je Daily big PAGES 9 TO 12, , YEAR 78-NO. 199. WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY WA nd Tle promptly Tor card an will call pr 3 TE ny 5 WELLINGTON 8ST, {etween Brock and Clarence Sts. UR BEAVER BRAND Of Sour is umexcelled for bread or pastry. Price is moderate. + A. MACLEAN, Ontario Street. " THOMAS COPLEY, Prone 987. Drop & eard to 19 Pine Btreet wher wanting anything done in the Carpen- Ser line. Estimates given on ah ads repairs and ne wo Hardwood Ploors of all kinds. Al Siders will receive prompt attention , 40 Queen Btreet. WALLPAPER SNAPS. On Thursday, Friday an urday we will clear nants at a sacrifice worth 20c, 28c to "40¢ f¢ to 15¢. Bring in measurements A. WEESE & ©€O. Pleture Framing. a roll for your roof n. Photos, LADIES' HIGH CLASS TAILORING The finest work guaranteed. All prices reduced during June, July and August, Fit and style guaranteed. If not suitable to customer, money returned. : I. COHEN 231 Princess Street, : Soo 000004 Crown Gypsum Hair Plaster saves labor and will make your walls practically inde- structible, 56-67 Barrack Street Resasesertsttssrsesss Pineapples, Pineapples | FOR PRESERVING AT A. J. REES 166 Princess Strget. "Phone 58. stand When your furnace is air in the cellar, coming in quickly makes it rust. It' . furnaces would give TWICE as many years of service if they did not have their long summer vacations but were in use continually. However, the Sun- shine furnace is now equipped with a Nickelled EE A GRAND MEDICINE FOR OLD PEOPLE "Fryil-a-tives"™ Restores The Health and Strength of Youth, GrAxDE LIGNE, QUR., Jan, 2nd, 1510. " heartily recommend "Fruit-a-tives" to all who suffer from constipation and the painful consequence, Piles. I am now over 80 years of age and suffered for more than 10 years with Constipation and Piles. I tried all kinds of remedies, but nothing cured me. . About foyr years ago, I received a sample of "Fruit-a-tives", After taking a few doses. I felt that "Pruitatives" were doing me good, As' 'Fruit-a-tives" were not sold here them, 1 wrote to Ottawa for several boxes, : a J Aftertaking four boxes, I felt well. my Howels were regular--and the Piles had disappeared". N. JOUBERT. By taking one "Fruit-a-tives" tablet half an hour before meals--or one or two at night--old people can correct all Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles. " Fruita<tives "' the famous fruit medicine is mild and gentle in action-- pleasant to the taste--yet no other remedy has been found to be so effective in keeping oid folks in good health, soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢, At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, ---- - { Tnsmilhing & Plumbing All kinds of Tinsmith, Plumbing and Contract Work. Stoves taken down and stor- ed for the summer at moder ate rates. All work promptly attended to. Lemmon Bros. "Phone 908. 201 Princess St. {which are mooted possessio ~ 1¢ gives full ales ant directions inva That's the real test for durability not in use, the cool, damp to contact with the stpel or iron dome and radiator, causes the metal to "sweat" This "sweat," or moisture, attacks the metal and su s an actual fact that most Steel Dome and Radiator. - Nickelled Steel is an ex- clusive McClary tion. It has been subjected to the most severe tests inven- and has demonstrated it is absolutely rust-proof. It does not gather rust during the "idle" summer, The Sunshine is built to give you Nasting service! You pay no more for the dural Sunhine _ than for an ordinary furnace. Besides, the Sunshine is gnaranteed by us. Phone or call on our agent in your locality and get further interesting information. u ALLS IT MAD VENTURE THE TRIP OF BERNIER TO THE ., HUDSON'S BAY. , By the North-East Passage----3A United States Opinion of Canada's Claim to Jurisdiction of Hudson's Bay and Northern Waters. Boston, Juve 3.--Canada is making a 'desperate efforts this summer to establish # claim to everything north of it and incidentally to have Hud- son's Bay acknowledged as a mare clausum, under _its jurisdiction, says Ihe Chicago Record-Herald. This is the interpretation placed by New Bedford whalers on the dispatch- ing by the Dominion government ' of Capt. Bernier with the revenue out ter Arctic to penetrate the north-west passage--a trip accomplished bat once before, H the Canadian boat atcomplishes all i aims to do it will find four New Bedford whalers under command of Capt. George Comer, Capt. Cottle, Capt, Bodfish and Capt. Foley, now known to be in northern waters, and compel them to take out Canadian fishing licenses, A In this move of the Canadian ernment American whalers outlines of a policy inspired by peration, the determination to a lust stand against the freedom American boats in northern waters, gov- the des- make of soe Chased Comer Two Years. Meanwhile in the weather beaten gathering places along the New™ Bed ford water front whalmg captains who have matched fortunes in search of the mammoth of te smile and comment with a significant twinkle of the eye: "Well, the last time they cnught Comer up there the Canadians had two" cutters in the water, chased kim for two years, and a haf, and finally induced him to give up 850. But it cost them $150,000 to turn the trick," In this game of chance the last touch of» uncertainty is not lacking. Astounding as the fact may be, there has never been any official ruling re- garding that immense inland sea, Hudson's Bay. In all the interna tional dealings of the United States and Canada it has never been official: ly decided whether or not Canada owns the bay. Iu the various apportionments of northern territory there are a dozen dgmportant tracts of land ard water Nengs ago Behring Sea wad 'survgysd © gad the United States wa: proclaimed sovereign of a part of the sea con- tigunous to Alaska.. An imaginary line running frou the westermodt point of the point of the. Aleutian islands almost due north marks the boundary of the sovercigney of the United States on that sea. On the other hond the great expanses of the Arctic ocean are still the free domain of any adventurous sailor who may bnavigate its waters, From Behring Straits eastward to the iskunds extending out hundreds of miles to the north and west of the sens icy Beit | old north-west 'passage are thousands Hof miles of waters over which no law has ever yet obtained. Take Their Chances. The attempts of the Canadian gov- ernment. to control the Arclic ocean have been a joke to the hardy New Bedford Rona With no officially declared law in existence which would compel them to pay for licenses, the whalers haye tgken the stand that Canada's system of collecting is no thing less (han privateering and that the situation smmers down to a matter of the luck and wits of the king's revenue officers Hitherto the capteins caught there preferred to pay cash rather than take the ques tion to court, It was discovered by the Canadians several years ago that Capt. G. Com er, ons of the most mtrepid prowlers of the north, was in Hudson's Bas Two Canadian steamers, the Aw tic and the Neptune, were dispatched to bring the- American 16 terms. Since they had him cooped up in the bay it som] comparatively. easy to find Comer. They followed him about for a yhole season. Viewed by Whalers. When the Chnadian Captain Bernier demanded of the captain that he take out a license he complied. Bernier demanded = $1,000 as the price of =» fishing license. Comer beat the Cana dian down' to 30 and paid the "hill. That was the end of the incident. When New Bedford whalers remem- ber that it has cost Canada $300,000 to collect about $200 in fishing fees, the sending of Bernier into the im mense Aretie to eateh whalers seems ta they a miu iden. To Bernier and Lis pwn, who still attempt to make Norsemen tried it, and sbout hall of them were beaten back in time to es revzi and starvation, n The navigation ti as sage was the dream of Hendrik Hud. son, and it remained a dream. Thou of sailors have attempted i in vain, : A man now living, Captain Roald Amundsen, is the one Arctic sailor Sho, ever made the trip. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE that obstruct his way to the Arctic is. considered doubtful, 5 . TREATING SKIN TROUBLES, The Trouble Must be Cured Through the Blood. It is not a good thing for people with a tendency to have pimples and a blotchy complexion to smear them- selves with greasy ointments, and such things. In fact they couldn't de anything worse, because the grease clogs the pores of the skin, making the complaint worse. When there ix an irritating rash a soothing boracic wash: may help to allay the pain or itching, but, of course, it doesn't cure, Skin complaints arise from an impure condition of the blood and will per- sist until the blood is purified. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured many cases of eczema' and skin disorders because they make new, rich blood that drives out the impurities, clears the skin and imparts < a glow of health. Mrs. 8S. "L. Peterson, Bran- don, Man, says : "I sulfered for Vesrs from eczemn, which brought with it other troubles, such as a poor appe tite, headaches and weakness. The portions of my body affected by the eczema gave' me constant torture from the itching and heat. J tried several doctors and all sorts of lotions and ointments but did not get the least re- lief. Finully 1 was advised to try Dy. Wilhams' Pink Pills, and decided to dosso. After using the pills for some time the irritation and heat began to grow lesr and | seemed in better health otherwise. 1 continued taking the 'pills: for several months and every vestige of the trouble disappear ed, and my skin is again as free from blemish as in youth. Given a fair trial Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will not | disappoint those suffering from skin eruptions or weakness of any sort." Dr. Williams' Pink Pill ewe all those troubles due to poor blood, sim ply bécause they make new, rich, red blood. That is why these pills. cure common diseases like anaemia, rhea 'matism, lumbago, seiatiea, neuralgia, headaches, indigestion, St. , Vitus' dance, and the goneral weakness and special ailments that only women folk know. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. QUEEN'S CHOCOLATE ELEVEN YEARS LATE Sent to Soldier in South African War--Found Its Way Back. London, June 3.--After eleven years of wandering, one of the boves of chocolates sent by Queen Victoria in 1905 to the wounded soldiers in South Afrien has been received by Alfred Cussell, a Grenadier Guardsman, now living at High Wycombe, Bucks. There was hardly an inch of the wrapper containing the box of 'choco- lates without a postmark of some kind or other, mostly English, Cus sell said that although he missed the chocolate very much while in Wyn- berg hospital his disappointment was discounted by a Christmas card made out of khaki, sent to him by the children of the district whence he came from. It i§ mounted in a pretty frame in the front room of Cussell's snug little lodge on Lord Carrington's estate. v "lI wouldn't sell it," said Cussell, proudly, "for its weight in gold; nor," pointing to the ehoeolate tin, "that either." * Probably the supreme human achieve ment is self-mastery. WHISKEY HOLDS ITS VICTIMS. Until Released by Wonderful Sa- maria Prescription. Liquor sets up inflammation and ir ritation of the stomach and weakens the nerves. The steady or periodical (spree) drinker is often forced to drink even against his will by his un- natural physical condition, Samaria Prescription stops the craving, steadies the nerves, builds up the general health and makes drink actually 'distasteful "and nauseous. It is tasteless and odorless, and can be given with or without the knowledge of the patient. Thousands of Canadian homes have been saved from . nisery and disgrace by some devoted wife, ww or daughter through. this wonderful Can- adian remedy. The money formeriy wasted in drink has testored happi- ness, home comforts, education and respect to the families formerly in want and despair. Read the following, one of the nu merous unsolicited testimonials re "I can never repay you for your . It. is worth more than life to usband bh t thing to stop their hus- drink. I will give them Mrs. K--v Dewinton, Alta. (Name withheld on request. Now, if you know i this rémedy : ., } Ea ff iL He i i ii Ht i i fi »f2 2 ¢ | | i sk q 3, 1911 Ai LURE OF CIRCUS "GUS" FOR- GOT MASCULINE STRIDE. After Eleven Years--Dearned to Smoke Cigarettes and Drink Like a Man. St. Louis, Mo, June 3. The sound of bands and the lure of the cifeus parade catised "Gus" Seth to momen- tanily throw aside her masculine stride to-day and she was arrested for mas querading as a man. She adriite she i= a woman and has worm men's clothes for twelve yenrs while searching for her husband, who, she says, de serted her in Hiemen, Germany. She declares that forosleven vears of that period she was employed as a waiter in New York hotels and cafes under the name of August A. Seib. She ia thirty-three years old, Mrs. Seib says that when she ar rived in. New York the newspapers published her picture and 4 story of her traos-Atlantic chase. Thus she found it difficult to obtain employ ment. She donned male attire and procured a place in a restaurant. A little practice put her past suspicion and she adoviad the attire for all time. She says she left New York a year age and came to St. Louis. While posing as a man, Mrs. Seib learned to smoke cigareites amd was accustomed to walk to the bar of a saloon with her male companions and drink a bottle with ease, grace and avidity, : Mrs. Seib came into public several years ago, when it wax learn ed her cross-Atlantic chase was for other. than Johann Hoh, Chicago: Bluebeard, who was banged for the murder of several wives. She says her real name is Sei denberg, When arrvestod she. wore light gers, dark coat and a straw hat = at a jaunty angle, showing a wealth of dark hair cut short, The woman will be sent to the police sourt to-morrow to answer to the charge of masqders ding as a man in violation of a city ordinance, / THE LORD'S DAY ACT. note none the fron Have We-the Right to Enforce Its | Provisions? Kingston, May 29.--(To6 the Editor) The above question is one of more than ordinary interest. If means much to all who love their country and de sire its continued prosperity, Both civil and religious freedom are" involv ed, and it becomes us to do some ser- ious thinking. It is now a time to congider facts and to decide the ques tioti on its merits regardless of church creed or prévieusly conceived opinions. When we consider the advimbility of requiring by force of civil law the ob- servance of the "Lords Day" 'the common man naturally enquires, "From whenpe came this "Lord's Day ?' To whom does it belong? To such questions most of. us, reslous fo what we suppose to be the law of our God, will readily answer that it is the divinely ordained Sabbath day, --the day which Ged commanded should be kept sacred. It is very na- tural that we should return such an answer because we have been taught this from our infancy. But the onl question which should coficern uw. to day is, what if the teuth as -tdught by God's word and historic faet ? The Bible does indeed most emphati cally command us to keep holy the Sabbath day. God with bis own fing on the enduring stone. This Sabbath law to t/hich we appeal so frequently says absolutely nothing regarding the first day of the week, but it declares positively that 'the Sabbath day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God." The seventh day of the week is not Sanday. I simply state a Tact whieh must be evident 'to every Bible reader when | sav that we are entirely Scriptural suthority for the transio of tne Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week. The change of the Sabbath was a gradual work' and it occurred in an age when wany heathen rites were introduced into th church. Our "Lord's Day" vests, not upon a "thus saith the Lord," but upon ecclesiastical authority, and that only. This is a fact well known by many theologians, In view of the foundation upon which our Sunday Sabbath ia based it seems to me that it would become us to exercise a lit tle charity, and not bo toe ready to have a man pgosecuted beenuse he a commodates a customer by selling him a few cents worth of something our supposed holy day. : Even if Sunday were the true Sab bath of God's word it would sof fol. low that we should compel by law ils observance. Biblical Sabbath keeping is a spiritual matier and civil govern- ment is not organised for the purpose of ruling in the spiritual realm. _.We do not -send wen. to parliament". to without upon er wrote the Sabbathical command up- Severe Cold and La Grippe. Mr. T. Barneeott, West Aylmer, Ontario, Can., writes: "Last winter I was ill with pneumonia after having la Peruna for two months, when I became quite well, and any one can be cured by it in a redsonable time and at little expense, Every time I take a cold, I take some Peruna, which makes me well again. "I also induced a young lady, whe homse, to take Perona, and after taking Peruns for three months she is sbie to foilow her trade of tailoring. ean say that was all rundown snd confined 10 the "T can recommend Peruna for all such who are ill and require a tonic." [VERY year, during the inclement ! eatarrh remedy, a great deal of patioues weather of winter, there is an epi- | and persistence in the treatment are re» demicof lagrippe. The disease is really e¢atarrhal in natarg/ but frof the form 1% assames, has been commonly termed the "grip." Splendid Remedy for La Orippe. Mr. Frank H. Fielder, 213 Pleasant quired to eradicate the disease, Peruna, an interual catarch remedy, is one of the best medicines ever de vised to meet the exigencies of these cases. The large number of commends story letters received Ly Dr. Hartman, Ave, Montgomery, Ala. formerly prin- | the inventor of Peruna, in behalf of hte ' - olpal of Haynesville High School, writes: #1 can truthfully say that Peruna is ® splendid remedy for la grippe and a good tenie for building up the system." La grippe is very tenacious when it once gots & firm hold upon the system, snd in sddition to 8 thorough, systemic remedy is proof sufficient 'of its value as a reliable medicine for the "grip." Prompt Relief. Mr. Frank Bauer, Minnewks, Minn, writes: "I suffered with lagrippe. My lungs felt as if knives were sticking in them, I took Perunas and ita four days 1 was able to go out" As full of fine quality and as dainty in design as the finest. imported Biscuits and at one-third less cost. Almost as rich as short Eee] 0 [od 68 "ARISTOCRAT ABOUT 80 TO Be i Apel) ho © "EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR IS ABSOLUTELY PURE The first and great essentiai of a food product, is Purity ; the Purity and Quality of our Extra Granulated have pever beenquestioned. F + Once make a comparison with other Sugars and you will wot be satmfied with any but Tea Tables are always served with LUMPS. to be had in Rep SEAL PARIS PAR dust proof cartons, A New Head In 30 Minutes Exctfarge that aching. theabivng, sffering. mudiied heed fof a clear, cot, comionalie coe eo NA-DRU-CO Z6c. a bor at your druggists' or by inal Irom 28 National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Montvuel.' Headache Water ssn or-- and by the pound. -~ SECOND PART I took} Pe-ru-na Promptly Relieves