fis v of Tha KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATU RDAY, JUNE 17. 1911. : : : : LAST EDITION + YEAR 78 -NO. 142 | LOS ANGELES HE SAYS LW ams. THREE KINGSTON MEN HURT - Ean ai CINSTANTL Y_ KILLED, In Contact With Live Wire Carrying 2.200 Volts. Ont., Jane 17.--Robert D wa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence owers in the exireme eastern dis. 'mostiy fine. Sunday, mostly ronte, Ont, Jine 17. 10 am ~~Ot« . Intemational Limited at Nowell They are Horace Staley, Thomas P. Stimson and Thomas Smith--- Toronto Traveller Killed---Dr. W. T. Comell Attended inured. Newcastle, Ont., hour ' terday afternoon, through the breakis the first passenger -car, throwing the the west-bound Grand Prunk International June 17.--While travelling' at the rate of sixty miles an Limited was wrecked, ves- ig of an axle the first truck of whole (rain off the track and killing on one than -and injuring more or less seriously twenty-five other passengers. The dead man is James seven years of age. Among the injured are Hector Dauphinais, Rt. body. : Mra. injories. W. H. Lang, Hagersville, Ont, George Compton, Brockville, Mra, PP. E. Pallister, Otinwa, Horses Staley, 359 Bagot Mes. N Hyacinthe, Ivey, Cobourg, mother of bruins fake street, Cardinal, Ont Thomas I'. 36 Charles A. Derby, Unt, bly, Ottawa, leg slightly cut. Kimbell, Haverhill, Smith, Kingston, | killed sents rig Lavere, Stimson, Hanover, commis Henry Fhomas sailor, That were not the track, side MOre persons train was thrbwn off and cars tilted on their mn The first aid to the Ww. T. fterwards, an ay injured was gi Connell, of Kingston, who | Dr. Ford, of summoned immediately Dir. hour Oshaw was after the v The most seriously. injured was Heo Que. He was picked up unconscious, | wan taken to an hospital in Mrs . broken rib, and it is feared she Toronto Ivey, of Cobourg, an aged lac has st of the others injured were able to deg ance, The bexly bule of the third passenger coach, he the time of i of James Madill wag Tour one car to the other at Dr. W. I. Connell was on his was billed for Hamilton, A telegram 1 on Friday afternoon, stated that the nftern Benjamin Folger, gram from Wm, Saturday message was sent from Newcastle killed, leaving hig gamples here, way he of Kingston, wae morning, dames Madill, was at the ronio, Madill was not a former COWS SLEEPING ON HIT BY and Kingstonian June 17.--As a Grand Herbert. Carrothers, of rushing the Chicago ex Sarnia shortly before five o'clock this morning, the big mogul coghne received a heavy jolt, seemed to pause for am instant, and then rushed on again at its forty=mile clip. The cause of the sudden jolt was five head of cattle that lay sleeping on the tracks in the path of the expresa, The bg engine plowed through them- and Sarnia., Ont, Trunk engineer, Sarnia, was press into DRY GOODS MERCHANT TO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS. Rullt Up. Ome of the Biggest Dry Goods Concerns by Sheer Energy. . Watertown, N.Y., June 17-0. B Cadwell, for many years one of the best known merchants of Watertown and proprietor of a large dry goods store on Public Square, will retire from business within the next few weeks. Mr. Cadwell in making the an nouncement, stated. that notices to that effect would be made at once and that he would enter into a life of re. tirement just as soon as arrangements could be made, which would be but a matter of a few weeks at the most. The retirement of Mr. Cadwell will result in the loss of a familiar busi ness figure of a quarter of a century, a man who built one of the biggest dry goods concerns by shoer energy and ambifion. Mr, Cadwell came here as a clerk in 1860. For a time lie worked for 1, B. Cook, then occupying a store next to the Arcade. Mr. Cadwell went away for a time, than returned « aid eventu- ally bought an interest in Cook's store which he finally hedded, Comfort for the feet. Wear 1%... Vernon's cushion sole boot for men and women. Sold only at Dutton's, Trokeya" husky throats. a : i: A OH , DAILY MEMORANDA. 1t You want a hat Just bear tn mind Campbell's sell (he nobby Kind. Special sale for men to-night at Waldron's. See advi Sydenham Street flower Sunday to-morrow, Remember Queen Street cursien to Torofite, June 3st, $3.80 return, Don't forget 1s lawn socfal, are ds. Isa ever TET TE fier Rehr June 12 the Beat Bible' Schoel, 11 am Chureh exs Fare, Madill, commerdial right Kingston, Mass, fi n, arrived reeeivedl y chappesed to miss the fated train, and took the later one slated that he had eseaped injury. Randolph on Friday, was" traveller, Toronto, forty- Que, bad scalp wound aad cut about' Dir. lvey, broken rib, and possibly internal leg ont ed forehead and nose dd knee Hghtly and arm hort left to Preshyterinn general no injured r shoulde » Kingston ht eet, chest injured Hone sem- crushed shightly nygey ingred yack Jgegarded as a miracle. The whole were s ed into kindling wood, fashion Mckay, wppened to be on the teain palling of Oshawa, and Half an which ven by Ih on a special tram, vreck ~t of Hyacinthe, shortly tor Dauphinais, mt revived afterwards, and on a special tran ly. iwtained serigus internal Anjurd with a Most aswist- way helped out of the em wart withatit speeinl medical , ul crushed beneath the forward vesti- evidently having been passing from he wreck, and was thrown out, ' Ont., and Horace Staley from. 1. hori. to London, Grass, W. 'of Kingston, was not Craig, traveller, in but a tele- he a passenger on the yr ain, To- Mr for He expected back on left Monday. TRACKS A FLYING EXPRESS them to pieces, and only a saved the train from being ditched. The Chicago espress is a fast train, and was travelling at her usual rate of speed when the cows were hit, Had the animals been dving closer to- gother a terrible accident might have resulted, the passengers were all sleeping in their berths. As it was, it was a narrow eseape, and Engineer | Carrothers would not like to repetition ob it. ground miracle ns AT ONE STROKE, Has German Horse Breeding Gain- ed a World Position. -Elated by the at the Inter: Berlin, June 17.- sues cess of German horses national Horse Show in London, the kaigr has telegraphed to the gov- nor of East Prussian, whence three of the prize-winuers were sent. The message said © "Horse breeding has ghined magnificent international sue- ogss 'and established a world posit in one stroke. The victory is achievs el over everything in the shape of horse flesh that money can buy ex cept the thiousand-pound animal own ed by the billionaire, Winans. . From the bottom of my heart 1 extend ihe warmest congratulations." After exe pressing his royal thanks the kaiser hoped that the breeders might ' con: tinue to progress unmolested. The telegram has been promulgated throughout the entire province, SUING THE TAX COLLECTOR. Because He Put Taxes in Farmers' Bank' Brockville, June 17.-Suit was enter- ed here by the township of Bastard and Burgess against Ormond Chant, a tax colletor and his bondemen, Noah Chant and John M. Davis, to recover $4,483. - The case is an ocho of the failure of the Farmers' Rank. The collector de posited the above amount the. week ville branch, and received a draft, which he handed over to the treasurer. The latter filed it in the Union Bank on Friday, but before it reached To. ronto for payment the Farmers' Bank collapsed on the following Mohday. lt -- Taft's Double. Chicago, June 17. Robert Loder, Buffalo, N.¥. looks so much dike President Taft that hundreds of guests or be A be went 20 She dining susne in the Congress hotel. cheered him wild: | pa hist éleetrician on the dredges used in cleaning out the canal by St. Lawrence River Power Co. at Mas- sema, across the river from here, instantly killed in the earbon building of the Aluminum Co, of America by the was wire earrying 2,200 volts. Mr. had worked all night on one of the dredges with an electrical apparatus, | and then went to the carbon building | to take down a starting box to re} move it to the dredge. The box was| double wired, and Mr. Byers apparent- ly did not know this. He cut three wires but this still left three. He had! eut one wire, but when his pliers came in contact with the second one he re- ceived the full voltage and dropped | over gasping. Dr. but could 'do nothing for the unfo tunate man. born at Ponteford, Ont., and was a son of William Byers, who now lives at Orono, Ont. He is survived by his wile, one sister, Mrs. Wm. Linde, of Oshawa, and one brother, William By- ers, of North th Carclina, i. EIGHT BRITISHERS WANT T0 BE PEERS Great Rummaging of Records to Get Handles for Their Names. 17 and Though peers are the nation has beraditary fitness there still handles to June trade London, taking to pronounced for powers, plenty of hankering after names Eight petitions have been filed before the committee of the House of Lords to investigate the al leged ameyance of pegrages the claims of the present petitioners to resume the titles Tie Duke of Atholl titled to thu ancient ford, long held the De Veres. The duke 12 a magnate, while the present Karl Orford, who lives in the eastern of Norfolk, is mar Lowise M. Car against legislative is and wishes to be ene Farklom of Gr by Seateh of canny ried to an Ameriean, bin, of NeW York Francis Contts, nephew and heir the late Baroness Burdett-Coutts, thes great philanthropist, claims the bar ony of Latimer Etheldreda Mary, Lady Petre, widow of the fourteenth Baron of Essex, petitions for the bar ony of Furnivall for her daughter, the Hom. Mary KRatherme Petre, Viscount Gage, a Sussex landownery wants to be Baron of Dvneant and also Lord Martin. He expects to rake one title if not both out of the sergp heap of the past, Sir Robert B. 8, Wrey, of Devon shire; asks to be made Baron Fitz wuryn, while A. H. Leith, of Aber- deenshire, R. (i, Alexander and CC. M. Kenworthy, of Yorkshire, want the baronies of Burgh, Strabolgi and Cob- ol Frances coming in eontact with a live electric Byers | i of New York, Mason was sent for | erying to prove he was a resident Byers was a Canadian, {derstood that casterners, Judge Murroe Was Easterners Trips Will Be Futile--Rebukes a Los Angeles, June 17. to a large degree the merits of | Davis divorce case, Judge Monroe, {the supreme court, figurativ ely * ak ing, threw Robert Benton Davis, mil {lionaire baking powder manufacturer out sf court. In dismissing the suit Davis brought against his wife, Mrs. Jennie W, Davis, {in which charges 'of extreme cruelty had been made, .the court scathingly rebuked the rich New' Yorker for what he characterized as an imposition in of The jurist wanted it un rich or poor, domestic Disregarding the of » California. fcould mot wash: their dirty linen here. "l deny a divoree decree in this case," said Judge Monroe when he called a halt after Attorney Barker ended his argument for Davis. "Davis' residence here was not in good faith |¢ and was for the express purpose of instituting proceedings for divoree. "1 think it well for the people of the east to know that Los Angeles is no Reno. The courts of this "state should not be burdened with divorce cases 'of people, rich = or poor, who are not resdents.' . Davis hurriedly left the court room when Judge Monroe announced his de cisions His wife and daughter, bu cretia, who, with Lawyer Delphin M Delmas, has journeyed 3,000 miles to fight the case, were jubilant. They ex pect, however, in view of Davis' threat to be called on to defend another state. Legal steps be mstituted in New York very to compel the millionaire to properly provide for his family, suit will soon in some other DR. ROMULO 8 NAON, ham. These three baronies have not been heard of for two hundred years, but the rummaging in records in con nection with the coronation has led to the claimants satisfying themselves they are going about with too hum- ble un share in life if they can get their rights. The Yorkshire claimants are not competing for the titles so keenly for the estates. They peti~| tion as co-chimants, hoping to lay hold' of a wide territory. Mr. Leith claims against them for 'some of the said baronies." { ns ony Minister from the Argentine Republic to the 1 ed States HIGH HEELS AS BAD AS RINGS IN NOSE|: Supreme Court | Justice Howard > Thinks So and Speaks Against "Silly Fashion." TO HAVE NEW BUILDING. | Henry Strong Makes a Fine Gift to! Y.W.C.A. June have al | city previous to the failure in the Phillips | Rochester, N.Y 17. Henry A [Strong has decided to Jese nt a new | {building to the Y.W.U association, the structure 75,000 Henry A. Strong has given to two large "huildings for the of two of ts most beneficial institu- tions, Brick Church institute and A) vah Strong Hall, eonnected with the {theological seminary. fiev. Ir Payor, gift, said "1 his appreciated by when 1 tail that it is a gift to Mrs Strong, | the anniversary of their wedding. 1§, suppose Mrs. Mrong might have put this mofiey in her pocket-book, hought herself .a string of pearls or some thing, but they both decided to use! the money. in this way. For some | months Me. Strong has Been a "suffer er from a painful though™ not neces | sarily dangerous disease. The gift will | be the more valuable to vou when | ¢ you know fhat it has come from his | sick conch." new to ~ the use | | is in announcing the pift will be further vou you on | LIVED ON MUSH FOR MONTH AT TIME. The First Through Boat Arrives at Dawson, Yukon Territory, and Well Received. Pawson, Y.T., June 17.--The first] through boast from White Horse this year arrived Monday, bringing in 150 | passengers and 900 sacks of mail, | which bad been delivered during the! winter. Half of the paweagers will stay here and others will go to Fair | banks and ldstarod, Residents of Iditarod have had noth- ing but smoked meat during the last | month. Many lived on mush for al month at a a dime. : { Doctor Jolted From Train, Whitby, June 17 --Jalted from a! G.T-R. train, Dr. Robert Archer, Port | Vv. was badly hart. Te was found | insensible in a ditch beside the track. He had been enjoying a smoke on the } istep at the front end of the smoker | and was jolted off. Clinging_ to the! handrail, was dragged fift When you go "shopping". for a home or oun ro overlook: re He he hee to from. get {custom | ous, foutlandish | nose i which breeds {among I'voy, N.Y., J 17.--Characte the wearing of high heel shoes as heathenish and ountlundish ang | believed, The Railway of Dollars. Prospects of Unravelling Famous Wariner Case on the Big Four are tp ------e Now Considered Good. Cifeinnati, Ohio, June 17T.--After many months 'of patient waiting the public is likely soon to learn the hid- dep facts in the celobrated Warriner case, which cost the Big Edur railroad nearly $1,000,000, and sent owe man to the pemtentiary and oue¢woman to the madhouse. The man who was sent to prison is Charles 1. Warriner, convicted of em- bezzling the huge sums while acting as local treasurer of the Big Four road. The woman in the case is Mrs. Jeannette S. Ford, who was alleged to have blackmailed Warriner out of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and who is now confined to a sanatorium, her mind almost gone, it is said, as a result of the strain of her trial. The third principal in the celebrated case is Fdygar Street Cooke, of Chica- go, who is to be placed on trial here, Monday, on a charge of embezzlement from the Big Four. His trial, it is will bring to light all of the hidden details in the sordid story of we, lust, intrigue and blackmail From the very first it has been hinted that the least fact of all the huge scandal was Warriner's £643,000 em bezzlementes In Warriner's trial and in the trial of Mrs, Ford the name of Edgar Street Cooke was frequently mentioned. Warriner declared that Cooke was the instigator and real principal in the thefts of the railroad company's funds. Yet months passed before any effort was made to bring about the arrest and trial gf the Chi cagoan, who affected to feel no fear that he would éver be prosecuted om the charges made against him. Charles 1. Warriner confessed that his thefts from the railroad began years ago, when he was employed in the Cleveland . office. What prompted him. to begin his stealings has never been learned While he lived well his mode of living did not lead one to be lirwe that he was spending more than his salary. Ile was a constant at tendant at church, and, so far as has been learned, had no expensive habits. The career of Mrs. Jdenmmeite S. Ford, the second principal in the case, is less mysterious" but more romantic. She had just finished her course ina fashionable boarding-school when her father died, leaving her an orphan with some 385,000, She was then in her teens. In Cincindati she met a man named Ford and matried him. Ford later secured a divorce, Spon after this the woman met Ed gar Sireet Cooke, young, good-look ing and prosperous. Cocke was WIFE OF WEALTHY MOTOR MAN WANTS DIWWORCE. Burnham is Owner of Dixie--Spend Summers at Thousand Islands. 'New York, June 17.--Mrs. ° Lillian in the su #8 wearing riogs in the or tat |tooins the face, Supreme Court J [tice W. 0 Howard, address to | ithe graduating class of tramed nurs | es of I'ro hospital, to "speak out boldly nganst such a practice | 1 he. wearing " of high Howard, and nose us- | in an the urged them | wd vigorous heel shoes," | Hustice is as bar torturing the as heathenish in a custon said as destru Chinese wooden | health a custom of as and | tha | shoes as wearing rings the face, an ungainly carriage or tattooing { and deformed fect "The obsolete feels proud of one kind feet: we feel proud of the Each kind result only lmonstrosities. Would it in accord with our pr {teaching to advocate normal feel, suck {foe ot r ation of China| of deformed | other kind walking more eiviliz in wot be arid | sfension i as God gave "Have vou -the equrage to speak out weninst this fashiou--a fash ion as destructive as rum, dead!y | opium-~6r are to be counted ite devotees 7" silly 18 yo as MAYOR FITZGERALD ROASTS JHE BOSTON BACHELOR. Young Women if Given a Hub i Filled With Ready to Marry Chance. . Boston, Mase., June 17.--The back) | wairdness of the Beston bachelor las} Leen made the subject of a special dis- | Mavor Fitegerald, who! time to warn Lhe yoaag! cussion hy {has taken man who does nol marry Mayvop Fitzgerald 'ave: Boston pl filled with youhg women who woWhd {be glad to marty if they had the op} portunity. They are thillty and eco- {nomical and would make splendid | wives. These girls, who possess the, | courage and spirit to earn their own living, are not the ones who would complain if when married they did] not have evervthing they wished. i "Fhe bachelors of Boston have dis-| appointed me greatly," said the mdy-| or; "they are too slow about mardy-| (ing, Ample opportunities are offered | yards. [to all lonely men to meet eligible wo- | Huyeke. men, but the young men refuse to! grasp these opportunities. ! St. Mark's prone, June: Sith. Boat leaves foot o Clarence Si., 33, 7.50, | fused ithe owner B. Burnham began suit yreme court. dn which absolite divorce from Frederick 'kK. Burnham, 'of 6 East Seventy-eighth street, vice-commodore of the Motor Boat Club of America. | Mod Burnham names more than one |co-respondent and she asks for the of two children. Counsel re to enter into details. Joth Burnhams are well Alexandria Bay, where Mr. Burnham has a summer home. Both are motor boat enthusiastic, Mr. Burnham being of the Dixie Il, which last summer carried off the international Id challsge Mrs. Bornham herself the of a fast boat which entered in several races, she seeks an her husband, sustody known at cup. = OW ner she . BUILD THE ROXD. Start Either at Brockville, June 17. Williaa Wain second « vice-president of the Trunk railway, sonouwnced that would, ia the near future, build from Brockville or Kingston to I'he manategint now has this under consideration and a desision on the point of junction with the main hine will be made almost immediately Peterboro Firemen Discharged. Peterboro, Jane 17. Deputy Fire Chief Grange wat given a goid locket by the firemen last night" With Cap tain Thomas he hia been discharged by the ety council, who blamed the two men [gr some tronble at the sta tion, and for being respousible' for a published Tettor, attacking dn alder WILL To Kingston or Toronto, wright, Grand GTR a line (Mtawa. man Caused Serious Injury. Ont, June 17. Mateh sirik- ing againdt (he clothes of Henry Leo blanc set thn onefire, resulting in serious injuries. He worked *in a gun) powder factory, where the clothes had become saturated with inflammable chemicals, weed in the manufactare Year for Robbing Man. Peterboro, Ont, Jure 17.---Vernon Killinbeek, a young married man, was sentenced {gg one vest hy ude With John Doherty, who six months in jail, he took a drnnker man-to & box car and stole 854 a {iss Cobalt, Essai Powder for tired feet" Gibeon go. i as subordigate of Warrinir in (he Kour office. here Cooke was short in his accounts Bay that Lat Were tumor hm to was not short and dischgrged Cooke quit work buat': continued draw his Salary; . im' fact was doubled. Followhiy this discov- efy came the allegations of a black mil plot in which a man and a wo man forced Warriu€ty to pay heavily | or have his own shoftage made pub- | lie. Cooke is alleged to have told Mrs Ford of Warriper's shortage he went to Chicago to esc ape her, hav ing evidently decided to devote his lat tesition in tuture tus bewutilul wife and his two' sons. Mrs. Ford was quick to the erisiv. -She al leged to have used the knowledge the embezzlement to extort wioney yet more money from Warrier, s0 have thas mad pursuit of Cooke money from other, 'acearding (, tf When the to Cooke in Chicago for trail of Mrs. Ford, who showed her the woman's exposure that for vars she ing for her husband's was that Couke bared showed the scar of a bullet, which he declared had beey, fired at him by Mrs Ford in a New York hotel Warriner has been tried Ford has tried the third case, 1 to mew is and Anployed in her demanded from th wn told Jmoney Rhee one and @ Cincinnati ers turned the oaky to hight on Mrs. ( the She had been it wus husband way ten fBpht fhen it hig breast love aod Mrs been the 1 is may : of person in 5. Uo stand trial that the (rial of Cooke mysterv-of why ing im the community and his emplovers should steal three-quarters of a million dollars smd turn the bulk of it over to persons ip whom he apparently had no interest Warriner will be brought down the * penitentiary Columbus to his story in court. Mrs. Ford be place! on the stand if her condi tion' permits. solve the a man high stand from tell also will | atttractive 'woman, invalid, took the witness stand and admitted having hidden 222,000 in money for Cooke in a New York safety deposit vault and declared that he told her it "had been taken from the Pig Four railway." Cooke had helped hime che because every wvne lay she said, ll Ford oF elae taking Mrs had received 81,200, herself he could hands said that ELOOO of thie amount for BORN IN SMALLPOY WARD ON ISLAND A Lively Episode on on Porter Island- - The Youngster Has No Marks, Ottawa, 17 weighing ahd a and in perfect health aly half Tune Floyd, pov ds } at th eight Atri small-pox hospital at Porter's luland last night, sensation there. He 1s the firs born on the island Several weeks smull-pox but was discharged fectly cured. Lately three . of children tusk the dread disease devotedly them. Dr. William Shirreff officer, and the Miss Gravells mother was o the baby christenid # the father will eo him "William after Mother and child fre are the "star attraction The mother the time voungsier on his ting tremens ehidd and caused a ™ had per hor AN ago thse mother she retained there to nurse medi } Miss Holt and hand when th he 0 the nurse were . on mime at ent wil M HO doin t he was ir of confinement has nqt a smally body Cat Mate heil Chickens. Westfield, X.1., June 17 Tappin, a hardshell Paptict standing, Wh awtharity for ent that his cat hatched out fos chickens wr 1 for - ¢} He 'will the in gol the wi w OW Cari sin SEB outht ta Taft ¥ Have Made Goml, Admiral Peary, todd Hen 1 whe Troy, June 17. Hear North Pole diss selaer Polytechnic Instituts (hat he knocked. at the petily gute vould say with bead ere t = made good." verer, have Offers 510000 Prize. Philadelphia, Juse 17. An smons mous donor has offered a S100 prise to Mrs. James. RB Martin if she from New York to Philadelphia. Coughes! Himself to Death. Bloomfield, N.J., June 17. Michael Mafia, aged thirtyv-oine, from a ¥ ia of apparently perfect benlth, oo pew himeell to death in three hours Unveiled Tablet. london, Juné 17 Lol Stratheona unveiled a tablet ix the room nn Westminster Palace hotel. where (he Canadian act of union' was framed, Hien er Warriper made a report that Cooke | his salary | Few | of | and | ~ declared | wed | od now Cooke, | mysterious | possible | trusted by | nearly | Mrs, Jeanette Stewart Ford, once an | but now a palsi ed ahoer [ MET ' ealth Thomas | ae | Theit of Nealy a Millio Day & Night WHITE PETTIOOATS, of good quality English Cam- with 12 'inch full embroidery i flounce and drop flounce of cambric, Jean 36 to 42. Good value at 50 SATURDAY PRICE, $1. PRINCESS SLIPS, [Made of Fine White Cumbrie, with flounce made of tucked lawp and trimmed with torehin lace {And sleeves of lace and izes, 834 42 $1.50 'GARMENTS AT 81. © SUMMER KIMONOS, Weel made of good Wash Crepes. in colors Sky and Pink, with Persian . Yoke insertion. {bands of 'tasteful contrasting colers. Full length garmemts. All Extra good value at $2.00, BATURDAY PRICE, $1.50. sizes. OUR PRINCESS HOSIERY Are in great demand.. There's a {reason They are as good as any 50c¢ Hose in the trade. A lovely lisle stocking with the fine: and elasticity of silk, and the only nes: price Ade. Or 3 Pairs for $1. {rosT FAIL TO SEE THESE EX. CEPTIONAMIVALURS, STEACY'S idee" rn a-------------------- MARRIED NNEE-In iwi} by Nea : lenham BRiree #1 Parsonage Maggie I rary fon Gordon LY nt Iv BELFRY At I mm 1911 {DON DF¥ Kingston, on J « 4 Hey Ww Method Dennes, Pleton Regina by Iie; t. Miss Effie Bel. Wm H Aykroyd, Mrs. Aykroyd are of Queen's College, nder Elli HA to Dr. and th graduates nat Ont.) DIED. At Stella Amherst Ta Friday, June 16th, 1811, Margaret Jane Clute beloved wife { Tames H. Metcalfe, ox-M.P, in sixty-second year late resid tprivate) from "her Mack Street, on Monday, ALFE 1 {OBERT J. REID, The Leading Undestakir Phone 577. 280 Princess Street, JAMES REID Od Firm of Al 258 PRINCE! .. ne 147 tor Ambulance. - The 4 and " nn ASS 'BEDS, that AB a 705, claar ° "Phone 7 f them price ROWNTREE'S JAMES REDDEN & (9. he | . IBURGLARS IN HOUSE OF DEATH. TOwertarn Coffin Containing Body in Haste to Escape From Place. New York, 17. ~Burglars en tered the ressdence of Fmil Pirrovano, wenue, Hackensack, last wife's body lay In burial. In their haste. ~or-out of pure msliciousness theburglars hnookeal over the collin Hefore this the robbers had taken $13 in monsy avd 'stolen new duit of clothes, Ar two o'clock Mr. Pirrova- hwrd a siratige noise, made kis way down drs, and was horrified to find his wife's body lving on the floor the overturned coffim, An open window mearby told the story of the intruders, : ane in Union nigh the while his nitling pation 0s beside ot