.B O'clock. JOHN McKAY 2149-157 Brock Street." Kingston. - June Weddings Made happler by our cholee of Pur- niture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains. Something for every room. PARLOR SUITES.--Our beauty in £40.00 Silks at $25.00, is unequalied. / Solid Mahogany in Silk, $75.00 to $135.00. "ROOM SETTS -- Buffets, Round or Square Extension Tables, Wood or Leather Chairs. All the a Hardwood, Oak, Circassian Walnut. KITCHEN CABINETS, $8.50, up to $25.00. RUGS, CARPETS, CURTAINS. Immense stock. Special prices to those furnishing" throughout. T. F. HARRISON CO. "Phono 90, $6.75, . Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur- { tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and Not{ingham qualities, In White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design as the most fastidious could desire, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. ~8pecial values at $1.00, $1.25, 31.50. A IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00. | MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ." ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. PERERA P PPLE HM 00000 R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warehouse, i v : {Real Estate § $2,800--Barrack Street, double dwelling, with wie. lot, 66 Xx 132, with large. store ¥ % ~~ A ---- % FN | $600 buys a Summer." Cottage on the Lake, 4 miles from City, including - furnishings, - boat, ete. : > $1,750 for a Detached Frame . Residence, 7 rooms. b & o: nice lot; 11 York, cor. Prime Street. SEY a Fe fete Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee was hostess at a very enjoyable tea at 'St. Law- rence Cottage," Ki street, on Thursday alternoon. iss Fitch, ¢ Detroit, who has been Mrs, Macnee's guest for several days, was the guest of honor. The hostess, gowned in pale blue satin, was gesisted in receiving her guests by Miss Fitch, who wore a dainty white lingerie frock. Mrs. A. Flower March poured the tea, and Mrs. Hallaway Waddell 'peared coffee at a table arranged with quantities of white lilacs. Miss Frances Sullivan cut the ices. During the afternoon Miss Fitch sang in a very charming manner, and Miss Dorothy Brownfield played. The 'guests included Mrs. Norman Stuart Leslie, Mrs. P. C. Stevenson, Mrs, E. L. Fortt, Mrs. Wil- Ham Harty, Mrs. Hansordt Hora, Mrs, W. H. Miss Mabel Cunnitg hus, pnt ue aut) and Marjorie Brown » Misses Carrie wind Ethel Waldron, Miss Alice Macnee, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Misses Marie and Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Ger- trude Lawson, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Gladys Burton, Miss Florrie Stewart, Mise Jean Dufi, Miss Susie Anglin, Miss Mamie (Garrett, Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, Miss lrene Swift, Miss Madeline Higgins, Miss Lenore Hamil ton, Miss Christine Cochrane, Misses Leta and Vera Carson, Misses Nora Twilight Gildersleeve, Miss {and Helen Gordom, Miss Millie Ferris, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Marjorie Mer- rick and Mise Grace Hemming. -. - A picnic has been arranged jor this afternoon to Kingston Mills, with Mrs. Dawson for chaperon. The guests are Miyses Christine and Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Vera Car- son, Miss Madeline Higgins, Miss Léhore Hamilton, Miss Wimmifred Clax- ton, Miss Marjorie Merrick, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Susie Anglin, Miss Kathleen Crisp, Miss Fitch of Detroit, Miss May Rogers Miss Hilda Kent, Cadets Gordon, Silver, Windler, Baggs, Cosgrave, Bond, Helmer, Leach, Halt and Jhompson. Stranbenzie, Schwartz, Stewart, Unfortunately the weather for the first tea of the seasom, at the Yacht Club, was not all that could be de sired, but in spite of this a number of ladies went down to emjoy a game of bridge, and tea, which was served Fat five o'clock. Some of those pres ent were, Mrs. R.. E. Kent, Mrs. F. Brownfield, Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Mrs. St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. T. D., R. Hemming, Mrs. Robin son, Mrs. Hansard Hora, Mrs. Halla way Waddell, Miss Helen Fraser, Misbes Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Verg Carsgn and Miss Madge Dawson. Dr. E. J. Lake, is taking a 'number of Miss Marjorie Lake's friends on a sienic, to Kingston Mills, in This Intact this afternoon. The party in- cludes Miss oes Harts, om E. Lane, Migs Marjorie ly iss Bessio Stewart, Miss Ethel McGowan, Mises Dovis and Harriett Donnelly and Miss Loraine Allan. o * - . One of the picnic parties overtaken by the storm, on Wednesday took re fuge at the Country Club, where they had a jolly informal tea. Mrs. W. R. Givens chaperoned the party, which included Mies Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Helen Crowe, Miss Dorothy Car- ruthers, Miss Dorothy Hill, Cadels Fisher, O'Reilly, Codville and Irving. One of the many enjoyable picnics arranged for the afternoon, went down the river to Cedar Island for destination. The party included Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Sibbald Hamil tom, Messrs. Murdock, Mulholland, of Peterboro; Pie and -MeCosh, 'The wommandant, staff and gentle men cadets have issued invitations for the ammual ball at the Royal Military College, on Monday evening, June the nineteenth, at nine o'clock. a ee Miss Julia Hovgey, of Rochester, gave a charming hmcheon, on Satur- ay, for Miss Florence Williamson, who is visiting Miss Bessie Kinghorn, Edmonds street, Rochester. Dr. and Mri. E. Ryan, "Rockwood House," have issued invitations for a dance, on Tuesday, June 13th, for their daughter, Miss Kathleen Ryan. Mrs. W. Tandy, Brook street; enter tained a few of her friends informally at the tea hour, on Friday afternoon. . heey \ Some of the younger boys and girls have arranged a surprise party for this' evening. Mrs. H. W. Snelling, Division street, entertained at bridge, on Wednesday evening. 5000000000000000060000000 Craig, Mrs. P. G.. Campbell, a Misses Mabel, Dorothy Fes == BOOKS AT CLEARING $1.50 and $1.25 Books Reduced to 75c. <All $1.50 and $1.25 Books on Sale Friday and Saturday at 73e Among the titles are the following: -- the Phippeo-Gilmour wedding on Thursday, in Toronto. ' Mrs. J. A. Fraser, of Sydney, C.B., who was the guest Capt. and Mrs Robert Frawer, West street, left for her home early in the week. : Miss Marguerite Elkins, East'Orange will be the guest of Miss Madge Daw: son, for. the June ball. Mr. Hayward Linton, from New York, will spend the week-end at Prin- cipal Gordon's. aa Mrs. W. Claxton and Miss Winifred of | Claxton, Union street, will be en. pen- gion at the Y.M.C.A. for the summer. Mrs. R. C. Carter, West street, re- turned home on Wi ay. alice spending several weeks in Montreal, Sherbrooke and Quebec. o Messrs. W. C. Kent, H. E: Richard- son and George Robertson, on Friday to spend the week-end in Tor- onto. Miss Copstance Cooke, '"Hazeldell," has returned from ille. : Mrs. Lemmox Mills, "Bishop's Court," who left on Wednesday for Belleville is expected home to-day. oy Smith is expected from St. John, N.B.. to Spend.» few days in town, the guest of Principal Gor- of Hamil Walter jon. Miss Madelon n, ton will be the.guest of Mrs. Macnee, for the June bal Mrs. T. W. Savary, St. James' Rec: tory, will return to-day from Belle ville, after a few days visit. Mrs. D. Norton-Taylor, Wellington street, returned on Thursday, from Bermuda, where she has been spending some time. . Mr. Huntley Gordon arrived to-day, from Dundas, to spend a few days University: wl Miss Elda McDowall, Princess street, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Robertson, at Tweed, is expected home to-day. Mre. R. C. Cartwright, of Napanee, is the guést of Miss M. Hora, King street, v . - . . or Mrs. E. J. McLelland, Miss Grace McLelland, and Miss Helen Uglow, who have been on a tp up the lakes passed through Kingston on Tuesday on the Port Colborne on their way to Montreal, where they will spend a few days before returning home. Mr. Arthur Chipman, of Montreal, has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, "Ottecburn." Miss Jessie Stewart, Milton, North Dakota, came to town, to-day, to pay a visit to her uncle, Mr. James Stewart, Stuart street. * LJ - - » On the tenth of June, Mrs. James Stewart, Stuart street, will give a coming-out dance for her daughter, Miss Flore Stewart, and for her son, Mr. J. C. Stewart, one of the cadets of the Royal Military College. * Mrs. Philip Prideaux is expected to 0 to Ottawa on Mondgy) and will he guest of Mrs. Grier Wyld. Mrs. L. B. Spencer, of Montreal, game up to Gananoque, on Friday and has gone to Thousand Island Park," to open her summer house. Miss Florence Elliott, Barrie street, returned on Friday from Montreal, where she spent three weeks. Miss Mary Vrooman, daughter of Dr. L. P. Vrooman, Napanee, has turned home after a delightful visit in Montreal. » - Mrs. Francis King "returned, to-day, from Belleville, where she has been spending a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Lash, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. de Mille Burpee, Stugrt street. Mr. and Mrs. George Macdonnell, University avenue, will leave on Mon- day for Ottawa, where they will be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, Laidlaw, Mr. Brian Simpson, Bank 'of Mon- treal, Ottawa, will be a guest in town for the week-end. Mise Macaulay, King street, who has been in Belleville for a short time, is expected home, to-day. v » * - Mrs, Cogswell, who has been visiting in Goderich for soe time, stopped off in Belleville for a few days, and will return home, to-day. Mrs. John Tett, who has been visit- ing her hter, Mrs. R. J, Gardiner, Bagot street, for some time, returned on Tuesday to Newboro. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Robertson, Earl street, left early in the week for Pres- ton Springs, where they will spend some weeks, 2 Professor and Mrs. Alexander Laird, and Miss Hilda Laird, Johnson street. expect to leave the end of June for Halifax, where they will spend the summer, Miss 'Minnie Gordon, Queen's Univer sity, leaves on Wednesday for Mon- treal and will sail from there on the Lake Cha in' on Thursday. Mrs. A. Young, Sydenham street, ex- pects to go to J ontreal on Tuesday to spend a month' : Miss Margaret Miller, of Ottawa, ix the guest of Mrs. J. S. RK. McCann, Union street, A.' J. Fairbairn and » who were in To ronto for race week, have returned to the city, f Ef visit with Principal Gordon, Queen's |. . bo street, expects. to move next week 10 her summer home, dowp the river. Rev, R. 8. Forneri, Alfred street, re: turned: on Thursday, from Ottawa. Mrs. J. O. Crisp, "the rectory, Ports 'month, has tetGraed from Belleville, | where she has spent a few days. Miss. Muriel ang Miss Edith bell, of Ottawa, are coming up to Kingston next week for the Royal Mili College ball, and will stay with their grandmother, Mrs. Hubbell, ot street, Bak of Brockville, ; t- K. Kirkpa ball. Mrs. Victor Anderson is expected in town on June 12th, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A: B. Cun- ningham, King street. . Rev. D, M. Gordon, Quéen's Univer sity, will leave on Wednesday for Ot. tawa to attend the general assembly. While there he will be the guest of Sir Sanford ing. ' The Misses ins, of Sherbrooke, spent a few days in town this week. Mrs. Stephen Huebner, of Philadel phia, arrived in town, on Fridgy with her baby, and has taken the house lately occupied by Mrs. W. Claxton, Union street, for the sum- mer. Mrs..S. J. McLeod, Winnipeg, an notnces the engagement of her daugh- ter, Dorothy Marie, to Mr. Ernest VM. Bowen. The wedding will take place in St. Stephen's church, Winnipeg, on June 20th, at three o'clock. - - Mr. Mulholland, Peterboro, will be the guest of Murdock, Saints' Rest. Mrs. Rowlands, St. Catharines, is the guest of the Misses Lesslie, Gore street, Miss Gillette Barnes, of New York, will be the guest of "Miss Dorothy Hill for the June ball. Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Earl street, who has tbeen in Belleville for several days, returned home on Friday. Mrs. H. Wade left on Friday Brockville to spend the week-end. Mr. H. Walkem will be down from Belleville to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walkem, Union street. Bank of Toronto, Mr. for . . * » Mrs. W. Tandy, Brock leave on Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. McCallum, Niagara Falls, and will also spend some time with her son, Mr. Herbert Tandy, at Party Sound. . Mr. Harold Hodgson, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. J. Crothers, Jr., Parrie street, returned today to Whitby. Mrs. G. W. Mylks, Wellington street, expects to leave about the middle of the month for Montreal, where she will meet Dr. Mylks. who sails from Sngland for home about tne 17th of une. street, will " * . Mr. Snyder, of the Northern Crown Bank, left on Friday for Brockville, to spend the holiday. : Mr. and Mrs, Cornelius Bermingham, and Miss Marion Redden returned, on Friday, from spending several weeks re- | in California. Mrs. T. Benson arrived in town from Ottawa on Wednesday. : Mr. Wiliam Burton is spending the holiday in Gananoque. Miss Stewart, of "Montreal, will be the guest of Mrs. James Stewart for the June festivities. - - » - Mrs. E. L. Fortt, and Miss Irene Swift left, to-day, for Toronto, where they will spend Awo weeks. Word has ho received in town of the safe arrival. ofl Mrs. Brooke and Mise Brooke in Birmingham, England. Popular, New, Ready- To-Wear. Our New . Department fs proving a great success, and every day many lady buyers tell us how pleased they are to find such a well selected stock in Kingston and so moderately priced. All goods are marked o in_plain figures. We have no old stocks. Any garment we show can be made to measure. Our styles are exclusively our own. NEW SUMMER COATS, NEW SUMMER DRESSES. SUMMER WAISTS. NEW SUMMER PARASOLS. NEW SUMMER SKIRTS. NEW SUMMER NECKWEAR. RTE Modern Millinery at mode rate prices. ; - No two Hats alike. GEO. MILLS & GO| announce : | their daughter, Ethel, to Gordon Vin- . Second Chance, Nelly McClung. Open Country, Halt Way House. Rest Harrow, Maurice Hewlett. The Title Market, Emily Post. Lisbeth of the Dale. Marian Keith. The Handicap, R. E. Knowles. The Music Master, * Klein. : Little Brown Jug at Kildare, Meredith Nicholson, Elusive Pimpernel, Baroness Orczy. The Goose Girl, Harold McGrath. Voyage of Donna Isabel, "Randall Parrish. 3 - 260 PRINCESS STREET CITY ALMOST - CAUGHT IN. AGREEMENT WITH K. & P. - RATLWAY COMPANY Over Government Lands Granted by the Latter--The City Was to Yield its Claims to Other Lands it Sought. An eleventh hour discovery shows 'Ithat when the civic finance committee {and the board of trade railway com- mittee were congratulating them- selves upon the liberality of 'W. R. Baker, provident of the Kingston & Pembroke railway company, in hand- ing over certain government lands in the vicinity of the hay market and Cataraqui bridge, for street ox- tensions and other purposes, the city was to yield up its claim to other government lands held by the railwa, company under license of occupation. This was explained by City Solicitor Mcintyre to the civic finance com- {mittee on Friday evening, and eaused surprise, as it was not understood b, members of the committee, who were | present at the negotiations last I'ues- {day with Mr. Baker, that the city was dropping its own claims mw lies of what Mr. Baker granted. It seems that the board of (rade irailway committee had reduced the {demands of the city to the following : 1. The opening of Bay street 16 the water, 2. "The opening of King street to the water. 3 3. Control of lands under license of occupation bounded by King stieot, the hay market and the 'railway tracks. 4. The opening of Ontarig: stréet: to the water. 5. The land bounded 'by Ontario street, Bridge street and the water. 6. Control of the water rights he- tween Clarence and Brock streets and the tower shoal. All these concessions were accepted by Mr. Baker, but his understanding was that he was granting the oon cession as a settlement of all the city's claims. | The civic fimance committee will not |agree to this, and, therefore, the mat- {ter will have to be reopened. One thing the city must have is the land to oven North street to the narbor Another conference will have io take place HYDRO-ELECTRIC ENGINEER Is Here to Consult With Regard to Power Question. P. B: Yates, one of the Hydro Elec- tric commission engineers, is here to comsult with Ald. Elliott, chairmay of the civic light, heat and power com- mittée, with regard to power for Kingston. Last week, the chairman wrote the Hydro Fleetric commission head office in Toronto, that the city was getting tired of waiting for an offer, and if the commission wanted to be of service to Kingston it would have to make its quotations at once, or & deal would be closed with the Seymour company. Mr. Yates has been sent here to take up the matter again. He was here at the time Hon. Adam Beck came down tor address a public meeting mn the city hall, and reported to his chief that Kingston reyuired 4,100 horse * REPRINTS AT 45c. § jaevsssvasasasvenneenet Protect Your Furs BUY A MOTH-PROOF BAG. 'We have them in different sizes from the short jacket size to the long Ulster. With these bags there is no danger from moths, roaches, dust, vermin or mice. No pasting, gluing or sewing i8 required; the patent fastener is secure. Patent Clothes Hooks inside. Try Moth Proof Sheets for wrapping up bedding or lining trunks or boxes. These are 40 inchies x 48 inches, and are only 6c each. 188 'Phone 343. R6000000000000000 0000000000000000800 Carriage snd wear will, leave Children's carriages unelled In all latest t E. J. DUNPHY, Dav, i COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal is goed coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. @ verses csscsscsscscsssas : : : P. od * ainting i If you want your Carriages to look them with us hd go-carts en- te. Montreal and Ordnance Streets ------ 8 ssrsrssrsaranananed : ¢ | | ' ¢ ' 4 ' ' ' a] Martin Eden, Lost Fave, Jack London." A 'Certain Rich Man, Wm. Allen White, The Pool of Flame, No Man's Land, L. J. Vance. Mary, Cary, Kate 1. Bosher, Old Chester Tales, Margaret Deland. Comrades, The One Woman, Thos. Dixon. A Rock in the Baltic, ' Robert Barr. Red Men and White, Owen Wister. Over 2,000 Volumes to select from, The College Book Store, FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, Phorie 919 JUNE Is usually the month of most weddings. We are headquart- ers for Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Brides' and Bridesmaids' Novelty Gifts, And last, but not least, suit- able Remembrances to present to the Groomsman. SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians. 000000 TU0OINOIOI NUTS IUTUITIUOO0U0000000000 " MADE OVER AND % REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER FIRST COMMUNION We show extra values In White Gloves, in all sizes White Hosiery, in all sizes Black Hosiery, in all sizes White Ribbons, all widths Wide White Net for Veils TO-NIGHT power, is estimate is disputed by the light, heat and power committee. "I is not an estimate of power we want," said Ald. Elliott. "We want to know how much power each manu- facturer will agree to take and sign an application for. - An estimate is worthless. I-~do not think the city will use half of the amount: that has been estimated for the Hydro-Electrie commission." Doing Medical Work. Warren Lockett is assisting Dr. Ferguson " in medical work at a construction camp at St. Albert, Sask., on the Canadian Northern rail way. Thete are about 50 men in the camp and Mr. Lockett has charge of the hospital tent, He will; bly re main wll the opening of Queen's Col lege in October. Snap Brim v Hats From 25¢c. up, at Campbell Bros'. The t is sancguneed of Miss Nellie Reno, second daughter of the late Mr, George Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson, of Smith's Valls, to} Mr. Joseph , of Ottawa. The matEiage will take plate this month. The . and Mre. J. E. Hunter, of ) of Toronto, the marriage to take cont . the wedding We will values in--- show some big Ladies White Walsts at 6u¢ and up. Ladies' White and up. Ladies' White Underskirts, 69¢ and up. tadies' Wash $2.25 and up. Children's Fancy 25¢ and up. Skirts. $1.00 Suits, colors, Parasols, A X Ladies' Fancy 15e Parazols, and up. Ladies' Hose in all the popu- lar shades. Children's Hose and Hight or dark shades The best Dollar Corsets in the trade. . a Socks, ~ Newman . & Shaw PROPERTY FOR SALE A New House, corner Beverly and Union Streets, containing #8 rooms, and c.,' and good yard, yd $2400 A comfortable House, No 15 Elm Street, In good condi tion, containing 8 rooms_and big yard. for \ $900 A Frame House on Queen Street, near Barrie, containing a 71 rooms and deep lot, for $1026 to Rent Houwes ted, and Rents collec MULLIN The Real Estate Eipert. 'Phone 629 ST - KINGSTON LAUNDRY, Cor. Princess and Sydenham