KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THU RSDAY, JUNE s. 1911 ex -- KEPT SILENCE Co Did Little Taking Fo Twenty Ys Years. r E ON 134 LAST EDIT] THEM -- | YEAR 78 -NO. : : SCHOOL GIRL INJURED. i CAN ENDORSE Runaway Horse Caused Fracture of i Skull i { Port Hope, Ont, June 8 "While Mr. | Ne Ten {and Mrs. Smart were driving the reise Wn Marriages. Calg The ducal home is | now in course of constrapction upon al | suddenly bolted tnd knocked down | | nitie-vearold Blanche Nixon, daughter | be recently wed from the + Can-| iro WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronte, Ont, June § 18 am. --Ot- tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence Light ton moderate winds, fair and warmer ~day and Friday TYLISH "MIGH PRIEST ELOPE, s+ DUKE OF SU UTHERLAND Making a Summer Home in West- | ern Canada. Montreal, June 8, ~The est land 'owner in the world, of Sutherland, will, i Coronation of King George, come to Cunade and take up resaeh for the | at Drooks, a shoyt distance | Traced to * Montreal---They for Burope. Angele #, PUZZLES The London Press Camo Understand second rich- the Duke | iter the | Los, Suppl -- Prof." A oracle and high priest | of {he Beogno Success Club, "and Mrs. | Irene Weitzel, his ing nnd beavtifal | private seerstary, whe was the bride ago, of Frederi k Ww. have eloped, and the then { of followers of the on country and Candida, ed to vealize thst the Hes wn, hopelessly duped, Segno Toft here | weeks ago with the ab Liset of establishing a Canadian branch | CAN- {ol the Success (Tub at be time his supposed to s in Chicago. 1t has been learned that tually dil go to "Toronto, cretary accompanied him. Bat | did not remain in Torouto | days, going disect to Mor treal, Sir Wilfrid Laurier | they sailed for Furope, Jegtivit hour. | Vis tor rN, vol A or {ten months [ne izel, sande jo shi sumer east POSITION OF LAURIER = 1t wall now | lof Lou Nixon, Ward street, as she ave | adian Pacific railway, near the town was returning from school. The little gicl's skull was fractured and she is { amconacio: is. There $s but little hope of Brooks » duke will establish at) this point résdy-made colony after the plan of CER, dor a large F her recovering. nuinber of Seoteh settlers whom he 18] bringing to wla, Arrangements | have been -made build a number of | | June 15th, 1905, will reap little bene houses oun thes -- this summer. . (dwige Leet, of Montreal, Says the! fit from the $116,000 damages award - Decree Cannot be Recognized in od the owners of the Etrurla. Judge HANDSOME FABRICS Law--The Courts Will Not Up-|Swan, in the United States district FOR hold It : court, decided 'that the Yen insurance . | companies which joined the Hawgood Montreal, Juge' S.--Judge Leet. who | Transportation company, Owners i SUMMER SUITINGS considers 'that bis opinion with | the Etruria, in the suit against the gard to the Hebert marriage case and | Stone are to receive their full per | the "ne temere" decree has been centage of the loss before the other quoted in such a way as to create un six, which did not participate in the { misunderstanding, hay issued a letter | suit because they also canled insur- {to the press in explanation of his ance on the Stone, are permifted to | position. He upholds the ruling of in the award, | the court as regards the legal in- 5 validity of the marriage of tWo| 324eetPPRrE PPLE EPPPPIPRSY {Catholics by a Protestant. minister, § but contends that this ruling. has no ¢ WILL CHIN A FIGHT Rv SSIA? 2 | application to mixed marriages. The ¢ courts, ha says, cannot 'endorse the | "ne temere" contention with regard «ito the marriage of a Catholid ton {| Protestant. After discussing the leghl history he concludes : { "Until the 'ne temere' decree there {was never any question in this coun-| {try "as. to the validity of the marriage {of a Catholic with a Protestant by a | Protestant minister, and I do not {think there is any danger of the courts | upholding the pretension of the decree. { The decree will only cause heartburn Six Companies Lose. | Detroit, Mich., June B.--Six | ance companies, among the MARRIAGE oF AWO ROMAN which paid a $205,000 loss on the {steamer Etruria, sunk in collison CATHOLICS. | with the Amasa Stone in Lake Huron five ostensible inspr- sixteen MAN TELLS OF HOUSEHOLD, Seono A the what CLEVELAND MUTE Toron ary a AS TO INDEPENDENCE ADA OF At nm Anne a } be ref wad i ito | loft ivin dik ---- S -- j visit frien War-----Means Negation | They Say=--lmperial | Approaches Crux Segno. a and | Robert H. Williams Also Accom- panicd His Wife: Balls and Card Parties--Spoke Once in Two Weeks. Cleveland, ( f gethed for tw attending theatres, In Ymperial of Empire, Conferance Situation, his | they: | to of { many | whenre | Paving to years, frequently enshre parties amd balls on an average only once every {two weeks during the eniire time, is {the story of Robe H. Williams, # bwholessale grocer and gank director, of {the relations that "existed between { himself and his wife, Mrs. Williams is 4 | Fuing for divoree. | When Williams left 4 | home on Junuary 9th, 1910, to live at the Hotel Talgarth, he * packed his {clothes in the same trunk he says his o | wife purchased oun the same day twen- & | tv years before, when she intended to oe leave him, @! Williams gloutly denies that he has # intentions of taking his two children, # George, seventeen vears old, and Will #!am B., fourteen years old, away from { Mrs. Williams, who was given fem | por: ary custody of them by the courts same time pemiling the outeome of the suit. The eldest is working in his father's office and living at home June ® venty London, June S pi is taking small part 'in the which the feature of General Botha also is most « accepting invitations on the health. Hon, Andrew Fisher, eph Ward and Sir Edward Morris, are | consequently in front of the | ies Ir----------c---- re- 1 the } are. Cottor Repps, Pongees, Widewales and Egyptian Cloth. Sp HEFL EIIIIE | MAY REPLACE NF GROES. of we of | Jos BOT Sr Savannah, Ga., June 8 An attempt is to be made to teach monkeys to pick cot ton. If the experiment sue- ceeds a colony of monkeys will he imported and put to 'work The idea was sug- gested by the antigg of a pet chimpanzee. After watching the negroes at work, the little animal began of his own accord piek the cot- ton with ablmost incredible 'rapidity Any woman who travels will ap- precigte the worth of these splendid fabrics. They are snappy, stylish serviceable and modestly priced. White Marquisettes A cotton fabric that has won much favor this season. We offer it in two great qualities. 44 inches wide 50¢ and 60¢. Li | S iti g We are proud of our showing of Flue fabrics at tempting prices A Linen Suit Is a necessity to a summer wardrobe and these linens of fer a splendid op- portunity to secure a stylish costume at little cost, stage | share PETE + a his wife and his Victoria, B.C A Siberian brought by Ter says that ént between Russia, and organizing June 8. newspaper Japanese steam- war is immin- China- and tit China is two armies to a { v ssessssssss lence isn Editi died Baht ih dh th COURAGE WAS. FATAL HEROINE OF WRECKS FROM OVERSTRAIN, Medals~--Domiuion | Also Her a great ago, Coun ts are! TO BE PASTOR OF PRINCESS DIES STREET CHURCH. Hs wishes raising eted omp when Atel sun ni Buch CLIMBED THE STAIRS. 7 Had Several Government Silver Service. B.C the Woman Ends Her Life as Her Child. ren Sleep. Albany, N.Y., June 8.--While three little children slept, Enselin, fifty-two She Takes Exception. New. York, June 8.-Mrs, Stetson deposed leader of the First Church of her | Christ, Scientist, has made start Mrs. . Bessie | ling reply to the refent announcement years old, climbed! that a fund had been started for a the stairé to the attie of her home in [memorial to Mrs. Mary Baker G. Lelaware avenue, yesterday and hung- | Eddy in the shape of magnificent ed herself to a rafter. Some time later {monument over her grave, Mrs. Stet her 'ten-year-old son Fred missed his son declares that the directors of the mother and after a search found = ber | mother church, Boston, in erecting a body. y- monument to Mrs. Eddy, would pro The womai's fess their faith in death----which was years ago directly contrary to all her teach ings, Mrs. Stetson says Chrigtian Scientist himself immortal--that there is po such thing ag death: She quotes Mrs Eddy's writings along these lines. Gave Roe us Whig x, Bpecial to the Montreal, June at 1:30 o'elock i The finul changes in the | Montreal, south district thet, W. (. Henderson. | Matilda district-- Winchester, i sproule; Fineh, W.-T. Krough, I Drockville district Westport, Hagar; Algonquin, A. +J. Belton. Kingston ~ district-- Kingston, ess street, F. G. Robinson; J. Philp; Verona, i Victoria, Paterson, Jone S5.~Mrs. Minne heroine of two frightiul wrecks on the North Pacific const, d ad at her home at Alberni stitution could not withstand in of her exertions Cy Dreethber Sth, 1906, Mrs. Patei wom, who with her hushand kept the | Fuht gt Cape Beale, made a memora tle journey over five miles of cliff and | 3 to wend the government sleam ship Quadra from Bamfield to resen Capt. Alcon and mine others on the bargue Coloma, ashore and helpless in ithe rays of the Cape Beale light | She alko made heroic offorts to | lrescué those doomed in the sinking of [the steamship Valencia off Vancouver Island the same year, in which 140 NEW YORK ACTRESS I were lost. Since then hee health hed failed steadily The Canadian government gave Mis! Paterson In the Apartments of the Latter They Mad a Dispute Over | Some Letters. and she received New York, N.Y. 5 Dn Stokes, a millionaire, shot and injured in the apartments of two young womkn, Lillian Graham, actress, and Hthel Conrad, an illustrator Stokes says he was invited there to | get some letters. When he arrived Miss | Graham demanded that he sign an agreement. When he refused, she #hot | him Miss Graham says Stokes de manded the letters and when she said she hadn't any, he attacked her. The women are charged with the shooting Stokes will recover Conference closed | a Thursday stations are at. + Lam morning. + Ta i not I" or con hie He as a : sti ¥. H Lines AK ita Ans we husband died three Prin Elgin GC. VW. io FEI EI EE SEE II IEEE NO WHEELS OF FORTUNE, | burg, H. iCrane, the | * porch Ata Lia { Thomas; Fielding's letter in reply to | ton's Corunrs, Lovd Selborne's speech appeared inl Scanlon, the press om a bank holiday, when! pombroke distriot-- Greenwood, everyone including Lord" Selborne was | Shaeel; Braeside, 6. Maxwell; out of town, He is still away at his don, George Dustin; Eganville, country house in: Hampshire, with | Putts smham. friends, but the Times and Standard | (Ottawa district take up the cudgels on his behall to- [kery! dav. The Times admits that lLord| Juobe Selhorne fell into a verbal innccuracy Rov: Thetford Mines, but Says Mr. Fielding is présumably | Stanstead district not very serious, in suggesting that | Pimlott; Mansonville; English eritics of the ate! Waterloo district insufficiently informed or that differen | Eagleson. tidtion between the states of the I The chairmen pire in the Elgin Marey-Treaty, and in [thus elected the British # ngements with Ger: br. Young; mwnny, France, and Ttaly, a sufficd- [treal south, ent precedent. for differentiation again. AE. Pates: st England in the new re ipmoeily Rev, DB, Mick; rangement. It says the Elgin Sparling; Rev. F. A, Read, "Kingston, los Sok (hot isn't worth mers the was negotiated at Cansda's own do Rev, J.T, Pitcher Rev i ul £50 st the outside. The principals an gire, . while « Canada's trade vations Cassidy. Perth, Rev, J. Hughs % | the action Gilbert "R of with Germany, [aly and France Rev: H. Walker. Pembroke, Res ML Pittsbuig a coke Miagnat and AR entirely of Mr. Fieldir own making Haslot ee D Hi laws, Peutovk, formerly or the Sted Trust, nc | Cle ndinne " ir ; Ww. 8. Lon while, the third party, who will ame non: Rev TB Stanstead, af 3 Witness, is Geotye C. Heldt, pro Rev. W Taming Ww. 7 |prietor of the Waldorf-Astoria in New Smith. Waterloo, Rev. Cun York and the Bellevue Stratford in | mings; Rev, J. Pletts Mhiladeiphin ' The resolution of the Mr. Pewcork is now at Thousand {mitten on the ne tomer tn the Island while Nr. Boldt, bh neighbor, spends a part of his time {effect that the special commitioe of ' the genarad conference should ask the the riv - and in New York. Mr. Ri al ferty will open his home at Isle han- Years | Doaamion government to pass legiely: perial next week, and thus for the ion that would make the law wi . i first time sipce hast sdmmer all three Horm throughout Uanada with regard . . {to mixed marriages, was passed, this will be within a few hundred feet "of each other mocaing, unanimously, Much difference \ opimon was expressed to the ttorneys Raymond Jobm Leary, exact vighte of ministers in Quebeo ¥ 44 Lander this law during the debate ring millionaipes, wore before Justice Merrell, this afternoon, scekilir a date N he resolution. : A Geneva Professor Has Achieved 1 EE lial, then took place for a kind, when wll Shige aliiBesniiites 5 » 3 cowl come Bere an mve Ne. matter Some Very Remarkable Re- whey the next threshed out without being compelled sults With Fish. tof the conference would held, Ot- ; | tawa, Kingston, amd Cornwall, being to wait a half-day The | sugested, but finally it decided {18 being brought up at this term Geneva, June 8,~ stipuiption. periments showing suspending life for {to leave the matter in the hands of the 8 J yg : | conference specig! committee are The. price of the little jag of rock, which of no value than the have been carried Fie tet, of this city, price of mgny an alter-theatre supper which avy ome of the three has enjoy- In om case he took some live gold fish, froze them in water 10 twenty de al, n't Bef such consequence, as a grves centrigrade below #ero, dnd" then that every should believe true 78¢" Quatities at oc E. Eas asper, district--Merrickville, Almonte, J, B. Hick F, W. Danby; : The wheel doomed, of fortune is 80 far as the rural fall fair is concerned at any rate. J. Lockie Wilson, provincial superintendent of agricultural societies, states that there is in the act a clapse ptiietly prohibiting gambling of any kind at fall fairs This act will be rigid- ly enforced this year. The -conferénce is holiday making British and dominions ministers are |g motion for Canada's exclusion from { understand Sir Witlrid Lauvier's doc {# negation of empire. It say» | _feain from attacking Canada 3 REV. F. A. 'ROBINSON try with all his heart, he ition to her suit In her preliminary |js ted that Wk on the |8 dogma of the church which the law "if Sir Wilirid thinks the risk is [Conference Closed at an Early Hoar him from taking the children and from Canadians agree with him, but let {than $300,000 and thath his annual compartments that way That way lof $150 a month. mistake the fundamental facts of the | that hs imcome- is $20,000 5 year. Both agree that Sir Wilfrid Laurie's "It was #simply a ease of incom but preferance here and in view of Presi could not get. along together. {to each other on. an average of about empire, I , never spoke a word to each other the with the proviacial premiers also well 3 a in view, at the moment, like, the rest of the world, but the public realizes thal the |g approaching the crux of the situation ! § with Sir Wilirid Laurier's proposed | the old most-favorednation treaties, | Yike the Time lobe cannot | # trines as to Canada's indep of | # imperial war, and says flat | S44to4edbe4 "If Britafn is at war with a power, that great power will not because Sir Wilfrid issues a statement | {with his mother, LT OL. MASON M. PATRICK, USA. ings and social difficulties that the that, while he loves the Mother Mrs. Williams filed an amended peti- [0 0° © Maine commission 1¢118W can hardly deal with. It js only stand aside her quarrels {suit she asked that an injunction be |be now does not recogiize and is. not being settled | filed against her husband to prevent | likely, to recognize." 4 1 greater than the profit, let Mm say! on Thursday Morning--Final| disposing of his property. Mrs. Will- so. We shall 'then how many Changes in Stations. {isms claims her husband is worth more not pretend that the empire can at lincome is $20,000. Williams is now tack, or be attacked in watertight | {paying his wife a temporary alimony lies disillusionment and disaster, It also is denied by Williams that he "1h sound statesmanship' t worth anywhere near $300,000 situation.' said that he wished he was worth The Standard takes similar much as that, poliey--in regard to treaties tends; in bility," said Williams. *'Mrs, wit the absence of a system of mutual}, is a good, honorable woman, { We ware demit. Taft's policy of continentalism, t | not mated. For twenty years we spoke the gradual dismemberment of ones in two weeks, We went to thea- tres, having supoer afterwards, and entice time. We went to euchre parties and balls, G. 8. Clarven- J MEN OF MILLIONS AT LAW OVER ISLE Battle for Possession Will Be aught "in Court at Watertown---Value of Property involved is $50. NX agpregate SHO_D00, 000, 9 ---------- v #l coral] CALL AND SKE THEM AT STEACY'S Vars, T. J. Vk + hdd ob ser wredals VV I0e He Marbleton, L. A. Matthews. Barnston, W, (i. W. Runnells. Frelighsburg, 1 district k. PPPOE F Pree Me 1c ATED BIG TREASURE. Hidden Years Aso Of the Honduras. Diego, Cal, June of treasure sevkers from suceceded in h dden off tha crew ny vears ago £25,000 000 + agreement Coast of and -seeretaries Montreal north, Rev. 6. 1. Campbell, Rev. W. Timberlake; Matilda, Rev. W, Philp: {oroximate Prockeille, Rev, Dr, {eit thiy month in eo were Rev Mon- Rev, June Ww. King Shot Belmove. N.Y., June B.--Guarded "by a policeman in uniform, Wiliam King is lying in the Oswego hospital suffer- ing from a bullet wound in his brain, self-inflicted, after shootgng J. L Belmore, assistant general foreman at the New York Contral shops, late this ifternoon. Mr. Belmore had the top of his right ear shot off and will carry the marks of the injury for life. He is not seriously hurt: A party Francis Immense of Hon han cra to be | < x MARRIED. NEWELL---In ith Fi at an Oswego, was San Met King» ARLE X; i Bt Mars Watertown, whose RThree wealth will ap will 'be in this a fight over a piece , Jope ¢ g loeatiy the of a It 0 an is j . men, an Const Chi said treasure tduras by m only Lewis Vincent lee Mrs das ghtes Newall 8. Me- ay ia treet treat | ROBE RT 7 REID, Won't Use St. Lawrence River. i The 1 ting Undertaker. Albany, N.Y., June The Durd | "Phone 877. 230 Princess Street. constitutional amendment, providing JAMES REID for the creation of water storage res The Old Firm of era 254 and 256 PRINCESS s he ervoirs the forest preserve, amended by eliminating the e 147 for Ambulance. authorizing the of the waters the St. Lawrence river in this tion. This amendment understood BRASS BEDS, that we TURKS mm . are are 3 " Rev Brown on; i Returned 20 Years Later. 4} Cvty, Pa The fifty cent "piece ever earned handled, for th wood time, vester dav, by Frederick Woods, a local hotel proprietor A guest presented the coin in Paying his Will. Mr, Woods recognized the eoin by his initials which he had tot on it twenty nyo, THE SUSPENSION OF oF | LIFE IS POSSIBLE Ww was section | of Conn 0 fupe 8 first was Leprosy Conveyed by Rats. That rats and means of conveying beings 1s the * bacleriolegist, who this the subject of many ex- He has foupd rats at Mel suffefing from this dead dis and believes that severnl people been thus infected. Res he n 1 ' special Melbourne, 8 fleas may be the leprogy to human tenfion of Dr. Bull, #upe RAISING THE MAINE, use me his . eo to Same Position Disaster. Cuba, June X. The stagesofl Gocovering the wreck of battleship Maine was completed the water level within the great ferdam built around the wreck had | been lowered, yesterday, by precisely five feet. This leaves the portion of de Savtlecoverad rec visivie The Editor of Montreal La Croix Wis, after the disaster, belo the hull Fined for Reflecting Upon | LA Garon. was imbedded in the mud. The pump 8 dein hame In About as After n will clear at a {to make it acceptable all interest Phone 700 has made periments hounte ' { concerned Havana, first he when | cof DEVIL WORSHIPPER The Weather is Warm and on HE'S A MASON the Water is Bad--DRINK Gurd's Ginger Ale, Gurd's Soda Water. Imported Ginger Ale. Imported Champagne Cyder, Radnor Water, Poland Water. White Rock. Lime Juice. lime Juice Cordial. Grape Juice. Case, have WAS ILLEGAL AND VOID CHICAGO MAN N MARRIED OUT KNOWING IT. Cornwall representing the war ns and on as re WITH. ing resumes June 15th. jas to yvenr's -meeting } he i THOUGHT HE WAS CASTRO. Delori yesterday, Montreal June mier, rendered judgment, Customs Men at Kingston Hold Tp the case of 1. A Against a Bishop. eph Begin, publisher of La*( roix Kingston, Jamaica, June I'he defendant condemned lo pay 8 customs authorities here are keeping exemplary damages and 850 costs #& strict watch for Cipriano Castro, the | action was entered because La former president of Venezuela, who, | roix had published the name™of L iti alleged, is trying to sterta re Caron as being a Mason, and in an volution in that oountry from o> | other artide said that all Masons were, | worshippers of the devil and the ene: ET or So. Justice Went to Get Pedlars License in Com= pany With Girl Friend--Thought He Was Swearing to Permit. action by in| Jog | he as | La {Caron Extraordinary ex: the possibility' of | an indefinite period { rane. out by Prof, Raoul | to Chicago, June BMunicipal Judge Stewart held that thousands of wed- dings of the immediate past were il legal and void because they had been performed by a justice of the peace fsom outside the city limits in an of : 1s a ey ~ Ee a 'A GREAT GIFT. JAMES REDDEN & CO. Flags Present. - An Offer of One Million Dollars to i inions' College. 2 Jominions point of law, which, if Mr. Rafferty wine, will give that party, it is said, after three months gradually warmed the blacks of ice and brought back the | fish to life. In an interview, in La Suisse, Prof. | Pictet says he carried out his experi ments in order to sae whether the ok nomena of life could be made to dis | appear and then be stored, and that | the. most obtained with freshwater fish, Frogs, he added could bear freagifig | up to twenty-eight degrees below wero, Snails had borne from 110 to 120 de-| grees, and 'a dog had been seen to | £0 through a whole How' at a tem- perature of 110 degrees below fpering | puint without dying. These exper 4 iments have convinced | Prof. Pietet that life is being brought | within the number of nature's constant, |' os. Paddle your own cavoe now and [Mo later on you may own a steamboat. DAILY MEMORANDA. Roard of RBdncatiou, 8 pm. Congregational nisn this evening, Liars, heat nt power committes, s Po : will pare he) Sepveanson, Maniros Aedrens as % unr assoeintien wd Janse Rervet, ¢ hay fed vinivineing results had been lw New Haven, Coun., June 8.--~At the meeting of the trustees of the Thames College for Women in this city, Mor- {ton F. Plant, of New London, offered i L00,000 to endow - the new callege. t was made a condition of the gift that the namo of (the college be chapged to the Connecticut College for omen, and that another million en {dowment be raised. Governor Simeon E. Baldwin, oné of the trustees, head: led the list of subscriptions toward the sscond million of a subscription of $1,000, $100,000 TO SPREAD PEACE. {Devoted to Circulating C Remarkable Book. June 8.- A London gentle: to remain ano! $100,000 for = Satibution m ," Germany, \ Frans and Italy. of a presentation sdition of Norman Sngell's remarkable book, "The Crest MMusion.' The author's veal name is Ralphte London, of} a piece of land so located back of Mil- Lonaire Peacock's boathouse that it twill necessitate the remgval of the 230,000 boathouse and put the former steel magnate to all sorts of trouble. i ------ Queensland Sugar Workers Strike. » Melbourne, \, June §~No sooner is one labor dispute seftled in Australia than another makes its appearance. The latest outbreak is at Ayr; Queens: land, where two thousand sugar work- | 'ors quit work, demanding an increase of five shillings 'per week in their wages. No prospect of a settlement appears in sight. ipa Sticks to Argenteuil. Ottawa, June 8. H. Perley, M.P., denies the report that he in- tends to oppose W. [. Mackenzie King |t in Waterloo at the vaxt election. He | 0! is sticking to Argentueil. ~ ------------------ \ 8 recommend Bajns' beers ne health builders. Delivered in kegs Lae, a aN of ail g Kirk Hi gale is, | acing ov. Pa hiss t ae the Paris : or Motte direst fram the brewery. cannot. make you use Tiger, the cleaner, any more than we Cok hen you begin. Ife (ew an Ma Foy dine juice, Pe. -- fice he occupied in the county building in Chicago. This justice of the peace was recently ousted from the county building. The judge volunteered an opinion from the bench that the jus tice of the peace had no Tegal right ta marry anyone in Chicago, being a jus tice from outside of Chicago, and be cause justices were abolished in the city in 1905. At the same time, Philip Fishmin {was telling Judge Cooper how he was married without knowing it. He want- ed the sazriage dito vat; Ho said he wired of a cl in county omy office for a peddler's licatine. With him was a young | friend. A slip of paper was ha to him, he said, Staceis office. He told the souft. he ht he was swearing to permit, when he said the customary he found he. had a wife. They tried make the best of it, he said, wal not 8 success. to it t quick buyers, show cases sand RE no ro at Dwrerls, un? and they were taken to. Justios| nearby men Castro in disguise. Halle, Saxony, barricaded the home on the painter killed and t ai 1 do." Cie Vv Fan PRO et. d sald Salk SN" Pro ad RR ses " Oder vour crest Presi Reform, apd fit, f from ©. np, 2 ce. Yesterday up Bishop Limon on his ar- rival here under the belief thai he was the Awful Tragedy. June S.A painter | named Heitel at daybreak, entered a house where lus "wife, with whom he had Huarrelled, was sheltered by a woman friend, and women and his 'infant child. He yr the police for threes hours. Finally the officers to force the door and let in a pack of savage dogs, whersup- himself. yesterday, snd stood George W. 'Vaux Appointed. wi nate olf ferences at sare of perfect Frincdes. street castoms | shot both | New York §.~A new and sirik. ing feature will mark the great ocere- mony of the coronstwn, The stan: hl of India, Wales and of the Brit fish dominions beyond the seas will be {horne into Westminster Abbey in addi {ion to thow of and, Scot {land and Ireland a» bu union stan- dard, : sien dlls. Avdrew Scott, aged fifty-seven, for- merly of Carleton Place, was killed ip Detroit. To avoid a fall he grasped a lise wire. The day before a similar fatality had occurred. adon, J {mies of the Deity. Mr. Carou claimed lontion, June {that he was a good Christian, though 1a Mason, and his position was upheld "iby the court. FAVOR ARBITRATION, |A Resolution to Come Before Gefie- i ral Assembly. to the Whig June S.-Four rn convened here, represent resbyterian interests from every pr of Canads, will, to-morrow, vole ' on this resolution : "The a Chief justice of supreme court, Bir has heard with gratitude, and with | Fitzpatrick, and Dr. Willrid Gren. admiration of the wisdom and cours fell, of Labrador, sre to be hanored age of the authors of the movament, at Toromto university convoeation. has been made to! Men's $5 patent Oxfords, 83.25, of whatever kind, {Goodyear welll Dutton's, 2090 Prin: between Great Britain and the United cess street. : States, by arbitration and express the! 'ihe building of the Grand Trunk wincere that a measure so Uhris- | Pacific motmisin section iow not. be tisn, beneficial and froug bt with pro- [ soncladed for auother Tose will speedily pass "Bio law." Bourassa is not HM corn salve will remove a any public meetings in Ontario Peck' some time. : cots in three applications. Prife 15. A few store fixtures left at Kirk's, Kol at Mel aor' « drug stores, going at a sacrifice, ¥ voilw, he. | rary books," be, Gly Dyess Beform paan's, Special Ottawa, hundred y 4 address for i & a1 al feators. 'New York es *