" JULY ~ AUGUST Store Closes Daily 5 O'clock. JOHN McKAY FURRIER 149-157 Brock Street, Kingston. 4 ¥ JUNE BRIDES Always are pleased with our choice 4t's big, it's up to pow. If there's soything new. it's here, and it's easy to make a home look homelike and comfortable. PARLOR SUITES, $16.00, $25.00 up to §150.00. y IRON BEDS, $2.50, $3.00, some beauliés at $5.00 and $7.00 BRASS $37.00 up. PARLOR TABLES, $1.25; $3.00, $4.25 up to $30.00, BEDS, $15.00, HALL FURNITURE, RACKS. TREES, etc. CARPETS, RUGS, CURTAINS. 188. Immense stock to select from. LINOLEUM, OILCLOTHS, PRAVER Repair and Upholstering prompt- ly dope. SEATS T. F. HARRISON GO. BL dd Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie. Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, In bp White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design as the most fastidious could desire. 4 . NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. ~Special values at $1.00, $1.25, $1.60. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00, MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. GA GFEVGICVOVE IEC NR eRe R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warchouse, PIP IIIII STII IOt s0cochocsceee FOR SALE: ro -- $2,000 Rideau Street, brick, 8 rooms, hot furnace, b. & c, light, . $2,350---Albert Street," frame, 8 rooms, b. & ¢., hot water furnace. rs $3,650 Alfred - Street, solid brick, 10 rooms, b. & c., hot water furnace, gas, ete. $3,400 Earl Street, double $ Biles. 7 rooms, b & c., gas, solid water electric 9000000000000 anne $00 Princess Street, brick, 7 rooms, Db. e., hot water heating, large stable. 4% Phone 328 or $21. . soseevsesess 900000000000000000000000000000000000000 Z a! - inte | 3, 155; Gili Edge, 1 Booths - Kidney Pills are the best Vrisnd a woman has {TO WORK AT $2 A DAY, AS Has) BEEN STATED. Building Laborers Who Are Working on Buildings are, Getting Twenty- eight, Cents an Hour--What Their Vice-President Says. : | George Dean, vice-president oF the | Building Laborers union, declares thal ithe building laborers have not re {turned to work at two dollars iday. Those of the laborers who have returned to work ade getting what the junfon asked, viz., twenty-eight cents {an hour. There are about twenty-five of them working on jmildings, or about one-quarter of their number. Mr. Dean says that on Feb, Ist, last, the building laborers' uniom sent a notice to the building trades that bers after May lst, of twenty-eight cents an hour. Five of the contractors signed an agreement to accede to the |respuest. Then the trouble between: the masons and stone cutters put a damp- jer on the building laborers' request {being generally granted. Only for that trouble, Mr. Dean says that the In- horers might have been back long ago, and getting what they asked. " They refuse to work for two dollars a day, and expect all, the comtractors shortly to pay twenty-eight cents an hour. The contractors for the Bank of Commerce building have enga) a nunther of the laborers at Ywenty- sight cents an hour, and these have started work, FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD, Cheese Sold at 11 1-16 om Board Thursday. i Cheese sold at 11 1-16¢. on the Fron- tense cheese board, on Thursday af ternoon. dent, Frederick Ferguson, the chair was occupied by George Porter, Elgm- irg, the vice-president. The buyers present were Messrs. Gibson, Alexan- der, Cleall, McGrath, Murphy. Thomp- som and Valleau. There was boarded 715 boxes of white cheese and 995 boxes of colored, a otal of 1,710 boxes. 'Ihese factories boarded : ® \ hite-- Excelsior, 60; Forest, 60; Glenburnie, 80; Hartington, 150; Sand Hill, 70; 7 Bunbur® 65; Thousand ' Is- lands, 52; Verona, Wolfe Island, Mefirath's, 60. St. Lawrence, 50. Uolored--Battersea, 90; Elm Grove, 50; . Howe Island, 27; Hinchinbrooke, 70; Latimer, 60; Morn- ing Siar, 31; Model; 90; Untario, 35; Silver Springs, . 110; Elginburg, 35; Wolfe Island, 22; Glendower, 35; Col- lins Bay, 35; Frontenac, 35. The following sales were made : At 11 1-l6e.; L. W. Murphy secured Battersea, Excelsior, Glenburnie, Lati- mer, Model, Sand Hill, Sunbury, St. Lawrence and Thousand Islands. At 11 I-l6e., J. McGrath bought Cold Springs, Morning Star, Mc Girath's, Rose Hill. At 11 1-16e., John Gibson secured Hartington, Hinchinbrooke, ° Silver Springs, Wolle Island, Frontenac and Glenvale. F. W. Valleau made a bid of 10jc., but it was refuséd, KINGSTON LOCOMOTIVE STOCK 25 Is to be Listed in Montreal and To- ronto. Toronto News It was announced to-day that Canadian Locomotive company, which takes over the Kingston Locomotive company, will apply to have itg stock listed in Montreal and Toronto, as soon after issue, which will be about tha end of June. or the first of July, kas possible. The company will be capitalized at 21,500,000 bonds, $1,500,000 seven per cent. preferred stock, aud 2, 000.000 common. The preferred stock will carry a seven per cent. cumulative dividend, and the issue will be made at par, carrying a bonus * of twenty-five per cent, common stk, In the last five years the company has averaged earnings of about five per cent. on the common stock, and figures that the five pef cent. will - be more than doubled when the $1,250. 00 of working capital with which the company will start is spent on better- ments, Fn lish interests purchased the Kingston ' eoncern, and the issue is being put out by several Toronto and Muntreal houses, includmg Osler & Hammond, Pellatt & Pellatt, McDous gall & Cowans, Johnston; McConnell & 'Allison, together 'with a big Fng- lish firm. . the spn wanes i-- LOST A BIG_WAD, A 'Man Spent $447 in One Week on a Spree, i al it would require payment to its mem: iS In the absence of the presi- | « CERTIFICATES AWARDED of Queen's Fucu ity of Education. The following students in faculty of education at Queen's {To Stmdénts the i i uai- versity have been awarded certificates | by the department of education ° as | public or high school teachers 'in the | province of (mtario. A number {those who have been awarded .first- {class public school certificates will be | i interim high school cer-| lontilled to » tificates on attaining the {age of twenty-one years : . Permanent fisst-class public school {certifieates--Emma» I. Bishop, Belle ville; Wionifred Garvin, Almonte, Fin- MeNab, Jarrgtt; William H. shurpe, Milverton; Margaret E. Ste wart, Sprifgbank; Juba Weir, Allis ton, William J. Weir, Kingston. interim, first class public school [certificates -- John A: Anderson, Stoughton, "Sask.; May V, Bennett, Spencers lle; Agnes M. Boyd, King- ston: Roy 5. Foley, Lansdowne; An nie Haight, Pirton; William J. C. Hyland, Hurdman's Bridge; Walter J. Lamb, Walkerton; Hazel Miller, Ayl- mer; "Mabel £. K. Money, Stratford; Mabel Nesbitt, Kingston; Vera Nor- rich, Walkerton; Elizabeth F. » M. White, Pakenham, : : + Interim high school' assistants' cert | ficatés--John A. Anderson, Stoughton, {Sask.: May V. Bennett," Spencerville; tmina 1. Bishop, Belleville: Agnes A. Boyd, Kingston; George E. Copeland, Brampton; Hoy S. Foley, Lansdowne; | Winnifred Garvin, Almonte; Annie Haight, Picton; Geraldine Hazard, | Kingston; James Kelly, Peter- {bor, Norman Miller, Aylmer; Hazel { Miller, Aylmer; Mabel Nesbitt, King- i ston; Helena G. Raitt, Ottawa; Wil {liam H. Sharpe; Milverton; Margaret | 1. Stewart, Springbank; Della M. Ste ! May M. Taylor, Thomas, George Weir, required Hay { wart, Springbank; Kingston; Margaret I.. Warren, Be Cowsville; Julia Alliston; W. J, Weir, Kingston. Interim high school specialis®y' certi- | icates--Florence Corkery, Renfrew, | (English and history); George E. [ Copeland, Brampton (science); Roy S. | Foley, Lansdowne (French and Ger- {man); Winnifred A. M. Girdler, King- leton. (moderns and history); Geraldine | Hazard, Kingston (French and Ger- man); Horace W. Kerfoot, Prescott, (classics); Walter J. Lamb, Walkerton, (mathematics); George E, Mabee, Ot. tawa (classics); Norman Miller, Ayl 'mer (mathematics); Elizabeth Penson, Hamilton ° (science); Helena G. Raitt, (ittawa (French and German); Bertha W. Robson, Glenmorris, (English and history); Mabel "A. Taylor, Hamilton, (moderns and history); Frank D. Wallace, Midland (mathematics. Alice L. Pierce, Moosejaw, Sask., was awarded an interim second-class. certi ficate, valid for two years. GIRLS LOCKED IN ROOM. Absent-minded Was to Blame. To be locked in a room for a couple of hours, due to the fact that then employer had been absent. minded, locking the docx and leaving them prisoners, was the sad plight, on Wed nesday night, of five girls who are employed in a Kingston store. It all happened in this way. There was 'extra work to be done, so it was decided to have the girls work un- til dight o'clock. After six o'clock the proprietor of the store went home and forgetting the girls were at work, turned the key in the lock, and thus the girls were prisoners. The feelings of the girls, when they found the door locked on them, can well be imagined. Unfortunately they could not even get to a telephone to notify their boss. They did not know what to do, and were of the opinfon' thal they would probably have to stav in the store all night. From the front window they tried to hail several people passing, but it is stated that it was about 10 o'clock, before they finally drew the atlention of a young man passing, and explained their position. The bess of the store was then communicated with, the door was opened and the prisoners were allowed out. The girls were given quite a scare. And an Employe: WILL BE DEP JRTED. Will Green, Blind Man, Will be Sent Home. William Green, the blind man, who was arrested a week ago, for being drunk, and carrying a loaded revolver, will be deported. He came up before Magistrate Far rell, in the olice court, Thursday morning, and the magistrate informed him that he would be sent home asx soon as the necessary papers could bn made out. Green is very anxious to leave the city, too, and asked the magistrate how long "it would be be fore he could leave. The magistrate told him that he could not sa just how long it would be, but that , he would be sent along just as soon as A middle-a, Man just getting uver | the effects ys big drunk was on! for a copper to buy a clay pipe. said he was just off a big "spree" ter spending $447 in one week, earnings of over six months, and was dying for » smoke. He had not spent all this money im drink, \ had been relioved of it bv his confed- | erates hile under the influence of | iguor, v not only took his money but hie clothes, so that he only roid what he wore. : 4 THEY MUST "YEEP UP" THIS IS THE LOT OF MOST WOMEN IN SPITE OF ACHING BACKS, DIZZY SPELLS, ETC Mrs Edward Oalwood of 123 8 Har. old Street. Port William, Ont, say "1 suffered with dull. miserable pal Le back and in He 4 i i ns TeNesEs across my f sides for months. "4 me so badly scarcely move around, I would have digzy spells and altogether felt gener- ally run down. or a number of rem is without fi relief. | learned Booth's: Kidney ah iis_and oun mi ap pxceilen ¥. © not only relieved me of the 'miverabie pains and soreness in my kK. but cured me of my Kidney t * guarantepd by a remedy. who the proprietors they Re should to Sold by all retain 3 it Fon know of a sutfy ferer try these pills. advise them to send lo) i ike "RT. Booth Co. lad, Wort je a Ong... fer gusianiiea By WR wR the streets of Kingston to-day asking | ble. The accused gave his age as thirty six years. He will be sent back te his home in New York state. Asked about what he was doing in this part ol the country, he said that he was mak- ing his way to Toroniy, where he in tended to undergo am operation for his eyes. > LAD WAS CAPTURED. Made His Escape From Industrial i ; School. The local police arrested a lad, four teen years of age who made his es cape from the Industrial School =» short time ago. The lad was sent up from Kingston in il, but a few days he m to make his sor ry he that institution, and it was believed that he had returned to his old home. The ice were on the Joskout for him, with the result that he was located. . In the ease of this lad the need of shelter for the Children's Ai had to stay at the police station. " Barbers Increase Prices. of! NED OF A SIETRR i AGAIN DISCUSSED BY 'REN'S AID SOCIETY. CHILD | | Place! est. and briefest manner possible. to' Find Suitable : Where Children (ould be Boarded | --Report oi -the Agent for Month' of May--Children in the Theatres. ' At the monthly ' meeting of tne Children's Aid Soeiety, held in - the | police court, on Wednesday afterncen, | there was another animated discussion | regarding the peed of a shelter. The| agent, Mr. McUonachie, 'reported that | he had not been able to find any suitable places in which tl transferred to the society could. be } boarded for a week or two, ' until | Possess wealth and intelligence, his foster homes could be procured. He success in Hie may be marred by 'ig- said it seemed no easy matter to p t| norange of i social customs. A perusal the right sort of person to keep al thic book will prevent * such blim- sort of choup 20 or tht Pur (ders. It is a book for everybody, for . CO) » not seem to unpder- , : lengers s wel % for those he that the majority of these chil- fhe win) leu "The ta dof hows dren eanbot he taken to aa ordin- ed in a bright' and interesting manver, ery arding-house or home. haw 1 4 resents + latest - vowue. need special eare and treatment p= 4, the = vigorous, capable and vigilent super-| vision éannot he secured, and strong, | personal influence brought to bear on | the children with a view to correcting | the peculiar faults of each individual the children might almost ~ag well be left in their former homes until they | could be placed in suitable foster | jcoqmion wee tet off with a warding, bomes. 3 {but the society will insist henceforth | pitficn subjects of which they treat. i : { i Etiquette There is no passport to good sotiety 1 | and unequalled in point of merit and cheapness. 1 b No ome why wishes to-liave a fund of general idforniation or who has the de- sire for self-improvement can afford to be without them. good paper, handsomely bound in green cloth, with-a~heayy paper wrapper to match . | ~_.- = CLOTH, EACH 50 CENTS e chi \ he children like good mammers. Fyvea thatugh one | ten days, 1&8 now | | i : THE 260 PRINCESS STREET The avent pronosed that, a Day be had and that flowers be sold im aid of the society's work. This met with general approval from all who were present, but as the meeting was not largely attended and some of the best workers were going awa for & vacation, the matter was laid over until September. The report of the work done during the month of May was then given. Mr. McConachie stated that he had made 208 visits and interviews in volving sixty-nine children. Fourteen {families had heen warned regarding the conse juences of neglect and bad con- duct in th» presence of children. He had attended the - police court six and two children had been transferred to the guardianship of the society; three had been placed in loster homes, three had been returned to their pa- vents on probation, while two had been sent to the Industrial Schools. Since Feb. 23rd three hundred and five calls have been made and hundred and eleven children with. Most of these are heing one dealt Flower | times Iu connection with juvenile cases | eighty- | i super- |. on the strict observance of the law, i rar ; | INCIDENTS Or THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up : Reporters on Their Rounds. "Cancelled books," 2c. Gibson's. William 'Swaine, piano tuner. Urders | received at MecAuley's. hone 778. |. Advance parties are arriving in {city datly tof the camp 'which is to | open at Barriefield on Monday. { Men, see our asbestos sole {for comfort, Dutton's, 200 street, A complete assortment Na-Dru/Co. {toilet and medicinal preparations, at {| McLeod 8 drug stores. A number of cadets from the Royal | Military College went out to Niny- ston Mills to-day: to reconnoitre. i H. Cunpingham, psoo tuow, | King street. Leave orders at Auley's bookstore. The choir of Princess street Metho- | dist church expecls to have a picuie on Coronation day at Collins Lake Over fifty kinds of corsets to choose By tie boots Princess } 21 Ms of from, lowest prices, best qualities. New truancy 'and non-attendance at the! York Dress keform, 3 Princess greet; «hools have been reported to the! Mrs. Abr.) F. J. ('Connor nik hi inspector of schools. Many children | dren, Gananoque, , and Miss } ae cline sre in the city for months before they Ios RUS Long Point, are visiting Ve srt at the schools. These es-|"® IQ SH LY . cated --. -- truancy penalty because noj Hataulay; the se Pasi int a 3 i gregationa non; 1s a one knows of their . presence In e strong advocate of the Bahamas being city. | brought into federation with Canada 'The new law prohibiting 'theatres| Rey, Dr, Wardrobe is the oldest admitting children under fifteen who | commissioner at the Presbyterian gene wre unattended by adults is strongly {ral assembly. He is a brother of Mrs wproved by the society. The law, Samuel Dyde, Kingston, ninety two Jowever, was not immediately obeyed, | yoars of age. n Saturday night two little girls, | Keep vour heels stpaight and boots ne aged five and the other six, were |in good shape by wearing revolving seen by -the agent coming out of one rubber heels. Sole agents. Dutton's, 200 of the picture shows. As they were Princess street. . SR Jone the agent went with them to Dr. James G. Dwyer, of Columbia heir hone, which was four and a (University, New York, in' lhe city for sul blocks off Princess street. It was (® few days for the Gibgon-0 Rielly nine o'clock when the little tots edeting, returned to New York on reached the home of the older child, say. - . The mothers of these children were Re. B. Eyre, late of Portsmouth, haent. These were, in the eyes of will not have wn appointment in the 3 lave lected childre f the Montreal Methodist conference this i etd thee wie year, having been left- without a sta guilty 'of n broach of the new law |9on at ie own request, W od Tiable to Ya fine. of not. loss than | Patrid Fannon a North-West veter- . . lan and an ex-""A" batteryman turned fifty dollars. The offenders on this | this vedr with the 5th eld hat {tery und takes as .much - interest in {the welfare of the regiment as anyone. | "lee eream bricks," Gibson's I The many friends of Miss Muriel | ¥alsh, who has been confined to the {general hospital, will be pleased to | hear that she returned to her home on | Brock street, vesterday. She I nicely. Rev. F. Gi. Robinson, pastor of Prin levss street Methodist church, | popular young minister who {from Mtawa South. He will be itily welcomed by the church { here vised in their homes. Many cases "Kingston's Famous Fur * Stove." Furs for June Brides. is doing is " comes hear jolt "agape juice splits." Gibson's { The July number of the Smari | Set keeps up the fast pace set by th June issue, which was the first num {ber put out since the magazine passed {into the hands of John Adams Thay ler. The contents page presents {brilliant array of names of sone © {the leading writers of both this coun try and England, and there are some new ones, I Travellers' samples cheap. Children's | dresses, Boys' houses, etc. NewoYork 1 Dress Reform, 200 Princess street. The leading feature of thes Jul | Smart Set; the complete novel, is the work of Alexander Otis, wud bear: {the pleasant summer-resorty title of | "Coponsett-by-the-Béa." The whol {tawn, summer boarders, oldest resi | dents, passing tourists, embryo' law ivers, and Mehitabel, a horse afflicted with the wanderiust, get into the pic ware and flit across the soene in a merry maze of mixv-ups to a rollicking tune of farce that makes mighty plea sant sammer reading. -------- UFF TO PETAWAWA. Fifth Field Battery Left on Thurs. day Morsing. The Fifth Field Battery left, on Thursday mocning, for camp, at Petig lwawa, going via the Kingston & Pembroke railway, at 10 o'clock. The time scheduled for the train to leave was 8.30, but owing to the delay in loading the horses and equipment on the part of the officer in charge, the railway was compelled to hold the train. 3 | The Fourth Hussars will leave | Petawawa, on Monday morning. roads now lead to the camp. i riot Ladies' Auxiliary. Wednesday evening marked the gloss of the yetreat of the members of the Ladies Auxiliary, of he Hotel Dieu, the close the ladies held i at which a vote of thanks to the nuns for theiv courteous treatment to the member during .the retreat, for the muse, and for the handsome decorations ln ithe altar and ehogel B No gift could be more suit. able or better appreciated by a bride than a Fur Coat or a Sett of Furs. Our Far Depart. ment is complete with the new styles in Furs, and we would remind you that this is a splendid time for repairing or remodelling. "We show a beautiful Sett of Royal Ermine--a very large muff and new shape neckpiece Mink Muffs .. .. for Al ow GEO. MILLS & GO 126 AND 128 PRINCESS ST. » Fr att . i To 5 po. \ ' 3 $ Some books are designed. for entertainment, others for information. This series combines both fegtlures The information is not only complete and reliable, it is compact and readable, is required that the information which books contain shall be ready to hand and be presenled in the clear- These volumes are replete with val They are the lates They are 6 x Ready Made Speeches and apon 'to say a few words in public. { nfortunately, however, but are gifted with thepower of ready und | well told, gracoful speech. This is'a book « carefully pl those who, without some slight hely must remain 'sifent. It furnishes good model for a speech om any ofcasion jseeavcssennvsensuegee Protect Your Furs BUY A MOTHAROOF 'BAG. We have them in different sizes from the short jacket size to the long Ulster. With these bags there 18 no danger from moths, 'roaches, . dust, vermin or mice. No pasting, gluing or sewing ' Is required; the patent fastener is secure. Patent Clothey Hooks Inside. Try Moth Proof Sheéis for wrapping up bedding or lining trunks or boxes. These are 40 inches x 48 inches, and - are only bc each. -------- Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, IRS PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. *00000000000000000000 * P * - Carriage Pain SOME CLASS TO OURS. This is the place to have you weather. rE. J. DUNPHY, "rr, COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. iid bh Pr ress ssasssssasssassen LADIES ! We, a interesting tion. . of New Dre Walsts to show yon JUST (OPENED UP - $2.95 collec and have t y New W hite Dresses, $12.75 $2 Gingham Dre $5.00. HEES, yO $2 Chambray . $5.50, Dresses, Print House Dresses, 2.50 $1.25 to. White Waists, 76¢ to $3.90 Tallored $2.50 Walsts, $1.90 Middy Waists, $1.60 $1.25 ALSO A lovely lot of New White wear Petticoats. 56«¢ to §5.00 Princess Slips, $1.50 to $3.50 oc to $3.9 Night Gowns, 5 Drawers and Corset Covers, hc to $1.59. & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Prétiy much everybody, in these Int amin called few of us almipst | There Auto repainted to'stand all kinds of Hontreal and Ordnance Streets fecscsssssescscsesssscsssacl . Porras sssssssssssasss i * In this busy, bustling age it in form the compact books on uable information, tas well as the best 4 1-2 inches in size, well printed on After-Dinner Stories The dineer iself may be ever good, and yet prove a failure if there 1 no mirth to enliven the company | Nothing adds fo much asest to an caston of this Kind as & good stegy Here are hundreds of the best, brightest, amd most ad of | latest, anned 'model speeches to wid | catchy stories, all of them short and i pithy, and 80 easy to remember that |anvome can tell them successfully v Care also a number of selected toasts suitdble to all occasions a The College Book Store, FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. Phone919 JUNE the month of most We are headquart- Marripge Licenses, [3 Is usually weddings. ers for eee ere Wedding Rings, Brides' and . Rridéamaids' Novelty Gifiss ------------------------------------------ least, suit- to present And last, but not able Remembrances to the Groomsman. . SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 858 KING STREET. Issuers of Marringe Licenses. C000000000000O NINOS 0000000000000000000 Ar . MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER | A NICE COMFORTABLE HOME n. JOHNSTON STREET {Containing 7 rcoms, (all mod er - conveniences-- good gan den, sicle and front entrances, in perfect condition Can be $1600 Houses to Rent with us, b ght for List yom MULLIN The Real Estate Expert. "Phone 539 - [@vessssassssssssasssssel Ree lout isundry with is sleeves rolled up Little machines Brea! going and with, motion, ithe men hustling and the girls bustling, all performing their part, all working toward one resuli: CLEANNES § L This your invitation and PASS Leinig it with you and see the sights in Washiand KINGSTON LAUNDRY, Cor. Princess and Sydesham § Ste. "Phong 22. ' dessssssssssasssessd RRR TRRRTARTRRSTTRARS VOPR LVRVOTVRTBOOS and glowing i