a Savings - ~ "Account May be opened 'dt the Bank of Toronto, the money in which may be Withdrawn by either of two persons. These are. very con- venient household ac- counts and interest is paid on all balances. BANK OF TORONTO INCORPORATED 1855, Resources ...... $30,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS 'ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager, Spray Your Fruit Trees. 'AHIS 18 THE TIME FOR THE DEADLY COBLING MOTH, And ft Is astonishing, but the De- partment of Agriculture says that 50 per cent. of the blossoms are de- _..stroyed by the Codling Moth, and the * 'only way to get rid of it is > SPRAY With the Arsenate of Lead for all Insects and : Sulphate of Lime for all Fungus Growth. 2 Let us tell you how to do it and fnerease your yield of fruit 50 per cent, . Arsenate of Lead 25¢ 1b Sulphate of Lime .. .. T5¢ gal Sold only at o "9 : THECLUBHOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess), There are other hotels, none approach the Club homelike surroundings. Located in centre of city and close to principal' stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week, Pr. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, Wood's Great i Remedy. Ja and invigorates the whole nervous Sysgot. makes pew ood in old Veins, @urea Nerv. ity, Mens and Brain Worry, Des al Weakness, Bmndasions, Sper vote of Abus ono, 51x and 4h e or Ss eHes. per, aw a eure. all druggists or nailed in phick po f New pany, on rece Rt d Mo: % pam Toronto, Ont. but for ous Will Not Have to Pay. Cape Vineent.,, N.Y, June 9, toms Collector © Frank D Just received a telegram from the as sistant treasurer of the United Stat ordering the discomtinunnce of the em Jarcement of the aw rogacding the shipment of live animals into this . gountry. The section provides that if the owner takes an American animal ott of the country he must pay duty on the animal on the return. A storms of protest arose and the order for the non-enforcement of the measure fol- lowed. Cus Lowe has At the Canadian 'Medical association mecting, Friday morning, in Montreal, Dr. I. A. Starkey swid he did got be lieve there wae a lake or a A po in Canada that was not in some way con- taminated, and that the water <hould not be used for drinking without fil- teation. : Men, soe our asbéstos sole boots for comfort. Dution's, 209 Princess street. Cheese sales: Belleville, 11 1-160. to Hie; Vanklesk Hill, 11 5-16c.; Brock- ville, 1H}e. ; + Butter, fine quality, 2e. J. Craw: wale Pel. - . 3 . Over fifty kinds of corsets to choose Hrom, lowest prices, best qualities, New Dress Reform, 209 Prinesss street. » 5 A RESOLUTION MOVED REGARD TO THE NE ~ TEMERE DECREE. 5 1 whereas such anpullment of marriages i» nly the msurpation by a re ligibus organization of powers which should belong only to the 'state, and be under its compleie and exclusive control, but is a very serious nnd dan gerous blow at the sanctity of the marriage tie and the purity.and unity of the home, which should be protect of the home; the importance of whic is clearly recogmized by the Roman Catholic ~ church as well us our Pre testant churches and which should be protected by the state from interfer- ence by any religious organization: while thankfully recogmizmy the strong eins placed by the Catholic {church upon' the sanctity of the mar riagy state, and the care it has taken ti guard against the hasty | and the clandestine mn both | Hwtrothal awd marriage, solema- the Montreal |), and emphatically protests Con ly ainst the granting to representatives of ary religious body rights in regard to the solemnization of marrage not granted to proper representatives of all other religious bodies, and parti- cularly against the Kméndment on any grounds] whatever by a religious body, of a marriage 'entered into in good Iaith, or the annullmient by civil courts of any such marriage on the ground of the rules of any religious fot WITH It Will be Discussed hy the Congre- gationa! (Union on Saturday . Morning--Other Business * Con- sidered. {Continued from page 3.) commitiee reported Sunday services. T fle the The nomination appointments dur committes raporied Mr. Mershon for transfor be granted that Rev, Mr. De Raynor for membership he re Lar menbership pplication of Rev. i Lonrey ceived; that application of Ms. be received. { deputation from Yethotist conferenid was heard, sisting of Revs, Dr. FE. B. Ryckman, =. Rellery and Abraham Shaw, o Kingston. On motion they werd made corresponding members of the usion. tev: Dr. Schofield, of Toromio, re presented the Laymen's Missionary Movement, spoke. {he movement, he was begun in the' Hay Stack L prayer meeting, where about sevenly- five gathered to pray foe missions. The L.M.M. is an agitation, to stir | organization, up the church, It i pot primary to] And further, collet money, but to awuken interest. layecutive commit tes Phere' are three secretaries, who de {instructed to seek vote all théir time to this work. There | other religions bodies in making i meed of such an orgimzation in protest effectual by thy means which every church, and where the work 18 be found best, that the present thoroughly done the results are mar in Quebec may he changed, velous it is urged that all church [and the sanctity of. the home and members make -a weekly offering fg {rights of all religious bodies may be missiong. THis would . soon duplicate properly recognized and protected. the sums senrbiibuted. by the churches. The business commitice subsnitted ¥ ithe following : Resolved, that the The duplex envelopes were recom: ; mended ashe best method 'for Congreymtional inion of Canada, in jecting mone® for missions as well session al Kingston, tender to Rev for regular church purposés. Principal Garvie, of New College, Low churches huving adopted the dom, its hedrty thanks for his visit are loud in its praise, and his delightful and inspiring ad dresses, cially that of Wednesday Rev. J. T. Daley gate to the unfon so ably with the vital | aed New Brunswick al churches in that union are ol Linh said be it resolved, that the of the union be co-operation with this situation col: 0s The A system reported "as dele { night, « Wy profderns of the evar gelization of * the] world of a wmina- | thor lead | There is a fine spirited lot of} the church ex the sea, who are doing [press its great pleasure Ser s of Dr. amd Mrs. Garvie at Mr. Gunn reported on behali of | opening meetings of A the of The {tional of Nova Scotia Ast Congregation: by act sity ant showing the nec parlinment, held by the d saghly prepared ministry in this work men down by grepen] hon the delegites appointed to attend the Nataomal Council States the ice. ance and f it to the organiza and members of the Comgregm churches of Great Pritam to the Congregmtional un and Wales, and 'the |¢ Society of Lon cordial greet n, desire them to conve meeting of Lions the United brethren thers are dealing with prob fpgrti ularly lems kindred to those in Canada. The jon of Fagland delegation greatly emjoyed their fra- | Colonial Missionary ternal visit, - {don, England, the I'he business committee reported, re- | ings of the Congrevational cliurches of | garding Mr, Miner as follows: Canada, and: to express io them its "As members of the Congr cational deep appreciation of their greetings I mion in Canada we would expuess the | borne by Pr. Garvie and of thei profound sorrow with which we have] terest aud affection, and co-operation | heard of the unexpected denthof 8. H.|m the common work of the establish- | . Miner. No one among us loved our | ment of the kingdom of God in all at Boston. and most m- i Congregational order more the world. than he. His deep interest in the fare of our churches has long beed manifested not only in frequen and] . . : 9 i ¢ fhe annual meeting of the Congrega- large beniefaction but also in move in|. . | tional College of Canada opened the | wis -- i | Friday Afternoon Session." i i revealed the kindness of his heart and ugh Pedley f Montreal, presiding, encouraged many a church and {Hugh Pedley, of Montreal, pre iding Pr 5% : tor, We would like to tecord in Dar. [In the abwence of Principal Hin, Mee a a few remarks from the chairman, ticular the deep debt of gratitudeip oR : ry 7 ov. A. G. Sleep, read the minutes of which our chiveches will ever feel forfg Go0 or maint. Jer Prof. W ni ly . : 100 the former meeting. Rev. rol. ur his magnificant gifts towards the lift-| © oq the report of the governors ing of our church debts and, which | y oe A Et a0 fat to muke the" Jubiles move: Jd algo that'of the senate. i oripge EN " {had heen one of the best in the his Inet A seve Nor can we ever -- or |i py of the college. Six young men | get his unstinted generosity -towards |i d constituted the graduating i the college to whose welfare he was {and all 'were already settled in ever ready to devote not his wealth | 4, The college had been particular alone, but his personul and loving Sér- [ly fortunate in its special lectureships vice, Of his many services to the | " Reference 'was male to the ierepar- commumity in which he lived and to lakle sustained by the death of Yhe church with which he had been as- | Chatles Cushing, B.C.L., and S. 1.1} sociated from childhood wd need not |C, Miner, Esq. while Princ ipal Hill speak. He was an foremost leader [iad been enjoving his Sabbatical among the men who by their prrsonal fyear abroad. Mrs. 4. H. MeKechine, force, their integrity of soul, their far [the founder of the Meche hnie lecture | soving wisdom and heroic enterprise ships, was also a great to have helped to make Canada great, [institution. A number of and we feel that his death is not only [dents and a few post-graduates a heavy loss to us as 'a denomination, | reported. Six men were takmg but to the counter lovetlaro well. |B. B. course, two had concluded To the widow and bereaved family god | Messrs, Tucker 'and © Mackenzie to the ehirch at Granby we would ex- | taken -exceptionally high standing, press our most heartfelt sympathy-and first securing fon gold | earnestly commend them to our Heav- | medal, Mr Mackenza, the Father, the unfailing Sourcewf all | church silver Several help in students had prizes i Thomas Moodie gave the treasurer s statement, Total receipts amounted to | £11,200. The past had been of exceptional and blessang ! the treasurer saying his report wis | one of. the best for many years.' | The three retiring governors, C. R.j Plack, Judge leet and Rev. Hugh! of | Pedley, were, on motion, veappointed. | the | 8. D. Morey, of Sherbrooke, was ap-! pointed to fill the place of Mr. Bur-| land resigned. % - On mot®on it was decided have | the _ resolution passed at the union, this morning, regarding the death of| Mr. Miner as chairman of the gover-| pors, eomfirmed as an exnression of the college corporation: Rev. Dr. Warriner,- acting principal, was then called upon. He read a let- tor from Principal Hill, now at Mar-| gate, England, expressing his appreci- | ation of the eollege in giving him an | opportunity of emjoying his studies abroad. ' ORS, class, Can- | loss loss stu were special the | it. | had | he the Stove | Calvary | other and | enly mwexial. consolation; our ever present won bursaries time of trouble." The resolution was received by entire audience and wWhoing an appropriate prayer, ofiérid by Rev: J. W. Pedley The following resolution: was vead, but on motion, discussion thereon was postponed till Saturday morming. The resolution was as follows : Whereas, the Ne Temere decree the Bishop of Rome sets forth principal of the Roman Catholi church, whereby it regards as invalid certain marriages consummated be- fore Protestant ministers, although the man and woman have duly consented to the marnage, and children may have been horn as a result of the union: and whereas the laws of the province of Quebec as interpreted, by the jurispradence of that province, have wecognized and sustained - the right of the Roman Catholic church to enquire' info and declare void and invalid sach marriages, on no other grounds than the rule of their church, the while was standling, voear one | SO succes to set forth i the Ne Temere decree; and : Piece Suits HAS ENDORSED NOBODY, SAYS MR. ROOSEVELT Hasn't Expressed Preference. for Mr. Coat and 000000000000 etoo--the Colorings' Trousers made of just the lightest coolest stuff imaginable---Homespuns, etc, and Patterns of the. Fabrics are § entirely new. Taft, He Says, Denying Press Assaciation Story. Springfield, Mass, - Juge *.--Mr. Roosevelt denies that he has given to President Taft his indorsement for president in 1912 or hod in any way ° They are beguties : jee committed himself on 1ae presidency. Referring to a stateent sent out from Baltimore yesterday, fie paid : "There is Ro truth in that statement. i have 'endorsed no. 'man for 1912. 1 Then the other Outfitting & Then to complete your comfort--- '® Negligee Shirts, 'Cool Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, i a Straw Hats, Etc, Ete : of indorsing a caodidate with "any man. The entire story was made up of whole cloth. | cannot understand the course of such' a statement. I have wot discussed the swhbject in ony wa, « fave got even discussed the' subject o ¢ -. olone) Roosevelt intimated be was becoming weary of having his name wend in cownection with political re. (oRBhitFiNg and negotiations prélimin ary to pest year's campaign. 85000000000 0000000000) wn { proved; Jin was referned to preshytenes {terian body. | i vear {of carried Lunnecessary duplication | churches concerned, | { ticism, intensely - u timate and personal ways which have . : - } I 3 hich have afternoon session' at two o'dock. Rev. [danger confronted { fb MATCHED DOG WITH ACTOR. The year [Te Story story; {of the. fop Witless because he had been {apes big spectacle. ; pires,"" | Ar. Savage, R. H.C. Granby, died Friday morn : hed. idny mer | ph X THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1911. A RUTHENIAN PRIEST... iw Furnished by R.-B. Lyman & Co, : : Anchor Building. June 9th, -1911 ? > 2.30 Open. p.m. 1158 115% 674 63% 8 BI} os 10 Kal DECLARES STATEMPNTS TO BE . * AND UNFAIR That Hs Church. in the West 'is Atchison... owen Homan Catholic--He is Attending Amalgumated Copper : A i Ca American Smelters the General Assembly Meeting. Saltiniore .& Ohio . Oitawa, June 9. *S ves Braskivn Rapid Franst gion of the general assembly, & Ohio ..o 2 reported thay sixty-se of the seventy ,presbyleries "had sent in an swers to the remit on church union. Of these forty-nine were fo pproval on the basis suggested; twelve disap two had a tie vole, and four approved of the principle but qualified their report as to the basis. There will be no secretary people's socifties appointed. the clerk 1 oul first oo areat Northern, pid Geperal Electric MK &7T.. Missouri Pavific MBM i es Northern Pacific ...... . Pennsylvania RR. Reading TE riiis reas Rock Island co coir soniinns Southern Pacific . Southern Ry. ... Union Pavilic ... U.S. Steel of young The sjues- at the last assembly, and returns show a vote of Liirty-ninpe disapprov- ing to four approving. In future the traveling expenses the sommissiohers to the general semhly will be provided for. [here was some discussion over min- ister evangelists being on the roll of the presbytery. The assembly decided that to be on the roll of the presby- tery g minister-evangelist must have a two years' appointment. An interesting figure the gembly is the representative . of Ruthenian Independent church, John dodrug. He is here tg look after the interests of that church which receives assistancy from the Presby- the of as Wheat-- {July i Sept. { Dec, Cory tduly . | Sept. hee. wri as- the at - STOC! financial McCuaig- Bros, Montreal Through J. O. Hutton. June 9th, 1911. Asked. Offered. "9 um 91h. ' 7 From "The statements that the Roman Catholic priests maké about) us are artroe and mnie, he-said---- The a French priests come to our service and | our ritual is something like the ritual |* of the Roman Catholic but the preach- (CPR. ing % different; it is entirely Protest Detroit United -...... 2 7 Dominion Steel Dominion Textile . Canada Cement ant. he port, presented Laren, was quite the number of fields reported to the neral Perhaps the commitlee's re + 2 Rev. E. D Me {Duluth Superior encouraging. Last {1 ake of the Woods . | McKay, com. a { Minn. & St. Paul - I Montreal Power the | Nova Scotia Steel committee repre Porto Rico : Methodist | Richelien & Ontario of a | Toronto Railway plan of coroperation which, if Jovally | Twin Cnty i will put a to the home mission by assembly was 674, most important mmsion was by a Presbyterian, wd Congregational churches event we home vent preparation senting out, stop -- emer missions NEWS FROM NAPANEE, of ungeemly | by the fort and the appesran in religions work Marriage of Miss Schryver and C. YY. Beihl. Napanee, Jupe 9.--On Tuesday even ing last, Juné 6th, the marrage of curred of Miss Florence C. Sehryver, ' . orily. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myro In. the The persistent |g ph vver, Fredericksburg, to V. sbuse of members of the home mission pei, of Langenburg, Sask. The bride committee by the Catholic Register-- | C000 4 many handsome presente, at like the Ne Temere decree may re: | ¢octing tor her popularity. Mr. and reed as an indication that the Ro- | ype Beihl will, after a short honey man Catholic. church believes herselt | leave for their new home in tha not strong enough to set at defiance | Loy I'rotestant 'sentiment in our country," Miss Mabel Pr. MeLaven added that "considerable |. = « hicago, arrived this week to 3 the west n the {visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. growth of Mormonism," which doesn't | jus Madden, York Road. Miss Flla ' j ¥ Ie ' , ) ¢ Ale look like a dying eause. renin training, New : holiday rivalry "I want to speak carefully," gard Pr. Mclaren, "but I musi call atten tion to the fact that we abe meeting a large share AgyTessive eo ol West; be nurse-in-tram Madden, | Chamberlain, | York city, is spending her here. be, and Mrs. are attending the graduating exercises al "Varsity, where their daughter, Miss I. K. Cow lan, graduated with first-class honors lin classics, Mr. and Mre. Dudley L {Hill and family are spending a month {camping at THompson s Point. Thom as Jamieson is spending a couple of | weeks 'with fis brother, Judge Jamie son, Guelph. Mrs. (Dr.) Ming was In Felleville, yesterday, attending the {funeral of "their niecs, Mise Duck worth. -W. I, Anderson, of the Mer chants' Bank, leaves next for | Winnipeg, whers he has heen transfer red. Wilfrid Wilson, Ithaca, NY, = spending hig holidays with his rents, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Wilson, Cowan as an Old Kingston Boy | Tells It. Globe and Commercial Advertiser, New York Suiting an actor to a part, or fit ting a part to an actor, an old but suiting a dog to an actor 1%, to say the least, a new iden That such was precisely the vouched for by Hubert Osborne, (for merly of Kingston), who plays the part of Witless in Henry W. Savage's production of . "Every woman,' © a the Lyric theatre. : Usborne was selected for 18 Jase is week the role pa identified with dude parts for a num and in every othe the requirements of | ber of seasons, { ! Mr) BSav-|} THOUSANDS LIKELY KILLED particular filled : 3 the exacting chataelar, 1 By Eruption of Colima Volcano, Near Mexico City, City, June 9.-Colima Pacific coast, extinct many "1 didn't mind "doing all sorts of foolish things that the character re-| Mexico said Osborne, "but when it leano, fear to matching me £0 the doy i is reported in violent eruption, eather balked, dontcherknow. 1, of |The earthquake seems to have center course, at first thought that George ed there and has been felt "ii belts Marion was playing a beastly prank | all over the country. Reports on me, but | realized the truth, and leoming mn show that great damage in the decessity of the gnimal, when Ilvarious sections It believed reported for. my first rehearsal, and | thousa td were killed. Miss Laura Nelson -Hall as "Every woman' spoke her Line that is cue for my entrance. The line 'Oh, that's Witless, heir to a duke dom: he fondles my dog.' "i first 'prop who vol came years, now 15 NOW Likely From a Wreck. Fishermen the Is St. «Johns, Nfid., June 9 from south-west report finding la number of mattresses afloat. Ahey believed to be from a passenger steamer wrecked somewhlre in the ! neiwhborhood: » Likely a Suicide. San Franeisco, June 9A body | found floating in Lake Merced, at the feity linmits, is believed tor be that of { Jomwph F. Coy, jr., Fredericton, NB. It is believed to be a cake of suicide, i | i | const animal, but stickler for real live canine, to visit a ken used a are is a realism, demanded = and 1 was instructed nel, andl, accompanied by the stage | manager and Miss Hall, 1 visited the | tide-a-Wee * Home fff Friendless Asi mals, and there was matched up' all varieties and colors of dogs, including St. Bernards, loston balls, collies, fox terriers, and Pomeranians, before the Japanese spaniel-w as elected . as Wing peculiarly suited to my par@ieu- | lar style of beauty when -in the garh | of Witless," q The good taste in selecting the little | spanie an rome hil Travellers' samples cheap. Children's paniel is apparent to anyom who | ra 1 samples Tr has witnessed the performance of | dr sees, boys' bouses, ete. New York "Everywoman." {hie dog has Dress Reform, 200 Princess street. pamed after the character, and Mr | James Clark, aged twenty-eight, (ishorne has procured his pedigree and | discover that not only doe¥ be pus sess histrionic talents, but has been a blue ribbon winner at several beach shows, That's all. PITH OF THE NEWS. ° 10c----Pineapples--135c. hoice pines, 0c. and 15e. J. Craw: ford. heen at Galt, whnile walking on the track, Friday morning, and killed. See our $1 motor veils, 50c., colors. Nbw York Dress Reform. Hurndall 'Novelty Furniture - com- pany factory, Orangeville, was burned Friday morning. Loss 860.000, ; Pineapples, large apd small, J, Crawiord. / Another find of diamonds 'in ada is reported, this Lime in Lake distxict, Quebec. Sale of infants' shoes, great variety. Dutton's. The 'Toronto school children will not receive extra holidays on account of tha coronation. Pineapples, Crawford. The Quebec - Anglican synod has postponed the election. of a cond itor bishop, béing unable fo agree. all The Very Latest Culled From All : Over the World. At Las Veges, NM, the California limited, on the Sanga Fe railway, ran into & work train.' Sevaral are re ported killed. Principal Gordon made strong plea bel hel, vterian Assembly, Fri- day ening at' Ottawa for separation of Queen's University from the chireh, At. Birmingham, Eng. at a meeting of the officials Friday morming, the by- taws of Llovds bank were altered #0 as to permit of sstablishanent of branches in Canada and New York. It reporied that the Bank of Cane Black large and smull. J. Eng: struck --by--a-Grand. Trank train, land, which helped the Birk through two crises, is willing Yo vante enough to the depositors immediately ten sh om the pound. Grant Hugh Brows, of New York and Toronto, the . Bitish- ; Bank ad . with a 3 has gestion, and all liver fils ure cured by i ars Hood's Pills £ x ha Our June Whitewear . Has arrived and is now ready for sell- , ing. We have the greatest collec- tion we have ever shown, and it is well worth coming for. ; Nightgowns 50c to $5 « In Fine Cotton, Nainsook and Lonsdale Cambric, Lace or Embroidery trimmed. WHITE SKIRTS, $1.00 to 8 00, 15 dis- tinct makes. Many beautiful designs of Embroidery and Laces for trimmings. CORSET COVERS, many pretty makes. PRINCESS SLIPS, properly made. DRAWERS at prices that, mean a saving to you, both plain hemmed and with lace or embroidery trimmed. ® To-Morrow Morning, 9 to 12. 115 White Blouse Waists One of the Season's Cleverests Allover White Embroidered Waist Models, 6 dif- ferent designs of Embroidery. These are tucked to yoke depth, back, sleeves, cuffs tacked, sleeves ] length, collar and cuffs finished with lace. These are exceptional value at $1. # Your Pick To-Morrow Morning 69¢ - July Delineator -d Now Ready 15¢. Also : Butterick's Summer Fashions Large Book 250, With your choice of any pattern FREE. J. Laidlaw & Son Patent Pumps, $200 to 3.50 Vici Kid Beaded Slippers ~~ $3.00 and 3.5028 $3.00 White, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Mauve, Green. Satin Slippers with Btrap at - $3.00 Satin Pumps, no Strap All Sizes. Blue Pink and White. *