THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG; MONDAY, JUNE THE "WHIG 78th YEAR | nuisance to enter them; they com- THE TORIES DISUNITED. DAILY BRITISM © WHIG, published | mand the owners and officers of boats] at T08-310 King Street, Kingston, On-1 4d other vessels plying upon the! from | CHAMBER into} ____ PAGE FOUR. , 1S THINNESS EMBARRASSING ? 'Undoubtedly It Is to Many a Maiden and Youth--While Even | Those Well Along in Years Prefer Well Rounded Figures, | | - BR. WHITE ; a : tatlo, at $6 Lad year, Editions at 2.30 an o'clock p.m. i Ww PVEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages | kes and rivers and streams gbished in parts on Monday end | dumping their refuse and filth UFMiay. morning at $1.4 Year, 291the said witers; and finally it is an-| Unitéd States, charge for postage had Lo 0% aed, making price of Dally $3, unced that any violation of these! Lansdowne's Power Gets Severe! Setback----Has Misjodged the and of Weekly $1.50 per year. i Attached is one of the best Job Print| regulations will be attended by the ing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish | : Sa 1 5 3 5 and cheap . work; nine Improved|penalties provided by law. | Spirit and Temper of Modern . .| Still further; it.¥e eiiacted, under! Thought in Great Britain. Limited , sph 14, of section 13, of the Toronto Star © { London, June 3.--The most notice presses. N Whig Publishing Co. | Rg Gotia, i | Public Health Act, amended in mL h : - {that = hotels, * restaurants, railway | te tentagre in conpection with the TORONTO OFFICE. } ne Bouts' and. all otis i pol itical & tion is the extraordinary 15 and' 20 Queen City Cham. | trains and depbts, boatsiand all oth: i[ushion in which the opposition to the ew, ii Church St, Toronts. H. E ler public places, must provide drink-|veto bill is petering out. Belare the malipeice, J P.. representative, dite water thai~ shall be absolutel bill. reached the Honse of Lords, 'uli ing wi i ¥ digestive functions and the ability . of . j the yesources of tor tu re -- Py ahalk i ory oratory were the blogd and nerves to absorb ana a 0 Dl | Y ne ; jemployed 10 inform an awestruck distribute over the body the nutrition! Th Tegulations we of the mus or That, the =. *wauld 'an extracted from the food eaten | i ter. [lightly submit" : n The thin person is abndrmal and | sweeping character. They are meant JERR | po: de the roposed cur- Ska the power to absorb and retain to protect the waters which the peo-| mvileges--indeed the flesh and fat elements which the i gastric juices in the da ple use domestically from all con jo of the more bellicose among tha 4 Sule fn the stomach and thi- ie use 0 y "jorators proclaimed if vestiges sironld exiract or separate (.A; has undertaken a task the ! al Li . it % i h : clai that, if necessary, from all kinds of food and Grink : tamination, but unless it is pro- [the lords "would die in the last i of which will be warmly posed to follow them up by action of dite WILL AGAIN REFORM IT OPPO! BIBBYS lt Men's and Boys' Departmental Store PASS pir ---------- + Prescription Increases Weight. A scrawny, gangling youth or maid en is almost invariably slighted, over- * looked or ridiculed In any social gath- ering Thére 15 something about a plump or well proportioned figure whieh attracts not only friendship, but love and adulation as well. People with a proper amount of flesh are favored in all walks bf Jife While the thin are unblessed, unwel- come and frequently miiserable for Hie. The difference Hes in the power of ihe Specialists: in disegses of Skin Blood, Nerves, Bladder and Special dil. ments of men. Ns gi: {pe visit advisable'; 1 impossible, send history for free opinion and ad. vice. Question blank and book on diseases of men free. Consuitarion free. ' | Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 p.m, and 2 to € p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE Lo 20 Teremto Street, Toroate, Ont, Suite A WORD FOR YOU. The Women's Auxiliary of the Y.M. suc- wel- | | pro- IIIS IVVP III ININIVIINI PIsIIRIIIIIIIIIRISI, JUNE 3rd and 4th Insurance, | ' - FARE UNDERWEAR. FLANNEL SUITS, Knee length and short sleeves, 2 rice, 30¢, 75¢c, $1.00. . COMBINATION SUITS, "HALIFAX TWEED. SUITS, $ 8.00, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75. HOMESPUN, SUITS, 2-piece, $10.00, SUITS IX TWEED, Hand Tailored, $135.00, GREY WORGTED SUITS, Hand Tatlored. $18, BLUE SUITS, English Botany, Bibby's Special, $15.00, BLUE WORSTED SUITS, Shop Made, 818.00. BLUE, WOUSTED SUITS; The Emperor styles, Special Talloring, $20.00. BROWN SUITS. Honey Browng, the latest fads in the larger American cities, In _Tweeds, Worsteds, neatly tallored,, designed by experts g $15, SIS, 520, SUMMER TROUSERS, For Boating. Karki color, $1.50, With belt of same and HEWSON'S TWEEDS, In light and dark shades. belt loops, cuff bottoms, etc £2.00, $2.50, $3.00, LUSTRE COATS, Black, Grey and Stripes, £2, $2.50, 83, to $3.70. Weososeosesvscens i Flies! Flies filth - | . ®t b in i i @ | "ot been surpassed in its aim to ele °| ' vate the moral tone of the commu ity anywhere. The service here, to be ; 311 come The" FANCY HOSIERY. S three things: (1) Definiteneds of pur- ® (pose, (2) Systematic and intelligent ' ® | co-operation: (3) the use of unflagging, Bred in and laden Eerms wit ith depends upon Keep them out by means of gi our Window and Door Screens, | which are made .to fit and made to wear force the amended --- »> »> ® | persistent and personal energy. ® i Thare is in Kingston, as there ® [usually in any town or city, is those ® who appreciate a movement of this . + 8 > ANGLIN & G0 kind, who stand behind it, who cheer ' ' ® the workers by tanely Offive, Yords, Mill eo of large means Factory, ® (vvuld not do better with their money Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. g {than put some of it into character | «nother paper, in Montreal, in oppo- Hogent accidental discovery has|®®® 1 *h." But all this talk appears like- ¥ blended with certain other drugs, will the most drastic fashion they a men . 4 : add fro {sponsibility of raising, by a general fail. - The first expedient must be tc | Sent me 3 nothing Sects. nore Prot: | FY ber weak during + ttiians--<k- Aly Sibpie.' ol ail. A aan | 0 ab an that the herditary a | Proven wh ia, And people, a sum sulb- |. ., ail the municipalities from pol- '10™8 Will (not for the first time)pass of oasence uf pepsin and three ounces | me . ; {luting the waters. This means which the great bulk of t it- | OF E¥Tup of Fhibarby Ther od ces | ment upon a new and independent ba- ceedings that will affect every town terly opposed, though hat mtg it. . and let stand two hours: then add! i { ResS, Automobile, Motor Boat, one ounce tincture codomens compound | © "St how much they expect to raise and the River St. Lawrence. It means! The truth js that) the unionist party [OF Plate (lass # teaspoonful before and after meals stated, but less than 81, that the council here shall at as & house divided against itself. and retiring. fost Bt to 4 : | 80 modest oug 0 be easily secured. | 1. caw HE i YB ihe sewage as it is treated at the sole proposal | Real Est: Fe i ' . ; , A we 4 > re » *eso0 good deal depends upon. the plans { enitentiary and the asylum. The dis- in the nature of the constitutional a Estate any w he re m { an , , introduction of Lord I s bil i ant. and we . : | In ord Lanedowne's bill | or Jest es . top west, are filled with the res} | acteria- have been found in the water for reform of the peers not merely and Porcupine Sto ks: call or ports 'ol what has been - accomplished ompl communicate with : : . oo (plexed the "mean in the street," but the conclusion that the provincial [iy lienated frony him the support of |: {hoard of health is taking the proper | the tory , . ,s = of the unionist party, who | I8 Market St., Kingston, Ont] lakes from unnecessary and ybreason- | "7 scarcely be so described. His Also representing Met naig I whle Sontamination, {ently reasonable ' from the conserva- Bros. & Com : It remains to be seen what the ef- tive viewpoint, and it is possibly on Montreal s 1 Pair f 0c. 2 x 2 or 3bec. act? It is hoped |Mended themselves to his titular fol Pure Silk,Hoslery, 50c. lowers. For it is at once the strength Paris Gart and 5 ers, 25¢ and L0c, dead letter. If they do the provincial [makes its most efficacious appeal to Belts, £ 3s¢, Soe, 750, bias val 2k cov. | Sentiment and prejudice. 68 BROADWAY, NE be ard of health and provincial gov prejudice BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Peter Pan Collar and Ties, favor in any quarter outside unionist BROKERS, ETC. wd ro a . 4 T i proven that tincture cadomene when | comed. They have assumed the re Hust to end in smoke, and at the pre- One 16 three pounds of flesh abi per week during treatrgent, while the strength also fm= Get in a half pint bottle three ounces | "lent to establish the boys' depart- oars. of Sonsitutichal Return ol Life, Fire, Aceident, Sick- ounce compound essence cardio): J is. i r i i ice cardiol: shake sis and city bordering on Lake Ontario than their usual ungraciousness, (not cardamom), Shake well and take has not been once is Guarant Bond 1 nce | 13 A 8 . : gh 5 . ; Snireiial, Naar Sutttar, atl TET tad, lu, Tetd thau H, . the soupieil' be : Pi | I'robably the party would have whole .' Antee onds (pe rsona or } i put in its intercepting sewer and treat heartedly united against the veto! fOr administration of estates), - - the (hill had that been )! Ey 2 tha 2 : change on the politic i 0 aL o thé women will adopt. The papers, covery of the water department--that political tapis. But the ' Ris. . aaa {outside of the intake pipe--points to complicated the situation, and per by the YM.C.A. This institution has : J. 0. HUTTON, | stalwarts and even of many course, to protect the waters of the members {proposals were, in themselves, emin- » pany (Brokers), : fect will be of this attempt to en-| that. account that they so little com- : | Boston Garters, 2 he regulations ' will-not become aland the weakness of torvism that it | g " . Peter Pan Collars, 25c. rument will be very much to blame. At any rate,' they have found secant 7. Castle Bldg,, Otiawa, NEW SOFT SHIRTS, Plain colors as well as stripes and checks, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. officialdom, Liberals have scouted iki 2 them as a mere sham, while unofficial EDITORIAL NOTES. unionists, such as Lord Bathurst and I'he conservatives are going to starl | Lord Willoughby de Broke, who can be relied upon to. voice pretty accurately the sentiments of - rural roryism--the contributions - and Two" or three men > Kingston Branch : Clarence Street Chambers "Phone 1030. FREDERICK 6. SINS, CORRESPONDENT. Late Quotations Tabled. - Exclusive Private Wires. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, With collar to match,zz | With collar attached J30c, 75¢; $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. TUTTI ITN STUNNER SS 6 UU LTRAW LATS, Chip Straws, 23a Soft Straws, $1.00, $1.25, Star? the over- 75¢, $1.50, STRAW SAILORS, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. PALM. STRAWS, Fedora Shapes, £1.00, $1.50. ocate of reciprocity and the other e000 0OS seosceconno SAVE YOUN BLANKETS. Do yon wa your blankets to last longer and look better it #0, send them these works to be. cleaned. When we clean them they retain that soft and fluffy feel We give satisfaction R. PARKER & (0. Dyers and Cleaners, 69 "PRINCESS STREET, Kingston, Ont, | POOR OIPROIOOLONROSISIOINOOOS 8 the opponent of it. erting combination, to be sure, ° ® cuffs PANAMA, REAL, $3.50, $4, $5, $7. Panamas are postively value offered in t he canvassers fo The best ingston. Xz SCALP ALL ROUND. The democratic party in the FANCY SUMMER VESTS, In £1.00, S1 $1.50, 23, pular vote, and in the electiondof re i i he average public man. the split in the re : presentatives, by possi- . aa ett tM Sa Ne 8 BIBBYS Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS ST. 2 dn : LG 3VI FI IIIVIIIIIFIIAFIINISIIIIIINININIIIIe. m---- I | eco sosee AN UNHEARD OF THING. i Not One Man Coming up for. Ordin.| ation, to the Wt June The reat Uterine Tonic, and | the rich are desired, for their influence | What is the matter Encl lords newts ) x The o's Wh a ; a : : : , s mentioned, moreover, spe: alton on which women can | "7 aid, the sympathy of the masses (he Presse, and the for scores, if not hundreds. of kg --" depend. Seid in threo d {is needed, and thus the hope to t uch ticulate "back 1s 4 ; "al of strength--No, 1, §1; ) I Ouch | Mr. Bourassa has refused Buta sckwoorsman' among the : i . | peers, who feel strongly that, if they tures of the conservatives, but he is are to die a violent political death, it paid on re t of price. J pamphlet, Address | Ti r ir Q : p oon Mrniowe 0o.. Teron, A Gormardy Windeo) {dollar invested in the life which is lagen to stir Wushes, one ua the ad-| | : : i = ) a (more precious than anything else, H . . | But even mare fatal to Lord Lans- i BIBRY S$ CAB STAND A word of explanation is necessary | ere is a di Sowne's project is Je belated charne- | : : hia o i {ter. Not unnaturally. his action has Pt the "outset of this campaign, and { been interpreted as' inspired, not by : ' DAY OR NIGHT [the Whiz wishes a-| Mr. Borden is annoyed because [any genuine desire to remedy a con-|g y bundant success. Phone 101 stands, and whosesleader and spokes- ° _ {presumes to forecast the weather. Mr, iman' he is. That the majority of his ¢ ; : : t. 8. {Borden has not suffered' any more | so-called followers in the Upper House ® ongress gained immensely in the po from precarious correspondents than evince no enthusiasm whatevesfor this | ® death-bed repentance" role, is evedit-' ® Sendive Gut Price Catalogue' | YORONTS {people to punish the republicans for [ow on." In the last house there were | Lord Lansdowne's authority in his = | their misbehaviour, In the last presi thirty-three liberals and five conser purty snd his itfaente in the country ; dental election Mr. Taft certainly held | | 4iive ster ave Soin natahly declined. since; he ENCH REMEDY. | the : i it { Yabives. It would be better for the has 'been called on to 'deal with the N 3 No. 2, j out the assurance of a revision of the ,vovince if the opposition were emarrnbi | tariff downward. In place of this there | (¢}e # building, into the w I i i he--Dev Why ? i g, rh sition to the-Devoir. y? It isnot ? . . | ork that, wisely t ' "kind of toryism which hinds together 0. ¥ 10 degrees stronger, No. §, [most men and women and invite their the ally of Mr. Monk, and they have |is at ounce more dignified and more 'ome newspaper correspondent has pre- | Stitutional scandal, but by an ignoble | ® {able to their honesty, though : ' constitfitional question. To deny his rench Hospitais with, geeat Cures blued | stronger, but the people know o The Wessossecsoovcececence {di 1 . . . 2 directed, will develop the boys into |? liberal paper, and 'is not run In {the squire, the farmer, the parson, snd for rpocial cases, r box . td sta. or seal | co-operation. Every dollar that is in- manly for them to be murdered than | | ! iely via wimed to forcast his = ies. .a8 the | toint) to save as much privilege as | ® f BICYCLE SUNDRIES i blv not to their political sagacity. tench Hoe ' ability would be idle. lio Lins most, + £ how far the op- the state ig Spec inl Montreal, A service a The was held in Friday « having « annual re St | i James' | ception Fhe | Methodist church, followitg young ening, result 3, ig : . . 8 Cotton Root Compound good and : useful citizens, But while | the interest of the liberal party; and the publican--have been unspaving in * with the Gazette, | their condemnation of them. The two Sold by all dr {vested in the boys' department is a | Hor them to eqmmit suicide. i ! possible for the order for which he ® | chief clerk in the station at Toronto iy hich he at Cut Prices BICYCLE MUNSON i pitblican party, by ° the desire of the! The Nova Scotian local campaign is |. One thing, at all events. is certain: ¥8t Vigarky § if not all, of the qualities which fit upward. of rev.sion hSir men and know man to play worthil y ponents of the government 1 hily an imiportaut part tn public affairs. ut he : shown an inability to vead aright the ted thur course re received inte to appreciate th connection with the « . trond of those vast social furcesy which Mitchell, J. E. Brownlee, stand for so much in the Great, Brit- tin B. Fyre, R riake, am of to-day, which will probably for- | Mat hews, L. 1 GW fit for him the name of statesman. limasworth That the unionist opposition to the Lhe wesnlution was veto bill will end in a 'fizzle seems BR. G. | Utkg : : : : 4 3 3 € | was apparent £ me may be ; mien last defeated, ran dropesten M +1 SF fro in ork an : t Nov. we The republicans has fo five boy 1 ' I * : Hampatend 1 g. Try newD: : n ¥ es Y ne TARE Tasteless) | Form of TROrapion, easy to take, sate, lasting cure, | oFtr States rec iprocity. was the slogan. o.. 90 Reekman w | 3 . « | elections hs year. " ' trusted. L erence signs of the times, Senator Grady, of New York, has a | He iv a "Wise man who takes warn- .il in the aims to {ing of an impending storm and seeks mnke the newspaper editorial writers ¥r. Taft, rather than the i their articles. The signed article as no particular It the were sorely cartain east. (ren) 3 k ummer visitors have already arived Hol Mien, of Kingston, spend her Lore H Huff which Fin ST be Mount Chesney Budget. June 3.--The have about which BO00000000000000000000 (1 nd Valuable Wiss Jennie her Yueld assembly at and at home & positon in vacation taken « general ed inte the house { ing n-1A Kg ed ood Mount Chesney, Re ve' of this Joc abity econd their Morris for to avoud it. nm ves by b and pleted potato phanti Thomson tors. J of | republican party, sought to repair the merit. is ever, of wn Rev. H. 8. Oshon Prospects hay seem g man. has mos ® Feraiture re Aswan. at fiw 3 ! ' Hizens nd Birang sur OUT WATErsoms goods, will please y L. LESSES, } The quality prices Cor. Princess and Chathan Stn. { : 'Phone 19045 : T 8 pli Bel Highest There is a lot In It, .. M.a name stands for Honest Trading, 'Square Treatment, Saperior' Quality, Efficient Service, SNE {ol { pact Yinland water of the province; He suddenly sought a trade agreement with Canada. He surprised the Canadian parliament by dreamt political fences, offering it concessions it never He sed that the agreement was adopted, by eongress The last session expired while the consideration. He con undertook 4 was under called a special session for 'its sideration, and it ix still in progress. In this new house the democrats are ' were not strong but disunited. They satisfied with the reciprocity agreement only. They had to dabble at one Nn tariff revision. This complicated the jssué. It invited between the republicans and democrats on very uncertain ground. The situation 'has | developed breaks in the republican and | democratic parties. The latest is the | alleged repudiation of Mr. Pryan, be | eause he dictated the policy of i party on the wool guestion. a collision varied and conflicting interests have | | Bctee embrojled. The trade ment may go down in Ue quarrel. Ro | may Mr. Taft and Melryan; and they | are the biggest wien in their respec. tive parties. What the outcome of this slaughter of political giants may be! no one can imagine. % NOW FOR SOME RESULT. The Whig anticipated the provincial board of health when it said that there should he aveentral body with power to compel the people to adopt san'tary measures. On May 4th the provincial board issued regulations, which have the effect of law, as they were founded on the statutes of On- tario. namely, the amended Public Health Aet of 1911 3 In essence these regulations' forbid the deposit of garbdge, excreta, ma- nure, vegetable aor animal matter, or 6lth, in ny lake, river, stream, or "they warn the vesidents of health resorts and summer vesorts wet to pollute paper that speaks, not the man whe express paper ify for the time being its A great is cditorial opinions. ironger and bigger than any man or editor. The Winnipeg "I'ribune reminds readers that Mr. Borden is paid oppose the government and that has a right to take some advice from to he the people on the question that af fect ' them. Why should he not heckled as well as the premier 7 asks the Tribune. To be sure. what some men enjoy, though Borden may not be one of them. be Mr. Ah! The Mail lambasts Mr. Field- ing, because in ill-health, he goes a- | and a broad for rest and recuperation, incidentally for consultation with : x 1 - ¥ . ¢ . the | ypecialist, and refuses to aid the ki jof 800 tong of granite were dislodged While this was the largest { berals of Nova Scotia. Nr. Borden 18{a few days ago at Picton island when history of the soeiet) It is what might be expected when [not physically unfit, and although he| represents Halilax in the commons, he agree: | ignores his party in Nova Scotia. The | Mail should call him 'to account. His conduct is shameful. . While the premier and most of his colleagues are absent from Canada, at the coronation proceedings in Eng- land, the Toronto News is preparing the sonditions upon which parlidment will be permitted to do business when it resumes. There may be a redistri- bution of seats, if it suits the oppo sition, and then an election. If any ong dared to talk like that to Sir James Whitney he would be tempted to say, "Get behind me, Satan." Mark Twain's Works. If you are interested in obtaining a complete set of all his books at one bali the former price on the easy pay- book. for "Quality the waters ahiwhere by cansing grocer Caeuiartuend by Maple Tost o 5 % Lid PRE | ins | f. Heckling is ment plan it will cost pothing to get schools of Unmden township full particulars and a mew thirty-two Newburgh wifl be held in "Little . Stories About! Juna'l19ih. Address Box 409, 2 hd inewily certain. Meanwhile Mr As- «d by {quith 'who is a stawneh second ¢ham- burg. The ber man, has pledged himself to a re importanes [form of the upper chamber subsce real man, quent to the placing of the veto bill capable of initiating jon the statule book, but "within the the moral uplift of the Lietime of the present partiament"-- where they reside. a<form of procedure satirized by greater of Punch, us placing the cart before the terncon was devoted horse. The liberal party, as a whole, wor The memorial it: may be remarked, is of at 11 am. and in touch with its leader, in regard to question. "Who have this question of reform of the person- year 7' the districts nel of the House of Lords. ¥or it holds lows: Rev. Dr. W, I Pstrougly that-any mensire ten-hnz to Raney: Rev Fretts; | the strengthening of the second cham- Rev. J. Hodgson and Rev, J. ber cannot fail to- be anti-democratic, ler : 3 | However, that ix a question for the The { future, and fn politics the feature ean was held 3 pm | usually be trusted to look after itself. Harrison, of Kingston, presided, i For the present all looks smooth sail- and eloquent addresses were delivered {ing for Dberalism. J by Rev. James Allen, C. W. Cate, ! - ¢., and Rev. A. C. Farrell, | Granite Dislodged by Tons. The income of the missionary | Watertown, N.Y., June 5.--A total eicty has reached the sum of $600,000, th was S80 less MssIonar Fhe church the minister emphasizid the nister sddresses of th» m an enthusin movement being a tic man, communit Saturday of commities held I'he part to service was response: to during 1 hie fol x w W.Shert, Ii. & oat dea anniversary aturdsa 4 nual missionary at SO ja keg and a half of power was placed | than sufficient to give {in six hols that had been drillad six- fies the minimum salary. {teen feet deep. At the present time must wake up and pay the payroll at the quarry amounts (0 sullicient to give them fond and $1309 a week. Yment, books to read, and education Hor their children. This is one of the rensons why so féw .voung men are entering the ministry. #t was snnoun loed that one of the conferences has not one coming up for ordination this wear. an unheard of thing in a Me ithodist conference. 1 1,000 Islands--Roch¥ster. Steamer Caspian -leaves at 10.15 on Sundays for thoueand Is {lands, amd af 3 p.m. der Rochester, N.¥.~J. P. Hanley, agent. rag Holding Aunual Meeting. The avonual meeting of the TRous and Island Steamboat company was called for this afternoon, at Cape Via- jeent, at 4.30 o'clock. Robert Crawford the president, and some of the local officials went over for the meeting. Grape Juice, Pts.; 2c. qte., 50c. McLeod's. ® The engagement is announced of Mary Ethel Breeze, dauffuter of the late William Reece, Forest Mills, to! James H. Allon, Belleville. The wed | ding will take place June 24th, at! the home of heslie Dallande, Strath: | cona. ' : i Ruby Rose Cold Cream cures sum burn, 2Be., at "Prouse's Drug Store? | Fhe third convention of the Sunday | and Moscow op | James Fitzpatrick has sold his house | in Napanee to Donald Gerow, ' and! "hae vented Mrs. Parrdtt's be i i open. {The bousewtle who jevicts "Quality doing wo. Meleods, | | Flane™ has ood resson factory Tis receiviiig a of milk, high price heese supply at a fohn tae he and chose I'he many friends to know has recovered from hi Mrs. M. Fowler entertained a number "of friends on Tuesday last McCallum is taking the census in A number of the young leaving camp Many | rie. are pleassd recent John this men for Petawawa Sth here attended the funéral of the ste Capt. Moreland, Sunbury. Miss Alice Patterson is spending Ber vacation at home, James BoGarves, Fr. {with a painful aecident by being kick colt W. howling > Loney Fowler's locality intecd 3 on June met led by a | Visitors in the city; CU, ley at James Ritchie, Milburn, at Mrs. Gi. Thompson at R. ' { Hill; Miss Flsie Moran Nellie Patterson at James Fowler's; J NM Callum and F. Prevost visiting friends in Latimer; E, Hogle spent Sunday at thome; Joseph Draper at James Fow iler's; FB. McGarvey at Wolfe Island IF. MeGarvey at C. Nicholson's: Mise Mae Sullivan, of Rochester, N.Y, at oseph McGrath's; Black, Mapl Lawn, at . Patterson's Mr. and | Mrs, John McKee, Kingston, at Joho | McGarvey 'w. James McGarvey J8r., i James Webb'w FE. Prevosl, Jumes harvey and 8. Goodell in the Miss Nellie Patterson, the Misses Fow ler and (. Stoness at W. Merriman's, | Battersea; Mr. and Mrs, H. Sears at 1G. Stoness'; Miss Mollie McGarvey en {tertained a number of her friends on | Sunday last. { i spent Sund and Mr. Hart Miss. Floren [hompson's, ay Smith's, 1d and John ai Ne aly i News From Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake, June 3.---W. GG. Casnca {has purchased a new motor boat. | Mise F. Williamson, visited friends in | Kingston last week: B. Campbell and i wife, are visiting their son, ¥. Camp hell, at Verona. Mrs F. Epwin and little son, Kenneth, are spending a few dave in Perth. Mise A. E. Allen, tof Peterboro, spending a few days Lwith her ' parents here, bas returned {Mr. and Mrs. GG, Puroham. spest » {iew days in Kiegston last week. Mr fand Mrs. WM. Lomg, Havelock, intend spending the summer at Sharbot Lake Mre. H. CG. Robioson and daughter, Masddulene, visited Kingwtn last 'rwevk i. Barsham, is nmkiogy scien {wie inprovements an some of the § ovtiagmoon, the dddands, X ayer of , few x village last MN. Brist Smith, has hi house Miss 8, Harrison; is 8 at her home bers of Toronte, James lLale's, J Arden, spent a few week. Mr. and Kinguton, Burnham he purchased from new nearly eo spendin Mes. Bai visting pleted and family, Mrs of days in My arth of Inughter, Miss | My. Crawlord, in the village patting Oso, Sunwyside Tidings. 3.2 he hove Tiny sunnyside, June tony Morrison as makes factory satisfactory iv now visited vi inished their ome to brighten the Pufiv. 'Visitors: W. Hutcheson, fends here, turned nome; Whitt gelier < Kirkham, at FE. Conroy's; Nr Hughes, and little boy Ronald recently the ny seeding nome ano ue, visiting on friends her Sickness is usually caused by the accu mulation of waste within i the body. Dr. Morse's _ Indian Root Pills, enable the bowels, the kidneys, the lungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these impurities. Thus they prevent or cure dis ease. i 7 25¢. o bax. NE Hethermgton } H