PAGES 0 TO 12. itis t - Sam = % SECOND PART J, -- oe " EL YEAR 78->2NO. 1911 ---------- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, EE 136. -- NA-DRU-C HEADACHE WAFERS Will stop that splitting besdashe quick and sure. Will not harm heart or ervods System, 1% : 26 sovVitd a box at all druggists' NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO, OF CANADA, Loreen 58 JUNE lO, PE-RU-NA CHEERFULLY RECOMMEND: ""<FOR GOLDS AND CATARRN. = A Prominent Canadian Gives His Expe- rience With the World-Famous Remed ¥ For Catarrh. | Chronic Catarrh Alwhys Begins] ©-H.Fsrker, Ex Warden of Compa i Wi } A + ~ 1d | Co. Quebec, Las been mayor of Scots with An Ordinary Celd. | town for a number of years, He is an rr | tafluential resident fo Scotstown and 80 Says Dr. Hartman, the Greatest wideiy known. : Living Authority On Cae He.writes concerning Peruns, Read 3 his letter below: tarrhal Diseases. Er = Ta WAR UPON INDECENCY BE -- " 1 -- - -- 7=Y [ESKIMO OF THE NORTH tere | 'with moderation gnd § touch of { modesty which are rarely found a { goverument reports, . FADING AT THIRTY, ARISTO: IN PUBLICATIONS SHOULD PROSECUTED, Someone Should Take Steps: to Weed ! Out Impure Books in Lipraries| and Indecent Cards From Stores. |. | i INUNATALMUTES ARE ORATS. | When Woman Should be in Prime of i i Charm an. Beauty. / wn on the Kogmollocks-- | At thirty to thirty-five a Improvignent in Morals--An| 5 "14 be in the prime of charm Arctic Romance and a Tragedy of beauty, and yet many women begin the lee Fields Recounted, to Bde before theu. Wrinkles appear Ottawa, June 8--One of the most, | and the complexion grows sallow. Dark { interesting departments of the annual | TOES surround Le Ea 2 oud jreport of the Royal North West | aches follow, with bac kines ail low Mounted Police, presented, to parlia | Spirits. The cause of this is Simply ment before adjournment by Sir Wil- j meed of blood vourishment. tood, Heid Laurier; is that devoted to the | pure blood is the life oi a woman's {Canadian Eskimo living at Herschell's { beauty and health. It is good blood {Tsland. It appears from the report [that brings the glow of health to the [that these people are divided into two cheek, hrightvess to the eye, and elas | tribes, the Kogmollocks © and the ticity to the step, and the general ! Nunatalmutes, but' the latter are the [happiness of Sond Falth, When Yor Budoveut, post [better of the two in every way. They {man feels jaded an worn out wer | publications, | | are the Sethe 4 trappers and in | blood tla needs attention, and the | The reason 4s that the demand has | 8he Rose and throat, * "i | the winter live in the Mackenzie delta one unrivalled and sure remedy je | become so great the purveyors take | This gives rise to a discharge, lor st} and the region back of the mountains. | liz. Williams' Pink Pills, which supply | great ghances in supplying it, as they | boast a stuffiness of thé nasal passages. || Fhe report adds that "this tribe has | the rich, red blood that gepairs the [lind the business peofitabie. We do not | Sometimes fever accompanies thie first || {a high moral code dnd looks down on | waste, dispels disease and restores the | %¢'m to be living in an age where you | sttack, also & fesling of languor, dull- by { the Kogmollocks for their 1oose cus I brightness and chart "of womsnly hear people warning others against | meas and aching of the bones, HE | tom in this respect." | health. indecent publications, but what you | If noattention is paid to it, the mucous | | The Refioet of Inspector Jeunings, | Mrs. H. G. Hart, Winnipeg, Man., ig|do hear 15: "Have you read a Kook, | congestion is lable to spread down. into | commanding the Mackenzie river sub- ooo" 4 the 'thousands of sufferers whe | if not, get it. | the larynx, producing hoarseness and division, with heattyuarters at Fort } swes hpr present health to, Dr. wil Filthy literature has been gradually {gn es the bronchial tubes, producing a Macpherson. on these Canadian Siti 1G Lk pile She saya: 1 had | creeping iu under the mask of decency, | gon op ¥ nvereating. Ye States t "The go) cor long time, not knowing | and being up-to-date literature. | "yp when this occurs, many people | Rogmollcks ala ea] hunters ang {he what the trouble was. 1 had doctored Jou Whe _yriters 3 vighee reputation | poy no attention to it. : ' ol | 16 se he «iM " ° : ov $ Es ARE I I aor She have | With: several" doctors, but only Mim Some years ago we Youd of books by | Under such circumstances, the con- [| been doing a little trapping along the [6d to be growing worse. The last R. G. Wells béing baned 'in England : | Gestion is liable to become chromic, pro- | and on the They are the doctor, I bad told me the trouble |, © latest book has been dealt with in | ducing a condition of the mucous mem- | poorer of the two tribes and general- | Was anaemia, that my blood was tutn- the sume way. Now, if books by such | branes known as catarrh, Catarrh lasts || meme |] hard up. It to . that my condition » A teach them to be provident and to [was serious. 'But his treatment, like ---- a0 indefinite f the rest, did me no good. I got se CURE COLDS-- time. Catarrh | up for the winter." we rest, dic no good. O 80 PREVENT CATARRM. | 1s essentially a garding the moral bad that if 1 excited myself, or went o Sy I he wp stirs, I. was completely oul chronic condi ' breath and felt. as if 1 tion and Joes not lesve except some- to suffocate. My heart would Shing is done to relieve it. tate vidlently, and at times | What should be done when a persom suffer with terrible pains from eaiches cold is to take a few doses of | 8 s0!l had a yellow complexion, my Peruna, ' had lgst their color, and I had Taken at the onset, Peruns would jf: appetite and could not eat. | | break up the cold and prevent all the so weak 1 could hardly drag trainof symptoms which usually follow. | pnlong, and my feet seemed to have purchased in Canada. But, even in cases where the cold has | {weights on them, I was com At the time that King and Skill were | been neglected snd hoarseness or a; pletely yun down that 1 thought sent to prison for selling ol scene : . cough has developed, Peruna can be | wis going into consumption. At this | hooks, therd was much said through | relied upon to give prompt and per- time a friend urged me to take Dr. [thy press and since then there has | manent relief, Williams" Pink Pills. After taking a been some others prosecuted ioc deal- | The frequency of coughs and colds in few boxes 1 found my health im- ing in them. There has been no thor- { the winter makes Peruna a popular rem- proving,~and after taking the Pills for mvestigation made the | ody for these ailments, a couple of months 1 wae Seibel class of books that are circulated in A number of the best people of various well, and have since enjoy E. a8. best Canada. Phere are so many chanrols eountrics hitve given testimonials as to of health, und 1 feel that I can never through which they are distriVpited, and . fp say enough in praise of Dr. Williams' | this is not only through the hook the value of Peruna in such cases. Pink - Pills." stands and stores, but there are| Followed Dr. Hartman's Advice-- These pills, are sold by all dealers | agents Canvassing 'the country, and Restored to Health, in medicine or sent by mail at 50c. | there are firms on the continent who| Mrs. Samuelle Vigneau, Avre su Berd, a box of six boxes for $2.50 from | ave forwarding to Canada lists = of | lsle de La Magdaline, Canada, writes: Bagh farted the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock: | books that should not be allowed in| "Iwrite to tell you that I am perfectly | If Peruna had no other medicinal ville, Ont. this country. Are these books e€amin well. 1 took only three bottles ot your | value than the promptness with which ed before entering 7 Peruna according to your advice and | it relieves common colds, it would be Writing letters to the new SPAPers | ghe directions in your book and it re- | well worth while for any family to keep may wake this matter up, snd check stored my health." 148 in the Louse constantly, them to a certain extent, "ut . stringent steps should be Stop their sale. A newspaper stated tp me, when in foroato, to publish the name of. an indecent | Look woman and Se -- Hakifax, June 3.--(To the Editor): - For some years in England every eof fort has been used through commit tees, ele, to try and elimmwate the] circulation of indecent publications of various kinds with which the country | has become inundated, but with atl} that has been done in the way of con-| liscating numbers of indecent books, | and the heavy fines and punishments | imposed upon the purveyors of the | | 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE | ------ i cards and other such! B first effect of a cold fe a thick- tha sale still continues. | ening of the mucous membranes of EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR IS ABSOLUTELY PURE The first and great essential of a food product, is Purity ; the Purity and Quality of our Extra Granulated have never bec questioned, : Once make a comparison with other Sugars and you will not be satisfied with any but Redpat and Dainty Tea Tables are always served with PARIS LUMPS to be had in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Established in 1854 by Joka Redpath ----ta TEL) Joka Redpath 76nd oO coast 100, ed to water and | _-- INIT Fry 1s YOUR Baby STURDY, or just FAT ? a ) seems impossible writers are unfit for dirculation what | class of books may we expect from | writers who are not seeking for fiter- | ary * veputation, but who are writing | fo fit. - | . or. profi going I saw a statement showing that palpi there were over 200 books in ¥ngland Would § ) esed as unlit for circulation. Then I | seu the class of post cards and other lips | such literature being circulated. 1 call- "Oled attention some time ago to the ETeW | names of many books which hid been | myself confiscated in England but ciuld customs of i Inspector Jennings of { was Some foods merely puffout a child with fat, without leaving any solid good behind," A baby at five or six months may be a triumph of the fallening powers of faod~ and yet, at tuo years, may be thin and suffering from rickets, NE AVE'S FOOD FOR INFANTS : 2 is perfectly balanced, It not only préduces 'a fine baby --it also insures that baby growing into a healthy adult, because Neave's Food contains all the essentials for flesh and bone. >» "Our eldest boy, Maurice, is five years old. We put him on Neave's Food when he was one week old and he riever tasted any. thing else uutil his first birthday, He is very. bright apd inteiligent, strong and sturdy, has neler had au tilness and is one of the bonuiest boys I have ever seen. We owe {tall to the good foundation laid by Neéave's Food." Mrs. J. W, Pateman, 34 Harriet St., Toronto, Sold in 11h. airtight tins by all Drugyists in Canada. FREE TO MOTHERS --write for free tin of at a very early and are fifteen. The per- born mature age N married at centage of female children | great that it a custom past for a mother to let a newly-born girl baby die, as it would only be help to the family. now, that indulgent generally | these. he girls of the Kowmollock tribe | i ! was in years | Nz 7 be C. H. PARKER. i a SE {7 had several attacks of colds | 4 from time to time and finally a i 4 severe attack developed into ca- t tarrk. ! 1 "I was advised to use your cele- 4 { brated catarrh remedy, ahd after | i taxing three bottles I find myself } completely cured, aad I no longer { 4 suffer from catarrh or colds. t "I can cheerfully recommend i Peruna for-colds and catarrh." drag instead of a = not do well known kind and dren. These people without tea and breadstufis have it or probably association with whalers the const have never lived or d so well. Also they have learn- ed-much of the white man's ways; his language, cleanliness, cooking and housekeeping. Most of the igloos are clean, although sometimes the odor from seal and rotten fish is rather stromg. Every family has a bath at least once a week, and every Sunday they 'appear in clean clothes. They take plenty of exercise and are very fond of football. They have mo mar- ringe ceremony, the consent of the Je. Sather being alone sufficient akt summer four native couples were legally married at Herschell Later when they found a ship would winter here and that their wives should have with the sailors, they and 80 native parents to their chil- now do Children | die; Since however, are cannot NN must their ough as to natives ressed Sold Whelesale by: Lroane Lid, MONTREAL The National a al Ga, The Drug h Bros. & Co, KE 6G West & Co. to-day Hv SR ay Co. The T. Cor Neave's Food and book "Hists rin tos & Worm of WINNIPRG. J. A About Baby." Address to Teeporten & Co, VANCOUVER hs; Agent: EDWIN UTLEY Mirs. J. R. NEAVE& CO. oo ANN, W---- freckle Farm on Arm. Cute little ' splashes of brown ar- ranged in wreaths and" Hess upon the arm of Dr. Harold Gifford, a promin- ent oculist here, form kis hobby. Du. Gifford is a freckle farmer. In a lect are before the Nebraska Medical As II ONG 2. ENGLAND, [more to eftoy tha't taken book, it, nothing, to do remarked, 'Minister like me got mar vied, what for he no give me grub the point in "question was beyond sociation, Thursday he told of how he had planned the skin pets on one arm, worn them awhile and then had trans- with a view of supressing was like advertising an indecent play | It Incceased the business. He staf planted technically spoaking--en- ed that the general run of the people grafted them on other parts of his |!88te was not inclined that way body. He failed to say whether the thal they read them vagaries of his fancy had reached the mr nd SEROMLY. : extent of naming his pets, to oe i Jaks slic] im Tore The physician further explained how i ib Be n out, and iat he had grafted skin' on the under side | A bese books have been confiscated of his lip, where it still ramained skin This sxample aud thr and did not become membrane . like | Which has been taken England, the rest of the surface. He also graft- shohld be followed in Can via, < Ihe | on his [Circulating libraries wer. the first to investigated in England snd num bers of bad books were found. There is no city or town in Canada exempt from the indecent pulilication and post | cards, and most indecent can now be seen displayed in win | their comprehensiop" It is. pleasant to up note, that those married natives stuck to their marriage vows, and, as far as I know, did not revert to their old custom." LLIN however, more from a nto several | In regard' to the ancient custom of mey loaning their wives to the sailors on the whaling ships, Inspector Jen [nings, after telling of the restrictions he put into force, adds: "i have talk ed over this moral question with the Bishop of Yukon, and he agrees with {me that it is one which must be h dled delicately and with tact The so lution of it is a matter of time, to- teether with the teachings and exam | ples of missionaies and other white {men in the country." Inspector Jennings had a yood word to say in conclusion of the also Cons in Ferro Motors Will Satisfy YOUR Needs # Ferro Engine sithplicity 'means much to motor-boat users, Only three moving parts--no valves, no cams, ne Springs--assires «i2f freedom from trouble and ease of operation, even for those unfamiliar -/ with machinery, Over 24,000 Ferro Engines are driving craft the world over dinghys, oruisers, heavy commercial boats, record-breaking speed marvels like the famous Vipers, of Canada--the fastest of their size ever built. Fetro is The World's Standard Twe-Cycle Motor. Write for our handsome Free Catalogue and Heipful Information Blank that entitles you to free advice from experts who will tell you just which motor will best cuit your needs. Write .now--you will be free of any obligation to buy because you do write. Address The Ferro Machine & Foundry Co., 57 Hubbard St., Cleveland, Obie, U.S.A. ed a piece of live negro skin arm to see if it would live, he said. | It did not. Dr. Gifford's talk #howed what a lovely time a. surgeon can have with only his body pot a sharp knife. The lecturer announced that from the fact that certain freckles in- troduced from the crop of a healthy son to his own did not flourish, he h believed skin grafted from one person = Prin them out. The better class | Eskimo | to another does not maintain its life, | fealers tan assist greatly by nat buy of that northern territory. 'He says :| He believes the chances better for | i"€ books because of ther: gilded titles "The Eskimo, as a race, are the most | skin to actually live, however, when | 80d pretty covers till they investigate interesting of any- I have ever seen. | taken from a blood relation then f:om Li inics, Shey should be stamped Ihey are quick to lean, good manual | 8 stranger.--Omaha cor. Butte Miner. |9%! © anada. GEORGE WRIGHT workers, hospitable in the extreme ---- --_--_ rr are in almost every way the CATERPILLAR opposite of an Indian. I consider a government school similar to that in Alaska" an urgent necessity. Men, women and children would attend, These people do not mix with Indians, and come into contact only with the {white men. It is essential that they! should learn English and the values of trade, if only for their own pro- tection. They themselves are most anxious fur this. 1 have heard an Eskimo father, who could. speak but little English himself, teaching his haby girl to repeat the Faglish alpha bet." {A romance of the north is thus dealt with in simple language by Inspector Uanstahle 8. Carter was mirth Ev fhe Lidig.ob-Xukon to an Eskimo woman. Covbtuble Carter is '| retiring on pension and remains in the country. I believe this is the first case of a white man in the Ca- nadian Arctic being legally. . married to an Eskimo." It is also interesting to note that Inspector Jennings is strongly in fav- or of Canadian rations in preference to those of American mage!-etu.c. On this point hesays: "I am pleas ed to note that all our provisions} were of Canadian manufacture and | bright. came from almost every province, Ra- heli, yo name published con, canned beef and brawn is very Now, ' if you know of any unfor- much superior to anything of a like tunate ing Samaria Treatment kind of American manufacture. I think | cot Bim or his family or friends the same might be said of all - thel, { goods." : about it. If you have any ido A tragedy of the jes fields is thus [Loe por, [ho is forming the drink ho- oriefly reported. "Fred. Moran, de him to release himself from serted from his ship two days after ; Write eg the police patrol left Herschel for Mac: pherson. an --canoes, dories, i even {dows in nearly all our towns and cit ies. It is up to some one to take steps MADE FROM YOUR OLD FEATHERS or n 1 Feathers we Plum shove illus Mail them to us enclosing vour rile separate letter telling by return mail telling w material, if neces the work we EXPENSI and | direct AND "RECIPROCI- TER." 1 weather is good the worms are all try to burn canons "Dick Labor is the foundation of many a fortune--but not necessarily of 7 the laborer's/ DRINK CURE A MIRACLE? thre more tw The tL {hem into But 4 And But Willow not glued rte] } thick them °* Then + US Ww y i We will reply Nearly every night a th wt . rk, ing Are seen hot torches, And some worms Ket While others get luding any m No, Just Sound Science. Many drunkards are sent to jail when what they need is 'medicine. Drink has undermined their constitu tions, inflamed their stomachs and nerves, until the craving must be sa- tisfied if it is not removed by a scientific prescriptiop like Samaria. Samaria Prescription' stops the craving, restores the shaking nerves, builds up the health and appetite and renders drink distasteful, even ' nau- seous. It is odorless and tasteless, and--dissolves instantly in tea, 'coffee or food. It can be gives with or without the patient's ledge. Read what it did for Mrs. G., Vancouver : "1 was so anxious to get my husband cured that I went up to Harrison Dru Store, and got your remedy there. 2ad no 'trouble giving it without his knowledge. I greatly - thank you for all the peace and happiness that brought already inte my home. The cost was nothing according to whay he would spend in drinking. The curse tone THE WORLD OVER MASTERED NIAGARA A. R. WILLIAMS MACHINERY CO. Canadian Distributors for the Ferro Engine Toronto. Engines in Stock for prompt delivery. Er -- -------------------- AT V decide not to have ee . Cl torn. vodltefenthers AT OUR Write To-day=Special Prices During Summer Months of Ostrich 1 request Ask But in spite of the burning And scorching each night The live anes crawling Are a terrible sight ur Plumes, tor No. 7 beautifully catalogue (prey aad Paradise LONDON FEATHER CO., LIMITED 144 Yonge Street, Toronio If the census-takers Do their work In And have to count They can't rest June these wo long at ne I's said the worms heard Of the fruit deputation -- Wanting to obstruct Je Hors enn Good laws for the nation And they thought it must be A lot of "poor coots' That would refuse a free mariiet For such - nice flavored fruits, YOUTH who much money amassed A Was asked how he saved it so fast, ; "With Polo I choose _ To shine my own shoes." \ He said; "that dimes last," of | wn Bo théy're saying by actions, Which speak louder than words, We'll destroy all we can And leave the rest for the birds. you want the worms To keep out of a tree, Don't send a deputation To obstruet "reciprbcitee™ pen} Bugs Turned Into Metal Ornaments. From the Brooklyn Eagle 3 By meaus of a sebret process, said to be electrical in character, ; SHOE Is the Perfection in Shoe Polish. Some preparations give 3 gloss but destroy the leather. "2 in 1" not only is not injurious but increases the life of the leather 'keeping it always soft. It gives a brilliant, smooth and lasting gloss that 'gives perfect | satisfaction. eh j : tis good for your shoes. THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited, 'u be T'S no trouble to shine your own shoes if you use I Polo. You merely daub on the polish and give ; it a few rubs--presto, a shine! Ask your grocer orcshoeman for Polo--the polish in the BIG box-- black or tan. The tan both cleans and polishes hy , Jor 15 "Good for Leathe 1 W simple manner is the work of the men who Mrave hardships on ! the empire's outposts set forth. The snuual report in question abounds narratives of the pluck and darog thise men of the mounted police, Po nds the 'Waeaather™ ;