Takes out the eyes without wasting the fruit. The simplest tool on market. Any child can use it. Does not make your fingers sore. the » PRICE Sold only by CORBETT' S HARDWARE. DAILY BRITISE at 306-310 King Street, Kings tario, at 3 re Jour, Editions at 23 bMshed ursda United to be add and of Weekly rr ed, makin pilce. 1 Dally $ $1. Cai work; 5 TR ww ces in nine and © cheap presses, - The British Whig i Bina _JORONT OFFioR.. Suite 19 and 20 Qgeen City Cham, ers, 32 Church St, Sorento. Smalipeice, J P., representative, = Daily Wiha. SOME PLAIN QUESTIONS. and intelligent men, and yet-apnual- ly, about this and yet the entrance examinations, which thousands of children must par ticipate, are ordered on June 26th. The classes in which these pupils have studied will be broken up. The teachers may as well go home, or on excursions, for all they have to do. To let them go, however, would be mani Bred"In filth and laden with germs. : Keep them out' by rheans of our Window and Door Screens, which are made to fit and made to wear, 5." NGLIN & C0. Office, Yards, Mill and Factory, Cor. Bay avd Wellington Sts, 0000000000000 000000 Sachrtevsturnens rites sn reas festly unfair to the other teachers who must mark time or work because the education department does not plan to break thém up. Nor is this all. The school law says the public schools, in towns and cities, shall reopen on Sep: tember lst, which this year occurs on Friday. eh Three non-school days follow, fur Monday, September 4th, is Labow day, which is a holiday. The School Act, rispuires high igchools and insti tutes to open on the day after the holiday, which is observed as a rom pliment to the working classes and in exaltation of the service in which they are engaged. Now, why should the schools be disorganized, or de moralized, the end of the school term, by order of the education de partment,and disorganized the beginning uf the term through any misunderstanding ? ---------------- public at again at BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 101 BREAD MERGER PROPOSED. The point accentuated in the Stan- dard Ol Trust's dissolution is that it was not a reasonable one. The great merger, octopus-like, reached out its tendrils and gathered in everything that was subject to appropriation in the shape of oil, and with a practical PICTURES AND FRAMING, A pretty pieture makes a use- ful gift for the bride. Wy. have a large stock of framed and un-~ framed at reasonable prices. If You have a picture to be framed bring Nin and give us a trial, Once a customer, always a cus- tomer, w ERSE & CO, Wallpaper. Photos, control of the market it directed trade about as it liked. The combin- ation that had been built up - result of many years' concentrated In bour and 'thought, must go, because it Just what is meant supreme court did as is not reasonable; by the phrase the not define. It can be surmised, Now Canadians--and Kingstgiians-- 'N |e ME Va. ench Hospitals with great IN x rr badlegs sores, deschar ost vigor & vital force, drains, an Ae, dr era Co iv oF. Co. Lad. Toront iats or Mil $1 from Fou b, Sewy ork City, or Lyman doubt No. required: send se Hampstead, London, Eng. Trynew es(eitherse aa Sued Either No.at 90 Beekman envelope or ve book to Dr. Le Clore Ae Co. Haverstock Rd. Tasteless) of § israpien, easy tp take, safe, lasting cure, are menaced with a new dangbr, a bread merger. 'lhe bakeries of several cities are to be consolidated, and for a purpose. What is it? No one will say. The men who are believed to be behind the government will not speak. It can be inferred. Bread men, wo- men, and children must eat. It is the 0. BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES at Cat Prices Send for Cat Prise Catalogue. *" neva MUNSON stafi of life. Substitutes. may be had, when there is a need of it, but there is nothing that really takes the place of the: wheaten loaf. Why should it be dearer ? >. Flour ject to is not going up. It is sub fluctuation, and its producers are becoming almost as arbitrary as the tobacco makers, They will sell Old and Valuable Furniture Antliqay at lowest prices, We Invite clilsens and strang- €rs to visit our warerooms and inspect our goods, The quality and pricss will please you, L. LESSES, y Cor. Princess and Chatham Stn, 'Phone 1046, With Buy or Sell all kinds of i Furniture. Highest prices, designd, when they like, and to whom ~ they please. Their quotations are handed out with an air of independence. Are they interested in the merger ? They must be if this merger is a success, Yet Mr. Meaghen, of the Lake of Woods' mills, says he is not in and will not be. His company is not in favour of any aftrangement by which the food of the people may be seridusly affected, if other millers are of the wind, if the flour men do not join the bakers in their new designs--the bread merger cannot succeed, and it does not deserve to do so. it, 4 4 < 4 4 Re " i 4 i < 4 » 4 4 4 % 4 LA There is a lot in it, if a name stands for RIGHT THEORY OF LIFE. De. busiest professiohal women inToron to, aud yet she finds time fo information that is of the value to the masses. Her THE WHIG, 78th YEAR WHIG, publishef tates, charge for postage nad ¥ E he Thest ; Fob Print. hed is one ol Ra stylet improved. Co, Limited The education department is suppos- ed 40 be under the direction of able time, there is conflict confusion because school boards do not understand quite clearly what they should do. The law says that schools shall close on June 30th, and: in the same Helen MacMurchy is one of the write highest second "WHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 10. 1011. have education carried on by ° means of leaflets, and there is in the re ports pf Drs. MatMurchy and Knight the material that should be printed i {and issued for the guidance of ow mothers. The Whig was struck par ticulgrly with the remarks of Dr. Knight in the report which he made wn 1907 upon his examinations ii Vietoria school. There were not, be said, any evidences of want of food in the children who passed in re view before him, 'but there was thr evidence of malnutrition. Pale faces narrow chests, and puny bodies told the tale. Then followed some wise advice as to the manner in whic 0 3 ito be healthy. 'One recalls the action in the Lon- don school board some years ago. It discovered a lamentable weakness in the poorer classes, and, on investiga tion, fotind that the pupils were not being properly fed. It provided them with meals of wholesome and well cooked food. The result, is a short time, wis remarkable. are getting at the right theory of life. Take 'care of the child- ren, and the men and women will take care of themselves. cationists THE FUTCRE OF QUEEN'S. The general assembly of the Presby- terian 'church has passed upon the (uesthor, and. by a majority fifty votes, Queen's College has . been separated from the church. It cannot be said that this result has been reached without some stretching of the heart strings. Granted that the con- nection between the college and the church had been, for many years, more nominal than real, and granted that, as the principal pointed out in Lis closing address, a masterly one, {one of the best he has ever made), that the government of the college rested lightly upon the church, 'the fact. remained that there was a rela tionship between the two great institu- tions which it was hard to sever. For half a century, speaking broad- ly, there had been the annual review of the college work before the: highest cotirt of the church. The assembly had been proud of it. Steady growth, however, gave evidence of the indepen: dence which sooner or later had * to come to pass. The theological -- hall could still train the best men for_the ministry. Yhe arts and science balls could the better fit the larger number of young men for commercial, indus trial and professional careers. * The faculty would be relieved of the seri ous handicap, under which it laboured, of a nou-pension system. Yet, when the hour for parting came, for sundering of the' tie that bound university to the church, there no doubt strange emotions, A natural experience. Well, with its freedom, "what of the future of Queen's ? Tt must be hope inlly, courageously, and boldly faced. The several steps leading to the pre- sent situation have 'heen deliberately The spirit of those who, in the from a the were very taken. last thirty years, have lifted it strong one, who represent re- a weak position to a is with it yet. The men its management are forceful and sourceful, and they will apply them- selves devotedly to the fashioning of a system or form of government which will bring the departments of Queen's into perfect harmony. The financial status of the college will require first consideration. The [friends of the in- stitution will be invited to rhake greater sacrifices in its behalf, and they will not be disappointing. In later days there was more talk 'of what the province might do, when se- paration occurred, The attitude of ment is only an incident, not an issue. The government has said, through its premier, that there will be no state aid to colleges apart from that of the province. True, and since he said that, aid has been given to the West- College, for special service, just as aid had been given previously tg Queen's on special account. The cir- cumstances may arise again when pro- vincial" assistance will be welcomed fegm the government, for educational purposes, and Queen's, by its equip- ment, its influence, its splendid ser- vice, may command the réogmition of those who serve the people. the local govern- ery The Montreal Star reports the pass- ing of Mme. Berphardt. The idea is the children should be fed in order Ah, the edu-| of over | Froped the Scouts of Kingston ---- EDITORIAL NOTES. The local elections in Nova Scotia are red hot. Bo the Halifax Herald feels it necessury to make special announcements on the first page in red ink, Hon. Mr. Oliver has commenced | his ;ampaigning in the, west, " He is an dvocate of lower taxes, which ought to be popular in any other provinee as well as Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Mail intimates tnat Mr. Field wig was advised by the Murray gov- sument to keep out of the Nova Scotian elections. Dpes our contem: soracy really expect any one to be lieve that yarn? Specialists diseases Blood. Nerves. A ge I of men meses visit advisable: if Imposath send history for free 'opinion' and ue Question blank and book diseases of men free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. m., aud 2te Spm. Sundays, 0 oa Joy and DRS. SOPER & WHITK » 35 Toronte Street, Toronte, Ont, --ec-- Pressure has been employed by the Borden party to have Mr. Haultain recant upon the reciprocity question. (he leader of the: opposition in the | saskatchewan legislature knows bet ter--being in touch with western opin- IFYOU WANT ton--and stands pat. Life, Fire, Accident, Sick- ness, Automobile, Motor Boat, or Plate Glass Insurince, Guarantee Bonds (personal or for administration of estates), Real state anywhere in Can- ada, Stocks, Bonds, or Cobalt and Porcupine Stocks, call or communicate with Jd. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. Also re resenting McCuaig Bros. & 'ompany (Brokers), Montreal. GOT WEALTH BY CRIME PROFESSOR SQUEEZED | ---- Mr. Borden says the conservative party will face the country in the next election confident. And yet there aever was a time, perhaps, when the machine was jn a more demoralized sondition. Of course, Mr. Borden can- not be expected to admit this. ' The Boy: Scouts surrounded and cap- tured, a murderer at Red Deer. It is will surround and capture the miserable thief who robbed the flower beds at he Victoria school. Flowers any- vhere should be safe in Kingston. Hugh (Tark, M.P.P., the tocal honse and seek admission to the federal. The Ottawa Jourral advertis- 8 him as the merriest joker, who will sever have a rival. The opposition needs some one to liven it up, to re- lieve' the dverlasting wails that proceed from the left of the chamber, with an octasional flash of wit. may leave SAYS HIS CARNEGIE MILLIONS now From His Workingmen--it is Dangerous Either to Harm or to Break Organized Labor. Hartford, Conn., June 10.--*"John D. Rockefeller, by crime, which is now so labeled to posterity, has amassed a fortune whose size is barely known to himself and his bookkeepers," was one of the statements of Willard Clark Fisher, professor of economics in Wesleyan: University, and mayor of Middletown, before the Central Labor Union of Hartford, speaking on the subject of "Why I Approve of Trade Unions." A vear or so ago, he declared, Mr, Rockefeller, when on the grill for a short time, confessed that his income was $10,000,000 a year. "Think of it," said the professor-mayor, "'this repre- sents the annual income of 15,000 16,000 Ji the average American work: men.' "Andrew Carnegie," he "is known to have sold his steel holdings --it is spelled |-T-E-E-L holdings--for Church members have evidently learn- | iis opel which were Fained from ed to think more of the things on!the labor of thousands of working- Sebsitly ey aro agreed, which ate the | men pushed to their utmost capacity essentials an on those in regard to|in his mills. For a long time he which they differ. Union for the com- {stood at the head of the tax list mon work is the natural outcome of | tof New York city, having stated his such a state of affairs, though in or {property at 5,000,000, probably , a ganic form it may belonger in com-{hbout two-thirds of his annual in mz than nay seem at the moment come, and yet the world's most gen m-- | erous niin developed in Mr. Carne- | gie. » N.B. |" "The cause of labor unions should "I hqve used ' Baby's Owg| enlist the sympathy of all," said Mr. Tablets ever since 1 have had child: | Fisher. "It is 'dangérous eithér to ren and that is going on fifteen | harm or to break organized labor," years. 1 have always found them en-| tirely satisfactory for all the ailments of little ones and feel that I camnot| praise them too highly." Mrs. Ma-| son's praise is just that of thousands | of -mothers who consider Baby's Own | Lockport, June Tablets the only safe and sure rem-| Clark, aged fourteen years, edy to keep in the house for their | Thomas Clark, called at. City little ones. The Tablets are sold by | {Spalding's office, yesterday with an medicine dealers or by mail at 25c. {employment certificate to get a cer a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi: | i tificate. of birth, he discovered that he . ' as registe irl, The 211 i iwas registered a girl . cine Co., Brockville, Ont. cords show that on the day of James birth the only birth of a Clark that of a* female called Carrie, of {the same parents as the petitionér {The mistake is evidently due to the doctor who filed the certificate. The {record cannot be changed and James must continue to be a girl on the city With the abolition of tolls would markets become larger and more And ter all there is something in the con- our attractive ? It's a question. al- tention that some years ago the pro- mise was made that when th tolls went off the roads they go ff the market at the same tiwfe. By the way, who held out this allur: Sng bait ? would The Vote on Union. Montreal Gazette, The Montreal conference of . the Methodist church has voted in favor of union with the Congregationalists and Presbyterians, 139 to 54. Other conferences. have- voted in the same sense by more or less pronounced ma- jorities. The preshyteries of the Pres byterian church have also declared themselves by the majority of their voting members as favorable to union. to said, A Mother's Praise. Mrs. Allen Mason, Carleton, writes : BOY IS A GIRL. | Registered as Such, and Must Re- main a Girl. 10.-- When James of | Clerk | son as re Ome Politician Dies Rich. Watertown Times. It was supposed that the late Sen- ator Raines died poor, but his es tate figures. up $129,477. ! is an long | i | exception to the rule that | polities | is a paying business 'in the run, but Senator Raines never did! trecarcs. . & | anything else. Outside the valuation Kingston and Ottawa. of the estate, there is $75,000 in| Rideau King for Ottawa: and stheks that are declared valueless. {Rideau ports every Monday Hall | Thursday, at 6 a.m., Jas. Swift T. Eaton's | C0 Fula. store, same street, same side. Just | "All iropin™ loo cream. GibsolPs; one decisive step when you read . our . Ex-Senator W. A. Clark, of Mon ad. a month ago and we conld have ii, who lives 'in' a $5,000,000 man had you pl to-day as stenograph- | in Fifth avenue, New York, es er with pleasant work, congenial hours | caped examination in a suit for debt and unhmited possibilities. Moon Col- | agains his sof on the ground that he loge, 282-286 Yonge street, Toronto. |i in 4 resident of Monatan. t is possible that re-forestration of | Prevost, Brock street has received the Sand Hanks will be undertaken by lull his spring and summer goods for Prof. FE. J. Zavitz, BA, M.S.F., of jig order clothing department, also in the Ontario Agric ultural College, | ready. made clothing and gents' furn- (euelph. |ishings department. They are all well all apd Ae & Just 292steps from the City Just 176 steps from the T. isle special report, on infant mortality, should te put in the hands of every mother in the land. It will inspire ner, if a reasonable and devihited housewife, to carry herself and per form such duties "as will eonduce to her own satisfaction and the life and that the last of her has been seen in Montreal. Perhaps." Bat the divine Sara has made several farewells and still feels the thrill of youth, No, she has not passed into retirement or phscurity. 0 ! Sve Bibby's swell 83 panamns. Runfrow © liberals positively no stock - in the story that Hon. Charles Murphy will become candidate for South rew, nor do conserva: tives, Thomas A. Low, the "present member, is sure to be renominated. emt Se ------ ---------- comfort of her children. According to this last report of rr Miss MucMurchy the infant mortality of the cities of Ontario runs from 9.8 to 25 per 1,000, and this wide range! or difference suggests a close enquiry as to the cause. Kingston's rate is 18 per thousand, Cwhich is an aver. age. There is no 1 'why, how ever, it should not + the" lowest, owing to the location of the city, the freedom from disease ordinarily, snd with some regard for sanitation, its BF ewtiror and with the advantages take | assorted with new goods. i "All cream" ice cream. Gibson" .. | Mrs. Polly Hartman, : Chicag, is {suing Dr. Morris Kerr for 85,000, al Hleging that when he extracted ope of ther tooth he also pulled out a large lone of her tongue between his for- eps x i Wo sew and make over carpets into {rugs amd clean same by dlectric or vacuum cleaners, H. Milne, "Phone 542, or call at 272 Bagot street. Walter W. Nicholson has been elect: ed pravicient of the Roches der, Syea- cuse a tica Telep company, which has acquired the independent con in. these cities. ontserrat litoe juice." Gibson's. i A. Jordan, a Renfrew hockeyist, was married, in Quebec, on Thursday, to Miss Blasche Thibmudeau, eldest danghler of the late I Thibauhean, Montreal. "All cream" ee crenm. Gibson's. At Vandalia, Hi, Haeel Schmidt awoke from a seven weeks' sleep long enough to eat breakinst and "then res turn. to her strange shimber. Br. Vernon's vushion sole hoots for and valid o + BIBBYS ii Men's and Boys' oper tménial Store | : We Now Sell Suit Gases, | Clothes our warranty for perfect fitting, BLUE SUITS, English Botany, Indigo fast colors, Sizes, 34 to 44. $15.00, BLUE SUITS, Euglish Clay Worsteds, Fast colors: Sizes, 34 to 44. Two and Three Button Style backs, Full Peg Top Trousers, 18.00. ' -« + Ogr sort of Tailoring is expert Tailoring. SeRTRsIeIIS IIIS IITISl : Trunks and Hand Baggage a Our reputation is stylish clothes. GREY SUITS, English Pin Dot Tweeds, Very dressy, Long Sack Coat, 2 Buttons, Long iRpels, wide trousers, A dandy for od $135.00. GREY SUITS, English Worsteds, Light and dark shades. Two and three button. Sack, full trousers, $15 and $18.00, Summe Light color Homespuns. Sizes Neat Patterns. $3, $3.50, $4, New, $4.50, $5.00, Trousers 30 to 44, $2.50, $3.00, ENGLISH WORSTED TROUSERS, $3.50. Cut REAL PANAMA HATS, The best values ever offered in Kingston, £3.50 $1.00 Panamas Panamas Panamas Panamas STRAW HATS. SOFT STRAWS, 75¢, $1.00, $1. $1.00, NEW STRAW SAILORS, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Pp ALM 'FEDORAS, $1.50. an 23, : : SOFT HATS, Knockabouts Bie, The, $1.00, TELESCOPES, $1.25, $1.50, 82.00, NEW GREY FEDORAS, Small Rim, Wok $2.00, a0, New Collars .. Peter Pan Collars, FANCY HOSIERY. Special 56c Silk Lisle, 3 Pairs for $1.00. Wash Ties. 2 for soft, 25¢ Belts, Underwenr, BIBBYS ee A Pe A A Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS ST. ne AAA Sa i 7 IBGE Keep Posted On Porcupine pe ANY men TODAY MENTS made during the recorded as ITSELF, and judging from the ABBOLY ERY RELIAB sven COBALT a8 a are Te t HIS L IF i TIME where you ever be our aim to STEER yo TIONS. As we are not en ed in that of COMMI ON BROK vices on any VIDUAL our PRES UDI 1d wholl ABSOLUTELY ENCE Is REC( We maintain SOUND fied upon O'R MARKET nished PF WE OR BALE ON MARGIN OF 2 WHEN PROPER L Y PURCHABES Flace YOUR NAME our ORDERS do sa at our expense YOURS ( FEL MARKET PRIN WEEKLY PROFITS rog LETTER ATE .LIBTED PER CENT 1 AN ENDORSEL. AS COMMISSION £3 MELINDA STREET, TORONTO, ED, THECLUBHOTEL WELLS ane are other hotels, but PO surroundings Located + ve Sven i TON . ass Princess), APPro: the Club: for in centre of city and to principal stores and moderate. @ Wo Sloss Charges a Bpecial rates Tr P. M, THOMPSON, Be L.} 2 FORTUNE HITDA pt. ATH CLEAR the PR COD LAD TO EXECUTE OR 3 MINING COLLATERAL REGUL snjoying MILLIONAIRES. : OMOTION BOOKS and MA RK eT GUID DERS ETOCKS DD WILL FOR THE pPURC MARGIN AR mailing WHEN TELEPHONE MAIN 2380, Direct Private Wire to our Mails Office, ES Brosd St. New York. 4 Pineapples, Pineapples FOR PRESERVING AT A. J. REES 166 Princess Street, "Phone 55, ConneeT, Gur dro ¥ in oool 16 rk No flame gre dh be ¢ Has pois ig S1KEAN, The Perfection terioraily ez ated Cickle plated ay) mar the face Correct in shape, gud cued hatdie. J. WW. OLDFIN & CO, Over ix » fu Car. Srdoabem and Ordusgsace Sis, Phone Sik Chas. A. Stoneham & Co. STOCK BROKERS, "it stessssssirietertentrs A A ey He i end