-- - PAGE x. © WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY arxnteed. Drop nd i i all romptly for 165 WEL, fa ¥ TEN BT, o k and Clarence Sis. ~ OUR BEAVER BRAND of flow is umexcalled for bréad or i: Prick is moderate, A. MACLEAN, Outario Serest. "THOMAS COPLEY, Prone 987. a a 13 Pine treat whe: ne ia t ar given on all nds new work and also Moors of ali kinds. Al receive prompt asttention Queen Street. PEPER WILLIAM MURRAY, City and one nies Care y ve, Kingston.' SH00504004 004 CONSIGNMENT and Black Teas from Cey have arrived. Though prices Huth higher, we are still sell at 300 per Ib, ANDREW MACLEAN, ~ Ontario - For Health Drink McCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best. Agent, R. J. LAWLER WALLPAPER SNAPS. "On Thursday, Friday and Sat- we will clear ail rem. Agents lor nants A sacrifice Pafers | Worth 20¢., 28¢c to 40c a roll for «fo 18¢. Pring in your room measurements, D. A. WEESE & CO, A Pleture Framing. a for House Cleaning NAPTHA POWDER, AMMONIA POWDER, GOLD DUST POWDER, $0 CLEAN (Sweeping Com- pound). all other House-cleaniff~ Re- FART quisites. D. COUPER, 76. 341-3 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery, tobe If You Require Gasoline Launches, Steam | Pleasure Yichts, Passenger Bohis, @ Engines, Balter fry th Pc DRY rs, the Bo dom oe repairs done promptly, Catal on request, LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ICE CREAM. AND THE MARVELLOUS POWER OF FRUIT "FRUIT-A-TIVES" IS THE ORLY REMEDY MADE OF FRUIT T'ruit is nature's c's physician. Pruit mices increase the action. of liver, owels, kidneys and skin---and form the great ot kuown blood pufifier. cians know, however, that it is impossib to use fresh fruit in practice. "* Pruit-a-tives" is sade of the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes-- Tr ey the medicinal or licaling properties of all fruits. "Pruit a-tives" acts just like the fresh fruit jnices--gently and mildly, 77 + Pruit-o-tives" tonie--a certain cure for Co tion an | 1'ion< ness--the best Kidney Regu- ator and Wood Purifying Medicine. soe. box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At riealers or, from Fruit-a-tives ha Llava TINSMITHING and PLING All kinds of Tinamithing and Plumb- | ing on shortest notice. Stoves taken down and stored x in good dry store room. We make specialty of Hot Air | Heating. Good American Coal Oil at l4e. per l¢ gallon, delivered to- all parts of the W. C. BENNETT | Phone 1033 : 373 King St. the Souvenir Stoves and Eh Physi- | is a true stomach | | visited | Lyon | bogie this week ret urned NEWS OF _ NEIGHBORS WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. WHAT [The Tidings From om Varidus Points in | Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. | Fcho Lake Echoes. Feho Lake, June 3.--A number from here joined in with a company from | Wagarville and enjoyed a pacmic {the shore of Fourth Lake. Mrs. { Wagar spent a couple of days on +Fourth Lake road visiting friends.- A | number of young people gathered af 'ithe home of Mrs. Rutan and spent a { pleasant evening. Visitors : Miss May { Ely and Mrs. M. Switzer spent Satur day and Sunday at First Lake; Mar- cus Switzer and Hattie Irish at | Henry Ho Ang McLeod at i Chet. Bahk %; Misscs Lena Cox and | Lucretia Wagar at Mss. Ratsan's. At Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, June 2. Mrs, {Crozier, Portsmouth, visited her sis. jter, Mra. A. Crozier, recently, Miss I Jynnie Crozier, Newburyh high school, [spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. tand Mrs, BH. Wood, Newburgh, spent the week-end at William Miller's, Mr. {Richmond held memorial service {Sunday evening for the infant son of George Barr and Baxter Cox, who died of sedariot fever. My. and Mrs Richmond ~ left for Methodist confer ence on Monday. ' H. Wood, New- I burgh, loaded a car of hogs on Tues- {dav, paving $5.75 a cwt. Melville Drew and Miss Amy Cronk- spent Sunday at I. J. Cronk's. Mr. Chazidion and Miss Sly, Leng Lake, a N. M. Price's. Dr. LL J. Robb Visited the Loyst House this week. The C.P.R. is putting in cement bridges. Doings at Flower. Flower, June 2.--Mc. and Mrz, How- ard MecGonegal and little son, who were visiting friends here, have return- ed to their home in Arnprior. James Love is laid up with a cut foot. Mr. and Mrs. James Love and Miss Eva at Maberiy for a few days. Appleby spent a day at Cala- Frank St. Pere has from Wilbur. Austin Shields has gone to Renfrew to work, Miss Christena McFarlane has returned to Mississippi, after paying a short visit to her sisters here. Mrs. J. Crawford visited * her son, D. Crawford, agent at Snow Road, last week and also her dawghter, Mrs. J. Miller, of the same place. The K. and P. boarding and offjee cars on the siding make things lively here just now. Wilfred Jackson is home from Snow Road. R. J. Wilson called on friends at Glower yesterday. on gus R. "on Wagarville Wafts, Wagarville, June 2.-- The farmers are PERFECTION Cowan's seems to hit the 'right spot. It is a great § food for husky young ath-° letes : satisfies the appetite: § | easy to digest: and délicious § | i eases rrsill There Is A Style "About this new Utz & Dunn Shoe that makes it distinctive. A pretty foot that wears it looks much prettier, and an j ordinary foot looks attractive. You will be proud of the ap- pearance of your feet if you let us fit you with a pair of {the meadows were COCOA |: iS. The will spend a few days with friends, all pleased to see the recent rain, as drying up. A pie was held at Fourth Lake on the voung people of this place on May As the tent was too small for crowd, everyone went to { Mrs, Rattan's and tea was served and an enjpyable evening spent. A wee. visitor has come to the home of Jackson. Miss P. Jeffrey intends leaving for her home at Reynoldson on Wednesday next. A number from here attended the hee at W. Cousin's, McLean, William McCumber has gone {to Futerprise for a visit, Mrs. M. Conway at T. Wagar's; Miss {P: Jefirey and W. Wagar spent Sun- iday at George Altoh's? Bamey Bab- cock has gone 'to Kingston for the summer. Miss Fo Walker and T. Me- Cumber spent Sunday at Long Lake. Miss O, Sanburn is at W.Prew's, 2th. Death at Forfar, Forfar, June 2.-The sad news the sudden death of Mrs. J. B. Ack- land, a highly respected resident of this village, has cast a gloom over the whole country. For "the last twenty-five vears, Mrs. Ackland lived in this village and kept the post office, while Mr. Ackland had a large shop. The funeral was held to the Methodist church with a large attendance. Mr. Ackland is now about to sell out, as he is not able to carry on the busi ness, V. MN. Young has purchased a driv- ing horse, Albert Freeman is engaged {to be married to Miss Spicer, New: boro oa the 16th of June. Gordon Young and Renso Myers, Portland, were the guests of friends in Westport on Sunday last. Farmers are through with their seeding and corn planting is still well under way. R. J. Ready, who was ill, is around again, Willinm Adrain has handed his driv ing horse over to his son-in-law, for the summer months until she is quiet ed down. Miss Christina MoCeggan, of Lyndhurst, is visiting bere for a few dayc. K.' Brown was the guest of some Portland friends in Crosby on Sunday last. Edward Barker is home from Queen's College, where he ha been studying medicine. Dr. Young, Seeloy's Bay, gave a short call to his old home last week. of A. 8. Valleau, Deseronto, collector of customs, is taking a well-earned holiday, the first in Yen years, nnd left on Friday, for Brantiord, where then to several places in Michigan, le up at Fond-du-Lae, Wiscon- sin, He will be gone about a month. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rose Napanee, ant grandion, ° Master Reginald Wil- son, of Glenora, leave for Montreal, where they will sail for London, Eng, to visit their daugheer, Mes. Sale They will arrive in London in time for De coronation. Quad : your grocer ity Flour," manufactured - Mapht Leal Milling Co: are a HE. Harlan, and of Miss Gertrude Hell to Frank ©. Harlan. Both the girls are nirces of Misa Mary Jackson, of Newburgh. "rouse Store." A! . 1 Neilson's chocolates always fresh, at shield being of white batiste embroid the sash, tied at one side, of blue foot. MISSIONARY LADIES. The Gathering in Napanee the Week. The eighteenth annual meeting of the Bay of Quinte Branch of Woman's Missionary Society convened in Trini- ty church, Napanee, on Tuesday, May 30th. The statistical .and financial re port was given as follows Auxiliaries, 178; inecrea 3 Amnual members, 4,982; ingr ease, 267 Life members, 509; increase, 4. Total , membership, 5,491; increase, 311. Number of Circles, Circle membership, 570. Amount raisad by the Circles, $981, 60. . Number of Bands, Band ' membership, Amount raised by Total amomt raised, increase of $202.12. The officers elect are :-- President--Mrs. G. D. Platt, Picton. Ist Viewer President--Mrs. (Dr) Harri. son, Keone 2nd Vice-President--Mrs. bell, Peterboro. 3rd Vice-President milyea, Belleville, Recording Secretary-- Copeland, Deseronto. Corresponding Secretary--Mrs, Grange, Treasurer boro, Mission tary--Mrs, ford, Supt. Systematic Havelock. 4 During ol 99. increase, 64; increase, 44 2.051. Bands, $1,266.97. $16,149.62; an A. R. Camp ~Mrs. A. G._ Ver Mrs. G. NH A.W Napanee. Mrs. Jas. Peter Kendry, Jand Corresponding Secre W. H. -Ashion, Campbell Mrs. Real, Giving -------------------- "JUST KEEP SWEET AND SING" The i Don't fret, And make And trust The clo 8 Believing God 1 WH Ww S80 just 'Keep Bwes If There is In Your System or a Organ it Will be Worse at This Time of Year, and Energy Run Low in Spring Unless You Use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. It ay be the storaach, the heart, the the filtering or excretory organs, mgs il there is a weak point it is likely to show up at this titne of To bhbiod is thin and watery. It fails to supply proper mourishment. The all-esseritial nerve force is lack ng. and you fed the effects first in your wi t organ. * Your froubls may take the Torm of indigestion, you may bave neufalgia or fwinges of sciatic 'rheumatism. The cause is the same--weak blood. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will help you 'as nothing else can, because it supplies in condeused and ensily 'as similated form the. elements Y hich ard necessary for the strengthening and invigorating of the various organe of the body. Vigor organ | in the and Te their fonctions, -- i . good, and gradual A COTTON FOULARD FOR MORNING WEAR. Blue and white pinsstriped cotton foulard was used for this dainty and neat little frock for summer mornings, made of blue ribbon with a drop ornament of balls covered with blue and ribbon also. belt with shallow pleats which do nog greatly increase the width at the | missioners considered the a Weak Spat... i Faltering | py... $And Phelan ach wing hears apainn sailor The the® blue. collar," cuffs and with smart. necktie is The skirt is set into the POWER COMPANY Has Made an Offer to the Coundil. Napanee Express. * Me, Mulholland, Thursday commissioners the pany to purchase I'he price offered amount of the against. the plant, paid on the completion of a authorizing the council to sell the plant. The rates for. lighting "tp be supplied by the Seymour company, are for general lighting, ten cents per K. W. hour with a discount of twenty per cent » or any hous¢holder may have a flat rate of ten cents per room per month with an additional charge of three cents per K. W. hour, halls, collars, porches, pantries, outbuilding bath rooms not to be counted . as rooms although lighted. Cwrent for heating, running dustless cleaners, or 1 mator uzing less than twenty-five h. p. at the rate Xf three cents per K. W No charge is to be made for moter rent provided $6 worth of cur- rent is used per year. Street lamps are to cost 355 per vear and fincandes cent lamps on the streets 31 » per year Curcent for town buildin at ents per K. W. hour with 'twehity per | discount. The company agree to! keep the present power house intact | ined in condition for immediate use. | [he town is to have the right to re | ume possession of the plant at the} wl of any ten years during the life} f the congract. The electric Light-com offer at a afternoon, and | SEYMOUR Napanee of Toronto, the electric offer of the the town's is outstanding said amount on hght com plant. 840,666.51, the bonds to be by-law gave ar hour. ten | cent, meeting Fhursday they on day follows night. The housewife to whom the witchery of cleanliness makes jits strotgest appeal will never change her soap once she uses Sunlight. Sunlight Soap cannot' injwe the 'most delicate surface--nor injure any garment. Just pure soap perfectly made. . And it treats the hands kindly. Wie C. LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED, RENTS COLLECTED. FIRE INSURANCE. ; CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATR, E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARR, 'Phone 286. ! KINGSTON, ONT. a Father Morriscy's "No. 11" Cures Stomach Troubles. When your stomach is working right you never know it is there. But when it feels as heavy as lead-- when you have Heartbum, Belching of Wind, Sourness, a gnawing hunger, with distress after eating--when you feel irritable and depressed -- then Yoh may Rev. Father Morriscy know that the digestive + fluids in the stomach are not sufficient to digest what you eat, Father Morriscy's 'No. 11" Tablets supply these fluids in concentrated form. Each tablet, dissolved in the stomach, will digest, 13{ pounds of food, which is more than gn average meal, : Read what Father Morriscy's treatment did for Mr. Gosline, of Salmon Lake. He writes Nov. 30, 1908 : 'I was troubled with indigestion, so severe that I really thought I had cancer of tie stomach, I took much doctors' remedies, till I was forced to seek another resource, and this was the Rev. Father Morriscy. His treatments worked miracles, until I have been entirely cured, so that now I do not look to the quality of the diet but to the quantity." Father Morrisey Medicine Co., Ltd., Montreal; Sold and guaranteed in Kingston by Jas. 50¢. at your dealer's. £o - Quebec B. McLeod. propose to bring the the matte: town council, | | fore pavement always atgxin of it up t down Saved by Dogs. An express train carrying fwo hun dred palsengers was saved fro being | wrecked near Gate City, Washlr'zton recently by the instinct of two and the quick action of two women, Hearing the noise made by an snor mous log which had been dislodged by | dogs the dogs hastened to the spot, and seemingly realizng the impending dan i ger, set up a furious barking. Hurry. i ing the scene, - one of the whines | sneceeded by heroic efforts in fagging | the fast express with the red jacket | which she wore, ° ! Had the train heen derailed, contin. | ues the narrative in Our Dumb Ani | mals, it would undoubtedly have! plunged into the Chehalis river one hundred feet below! : WE 00 SHALL KNow, "3 sometimes think Ood's heart must act he, Listéning to all fhe sad, cries, That froin our weak. aries, Bepsuse we do not see Yankee He answers not, or answers others jse Than paems the best 10 our tear-blind. od eye This Is love's hardest task, things love's more Of fgnorar The iuvve » height, He knows "and so tHe ohries iy and compli ning fmpatient so that for our to-do hard awn sake, then bear irings t « 100 dull to judge aright at rises to his wond'ro "a yet attained: | bears eompisint the we have. not but Tin : Ranaon hat one #iad a3 we fon phat Kno Sxl rain and rolled down meross the rails i | CLARE BROS. u CO., LIMITED, ELLIOTT BROS., Hingston. be- | = crn Y ou cannot expect good work from a furnace unless it is properly installed. » You cannot buy a Furnace like you do a Stove I send it home and have the "Handy-Man" put it up-- not if you expect to get all the hest out of your coal § If you have a heating problem to solye--new building or old - send us a rough diagram of yourbuilding, showing the location "of doors and windows - €f We will prepare for You complete plans and specifica. tions for heating that building, give you an estimate of the cost of the beating system, and also the advice of our experts on every detail. § Your heating system must be planned. The registers must be properly placed. The warm and cold air ducts must be a certain diameter. The furnace must be located in just the right spot--and it must be just the right size. § We supply plans to you absolutely free and you do not need to buy a furnace to get them either, "Hecla Furnace GET THIS BOOKLET. "Comfort & Health" fteils how you can get heat without gas. Jt tells bow to get the same beat from six tons of coal as you ever got from seven, Write for it today. And at the same time isk for an information you may require regar ing the heating of your home, PRESTON, Ont. : The plan is essential, but it is also essential to have a furnace that will give you ample heat--one that will Juprly pure, fresh air without a t of gas, and, for the lady the house, heat that will be free from dust and smoke. The * Hecla® ' is such a furnace.