rs } Sickness is usually | caused by the i mulation of waste | matter and impurities | within the body. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, enable the bowels, the kidneys, thelungs and the pores of the skin | to throw off these impurities. Thus they | prevent . or cure dis case. 25¢. a box. 2 I | i to ther | speed {atl the {their way home to the palace. {te see them again, THE CROWNING OF BRITAIN'S KING (Continued from Page 1.) everywhere greeted with cheers and jeries of loyalty, St. James street and {Viecadilly, where the procession pass- jed velop floral Arches, were throaged limit, and although people had waited here fon the whole day Iwithont seeivg anything of the show, they were not too tired to add a noisy welcome to those that had precefied it 'Aromnd Hyde Park corner the gen- eval public had found some room, and they stood here from 'early wiorning? to give their majesties a pafting Goa- as they passed throogh the arch head i Comstitution Hill on They had still, howeker, to run the gaunt let of the masses behind the railings ofl Green Park, and again those at the head of the Mall, who, although they had seri them on their departure earlier in the day, had waite! hours robed and crown led. 4 leas, who have some inventive abili Write GREELEY & MeINTIRE, | went Atforneys, Waabington, BD, BO0000000000COOOCIROINNIOIS | FOR MEN OR WOMEN, ° ® We are equipped to clean, | press or dye about every con- ceivable article of 'mas or wo- man. Our work! is always g | satisfactory wg - R PARKER & CO. Dyers: ee sSomeN ORANG am) A , Ont. 9000000000000 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family or any male over 18 Years old may homestead a quarter Section of avallable Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The appifcant must appear in person at the Dominlon Land ency or Sub- Agency for the district. Entry by proxy Way be made at any agency, on certain donditions, by father, mother, son, ughter, brother or sister of intend- # homesteader, Jutles--8ix months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of Bree years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on A farm of at 1sast 80 acres solely owned mu occupied by him or by his father, ther, a. daughter, brother or as artain Et Hits a homesteader in em, Sesion AE rp h n per acre. Dutles--Must reside up oh the homasténd oF The emption six onths in years from ste of Td Sites (incl t time -required to earn homestead - patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra A homesteader who has exhauste his Nomenty a pre-emption may enter for a pur- chased a Re In certain districts. Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties--Must reside pix months rs three Years, Sultlvite acres 'ahd erect a house worth CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the NB --Unauthorized this advertisement wil for. nte ublication of not be paid Notice to Gi Contractors TENDERS FOR STATION BUILDINGS TENDERS, ADDRESSLD to AA undersigned, and Jarked She envelo "Fender for Station ings," will be received at the office of the Commissioners of the Transconti- ns ntal Railway at Ottawa, until 12 tock hoon of the 11th day of July 10 for the erection of two) termina gtatfons, one at Redditt, Manitoba, on the other at Transcona, Ma nitoba, on the line of the rental Railway. Plans and specifications may be seen and full information obtained at the office of Mr, Gordon Grant, Shiet engineer, Ottawa, Ont, and of Mr R, Poulin, district engineer, Pte ont: face, Man, Tenders must be made on the farms supplied by the Commissioners and must be signed and sealed by all the parties to the tender, and witnessed an abcompanied by An accepts cheque on a chartered Bank of the Dominion of Canada, payable to the order of the Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railway, for a sum equal to ten per cent. (10 po) of the amount of the tender The right is reserved to reject any or all tenders Hy order, E. RYAN, Secretary, The Commissioners of Transcontinental Dated at Ottawa this ne, 191 har inserting this Advertise: ment without authority from the Bommissioners will not be paid for it. cscscesl WEDDING SILVER Pr the Railway. 9th day of THERE 1S NEVER ANY. DOUBT REGARDING QUALITY WHEN YOU BUY YOUR - WEDDING SILVER HERE. AND YOU HAVE THE CHOICEST STOCK IN KINGS- TON( FO CHOOSE FROM AT "PRICES. \ d right and cannot obtain @ Nautionat- Fransconti- x Those who still waited after the gold » jeoach' Bid passed into the yard of | Buckingham palace were rewarded as the king and queen appeared on the i baleoty, just as they had left the Ab- ibey, with their crowns on, and batted 'to right and left. The cheer that went up-at this mo- jment surpassed anything that had pre- | coded it, and afforded one of the most {thrilling moments of an intensely 'in-' teresting day. | -------- {QUEEN STOOD THE : ORDEAL CALMLY. When it eame to the time to place the crown on the. king's head, the Archbishop of Canter bury, who, it was feared for a time, would be overcame and unable to perform the service, showed little perturbation; though his hands prembled visibly. ; Queen Mary withstood the crowning ordeal with composure. Her. appear- ance was wholly in keeping with the OXO CUBES are marvellous conven. iences for people : who have to do their own cooking. 4 Cubes, 16c. OOOO0O0OO0O0 wen Rn for 7 Per Cent. (o) Unmulntive Preferred Stock at o Par with 25 per cent. bonus of (0) Common Stock in the Cane ® adian Locomotive Company, o 'Ltd., Kingston, will be receiv. \& oS > ed by J. O. HUTTON "18 MARKET STREET. . ERE POOR IEEE YOOO0 ANE + SFIRELLA CORSETS, Let me. call at your home and fit a Spirella Corset to vour form. Spirella Boning, the most flexible, comfortable, durable mathe world. Guarant one year against rust or breakage. Can be laundered, Always retains its shape, Send card or 'phone for ap- polntment. Girls wanted to canvass. Apply at once MARGARET DUNNETT, Corsettiete | Lis } Wallington St. "Phone STS, Cook's Cotion Root Compound oa citciual Moa Carriage Painting SOME CLASS TO OURS. This #s the place to have your Auto repainted to stand all kinds of weather. E.J. DUNPHY, Montreal snd. Ordnance Rountree's Coronation Chocolates, King py Queen Figures and Busts, Medallions, Ete. An aPFpoment based sdlely on cheapness is a poor ArSumen Yet we repeat gas is "undoubtedly the cheapest of fuels. Now if we give you good service 'and satisfactory results in addition {to the above we give you not only {the CHEAPEST, but the BEST. A card addressed to the Office of the Works, Queen Street, will briag 'the necessary information, or 'phone 4197, and wo will send a man to ® | Wednesday night; the steamer o exalted wich she rained, As thar Lhe abbey the greatest of the day occurred. the .roval pair, and their majesties smiled and nodded their apknowledg ments with more enthusiasm than the; had shown before. The return. trip evoked much enthusiasm along the whole route. - It was fa proud day for the British empire, but of all its millions, the ons who 'periaps had the most remsom to be proud was denied by court etiquette the joy of g the triumphal event. At Sandringham palace Queen Mother Alexandrame who forty-six years ago this mont ave L Britain a king, awaited bron: A os ¢ won "had" taken his place line" Rritish he Dz A pg IN MARINE ---- Movements of Vessels in Kingston Harbor. I'he steamer Tagona passed up Friday, ! The steamer Missisquai was up from, Gananogue, on. Thursday. I'he steamer Hector has arrived the city, to go on the dry dock. The steamers Saskatoon and passed down on Friday morning. The sthooner Maize arrived from Charlotte, with coal for the peniten- Lary. The steamer Hecla ia again in the Kingston dry dock to have further repairs made. ¢ I'he steamer Fairmount and Prince Rupert, will pass up, to-night on their way to Fort William. The steamer North King will leave Swift's wharf about one o'clock Satur- day ymoming for Charlotte, N.Y, om her first trip of the season. I'he vacht Ramona, of Cape Vincent, wept on the ways at the Kingston Foundry wharf, this morning to have some minor repairs made. The steamer Sowards arrived Thurs day. moming, from Owego, with coal, for Rockwood asylum, was unloaded during the day, and cleared again for Oswego. M.T. Cols elevator:i--Tug Emerson, from Montreal, three light barges, cleared: for Oswego, with barge Gaskin, to Joad coal, and will return with barge 1. apwing, coal-laden; tug Bart: lett cleared for Lake Erie, with two barges, to load coal; tug Hall cleared for Montreal, with three grain barge; the steamer Stormoumnt will pass up to-day, loaded with rails from Sydney, on her way to Fort William. At Swiit'y wharf :--The steamer Tacoma passed up yesterday and coal ed at Swift's; the ' steamer Quinte Queen came down from Picton Thurs. day, to takeian excursion down the river, but the prevented it from runnifig; steamer Aletha down from bay ports yesterday and to-day; the steamer City of Hamilton passed up Buena Vista came up from Smith's Falls last evening and cleared for that port again this morning; steamer Toronto went down and up yesterday; the steamer Kingston down and up to- day. ; station to mujesties emerged Ire demonstration in on in Ames BURGLARS IN A HOME. Curtis, Evidence goes to show that burglars Lpaid a visit to the home ¢f the late Br. C. L. Curtis, King street, on Wed- nesday night. However, an in tion of the place shows that the burglais got nothing for their trouble, dnd it is believed that they were frightened off before they had time to get their booty. Whenthe members of the household retived, all the doors were locked; but in the morning the side door was found to be unlocked, had been opened with a key. A desk belonging to the deceased th | doctor was ransacked, all the papers Soa | being scattered about, which would Jead one to believe that a search was being made for money. Valuable out glass and silverware was near at hand, but was not disturbed. e The Best Obtainable. There is no surer remedy for Eczema {Salt Rheum) and all diseases arisi from an impure condition of the blood, than Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. They cleanse the system, enrich the blood, improve the appetite and tone up the constitution. Price 25 cents. For sale Streeta. [by J. B. McLeod, Druggist. Cadet Silver's Commission. bhgiving the list fof cadets who had recommended for commissions the of Cadet E. Silver, of Hali- N.8., was omitted from the. list. Iver has A recommended for a commission in the Indian Army. Charger for the King. 'Melbourne; Australia, June 23.--The vernment of the state of Queensland 1 recently to present a charger to the ki is majesty was pleased to accept it and the horse has been sent to Buckingham palace, Al Right Styles in Straw Hats Is. what you get jf you buy - here. ® All prices, from 5c. up, at Campbell Bros'., Kingston's only exclusive hat and fur store. Sunday Conmections. for the Cape. America. 7.30 am, and 2 pm; turning leaves Cape Vincent 11 and 6.45 p.m., 50c. return. Each customer at" Best's to-morrow will receive free a package containing a useful article. Purchases must be Me. or over. amy "All cream ice cream," 6 Tey Bibby's $10 outing suits Sale of white Oxfords for 63e.; barefoot 60c., T5e., 85a, TENTS Ta pe 3 tton's, incess . "All cream ice Sens, Gibseni"s, Bibly* for n g suits. Ask your = or ami flour, ng gas "Bibbs for smart Fifty crates sen eis Saturday ! meres sels id ot Feat jue," Gibson' ildren, THE DAILY BRITISH WG, FRIDAY, nas! red trom || Cheers greeted | Entered Residence of Late Dr. C. L/] showing that-it' TT i To-Night--Free Show | Matinee Saturday at 330. Vaudeville -- Motion Pictures -- Illustrated Songs. Saturday, Children's 1 Cent Bay oa Cars Tenders ARE ASKE FOR THE the Parigh House, Main Picton, t., to the rear of the E ES is ay Street, ot For ir and Plast erers' work: also for carpenters and ininers' work; also for painting and glazing work, to be done in the erec., tion and eiounpletion of » Parish Church, for the wardens and congregs- tlon of the Church of St. Mary Mag- dajens, Picton Ont, in accordance with the plans, sections, elevations and detailed drawings as furnished by Power & Son, Kingston, and with such other plans and detalled drawings as will be furnished by the architects during progress of the works, Tenders may be submitted for all or efther of the works. Tenders will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, July §th, 1911. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Address tenders and corvespondence to JF. Holmes, Esq., Picton, Ont Tenders to be sealed and marked "Tenders" on out- side of uray per D. J. Barker and H J. Rin supchwardana, , ., Date Tine 21 sr £3, iit THREE The People's Forum |® | HSPN Ieee Tae CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | -- First insertion le a word, Each con- | fa BRESDEN W secutive insertion theréafter half cent a word, Mislmum charge for, ene insertion 205e; three insertions, Sc: pix, $1; one month, $3. HELP--WaNTED, SMALL OR SALE. LOST. Qt St SCARF wa ake at Kindly feay tak en By Will finde office? PURSE, opposite Liivies stores Reward _Yhig office ON PRINCESS S73 or Spence's m return te SMART BOYS; work: good wages Kingston. Street, STEADY Apply to lad, King! { Hoglery Co, BOOKKEEPER AND YrEvoGR APH. Fr. State age and experience] with || references, Box 62%, Whig officiy AGE NO small house dle, Whig AS RE-| not | Ji RESPECT BLE WOMAN, oblectd ¥& look after and one person. Apply, office SMART; ACTIVE valving clerk or afrala of wark Crathers Co, Ltd MLN checker: The W Bookkeeping, for general . store, | Apply to H. KE Braden, Calabogle, SALESLADY, WITH SOME 1DEA or | i ont i : STRONG ROY FOR MAILING DE. | artment, to work Monday aud hursday foreneons and Saturday! afternoons, Apply at the Bosi- | ness Office. i NEW Telephone Directory of Bell y The Telephone Canada fs about to issue FOR THE DISTRICT OF EASTERN ONTARIO, including KINGSTON Orders for new connections, changes of firm names. changes of street addresses, or for duplicate entries: should be handed in AT ONCE to : H. W. SNELLING, Local Manager. -- ---------- © Sips . Department of Militia and Defence. Repaies to Reof of Drill fini}; Kings- ton, Ont, 5 Notice to Contractors SEALED TENDERS, MARR ED ON envelope "Tender for Repairs to Roof Drill Hall, Kingston" and addressed to he Director of Contracts Department of Militia and Defence, Ottawd, will be received until noon, July I0 proximo, fir repairs roof of Drill Hall, Kingston, Ont Specifications can be geen and full information obtained at the office of the Officer Commanding Third Division, Kingston, Ont. Tenders must be made on the forms supplied by the Department, and ac- companied by an Becepted cheque on a Canadian Chartered Bapk, for 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, pay- able to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defence, which amount will be forfefted if the party tendering decline ito enter into or if the contractor fafl to complete his contract in accordance with the tender. 3 The! Department does not bind itself lowest or any tender, EUGENE FISET, Colonel; Deputy Minister Department of Militia and Defence, Ottawa, June 7. 1911 N.B-~Newspapurs will not be paid tor this advertisement if iL is inserted without the authority of the Depart- ment : (HQ. 14-25-17) arn nn ng Ele y the to accept the Department 'of Railways and Ofitario--8t. Lawrence - Canals. RAPIDE PLAT CANAL. SEALED. TENDERS ADDRESER to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Lockmastérs Residence Morrisburg," will be received at this! 30th Plans. Specifications, Contract to be entered into can be seen on and after this date at the office of the Chief Engineer of, the De. partment of Raliways and Canals, Ot- tawa, and at the office of the Resident Engineer of the Ontario-8t. Lawrence Canals, Cornwall, at whieh places form of tender may he obtained. Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages schedule pre- pared or fo be prepared by the lle- partment of Labor. which schedule will form part of ihe coniraet. Contractors dre requésted to bear in mind that tenders will not be con. sidered unless made strictly in ae- cordance with the printed forms, and in the casé of firms unless there are at the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each member of the firm. od bank cheque Tor the sum of $250.58 ade payable to the order of the Minister of Railways and Canals must Sccompany each tender, which Jum will be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into ceon- tract for the rork at the rates stated in the offer submitt The cheque thus tent in wii be re turned to the respective contr re whose tenders are not accepted. ge of the successful ever will id" as security. OL part ana Form of A New Telephone Directory, aifice until 16, o'clock on: Friday, June | ASSISTANT "BOOK KEEFER: 0 who has had experience in furm ture businéss preferred Apply tc The Gibbard Furniture Company,| Napanee. i INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY ra $108 monthly corresponding or BN aera, ng. Be cate, 3.94 96 Lockport, . ONCE, TWO Good ROTLERM (K- ers and one Flange Turner, accus- tomed to marine work Apply at Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. Ltd, Collingwood, Ont, bi ONCE, THREE accustomed to marine ply at Collingweod Company, Limited, Ont ELECTRICI ANS, work. Ap Stipbutiding Collingwood, CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. tion, carefully selected, arriving every Monday Jn June; next purty Aug. 5th, Apply now, The Gulid, 71 Drummond Street, Montreal, or 14 Grenville Street, Toronto, FIRST-CLASS manager for 1.000 Islands; IMMEDIATELY, A eneral cook and urkington House, must be able to cook for forty people; references from last em- loyer; state wages. Hugh Turk- ngton, Ivy Lea, Ontario, YOUNG MAN, CAPABLE OF TAKING charge of the trimming of show- cases in large dry goods store; must be energetic, intelligent and capable; a splendid position for the right party; state age, experience and salary expected; replies con: fidential, Box 623, Whig office. CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, ially by HR a nl on; ne or small salary' und the write to isdn can ur wuges and be ous 47 WANTED---GENERAL. CUSTOMERS TO LEAVE ORDERS for ice at Myer's Meat Market, or 'phone 381. Jahn Gleeson. SHOR ] REPAIRING OF DE- jeription; first class" work: best Toat or only used; one trial will suffice. ring your repairs -to Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor. of Clergy West. EMEN TO PRING THEM Cloth and have It made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please, Pressing Tepairing done on He shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Broek Bt, next Bibby's Livery. YY PERSON HAVING GOOD SE- cond-hand Furniture and. Stoves before Showing drop me a card I will pay good fr ices. I have for sale Brass and Iron Beds and all inds of Furniture in Oak. Happy ought Ranges. Will sell reason able. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. TEACHERS WANTED. FOR SCHOOL SECTION No. 11, LEEDS Front, Normal trained female teacher: Protestant; salary, $500; after vacation. Apvly, stating qualifications, ¥. J, McCalpin, Sec, South Lake, Ont, FURNITURE FINISHER ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, ebonizing and xiiding, enamelling and all colors of mission werk; all ven best attention. Pat work 5 ba . 23 John Street. 'Phone MEDICAL 4. ¥. SPARKS, BA, WJ PHYSICIAN and Burgeon, 100 el mn Bt Uttice hours, 10 to 12 am, 2 to ¢ and 7 to % nm 'Phone 346 FINANCE AND INSURANCE, NCE THAT INSURES GO to W. H. Godwin & Son's Insuran Empo over Northern Bank, Brock Street, ealth Policies es ries guise fat be he iy =, the due fulfilment of the To te red . ente: eo lowest or any ie not neces. -- avcepied, By order, 3 L. K JON * tary. rtmeént of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, June 18th, SIL Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without Suthurity From the De- partment will not be patd for it 'veils, all colors, extra Silk ribbons, ail cole. HE and 15e. New York: Dress Bn foe cas ot sinner choose to pra; : £7 Tre "ents Brg A Fiiculars. . Press Synds- | eT ALL OF EMBROIDERY, somewhere down Kindly return te PARe EL on nesday town. Finder Whig offive A BLACK Ww ATERM AN Men, on er ab une will: be rew arded on oftic FOUNTAIN 6 Fi nder return te ¢ WEDNESDAY y lu ladies' i depot ; prs bab FOUND. PURSE, money may " § der paying for this advertisement 131 Princess Street A SUN OF Finder tirving ami at CONTAINING treet HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BEEFSTAKE . JACK'S EXCHANGE Restaurant. Meals at ail hours on Spartest notice. Special rates by the week, Open Yay and night. 23 Brock Streei, BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, opposite G.T.R. station, one block from CPR, on siveet car line; bar supplied with best of and liquers; charges modera special rates by the week Cousineaun, Prop. THE GRIMASON HOTEL, 342-34 . . Bar stocked with of Ales, Beers, Liquors, and cholcest Clgars. Meals, 25¢ each, or special rates by the eek Yard and accommoda Rat: reasonable Mulvilie J g 'Driscoll TO LET, OFFICES, R. McCann, STORES, DWELLINGS, ete, J. B. 61 Brock Streat. SUMMER COTTAGES AND FI RNISH- ed Dwellings J.B. McCann, 51 Brock Street. FURNISHED HOUSE, TWELVE rooms, every convenience, includ- ing 'phone, for thé summer months. Apply, No, 208 King Street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, alry rooms, absolutely moth 3 Shut aor lock snd Key Str a orage; 399 Queen St 'Phone $16 FROM MAY Ist, BRICK HOUSE, No. 181 Division Street; extension kitchen; hot water 'heating; gas, Apply to Frederick Welch, No. 179 Division Street. BRICK with all immediate Ww. J THAT VERY DESIRABLE dwelling, 120 Earl Street modern improvements: occupation. Apply, Capt. Daly, 122 Ear), 165 PRINCESS STREET, KNOWN AS Bijou . Theatre, ready for occupa tion in a dew days; also small tenement of three rooms Apply Chas. H, Powell, 102 Raglan St CONVENIENT and Collegiate improvements; TWO NEW HOUSES, to ueen's College Institute: modern gas for light and cooking. furs naces and good cellars Apply, Fleet Millar, £2 Victoria Street DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 230 1-2 Princess Birset 'Phone 346. ingston. 8 H. 4 FLAGS, STEEL ENGRAVINGS ANB OIL painted pictures, some Yory rare, at Turk's. 'Phone 708 BUILDING within I LOT ON KING two blocks of the Gguire at Whig office. ----e A FINE SECONDHAND _ THIRTEEN Dise Drill, mn good condition. Ap- ply to 1. J Hay, Clarence Street. CENTRAL PROPERTY, 63, o5 er Sydenham Street, between William and Johnson Streets George RB. McKay, Bank of Toronto, SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE Division Street; good eellar; modern improvements, with and big lot. "App y on premises, 3% all n MOTOR BOAT, * feet engine; in cheap. owned Hox 617, IN FEET OVER 3 horse power. Davis first-class condition; lvaving city Apply, Whig office, Ald, ) beam; DOURLE FRAME HOUSE, EARL ST, six rooms each; large yards an barn; rent for $18.00 per month; price, 3 500, $500 down, balance per cen D. J. Hay, Clarence St. YOU WANT A GOOD STORE OR Balcony Awning, Porch Curtain, Waggon Cover, Cork Life Preserv. i or Fenders Cw your motor raat, drop a oa to Capt. Joseph Dix, #11 Nelson Street. y : TAYLOR SAFE, NEW, HEAVY BLOCK Tea Bins Connters, Shelving, Computing Scales, Top Buggy and Delivery Waggon Apply ® Kirk, "781 Princess Street, Nelson Street, Q 2 or 3a, containing lus, half CONCESSION 8, 40 hores mile east of south side of York Road Miss, Purcell, 333 Princess Kingston, r Odessa, Apply Street, L tes [TENTS AND AWNINGS. «= LEAVE your order for awnings and tents at F. X. Bazeau's, the old reliable who knows his business; >i cater to your wants and right and no hi Jiicen Ontarto Street, RE AWNINGS, TENTS, CANOES, camping outfits, fishing tackle, marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything in canvas, kit bags, silk tents, spray hoods, motor bout supplies, Frank W. Cooke, 269 Omtaric St. 'Phone 891 or 23, FRAME BARN, 2 STOREY, 10 ft, with § in. x 10 in. sills; on Top Phaeton, one Single To Buggy, one Two-seated Cutter, one G0 bushel sine-lined Grain and Feed Box, one Patent Box Ashs Sifter 4. A, Gardiner, 67 Clar- ence Btreet, M4 FT. X GASOLINE AT THE YACHT CLUB Dock for boat -or aute, delivered through the latest model chamols screen pump, gasoline belng abso. lutely free from water or dirt of any kind, and we. alse give you what yott pay for; full gallons; sole ent for the famous "Havo- ine" Lubricating Oil; operatur om hand at any Hour, VACANT LOTS ~WILL BUILD NEW solid brick house, 2 storey, 22 ft. X #0 ft, and furnish same on a lot 40 fi. x 110 ft, with right of wan" south wide of Princess Street, east of University Avenue, by ur- chaser paying about 'one-third cash down, possession within three motiths after contract made 1s~ land 41, St. Lawrence River, $308. Gardiner & Bateman, 67 Clarence Btreet > - FOR SALE OR TO LET. BRICK HOESE, No. 238 WELLINGTON Brest, Near Park; ten large rooms; improvements to suit good tenant Apply to]. Cohen, care of Susman &- Cohen, or 136 Queen Street SIMPSON D.DS. DENT. lat 268 4 Bry Street. Tel DENTIST wistant, 183 O. Bu DK. ©. OC. NAS Ww cess Bt. elcker, 'Phone 7 ba DR. A. BE. KNAPP, DENTIST, 1 MONT aL reel, near Princess Street. S.A, AYKROYD, DDS, LDS, DENT. ist, over Dominion Express Otfice Wellington Street 'Phone BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START 4 mall order business at home. No RP Be your own nd for free booklet. Tells how Heacook. 2.969 Lockport, NY. UPHOLSTERER, UPHOLSTERING, RE- carpet work, hair mat- Eo rop & card or reet. w. J. SAVIN pu ring = one renovatin 218 Bagot N . HAIR,. MOLES... BIRTAMARKS warts, etc, removed permanently without scar. a 3 rent ears' = rience. Bim | Noss, (Throat nd sin lets ivh Specialist. 368 Bagot Bt OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY. FRANS, ATLANTIC LINES, L CLass. &a C. 8 pipet Agents 4 y ors Tin Offee, Bt, Kingston. _aER THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PR Henry Skinner Druggists, extending 'from Stragt 10 Queen Street, fr oth, and includ] tongive ba. dings. Apply to ningham & Mudie. mises by many ah 4 a ith BOARD AND ROOMS. ROOMS, WITH OR board; very moderate 408 Johnson Street FURNISHED without terms REMOVAL. LOCKSMITH, HAS Sydenham Bireet, Princess Bireetl, Gunsmithing 4. moved 1o two doors facing thi a speciality GARRBLTT, 149 from Orpheum OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHO RUGS Sein. Ashcroft, bo. Gradual the | * Founder. TTR. #47. raat 10 lon: and "Meer ARCHITECTS. RY FP. SMITH, ARCH 258 King Street. 'Phone 3 ARTHUR ELLIS, ARcurrpcy. In Yul versity venue. WM... NEWLANDS SON,. ARCH iests, ste. Ditton, "a5 Bagot Street. ony p BPO, k__ Bulli cOTReT fone Ha "ha 'Wellington Sireets. p Aolite Seifaction Just what you is what we deliver. Our and Wood is sold strictly at expect to