Too Fast'a/Pace against' other brands is that set by smooth, even, fragrant; Black Cat () ClcARETTES 10° FOR No other Virginia cigarette in' the world can even enter the same class with these little cylinders of smoke joy. pra panes dag AY In our modern Canadian factory the blend- ing and cutting of the fine, sun-cured Virginia tobacco are done only by the most expert cigarette makers. ws Flv 40 Br And the result is unalloyed cigarette delight | for those who always seek the sign of the Black Cat. En Rv wonpiSmo wry § At All Good Tobacconists 2 CARRERAS & MARCIANUS CIGARETTES, Limited, i» Montreal, Canida ~8 FRESH STRAWBERRIES. Arriving Daily | PINEAPPLES-For Preserving Special Price Per Dozen. H. TOYE, 302 King St VBL R. a 'Phone 141, Fu r aa i Pe i ANI - «> -» LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY Saves Labor as well as Fuel Saves time in the morning when you are in ® hurry, and at night when you are tired Here is'e furnace that is easy to attend One you can clean out without using the noker. @ The ashes at the side of the pot can be shaken down without losing good coals in the centre. The four separate grate bars do that, § The water pan, so essential to good heating, is placed where it can be easily filled and not so likely to be overlooked, "Hecla Furnace Six tons of coal instead 3 of seven. And this furnace which is so easy to rin will save you one ton of coal in every sevep. § It will give you pure air without gas or dust, § When you shake it down no ash dust can escape either in the basement or in the living rooms. Sound interesting ? Why not investigate ? Get this Booklet. NOTE THE FEATURES THAT MAKE FOR CONVENIENCE : "Water Pan Openings conven. ently placed on either side of ash doer. Large Firing Door for wood large shovels of coal. ? Four Separate Grates to clean out ashes without using poker. Common Sense Ash Pan fitting perfectly and catching all the ashes. ' - Large Door Handle which . dregs into place and securely, 7 CLARE BROS. & CO., LIMITED, « It will be sent free, and it will tell you things | you ought to kn o'w about heating. Write locks the door . gor it to-day. PRESTON; Ont. ELLIOFT BROS., Kingston. | J South Bay. Mise Edith Lane is cs 7 - x ' ; » ¥ THE DAILY BPITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1911. WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What "They Are Saying. - . At Mount Chesney. Mount Chesney, June 12.---The recent vain did much to improve the crops in this vicinity. John Bronard met. with a painful accident Thursday evening, by fracturing his ankle and was ve moved to the general hospital for treatment. S. Jameison and A. Ritchie had a rather exciting experience on I'bursday evening, when their horse be- came frightned at an automobile, but through the skilful handling _of . the car, a severe accident was avoided. News From Westport. Westport, June 12.--Mr. "and Mis. H. C. McBratney, of Toronto, are spend- ing the week in town. The formet is interested in mica mining iy Bedford township. George Withamgon - and sister, Miss Anpa, Chicago, sre guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. MaNally. West port and Salen played a tie paseball game, last Saturday, at Salem, the scora bemg 2 tg 2. Football is all the rage. Mrs. Kenneth Wilson and daugh- ter, of Ottawa, are guests of Mr, und Mrs. H. F. Bohl. Desert Lake Items. Desert Lake, Jume * 13.---Rev. Mr. Pearce preached his farewell here last | Sabbath. The Sabbath school is pro ¥ressing with a good attendance. Mrs. BB. Page is®recovering from her recent Siiness. Miss Lottie Smupok has re covering from her recent illness, Miss Lottie Snook has returned from Kings- tom. Mrs. T. Abrams, Hartington, is vigiting friends here. S. Deyo has his new house nearly completed. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bawder visited! at Mrs. O. Snooks last week. Miss Alma Snook has recovered from an attack of measles and is able to be out again. Miss Lucy Wilson called oo, friends last A. B. Page and C. Orser each improving their farm with a wire fe nee, week ure ---- Big Stir at Odessa. Odessa, June 10.--The funeral vice of 'the late Alfred Babcock held at the Free Methodist church on Sunday afternoon, June 4th, by Rev Mr. Goodrich, Verona. The remains were taken to Wilton vault. The fun- service of the late Miss Snider at her brother's, Miles Sni- der's, on Sunday morning. Crowds are arriving daily for the Free Metho- dist camp meeting. A large tent been erected for service. Several min- isters are here, some from across the The Foresters had divine ser vice in St. Alban's church on Sun- day. A number of visiting Foresters from Kingston was present. After the the infant child of Mr. and A. Emmons' was christened. ser- was eral was held has line. service Mrs. C. Lombardy Locals. Lombardy, June 13.--Miss Aunie O'Mara is visiting in Ottawa. Freder- ick Sherman, Maitland, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Frayne. Mrs. Joynt, who was indisposed, is better." Rev. H. A. Perry, Lacona, N.Y., was recent- Iv the guest of W. K. Newman. Miss Euphemia Topping, Wolfe Island, spent the past week with friends here. rs, George Fraser, Perth, called on friends recently. Mrs. Henry Polk al little daughter, Rhena, spent a week with friends "in New 'Boyne. Elmer Campbell, Forfar, called oy friends re cently. A la number attended "the fireman's\ celebration in Smith's Falls, on Jume\ 3rd, and quite a number drove Toledo, on Thursday Catholic to "Nen- attend the Roman social there Mr. and Mrs Thomas Evans, Smith's Falls, and Mrs. Robert Marks, Spring. Valley, spent the week-end with the Misses Klyne. Mrs. Barber, Athens, img friends here. ' mg, to lawn = visit Barn Afire, But Saved. Wilton, June 13.--During the elec. trical storm yesterday, J. W. Bab- cock's barn. was struck by lightning, and caught: fire, but the flames were promptly extinguished, and no serious damage done, F. accident last week. Hi¥ hand caught in the litter-carrier at R. As making bis resi ing a finger. Erwell Miller is extensive improvements to dence. Rev. D. Flemming, Dauphin, Man., made a Tew hours' visit at Jernard Mills last week, on his way to Ottawa, to attend the general assem bly. Dr. "Bert" Asselstine is_ bome from British Columbia attending a medical convention. Mrs. A. A. Me- Quarrie, Danforth, is visting het moth- er, Mrs. R. Storms. Mr. and Mis. Webb, Mount Chesney, ave visiting | Mrs. Webb's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Damon Babeock., Piftsferry Reports, Pittsterry, June 12.>The "heavy showers of late have done considerable damage to the potato crop. There was vo service in St. John's Presbyterian church Sunday and Rev. Mr. Reed was in Ottawa attending the geperal assembly meeting. Miss Frankie Weir has returned home after visiting at Vis iting in Kingston. Mr..and Mrs. F, Lucy, Woodburn, Jamies English snd sister, Bertie, spent Sunday at R. Brash's. Miss Lilliam Paynter, King- ston, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Jennie McClement. Mrs. D. McCangh- ey, Amherst Island, was through here renewing old acquaintances. Mrs. 1, McClement, jr., is in Kingston with her mother, who is seriously ill. "Mr. apd Mrs. 8, McKenzie are the guests of her parents, Mr. &nd Mrs. E. Ve Master. J. Wilson, Woodburn, and W. Brash, at D. MeClement's. Quite a namber of boys have gone to camp at Petawawa. } Seeley's Bay News. Seeley's Bay, June 13.---The sum- mer cottage that is being erected on McAvoy's Island, for W. Hewitt, of Chicago, is nearly completed. Born to . and Mrs. J. MeAlonan, on June . a datghter. The tug Masonevere and barge stopped over here fast Sun- day.) They 'sre attending to the lights he Ridenn. The steamer Johy ( oO d d \ J K he Ar er ar hiv M Si M: me of Ji Ly de Mr 1] Hs Cole had a painful [who c got | grapher in Delbert was at home over ce pr St ve Ke ar to M M ov a or ing. lace in a creamy white shade, with side the lace and hemstitched to it. sets are a bit expensive at first thought, but they dréds up a simple suit so effectively that every woman who keeps pace with the mode should turday Chicago, Enterprise, ey, her nie terian Sunday ---- SAA 0 C--O Wl cone. oul sag | ceiling. * FRANZ HALS COLLAR AND CUFF SET. Instead of a Dutch neck the summer girl wears a Dutch collar with Wn one. « way to ay morning for afternoon. reporte ay weimty Mocre and child, friends here for a few davs. Mr. Mrs. Fred. Neal are removing to Ham iiton and will start on Wednesday. Dy Mona Smith, of South Milwaukee, vis ited friends here the past few work on the St. Peter's church grounds pushed vigorously, } he Randall stopped over here on on her steamer Westport arrived here to load brick, Kingston Smit h's Falls. and left A eléctric storm 'passed over here No damage in i Mr. of Montreal, visited new and Mis sheds on in Echoes From Erinsville. Erinsville, Murphy ohn Miss ingston. Several re on 0' Neifl Angus Nie al of very Watertown, home here. Michael Ly vd last w Vin e stock urphy and mda Kelloran argaret (Brie ars an abundant Mallorytown Mallorvtown, meeting of the Methodist schools of the t i# to be held in the Methodist LE Mr. Kelly, me 07th. Rex. , and Rev, Whe, are' to Henry were wold, June 10, 12 ta Miss Marcella Haves 51 Pearl nee, spent the week end here. autos er NS large cortege. N.Y Mossy nch eek, cent with Stoeco friends n on harve June ke Stooksberry guests of Mr. Lake on Sunday. accepted we office, nts quart eaches his indav. eventing, ars, Hy, of id Mrs. their « Charles Athens, A. rs, ore's, er Sunday, home on Sunday. good crop, Port a position €y Rev. farewell Miss was the guest Miss king the reault, at her pass Rate of unday. Mee, J is holidayin Tr a business Frank made trip to Napanee on Saturday. Thomas Evans made a shipment of Messrs, Harrison Miss was the guest of 1 Sunday wt. Tidings, 13 A A. Po of Mr. and Miss Lou as immings' Willmm sermon Sunday The on i Tues heavy Mon this M and days the being Rathyrn Relloran arrived home on Friday from accompanied by her niece census it Saturday iy Napa Ihe York was followed home through here each day en route for Bass Lake Mr. O'Brien, 1.8.5, Monday. visited the school Delton Miss fun by Moon al UIE EY James h and Ave selstine's bruising it badly and break-|day. Strawberries are selling at spent wre Jubilant over the prospects mio and Preshy ywhship urch ock; of ry, tno nsur Sur having been hire fc He removes to Lyn. Gananoque, 1s for Mrs old acquaintances in the village W. Mallory ottage at the river Pruesdell were have M three dave Milford Musings. calling moved ks at Dr Mr and Mrs. John Hunt were at Rockport |, George Burham was Hay is going to be aw Port' Milford, June Ig. ~The sehoon Lizzie Metzler --made another trip Constipation is the ~ root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and 14 i broad caffs to match; like a jolly burgomaster in a Franz Hals paint. The effective collar and cuff set pictured is made of wide Quaker ! | a hem of sheer white batiste set out- | These picturesque collar and. cuff | Er ----------------l with coal for Mr. Cgllier this week. I'he farmers of this. neighborhood have | about completed setting out their to Lhe president, J. Min wcker H. Grimmon, of the 'Port Milord Packing Co., trip around to see the tamato plants good pr f matoe plants and secrétary, made a they report a CRRA for a large crop ning t rawberries are begin- | y-ripen. 'they are selling for-lte Re Stindays xhor him. this Mekeg got his sister, Mrs onto. R. .J. morning for Mr two | here I hé Rev, Brown has just wd peaple Mr will glarting Ist a sudden call to go to D. Thompson, ' Deser- | Mehee left, Saturda. Kingston. Stephen Dul- | mage is taking the census. Miss Man | son and Miss Church Miss | box more then he leaves for Fi ho lose take \ are sorry Farnham circuit, July visiting ERE"S the very thin you'll want this summer--the "IDEAL" Hammo-Couch. You can tell to look at it how much more comfortable and serviceable it is than the saggy, skimpy, 'shifty " half-moon" kind. Has springs, and a soft, substantial mattress on a steel frame base. Covered with beavy tan drill. Strong and roomy. Built for real comfort and good service. Sup- ported by steel frame, or sold separately to hang from porch Write to-day for FREE Hammo-Couch booklet and names of stores where you can see it, sit in it and realize whats treasure it ls. "Address our office nearest you. Ask for Booklet No. (20 «* IDEAL BEDDING Ctr MONTREAL---TORONTO-- WINNIPEG | g Wr When you buy Metal & 1a 2 Beds sce that this label is om the foot rpil, n ----_-- Once.You Try Regal Lager you'll want it again and again P and again-- Made to Sixteenth. century perfection with Twentieth- century apparatus, spotlessly clean. Regal Lager is ab the top-not health-bringing tonics for you Jd. McParland PELLL0000000000000 oh of zestful, r table, Regal Agent, 50 PLEOPIPPCLPPIIIO0 Hooper at Mrs. A. Palmateer"s, Miss |" Gladys Ackerman is home with her { parents. --Mr. and Mrs. A. Arnold vis- | ited X. Wellbank. met at Mrs. H, Wellbanks last day. The ladies" institute 1 ues | | | | Wedding at Donaldson. bune 10. held at Mchinnon, on June 6th, his second daughter, Charlotte A united in marriage to Lore D hemzie, of Smith's F There hundred guests, "The presents showing bride Fhe ceremony w Mr. MeMullin, of After + well-prepared A pretty hows | the home Donaldson, wedding wa of A ames whee.) ys Was ! M¢ in Were Ver one hgh es held: in | wit AUMerous, the | teem in which the was | the communii Re Corners 18 Der Me ceremony | formed by Donald's just ice the 1p pent ee evening furnished family, of MeKenzie Smith's kool vard in AS wa by | eh ery Mississippi nd Mrs I | will reside op Fall alls thi section with intial wire] had the 1ble horse, aluabl I < closed y subst { Mr. Raspberry misfor- | to lose av i wil is putting up a backsmitl hop ! \ baby Willian: was in KNingsto 8 w the home of i kK eraedn J Donaldson ek.. Mr. Roads | § on his wands ' the census, | Meadows , wl days Tidings From Philipsville. . > For the children's sake you want a sweeping compound this spring that will smother dust, kill germs, make the old carpet look like new and leave the fra. grance of crushed roses in the home That's why we're advertising Soclean THE DUSTLESS SWEEPING COMPOUND SN A brown powder sold in handy pails at 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Your grocer will tell you all about it, SOCLEAN LIMITED King Street and Spadina Avenue 208 Toronto 12 Fhe er were le, June i eet Hon prosped ne better | Farden Shire' ne Samuel of Mrs Street, chebery has, par Mr Anory young M: Tide ens, ens, atts the Len wedding Mallor say. Mis K entieds up-to-date milk house, { Waterto She Cela Davicon, N.Y, has returned home two weeks with her grandfather L. M. P. Laishley, Toronto, f her grandfather, sp Ming 8 ulsg the | ".- James | friends | guest of Phe ips, for a couple of weeks Young, of Toronto,ealld here last He Rome and other ° eastern points expect: to be gone four months | W. W. Topping is the guest of her sis i 1 f week was on his way tg ter, pear Lansdowne Station Mis Faton, of Delta, is wailing on her sis ter, Mrs. Farden, best of health. Miss Laishley turned from NewBoro, where she spent] a few days with her aunt, Mre. Wil liam Dargavel. Mrs. Wilson Topping, | who has been under the doctorS care | for some time, is improving. Al "friendly chat between a couple of | heighbors in the west end will have ad hearing before 0. Brown, J.P, Deliy, | on the 13th, . . Mr. Richardson Reticent. Winnipeg, June 14 Questioned garding repofts that he would be candidate for Selkirk against i Bradbury, M.P., on the reciprocity is at the forthcoming general elec | tions, R. I. Richardsem, aditor of the ¢ Tribame, was nofrcommittal, saving | that at present he had@¥not much in | imation e-enter public He mentioned that he had recsived 3 san | of other one being | {from a branch of the Manitohs Grain | (irowers' Association m Portage | | Prairie comstitnencr, an i mers' candidate PMeighen, who is not in the has *e re- | x ! ngs] fawe to tife ple mvitations, t a Fare} ribs {+r Arthn i to run npainst He heating' the house during chilly spring and autumn days You can have the GAS RING the Attachment recent desirable cone with McC] venlie This very Sunsk venti ine furnace is a n---and a After you let gut the furnace in the spring, and in the autumn before the winter's sup chilly days when some warmth from the GAS RING is appr ted. Ju the house will be comfortsbie z Unlik€ a gas log, the GAS RING the gas pipe disconnected simply takes the place ot The GAS RING is al up with dust or ashes. It's go can easily start RING If our agent cadnot give you GAB RING write direct to early are often i desirable. Then ir or two and coal there removing er nt Inst featiire the low ys r t be clogged ¢ should it going agal yy lgh 5 the GAS Very ece you information about the i unshine \\\Furnac Sale By Ji B. Bunt & Co complete * fl, Calgary, pany Ham!