥. u er spending the fast month | her daughter, Mrs. F. 0. Harris, - Kingston and Ottawa. ar, NJ. Rideau King for Ottaws and n . ; 1 Miss Romain Corbett' Ie "today., " ' ee |} | Rideau por every Monday and at Got Prices for Chicago: to visit her sister, Mrs. « } Thursday, st 6 am, Jaa. Swift & Sendine Cut Price Catalogue. +" RONT® | Oswald efirey, for a month. : ins Co., agent KINGSTON LAUNDRY, 2 Princess and Sydenham Sts, Phone we ARAB UVIR TRL LEAT CRS SC BTR TRLRTBTBASARGS : : ¢