Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jun 1911, p. 5

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Kingston. 'During the evening many kind things were said of Mrs. Bourke, and intimations that she is to share in the purse, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. GOLD FOR A MINISTER! BROCK STREET ' METHODIST CHURCH'S FAREWELL Woman Writes About Conditions ' on Streets, . Kingston, June 17 (To ihe Fadi tor): It has been aptly said that A large number of the Brock Street | 'one is never too old/to learn," and Methodist congregation assembled Jasy | truly the residents living in some of evening in the ture hall of the [the best sections of our city have had church for a farewell sovial 40 their [nmple opportunity to verify the state pastor, Rev. I. FE. Bourke. Dr. C,|ment, for within the past three weeks ©. Nash took the chair, and a shory | men have been scraping the roads and programme was given, consisting of | piling the refuse in heaps in close wolos by Miss EK. Orser, Miss F. Davies, | proximity to the pavements, where for Mr. Atwood, and duets by Miss = F. soveral days the passersby might be Davies and Cora Smith, Miss E. Orser [relegated with microbes of all kinds. and Miss Z. Pearsall; a ding by Dr. | Of course, 1 quite understand that C. C. Nash and short iikisemes by jour city fathers are much concern N. Sellery; Rev. « Neal and fed (% re the sanitary conditions of Amer Davis. Mrs. A, W. Kichardson [our city, as if evidenced by the fact of . presided at the piano, Refreshments [the garbage being collected in uncoy- were served by the ladies, ered waggons, the neglect, for At the close of the programme than one year, to _-- the citizens chairman called T.E. Carnovsky and with pure water, and, | suppose, con- T. Pearsall and Rev. Mr. Bourke to [cluded 'that, if a few microbes of dis the platform. Mr. Carnovsky read the 'ease are beneficial, certainly a greater following address : number would be still more so. "Dear Mr. Boarke : 1t js with feel It was, however, a great lesson in ings of deep regret we realize the time |ceonomy to the residents of these has come for you to BEVEr your con [streets to observe the laborers take, nection with our church. Since coming |i, many instances, the odoriferous re. 10 us four years ago, 'you have shown fuse, to eover the little piles of stone untiring efforts to advance the inter- which had been used to fill some of the ests of the church in every branch, | holes in these streets. When you came you were aware of the I presume that our city fathers A Jost Shat the 'outlook Phe gloomy, sider that the health of the various though you did not shrink, but boldly | members of the council would be bene- took up. the work, and we have only fitted by further trips to view the pav- words of praise to bestow upon = you ing of various kinds in other cities for the results attained. We also know uently the gregt it i * the amount of hard work you have Soasaiuen'. ie grea. netesuity for had, and the discouragements you omy on ri jocal Stieets, have met with, in spite of all, you . as Tequently advised, through have unfalteringly pursusd your way, |YOUF columns, to speaksfavorably of laboring, not only for the welfare of our city, bit how ean that be expect- the church, but for the city at large, ed of ratepayers who are heavily tax- Your sympathy when needed, has ed and such a condition of affairs al- always been cheerfully given. By sym lowed to exist ? pathy, I do not mean merely a fel We are also frequently inflicted with owship in joy, to be glad when vour slurs, on the municipal control by wo brother men, are prosperous, but Lo be men, but allow me to say that if a compassionate and pitiful when they [council composed of women were in are. distressed, or miserable, to grieve charge of the affairs of our city, I am over their failures; such is your spirit. | Q0ite safe in asserting that our prin- "In parting, we ask you to accept |CPal thoroughfares would not be this purse (then Me, Pearsall handed placarded with bill-boards and ob Mr. Bourke a purse well filled with noxious advertising, nor present con gold, as a mark of our esteem from |dition of affaires tolerated. --OB: the church, almost every member hav FERVER, ing given a contribution. We wish for ------ you and your family a successful fu tare. You will be 'assured of a ' dor To Have Three Parades. dial and welcome any time vou re The 14th Regiment, will have three torn to visit us." : parades the coming" week : Sunday, Signed on behalf of the congrega- | 930 a.m., to service at Barriefield tion, T. R. Carnovsky, Dr. Nash. camp; Tuesday, 7.45 p.m., inspection; Mr; Bourke replied, thanking the Wednesday, 7.15 p.m., going into camp congregation for this unexpected mark [at Barriefield 'heights, of their esteem, and assuring them that he would ever remember kindly the people of Brock Street. Methodist church' "and his stay in the city of To Bev. Thomas E.. Bourke--Ad- dress of Appreciation . Regarding His Four Years of Service Here, more the The Celgbrated Buckley Hats : Are sold in Kingston only, at Camp hell Bros'., "THE STANDARD OF CANADA BANK Satisfactory Service assured to all Business Entrusted to this Bank. Savings Department at Every Branch T. LAMBERT, TE -- 3 A well-groomed man appeals to most men and ah women. To have good clothes you must have good cloth, a style and color that suits you and tailoring that stays. We know our business, and would like a trial order to show you what we can do in quality, style and price. Merchant Talos Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Street A ---- / Special Sale For Saturday - 10 PER CENT. REDUCTION ALL OVER $1.00. The "TOKYO" 17¢ WELLINGTON ST. Now On Goods You Want The Present Moment At Cut Prices. Long Silk and Lisle Gloves in White, less one-third of regular prices. X ONE-PIECE DRESSES, rt "Mull and Lawn, nicely trimmed, in White, Cream, Mauve, Sky, Pink. less one-third off regular prices. A s TWO-PIECE. WASH SUITS, : In White, Cream, Blue, Pink, Grey, Tan and Mauve. less one-third off regular prices. COLORED CHIP AND STRAW HATS. Regular prices, 70ic to $1.75. NOW 25¢ EACH. | June Sale ) Black, Cream, Fawn. - - . 4 VCE, wiry. | » THE THE FILLING OF THE PULPITS ON SUNDAY, There Wig be Interesting Themes Considered . F Gospel Message to All People. ] Andrew's--Rev™ John Mackie, D. D. Services 11 am. and 7 pm. Strangers welcome. Special service, Coronation Day, Thursday, June 22nd, at Il am. St. Paul's Moruing Prayer and holy communion, 11 am. Sunday school and Bible session, 3 p.m. Evening St. the leaders in men's hats, [except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All ure Vr I prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher at boin services, Rev. W. Frederick FitzGerald, MA. Cooke's Preshy tefian churcly, Br. ck streot--The pastor, Rev. W. 5. Mae Favish, Ph.D., will conduct both ser 3 pm Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 pm. Strangers always welcome. ! First Baptist church-- Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services. i am. a Flower-Sunday service "The whole Bible school invited to be pres- ent. Bible school mets at 12.15 noon. 7 pam., "The Healing Touch." Strang: ers cordially invited (o be present. i St. George's cathedral -x a.m., holy | communion; 11 am matins, Y parade of RM.C. cadets, Rev. Canon Starr: service; 3.15 p.um., Bible class in chapel; 4.15 p.m., baptisms; 7 o'clock, | evensong, preacher, the Dean of Un- | tario. i Chalmers, » Presbyterian, old ' Con-| vocation hall, Cdllege grounds--Res Macgillivray, D.D., pastor. 1 Ser vices, 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday schoui, Convocation hall, 3 pm Praygr meeting, Sunday school room. Weanedday, «7.50 Pm. Strangers cor- dially invited to uj the services Sydenham street Methodist church 11 'wang, "the dnnual flower service un ler the auspices of the Bible school School will assemble at "10.45 7 pm., preacher, the pastor, welcome Musie Anthem, speaketh the Lord of Hosts" "Just As I Am," Miss Apnie 'I: dell, First Congregational--Rev. I. LeRoy Rice, B.A, 'pastor. Morming worship at 11 o'clock, subject, 'Lot the Mates ialized"; evening worship, at 7 o'- clock, subject, "Life's Memory"; Sun day school and Bible class, 3 o'clock: ! midweek service for prayer, Wednesday | 8 p.m. Strangers are cordially invited to these services, First Church Sunday services, 11 a.m. "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force ?" Wednes vied by testimonial meeting, Free | public reading-room every after noom, | sermon by | a.m: . All hus solo, ed Scientist 'subject of Christ, ~cvdially invited to the services and | the reading-room. | Broek street Methodist church, C Brock ahd Montrail -streets--Rev E. Bourke, B.I)., pastor.--The pastor! will preach' at | both services, at 11 am. and 7 p.m. In the vening Mr. Bourke will preach his farewell sermon. 10 a.m., class meet- | ing; 3 pan., Sunday school and Bibly| classes; "Monday, 8 pm., Y.P.S:;i Wednesday, 8 pan, prayer meeting, | Strangers made welcome. Bethel Congregational, corner Barrie | and Johnson streets--"A Central Church," Rev. A. P. Mershon, minis- ter. 11 am., "Heaven." Sunday | school at 3 o'clock, organized cjasses, George Mills, superintendent. 7 yn.m and Peace in Believing.' his is the month of flowers and the, church building contains attractions] for the eye as wel .as musie for Strangers welcome and { Pr Joy the | ear seats! ree; i St. James' church, corner Union and | Arch streets Ven. J Ker McMorine, M A., DD. rector, 50 Clergy street east Rev. T. W, Savary, viear, the par sonage, corper Union and Barrie street First Sunday After Trinity, 11 morning praver and holy communion Sermon subject, "The Soraphim's Wings"; 3 pm., Sunday and lible classes; 7 pm. evening prayer and sermon. Preacher, Rev. A H Creegan, rector of Tyendinaga Queen street Methodist church--The pastor, Rev. S. Sellery, M.A., B.D, will conduct both 10 am, class meeting; 11 a.m., subject, "Con secration for Service." A sermon for the new conference 'year The pastor would like to have all the members present. 7 pan., "Does it Pay ¥' 2.45 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes Music: The usugl musical service. Solos and anthems, Mrs. Evans will sing "One More Day's Work For Jesus,' at the evening service. a.m. , school Services. Salmon Fishing. Ur. Nash, Dr. Aykroyd and My Phillips, of Mahood's drug store, were fishing at Loughboro Lake, on Friday, and made a good optch. Dr. Avkrovd landed one salmon weighing eleven pounds | 'A generous man doesn't give his friends "away. v1 in the Pulpits--The! vices. Sunday sehogl and Biblg cluss, | |#ton. lust | 3 p.m., children's [two sisters, Misses Ellen and Margar- steamer '| Kingston, is held up as a result. atts, |The Takers Have Had Funny FEx- [Saturday evening. DALY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1041. -- - - uo THE LATE MRS. P. J. BARRY. { Remains Laid to Rest in St. Mary's { Cemetery, i | The faperal »of Mrs. P, J, Barry.) who died in St. Paul, Minn., on June 12th, took place ftoln the 'residence {of gher her, Lawrence O'Brien, Lion west, on Thursday {meoraing, St. Mary's cathedral, | where 4 grabd mass of requiem was | {sung. Rev. Father Hanley was cele {hrant, Rev. Father Halligan deacon and Rev, Father Staley sub-deacon. | Ihere, was a full male choir Mr. | {Cross rendered very touching solos. | | The cathedral was very heavily dra: {ocd in black, and was filled with the 'eveased's girlhood friends, and friends {of the family, to pay their last tri | bute of respect to her whe, by her {toving, cheerful disposition endeared {herself to all who had the pleasure { of knowing her. The floral and spirit- ial offerings were numerous Arid very {beautiful. The bearers were Dr. Fd- jward Ryan, Ir. W. Gibson, Prof.) J. | Matheson, Messrs! T. Leahy, 1, 4. Behan andi T. J. Thompson, As | Rev, Father Hanley read the ' burial {service all that was earthly of a de ivoted wife, a loving dgughter and sister was laid to rest in the family straal to you with different sty les :-- Men's Tan Blucher Oxfords Men's Patent Bluch er Oxfords Men's Patent Butt on Oxfords Men's Tan Patent Sizes range from 5 to 9, $200 . Men's Oxford 'Shoes See these values, t hey are the best ever offered at such 10w prices. We have not -all sizes in every stylé, but can fit Colt Oxfords to 2 00 . 2.00 . 8.00 $2.00 Women's White Caivas Shoes, $1.30 520, Girl's and children's White Canvas Shoes. 85¢ to fs Boys', Sandals Girls' and Child's Barefoot Girl's and Children's Patent Roman Sandals. Straw Slippers, 30c. Boating Shoes, Bathing Shoes. Sait Cases, Hand Bags. Trunks, plot im /5t. Mary's cemetery, King: Barty is survived by her father, The late Mrs her sorrawing husband, et, and one brother, Edward, of Ta- coma, Wash. The latter was unable to attend the funeral owing to the distance, but will arrive in the city as soon as possible. Her husband, ac- companied the remains to Kingston and is still in the city. LACHINE CANAL CLOSED SUNDAY AT THE CAMP PROTESTANT AND CATHOLIC Will be Shut for Repairs Until Mon- SERVICES ARRANGED. day. The schooner Keewatin arrived from ('swego, with oal for Booth's I'he steambargé Westport is in port, loading lumber, for Sand Lake \ T. The steamer Missisquoi wax in port, | On Sunday morning, at Barriefield from Gananoque, on Saturday. | camp, Roman Catholic church parade The schooner Maize in loading felds- | will be held at 3.30 o'clock. Rev. Fr par, at Richardson's wharf, for Char- | Hanley, of St. Mary's cathedral, wil! lotte, {have charge of the service. AL 10.3} The steamer Donnaconna will be in o'clock Protestant service will be held port, on Sunday, on her way to Mont- | with the chaplains who are in cam ol in charge. The 14th regiment, P.W.0 The schooner Katie Fecles arrived | Rifles, will leave the city at nin at the Grove Inn, with a cargo of }o'clock and parade to the camp © labs, fsoin Deseronto. + |assist in the "service. The 14th ban The schooner Britton was in port | will lead the singing. The three hymns on Saturday, from Oswego, conl laden, | which will be" sung are all old battlh to Howe Island |bymns, "0 God, Our Help In Ages The steamer Alexandria was at Fol | paet." "Onward Christian Soldiers,' ger's wharf, Friday night, on het | and "Fight the Good Fight." The regular trip up from Montreal {soldiers are all looking forward ~ t The steamer Advance, of the Mont- | ho service. real Transportation company, 18 i0| The camp looks like an igate the Kingston dry dock, for repairs. (farm, with. small trenches to let the The Lachine canal closed at noon, water run away all over the ground. Seturday, for some repairs, and will | in the af not be open until Monday. The] thamselve: Windsor, on her way to oven The 14th Regiment Will Take Part --Trenchés Cut in the Ground to Allow the Water to Run. Off, on her way After drill is over early ternoon the men make scarce and read and sleep until ing. The different bands in camp are at taining efficiency, due to, continued practice. A soccer match between the 49) and 45th regiments was played last evening on the grounds. The 4th company of the 45th regi ment challenges any team in camp o an game of baseball. , The Y_M.CA. is preparing to haw a "stunt" night Saturday evening Any man who can sing, dance, or dc anything to' contribute t, the enjoy ment of others is invited take part. A soccer, =oft ball and baseball league has been formed in the cam and the first games were played last wharf: The govern- ment. boat Simcoe stopped, on ber downward trip; steamer Belleville expected up to-night; steamer Tordn- to, down and up, to-day: steamer Ale tha, down, from bdy ports, to-day. M.T. Co's elevator : Tug Emerson, from Sodus and Oswego, with three conl barges, cleared, light, to bring two coal barges from Fairhaven; tug Glyde cleared for Montreal, with the barge Kingston, coal laden; tug Thom- son, from Montreal, with four light steamer Rolph, from Char: with cargo of coal; barge Dunmore, from ' Sodus, with coal; steamers: Rosemount and Fairmount are due to arrive to-night, from Fort William, on their way to Montreal. At Swift's barges ges, to a evening The rawness of the recruits is wear ing away under the constant and wever-ceasing drill. Wrestling 'matches were pulled off i ithe YYM.C.A: tent Friday pvening t the amusement of the large number of soldiers who gathered there The volunteers are getting of the realything. Every dav sine the camp «wis opened it has raihed and Bome of the soldiers have most had to sleep in wet places CENSUS ALMOST FINISHED. : now periences With Woren, It 15 wxpected that the vensus takers will be about finished. in the city hy The rdin during the them a lot a taste past week has = hindered sme of them have to work =wn next week. The work has been itwdions in some respects and in Others it has been chuck full of humor, The greatest difficulty seems Lo be mn get Opéning of Park. ting the ladies to tell their ages y Some very funny stories have been told | A big free show be concerning encounters with very sharp- | Lake Ontario Park pavilion, commence The census men were | ing Monday evening, June 19h, ane continuing for 'the summer geason with a change of people and acts ev sud into al will given at tongued women. not long in devising a trick to catch the unwary ones. First they would ask the woman in what year she was ery week. The programme next week born. Immediately after they would [consists 'of bright, clean vaudeville ask her how old she was, without giv- | jugglers, equilibrists, sitigers, moving ing her time to wonder whether she | pictures" and the, latest . illustrate would get the two dates to corres- [songs. So many improvements hav pond. One woman would not be been made to. the park this seasor aught this way. The census man ask- | that it looks better than ever before ed hep in what year she was born, and | with the buildings repainted, thy she told him. Next he asked her how grounds all cleared up, a new foun- old she was. She was not going 10 be | (in. erected and hundreds of caught this way, so she answeged, lights strung among the trees. {*Substract, you d n fool." It was not very often, however, that the men ) remarks as this. | electric Kingston and Ottawa. Rideau King for Ottawa and {Rideau ports every Monday | Thursday, at 6 a.m., Jas. Swift : * . | Going to be Sampled to Every Home { Co., agents. ! Ls in Kingston. | + { Ina few days, samples of McCor. | Coffee is an irritant Imick's famous "Jersey Cream Sodas" | : land high-class sweets will be sampled | To the nervous system. to every home in this city. : : {It interferes with digestion, y . {were et with such MeCORMICK'S BISCUITS al and 4 i The MeCormick' Manufacturing com- | patuy is a very enterprising firm. They have grown very rapidly in the last few vears. They make 1.500 varieties of goods, and their product is sold in thousands of stores. all over Canada, {irom coast to coast, and they operate [branch warehouses' at Montreal, Ot {tawn, Kingston, Hamilton, Winnipeg, {Calgary and St. Jobu. ! I The samples, to be deed here are {dove up in small cartons; the sodas in (one package, and the sweets in ar jother. The latter will include b LL . jdozen of their leadiog soda hiseuits, something that = Will be very appeti- tzing. It will be in the interests of jevery housewife to see that she gets (this sample. The goods are sold by i all good grocers. And affects de Kidneys ih a grest Many cases Where it is not even suspected. If you value health And a sound body The wise thing te do i Would be to quit coffee and Give Postam a fair trial-- Get Married, Boys. Say, two weeks, or longer. | A eensus taker in the city remarked = ; - Stes hiss ou {a few days ago that he had buss) There's a Reason. ' (making comparisons belween single fand married men, as fo which were ithe further ahead financially. In cases {where mn were married young com iparing them with their Read the famous little book, "The Road to Wellville," in . Be Packages of Postom. ABERNETHY' The newest new and novel designs inches wide and are regu TO-NIGHT 7.30 TO 10 O'CLOCK Special Sale of Silks 250 Yards Fancy Foulard Silks and most popular colorings,- with many T hese beautiful Silks are 27 larly sold. at 75c¢ per yard, Suitable for street or evening wear, 42c YARD Pretty Summer Parasols Very Special Value Beautiful Cotton Foulards, 10 New Designs 25c YARD CRUMLEY BROS. PEBANET MRO1I1 4 4 mee eA hn WANT A LADDER TRUCK ASK FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF LOCAL TENDER, Fire Committee Will Recommend to Council That James Laturney Build New Truck for $1,175 New Hose Needed by Department. at It will be up to. the city comneil, de its session, on Monday night, to cide as to whether the city will na new ladder truck, for the fie partment At the regular meeting of the fire and light committee, held Friday af ternoon, it was decided to recompment to, council, that the tender of Laturney, Kingston, to build ladder truck, according tions, for the sum of 21,175 be accept od secure de Janies a specibica uew to In the absence of the chairman, (Ald Givens), Ald. McCann voted . to the chair, and the othér members of the comniittee present Aids. Fair, Fraser dnd Hanley Fhe members of the committee were unanimous on the laddiv tiuek juss tion, all speaking in favor of securing it. It will be rememberoid, that flere were called for the reprmir of old truck, which by the , Wilks sidered by the chief, but that th mated cost was considered altogether too gh, and thus the recommenda tion to buy a new truck. Just the ous tender was received for the work, The committee will also call for ten Was were ton the wa esti COR ---- Hall Furntiure HALL SEATS, HALL MIRRORS, AND UMBRELLA HOLDERS. 2 = AT { JAMES REID'S Tonio Hiei: 3 ders for the supply of four hundred fest of hose which is necessary, On the recommendation of the chief, tenders will be called for supplies. Some changes will also be wade in the location of street fire alarm boxes, so as to pul the A in a bettér shape WORKING AT INTAKE PIPE. firs K|One ~ Small Leak Discovered at Diver . Taken 41 Work at the intake pipe is pro ceeding slowly, but suite satisfsctor ily. A small leak has been discover ed at the outer valve, the cover of which will hale (6 be removed tore pair it. The 150 feet of pipe outside the curb has been foand to be tight The large leak has not set been io cated, On Friday the strong wind made progress very slow. In the af termoon Diver Murphy took ill but ex: Valve pected 1 be able to resumes work in jhe morning. It may possibly take all. next week to ge over the pipe. Tn the meantime shore water is being pumped and the people sce warned to continue boiling all cater for drink ing purposss. ne : Wondertnl Values _ In Panama hits at Campbell Bros'. L A Stole His Umbrella. | A well-known citizen is mourning t lose of bis mobrells, as the result of daring theft, which was committed of the city hall, on Friday Ihe citizgy bad: some. bis [mews ip that vicinity, and left the um- jbrells hanging on a telephone pole for {a few moments When he returned it jwas missing. The sneak thief is ever abroad front | ternoon The farce comedy that fails to make | hit i no laughing matter > i And many a tombstone ine pte bs - too good to Be tene, A Physical Wreck T Buttered Tortures from Nervousness. | rite Loss, 91 Robert St, Humiiten, Os writes: "I was a wreck, reduced in hody, and despond- ent. I suffered toriures from nervouss< ness, and was totally unfitied for work, A friend recommended Hool's Sarsa- paritia. 1 commenced taking it and by the time the second bottle was conv sumed J kaew that §| wes mending. Oradually 1 grew weil, 1 have used Hood's since. | wonid not be without. Lion any account. and de mat ewthys sastically endorse every wind In Bis Get Hood's Satan rilia today, Wold by 2 druggieis everywhere, 3 : v Mine Margue

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