: 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1911. - , . e-- he day, in _bomor, of her sister, Miss Gers! Mowat, Johnson street, during synod | aldise Regan; of London. Pink peonies week. | 5} ar =) male an effective centre piece. The] Mre and Miss orelli are en pension | guests wexgi Miss Kathleen Ryan and 'et Mrs. Hughes', William street. | | {het guest, Miss Scully, of Montreal ;| Mrs. P. Deviix, William street, is in | {Miss Fleanor Minnes, Miss Hazel Port Arthur attending the conventiony ! ne, Miss Eleanor Phelan and Miss | of the National Council of Women. | {rowne, Mite X1eqnes an 4 |. Archdeacon Macmorine and Mise Mil- | " 1 i } OF COURSE You have read the delightful ANNE books--""Anne of Green Gables" and "Anne of Avonlea," and the ch&rming romance, 'Kilmeny of the Orchard." Then you will be ready :with intense 'eagerness to secure a copy of Miss L. M. Montgomery's new novel, which is just ready As dainty aad as" enteytaining witchery of the wonderful sarden of the Gulf" with us once more, and Sara Stanley, the "story girl," is a heroine to whom has come a rare gift that of weaving the bright thzead of romance out off what the world might call "commonplaces." illustrated in full colors from paintings Gibbs Pub. price, $1.50. ! FOR SATURDAY ONLY, SPECIAL AT $1.00. 5 POPULAR REPRINTS OF $1.50 BOOKS 45c, 3 for $1.25 sel dred Macmorine, Clergy street, left, on treat | F riday, for Merrickville, where they ~ JULY : : : . o C . . on Thurs: will visit the Rev. J. and Mrs. Cole i The ten at the Yacht Club; on Wed- | Junches A I ruse | ua, Miss Macmorine will go on: to day. ie . | nesday afternoon, was the usual suc |° rs ian G . nn |Ottawa tp visit Mr. Fredenck Ransom. | cess. Being 'a nice warm day bridge | £14 Lae Ain Bert Fude Yawsoh, Mrs. Rusoell Hale and Miss Helen! i b randials-and the Misses Cicely and Aileen Ruther of Thured at Proc (was played oh Lae Yura ah and was, ph. Misses Marie and Dorothy |} it town, vit Thuis X as, pd = oek- even more pupu rd x a 8 us SEVEN LCarcuthers, the Misses Phyllis and | "nd Goofirer H ke Y hey will ad i fats boing Ju 2 m/s nd , Wy i Charlie Short and Miss Lassie Kirk- the bm. i" Cacouna where they | EE -- or a |PAUrick, {have a cottage, ' : . =} | chat. Among those noticed were Mrs. | | - Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie is the guest of | Jeremy Tavior, Mrs. F. Brownfield, {Miss Macaulay, King street. . | Mrs. F. Strange, Mrs. R. C. Carter, |. Mr. and Mrs. ¥. 1, Steacy, and fam- ! !Mre. W. St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs, Rich- jily expect to leave next week for their tard Hooper, Mrs. Hansard Hora, Mrs. {summer home on Wolfe Island. J Charles Low, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mrs. Miss Bella Heute, Prius Seas, » Dawson, Mrs.! Walter Macnee, Mrs. "dwar ippen, Addl | Bernangd Browne, Mrs. T. D. R. Hem- iming, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs, !Iva Martin, Mrs. Frances Macnee, Mrs. | " @- Sa a 3 - - . A - . & 5 4 There were - several - Dutch Store Closes Daily 5 O'clock. @ the » - . - as ever, (he 'Over ect from of the best S authors of the day h is 2 900 to { | The commodore, officers and mem- bers of the Yacht Club have issued in- | vitations for a dance, on Thursday { evening, June 22nd. a - . books by the best ling JOHN McKAY FURRIER 149-157 Brock Street. Kingston. » - F by Geo The Hooks for Sunday reading at )¥ ie Mrs. J. R. Sedgewick, Royal Mill- |G iciting Mrs. the tary College, will entertain at lunch > phustown. 4 > 9 - v, : on Wednesday, June 2st. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cunningham, who have been on a op to the gga v en {eos have returned to Red Deer. i R. E. Kent, Mrs. Vera Hooper, Nrs. : ¢ x Pride, [0280 have § , { Wilthoft, Miss Hora, Miss H. Fraser, J e. "A., let on Friday | ery Rave D. M. Gordon, prinéipal of | mi 3 N oh 3 University, turned, to-day, . : Miss Martha Smith, Miss N. Macdonell | x. Alan Neredith, of Winnipeg, is [Ques verity, re ds Yenday, : an ex-cadet, who is expected to town fof Sir Sanford Fleming, durfng the | . Mrs. W. R. Givens, Miss L» Mowat, for the festivities of next week. general assembly. THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. home, in the country or on steamer.' has been Mrs, Wilkinson, who : > g Misses Susie Anglin, Edith Young, Are happier if furnished from here. | Doris Kent, Hilda Kent, Vivian Petrie, | pe. Arthur and Mrs. Macmorine, Stock is ver§ large, variety im- Pearl Oldrieve, M. Crothers, Mrs. Hall |}, have been the guests of Arch- Rev. Herbert Patton was the guest | mense, and prices very low. [away Waddell, "E. Booth, L. Minnes,|degcon Macmorine, Clergy street, left, |of Archdeacon and Mrs Carey, Albert | | Edna Booth, Homor Tett, Newboro : (15-day, for their home. fotivot . . | TRE T « | Vera Carson, Edith Hubbell, Ottawa | Mrs. W. Gordon Mylks, Mrs. Woods | The Rev Mr. Nehrens. of Lombardy 1260 PRINCESS 8 E | Marjorie, Merrick, A. King, Madeling{ White and the Misses White will leave |y .o Mrs. E. J. B. Pense's guest dur} Higgins, Muriel King, Aileen Folger, | on Thursday for Quebec to meet Dr. {ing synod week at West street. over to attend {Jean Duff, Lassie Kickpatrick, C.|Mylks, who has spent. some time in Judge and Mrs. O'Reilly, Cornwall, Van Straubenzie | Short, D. Carruthers, Aileen Ruthe the old country. are expected to-morrow and will be [nae ores who has secured the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius | westminstor Abbey tiord, Cicely Rutherford, Ottawa; Bes- | Melville Bermingham, * Barrie street, till after | Miss May Lewis, of Ottawa, will be J i. Bell, who has been {sie Caldwell, Lanark; Nora Macnee, visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1. Guess, Bagot | Mildred Jones, the closing of the Royal Military Col- 'a guest at the ball on Monday even lege. ing. Lola Fitch, Detroit'; street, has returned to Harrowsmith. { Kathleen Saunders, Jessie Smith and| Miss Nell Fisken, Toronto, arrived on Miss Minnie Birtles, of Binghampton, | pr. Allan Black has been spending a N.Y, is spending the holidays with [few days in . wiry | Lilian Keat. Friday and will be Miss Madeline Hig- Parlor Suite in $5.00, Silk) rida) oo at $28.00 is a hustler. Pick. y as gins' guest for a few dove, Mr. Doug- your own cover, and if your judg-| Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Emily street, |las Fisken is expected on Sunday and {her parents, Lieutenant and Mrs. Rir- | i of color effects Is good, it entriained at a very jolly dance, on will be Mrs. K. L. Jones' guest for {jus Queen street, i men {Wednesday evening, for " her! two . Captain T. V. Anderson, Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. the June ball. can' told from a $40.00 suite | ta Our solid Mahogany Set, $75.00 and | daughters, Misses Helen and Marjorie. . A. B. Cunningham, | ! The whole of the lower floor was ar- Ongwanada. § oy Nauti Miss Kate Fraser, Ottawa, is the | The 00, are reat gems of reall 5s "taste . {ranged for dancing, and was decorated guest of her mother, Mis. John Fras-| power will be glad to hear er, Bagot street, lis daily improving. | with quantities of peonies and palms. The garden was hung with Japanese' lanterns, and cosey sitting-out places Mrs. H. Crdrar to-day, | from Petawawd and is A. Cunningham's {ruest. .- OPEN NIGHTS.» oh »~ PHONE 919 JUNE the: month of most We are headquart- Marriage Licenses, the coronation. Miss is one of the fortu- in FRUGAL ERE MA REPLACED a seat Is usually weddings. ers toronto % . Miss Madeline Thompson, Hamilton, Friday, and will be Miss the Military i for {arrived, on . 1 vora Macnee's guest for Mrs. Haultain, of Port Hope, will be the guest of Mrs. E. F. Torrance, Brock street, until after the closing of the Royal Military College. Mrs. Woods White and family, from Atlanta, Georgia, have rented "The Residence,"' for the summer, and arriv ed in town on Thursday. Mrs. White und her daughters, Misses Sina and Lulu White, will be guests at the ball on Monday evening. Mrs, Macphergon. Charlottetown, P. E.L, who has en the guest of Rev. D. Mi Gordon, principal of Queen's leaves next week for her Wedding Rings, Brides' and Bridesmaids' Novelty Gifts, We do not scription to replace lens Bring the them Or present need your pre- broken We exactly can make prescription friends of Miss Gretchen | that many shy a pieces and we arrived, Mrs Fhe yacht Kate, owned by Commo B. ore Macdonald, .Gananoque, with A jolly party on board, touched at the | Yacht Club dock on Wednesday after | noon. ! 1 Professor Mrs. analyze duplicate, up your in any of our popular style of mounts. They and comfortable were made comfortable with cashions jand rugs. Ihe guests included Miss | Hazel Browne, Miss Katherine Hart, | Miss Dorothy Hill, Miss Freda Burns, | Miss Rose Rogers, Miss G. Merrick, | Miss Mary Strange, Miss Helen Dufi, { Miss Aileen Folger, Miss Annie Minnes, | Miss Eleanor Phelan, Miss Nan Saun- ders, Miss Eleanor Minnes, Miss Ruth Anglin, Miss Luey Waddell, Miss Gwen. Waddell, Miss Madge Crowe, Miss Bes- sie Calawell of Lanark, Miss Kathleen Ryan, and her guest, Miss Scully, Miss Ruth Martin, Messrs. lenry Richard- json, George Hooper, W. Anglin, Hugh Ryan, Herbert Steacy, Harold Brown- field, Hendry Connell, Collamer Cal- . vin, Alban Phelan, Roger Stewart, Tables (round ° or square) China Sherman Hill, J. Smythe, Arnott Cabinets, In Golden Oak, Mission, Minnes, William Minnes and Cadets K. p Oo W 1 Sutince Dike Fumed Oak, Cjreassian!;, ort. Lawson, D. Fisher, Blanchard, Verandah and | Windler, Marvin, Vantelet, Magan, all kinds. i Smythe, Greenwood, Pitblado; Love- Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and all|lace, Gendron, Matthews, Cockburn, the newest from the biggest Buro-| Mallory, MeCuaig and Hayes. pean mills at lowest prices. , * & = Repair and Uplolstering work promptly done. 'Phone $0, And last, but least, sulty able Remembrances to present to the SMITH BROS. Jewellers; Opticians, 856 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. not Miss Nesta Mackenzie, Toronto, rived on Thursday aad is the guest Urs. ToD. R. Hemming, Barrie stvel. fieit, on Wednesday, Tor Little Metis, rs. Mack > 8 " .. aorcon Aneanzie am 8% | where they will spend the summer Viole rived an | > i let arrived, to-day, and are en Likuir cottage, "The { rags." pension at Mrs. Orrell's, Lower Union . de. Nradop is - | lattle Miss Vera Birkett came from street, Miss V y 0 p ' ds t iss Violet ix to bo one of the {Ottawa," on Tuesday, to spend a few debutantes at the military college ball. | i bh her i . \ Mr. Chenoweth, of the Dominion Suye With her gran mother, Irs Bank, Napanee, will be one of the out- je har es Taylor, and Mrs. Hugh of-town guests for the June ball, { Fraser, King: street, » Miss Nan Saunders, Alice street, left, | to-day, to visit Mrs, G. Hawley, Na- | panee, Miss Isobel Ross, Alfred street be Miss Alice Macnee's guest few days, Mrs. W. Rowlands, is visiting Mra. William Lesslie Mrs. Gamble's, King street. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick sail from Montreal on June 22nd England. Mrs. D. Wolpan and ar- Groomsman. and James Cappon afe secure neat Dr. A. P. Chown and Optician, STREET. at University, home. Mr. W. J. Moffatt, Winnipeg, is pected in town for the June ball. aX ! Druggist 185 PRINCESS 'Phone 343 » Mrs. David MeGill, Montreal, is ex | pected, next week, to visit her moth will {er Mrs. George King, Alice street. "al Miss Congdon, of Dawson, is at" Mrs { Campbell's, Earl street, dnd will be a St. Catharines, | gUest at the ball on Monday evening Hit might be interesting to know that | Miss Congdon's father, who mem Mo(iachen | ber of parliament for the Yukon, was for | instrumental in the publication oi Robert W. Service's works. It wag {through his influence that the suthor daughter, | was prevailed upon to give us his Frances, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visit- | weird déseriptions and accounts of life ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs Joseph [in the Yukon, which have Abramson, Queen street. : worldwide famhe. Mrs. Congdon Judge Farrell and wife, of Sas [also known in Kingston, and . . . + Mrs. Cotton and Miss ° Dorothy Cotton are at the Queen's, Niagara- on-the-Lake. Mrs. and Miss Moserip, Stratford, arrived, on Thursday, to spend the summer with Mrs. J. Hamilton. Mr. Owen ToMer, Ottawa, will a guest. in town for thie June ball. Mrs. Fred. Birkett, Ottawa, arrived on Friday, and" will spend a week with her mother, Mrs. Charies Taylor, and Mrs. Hugh Fraser, King street. Miss Winnifred Mathewson, of Mon- treal, who has been visiting Mrs. F. F. Miller, Napanee, will arrive on Monday to 'be Mrs. W. G. Anglin's guest for the Jupe ball. Miss Marguerite Elkins, East Orange, ® 10000000000000000 00000 0000800000000 00000000 To-Night DINING-ROOM SUITES.----Chairs. for be Camp Furniture, at is - " » Notwithstanding the dark clouds and occasional showers, Kingstonians turn- ed out en masse to welcome the bride of one of Kingston's most popular boys, on Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie held "her post Yours, . achieved 1 well T. F. HARRISON CO. Our showing of Lace Cur- tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design a8 the most fastidious could desire. NOTTINGHAM ~gpacial values $1.25, $1.60. IRISH POINT $3.50 to $8.00, MARIE ANTOINETTE from 4 $6.00 upward. . ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. PERE PP OEP R PPAR Eee R. McFAUL. CURTAINS, 0000000000000 000000000 thoes eene 448 Division Street, T-room welling, with large lot, suit- able for garden, $1.050. 111 York Street. 7 rooms, frame. b. & c., inside blinds, splendid condition; good and lot, 35 x 130, on the $1,700 36 George Street, 7 rooms, stone, b. & c., furnace, electric in rear, 0000000000000 00000 nuptial reveption. She received at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Stephen Huebner, and very lovely she looked in her long-traindd gown of duchesse satigfl; the bodice trimmed with a pearl bolero, and finished at the waist with silk cord; the sleeves and yoke studded with "pearls apd silk roses. Miss Car- Irie Waldron assisted the bride in re- ceiving, in the drawing-room, where quantities of pink and white peonies made a most effective decoration. Mrs, I. B. McMurchy, of Gananoque, moth- ler of the bride, poured' tea and Miss Nora Gordon cut ice cream, at a table that was centred with a huge. cut glass vase of white peonies. They were assisted by Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Margaret Fairlie and Miss Grace . Hemming. ee. Mrs | was { bridge, on | Regan, of James' Rigney, Johnson street, the charming hostess at A small I'bursday afiernoon, Miss London, Ont., was the raison- d'etre. There were two tables in play. Miss Browne, Miss J. Browne, Miss M. Dalton, Miss Fanny Sullivan, Miss: Marion Reddan, Miss Loretta Swift, Miss Ryan of Prescott, and Miss Carrie Waldron. The prizes were won by Miss Mabel Dalton and Miss Loretta Swift. Among those who came in for tea were Mrs. Hugh Craig, Mrs. Hugh Nigkle, Miss Fthel Waldron, Mis« Edith Folger, Misé Mona Knight and her guest, 'Miss Marjory Wilson of Picton, Miss Irene Swift and Miss Jean Craig. Miss Eleanor Plelan assisted Miss Geraldine Regan in passing re freshments, During the afternoon the guests were delighted with several vo- cal selections, and Miss Geraldine Re- gan played the violin in a charming manner, « Mrs. Walter Macnee, Bagot street, was hostess at a delightful lunch, at the Country Club, on Friday, with i Mrs. George Clark, Detroit, as guest jof hone. A large basket of Jk | peanies and white carnatiohs m a {most artistic and lovely centre piece. | The guests included Mrs. T. Benson, IMs. J. B Carruthers, Mrs. J. Gilde isleove, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. Francis | Macnee, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. Hall {away Waddell, Mrs. Hansard Hora, Mrs. Victor Anderson, Ottawa and Mrs. Frank Strange. - - - - A nice break was made in the rou tine of work in the Synod Hall, on i Thursday afternoon, w the visiting clergymen and their wives were enter- ® [(ained at tea. Mrs. E. J. Bidwell pre- {sided at the tea table in the centre of | which was a Joye bowl of the loveliest (pink, red and white peonies. Some of {the guests were Bishop and Mrs, Len- mox Mills, Re 2d ars {Rev. C. W. a . Harris, A Mrs. J. Serson, Dr."and Mrs. a Macdonald end = Mr, Mr | Chaneellor | Walkem. Pierce, | | New "Jersey, will be the guest of the Misses Rogers, University avenue; for the June ball. - Mr. Wilson, Napanes, who has been attending. Cornell University, will be in town for the ball. Mrs. and the Misses Silver, Halifax, arrived, to-day, and will be en pension at Mrs. Gamble's till after the Mili tary College closing. Miss Flaine leonard, of London, Ont., will be Miss Madge Dawson's guest for the Military College ball, Miss Nan Skinner came up from Tre mont Park on Wednesday, and re- turned the same day. Miss Annie Clark, Brooklyn, N.Y., who was the guest of Mrs. I. Power, left, this week, for New York. Mr. T. McGinnis, Belleville, in town for the ball. wi. will be Mrs. Geoffrey Twinning, few days In will be the Swift, King Major and of India, will spend a town, next week, and guests of Miss Loretta street. Miss Marjorie Macpherson, of Ot tawa, will be the guest of Colonel and Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, for the ball on Monday evening. \ Mrs. Codville, of Ottawa, is chaper oning a party from Ottawa for the ball on Monday evening. Mr, and Mrs. - Roy Laing, Peter boro, aresthe guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Weir, Al H. Eason and son, George, of Rochester, N.Y., are the guesta of their aunt, Mrs. Day; Frontenac street. - - - » Miss W. Macpherson, who has been visiting Dr. H. B. Small, in Ottawa, returned on Friday. : Mr. E. L. Keany will be the guest of Mrs. George Young, for the June ball, Miss Isabel Waldron will return home from Glen Mawr on Tuesday. Miss Lillie Mundell returned + home from Bishop Strachan School, Toron- to, to-day. : The Misses Etta and Kathleen Kirk- patrick are expected in town next Thursday for a short visit. Miss M. Meredith, of Toronto, will be Mrs. William Harty's guest at "Ot- terburn," Centre street, for the June ball, . : 2 Miss Bessie Power will he a debu tante at the military college ball. Dr. Garfield Platt, and Br. Harold Harrison, who have been walking the hospitals in Dublin, are now in . Lon- don, Fay. ; Hon. J. T. Kerr, of the sen- ate, and Mrs. Kerr, have left for Eng- iss Florence Kerr will return katchewan, are visiting his brogher, J. {liked for her charming personality A. Farrell, Barrie street. : = rm Mrs. E. J. Eaton apd the Misses Mrs. Shirley Going and Miss Going Alice and Marjorie Baton, of Toronto, {{ lergy street, have left for will be guests in town for the June weeks' visit at Niagara Falls Sguth, ball. | Mrs. J. Massie and the Misses Mas Migs" Helen Merrill, of Toronte, who (rie, and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mg is one of our best-known poetesses, is (hood, will leave, on Monday, for en pension at Mrs. J. Campbell's, Earl | Rideau Ferry, where they will - spend street, and will be a guest at the ball. [a month. Mrs, B." Van Straubenzie and the! Mr. W. Misses Straubenzie will not be home Monday as soon as expected, as they will wait SATURDAY SALE Of Trimmed Millinery--20 Per Cent. Off Regular Prices. a tw R. Givens will leave for Toronto, and Mrs ens will join him on Wednesday spend several days. | Mes. J. PP, MacMurchy {a few days in town with her daugh ter, Mrs. W. Baltour Mudie ol Gi te "is" spending - » Mes. Jobn Nicolle, Utjon street, ex {pects to leave on Monday for Whithy to attend the closing ol Whitby Ladies' College. Her daugh ters, Misses Laura and Alda Nicolle, Ihave been attending college, and will {return home with. her. Miss Grace Franklin and Mr ley Franklin ave . expected in from Winnipeg next week. Miss Florence Elliott, Barrie street left . to-day for Belleville to attend | the "closing of -Bt. Agnes' School | Mr. Lewis M.: Wood, of Toront,,, v be the guest of Mr. Jamés Richardy tson for the June ball ; | "as ee exercites Stan. town ul Mr: Austin Gillies 1s expected it {town from Gillies' Depot and will be the vuest of Mr. and Mrs, J. "8%. R {MeCann, Union street. : The Misses Muckleston, William street, are the guests of their brothey {Cancn W. Muckleston, at Perth { Mrs. John Autliff, of Montreal, {spending a few days with Mrs. Henry | Skinner, at her summer home dow: Ithe river | Mr. and Mrs. John Elder and Miss Ardelle Elder, of the "Avonmore," have returned from New York, where they have been spending some Lime - - - '. "The marriage of Miss Marguerite {Cassels to Mr. Spencér Dale Harois, of i Montreal, took place in Toronto on Wednesday afternoon in St. Andrew's church. Miss May Cassels and Miss May Buarnham, of Toronto, were bridesmaids, and Mr. Allan Dale Har ris was best man. "The ushers wera Messrs, BB. Carr-Harris, R. M. Har {eourt, Alan Macdonald, W. T. Willison, Rk. €. Lee and Hamilton Cassels, Jr. : - - rr . | | Mrs, Charles Moss, Torontd: is. ex | pected in town on the 20th, to be the guest of Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Earl | stot. ti 7] Mr. and Mrs. Frederick MacGachan, {of Orillia, will pass through Kingston to Montreal, on Wednesday, en route for a trip abroad. . | "Mr. E. R. C. Dobbs, Bank of Mon {treal, Sault Ste. Marie, will arrive in {town, to-morrow, to Spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ww. Dobbs, Barrie street. Miss Else Lockart-Gordom, of Tors {onto, will arrive on Monday, to be ithe guest of Mrs. W. Nickle, sr., Earl | street. | Miss Connie Law, of Ottawa, is a of Lady Cartwright, at "The : fs Wide Silk Ribbons in all the popular shades White, Pale Blue. Navy, Pink, Cardinal, Black, ete Special at 15¢ a Yard, ° A big shipment of Summer Weight Corsets to sell at Hoe, 75¢ and $1.00 a pair All sizes Extra values the prices at Wash in a Collars big range Ladies Wash Belts designs 25¢ Each, Ladies Gloves, extra long Lisle Thread satin finish, white, Ht the best line of Black Fine Cot 25¢ a pair We sell Ladies' Fast ton Hose at Girls ast at best Mne of Cotton The Black pair FP Hose « hest wearing -line of Ribbed Cotton The Boys' Hose, Fast Black, 15¢ and' 25¢ pair ks in all 1 thi pak Children's So popular shades, and up ) Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. { Toronto, will retevn home, on Mon day. Mr. RR. Carr-Hargs, of Toront will arrive in town on Monday, will be the guest of Mr ardson fo the, ball Miss Dale-Harris, o has 'been in Toronto for the of ber brother, will arrive jr marro, and Will be a guest at Lh Ath James Hich Ottawa, whe marringe town wm ' Mrs. J. DD. Craig, of Ottawa, wi has bow: in Toronto for some visiting Mrs. Hanser, will leave Thursday, for Rochester to aunt, Mrs. John Riaghorn. - oe The engagement of Mr. Jon pings Wright, third son of th John Wright and of Mra Wright, o Ht. Alban street, and Miss Hilda | Eardley Wilmot, third daughter of My Keared Eardley Wilmot, { Bank of Montreal, Perth, Kinggtoniane will remes ithe £18 wit her manager, IR Annoan riber Mids Wil | i Maples," and will be at the ball, | Mys. H. W. Richardson aud Mrs. W. T. Connell, who are spending the week iw mot as having visited Mre Hames Duff, Frincess street, | {Continged on Page 3) W. F. GO MADE OVER AND REPAIRED URDIER wk w- Brick * Dwelling On rooms, large Queen | nace, Princess Eas, . barn, Street, containing 12 big lot low price of x on far and furnace, the $2,000, Fn Also Brick wit Solid Street BAR, exis Dwelling water hen hot kit } h nsion | dining-room, for | 82.400, MULLIN THE REAL ESTATE EXPERT. 'Phone 53s ---- ---------------------------- Peorsrsecsssssassssssdaa YEASTS Biante ii fii hhh hie Shee %eee i ' Prrssnesssrssrsascsace WHITE VESTS Many laundries Jhalk at white vests, They yank 'em out of shape and can't iron 'em back again --bungley the work and send it home bungled Then there's § howl your howl. Presently there's other howl--the er's. No howling white vests, WE LAUNDER THEM FECTLY. KINGSTON LAURDRY, Cor. Princess and Sydenham Sts. "Phone 22. Ah. Isunder- over our FER. * 4 # ' ' ' ' ' * ' 4 * ' ' ' ' + i ' ' ' «4 ' : ' 4 ? ' ' t ' : ' ¢ 4 4 * ' i * 4 ¢ L