| \ JUNE JULY AUGUST 'Store Closes Daily 5 O'clock. } JOHN McKAY ™ FURRIER 349-157 Brock Street, Kingston, June - Weddin Are 'happier if furnished from here Stoek is very large, variety im- mense, and prices very low. Our Parlor Suite in $5.00, Silk Covers, at $28.00 is a hustler. Pick your own cover, and If your judg- ment of color 'effects is good, it can't be told from a $40.00 suite. Our sold Mahogany Set, $75.00 and $150.00, are great gems of real artistic taste, DINING-ROOM Tables (round or square), Cabinets, in Golden Oak, Mission, Surface Oak, Fumed Oak, Circassian Walnut, ete. y Verandah and Camp Furniture, all kinds. . Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and all the newest from the biggest Euro- pean mills at lowest prices. Repair and Upholstering work promptly dose. "Phone 90. . T. F. HARRISON CO. SUITES, ~--Chalts, Yours, 5 CELLLLEE0404008000887, Lace Curtains Qur showing of Lace Cuyr- tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivo d two tone ef- fects are gite in design as the m dious could desire. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ~--Special values at "$1.00, | $1.25, $1.50. TY ! IRISH POINT CURTAIN $3.50 to $8.00. MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ARABIAN POINT, $8.50. some one who wants a ortable home with plenty of ground. - ~~ That substantial Brick Re- with 7 rooms, concrete large barn. hen ec. including a "LOT 187 x 187, on Bagot and Dufferin, can be divided into four "lots, suitable for build- A ed - . a whole Property can be bought for $2,600 to a quick purchaser. Secsecrsnesncesssssssssesesecece China 3 3 circle and surrounded by the THE DAILY BRITISR WHIG, TUESDAY. JUNE 20. 1911. gown 'of 'white: satin," velletl 'i8 'inde; - : : er looked prettier. Bodice embroi- | dered in small satin THE JUNE BALL : lined' with crystal' fringe, finished . at | pack with rosettes of ninon, streamers | : i caught with crystals and pearis. Over dress edged with bugle trimming, and | , «Us caught at one side with one large | { : 4 {satin rose. Juliette cap of pearls, or- | paments, pearls. Crimson roses. i Miss Violet Mackenzie, Montreal, de- butante, white ninon over white satin, finished with satin bands, pearl trim- ming. Pink carnations, ! A Miss Marjorie Clarke, Detroit, de butanie, white satin, overdress of | those : white. marquisette, embroidered in ee var with marisa splendor : joie. Vv let. Montreal ey Ne Miss Vautalet, Montreal, debutante, re i duty or ould shine |white duchesse satin veiled in white For sovereign, land and ni marquisette. Violets. : ! Miss, Corelli, Winnipeg, debutante, white silk, silk met: tunic, embroidered in pearls. Miss Grace MclLelland, beautiful gown of white satin merveilleux, exquisite pearl belero, edged with silver sequins; white roses, pearl ornaments. Miss Ella Dickieson, Ottawa, wore a handsome cream 'satin. gown, veiled in face and carried sunset roses. Miss Jennie Philips, debutante, To- ironto, white satin draped with ninon, trimmed with embroidered lace and daisies; American Beauties. Miss Muriel Robertson, Ottawa, wore a beautiful gown of embroidered net, over ivory satin, pearl ornaments; American Beauty roses, Miss Helen Merritt, Montreal, de butante, imported gown of white satin, pinon overdress, silver and pearl trim- mings. Red roses. Miss Doris Jackson, Brockville, white satin, overdress of white ninon, pearl trimming, necklace of pearls; roses. Miss Florrie Stewart made a charm- ing debutante in a gown of 'white satin, with overdress of white mar- quisette, lace and insertion, and pear] trimming. Miss Flda McDowall, carrying a large bunch of Killarney roses, looked very sweet and graceful in a Paris own of white lace, over. duchesse sat- in, bands and roses of white satin, band of pearls in hair. ne Jean Young wore a most be- ing gown of lovely white duchesse satin, en traine, pearl and bugle trim- ming on bodice, and in her soft, dark hair was a twist of tulle; red roses. Miss Gweneth Merrick made a petite and winsome debutante in a white satin empire gown, veiled in white marquisette, pearl trimming, white Ssprey in hair; American Beauty roses. Miss Marjorie Wilson, Picton, pink satin gown, bodice of braided net. Mise Vivian Petrie, Montreal, silk dotted chiffon, aver yellow satin, ery- stal and silver trimniing. THE SCARLET LINE. Dedicated td the Old Eighteen 'adets of the Royaly Military Col of Canada. \ Hd 3 with nationkl pridé a scarlet line Was raised to eighteen strong By Canada's sons whose names are and lege Chorus---- Strong and irue that scarlet line in lite's great tide wiil shine, . Where ruth, duty, valor, guide To victories far and wide, That scarlet line increased wilh time By #tauncn recruits who knew Their nation claimed their services. As onward fast she grew, To keep that line renowned, By nobly planned resoive That each succeeding corps might shine } For sovereign, land and Chorus aye, will line. Vv. K B w------ The annual ball, given hy the mandant, stafi and 3 . of the Royal Military C Ca | nad, seems to have attained almost | world-wide fame. Since the first of June from far and near visitors have been flocking in to participate in this event and the other gaieties that the closing of the college demands. The June biffls of the past have always come up to the highest expectations of the guests, bot this year the ex- tensive decorations, the brilliancy of the scene and the magnificent cos- tumes were even more than one could imagine. For the past few days the cadets have successfully assumed the role of carters, electricians, wood cut ters, ete., éach one doing his best to make the ball of 1911 surpass all pre vious efforts. The gymmasiom, where the dancing was held, was transform- ed into an ideal ball room, and was gaily decorated with flags and . ing. Shields and trophies of many a sport showed that the boys of the red and white are firm believers in the old adage that "AM werk and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Fralick's orchestra, Tgronto, which was stationed at one end of the room, combined with the perfect floor, pro- ved irresistible and even aftr the programme of twenty-eight da ces and four extras, the guests seemed loth to leave. - The galleries, which were ar- ranged with rugs, cushions and large comfortable chairs, ~made an ideal place for those who did not care to dance. The devotees of bridge were not neglected, but were able to ar range many interesting tables and en- JOY a quiet game. Down-stairs the fairy complete. Bowers of evergreen either side with their dimly shaded lights, made enticing sitting-out places. and here between dances ices and claret cup were enjoyed, In the centre betwéen walls of green glistening blocks of ice were placed, and hore the girls were able to put their flowers and at dawn find .them as fresh and sweet as ever. "June be ing the month of roses these wera the favorite flowers, and choicest blooms were culled for fortunate maidens. The college motto, "Truth, Duty and Valor," twinkled in colored lights at the end of the hall, and at the opposite end stood the dreaded Max- im gun, a hint that: there are grim- mer things than balls and fair wo- men. About midnight a delicious supper was served in the main building, Here the college colors, red and white, were again carried out in the decora- tions of the quartetie tables. Promptly at nihe o'clock the wel come bugle call rang out clear and loud and the guests were graciously received by Colonel and Mrs. Crowe. The latter was handsomely gowned ij, white brocaded silk, with trimmings of jet, and carried a huge bunch of red roses, the gift of the cadets. The wives of the staff who were pre- sent assisted in making the affair the success that it was. As the first streaks of dawn eared, snd the sun rose over Fort Hency, the guests realized with re gret that the long-looked-forward-to dance was almost over for another venr. As is the custom for the last few dances the lights were put out and the ball was brought to a close to the strains of. "Home, Sweet Home," Just before the breaking up the graduating class formed an inner other two years, sang 'Auld Lang Syne." It was remarkable this year the number of ex-cadets who [ound their way back to the old Limestone City to renew old ties and college friend- ships. Among them were noticed Messrs, \A. McEwan, from London, Pas sy, [from Ottawa, James Gesnmill, from Gilealtar, Allan Powell, from Ot- copm- : The Matrons' Gowns. Mrs. J. P. Shine was handsomely gowned in mauve satin, ove-dress of mauve net, iridescent trimming, and touches of old gold, finished at waist line with silk cord. Mrs. J. R. Sedgewick wore a becom- ing gown of yellow silk, draped in yel- low chiffon, embroidered in goid. Mrs. J. B. Cochrane, cream satin empire gown, overdress of black lace, touches of jet. Mrs. R. T. Kilborn, pale blue silk crepe, touches. of black velvet, gold passementerie; ornaments, pearls. Mrs. Austin Gillies, Gillies' Depot, white satin, with overdress of cerise spangled pet; butterfly hair ornament; American Beauty roses, Mrs. Gordon Mackenzie, ey satin; pearls. Mrs. RB. H. Mackerras, Sierra Madre, €al., princesse lace, over pink messa- line, persian trimming; American Beau- ty roses. Mrs. Vaulelet, Montreal, cream crepe de chine, veiled in gold net, gold pas- sementerie; diamonds. Mrs. D. Fraser, Lancaster, pale blue ninon over satin, blue and silver trim- mings, Mrs. Woods-White, Atlanta, (reorgia, white chiffon crepe, trimmed with rose pointe, band of pearl passementerie, skirt draperies over cream panne vel- vet. Mrs. W. Gordon Mylks, apricot strip- ed marquisette over same shade satin, trimmed with persian and bugle trim- ming. Mrs. Plunket MacGachan, Toronto, French painted pink chifion, rose de- sign, over Pink satin. Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, handsome gown of directoire satin, en traine, pearl trimmings; crimson roses. Mrs. Douglas Young, pale mauve satin, pearl trimmihg. Mrs. Edward Fortt, pink liberty sat- in; diamond ornaments. Mrs. T. Birchall-Wood, Erench paint, ed chiffon, rose design, over white silk, finished with broad blue satin bands, bodice trimmed with gold bead fringe, and venetian beads; orna- ments, diamonds and pearls. Mrs. W. F. Jackson, Brockville, black satin, with overdress of black ninon, jet trimmings: Mrs. Duncan Mel anad, Lancaster, pale pink chiffon over pink satin, gold] embroidery, Mrs. T. J. Rigney, pattern gown of white net, embroidered in silver over tawa, Stewart Rebertach, -OUaWN chiffon and white satin. Jac yrne, tawa, Carlton 4 Hope Gibson, R. Jk Cor-laris, I. 1 00" Grune, Toucan. of Fiskin, Toronto, Meredith, Winnipeg, |. = & Morrissy, Montreal, L. Dausereau, Quebec. Trotier, Montreal, MacAvity, St. Jcha, NiB.,'Greene, Montreal, Me | = 4 Conkey, Montreal, W. J. Moffatt, Win- nipeg, Austin Gillies, Gillies : Harry Walkem, Belleville, W. Balfour], of Mudie, H. Crerar, Hamilton. scene 'was on Toronta, ap- t number of Ki "as out-of-towns, w made their first bow to society. The There were a ton girls, as z rose buds, out- (yellow: todes, dendments, lerald green velvet. + ov + over black satin over- with gold, esught with {§ # . 5 diamonds and '§ OF COURSE pearls © $ . { Mrs. Walter Macnee, white lace over | violet satin, erystal and silk embrold- ery.. Mrs. J. de Mille Burpee, pale blue ilk eolienne, trimmed with satin bands | and Persian trimming. , \ $ Mrs. F. Brownfield, black chiffon over | white taffeta and jet trimmings. { Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, ivory satin, gold embroidery touches of em-| books--"Anne of Green Then you will be ready M. Montgome THE STORY Mrs. R. E. Kent, black satin, touches of gold and eoral, ! Mrs. F. 0. Willofit, black net, em-| broidered in gold, over white silk, | touches. of coral, coral velvet in hair. | Mrs. W. Baliour Mudie, white duchess satin, pear! bolero, silk rose.bud trim- | ing, American beauty roses. i Mri. James Stewart, black crepe de] colors chime, séquins and jet. | 0 Mrs. R. J. Carson, black sequins As dainty and as with us once more, and Sara girl," is a heroine to whom has ¢ that of weaving the bright threa {llustrated in full Uibbs.. Pub. price, $1.50. over black satin, pearls and diamonds. | FOR SATURDAY St SPECIAL AT $1.00. Gowns of the Maids. { Yoa have read the delightful ANNE "Anne of Avonlea," and the charming romance, "Kilmeny of the Orchard." |] eagerness to secure a copy of Miss L. 's new novel, which is just ready entertaining witchery of thé wonderful "Garden, of the Galf" is Stanley, the "story of what the world might call" "comonplaces.'" from paintings ONLY, i® Gables" and with intense as ever, the ome a rare gift-- d of romance out by Geo. 45¢, 3 for $1.25 OF $1.50 BOOKS Over 2,060 to select from. of the bost by the best authors of the day. selling books teading at the The Books Tor Sinday home, in the country or on steamer Mise Mavguerite Elkins, Fast Orange, | blue satin draped in white lace, caught | with pink roses, bouquet of pink roses. | Miss Elame Leonasd," London, Ont.,| pink satin overdress of pink ninon, | pearl trimming. | Mise Elaine Leonard, London, Ont.,| cream over white satin, rose papel | lage 1260 PRINCESS STREET Miss Kitty Stewart, London, Ont., | white silk flowered mull. ! i : Miss Winfred Matthewson, Mon. | l-aTosca net overdress, touches of jet, treal, white taffeta overdress of white | red tulle apd black ospray in hair. : chiffon, very handsome silk embroider-| Miss Loretta Swift, yellow lowksine ed net trimming. i silk, yellow lace. Miss Mabel Brownfield, blue chifion,| Miss Jessie Smith, pale green over blu¢ satin, finished with bands of {trimmed with old lace. blue satin. | Miss Aileen Folger, white Miss Lilian Kent, blue satin, tunic of Pearl trimmings, American blue net, crystal and bugle trimming, |roses. Le : Miss Aileen Rogers, flowered ei Miss Jean Duff, whit _ ninon, over over white silk, finished with bands of { white satin, gold trimming, red roses, pink sat. | | Miss Kate Craig, pale blue duchesse Miss Mildred Jones, : and bolero of gold bugle trimming, gold | dgw-drop net on bodice, red roses. bandeau in hair. { Miss Edith Young, manve satin, tun- Miss 'Marjorie Brownfield, pink satin, {1c of apricot latosca net, jewelled em tunic of pink and silver net. { broidered, Juliete cap of pearls Miss Mamie Anglin, white setin | Miks Isabel Polson, pale blue satin, ' ' rose pointe lace. i earl and crystal trimming. i : ; : ' : Miss Havel Haycock, white embroid- | Miss Sibbald Hamilton, yellow satin, ered silk, white lilacs and pink roses. joie Irn: iy Tomes. + Miss Mabel Richardson, blue satin, | M88 irene Swi t, black net, pearl trimming, pink roses. i with gold over apricot satin. . Miss Leta Carson, blue silk poplin, | Miss May Rogers, white silk, trimmed' with Princess lace, pink silk |#0il trimming. = . i : rose buds, blue tulle and pink rose Miss Margaret Fairlie, pink silk with hair ornament {overdress of pink marquisette, trim- Miss Dora Oldrieve, yellow satin met with tiny pink Fohes, veiled in dew drop net, gold fringe," 2 ui i " El paungers, jewelled trimming, roses. [mime Wilh 'ate, Miss Eva Martin, dainty lingerie | Miss Madelin Higgins, buttercup sat- froelc of white embroidered mull, over |": gold bugle trimming. white silk | Miss Lenore Hamilton, white Miss Vera Carsop, pink satin veiled |eobal overdress. Cochr + in pink mninon, trimmings of pearl and | i aristie: L'ohprane, coampagne crystal, osprey and orystal in" hatr {satin, tunic of pinon, Juliete cap of Miss Donoghue, pale blue charmeuse pestle. AE hi satin, tunic of spangled silver.' |, Miss Sylvia ¢ ochrane, white Miss Madge Dawson, blue ninon over tunie of drew drop net, trimmings blue silk, pink rose-buds and crystal | swanddown aud hugle fringe. . trimming I Miss Winnifred Claxton, white Miss Hilda Kent, pink satin frock, over white ilk, pear] bandeau in dress of crystals. y hair. : Miss Madge Taylor, spangled ninon, Miss Louise Donaghue, vellow char over 'white satin Shiver oy le. trim. Meuse satin, veiled in old rose chiffon, min, : ' ng im Miss Mona Knight, pink satin, drap- 8 + : : . (ed with pink ninon,' gold trimmings, iin Dory Kent, white satin, tunie. | pink and gold ornaments, in hair. Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, white atin ] : Miss Helen Gordon, White Sutin tunic of crystals, ccystal band in hair. [50% ysis. Alc sequin nmmangw, Miss Grace Hemming. white a: | American Buauties. : : . : ming, white , ninonm, | ypiee Phyllis' Knight, white satin over white silk, trimmings of white! 4 of dew drop. fiver: trim. satin, pink peonies. | Overs ress ol dew ¢ rop net, siver trun Miss Nora Mactien pale blue sats | mings, s.dver band in hair. dr rg i ale ie Salin, | Miss Blanche Hudon, apricot aped in blue nindn, crystal fringe, lover yellow silk, tonches of grey Miss Bessfe Richardson, shimmering | (eal trimming, ' green satin, steel bang bolero. de Miss Edna Booth, white net over | tunic of net of same colgr. white silk, crystal trimmings. | Miss Frances Sullivan, white satin, Miss Susan Anglin, pale pink satin, [crystal and silver trimmings, band of crystal fringe. : pearls and ospréy in_hair. Miss Marjorie Merrick, red satin, | Miss" Dorothy Hill, embroidered chif fon; over pale vellow silk. | Miss Gillette lgown of lavender satin, Miss Baker, of Chicago, white beaded ehiffon, over white satin. | Miss Francis Cotton, Toronto, pale {blue silk, draped in blue and pink chiffon, bodice embroidered in gold, { touches of blue and pink. | Miss 'Beryl ~ Silver, Halifax, peach |satin, overdress of pink ninon, trim- {med with white fur, embroidery and {pink rosebuds, | Miss Nan Gooch, Toronto, white satin, silk embroidery and silver span | gles. silk, satin, béauty yellow crepe, | atin, steel bepded ornaments, beaded with pink silk, satin, satin, of face over- voile, and Ii. pink Jarnes, Decatur, chifion over We have made s for good business heeial pits Miss Marguerite Silver, Halifax, shell Coronation Season, and es- [| Pink satin, tunic of pink ninon and pecially in our Ladies' Ready. [coral trimmings. . to-Wear and Millinery Departs {| Miss Madeline Thompson, Hamilton, ment. {white silk crepe over white satin, em- i broidered in seed pearls, bouquet of {American Beauties, Dychids and sweet | peas. |" Miss Grace Knowlson, Lindsay, 'Satin, pearl ornaments. | Miss Marjorie Warner, Lindsay, Miss Lola Fitch, Detroit, white chif fon, over white satin, gold trimmings. Miss Edith Hubbell, Ottawa, cerise ninon, over white satin, touches of | gold and black velvet. Miss Honor Tett, Newboro, pale blue igilk, trimmed with white net, - em | broidéred with pink rosebuds. | Miss Nesta Mackenzie, Toronto, rose, embroidered silk, over old {satin, pearl trimmings. | Miss Nell Fisken, Toronto, pink satin, overdress of dewdrop net, cry- istal and pearl trimmings. | Miss Scully, of Montreal, pink satin, 'garniture of lace, trimmed with ball | fringe. 2 | Miss Winnifrid Congdon, of Dawson, tgown of dychess satin, tunic of mir {quisette, enibroidered in silver and pearls, bodice heavily embroidered with Ipearls and silver, orimeon roses. Miss Phyl} Short, grees satin, di of hand-painted . chiffon, em- broidered with sequins, roses, white old rose of to-day, with their lovely and sparkling Aan, ed Ho be unusually well sui young, fresh faces, and made it i sible to particularize 'as to the reigning belle. | Miss Jessie Slater made prettiest of debutantes in gown of directoive satin, trimming. She carried a of American Beauty Poses. ; Short, white mar- quisette, over white silk, white satin, idered tunic. Miss' Muriel King, blue silk, Dresden panel, pearl trimmings, peatl bahdeau in Jair, pink roses. Mis. Grange, yellow satin, old Lime rick lace. ; ! Miss Lawson, pink minon over silver Spangles, silver trimmings. iss Carruthers, apsicot. salin, with tunic of gold net, trimmed with mara- Migs Rutherford, Ottawa, white sat- in, veiled with black chiffon and blue ribbon. . Miss Dorothy Carruthers, blue satin, {veiled with blue spaogled wb, silver WATCH OUR WINDOWS! i Ciee , white satin, et eit, Mithetford, white 3a Miss Bates, blue satin, chiar} Miss E. Hudon, shell pink silk, with } CLI RT REPLACED We do not need your pre- scription to replace a broken léns. "Bring the pleees. We analyze them 'and exactly duplicate. Or we can make up your present prescription in any of our popular style of mounts. They are secure, neat and comfortable. Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. L Garment For Coronation Day Ladies' Colored Dresses newest styles. with Kimono sleeves and fitted skirts, pric- ed at $2.60 and up Ladies' White Mull Dresses in a great variety of designs, $2.95 and up. We Ladies' and up. of 6 9¢ swell Waists have a White range at Ladies' Wash 'Skirts, White Repp and White Indian Head. All lengths. Special at $1.50 and up. A big range of Fancy Para- sols now on = Children's i 15¢ and Ladies' 75¢ and up. up all the Ladies' in for Dainty Hosiery different styles and Children. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. k - ' Dealer in all kinds of New and Second. hand Goods. Anyone having. goods for sale drop a card to 242 Ontario Street meuse. trimmings of braided net, apd' gold and white silk en' princesse, ornn" ments, pearlg and turquoise. gowned ia yellow br id matin, with overdress of yellowssmdrguisetie, trim med with touches'of mauve. Miss Madge Crowe, pink satin char menuse, trimmed with pale blue and pink chifion. : S------ The Civilians, Some of the civilians were J. Birkett, George Smythe, Riguney, Richard Hooper, W. St, Pierre Hughes, F. C. Willhoft, W. H. Craig, Chas. A. Low, Dr. D, E. Mundell, Wal ter Macnee, John Aird, Francis Mac wee; Owen Toller (Ottawa): E'R. Dobbs (Sault Ste. Marie); Harold Mesars. Tr... J su, I NR I ET ORR IR RR i Miss Hellen Crowe 'wha becomingly } THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIQ. OPEN NIGHTS. . PHONE 919 a JUNE Is usually the month of most weddings, We are headquart- ers for Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Brides' Bridesmaids' Novelty Gifts. and er And last, but not least, suit- able Remembrances to present to the Groomsman, ! SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians, 856 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER A Cheap Property on the corner of MACK and NELSON STREETS A Rohd Brick Dwelling, rooms, in good condition. large ample grounds. Slze of lot k% 132 ft, 3 Only $2,000 'MULLIN "THE REAL ESTATE EXPERT. contnining X barn, ft. x Houses to rent Money to loan Fire | presented, and rents colle Sad, re insurance. "Phone 539, COMPRn es As Hughes, Edward Wood q Eetethore}; Jaane Hriven {(Napanesh; Tom Melnuis {Continued on Page 5.) 4 THE KINGSTON LAUNDRY, Cor, Princesié and Syndenham Streets, el 'Phone £2.