BT EAI SAARI & Why, Hubby THE Toth YEAR the medical examination and me- dear, isn't this tea all right?" Btn cline. Att Boi HE Me ce NEVER SOLD IN BULK "Oh, it's not bad! But 1 wish you'd order some Red Rose -- the kind rey or APPEARING a-- Acts ns a Bar to Profitable Employ- ment. You cannot afford to grow old. In these days of strenuons competi Aion it ie" necessary to maintain, as Jong as possible one's youthful ap- pearance. It is impossible to do this without fetaining a luxurious growth of hair, The pretence of dandrufi indicates the proc of a burrowidy germ which ives and thrives on the roots of the hair until it causes total baldness. Newbro's Herpicide is the only known ilestroyer of this pest, and it i un effective ns allylis delightful to Hise, ! Herpic ide makes an slegant us well as dandruli cure. Acoept no substitute-there is none, Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Tlerpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, $1 bottles guaran- teed. James B. Mcleod, druggist, special agent, Kingston, Ont, OLD. hair Neoosoeaoeensesssssenee' Flies! Flies ! Bred in filth and laden with germs. Keep them out by means of our Window and Door Screens, which are made to fit and made to wear. 5. GL & C0. Office, Yards, Mill and Factory, Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts, perts, do something towards carrying ng Breet, Kingwton Of dical treatmeot of &chool children ?/ ing Offices in Cai _--t cheap work; TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and Queen City Cham- oy 32 Church 5 Toronto. H E Smalipelce, J.P, representative, Waile Wiig. GOT AN EXPENSIVE LESSON, An iron manufacturer, of Toronto, tuilder of fire escapes, fences, and de- Two applications of road oil will, it corative work of different kinds, while lis contended, lay the dust' of a dty in the city, yesterday, said he had |g, the season. Is it not, therefore, learned an expensive lesson with re {ihe cheaper ? Watering must be done gard to reciprocity. He was looking every day, and the dust is never for a new site for his works, and had efiectively laid. | about derided to purchase a certam piece of land. It belonged to a church, and its managers invited ten- ders, . At this time the first outburst [Peak load is concerned. The more ugaingt. the trade agreement gecurred, |feason why the matter should be re- It. came from men who were foremost |fetred to ap expert for the light that as finamciers. These declared that the |!e may shed upon the subject. trade pact would be the ruination of things. "1 was a mankfacturer," said he, "and I got cold feet. 1 regret it excoulingly, as the experience was very mich aginst me. I did not know ns much then as I knew after I had not read the magr icent tario, at §¢ per year, Editions et A . n: ME RECLY lien WHIG, 18 pages] Compatiog. the abounding acitivity published in piss' of, Monday spdiand aleriness in tie department of United karen, char efor postage had | agriculture under the Hon. Mr. Duff to be added, making price of Daily $3.4 Deputy Minister, C. C. James with sng of (voeliy 4LY the best Job Print. | that under Dr:*Pyne and Deputy Min- 8: Tapia, ey ved ister Colquhoun, one is tempted to {conclude that the care and léeding of | pigs and cattle is vastly more im- portant than the care and education of children. No doubt it is--to the meat packers. EDITORIAL NOTES, The Toronto school board proposes to exclude women fromthe principal- ships, and the women teachers are in rebellion, and when they talk 'they say something. On dit; that it is not quite clear what the cost of power would be for company or commission so far as the 'The Ross government way not have accomplished everything at which it simed, but it certainly did more for education than the Whitney govern ment. There can be no progress and little satisfaction under the ndministr- wards, : : . He is a stick in exposition of the finance ministe. , and 1 had speech om stion of Dr. Pyne. ae wh AEE 3 r nd in service. not read Nir Wilfrid Laurier's ame and - I) the subject. 1 was alraid War has been declared, by a cut In| The first offers for the | rates, between the electric commission | were turned down. New tem ders were invited. I went up $1,000, to launch out. property snd the electric company in Toronto. 't will finish in the damage of one | organic way with the Methodist and) tion. The people will be asked ~forjand Porcupine Stocks, call or will be taken up will be the long- fought-out quastion of the relation of SETTLED THE BILL i Queen's University to \ : REV. DR. R. P. MACKAY ELECT. - ED MODERATOR. The Chief Matters Before the Pres-| byterian Church Court are Church) Union and Queen's University Ottawa, June 8. ~The Preshusterian general assengbly was opened last even-| ing, and Rev. Dr. R. P. Mackay, of Toronto, general secretary of the foreign mission. board of the church, was elected. modeator. : Among the important matters which Gpeclalists in diseases Blood! Nerves, Bladder an Special Ai ments of men. One visit advisable ; /if impossible, will come before the assembly the one in whith the members ave most concerned is the proposition that the church should unite in an send . history for free opinion "ade vice ion blank Baa book Md diseases of Consultation free. Med furnished tablet in form. Hours: 10 a.m. to 1 p. 2 te 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 am. or he ORS. L. #5 Toronto Street, Toremte, Ont. men free. Congregational churches of Canada. | During the year the question has been voted on by the sixty-eight Preshyteries of the church from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the re on sult shows a decided sympathy on the IFY part of the ministers and the repre- sentative elders in favor of the move 4 -- ! . ent for aon dt 0 a Life, Fire, Accident, Sick- is pro a question a . should bs sant down to the rank and |1eSS Automobile, Motor Boat, Ble of the church for judgment. |OF Plate Glass Insurance, I hig Yat thy. UmioH Som (Guarantee Bonds (personal or the question be sent down to the peo-|fOr administration of estates), ple for judgment but the entire plan| Real Estate anywhere in Can- of union may be sent down to the ts Preshytecies for advice and sugges. |2dn, Stocks, Bonds, or Cobalt judgment, but every organization ' of the church and every individual in the chureh will be asked for sugges tions with reference to any improve ment in the proposed basis of union. Whén all these suggestions have come in, théy will be. considered by the Union Committee of the three churches, »aml such changes as may be considered desirable will be made. Another important "matter which communicate with J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. Also representing McCuaig Bros. -& Company (Brokers), Montreal. ! the church. Far more than a decade this has been ong of the problems upon which the FROM THE BOXER FUNDS AFTER making my offer $19,000. An oppon- ent went $1,000 better and got . the property." £ Later this Toronto man said he de «x the other, but meanwhile the peo- | {le 'wifl come to their own in very! cheap light. Who will say that com- | petition is not conducive to cheapness? | sired to buy a part of the land and f was refused it. To-day the plot is Claude Macdonell, M.I., addressing | worth $10,000 more than it was sold | 8 meeting of Jews, in Toronto, said | for. "I got my lesson on reciprocity," | he wanted them to be with his party | said the manufacturer, "and it was and to share in the benefits of a gxpengive. 1 have learned a good deal change of government--alfter the next since, and I cin now discuss recipro- election. Just. so. The spoils system city with some degree of assurance. I will be abolished in federal as in have paid for my education, and what lceal matters | And the Jews are I have learned I will never forget." [promised their share of the plunder. (PROTON 'OF SC gq There is a clear misunderstanding INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS. id with regard to, the desire of the Over two Years have pa Fein Kingston Medical Society to co-oper- hl Saitiinter of Wun om insert Po ate with the teachers in medical in- al AL 4 V Y . n » . . hn Sho Ack the provi WH ol. Tha th dy <0 so p pes | : to institute a medical examination of [Fly be to eall the attention 'of the hoo! children. So far as can be nurse to any case, and the medical ol ao regulations and no guid: { men will indicate how that duty may iio or direction of any kind havefle the better performed. Only that been sent out to trustees to assist and nothing more, . . . * . ® ® . ° 3 ° ® » ° : . * * ° * ® ° ° ° ° ° ' Pes0000000000000000000 Specia For Saturday Byery © Suh' Blacks, Blues SEE OUR SPECIALS: $10 Buit for «....... a . $16 Bult for. . $s. Big reduction aso in Boots and Phoes new and up-to-date Browns and Greys, ' ISAAC ZACK'S, 201 PRINCESS STREET. HO00000000000000000000 Old and Valuable Furniture Antique prices, We Invite citizens and §irang- ors io viglt our warerooms and 1napesy our goods The quality and prices will please vou. L. LESSES, Cor, Prisicess and Chatham Sts. "Phone 1045, Will Buy or Sell all kinds of Purniture. Highest prives ¢0000 designs, at lowest willing, or too busy to give trustees them in inaugurating a scheme of in There may be an election in the fall, speotion, Here and. there, all over|, 4 if o; the liberals will be ready Ontario, school boards have been dis- for 'it. Conventions, for the selection cussing the subject and hunting for of candidates, ore. being held all' over information as 0 how this branch of the province. What 'is more, there the public service could be best or may be an early appeal to she" peo ganized, but fram Whatever source help le. It is announced that the Ontario samp, it vertainly did not Some from 'eyislature will have but one more ses- the "experts" of the educational fe fiom. Reciprocity will be the ~issuein partment, and the experts are SRAHY. he Toal contest, als whether: Sir There is the chief expert, Dr. Seath, Tn Whitney 'wills it oF not. {here is a second chief expert, Dr, -- Merchant; and there is the subordinate |yysST NOT RIDE "ASTRADDLE." corps of experts who have been nom- inated to their present appointments by Pre. Seath and Merchant, namely, the stalls of the new normal schools Nashville, "Tenn., June 8.--Because and facultiés of education. Why could sqvaral girls wer masnied anttide not some of these experts been as Rock reunion, the local bivousc of signed the task of preparing a small |('onfederate veterans has adopted this circular which would tell boards of [resolution ; trustees how inspection in carried on : Reield, Bodh gr ap. slsqwhere, and "how it. "ean be best | te divisions or the general asso- organized in Ontario ? ciation astraddles and should any so Does the delay in issuing informa- { appear the officers in charge shall po- tion and regulations in regard . to litely request that they retire." : 3 i i indicat - I'he resolution requested generals wiedical inspection, indicate Sh oh not to appoint Young women as staf ordinate officialdom is out of sympa officers, thy with the ministers' legislation ? ' ¥, , - Or, does it" indicate that the great * Qugeirs College Future. 0 Ne : . {Toronto we. : company of experts are unable to sug "The plebiscite taken from the alumni gest au 'economical and practical way |p 4 intevesting results. The active of carrying it oh? The latter is the | ylumni number about 1,800. Those more likely reason, because the medi-| who voted numbered 1,563. Only 134 cal examination of school children is favored the nalctmonte of the suit " medical problem; and can best be] 30. 4 graduates the majority was solved by medical men. seventy-three per cent. Amongst the "Gue would suppose that valuable | Arts men the majority was ninety-two suggestions might emanace from the |V yor cent. The University council favors minister of pducation and the minister the change by twenty-eight to #ix, and of public works. Both gentlemen have the teaching stafl is unanimous. = It is hoped that the assembly will been practising physicians. As the o "of the education see fit to give Queen's a chance to fiumerous experts measure up opportunities tment have been unable, or un- -- Confederate Veterans Object to Girls' Action in Parade. by consenting to the severance of the denominational bond. ec map : the information 'which they desire, why Mark Twain's Works. could not a committee of the gover-| If Jou acs interested a Staining nor snd council, consisting o& Dr. | com 1 books Pyne and Dr..Rheaume, be appointed hali the former on the easy pay- to consider the matter 7 For the time being, then, political = doctors might iwell stop playing at politics dnd eon of physi teach: |" Something "|%150, The appellate division of members of the hody have been divid-| PIPLOMATIC MANOEUVRES. As a result of the deliberations of the assembly, the west will, in all probability, secure a closer control of western church affairs. In the past She Ife mission work of the church hits oun administered from Toronto, Washington, D.C.; June 8.--It is be is the headquarters of Rev. E.}; ck d ' about that democratic D. McLaren, the secretary of the! - shoe gr iin en hos ok home. mission committee. At this os memihers o the ouse committee n- admbly there will come up for con vestigating expenditures of the state sideration the question of appointing Gepatitient - wp abou lo io She a general secretary for the west, i sposlight of publicity pen Jrhat Yiey J Ee y ar » 8 o ee Sonjaitly yi Dr. MeL en. | transactions to which the United cel, Sp Xa il be, it' is |States government has ever been a addition 10 the ar 18 Bositian, In | party. It concerns the payment of new "posits t ngements for this | more than $268,000 during the Roose with ro Aion . ie sasombly may deal | velt administration to John W. Fos supscintamdontn IF he west, ous toe |. cmon ie Renin. wht le, the province of Manitoba and one for [whose first husband was a brother and the province of Saskatchewan, The | one of the heirk of "General" Frederick actual Saming of he men for these|T. Ward, the famous Amérvican soldier will probably not. be taken |of fortune. "General" Ward was kill- up here, but will be left over to, | beled in 1862 in the military serviee of dehilt, with by She Synol of Manitoba China during the Tai-Ping rebellion. ar synod of Saskatchewan, The saliznt batures of the transact RC, Jennings, Toronto, gave no- | tion, which are regarded as of more tice that he would move that a lay- | than usual! iaterest, are that the man might preside over the. askembly, | claim of about $100,000 which "Gene ral'. Ward had against the Chinese government amounted to $365,237 when . it was paid, that it was paid out of Verdesi Unfrocked by the Pope's|the Boxer indemnity fund, although Order. it had no connection with the Boxer Rome, June 8.~Verdesi, the former troubles, and that _the department priest who accused certain officials of {should not have made the payment the church of violating the secrecy of {without a proper bond. How Mr. Fos- the confessional and who was sued for | ¥¥ and hig son-in-law, Robert Lan- Jibel by the Jesuit priest, ¥ather Bri- sing, received more than $154,118.50 carellim was found guilty and sen- | Petween them for collecting this sum tenced to ten months in jail. is now known, and the manner in "He was also ordered to pay all costs which diplomatic strings weve pulled of the trial. " and Influence about the settlement of the claim is understood to be enlight- ening and unusual. Former Secretary of State John W. a 6 Candif-: pPogrer is well-known in Watertown, acy for the presiden'ial nomination Bland at Henderson Harbor where | he 1912, Brod Taft will youive the [has a summer cottage and where he unqua ified indorsement o fogmer spends his summers with his family. President Theodore Roosevelt which | {je is thé father of Mrs. Robert Lan. will be uttered just as cordially as iting and also of Mrs. Dulles, wife of was prior to the campaign of 1908. {the Rev. Allen Macey Dulles, of Au- This is the best political news Mr. | hurn, for many vears pastor, of the Taft has received in many months first Presbyterian ehiiych, © Water and it comes to him in a manner | own. which leaves no doubt as to its! Mr Lansing has never practiced in authenticity, {the courts to any extent buh has de WE ------------------------ ivoted himsell largely to the dtudy of Liable for Lost Baggage. international law on which he is ré New York, June 7.=It will interest garded as an expert, He has been prospective vhvation goers to know [counsel and connected in way that they are not bound by the rule | and another in many international of the railroad companies limiting questions, 'spending a considerable of their liability for lost baggage to | his time in Washington and abroad, ; the | principally at The lague. supreme court so decided, yesterday, in the "suit brought by Moncure Rob- inson against the New York Centeal| Morven, Jumé "7.~Mrs. James W. and Hudson River railroad company. | Denyes passed peacefully and quietly Abt ------------ * {away at her home in Morver the Knighthoods "at Coronation. | morning of Way 30th, _ the pon of Ottawa, June 8.--According to spe- sixty-eight, five months and ten days. cial advices knighthoods will be con- [She was a member of the Methodist ferred, at the coronation, upon = Mr, (church and W.M.S., a dwvoted Chris Fielding and Hon. L. P. Brodeur, and tian wife and mother, and dearly lov- King George himself may perform the [od by all who knew her. Desides her ceremony of tapping the Unnadians |sorrowing husband she leaveg five, with the royal sword at Buckingham | childrin: Frank , at home; Mra. Palace; | Frederick Johnson, Moscow; Mrs. Sel --ee send ! {den Ketoheson and Mrs. Stanley 1,000 Islands--Rochester. | Sproule, Sidney Crossing; Horace G. Steanier 10.15 | Denyes, Fellows; and fourteen grand- . Q Ao children. Her fuperal service was con- a.m. on Sundays . 1 at. Bb p.m. for Rochester, {ducted at her home by Rev. G. W. ands, and . N.Y. J. P. Hanley, agent. { McCaul. Among those present from =a 3 idistance were her brothers, Harry and Population of 'Jamaica. {Charles Timmerman, of Montreal, and ton, Ja., June S.~The com- : jab, of Odessa: her sister, Mrs. B. ; Rings ° | Derbyshire, Kingston, and two nieces, ptt ofthe Singha. seme thin wa Mra. Edwaid Smart, Brockville, and pesdden now a. A of 192,000 7 | Mire, Lena Morley, Syracuse. the last tiventy years. = ° 2 ince splite." Gibson's. 4 ------ ev. BE. Fdward Bayliss has been McLeod's Witeh Hasel Cream. . {sentenced to jail for three months at For chapped 'hands or roug' in, | Somerville, Mass, for furnishing the freckles . or sunburn, this preparation Somerville Sum a story that has no equal. In bottles, 15c. each, | Mayor Woods was imtosicated. at M s drug stores. °° Bargains to quick buyers, show cases item (und display tables, at Dwyer's, 112 street has received | Princess street. i tobert Lansing, of Watertown, As. sociated with the Former Secre- tary of State in the Collection _ =Diplomacy and Pressure. JAIL FOR LIBELLING PRIEST: Roosevelt to Endorse Taft. Washington, -Juae 8.--In his candid- one The Late Mrs. James W. Denyes. goods for! It does mot take , 880 in courtesy furn- friends. i all: well | Bale of children's barefoot sandils, long to enumerate his Galt Reporter Out of the fk {and white shoes. Dutton's, 200 Prin 1 Canadian Pacific railway earnings for cess street. p - 1941, $3,194.000;! Ask for Bajus' ale. It is manwlac- 110, £9.754,000; increase, $370,000. tured from the choicest malt awd hops, ike." Gibson's. | Nome of us dre any too particular ice be careful [io the matter of character building the man without | ~~ BIBBYS mn Men's and Boys' Departmental Store Store Closes 'Saturday Evenings Every young man wants "the thing" in Fine Clothes, We're going to see that he gets it, too. In short, when it comes to Srapoy Clothes for young men--"we're here with the go ys. . COME SEE OUR NEW SUMMER SUITS New Fabrics in Grey, Olive and Brown Colorings, Expert' Tailoring by master hands. OUTING SUITS, 2-piece, Homespuns, $8.50, or 1g OUTING SUITS, £-plece, Flannels, $6.50. EMPEROR SUITS, Three-plece, Grays and Browns, $18.00. THE DAYTON, Three-plece, Green, Blue, Brown and Gray, ' $135. THE WENTHWORTH, Gray, Blue; Olive and Brown, $20.00, REAL PANAMA HATS OUTING SUITS, THE DERBY, Blue, Gray and Brown, $12.50, Panamas .. .. .. .. .. $3.30 2-plece, . $3.00 . $7.00 Handsome Tweeds, At Wholesale Prices. PARAIDAS. ov 40 wy ave | Panamas .. .. .. $10.00, ---- ------ BIBBYS Limited LI IISIVIIIIIIIRII PIII RI III I PIP ISI SV EFI IIIIS TIP III® "For Tea You Can't Beat Lipton's" = In a Nice Hygienic, Airtight 'Package Containing /Guarantéed Full Weight Is the Only Way We Pack LIPTON'S TEA Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly 'We Believe in Economy and in Safety, Mrs. Housekeeper" (oYs "Safe Silent" EDDY'S SAE "Royal George" ARE THE Sale, .. Sure, Silent - "Strike Anywhere' Matches EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. asx von EDDY'S Matches ASK FOR - OF COURSE YOU DO. ¢ Economy in little things is Just as important as economy in big things, and then there is sifety. When you light a fire It takes only ONE EDDY Match, not two or three. If it takes two or three of other than EDDY'S, it's better to get EDDY'S that will light 'the first time and every time. And EDDY'S MATCHES ARE R and SILENT an FHERABISNETE: BIBBY'S CAB STAND * With great sucess. s = DAY OR NIGHT Jad logs sores, discharged etherses mesons vigor vital force, , ac. Bither No. at oy, etd 151 from Fougera & Co. 90 Beekman 2) York City, or Lyman Boas. Co fad, Faron. | Hinde No. requingd, vend self addres enedtops for frve book £0 Dr, Lo mre Mod. Co. Baverstock RA. Phone - 101 Hampstead London, Bag. Try senDragée Tasteless) Porm of TRerapicn, cay to take, mie, Lasting cure, PICTURES AND FRAMING, A pretly picture makes a use. ful gift for the bride Ww have & large sick of framed and ume framed al redsonabls prices 1" you hive 8 pictured to framed bring it in and give us 8 tried Once & cuMtomer, AIWayy & cus A runaway team dashed into a crowd of working girls on King street, Toronto, on Wednesday morning, and Mrs. Joseph Glrse was injured. The horses jumped over 'her without touch- ing ber, but she was dragged by the AL ' Justice J 5 Je Rut "an dojustice. | Religiors and political belief ought to expect praise. Tee cream bricks. on entitled to censure do not | to he considered' personal ) Je " Gimoars. nd J "Perloet headache powders," Row for 10. Gibson's. he pe soa tomer WEESE & (0, Wallpaper, Photos, 4 ar we