! Vers Carson, Mise Mabel Brownfield, | Mr. C. Trotter, of Ottawa, will be] {and Mies Nora Macnee. . a guest 'in town for the June ball. : The Rev. Dr. . Griffith Thomas, of| 'Mr. 8. Roughton, "wife and chil. | & : Wyclifie College, Toronto, and Judge dren, King street, are home after | McDonald, of Brockville, are the guests spending three months at Palm Beach, | tof Mrs. Lennox Mills, at "Bishops | California. I fcourt." The Dean of Uhio, Rev. Frank | Mrs. Mercer, and Miss Eleanor Mer- | { Dumoulin, so well-known here, will be cer, Brock street, sailed yesterday from | on Tuesday next. | Montréal for Scotland. } i | Story = Girl -.. The environment is again the author's beloved Prince Edward Is land +dnd the 'Story. . and possess the same simplicity and charm which characterize Miss Montgomery' Ss: earlier books The Story Girl, hersell--Sara Stanley--is a fascinating creature, and will delight and thrill .her readers with her weird tales of ghosts "and things." --8hé tells in wondrous voice of "The Mystery of the Golden Miles: stone," 'How Kissing Was Discovered," and of just how the milky way happebed into the heavens. She will make you feel the spell of the old orchard where she and her playmates spend suc h bappy dags, and with Felix, Dan and Beverly you will. live again with her the "tragedies of childhood.' t 4! rd - t this lordship's guest Jintidents AUGUST éveener cad Mrs. J. B, Miss Flora Stewart, of Harrowsmith, Mr.| Mis Teabel Ross, Alired streel, en- [Was a guest in town on Thursday. | Sy- | tertained very informally at the tea Mrs, George Sears, who has been | on | hour on Friday afternoon, in honor of | With her daughter, Wis, G. Friend, at | Miss Moles, of Araprior, Seattle, is visiting Mrs. Walter "Walsh | fin Vancouver, for a short time. { (Continued on Page 3.) | the home of Carruthers, on widiam street; was thrown open, 5 O'clock. riday evening, and g royal welcome her guest, . A | tended to the many friends of Miss : 1 darie and Miss Dorothy Carruthers Miss Helen and" Miss Marjorie Camp- | i Junking began at half past eight and |bell, Emily street, will be hostesses at | «ne programme of sixteen Saices | dance on Wednesday evening. I much too short for > JOHN Y | sthusiastic guests, who refused to thal Miss Isabel Mooers, Barrie street, was McKA j atisfied without many encores . and [hostess at a small birthday party on | extras. Cosy sitting-out pluces | Thursday afternoon. R . 0» - 149-157 Brock: Street. COORDS BEaT Ot BEAT QUEEN More than 200.600 Copies of Miss Montgomery's previous books have been sold. In Janior Sunday | School Baseball, Anne of Green Gables. 30th printing, Kilmeny of the Orchard, Gane hy 1. | Anne of Avonlea, 17th printing. Publisher's Price, §1.50. Our Price $1 .20-Large junior game with Queen Friday even- | 9th print ing. were un- the | {«rranged with rugs and cushions : { wor the trees in the garden, and {right "eolored lanterns Sotipieted | ery festive: appearance. To i uthers, gowned in a a black {eo quin robe, was assisted in receiving | {sy her daughter, Miss Marie Car- ! cuthers, who wore a pretty gown goa fu the autumn, sid ro ilk, 1 - a te Si mle tts kB | 1, cil it hg this afternoon to King: ills. sands of fur, The guests WL a Miss G. Lawson and the Misses . Ru- | *'" nerford, who are Mrs. Carruthers" . x : Mr. Garnett Grier, of-Peterboro, will rouse guests, Captain and Mrs. W. bo a guest in town for the ball. Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins, who have been visiting Mr. Winthrop Sears at In. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Hansord tora, Mr. and Mrs. Hallaway Wad- "Heathfield," left town on Wednes- day. : returned, dell, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Craig, Prof. | ond Mrs. I. G. C. Campbell, Mr, and (2 drs. William Poor Miss Frances | 1 W. 7. Connell from Montreal, where he has spending a few days. otton, of Toronto, Miss Fitch, of setroit, Miss 1). Jackson, of - Brock- ile, Miss E. Hubbell, of Ottawa, | Dr, and Mrs. H. W. Paul, of Fort Miss Vivian Petrie, of Montreal, Miss | William, who motored here hy way of <rances Sullivan, Misses Mabel and Detroit, spent the eafly part of the darjorie Brownfield, Miss Marion Red- | week in town. Dr, Paul went on to wen, Miss Lilian Kent, Misses Hilda | Montreal to attend the medical confer- ence, and Mrs. Paul has been visiting her father, Dr. M. J. Beeman in New- nd Doris Kent, Misses Nora and Hel- {a Gordon, Migs Mildred Jones, Miss burgh. They expect to return to Fort William next week. There will be a dance at the Yacht al lub, on the Wednesday after the I June ball, June 21st. ' Mrs. Lesmox Mille! Bishopscourt, will pot feceive again on Tuesday | un- ing, in Vietoria school grounds, by | the score of 11 to 4. Stanley Trot- | Kingston, | ter umpired. i : THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 260 PRINCESS STREET 99908049904 04000999000 i The Man FTIR REPLACED § | -- A This Afternoon's Game. Fans are dubious as to whether | the changes which are being made on | the lineup of the C.L.C.'s will be for! the best or not. Saunders, the crack | ~awrd baseman, will be in the box in- stead of Brooks, and Fsford will be | mm' his placé. The weather Jromises to ve good and the league asks for, the nearty support of the fans. Baseball on Friday. Eastern League---Bufiglo, 5; Tatchto. JUNE BRIDES Always are pleased with, our choles ~~it's big, it's up to now. If there's anything new, it's here, and it's .easy to make » home look homelike and comfortable, - - - - PHONE 919 JUNE Is usually the month of most weddings. We are headquart- ers for Marriage Licenses, to-day, been 3. Baltimore, 5. Newark, 1. Roches . | ® s ter, 8; Montreal, 1. Providemce 10; . - On Watch. 3 Jersey City, 2. National. Leagne--New York, 6,!® . 0000000000000 000000000 Pittshurg, 3. St. Louis, 2; Boston, 1. Brooklyn, 4; Chicago, 1. Philadelphia, 1he Lampman understands that the {publ.e library board of the town is 4; Cincinnati, 1, American League--C leveland, 5; Wash- aot a unt upon the proposal to ington, 2. New York, 9: ike 2, ldombine with Queen's college and se St. Louis, 5; Boston, 4. Philadelphia, | {eure a Carnegie library. He hears 5; Detroit, 4. {that Queen's application for Carnegie Canadian St. liibrary benefits was turned down,' a Thomas, 3. {it was discovered that Queen's 'had {one of the best libraries in Canada. It 5 iwould mot be satisfactory to have The members of the ( 'ongregational | the public library .on Queen's grounds Union, which has been in session here | { The people would demand that it be this week, went down the river, Sa | near the business section of the town turday afternoon, on the steamer Ame- | Queen's wants a library bailding, but rica as the guests of B. W. Robert of the town ecouneil is to contribute son. Mr. Robertson' is at present tra- [iargely to its support the convenience velling for his health and fook thie] the general public must be consid means to show that although he could fered. not be present, his heart was in the | work. The union members who went, | 1 numbered about seventy-five, and the | same number of tickets were issued to | members of the congregation and | others, $25.00] jeunie Smith, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss srgee Hemming, Misses Phyllis and harley Short, Misses leta and Vera aor Misses 'Aileen and May Ro- ors, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, , Miss ean Duff, Miss Fidith Hague, Miss nileert Polger, Miss Claire Robinson, dias Mollie Saunders, Miss Florrie stewart, Miss Kathleen Crisp, Miss nrist ne Cochrane, Miss Lenore Ham- | tton, Miss . Susan Anglin, Miss Ma- | nie Garrett, Canon Starr, Messrs. E. N. lesslie, Bertlett and" Arthur Dal- { wn, James Swift, Leonaml Birkett, | Noble Steacy, R. L. Murdock, John ard, Saxe Browne, 0, T. Macklim, .ames Richardson, Frank and J. smythe, Captain Panet and Cadets tiordon, Gibson, Delotbiniere, Goldie, t'owell, Wilmot, Fortt, Lawson, Wind wr, Henshaw, Robertson, ° Turner, wreenwood, Greene, Schwartz, Boggs, teFroy, Galt, Patterson, Young, ('- iwillev, Fishpr, Mortimer, Codville, Maepherson, Irving, Symonds, Car- athers, Gunn, Gwynne, Taylor, Me- wennan and Kk. Stewart. - - - . PARLOR SUITES, $16.00, up to $150.00. IRON BEDS, $2.50, $3.00,. some beauties at $5.00 and $7.00. : Wedding Rings, Brides' and Bridesmaids' Novelty Gifts, . a League--Hamilton, 4; Miss Beatie Caldwell, of Lanark, the guest of Mrs. A. Strachan, street, Mrs. J. vigiting Mrs. We do scription lens analyze not need your pre- replace a broken Bring the pieces We them and exactly duplicate, Or we can make up your present prescription In any of our popular of mounts They - are neat and comfortable 3 Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. eeecccoccesssessisde Carriage Painting | % SOME © 8 ASS TO OURS. ting | This is the place to have 0 is King to "To Go Bown the River. And last, but not least, sult- able Remembrances to present to the Groomsman. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 850 KING STREET, A. Patterson, who has been James A. Minnes, Bagot street, has left for Lanark to be the guest of Mrs. 7. B. Caldwell. Nrs. R. H. Toye and Miss Addie Toye have 'returned from Montreal, where they were the guests of Mrs. J. Johnston for a, few days. Miss D. Jackson, of Brockville, the guest of Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick, Wellington street. Miss Maggie Spangenberg, of Den- ver, Col, is the guest of Miss Span- genberg, Johnson street. ; » - style secure, is generally agreed, the Lamp iman says, that there is no necessity lof lighting the street lamps on moon {light nights, but when the moon is | midden by dark clouds some one should {see that the lights lit. The use {of ordinary common sense should tell {the authorities when the lights should pe turned - on during the moonlight Season. - is BRASS BEDS, 25.00, $37.00 up PARLOR TABLES, $1.25, $3.00, $4.25 up to $30.00, $15.00, $1.75, » Had Dangerous Job. are On Friday, some workmen were en- gaged painting the flag stafi at the | court house, and to -sppetators it ap- eared to be a very dangerous job. | fowever, t rk par | ie oy + the workmen did not ApPEar | fe Lampman has to mind it at all, and while the spec- of the saver: for" the railwy tators suffered cold chills. watching Heamng ayo x" El Wa them at their work, they went along {land Srant hiteh, but bh has Yefended as if there was nothing at all unusual, |? Worship as being wholly iinocen {une knocker declared 'that the mayo Frederick E. Walker, Howe Island, {should be included among those fo has been busy this 'spring building |Vhom we pray for having done those boats, among the number he has turn- |'Pings he should not have done (sign al out being a smart boat of nice {0g K. &P. land memo of agreement ), lines for 1. Bain, Gananoque, - land leaving undone the things lu After the fire, your insurance poli- (should have done (signed the Exply cies are unalterable, but you can rest | ration Syndicate agreement and cinch assured they are right when writhen ed $14,000 for the town). However by McCann. {the Lampman says that in this Kh The Dean of Ohio and Canon Gould, {as P. deal the board of trade te M.D, are to be speakers at the | olame, if anyone is, because thay usual Wednesday evening meeting of jody, which is woted for beginning the synod. [1hings and not ending them, decidea George Newlands, of the Bank of [to make a grand finish in this land Montreal, has returned to the city | | deal case, and made the town councy after spending his holidays in Ot- | finance committee take second plac tawa., F . {im the proceedings. When the latte Fhe death occurred in Belleville on | game out of the anaesthetic adminis Thursday night, of Mrs. Charles | tered, it began to discover things. Smith, aged eighty-two years. 5 "High class sweets." Gibson's. Some of the town authorities must {have a grudge againsi the Salvation | Army when they refused it permissior {to have a sacred band concert i Macdonald Park pavilion on Sunday evening. 'The townspeople would bx glad to hear its band play a sacred concert in the park, and have not got lover the shock of the refusal of th mayor and the parks' chairman tc allow it to do so. Just -think of the {Salvation Army being accused of do- Half P 1 Sale mg something to break the sanctity of the Sabbath, the Lampman says 13} 1) | Next January the townspeople will {vate to cut off ten or twelve place el V where liquor is sold, a townsma: {said to the Lampman the other day {the Morality Society is at ting its Petition signid, and it leontain a great many names. Ther {the town countil must submit the {question to the people. The Lamp iman learns that Kingston does | require all the "hotels" that are do lmmg business here, Half a dozen 0 { them could be wiped out; and th | travelling public would not suffer. He learns that some of the little places are kept in existence by 'the trade," and that there is ne¥t to nothing m 'them fdr those who conduct them THE TOWN WATCHMAN, ®,000000n000000000 000000 SOR NOeGPePSIOOvES. Mr. H. Crerar, of Hamilton, will be the guest of Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, King street, for the ball. Miss Aileen Rogers returned, on Fri- day, from Peterboro, where she has veen spending several weeks, Mrs. Johy Sherman, Johnson street, will leave for Stoney Mountain, Man. on Tuesday, to spend several months with friends in the west, Miss' Marjorie Wilson will be down from Picton, on Monday, for a fort night's visit with her cousin, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice street, heard people \uto repainted. to stand all kinds of weather. r. J. DUNPHY, Montreal Mrs. Richard Hooper, Albert street, -, | was hostess at one of the most enjoy- RACKS. TREES, ate. ~tE .., (able teas of the summer,on Friday af pe ETS, pg A urnoon, when she gave her many a Tr, ITY Ea si (girl friends the "opportunity of wel- 3. NOLEUM, OILCLOTHE, PRAF BR coming Miss Vivian Petrie back agwin ) a Jal an pholstering prompt-{(, her old home. Mrs. Hooper, 'who Mrs. W. T. Ross, of Picton, has been y : wore n pretty gown of credm eolienqe, | the city, this week, visiting Mrs. T b HARRISON 00 was assisted in receiving by Miss Pe-| ¢ Mowat" "Mf. Ross will be down to ve He ' trie, gowned ip pale green marguisette, mortow, to take her home. . p - - - - "Phone 9, HALL FURNITURE, SEATS we. and Ordnance trees i Devsssassrsssassssaa COAL! The kind you "are looking for is the kind we sell. Sc ranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. with trimmings of heavy lace. The spacious rooms opening on to the wide verandah, made gy ideal place fdr such an oveasion, and were very much ap- Grwcio tad by the guests, who included liss Lillian Kent, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Grace Hemmin, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Siswen Nora and Helen tiordou, Misses Mona and Phyl lis Knight, Miss: Mildred Jones, Miss Elda McDowall, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Vera Car- son, Miss ny Rogers, Miss Grace Me- Lelland, Miss M. Marshall, Miss Kath- len Ryan, Misses Marjorie and: Gwen. Merrick, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss F. Abernethy, Misu Winifred Cluxton, Miss Florence El- liott, Miss Madeline Higgins, Miss Fitch of Yetroit, Mi Jean Yomg, Miss Alma Price, Migs Jessie Slater, Miss Florrie Stewhrt) and her guest, Miss Stewa real, Miss Aileen Folger, Mipee ® Bessie and Mabel Rich: ardson, Edith Youn Misses Mamie nl Susie Anglin, fies Pearl Crawlord, Miss E. Crawford, Miss Benson, Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Kate Craig, Miss Muriel King, Miss Eva Martin, Miss: Edith Goodwin, Misses: Kathleen and Mollie Saunders, Miss Gertrude Powers, Miss Bessie Powers, Miss Edith Hague, Miss Chris- tine Cochrane, Miss Jean Dufi, and Miss Mamie Garrett. The tea lable wag made exceptionally attractive wit a high cut glass bowl full of the pal- mauve iris. Miss Edith Folger poured tea, Miss Millie Ferris served lemonade; and Mrs. Vere Hooper cut the ice cream. The girls. who assisted were Miss Mabel Prenntiola Miss Ma- ble Dalton, Miss Mona Knight, Miss Jean Craig, | amd im Grace Martin. - Mrs. J. de Mille Burpee held her post-nuptial reception. at her pretty home on Stuart street, on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, and many Kingstonians. (ok this opportunity of meeting the charming little bride, The hostess, gowned in pale blue satin, veiled in ninon, touches of Honiton, was assbsted in Tocgiv ing by her sister, Mrs. Z. Lash, of Toronto, who wore a dainty white lingerie frock. Pale pink peonies and sweet peas ade 2 very attractive combination in drawing room, ' where huge a MADE OVER . AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER ANCE COMFORTABLE HOME ON JOHNSTON STREET Containing 7 rooins, Miss Caroline Ross and Miss Madg is Hepbury, will be here for the June ball, Mr. Herbert Hodgins will be down from Picton for the June ball. The smartest wedding in Picton this season will be the marriage, on Wed- nesday, June 28th; at high noon, of Olive Barbara, youngest daughter of Judge and Mrs. Duncan Morrison, te W. W. Elmslie, B.A, of Oweri Sound. Mrs. Gena Branscombe Tenny, of New York, who is at her home in Pic- ton for June, is in town with Mrs. J. M, Platt, for a couple of days' visit, Mr. J. Higgins, attached to the Standard bank at Picton, is coming down for the "J une bail. : - CLLLLA0400000000047, Lace Curtains Our showing of Lave Cur- tains In Irish Point, E Net, Marie Antoinette, Arablan and Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design a8 the most fastidious could desire, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. Special values at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.60 to $8.00. MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward, ARABIAN POINT, $3.60. CHEM RA LER PEER Ere R. McFAUL., Ragan Carpet Warehouse. FRET LTVLOTTVRNS Gs RATTBRTRBOR" ey hi : ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ = - = & 2 = . Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Miss Eva Cooke is visiting her pa- rents on. Earl street, after graduating from the "Sheppard Pratt" hospital, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Ryerson Veare and his wife, from Greenbank, are visiting their ancle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. G. Nicol, Clarence street. Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, "Elmhurst" is expected home on Tuesday from Ancaster, where she has ben spending some time with Miss Birdie Harkness. Dr. W. G. Anglin, Earl street, re turned to-day from Montreal, where he has heen spending several days. Mrs. Warner, "Heathfield" is expect- ed home from Baltimore on Wednes- In Flouncing Embroidery To-Night. We offer 100 yards 45 inch Embroidéry, in a variety of patterns, at 50c per yard Five yards of this Embroidery is sufficier t for a dress. all mod good gar den, side and front entrances, fern conveniences condition Can he $1600. t doy in perfect wor oe wil bought for List your { Houses to Rent with. ns, Out must go the ba- | lance of every Ladies'|| Untrimmed Shape in our Millinery Department. This is the first sale of | Summer Hats in this store. There are-about | 75 styles in the lot, rang- ing in price from $1.00 to MULLIN The Heal Estate Expert. "Phone 539, no ssesssessetsvessssserssessesee day. Mins Moles, of Arnprior is visiting Miss Mabel Ross, Alfred street, em route for Yarker, where she will visit Hr, Benjamin. . Rev. Alexandria Laird left on Wed- nesday for Ottawa to attend the eral assembly, and will go from -- to Halifax, where. lie. wi spend the summer. . Miss Edith Hubbell, of Ottawa, rived in town on Friday and is guest of Mrs. H. Hubbell, Bagot street. Mr, and Nrs. G 3 Eng., who have er guests Mrs. George Syden $4.50, to be sold at street, left on Thursday for. Winai and Vancouver for a two months oe .» Miss Honor Tett, of Newhoro, will ar- Half Price. v. Griffith Thomas, DI. rive to-day to visit p= hur viater, Mrs. R. j Synod dice, Tueslay, 8 pm, J. oh preacher, Very Rev. Frank Dumoulin, i - Any sum of money a per- that 13 lying Bot earning interest, likened to a valuable that is left tied up in a the year ground. - The horse should be put to ork, as it represents an in- i : - BS rresssssssssssssaces ar- - Church Services. | St. George's cathedral rimity day, holy communion, 8 am; 10 o'dlock; ordination service, preacher, Rev. Griffith Thomas, D.D., Torostgs Sunday school, 3 p.m. Bible p.m. Evensong, 7 o'clock, Sun mating It am, s/assssssssen Come Here Ohio. it. 850 does the idle money. represents an investment of id labor to earn it. important considera- in making an investment First. safety; second, a fair rate of interest; third, a : assurance' of in. e. these features you will in. improved Kingston It offers excep- opportunities were used for decorations. The tea table wae arranged with the same' flowers, and Mrs. P. Stevenson poured 1 and Mrs. Guar McKay poured coffee. nsmisted Bro Miss Francie Hill Macnee poured tea, Mrs, MéKay poured coffee, assisted hy same 'girls. : The usual tea on and her Re Toronto. by { Motoring wip thesugh Gardiner, Mr. J. Byrne, of iia, will be a guest at the June ball Mr. and Mrs. J. 'W. Hughes, Wiliam street; returned on Friday, from a esters" On- Edward Ferris, "Willow 'ottage," King street west, for the Eng Fone = \ This, our first Season, 'in Summer Millinery has || been a decided success. Al these hats are brand | w, vegular stock, but we are ready to lose on every hat now in stock. dean of Cléveland, Bathel Congregational, corner Barrie' famd Johuson streets, "a cemtry | church" --~Rev. A. PP. Mershom, minis ter, dreaching at 1] am, and 7 pw y Canadiay union visiling ministers Sunday school comvenes at 2.30 pum H Frincess street Methodist --Rev. Fred erick H. E.roule, BA. pastor. Ser Epworti Praye i i am. Rev. A. Slee, Otiawa: 7 pm. Rev. M, ~ See them in our win- } dows, Sale starts To-Morrow ------------ Berlin. Music : Morning anthem, "1. Come To Thee; evening. "1 Heard the Voice of Jesus Bay." Solo, William Mack, "Lead Thou " On" . | Pr. E. RL. Gould, New York, whe received. an ad the University of Taronto avon tion, i pected in N few Teese TtsTTTT LY eros co For your Saturday tht wants in Ho« ery. Gloves, Corsets, Vests, Collars," Fril- lings, ete, We have them at low prices. BRR RVVALALLAVARAL LTE TESTES 4 a» Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Sasi ens ts A * SIGHTS IN WASHLAND Bee our laundry sleeves rolled op Little mac ldnes "great going and with motion, the men hustling and the girls bustling, all performing thelr; part, all workiog toward one result CLEARNESS This your * invitation an PASS living it with you ans see the sights In Washiand. KIKGSION LAUNORY, with Its and gluwing *seeessee Terres eBBe ix d 1 TRO VVT ERB LCTRRG