+ SVHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. ,Glendower Notes. Glendower, June 6.--~There ix ala arge of men working in Richar Fur mines at' Glendower. tooks bave come to the _house,viz., Mr. and Mrs, Kelley. "Kiley continues very ill. All the jes are running now. Mr. and flen Snider and son, William, ts. Lasher Cronk and two dau; wisited at Sanford Leeman's or Pith of May. Reports Fram Plevna. Plevna, June 5.--~The farmers of this wicinity are much pleased with pro #pects of good crops. Ti pe ple here vere much surprised lo%learn of the marriage of Randall oem and Miss Gena Paul, both of thik place, whe were quietly wedded on (Monday last Mrs. A. W. Wood and datighter, Kath Jeen) of . this place, awd Miss Delina Thompson, of Slate Falls, started, this morning, for British where they expect to remain for time. Mrs. Wood will be great) ed by her many friends of phe is an old resident of this place -- Tichborne Tidings. Tichborne, jnfant child of FE, Dermott was to rest in Parham cemetery, on nesday last. Rev. Mr. Acton preachad an excellent sermon to a regation on Sunday evening LOL. Saturday night. Miss Grace of Belleville is visiting her sister, Columbia, ies Plevna, as taid large! con- The | Dermott, Mrs, will cross here. The station has re June 6.--The body of the] ve « gin, for W: this part m i nie oe I w i Joffrey at A. ut an M William Velev, Jr, at S, Mrs, M Mebean; Mi He A i, Eo e of Wax) 1 1 held a meeting in the hall, on Campbell, of Flinton, was on Kellar, Hempton. The surveyors are busy he ire | ing nu few day locating a new line of railway, which at Northbrook, Rr ceived a busy ai Dermott $a he aye last Fodey disposed of his team of ansdowne, + gone Wa von ths as largely THE DAILY new coat of paint. C upid is fw Myris | Station to a similar posi- umbe of» wed-1 tions: Mr. Snyder; of Central Ontari month, J. Junction, fills the vacancy. a few days. Fleming and grandson, Claude Ander son, are spending a couple of with friends at Peterboro and Wark Mrs. John worth, Heury Lewis, C.P.R. section Metis. 'of foreman, here, spent Sunday with "Sr friends in Maberiy. A npumber of young people intend taking in the box social at Northbrook on Friday night. Misses Adda Preslar and Gertie Ren- dell were over Sunday guests of Miss Lillian Fleming. Carman Thompson his secured a ition with section Foreman Dowdall, of Hungerford, and intends moving his family there in the near future. srrangi ngs to sine for Outlet News. Hr. and daughter, spent Sunday. with ents, on Cromer's Island. of Sand Bay Charles conlinnes a few Wirhael the vicinity suffering from measles. 5 of Daleemaine, Jeremiah Fodey week in Brockville, wry ill spent ite last week to W, £350. Mr. sters, of Purgess, Cheeney, and Mrs. John visited - through of the county last week, Fr- : in Griffin and mister, Flossie, of St. George's Lake, June 6.--There spent Supday at their [was no service, om Sunday, as Rev. Woodvale. A. Stewart was attending the Meth- : odist conference at Montreal. Welling- ton Druce has returned from the Kingston general hospital, much im- proved in bealth. H. Bretnell, cheese mspector, visited the factory and re ports first-class work being done. J. Scott has had the misforiime to lose two valuable horses. F. Tryon and S Asselstine have secured positions at L. lenn's, Long Lake. Mrs, J. Tryon en- tertatned a number of the young peo Wagar's; Marcus Switzer | ple recently. Miss Jessie Leslie spent S. Vanderwater's; °D, Goodberry | Sunday at Mountain Grove. Visitors 4 I Miss Elsie nt C, Cox's; Mr. - and | R. Wright, at J. Tryon's; Mr. and re. George Veley at J. Mes. C. Gowdy, at J. Seott's: Ross Mefinnis, Oconto; at. GG. McKiver's James Findlay, of "Watertown, N.Y has been renewing atquuiniances here Mists Emma Asselstine has returmed Maberly. At St. George's Lake. mnie. at Feho Lake Echoes. Echo Laks William Hicks, returned from his visit to Picton other points. Xllen Wagar the milk draw from Miss Lena rarville to spend a I'he picnie on Fourth Lake ttended, Visitors: Wil am Velev at J. Switzer's; Miss Pearl , June 6.- has place has few this woldston. (ox Switzer's Switzer's Williaa Hicks at Allen "Wagar's: ¢ M. Wagar at Wagarville and May Ely at Mr. Veley's ind Mrs. Charles Cox at Mies Sarah Babeock at Misses 8. Wagar and NS, Mra. J. Babeock visiting at her R. McCullough's, At Kaladar Station. S « Staton, Hrock; Mr. Wagar's Mel eod's X, at J. Rattan's \ wm, is r's,, Mrs from At Carrying Place. Carrying Place, June 5.-T. Lewis and Miss Ada Harvey, of Hillier, were quietly married gt St. ubin's rectory, on May 24th, by Rev. J. del'. Wright Bishop Sweeny, of Foronto, Rev. Mr Creswick, of Brighton, and S. Nesbitt, M.P., were the guests of Rev. J. and Mrs. Wright, this week. They motored spend. | from Brighton m Mr. Neshntt's and | Charles Young, assistant manager of Stinson, ~ C.P, J the Montreal Trust and Loan been tr snaferred pany. spent the weski-end with his par ents here The Seymour laght and daugh Reeve to-day Etta June, 6. here Kellar and Miss of Sharp's Corners, are with friends here Cyril has Kaladar 1 business, ( auto com uperatur here, MCR XENNEDDE BISHOP OF PHILADEL agent last week, hghts amd power, Taylor is putting up a large barn, which will be one of 'the best in this part of the country. B. Pryant is having a six horsepower engine installed in his new launch Rev. J. deP. Wright, chaplain of lodge No. 50, AF. & AM, of Consecon, at tended the instruction in Wellington, om Tuesday last, which was presided over by fudge McWatt, of Sarnia. Hé remained for the ban aquet in the which was® at tended by some Masons mn this district. A large number attended the meeting of the guild in St. John's hall, on Wednesduy, last. All were de lighted to have the president with them sgwin. Mrs W. 4. May and Mrs R. T. Porter presided at the refresh- ment tables. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 14th, when Mrs H. W. Haves and Mrs, R. Chase will preside, Power company's passed through this taking orders for ol eteelii George village ric school of evening, 200 Storrington Township Council. The Storrington, suncil met at 1.30 p.m. with members all resent, Min- utes of priwious meetitly were adopt ol. On motion Ritchie-Kells, resolved that W. E. Hanley examine the cul- vert near James Boal's and repair if necessary. On motion Ritchie-Hanley, resolved that Thos. Albott and Frank Lake perform their statute labor on road div. No. 35. On motion, Ritchie Hanley, resolved that whereas it is necessary to expapd 3500 on certain specified roads, of which the govern ment agrees to pay half, by-law No. 432 be given its third reading and PHIA. Phin or Cork tips. Sc. Per bo. Mrs. A. weeks | to $1.50: western, $2 to $1.00; BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, THIS YEAR'S BATHING The swimming jersey is all the well as trig and attractive is the clinging The jersey is worn over a skirt of x manner and beneath the skirt ave ky the knee. This suit has a skirt of bl WE SUIT MAS A KNITTED TOP. fad now and very comfortable as yet roomy Knitted garment. atin or mohair made in the ordinary sitted bathing tights which come to ue mohair trimmed with Persian printed silk in shades of red and blue, and there is a Persian silk sailor collar with knotted tie, which turns Hanley-Balls, re unuel Jamieson eo mentioned gr o ea and Seeley's Bay road $159 on Round Lake roa BB. Smith, $100 on C, Smith's | hill and road div. 20 On motion, | Ritchie- Hanley retolved that Hamil] Green, Wm Ennis Stonness perform © statute liv. 6%, Mr. Green to be pathmaster. ! (On motion, Jalls-Hanley, resolved that Wm. Sutherland und Chas. Cluk | be allowed to build a dock at foot of Water passed. On motion, sad that S $200 of the al ton labor « street, also that Alex. building and keeping a pound. Lucy, $16, services and $1] for postage and stationery ; George Ritchie $8, rebulhding two culverts on div. 41; J. T. Hunter, $1 shovelling snow on Perth Road; Anderson Knapp 85, shovelling on Datiersea and Sun- bury road. On motion, Hanley-Kélle, resolved that A. Ritchie examine cul- vert at Miles Wart's corner and repair if necessary; also that the hill of CO. 0). Drader for building a cement walk in Inverary be paid, amount being 86:09, and that a 50 for continuance of 'same be given. Un tion, Ritchie-Kglls, resolved that John Jalls and John examine the culverts on the Mills road and near Sheldon Perry's respectiv ed to the 10th of June" On Ritchie-Hanley, that Kells examine the culvert on burn Road and repair if 80 that the collector's time be extend: { Smythe be paid $6 for | Robt. | AS ASSeSEOr grant of mo I'a y Ic ar Brewer's motion, Benj. | Wash- necessary: al resolved and Robert | ¥ on the Battersea, Creek; |? back over the top of the blue jersey | tle , ing 15¢: to 20e. Righer le cher's cattle sell demand fe " lower scarce a good Fat watered are sheep mr Receipts, T6 cars; « eanttle 97 calves, Following are the attle, 70 to £5 60 to $6.06: | $6.05: butchers cattle, butchers cows, $4.50 i , $75 to &.19; milker prin 825 to $75 canners, 82 2.50 calves, $5.50 to 6.7 spring lambs, 9¢. to 10e F300 to 34.50 vearling to 63e:; lambs, Tie; American sheep, Go culls, * 3c. to 3je.; hogs, fob hogs, fed and $6.60 onsisting 401 "hogs, early $6.15 beat big $5.99 wo tod 85; itehers quotations ewes, lambs, Ge and £6.10: watered, THE RAVING CITIZEN. Dedicated to the Streets of Kingston Night of Jane 5th, 1911, 1 stumbled dom to streteld od ed eo the 10th of June. On motion, Ritchie-Kells, resolved that 810 be paid. Donald Mclntyre; K.C,, for ad vice regarding the Storrington Road purch also that $25 he granted to div hs, Mr i motion, that village of for ro eoment 8 adjourned to meet ng day in August. Ritchie to overs Ralls-Kells ves Iatlorsen receive $3 le-walks, ( ain on first onunecil Mon STOCK MARKETS. Paid Centres. June 5.5 At the West stock yards thi of cattle caused to from 3k market buyers LIVE The Prices the Various Montrea Montread the small Fad mory run advance of , to-day. The s, even with tim few and stock sold early asked. No . evidence. The recapls 14600 cattle, 300 970 calves. Today's receipts wer cattle, 100 sheep. 1,600 hogs, and 20 calves Steers, top of the lomds, at $6.50. Bids »f 36.40 were made for tops of two other loads, which refused. Chotee, 36.25 (0 $6.40; 26 to 36.20; medium, $5.75 to A few common yearlings about average. There were no poor or mon steers offered. Bulls, 80 to $1.60 One lot of good ones sold at $4.0 Cow, best, £5.25 to $5.75; medium, % to $5.95; common, $1.50 to 24.75. Small meats were about steady at Inst Wednesday's prices, and sold as follows: Old sheep, $1 to $1.50 year: ing Jambe, 84 to $6 each; spring lambs $450 to 86. Hogs were very active and nearly all sold early, the select lots bringing only $6.75; medium, $6.40 to $6.50; rough and sows averaged 86.25 ewt. off cars. to an ent even at cattle last week 8 99% h prices OUT were sheep, few com- Chicago Cattle, Chisago, June B.--~Cattle--Receipts estimated at 19.000; market slow and steady. Béeves, $5.15 40 $6.10; Texas steers, $4.50 to $5.50; western steers, $1.75 to $5.50: stockers and feeders, 8385 to 85.65, cows and heifers, $2.40. calom, $5.25 to $7.75. Hogs Receipts estimated " 15,000 ; matheg stronfl, Se. higher. Li the, £5.00 to $36.15; , £5.75 to 96.10; heavy, 85.60 10 86.05; rough, £5.60 to $5.80 good to choice heavy, $5.80 Yo $6.05: Pigs, $5.55 to $6.05;. bulk of sales, $55.95 30 $6.05. Shesp--Reosipts estimated at 30,000. market stesdy- to strong. Native, $3 vear- linge, $1.35 to 35.35; lambs, native, $1.25 1c 36.95; western, $5.30 10 $7.20, 5 Teronte wate Cutie, Torpuiog Juss Be Light TuleliE cat safel King ore Crude Ma ; os t the : Hut Lives of Sorint Rethra. rg ration not a eent to. pre born chldrey aiymment of federal sos pro rovernmenits by the Ontario seociation. The that the government y hors of 85 for taise to the age cerade, but the meg ht make a grant puriher of doldren born annually to be rocndified native Cnciat 2 coupled stiouhd } " suggestion with it, pay child mothers they is rather tg vroments well {bn wed one the | in each mumicipality fevioted to the support of un 1 inilk scheme, or some sitiilar chitd life, After smart a discovering ean't forge air once man Restores color to Gray of Faded hair--Removes Dan* druff and invigorates the Scalp --Promotes a 'luxuriant, healthy hair growth--Stops its falling out. Isnot a dye. EE A ei or Lhe 4 receipt of price o hs Newark, N.J USA. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES' JAS.B. McLEOD AGENT at Cat Prices | Send for Cat Price Jeu on, delivered te all export | } American | ; bucks | [paces was and to [re rr | a i yaeeen on Deptotment of Railways and Canals, Canada FONTARIO-ST, LAWRENCE CANALS, CORNWALL CANAL. SEALED. TENDER Xs ADDRESSED t and endorsed ' en Pp, Cornwall {will be received at this office until 18 {o'clock on Friday, fume 8, 1811 Plans entra speeifications, be ente and form of into can be 26. at the office ff the Chie ingineer of the Depart ment ways and Canals, Ottawa BIGYOLES: SICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE MUNSON 249 Yenge St, tes, Inakes Dew | Veins, € jure gre. | | ous Debility, | ponds REY matorr haa, and Effects Price J1 perbos fir y Ir all . on ree. The | ormerty Windsor) TINSMITHING and PLUMBING All kinds of Finunithing and Plamb ing on shortest notice, Nieves taken down roon.g A specialty of Sars, One will please six | or mailed ia | and stored good dry We Heating Good American Coal Oi) at He. per i parts of the W. C. BENNETT Phone HE 373 King SL Agents lor ow Sanvenir Stoves and} Etlove make a Hot Try PICKERIN G'S FOR MEAT AND GROCERIES We stock the | Prices Right, Prompt Delivery. west, C. H. Pickering |. 190 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 530 MUS. MARY GREGOVICH. Of Phitipshnrgh, Montana, Tells How She Was Cured of Dandruff. Mary Gregovich, of Phillips Montana, under date of Nov "I had typhoid fever consequently INDY, wriles this was losing heal in Newbro's summer, ny vir tercibly, and ww perfectly bald just con and the wor » had yinto use " in doctor strongly After 3 or" 4 appiieations hair stooped falling coming in 1 to be troubled with ' of whieh | am « * Kill the Her rpicide leading druggists Soqud Hi sample tn The Herpicide Miel £1 hoitles guar Meleod, special vil ie quite greath now wndruff germ old by n stamps for ('n., Detroit, rnteed lames 1 went, King Oat ston, POOL 000000000000000000 | 3 BAD WATER ' AGAIN WHY NOT BE SAFE'DRINK THOMPSON'S Colehrnfed Dubily and Belfast GINGER ALE, Thompson Bottling Co. 22 PRINCESS SRE ©Y ne +60000060060000000400¢ Crown Gypsuii Hair Plaster will make walls practically saves labor and your inde structible, WALSH Barrack Btreet at ail seasons ends with delicious, bealth-and-pleasuregiving ICE CREAM flit's to be got! Always on hand here--the finest, most delightully fla vored dessert of all. . Best by government test. 'S lee Cream Parlor i to Dpers Home, "Phone G10, and at office of the. Resident En- gineer the (mtario-Nt Lawrence Canals Cornwall at which places forghs of tender may be obtained will be required fair wages schedule pres be prepared. by the De Lavour Wher moe part of the niract Parties tendering to accept the pared, or to partment of will form bear. in consid aceord- are requested to nders will not be made strictly in the print torms, and in jes there are al- ture, the ature ve of resid- * firm bank cheque for the made pavable te the Minister pf Rallways and r accompany each tender sum ii be forfeited if the tendering declines entering in contract for the work at the rates in the offer submitted : iw vhic h cheque thus sent in will be re to the respective contMctors fy ter ders are not accepted successful tend Security or due fulfilment entered into 2a e ( an que of the be held as part sect rity, for the jof thie contract to be lowest or any tender not neces accepted order, LK JONES Secretary Departmet of Radiways and Canals Ottawa, May- 26, 1811 inserting this advertise authority from the De- net-be pald for Re wapAD ers t without pa tment will -- ---------------------- "+> "ifn SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Hreakwnter at Paint, Port, Arthur. Unt will cxived at this office until 4 pm nesday, July 5, 1811, for the construc. tton. of a Breakwater at Bare Point Port Arthur Electoral District of | Thinder Bay and Rainy River, Ont and forms of Car and forms f obtained this Department and at the offices of K Temple, Esq District Engineer, Arthui ont J Sing 1] Instrict En gineer Confederation Life Bullding H. J. Lami Beg. Engitieer London Ont. Michaud, Esq. District Eng! chants' Bank Bullding, Montreal, Que specifications be * ode r James are notified that considered unless forms supplied actual Hignua cupations and tendering not be printed Persons tenders wiil made on the and sigped with thelr tures, statitg their places of esidence In tb cape of | firms. the actual Signature the hature the vpetio ind place of re sidence of each member of the flv must be given Tondekg ¢ struct) two modes of contracts must sen tender an a cepted thartered bank payable t i © the oT nowt able the Minister of Togs Works equal to {en per cent. (10 pe) of the amount of the higher of the bids 1} cheq! will be forfeited If the or hen ca or fi pletd the 1¢ ay bie y aveopted the wi he returnes bind (taerf tender The Department doses not ept he Towest or any 'HERS Secretory DESROY Works 1511 te paid for this insert ft with 'ut Departine nt SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE aead of a family or any male over 18 years oid may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta Fhe applicant must appear 'in person at he Dominion Lands Agency or Bub. Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may. made at any agency. on certain conditions, Wy th mother, son, inughter, brother or ater > inténding homesteader Duties --8ix months' residence upon and cultivation of the land In each of hree years A -homesteader may live within nine mites of his homestead on a farm of at feast 0 acres solely owned and oceupled by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister In certain districts a homesteader in good standing aay pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price, Duttes--Must reside u tion mix rom date the time patent) $309 par acre wm the homestead or pre-om nunths In each of six years | of homestead entry (intludin required to earn homesten and cultivate Fifly acres extra A fRoniesieader who his exhausted als homestead right and cannot obtain 8 pre-empil a may enter for & pure | chased homestead in certain districts Peace. $3.00 per acre Dutfes-- M st reside six months in each of thr years, cultivate fifty seres and er a house worth 0.00. Deput of ih init Fo the + t n id . Jipietes -- Unauthorized pubijcation of wii hart will mot paid for. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE tdacation t | Cost" begins. Angst astatin iw ok mo wae. Bled Out one dorics oo a short secured positions with largest ratinny or. or Seite for 3 norm: Fry canada. BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 101 aver - - fia Toun, ln Capital punishment ought to be nt fnctony wo Ingivtndive grafters, i I