LAME BACK To have a Ye back or painful stitches means Disordered Kidneys, and sooner you have the Kidneys and Bladder in a perfectly healthy condition the sooner you will enjoy life, 'As far as we y there is only hie remedy that is guaranteed to cure and that is FIG PILLS. If they ons make you a strong, healthy person in two-weeks, your money will be refunded, Atall dealers, 25 cents per box, or The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. 4 T0 GAS CONSUMERS For the convenlence of Gas Consum- ers. we have arranged with OG H Hilesple, Insurance Office, 352 King Birect, next to Smith Bros. Jewellry to heve sampled of our Gas Irons on hand, and where orders may be i»ft, 'Phone 913 9 JW. OLDFIN & CO "Phone §15 -- SPIRELLA BONING. 855 boning if Appoint. Post card (EXIT Du set free brénhs_or rTusis in one year. ments to your convenience or 'phone call will bring me MARGARET DUNN Corsettiere, 105 Wellington St, Phone NTS, Departmentof Railways and Canal, Canada ONTARIO--ST, LAWRENCE CANALS. CORNWALL CANAL. FEALED. TENDERS ADDRESSED 10 the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for. Machine Shop, Cornwall' will be received at this office until Ye o'clock on Friday, June 9, 1811, form of into can be y 26, at the office & Chief Engineer of the Depart. of Hallways and Canals, Ottawa, and at the office of the Resident Eineer of the Ontario-St Lawrence Canals, Cornwall, at which places 'forms of tender muy be obtained specifications and ta be entered Plans, contract tendering will be required the fair wages schedule pre- be prepared, by the De- Labour, which schedule of the contract Parties to accept pared, or to partment of will form part requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be consid- ered untess mada strictly in accords ance with tt) printed forms, and in the case of firms, unless there are at- tached the actual signature, the hature ef the obeupation, and place of resid- ence of esac member of the firm, An Aepepied bank cheque for the sum of made payable to the order of 3 Minister of Railways and Canals, musr accompany each tender, which sum Will be forfeited If the party tendering declines entering in- to contract for the work at the rates stated in the offer submitted The ¢heque thus sent in will be re- turned to the respecilve contractors whose tenders: are not accepted, Contractors arg cheque sof the Successful tend~ arer will. be held as security or part security, for the due fulfilment of the contract to be entered into "The lowest' obany tenger not neces- sarily accepted, By The order, L. K. JONES, Secretary. - Departmet of Railways and Canals, : May 26, 1911 Nefvspapers inserting this advertise. nt" without authority from the De- partment will net be paid for it. Ottawa, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- © WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY EB IN WHO IS THE BOL¥ n of a family, or any X male over 1} years old may homestead a quarter fants of a Miable Dominion land or the Domi Boy mat oh HL in paracn 3 minfon La Sub- ds We cy for the alstrt mits be made, at any one he gonaitio gr. brother ence upon Dut --8ix me pthe and Sulth Yation ot the lan KH each of three A homasteader may liye within Bina miles of his bh ead on a farm of at Jeast 80 acres solely re] and occupied by him or oth his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister I certain. districts ey stan may p om a section Mong side Aish $3.00 per acre. I wo "0 on the homestead or Pre eniption Months in each of six from Sats ead entry (inclu Ryd ney or try by proxy k sertalh son or-sister of Intending to earn homest cultivate fifty acres extra. homesteader who has Shausss Ma homsstead right and ein on y enter ghased hom po estéad in oartaln ats + Deputy of Te Yiasieter of the ali ta artienat Vn Rot De Did for We carry INEXPENSIVE as well as high fiend pieces 3 ~of= : JEWELRY, SILVERWARE | AND 'CUT GLASS suitable for gift giving | b and we give good vi every time. : . ? ---- and | tures, THE CITY COUNCIL | DECIDES TO PURCHASE a NEW FIRE TRUCK. . 0) ee A ¢ The Old One is Unsafe--Request of Robert Moon for Compensation for Digging an Old Sewer Was Turned Down, The city council Tost. evening heard a county council deputation rezarding the abolition of market tolls, decided to buy a new truck for the fi.e "ag partonot, and passed upon a number of important reports, at 1s meeting last evening. y 4 attendance were ; Mayor Graham, and Alds, Armstrong, Jailey, Carson, Couper, Clugston, Elliott, Fair, Fraser, Givens, Hanley, Harty, Hoag, Kent, Litton, McCarthy McCann and Rosk. These communications were read :-- Leonard Felix Fuld, Ph.D, New York, offering for sale a copy of an illustrated volume on police adibrini- stratiom. Lieut.-Col. 1. Ogilvie applying for grant of 8100 for sports at Barrie field Salap. Mrs. A. Draper, asking compensa- tion A; damages on account of injury through defective sidewalk. W.-H! Compton re erection of build- ing on Frontenac street. Robert Moon for compensation for work done on drain on York atreet. Mrs. Annie Adsit asking that her soms be appointed caretakers of the fair grounds, John M : Bivmivgham and Benjamin Saunders, makibg application for the CITY OF KINGSTON i. SEALER TENDERS UNDER gistered post only, addressed undersigned, will be received by the Board of Works up till 12 J'cloek noon, Saturday, June 24th, 1911, for the construction of 15.000 square vards Macadam! 9.700 MNneal feet of Curb and specifications the office of the g office hours and r information may bé 'he lowest or any tender not egrily accepied H RE- to the of Asphaltic and Gutter nt t und w © obtained neces B i'. CRAIG City Engineer' June 6th, 1811, Canals, Canada. HUDSON BAY RAILWAY, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SEALED TENDERS to the undersigned and endorsed "Fender for Construction of Hudson Bay Hallway," will be received at this office until 16 o'clock on Tuesday, the Ist of August, for a section of about i586 miles from Pas Mission to Thicket Portage. & Plans, specitications and form of ontract tp re entered into can be seen am and af a inesd ay, 31, at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Rallways and Canals, Ottawa, and at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Hudson Bay Railway, Winnipeg, at which places forms of tenddér may be obtained, Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages schedule pre- pared or to be prepared by the Depart- ment of Labor, which. schedule will form part of the contract Contrattors are requested to bear In mind that tenders will not be consid- ered unless made strictly in accord- ance with the printed forms, and inthe case of firms, unless dthere are at- tached the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each mpmber of the firm. An accepted ban cheque for the sum of $200,000.00, made payable to the order of the Minister of Railways and Canals, must accompany each tender, which sum will be forfeited If the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the rates stated In the offer submitted The cheques thus sent in will be ve. turned to the respeé&tive contractors whose tenders are not accepted. The cheque of the successful tender- er will be held as security, or part se- curity, for the due fulfilment of the contract to be entered into. The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted, By order, ADDRESSED W L. K. JONES, Secretary. Department of Raliwaxs sha Canals, Ottawa, May 26 Newspapers Inserting this adveitise- ment without authority from the De- rtment will not it. . Faayee 123456 82 2 9188 $3328858 SEALED/ TENDERS ADDRESSED to the unders and endorsed "Tender for reakwater at re Paint, Port Arthur, Ont." will be re- ceived at this office untii 4 pm, Wed- nesday, July 5 1911, for the construc. tion of a Breakwater at Bare Point, Port Arthur, Electoral District of Thunder Bay and Rainy River, Ont Plans, speeitications and forms of contract can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Department and at the offices of KE. B. Temple, oo Distriet Port, Arius, ant. Jd. G, Sieg, District Ei- ineer, , Jontedsration Life Building. LJ. Lamb, Esq. aR Rogi London, Out; an da, Michaud, Bag. Distriet Engineer, Mer shants' Bank Building, St, James St, Montreal, Que. Persons tenflering are notified that tenders will not be considered unices ma 3 . rinted forms supplied, th their actual signa- oy her occupations and {aves of resifencn, In the case of rms, the actual signature, the nature of the ecenpation, and place of re. sidence of member of the firm must be hah, Tenders are asked for two modes o constryetion, " ih Somracter in wit . - Sie Fete a chartered dank, - a. i Sabin ih WEL rr cent. € ol higher the bids, will be forfeited it the A ter i0t a con - Saracen Seatied upon 10 d0 so, or Fai 10 comp he wie tracted for. it the te be not adeopied the "Reque wilt Ho returned. . | does not Bind Htself finenc nder. rt The Depa to accept Pine west oF any te NOTIUE TO. PAVING CONTRACTORS, | {I William Nicol, ---- position of earctaker of fair gronids. Isade Allen for cobcrete on south side Johason street, from Col- lingwood to Victoria; on the south side of Earl street, from Collingwood to Victaria, alse on the east side of Victoria street, from Johnson to the southerly emd of Victoria street. The following recommiendations of the frnaope committee were adopted/-- On the sommunicdtion of D. Camp- bell, applying for a restamant license, that the chief of police' be instructed to have a license granted to Mr. Campbell, Thut the committee be authoriz:! to well the city debentures' to be issued this vear. That a grant of one hundred dollars be made to the military camp at Barriefield for the purpose of prizes for sports. : 5 : er Gaim Refused. Considerabl iscussion was evoked on the request%8i. Robert Moon for compensation of $75 for work done by him twenty years ago in constructing a sewer 155 feet long on York stredt tg drain IAs premises. At that time Mr. Moon could not get drainage and agreed to dig the sewer if e City supplied thg tile. The agreement was made and rried out. Of course, the sewer belonged to the city. Now oth- ers are draining into &t, and Mr. Moon ¢laims he should be given some recompense for his labor. According to the city solicitor, the city is not leg- ally bound te pav Mr. Moon one cent, and the board of works rec ommended no. action on the request for $75. Alds. Ross, Litton and McCann and the mayor held that Mr. Moon was entitled tor compensation. Ald. Ross declared that he had lived ahead of his day and generation and dig a sewer from which the city now derived a revenue., Ald. McCann moved, seconded by "Ald. Ross, that the mat- ter be referred back to the hoard of works for further eonsideration: Ald. Elliott said that if the council wanted to recompense Mr, Mdon, it would have to do it in a different way If it granted his request, it would be flooded with applications from others situated likewise, Al. Hoag declared it was time the city built its sewers in a businesslike way. A change was very much desir- Ald. Baildy pointed out that Moon 'was evidently satisfied with bargain when he dag the sewer, this Ald. Ross replied that it was a caso of having to be satisfied, as' it was the only way he could have got drdinage at the time. The motion of Alds. MeCann Ross 'was lost by 7 to 6, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG (A STRAIGHT REFUSALI§ walks Mr his To New Fire Truck. The question of purchasing a fire truck settled at: last, council - deciding by to adopt the recommendation of fire committee for the purchase new truck at £1,175, : 'Ald. Givens, (chairman of the com- mittee) Ald. Hoag and Ald Carton opposed the recommendation, They thought the oM truck was plenty good enough. Alds," Fraser and Fair thought oth erwise, as also did the Irish orator of the commeil, Ald. Armstrong, who declared that the old truck was safe enough when it was in the fire hall. Ald. Hanley intimated that it was time the committee stopped its "child's play' and agreed to buy a new truck Ald. Carson held that the present truck was quite safe, without any ex penditure, while Ald. Litton declared that it was next to criminal to allow firemen to ride on it. He had examin ed it, and found it anything but safe. Then the council decid: d to buy new truck. Tr ; Ald. Elliott was asked bv Ald. ton about the abolition of gas electrie meter rates, and replied the light and powar committee the matter under consideration, wotld likely report at next meeting. A resolution was passed permitting | Edward Keefe to pay a business tax of $41.80 for the year, in lieu of pay- ing a transient trader' 8 Ser's Tioonse fee. PITH OF THE NEY NEWS. The Very Latest © Called From Al Over the World. At Ottawa Leo De Fayette, aged | two, drowned in a ditch back of his father's summer residence. It is expected the rails of the T. N.O. railway extemsion will North Porcupine on Wednesday. Lord Strathcona has contributed | new the was of a a Lit ana had & medical building at McGill University, At Stratford, Ont, the London Methodist conference passed 4 strong | resolution agwinst the Xe_temerre de cree. At Montreal, Osier Lamoureux, aged eleven, was crushed to' death imder 5 switch engine: He was chasing a ball across the tracks. The Bruce Mines and Algoma rail- way purchased by G. P. McCallum and H. Appleton. Plans are made for its extension to the Grand Trunk Pacific. At Galt, Ont., a resolution in faver of federal instead of organic wmion of the churches caused un heated discus sion in the Hamilton Methodist pon- COINS UP TO STANDARD. Test of Silver Coins } From Canadian = 1 Mint. "Ottawa, June 6. -What is technically termed the "Trial of the IY.Z., otheewise the test for weight and fine ness of the silver coins turned out at the Ottawa branch of the royal 'mint from the ith of May to 3ist. Decem- ber, 1910, was made at the mint list week by Messrs. Alfred Stansfield and who were sworn to duty by Judge MacTavish. The process. is an elaborate One. First, he, ain coins were counted, and oer Then from each package wos taken one Bin amounting to eight fifty cent pi thirty-four twen ty:five cent pieces, seventeen lem-cent pieces, and twenty five-cent pieces. These wer: Weighed to the ten-thuusandth part of 2 rain, then melted and tested for the remainder of oa he Next the: ot two each of of the fifty, twenty five five-cent pieces. and weighed tes Stam, sbuseily. and | a large majority : the | that | and | council | reach | $100,000 for the completion of the neW | od. TUESDAY, JUNE 6, TO GIVE CITY LAXD TO EXTEND NORTH STREET, W. R. Baker Says the K. and P. Railway Company Could Nos Part With This Land, as it Needs it For Shops, ete. Ww. R Kingston company, the land street to grant would Baker, generat manager of the Pembroke Railway refuses to for the extension of North the water, bDecanse such destroy the property - of the railway in that section for shops, ete. The company, he says, requires that piece of land; which it has fjled in and improved, and could not give it up. y ~ In eommenting upon the fact that the solicitor had perhaps inad- vertently included this street extension in the list of concessions to be made to the city by the ratlway coripany, Mr. Baker savs: 8 "The agreement should that the «city aceepis the concessions offered as a full' and satisfactory set- tlement of the Yisputee which have arisen with regard to the company's tenure of the lands held under license of occupation, nd undertakes that there shall be no further interference with the company in this régard." It is thus clear that the company expected that the six concessions it agreed to at the conference last week were to be final. The matter was re- ferred by the city council, last even- ing, to the finance comniittee for port. Y and eny provide THE. MAY QUEEN, Towns Which Still Held Revel In the Merry Month, People are beginning to understand that many of our ancient customs and denied to them a few years ago, when were regarded as useless. And so there has been a revival in England of the old custom of ecrowning the May Queen. One of the most famous of these May Day festivals is that which takes place at Knutsford in Cheshire. The frst blow to many of our customs of making merry occurred during the stern days of Puritanism, when most of them were suppressed, and Knuts- ford"s May celebrations suffered with the rest, - However, more tolerant days saw the revival of the Cheshire festival, and for forty years it has been cele- brated in an elaborate manner. The hguses are gaily decorated, and thou- | sands of people from Cheshire and Lancashire pour into the town to see the procession. This is timed to start at two o'clock, and forms up outside the Town. Hall. In front go jacks-in-the-green, morris. dancers, Jesters, Robin Hood and his men, monks, and other old-time char- acters, the Queen herself having the place of honor-towards the rear. She is immediately preceded by her courtiers and offi¢idls, among whom | are the royal faleconer, the beefeaters, { and the standard-bearers. Atwendants carry the crown, sceptre, and sword, while maids-of-honor surround the Queen herself. The procession makes for the heath, round which it parades once; and then the Queen is escorted to: her throne, so that she may preside over the revels that follow. These include a Maypole dance, and morris-dances, which are immensely enjoyed by the | children taking part in them. Then comes thre great evenit--the crowning of the Queen. Another place which celebrates May Day: by crowning its Queen is Flore, | near Weedon, in Northamptonshire. Flore rejoices in democratic institu- | tions, and chooses its monarch by vote. The village girls elect one of | their number on aceount of her pleas- | ing manners, good conduct, and kind- | ness to the younger children. | Among other places which usually | elect and crown & May Queen is Llandudno, where the monarch for | one day only is usually chosen from | among the best families of Llandudno, | Conway, apd the district generally, { the revels being earried out in a right royal manner. Not many years agé the Duchess of Westminster "crowned the May Queen. After a procession round the ancient town of Denbigh, the Soman made | for the old castle, within the walls of which the young Queen was enthron- ! Everyone has heard of the great do- {ings at Whitlands College, Chelsea, where the girls glect a Queen every year with great ceremony. This cus- tom: was started Ruskin, about thirty years ago, snd for some. time he made a practice of rerenting the girl who was chosen with a gold neck- chain and cross. > Twice Refused Knighthood. A remarkable man in many re. spects was Mn Passmore Edwards; who has just -died--He-was-bom of poor Cornish parents, and had what be called "a rough time" in his early days. He'came to London and com- menced writing articles fdr news papers and ' periodicals. He then ~j ttarted & magazine, renting 8 room "Min Paternostér Row at 4s. a week, where he acted as editor, publisher, and advertisement canvasser during the day amd slept on a mattress spread on the little counter at night. And this was the man who was ulti. mately offered a knighthood bwboth Queen Victoria and Kinz Edward, which was declined, and whe founded seventy public institutions, twenty- five libraries, and gave 80,000 volumes to public reading-rooms. Of the meney he scquired through journalistic and cther enterprises he once said, "It iv mime. It is 4 It is ours: 1 am only the steward having the command of a few €ove. reigns, and in going through the world 1 endeavor to ize those sovereigns to the best of my ability 0 as to Bet the maximum value out of 'them ™ was the conyietion on which Mr. Edwards founded his hilanthiropy, and, quite apart: from etal bis generosity, 'the ,world is wuch for the loss of & man who has re enti deseribed Es "ome of England's noblest she." ay grant the city] re A 1011. P AGE THRE E._ a SessssessanesTRe, 200000000000 : = First insertion le A MAD THREE things of no apparent praclical utility | festivals possessed virtues which were | id : The People's Forum | © | TTT ERAT RAT See FIFI CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES ---- secutive insertion cent a word, HELP--WANTED, a word, Each con- Mintmam charge for one fusertion 3%ec; three S8e; six, $1: one month, $2. thereafter half insertions, MAIDS, i APPLY, pita GENERAL HOS. A COOK; REFEREN( Apply, Mrs. Pense, §5 West ES REQUIRED, Street. A SMART BOY, to the Jackson I Street. APPLY, AT ONCE, ress, Wellington A KITCHEN WOMAN AND Apply, raom girl Hotel. James Smith, Box 44% DINING at once, to Hub ADDRESS, kville, Ontaric Fon Apply, in Barrie Street. work 106 2 GENERAL HOUSE- ¥ evening, to the A GENER AL iron w addell SERY. : 1g 90 Fre A % NT NO WASH. Mes. R. H Street P end SMART work; good wa Kingston Hoslery Street, BOYS; STEADY Apply to , 1ad, King . ges Co GENERAL required. Gardiner, William Street. | Anply SERVANT; corner REFERENC a to Mr R Bagot A ati LABORERS wages, boar apply Syndicate, AND $1.35 to Tons but ABRIL itins $1.50 QUARRY WME LOST, ----e *OR SALE. SAT- and AME THANE RRO un, oN ¢ { 2 Py SIDE- Pense, g office, leward HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BEEFSTAKE . BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO . EXCHANGE » 8 at all hours on Special 13tes by tests ant. , shortest notice.1 iL L IARD XY ARYL E AND CUES: ALSO a Al . Mrs. Sm EW AND SECOND.HAND GO CARTS and carriages at reasunabie prices, Turk"s. "Phone 706, the week Open day and night 23 Brock Street, ST, "ONE pe < ovnon HAND Disc Dri ply to 1. THIRTEEN condition. Ap= larénce Street. RAY, eC opposite G.T.R. station, one block from C.P.R, onsstreet bar supplied with best and liguors; charges special rates by the week. Cousineau, Prop. Johns MOTOR BOAT, 23 PT. beam: 15°'hop, ¢ LONG BY 4 Fr, . THE | Pr ------ ee WORKMEN FOR MINING, Broce day and men per steady to jay, Ont. STRONG ROY partment Thursday afternoons ness Office, FOR 10 wo forenco App MAILING Monday and at DE. rk ns iy Saturday the Busi A COMPETENT WOMAN AND YOUNG ingon sework at the of Mrs hou - mon Apply to Stret INTELLIGENT earn $100 for newspapers. Bend for Foul cate, '3.969 Lockp monthly PERSON MAY corresponding No canvassing ars, Press Synda- ort, N.Y SALESMAN WANTED FOR IMPROV. ed Automatic washing; big dem tory Immediately. Sprayer; chine for potatoes, best ma- trees, white- and; secure terri- Cavers Bros. Manufacturers, Galt, CAMB E OLD tics, carefully every Monday, Guild, 71 real, or 14 Grenyv ronto, co . Sha TWO COOKS, ONE F vegetables and pastry, for the nn, near Gan Rev Ang. Ontarlo. Drummond Stre anoque Ullmann, DOMES- arriving now, The ont- To-~ UNTRY wlected, Apply fille Street, OR MEATS AND! and | read Islands Address Gananoque and § in the eveni bod oh S86 salary expect Howard , Chaffey's Syracuse CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by go working men; manent position; ing for small salary behind to-d counter, write double your wages a boss. Apply, Box "E. B. Office. Batary; per- if you are work- the you can din Whig ay; and be WANTED---GENERAL. USTOMERS TO L for ice at Myers 'phone 881. John EAVE ORDERS Ment Market, or Gleeson need | Exploration i {me | Ne. and] -------------------------------------- FRONT GRIMASON HOTEL, 342-344|% Bar stocked with Beers, Wines and choicest Brands of . Meals, 20¢ each, or 'special by the week. Yard and accommodation. Rates reasonable. Mulville & Driscoll, TO LET, FURNISHED, Wellington St BEDROOM Apply to 171 1-2 Dw. ELUINGS, J. 8 SUMMER OFFICES, McCann, STORES, 61 Brock Street. SUMMER COTTAGES AND FURNISH. ed Dwellings 8, 'R. McCann, 51 Brock Street COTTAGES ON THE ST, ang Lake Untario, Me k,. t King street Lawrence Cann, Bre FURNISHED HOUSE, r WELVE r 8. €VOry ny ' . v r a 'plier ner months iy. No eit PRIN K ns bDoUnL E VERY i EVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, 238 Division Street; good cellar: atl modern lmprovements, bara and big lo Apply on Prien E 3 "CHOICE LOTS. IN' THE town of Alberta a..aud pr y Aj I, 14 Murket Street NEW For te J. Be ARE {ards » RANE ST. « and month; HOUSE, t for "per $1, $00. D S---------- YOU WANT A GOOD STORE OR PBaleony, Awning Parch © turtain, Ww BEEFY ors ry ler for y motor boat, y ta Capt. Juseph Dix, 2 WONDERLAND, THE Bet. bri ure CHEAT, rgest and ise in wr} ae, in ARM LOT CONCESSION Test 49 acy 1645 STR as « FOR FIL NNT n JEAN, rooms absolutely moth own lock and Key Storage, 299 Queen Ht STORAGE dry, alry procs; your Prost's City 'Phone §2¢6b Re -- = BRICK HOUSE, No, Breet; extension heating, gas Weleh, No FROM MAY ist, 3 Division che n: hot waler Apply to Frederick 179 Division Street ak TENTS FLAGS, camg AND your order for at PX, Bazecau's who Knows . his cater to your wants right and no high pri Ontario Street, Kingston wwnlr the AWNINGS, TEATS, CANOES, "Phone ¥81 WHM.. NEWLANDS & SON,. | { { A DE SIR nL © art ements Apply, BRICK with al fmmediate apt Ww | THAT VERY dwelling, 12 modern ation ARCHITEOS, HENRY P. SMITH, 268 King Btreet ARCHITECT, ETO, 'Phone 345 ELLIS,. ARCH/TEOT,. 181 Avenue. - Telephone ARTHUR University 1013. ARCHI- tects, ete Office, 268 Bagot Btreet 'Phony 608. « POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS MER- chants' Bank Bullding, corner Brock and Welllugton Bireets LEGAL. i CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST. A MOTOR HOUSE AND SMALL PIECE oy id tuated an ¥ h le BOAT, 2 YITARS OLD; t b fer : P . CONSIDE n ABLE i OWN ACREAGE N of ya fie, is WwW. H, CLR vered FABULING AT THE YAO ers and Solicitors. Law Office, 79 Clarence St, Kingston. FOR SALE OR TO LET, DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 280 1-2 Princess Street, Kingston Foote 346 8. H. SIMPSON, LDS, D.DS, DENT- Fo 258 Princess Bireet., Telephone DR. C. H. C. NASH, DENTIST Princess Bt DR. OC, Weicker, assistant, 183 'Phone 736 DR. A. B. KNAPP, DENTIST, 19 MONT. real Street, near Princess Btreet. 'Phone 652 UPHOLSTERER, TWO LARGE FUR furnished rooms tion; with board July 15th McCay A MARRIED ««¢ indefinite board Apply one or two Whig effice, " roc NISHED OR UN- th, period, central loca preferred, fro 51 Brock St in WUPLE, FOR rooms tating rates sms, to Box SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. . class work: scription; Tirst leather only used; uffice. in ng onus we Dorrie Street, best one trie! will 'your repairs to cor. of NTLEMEN TO Cloth and have it Jo date suits. Price and workman- guaranteed to ple repairing dbne on the shortesc and notice. Thomas Brock St, uext Bibby's Livery: BRING THEIR made up Into up- e, Pressing Galloway, ANY PERSSON HAVING GOOD SE. cond-hand Furniture and Stoves) before disposing 1 wii pay good sale Brass and Though able. Street. t Ranges. ron Beds and kinds of Furniture in Oak Happy J. Thompson, 333 Princess drop me I have for 'Will sell reason- all} + Js GAVIN UPHOLSTERING, RE- THE FOR INSTR ANC GENERAL BUSINESS PRE years occupied by Henry Skinner & Wholesales Druggists, extending frou cess Hires! to Queen Btreet frontage on both, and ihcludin tensive bu. Wings Apply to ningham & Mudle ¥ EXTENSIVE mises for many Clune FINANCE AND INSURANCE, "INSURES GO to W on nurance Emy Bank, H rium ver drock Street, INSURANC B-=FIRE, LIFE, Accident and Henith Pollcies ssa = first-class companies; standard rates J Boon, Agent, 108 Wellington Street pairing an ress renovatin, eall 216 Bagot OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY, carpet work, hair mat. Drop & card or treet * FRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALI! CLASS. C. 8B. Kirkpatrick, Agent, 42 Clarence Btreet, Kingston. 'Phone . * # BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. # FRONTENAC A. BATEMAN, nd INEuran Indemnity CUSTOMS BROKER Fire, Life, Aocider LOAN AND INVEST. ment oly: established 1583; president, Bir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and count He ures ;> mortgages purchase deposits received and Interest . lowed 8B C MeGll, Managing Director, ~ © Clarence Street. Boel The Dally British Whig, The Weekly British Whig, Of Kingston, Ont, Price and [roulation consider od, thers 0 better advertis« ing medtor An Canada. IVERPFODL, LONDON, AND GLOBW Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets, $61,187 215 Aire + ig the poli y the un mited gy stockholders." Farm: and Hy property insured at lowe.t possibie rates. Before renewing old or giving new business ge! rates from- Stange & Strange, Ageuis 'Phone 325. holflers have for Habliity of OSTEOPATHY, SITUATION WANTED, A WOMAN. wellLD cooking of kitchen work in piivate family; charges § piy-41 the Whig FURNITURE FINISHER. LIKE TO GET Se ver day. Ap. office. ebonizing an and all colors of _ work 55 best ne 23 John BUSINESS CHANCES. EA and giidin mi SPECIALTY, attenty for bac Street. ANY! TONE, A BEETLE SYWHERE, order business at Kiet. Tells #89 Lockport, NY CAN START at dome. No har ewn HAIR,. Wal MOLES, . JTRTHHARKS, permanently mer Eye, roat and 'skin Bi *Blem: toh 'Specialist 15% Bagot © TH WITHOUT DRIGA i. G6, Asticroft, DO. Edna ¥. Asherofy, DO, Graduates under Dr Stfll e Founder of Orteapat hy, 43% rincess Slreet, corr Division - "Phone 447. Xo hare for con sultation and Utérature. Oftice 10to 12, 20 bh. 610 § We have stocked several carloads of choice dry Cedar. A load of this at 9% is a good purchase. . --- IFT & CO.