R lunch, dinner, or on those occasions when good fellows get r, you can't find bokter ale than WHITE LABEL ALE fo urity, and an un- Or I to its flavor. ORDER FROM RIGNEY and HICKEY, 136 and 138 Princess St. e-- BREWED BY DOMINION BREWERY CO. Lid Toronto $3.50 Recipe Free For Weak Men Send Name and Address Today-- You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous. I have mw Jonymuion, a prescription fos nervous Beniiii , lack of vigor, weakened manhood, failing memory and 'Tame hack, hrcught on by excesses, unnatural drains, or the fillies of youth, that has cu 80 many and nervois. men right in their own homes--without any additional help, or medi- eine--~that 1 think every man who Wishes to in manly Hover and Sty Sokly quietly, should have a copy. 1 have to send a copy of the prepeription free of charge, fu a piss, ordinary sealed em velone to any man who will write me for it. This prescription comes from a physician who has wade a special study of men and I am convinced it is the surest-actis oombi- nat h foe the eure et manhood wand os over xr. R think I awe it to my 'feliow man to na them a ops in "onfidence sa that any man anywhere is weak aud discouraged with ted failures may stop drugaisg himself with harmful patent medicines, secure what 1 believe Is the quickest-acting restorative, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever imself at home quietly . t line like this: binson, §% ack Buildk trol and I will send you » copy this ndid recipe in a plain ordinary em- free of Shasgs. A great y doctars out Ai hi Sale". but 1 -- a --- send tral free dd is That's Jay Yodre Tited--Out of Is becoming Hore ud more a Peop) ing clean~ Huess; realize the pleasure pro- duced by the effects of such aceessories. To see our line is to see superiority - In quality, DRIVE OUT RELIGION SUCH IS AIM OF REIGNING GOV- ERNMENT IN PORTUGAL. Attack on Catholics--Country is on Have Far-Reaching Results. A vivid picture of social and politi- eal affairs in, Poyrugal is waced in clear, strong and "bold lines by the Lisbon correspondent. of the Saturday Review (London), who thinks the Re public is supporting itself only by tyranny. The vast majority of the Vortagiuese people entered themselves in the last) census as Catholics, and the 1,600 citizens who declared that they had po religion include the pro- visional' government and 'its leading adherents, Their aim is not to turn the country from the Catholid<to the Protestant faith, believes this writer, but to drive out all religion. The Protestants in Portugal nymber only about 4,000, many of them foreign residents, so the main attack is on the Catholic body. The country is now on the eve an election. The first step taken by the government is to pass .an electoral law which shuts out monarchists from the polls as com- pletely as colored voters are said to be excluded in some southern states. The correspondent declares : "It is necessary to be very emphatic as to the conditions under which the elections are to be held in Portugal lest erroneous conclusions be after- ward drawn. All the monarchical and independent press. has been suppressed by force, and there can appear in the county no newspapers save such as support the government. The elec tions are to be carried out on the basis of a new electoral law, drawn up for the occasion, to meet the necess- ties of the moment, a law which makes it almost impossible for the mon: archists to record their votes. The electoral lists are being 'doctored' so that the right of voting may be taken away from thousands of independent citizens who are suspected of being opposed to the government. The right of public meeting is abolished, and the slightest attempt by the conserva tives to inaugurate an electoral cam: paign is vigorously suppressed. No independent - vitizen dare protest agninst the dictatorial decrees of the government unless he is prepared to wee let loose on him crowds of those apaches who attack with impunity 'newspaper offices, clubs, and indivi duals, spreading everywhere an at mosphere of terror and oppression. "In a word, the approaching elee- tions will be a sham. A , parliament will be elected by 1,600 citizens to approve of the acts of tyranny prac tised~ against more than five. million of the inhabitants of this country." While the French Government, like the American government, professes to be neutral in matters of religion, not so , with the Portuguese govern ment. This is one of the weakest spot in the stability of the new republic, says the present writer, who quotes the unwise and vainglorions words of Dr. Alfonso Costa an introducing his separation law into the Cortes: This minister remarked that within two generations after the passage of this law, Catholicity will have been anmi- hilated in tions may bd judged matk of the writer that '"'a bishop violently deprived of his see, several dozens of clergymen imprisoned, the religious feelings of the people out- raged--this is what is happening to- day in Portugal." The bishop who was deprived of his see was the Bishop of Oporto, a strong Catholic and Monarchist oen- ter: When 4 pastoral had been drawn up by the assembly of Portuguese bis- hops and ordered to be read in the churches, Affonso. Costa held up his hand and imposed silence. Of course fhe pastoral dealt with the critical, and all the bishops excepting him of Oporto obeyed the ay Portugal has 5,200,000 inhabitants, 4,200 Protestants, 550 of other de nominations, 1,600 of no religion; and the balance Catholics. The Saturday Review ~ indignantly exclaims, after pointing to the collapse the Provision- al government is naturally threatemed from the re .| with : "Thus 1,600 individuals arrogate to thamselves the right to presecute more than - 5,000,000 - citizens! Every free thinker lords it over some 3,000 fellow citizens !" Modern times can show no despotiem worse tHan this tyranny ex- ercised in the name of democratic prin- ciples and with the supposed assent of the nation. "The present Republican government pretends to hd based on the national will, $0 exist in the mame and by the votes of the majority. As a matter of Diet; it has the support of only an in- significant minority of the le; and this fact fully lala its ency to persecution, ity violence, and its des potism. Regimes which fel that t have a majority of the nation oehing them regard themselves as sale, and this feeling of security and of strength naturally makes for twolerence and im- poses a respect for the rights of the minority. On the other hand, regi SCALP ITCH How to Reruove Quickly. Scalp iteh is 'invariably caused by a microbe called: dandruff, He is w persistent fellow and works while _you sleep and when you are awake" He feeds on the vitality of the hair roofs until he has cleared the patch and you ave bald-heades. 3 ' Sage will kill him and stop itching 'of the scalp in a few hours, "Parisian Sage is the most | Jleutant and vigorating hair dressing ¥ in » world eg she sworn foe to andruff. Sold 'your druggist, J. B. Mcleod, who guarantees it. See that tht girl with the Auburn Hair is on each bottle and package. the Eve of an Election Which Will Portugal." Present eondi-, , Tegimes| which are supported by a minority, 'that is, regimes dominated by a small fraction of the people, tend evidently toward oppression. $y repeated gots of violence they seek to give themselves an illusory appearance of stremgth. Without systematic violence they could not exist, for ifi public opinion were absolutely free they would be crush- ed by the mere weight of numbers." WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. Grant Pyke Purchases a Motor Boa ,® 'and a Hay Scow, . Wolfe Island, June 1.--Mr. Peo, Cape Vincent, has completed a thirty- seven horse power motor boat for Grant Pyke. He has also had erected] for him a flat-bottomed scow capable of carrying in the neighborhood of eighty tons of pressed hay. The es- Limated cost of the two is about $3, 00. « : Mr. Cramer has purchased from Captain Robertson a motor boat. Mr. Stewart, of New York, is a guest at the Briceland Hotel. Mr. McAusland and family, of Pittsburg, Pa., will be here next week to spend the summer, Among the arrivals from Kingston last week who opened up their homes were Mr. and Mrs. H. Tandy, Dr. and Mrs. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Bartels. Several others are expected this week. Malcolm McDonald is erecting a new cottage for A, E. Ellis, architect, of Kingstpn. Mr, and Mrs. Jenkins, of Glenburnie, are visiting st E. Payne's. Mrs. Turpin, Kingston, is the guest of ber mothery Mrs. Lafleur. "John Laughlin spent last week in Water- town, N.Y, visiting relatives. Michael Doyle is visiting relatives at Rosiere, N.Y. Mrs, George Baker is leaving next week to join her husband, Dr. Baker, Toronto. Mrs. O'Reilly is the guest of Mrs. Frank Briceland. Peter Keegan is seciously ill in Watertown, N.Y. It is whispered that the Island will lose one of its winsome young girls early néxt month. ' Ireland and Canada. Ottawa Journal, When Canada had four million pop- ulation Irelandjs people numbered somewhere close to eight million. Next week's census will probably reveal Canada to have in the neighborhood of eight million people, . while the completed Irish census, as announced, rives the population of the = Green] 4h as little above the four million mark: What Ireland has lost Canada and the world has gained; for if, by im- migration, Ireland haa lost millions, she has the satisfaction of knowing that hundreds of thousands of these lost sons of hers are prospering in North America as they probably nev- er could have had the opportunity of prospering at home. Moreover, they do not forget their homeland, for next to the Hebrew, the world's won- der in this respect, the Irish race retain their racial characteristics and identity in new surroundings. What Ireland has lost has become the little leaven that has transformed and transmuted, through the. whole muss of North America's hundred uiil- ligh people s necessary quality of Cel- tic optimism, humor, adaptiveness and a tough, hard-working fibre that has given the newer race something = it could not well have done without. The loss' of Ireland, has been the gain of America and of humanity. Lots Like Hers. Five Chief Croker, of New York, was talking about the need of laws where bby the fire department could compel property owners to protect their pro- perty against the perils of fire. - "As yim s stand to-day," he said, "we can't force these men to do our bidding. We can only request them to. They then promise they will obey ns, but in the issue they are like old Mrs. Hopkinson. "To Mrs. Hopkinson, & very quarrel some old lady, her pastor said: " 'You must never cherish an en- mity, madam, against your neighbor. If your neighbor injures you, forget it. "8 1 do forget it, doctor," said Mrs. Hopkinson, piously, 'but the trouble is, I've got a werful bad memory, and I keep forgetting I've forgotten." "New York Tribune. ---------------- . He Knew His Fate. "Rilas, my lad," said the grocer to his new assistant, "who bought that mouldy cheese to-day?" "Mistress Brown, sir," youth's reply. "And the stale loaf we could not sell last night ?"* ; 1 "Mistress Brown, sir." "Where's that lump of rancid butter that thé baker refused ?"' "Mistress Brown bought it, sir," was the answer. ~ "And the six eggs we could not -sell a week since ?" "Mistress Brown--Arb you ill, sir?" asked Silas, as the grocer turned green and ned. "No, no ! only I'm going |to tea at thé Brown's to-night," replied the un- happy man, as he wiped the pira- tion from his face and sank into a chair, ~~National Monthlys The Sydney Coal Stiike. Hamilton Spectator. The coal miners' strike at. Spring- hill, N.S., which has lasted two years, is about to be settied on the basis of the recommendations made by the board of conciliation and investigation ly two . This is one of was the Dentists advise: "K the TEMPOR- ARY teeth in the Sonia ont as Jang a8 Nature will permit, so as to insure later Ihe, regula, even, heshthy PERMANENT Educate the youngsters to the twice daily use of . SANITOL TOOTH PASTE. Its active antiseptic properties will effectn- ally the "little" teeth and keep in healthy condition 186 tender gums, 25 cents gi your drugpist's. NO MORE DANDRUFF. NeWbro's Herpicide Destroys the Pestiterous Canse of Annoying Dandruff, Does your head ilch ? Is your coat or dress full of white flakes after dressing your hair ? That's the effect of dandrufi. Is your hair Are you begining to get bald in spots ? Are you already, in fact, ra- pidly becoming bald? If so, that is the effect of @ measly little parasite that burrows in at the root of the hair, and throws up the scalp - in dandruff and eats off the hair at the root. Science's latest discovery is a destroyer of that 'pestiferous germ. That destroyer is contained in no other hair. preparation on earth but Newbro's Herpicide. Try it, and be convinced. A delightful dressing. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, Co. Detroit, Mich. $1 bottles guar- anteed. James B. Mcleod, special ageat, Kingston, Out. HICHTEER YEARS THE STANDARD ments, a scientifically worth. The result from their use is quick and permanent. For sale at all drug stores. When the hands of a clock are ar- different with a man. thinning ? in wtamps for sample io The Herpicida |. Telephone 385. ATTENTION _4 WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY Tinsmithing, Gas-Fitting, Plumbing or Hot Water Heating Done CALL UP Elliott Bros., 77 Princess Street. Men's Tan High Grade Made by the Best John McPherson, Makers. All orders promptly attended to. MEN'S LOW SHOES FOR HOT + WEATHER Wear Low Shoes this hot weather. They are much lighter and cooler and some cheaper. : Men's Patent and Velour Calf Makers-- Ww. r $3.50 and $4. $3.00 to $400 Slater' and rested they stop doing time. It's quite KING STREET THE DUSTLESS SWEEPING COMPOUND HE good old house-cleaning time disgruntles husbands and kills more than a few women every seasom.' Because cleaning in the old way merely shifts dust and dirt--it does not move it. Twentieth century science has in- vented one remedy -- the *'Soclean" way. "SOCLEAN" (The Dustless Sweeping Com- pound) lays and absorbs dust at one and the same time. When the broom is applied it will not rige --it merel dust and germs' that threaten to "arise. "Soclean" is a faultless disinfectant and makes old Ask your Grocer about it. See that it's the brown powder sold in handy pails at 25¢., 50c. and $1.00. carpets look like new. H. JENNINGS, absorbs all the Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. 'Phone 941, This Wood was peeled an¥ piled ander cover to dry. Aa We are offering this Wood to the public at $5.00 per cord, cut in any lengths. This is the best lot of Wood ever offered for spring and summer use. Try it and be con- vinced. SOWARDS "Phone 1585. North End Ontario Street. WHEN ORDERING FLOUR Ask your grocer or dealer to send you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour. Try Rt and be convinced of the celebrated quality ot the Ficaur, ® oe 0 Manufactured by the Maple Leaf Milling Co, Branch Office, 9Dntario Stree Kingston. Telephone 886. EVERY ATTRACTIVE MENU at all. seasons ends with delicious, health-and-pleasure-giving ICE CREAM il it's to be got! Always on hand finest, most delightully fla- here--the 202 SOCLEAN LIMITED - King Street snd Spadias Ave., Torento vored dessert of all. Best by government test, SIKELLS ee Cream Pato Next to Opera House. Phone 640, Be Good to Your Stomach Be good to your stomach --it will return your kindness a thousand-fold in health, happiness and strength for the day's work. = Nothing so delicious, wholesome and nourishing in Summer as strawberries with a food that makes muscle, bone and brain without taxing the digestion. Shredded Wheat Biscuit with cream and a little fresh fruit for breakfast will keep the stomach sweet and clean and the bowels healthy and active--better than medicine or any "Spring tonic." i Heat the Biscuit in an oven to restore crispness; then cover with strawberries, raspberrries or other berries and serve with milk or cream, adding sugar to suit the taste. If you haven't tried it you don't know all the joys of Summer--more | style and finish. Prices conform to yoar pocketbook. David Hall, white-flour short healthful, wholesome and nourishing than -cake--always it today. Your grocer sells it. * Phos Tn Br a nes. [Taner has ndde hit THE ONLY CEREAL BREAKF AST FOOD MADE IN BISCUIT FORM | Residence 'Phone, 35 | . ; SY jo I a Hho he . ; EY i 3 x R J = : ¥ = ' : i> 4 : |