---- . U, P. HANLEY, C. 8 KIRKPATRICK ! Clarence HOTEL DIRECTORY. G0 TO THE STEW HOU LEAD. ART Y 2A ommercial Hotel Rates $1.50 r . Per C9: rmos. srewany, Prop. TRAVELLING, * REL DRE So HEAD CAMP, MODERN WOODMEN oF AMERICA Buffalo, NX, June 20th to 24th Round trip tickets will be issued at $9.75 v Good going June 16th, 17th, and 19t Good to return until une 30th. h * RoundTrp Homeseekess' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA, TUESDAY, JUNE 13TH. And every second T until Beit, a, 3 SL low rates. 0 return w & THE PINS FA Na, Cot Is to be found along the line of the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC in the Pro. Yinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Descriptive literature with beaut!- July Snsraved maps, Fiving full in- a tion FREE HOME- STEADS and how to obtain them free can be had on application. : . P. LEY Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts, KINCSTONG PEMBROKE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH LANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY NOTICE Commencing June 6th. No..1 train will leave Kingston at 11.45 a.m. No. 2 train will arrive at Kingston at 4 pm. No change in arrival or departure pf other trains at Kingston, i -- Homeseekers' Excursions Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, June 13th, 27th. July 11th, 25th. August Sth, 22nd. Sept. 5th, 19th. Tickets good for 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent.. -------------- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, rain leaves Union Station, Ontario Btreet, 4 pm. daily (Sunday excepted), for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- ontp, Bannockburn . and all points forth. To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and jointson Central Ontarfo Route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For fur- ther particulars, apply. R HA Ward, Frit, Agent; J. H. eich, Pass Agent. 'Phone No. 3, Ed LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, LTD. Str. Caspian 1000 ISLANDS AND ROCHESTER, N.Y Bteamer leaves Kingston on Sundays at 10.36 am. for 1,000 Islands, caNin at Alexandria Bay, Rockport an Gananoque. Return J leaves at 5 .m, fo. Charlotte, (P ester) callin or XY. ort at Bay of uinte ports, Dally service after June 24th. Steamer Aletha leaves Kingston dally, except Sunday, at § pm, for Bay of Quinte ports. Freight handled with despatch and care. For full information, apply, » J. B, HANLEY, Ticket Agent, JAS. BWIFT & CO, Freight Agent, ALLAN LINE Steamship Co'y, td. OF PAREN ER STRANGERS oni F PA Gi . LA SUMMER SAILINGS. - Montreal to Liverpool ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. orsiean," May Sth, 0 na. unisiai® May 10th" June 16h fetorian," May Seen, June 28rd. Montreal to Glasgow onlan" May 6th, June 3rd. mba ut By 17th. "Hesperian," May 37th, June 24th ~ THE DAILY BRITI SH 'WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE. 10, i911. WHY NOT TRY IT ? When you need a |laxative, why mot try ° Abbey's Salt? It is pleasant to take-- does not flake on top of thewater--and effervesces slowly, without choking or blinding the user like seidlitz powders. Abbey's Salt is used all over the world and is regularly prescribed 'by . the leading physicians, Why don't you find ont what it will do for you ? 'Phone 941. Give it Fair Play Why not decide NOW to give ZUTOQ Tablets, the remedy so general- A for headache, a fair square If there is any doubt in your mind as to the worth of these tablets or of their harmlesspess, try them and KNOW the th. Don't sacrifice your comfert on ac. count of prejudice or skepticism, Try the tablets and know. 25c at dealers or by mail prepaid. B. N. Robinson & Co. Reg'd. ticook, Quebec, MPOUND =the only tools re- quired to make house - pleasure. clean" is a thor. ough disinfectant. Alter using it the home is fresh and rocer for the Brvse sweepin compound calle "Soclean" Women Need sympathy and help when they are attacked by weakness and suffering. At times when Nature seems cruel and very hard--when depressions and derangements - come -- kind womanly friends may givesympathy. When ailments 'occur, the best natural help and correction is the safe and well-tried family' remedy BEEGHAM'S "Montreal to London © One class (modefate rate). Steamers salling at Havre, France For full particulars of Sallings, apply, Rates and GT. By. st k THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street; Toronto. + LAMITED, Company River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitades, 8.8. "Cascapedia" 1,900 tons, re- ¥ tly fitted out on the Clyde, spect- Tl Yor this service, with all modern ILS FROM AL URSDAYS, rat 4 pm, nd ay han sth July, 3rd, 17th, an im August, 14th and 25th ber, from el the following day at for tod, N.S, calling at Gaspe, River, " BA, and Charlottetown, P. 1 New York From Quebec ' the far-famed River Saguenay, a1 Geshe Charlottetown and ebr at i 4th and 1th Ju Ait and 25th August, and Rn Excuse, 0, sal, wb br 36 Trem 2 Sth Yury, days thereafter. sea breeses very 18 Tem- ure cooled b: 'shove $0 de h he finest trips of the season for PILLS They correct the result of errors and remove the cayse of 'suffering. They have tonie, helpful action on the whole system. They relieve nervousness, headache, backache, dispel depression and suffering. Beecham's Pills give the organs strength, improve bodily conditions and may be relied upon For 'Sure Relief rf Beh ot Seid Bvsrywhere. STEA / , MERS TORONTO" AND a nd at 5.00 PR fragrant. Ask your Leave m. eastbound or ooh REA stibras" Aasrance, ren! Saguenay. : Waestbou pan. for Char COLLECT IS VARED WILD ANIMALS GIFTS TO ENG.| LANDS KING. Birds and Coronation South Africa Sends Beasts in Plenty as Presents. : Cape Town, June 10.--One hundred and . twenty cages and crates littered the quay alongside which the Comrie' Castle lies previous to her departure to-morrow. They were all labelled "His Majesty King George's Game Col- lection." Bomé had come 1,000 or more miles from the north, others from the east and the west, and they con- tained live animals aud birds as re presentative of South Africa as has been possible. . N of the animals was pur- chased, and they may all be regarded as. coronation gifts to the king from South Africans. A mountain zebras and foal--the case was included in the Cape collection-- Went on board. Ome case, which coi tained what the label described as "Sitatunga"--a sort of "'bok'"--was marked "Presented by Lewanika." There was another containing "'Spur- wi ,"" the donor being given as "'Letita Lawanika." The Cape sent a very varied collec tion. There were blesbok, a bushbok, a steinbok, a blaawbok, crowned eagles, jackal buzzards, Egyptian geese, Cape. partridges, rock pigeons, black-tailed jackals, ground squirrels, a porcupine, baboon and puff adider with several cobras and other snakes. The Orange River Colony sent rock rabbits, a cupine and some black- or 0 {tailed jackals, with other animals. The contribution from Natal includ. ed an owl, velvet monkeys, a spring- bok, a baboon, a python, a leopard, a tortoise and a cockatoo. North-Western Rhodesia sent a beau- tifully marked leopard among its col- lection. Allowance has beem made for a voyage lasting twenty-eight days. The provender provided for the ani- mals includes 2,250 pounds of oat hay, 2,250 pounds of lucerne, 800 pounds of rushed mealies, 1,000 pounds of men- lies, 300 pounds of oats, 600 pounds of chilled mutton and various quanti- ties of sweet. potatoes, pollard, crushed oats, éarrots, fresh eggs, rock salt and bird seed THE FLAG LAW. At Sea the Law Regulates Even of Rules Are Law on Land. Montreal Witness. We in Canada have the red ensign with a very foolish defacement on it, which, as in use, is entirely umauthor- ized, and which we want changed to the simple maple leai. When that is ione we shall fly our Canadian ensign with pride. Meantime some of us are fain to prefer the Union Jack. There is no' such liberty at sea and in tidal waters. Under the Merchant Shipping Act of 1894, as the Red Ensign, '""with- out any defacement or modification whatever," 1s there specified 'as the proper national colors for all. ships .Jand boats Nelonging to any British ¥ubject, excépt in the case of his ma- jesty's ships and boats, or the time being allowed to wear any other rin: tional « colors in pursuance of a war: rant from his majesty or from the ad- miralty. The Act says further: If an distinctive national colors, except fro Red Endign, or expect the Union Jack "with a white border," or if any colors usually worn by his majesty's ips, or resembling those of his ma- ¥ a «+ is hoisted on board any ship or boat belonging to any British subject without warrant . . , the mas- ter or owner thereof if on board . . . shall for each offence incur a fine not exceeding five hundred pounds.' Any commissioned officer on full pay may board any ship or hoat on board of which colors are hoisted conterary to thia act and seize and take away the salors." Whatever be the rule on land, there' is no doubt therefore about the law at sea, and the penalty for dis- obedience is a pretty swingeing one. Very Badly Mixed. The make up mar in a rural weekly ewspaper office got fall of hard cider s fortnight ago and mixed up items eporting an auction sale and a wedl- ling ceremony. The descriptian ran as ollows : "William Blank, the only son of Mr. ind Mrs. Joseph J. Blank, was dis- posed of at public auction to Mar- zaret Dash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Alexandsr Sash of lot four teen, sixth concession, in the presence of eighty guests, fncluding two mules ind nine head of horned cattle. Rev. I. Blinks tied the nuptial knot, aver- aging 1,200 pounds on the hoof. "The beautiful home of the bride was very tastefully decorated with one wt double harness, nearly new; before the ceremony Mendelssohn's wedding march was given softly by twenty-one five-year-old milch cows, looking .per- fectly charming in a light Spring wag- gon, top buggy, uy and wheelbarrow. oy "The groom is a well-known youn man, ular in society circles ' of about . thirty-eight Berkshire hogs ; while the bride is an accomplished and talentad teacher of a splendid drove of Poland-China shoa i fur. nished if desired. jesty Two ladies were walking down the street, when they noticed another wo- i of them. "That lady' in say anything 20 her" she. "1 t if she is the kind of son who 'would appreciate yo ness. She isn" per May be a Stylish One, But it Makes and your scalp in " : od GICHTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for women's | YOUR HAT Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's "in style," but the modern hat for men has lots to answer for, 3aldheads are growing more numer- ous every day. Hats make excellent breeding places for the parasitic! germs which "sap "the fife from the roots of the hair. 3 When your hair A 'begins to fall out len countless | wh ia overcome | ac is a sure sign that these germs are busily at work. There is but one way to the trouble and kill the gepms--that| way to the scalp it will kill the germs, and healthy hair is sure to result. 1s to large quantity siroom has been given to him by Joseph Chicot in payment of a debt. ' noted against the address and the Y . date. every might, with Saturday night, way of being at that money and some valuable jewels in a safe place where the police would nol find "went to prison happy." is full of dandruff it took place recently in apply Newhro's Herpicide | often the Liberte, story oo IS HAPPY IN URGLAR KEEPS TAB OF HIS 1,500 CRIMES. Record' Gives Estimate of the Value of Loot Stolen on Each Occasion --Busy Every Night. Paris; June 10:--A returned convict who was, yesterddy morning, arrested Paris, nformed the police that a of linen found in his The police went ta Chicot's house and found ip his absence gu immense store of Hnen, silver, clocks, watches and $15,000 in gold and silver. Chicot wad with the utmost calm that he took up burglary as a business, and that he had 1,500 burglaries to his account. He handed written record of these burglaries, and pointed out that the estimated value arrested, and confessed ta the police a neatly the stolen goods was im each case ENGINEERS USE IT to clean boilers and prevent crust. One can a week is enough for the average boiler. LARGE CAN 10c AT GROCER'S 'For the last five years," he said, have committee a burglary nearly | the exception of when, . people have a home." He added | he had a comfortable -sum of them, and that, therefore, he KING AND A FRENCH MAID. EVERY ATTRACTIVE MENU at all seasons ends with delicious, health-and-pleasure-giving ICE CREAM if it's to be, got! Always on hand here--the finest, most delightully fla- vored dessert of all. Best. by government test. SAKELL'S Ice ream Parlor Next to Opera House. 'Phone 640. shh R RES WILLIAM MURRAY, 3 Auctioneer, * Oity and Country Sales Oare~ : : fully Conducted. Market Square, Kingston. & . : ---- Charming Story of His Majesty in Hyde Park. I'he Liberte, of Paris, gives an ac- ant of a charming cident which Hyde Park, were King George, Queen Mary and little French maid were the chief tors. 'It is not an imaginary tale, as is the case in journalism," says naively, 'it is a trud The incident is related by the | iv stamps for sample to The Merpicide [Tors to a friend in Paris. From en- Co., Petroit, Mich. One dollar bottles ||Wiries it. appears that the story guaranteed. James B. McLeod, special perfectly genuine. agent, Kingston, Ont. " Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. [girl in af letter "full of literary er- is Her name is Melanie S., and she is ia nurse in an Eaglish family, One morning recently she was out in, com- pany with her mistress' daughter for {a walk. In the park it was said that | the king was about to ride by, and { Melanie's heart's- desire was to see the king. Soon the royal party ap- {peared--King George, (}u en Mary, two tof the royal children, and several of the palace suite. They were all rid- {ing. | The little French maid, as they went iby, could not repress a "Vive le Roi! Vive la Reine !"' The king heard it; {turned back to near where Melanie stood, and said ("in very good French" 3 [comments the girl), "Someone here isaluted us in French. We stopped to {thank him." - | Melanie, whose fice was as red as a 'tomato, murmured that it was she, | {and some excuse of delight at seeing | {the king. King George replied that | this was the first time he had been | 'saluted in French in this way. The | jueen also spoke to the girl, who, in reply to a question about whether | England pleased her, replied that she would love England if it were not ways raining, which made laugh. / : After several more questions, the jroyal party again rode off, and looked back once to. smile at the delighted Melanie. An incident in some. respects remark- iably similar to this occurred during THE ALPHA CHEMICAL CO. ithe German empress' visit to the LIMITED {German hospital in Dalston, N.E, { Just as she was leaving the side BERLIN - GANADA . wy {of one little white bed 'a shrill voice BT ORR ARR MOODY'S KLENZINE will soften the hardest water and thereby make bathing a pleasuge as well as healthful and more beneficial. MOODY S KLENZINE contains ammonia in its purest form--will not injure the most delicate skin, | Your Grocer sells it. Large Size Packet 10 cents | cried out, "Hip, hip, hip, hooray ! [with a sudden enthusiasm that start- led everyone. The empress turned {back at once. "How inice of you!" she said to a small gerson named { Luise--one of the names of - the queen's pretty princess--from whom the cheer {had come. Then she whispered to one {of her ladies, "1 must give her 'a {flower for that." She picked a blos- |som from her bouquet, and-put it linto the outstretched hand of the child, whose eyes were sparkling with delight. This little © incident touched the hearts sof all who were present. Bathing in Ancient Times, The ancient Spartans were very defi- | nite as to the right and wrong kinds | of bath. A daily dip in the river was! permissible, and so was a dry bath in| a chamber heated with warm air by | means of a stove. But the warm-water bath remained a mark of effeminacy, | as it bad been in Homeric times. public warm baths were. permitted 'the vigorous days of early Athens. | Antiquity comprises the extremes of practice in this mattér of bathing. There were the Dardanigas, a Balkan people, who were said to bathe only three times--at birth, at marrisge and | after death, At the other end of the! { scale stood the later Roman emiperors, who would indulge in seven or eight baths a day. And they are all dead ! --London Chrouicle. Scarcely Credible. : The tramp looked shrewdly at Miss Sparhawk,-and she returned his gaze al ! =' the king | ge iP ng he i Y 'Strawberries Wear Low ®hoes this hot weather. lighter and cooler and Men's Tan High Grade Men's Patent and Velour Calf Made by the Best Makers Frank W. John McPherson, Makers. Partly fill the dish with straw- berries, cover 4 with sugar and : § let stand until 7s sugar is dissolved then add .Corn Flakes and serve with whipped | MEN'S LOW SHOES FOR HOT WEATHER : They are mueh some cheaper. . '$3.50 and $4.50 $3.00 to $4.00 Slater and with equal' shrewdness, but her expres- sion 'did not soften in the least. "You "see, it's like this, may said the tramp, humbly, lowering his eves until they rested on Miss Spar hawk's congress shoes, neatly showing below her short skirt. "Six months ago I had a little home of my own,! but I made an unfortunate marriage. My wife's was. such that it kept me in hot water all the time." "Mi," said Miss Sparhawk, dryly, Favs a pity there couldn't have been a little soap with it. Only six months ago, did you say?' --Youth's Com- panion. Tagging the Individual. Toronto Globe, : The Montreal Herald says that "The {Toronto Globe points with approval to the J census system of re cording 2 fs git le i H. JENNINGS, KING STREET *WeBelieve in Economy and in Safety, Mrs. Housekeeper" OF COURSE YOU DO. Beonomy in little things is Just as important as economy in* big things, and then there is safety. When you light a fire it takes only ONE EDDY Maich, not two or three. two or three of other than BDDY'S, it's better to get EDDY"S that will light the first time and every time. And EDDY'S MATCHES ARE | SAFE, a SURE : and SILENT If it takes' DOYS "Safe Silent" EDDY'S SAFE "Royal George" ARE THE Safe, a Sure, Fi Silent : "Strike Anywhere' EVERYWHERE IN CANADA, ALWAYS