ming | RACING HEADACHE ee STOPPED AT ONC All work promptly attended When He Took yok "Fruit-a- a SuAxLY,ONT., Sept. 23rd, 1910. "You certainly have the Greatest discovered Headache Cure in the world. Before **Fruit-a-tives" came before the publie, I sufl.red tortures from Head- aches caused by Stomach Disorders. a "One of your travellers called on me - Cords Pecled when I had one of my raging head- . Pulp Wood aches and had my head almost raw from external applications. | "I hated to see any person coming junto the store (much less a commercial traveller) and 1 told him very fart that I had a headache but he my trying "Fruit-a-tives"', : = Tasting & Plumbing =1 Plumbing and Contract Work, Stoves taken down and stor- ed for the summer at moder Lemmon Bros. "Phone 908, 201 Princess St. This Wood was peeled and piled under cover to dry. We are offering this Wood t#'the public at $5.00 per cord, cut In any lengths. This is she. best 'lot of Wood ever offered for spring aad sumer use. Try it and be con vinced. SOWARDS 'Phone 163, North End Ontario ! Street, NEW ELECTRIC ¢ LIGHT FOR HOME 4 Let us furnish . your home | with Electric Wiring and y beautiful Fixtures complete, | ready for lighting. xa 4 4 did 80, with what I would call S-Robm House $34.56 : mgt | results. They Sempletety cured: 10-Room House ..838.50 me and since then (nearly six years 12-Room House ..$42.75 ago) it is only necessary for me to take ; Y a Mo one occasionally to preserve mie in my i our Choice" of Fixtures. present good health. I was 65 years old 5 CHEAPER THAN COAL OIL, yesterday and have been a general store keeper at the above address for twenty- p f h. W. NEWMAN : As Mr. Pitt "Pruit-a-tives" is the s Mr. Pitt says 3 ' ELECTRIC ]] greatest headache cure in the world. . Dealers everywhere have 'Fruit-a- $ 'Phone 411. size, 25¢. Or sent on.receipt of price by Pessasssssssans ) Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, DD -- 'five years", WM. PITT ' ' 79 PRINCESS STREET. ; tives' at goc. a box, 6 for $2.50 or trial an i ---- THE FAMOUS NATIONAL DRINK There's a story behind "Salvador" beer --QCanada's most famous brew--that carries us back to the year 1651 Ti Grand Duke Ferdinand, "Mr. Lothar Reinhardt complet= the Bavarian monarch of that ed his extensive studies of Ger- iriod, established the now mar brewing in this jamous lgmous cloister brewery on the cloister brewery, "where he Qockerberg Mountain, near Mun. secured the secret formula and ich, and appointed Father Bale rocess for brewing © Salvados the chief brewmaster. He has the sole right under the The product of the yoyal brew- Canadian Government Copy- ery was first known as "Father sight 2 Shien Rutenhs to Sale's Beer," until the more Manuiactur amo . convenignt title of "Salvador" . Reinhardts' Salvador" has be- was adopted, about a century come "The National Drink by later. a rigorous adherence lo every For over 150 y "Salvador" detail of the original process de- was brewed il the patron- vised by Father Sale in 1651. age of the Bavarian royal Compared with all other brews, family. In 1806, Franz X. "Salvador" beer 1s worth a dollar Zacher] acquired control of the a drop, yet it costs no more than cloister brewery and pukctused just ordinary beer. the see forma of the royal Every pint of "Salvador" is : . matured in wood for at least six From that day to this the form- months before bottling. ' ula and sole European rights "Salvador il have been the most jealously deli or" is not only 3 pure, Quarded inheritance of the famous 1 ig apkiing nd refreshing New V5 n qual ewer's family, whick make it the beer par ex- Joe rich, mellow flavor of ance for family use " vador" is only attained by * * G special aging process, and if % the output of the cloister brew- Always order "Salvador' ery was a frat enough the people if you want the best beer pr ol Ba would drink no other 3.00.7 BOTTLED AT THE BREWERY BY .REINHARDTS* OF TORONTO local Agent, E. BEAUP RE. Telephone 313, i A NERvous DEBiLITY METHOD TREATMENT will cure I snd make & man of on array the bruin becomes active, the blond purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up: the nerves become strong us that Rervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear: the eyes Seaqme Face Tull am Cont energy Arn To the Body, ard the moral, ial, Dhysica Syaiemanre invicorated; all dmiss cease--no more vital Be feel yourself 8 man and know marciare caatot be a tarao. oat let quacks and fa rob you of your hard earned 'dollars. £2 NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates his axpericoce: "1 was troulded wich Norvou: Debility for many years, Ilayi to Lidioereti ol and excesses in yout 1 Dood ¢ t and diate + care ther A every ody y imaginative 4 dreams he ¥ eakencl fg e_my back prvi gi ar in the § g/ back of my head, hands and feet were cold, tired ih the morning, RZerS were shaky, eyes i air en y BN DE nad oi, Nm Jie fing told me to Dana 1 took all kiwls of mediciars and tried many. first-class iE tivo a a INO ne Qed OH ea, Ere ae JA 2s gent thew. many NTEED OR NO PAY SERS VI, ELS REIT. arg Ave Co re BOOKS [REL If unable to call write for a Question Drs. KENNEDY &KENNEDY Sx. Jehigan Ave. and Griswold Si Beko, Mich. WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. n At Chaffey's Loek: Chaffey's Lock, June 7.--All. kinds of vegetation are looking fine since the recent showers. Mis¢ Anna Burris, Oates, who spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. J. K. Regan, has re turned to her home. Mr. Kerrnish's new kitchen is under construction. W. Acton, Montreal, is spending a few days at his cottage here. Mrs. Terry, Chicago, arrived yesterday at her cottage in Indian ® 'Lake. She intends to spend the summer. The Opinicon C1 House 'is "undergoing exteusive répairs. Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, June 7. i --Major and Mrs. Amey, of Moscow, ave J. Mel. Wheeler a call on Sunday, with their new autd ear. Calvin Wheeler and wife, of Kingston, spent a few days at L. P. Wells." Paul Weighill left on \| Wednesday on a five-weeks' trip to the old country, going by way of Mon- treal. Ie intends calling on friends in Newcastle, Bristol and London, and to be in time for the, coronation. Charles Hanna and Miss Clara Tyner, both of Sheffield, were married at Christ church on Wednesday last. = Macdonald Notes. Macdonald, June S.--Mrs. William Cranston, seriously ill during the past two weeks, "ig improving. Wil ham Cranston went to Kiugston last Thursday to see his sister, Miss Dora, who is ill in hospital with appendicitis. Mrs. iRichard Halliday, of Wolfe Is- land, visited recently at George Haw- ley's. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Huyck spent Sunday at George Hawley's. Mrs. Luther Hawley is at her daughter's, Mrs. John Jaynes, Camden East. Ed- gar Miller visited at Kingston™ on Sunday. \ . News From Westport. Westport, June 6.--W. H. Penwar- den, of Kingston, is in town this week. Rev. George S. Schagel went to Montreal to-day to attend the an- nual Methodist conference. The Misses Nellie Kane and Edith McCann visit- ed friends out of town on Sunday. Mrs. W. G. Mackay, of Madawaska, is the guest of Mrs. T. G. Butler. E. G. Adam was a business visitor in Brockville on Tuesday. H. W. Law- son, who spent the past two weeks in the Canadian west, returned on Mon- day. R. W. McDonald is spending a few days at home, Mrs. Frank Curl and children, of Smith's Falls, are calling on friends ig town. Dr. A. E. and ~Mrs. Hannh, Perth, were the guests, on Saturday, of Mrs. W. H. Lockwood. Mra. ¥. DD. Bayley left, Saturday, to spend a few days Lin Toronto. Wedding at Harrowsmith. Hartington, June 7.--On Jume 1st, the marriage took place of Miss Katie Challis, niece of Edward Challis, of this place, to Robert Gooderham. The wedding party drove to Sydenham, where .Rev. Mr. Dowdell, pastgr of Anglican church, performed the cere- and neatly attired in a navy blue suit, with white bodice, and wore a white hat with pale blue trimmings. The groom was, assisted by Archibuld Me- Iiroy, of Verona, while Miss Frances Stevenson was bridesmaid. Mr, and Mrs. Gooderham will reside at Hart- mony. The bride was very tastefully | ing after some real estate he bought in in? Edmonton some time ago. Rev. Reble left. to-day, for Toromto to pe the fiftieth annual session of the Lutheran synod of Canadas. Sam- uel Rodgers, je; who has been in New Ontario for several, ypars, is spendigy a couple of weeks visiting relatives and ing old soquaintances in oe. renewing this vieinity. Mallorytown Budget. Mallorytown, June 7.--Robert Towe, only son of James Towe, Grenadier Island, died suddenly at the break- fast table on Thursday. He leaves a father and three sisters. The funeral was held to the Methodist church here and the remains were placed in the village cemetery. Rev. D. W. Pomeroy, of Eseott," conducted the service. Frank Stack, of British Columbia, is visiti his brother, Thomas Stack. Miss Mal the guest of her cousin, Miss Lillian Purvis. Mrs, John Kelly, Gananogue, is visiting at Cherry White's. Samuel Nowlin and family, who moved to the American side last autumn, have re turned - to their native town. Miss Bessie Armstrong is to be married on Wednesday, June 7th, to Mr. Steph- ens, of Phillipsville. Strawberries are being picked in small quaptities. Robert Heyslip ill soon have his house ready for the plasterers, William Burnham bas moved into his mew home near: the Methodist parsonage. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Meggs, of Gananogpe, are here to atténd the wedding of their niece. Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Shipman, of Escott, were at Charles Truesdale's on Sunday afternoon. ' 0. L. Buell is tak- ing the eensus for the township of Yunge. ' Kingston Township Council. June 5.--Council met in regular ses- sion. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting adopted. Moved, Gor- don-Valeau, that the reeve make re pairs to Tuttle's Hill and difect the building of a tile culvert east of said hill. Re, Hawkie-Gordon, that each councillor examine all sheep or lambs killed by dogs in his division, and that notice of such killing be giv en him within thirty-six hours, Over draft charged to road division No. | cancelled, being wrongfully made for repairing culvert. A grant of %20 made to road division No. 1, for crushing stome. J. F. Leatherland re- funded $2.25 statute labor tax om pro- perty of H. W. Richardson. in road division No. 7. Moved, Gordon-Val- leau, that Reeve Rankin act in con- junction with the reeve of Portland township, to have toil gate at Mur: vale moved off the public highway. Moved, Gordon-Hawkie, that the reeve and Councillor Valleau be a commil- tee to act on plan of drainage at Grand Trumk station submitted by the township engineer. Moved, Hawkie Valleau, that the reeve apd Councillors Gordon and Valleau be a committee to advise on the construction of a (watering tromgh or fountain at the junction, of the York and Sydenham toads, in Cataraqui village, with pow: er to act. Accounts passed : $60, Henry MeCrowe, crushing stone i, road division Nes. 20a, 26, 17, 33, 37 and 36; 818.50, Johny Mouldy, work op Bath Road during winter of 1910-11; 85, John Thompson, work on road di vision No. 2, by order of pathmaster; $6, Charles Purdy, Sr.; two meetings of council and one division court meeting. Council adjourned to meet on first Monday in July, at 1 p.m. *Rdinburgh lias desided to make its fire department thoroughly modern. To that end $25,000 - will immediately be nt for autemobile fire-fighting apphanves, and this will be gradually an mented, The Mormon invasion of Dublin is exciting attention. The army of Mor- ington. Rev. Mr. Medeof, of Holleford, oc- cupted the pulpit, last Sunday even- ing, in the absence of Rev. J. A. Wad- dell, who is attending conference at Montreal. Miss Lelia Clarke held a birthday party, last Thursday even- ing. Abput thirty guests were present. Mrs. Moore, of Wolfe Island, and her two children, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. Ryan. Mrs. Conway spent a few days, last week, with her daughter, Mrs. Perrault. 5 Handsome Souvenir, Handsome souvenir booklets issued by the railway companies in connec- tion with holidays and festive events have been the order recently, which have called for the utmost ingenuity on the part of designers in evolving something new and artistic, without Sxoduding the bounds of good taste. In this line few brochures so far pub- lished have been superior to thé son: venir put out by the Grand Trunk railway covering the itinerary of the visitors to Montreal from the Massa- chusetts Real Estate Exchange. © The cover is in heavy brown paper, bear- ing crests of the Grand Trunk and Central Yermont in embossed gold let- tering. The inside covers are of Chi- nese water paper and the photographs and reading matter are printed on heavy calendered sheets. There are fourteen handsome pictures of scemery along the lines of the Grand Trunk and G#anfl Trunk Pacific, and = views of the new hotels and stations being mon missionaries in Ireland is said to be little short of 300. bel Moon, of Lapsdowne, is§ A Rigid Shaving Edge The GILLETTE blade, thin enotih to take a perfect temper, yet held absolutely rigid between the two plates of the framé, shaves as no other razor can shave. : You know diow the thin, tapering edge of the old-fashioned open. blade razor vibrates till it fairly rings when it strikes a stiff. beard The thin blades of other safeties are free to do the same. That's partly why + they pull and gash. But the GILLETTE edge, the keenest and finest of all, is clamped so firmly that it cannot vibrate or spring away from its work. Note how the curved outer plate presses the blade down tight against the teeth of the guard, making the edge perfectly rigid. Thut is why it slips «flirough the toughest beard so smoothly, quietly and easily The genuine comfort of the GILLETTE shave isa re elution Why deprive yourself of it any longer ? Standard Sets $5.00 -- Pocket Editions $5.00 to $6.00, At your druggist's, jeweller's or hardware dealer's. The Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited Office and Factory, - 63 St. Alexander Street, Montreal Offices in New York (Times Bldg.), Chicago (Stock Exchange Bldg.), London, Eng., and Shanghai. China. Fasiories in Montreal, Boston, Leicester, Berlin and Paris. They have cured others, therefore BOX vouch for their power to care YU If you are troubled with A ia, C ipation, Bil Sick Headache, Heart Palpitation or any complaint srising from Impure Blood, Sluggish Liver, Unhealthy Stomach or Weakened Nerves--buy them -- They wilt put new red blood in your veins and electrify vim mew life your entire system. « 4 There is a cause for this effect. soc, 'a box at all dealers or upon receipt of price from The Electric Bean Chemical Co. Ltd. Ottawa. erected by the company at Ottaws and Winnipeg. In the back of the book is a map of the G.T.R., GT.P., and Central Vermont systems, on Japanese rice paper, With deeitln deckled edges. Reports Yeom Denbigh. Denbigh, June 6.--Adolph Glaeser has again been engaged as cheese maker in A 'Lane's cheese fac- tory, near this village, which started operations a week ago. Proceedings at the court of revision, held here on the 3rd inst.,, were at first: cather Time for Biscuit and Berries When your think of strawberries or other fresh fruit think of HREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT the cleanest, purest, most nutritious of all the cereal foods--combines most naturally with all kinds of acid fruits--better than the soggy white flour dough of ordi- nary short-cake and more easily digested. A Summer . delight and a stomach joy for those who like good things to .eat and who have to cut out heavy winter foods. Heat a Shredded Wheat Biscuit in the oven to restore its crispness; then cover with strawberries, raspberries, or other berries and serve with milk or cream, adding 'orght spot in a cll dia 2 Sh a J a ay. t keep the stomach sweet and clean and otis a dil eep an the bowels grocer sells it. Two Shredded Wheat Biscults with mill or grea 4nd s litle Sesh fruit will ll the energy needed for a half day's work or play. ; py THE ONLY CEREAL BREAKFAST FOOD MADE IN BISCUIT FORM An Wea) Sean ood, peady socked ready-to-serve. Your Canadian Shredded Wheat Co. Niagara F alls, Ont. _UmITED