STO, ur. HOUSE, LEAD- | » 317 ia) Hotel. Kates, $1560] | "THOS, STEWART, Prop i | SATURDAY, JULY 1st. 'SATURDAY, JULY 1st Round trip tickets wili be issued at SINGLE FIRNT CLASS FARE, Good going June 36th and July 1st and} $opd to Hr until July 4th ckets to infermadiate Pe between rea) and Toronte In 3 neetion With the above Wil not b good om tralid 1 and 4, i ReudTdp omeseckers' Fyeursions TX ok ESTERN (CAN Ho * AY, JUNE and every smcond Tuesdoy patil gent. 19th. Good ta réturn With i i Fhrough tourist sleepers Toronto to noma vin Chicago, St. Pasi and nr Th herih reservations and further | formation, anplv 4. P, HANLEY Agent. FAL TARA 0 RAILWAY N CONNECTION WITH | CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. | DOMINION DAY = TURDAY, JULY Ist ud trip tickets will be issued at) FIRST CLASS FARE oing Jane 30th and July 1st! and &ood to return until July 4th. | 1 : Homeseekers' Excursions | Manitoba, Saskatchewan" and Al-| ® © berta, 1 June 27th. July 11th, 25th. August Sth, 22nd. Sept. Gth, 19th. Tickets good for 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P. and} C.P.R. Tieket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY. Gen, Pass. Agent, ! BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY; | Train leaves Union Station, Ontarte Sikes. m. daily (Sunday excepted) fi Tioged: Sydenham, anee, BEF - n nockburn and all points oO Jecute quick despatch to inockbu M Ontaile of y ulna Rat gp ru | Koen! J I. he Bhi bay Agent, ne No. 3, nooth, and alate on loute way. LImTED, Company 'and Gulf of St. Lawrence h Cruises in Cool Latitudes, 8 8 "Calecapedia" 1,000 tons, re- Iy fitted out on the Clyde, spect. a i a service, with ail "modern OM MONTREAL ON REA gy at 4 pm. 6th and 30th uly. ie, ob and 21st August, 1#th September, and from Quebec Fd day at noon fer Pletou, te eailing af Ga:pe, Mal Bay, Ls! Grand River, Summerside, * iT and Charlottetown, P.E.I Mew York From Quebec me, fhe-ta med River Saguenay nn ee 'harlottetown and Fiudad. 2.600 tons, Roi at § pm, 14th and July, fit and 26th August, snd ' September. BERMUDA Bummer Excursions, $10 and up, by ihe Twin Screw "Bermudian,™ tous, sailing from New York at 1 . , Sth July, and Dpm. 19th and 20th uly and every 10 days thereafter PE ar re cooled By sea breezes seldom rises above 30 degrees ve tiweat a . of the weason for A Re {and ! Staterooms, 2p to PAT. i ket Rint, Ont. uRBgC sTRANAUI aun avEREC, ALLAN LINE Ropl Mail Steamers { From (he very first I SHE WAS SURPRISED IL and Mrs, R Smith, of Winnipeg, Man, tells a an interesting 3 story of relief from almpst Ea howe reat my of a great. relief, my troub- trial, Continuing with them I les were slowly but me, and belore long 1 once more knew what it was tu be free from the harassing ef- | {and Mr. fects of the ailments that had long sick- med and weakened me. So Jroat is my faith in Dr. Morse's lullinn that 1 | shall fever on any account be without them." Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cure | Bowel and Kidney as well a8 Liver troub- les, and kecp you healthy, 25¢ a box or vr dairy ! . IT OUR CRYSTAL BRAND or Standard Granulated. Sugar Has been tried and found excellent for preserving and table use, Price Is always right ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. . { Ew ENCH REMEDY. THERAPION ET 22 re hadron sotes, discharges(eithersex we ikness vigor&vtalforce, drains, losses kc, Either No. at gistsor Mai Sl fre m kougera & Co. 90 Beekman Nou Yank ity, or Lyman Bros. Co, Ltd. Toronto, doubt No. required. send self addressed envelope forler jo ts » Dr, rh tere Med. Co. Haverstock Rd. ampstead, London, Eng. Try newDragéeTasseices) Ther: MB, cary to take, safe, tasting cure. THOMAS COPLEY Prone 987, Drop a card to 19 Pine Bireet whes wanting apything done in the Car, tér line. Estimates given on all Kinds of. repairs and new work alse Hardwood Floors of all kinds. AN riers will receive prompt attention. hop, " Quenn Street. | HANNS {Geo. Muller & So Carpet Cleanin, DE. oh a and Carts Sat erel ads repaired, Telephone 1e32, 379 King § KINGSTON. ! @ecsassssses YOU NEEDN'T DESPAIR Here's an Offer That Should Interest Sufferers of Skin Irritation, -- First of all we want to explain that the remedy wo aie about to tell you of carries our promise of money back for the mere agking to anyones not thoroughly pleased with its yse. Thay should unquestionably establish the Sincere faith we have in it. Parasites or gorms cause eczema, and eciema is probably the most preva lent caase of all skin ailments. To overcame thom, the remedy must of necessity destroy or remeve the pa- resite or gern before obtained. Possessing remarkable - antiseptic, germicidal, cleansing, soothing and healing power, the curative value of Rexall Ferewa Ointment is very pro- nounced in the atment of and allied skin dildos, whether dry scaly sort, the weeping where there is a flow execrption, br the intermediary such a8 pimples, blotches, discolora- | tions, ringworm or acne. It is useful for' treating hives, rettle rash, insect hites and wounds. It is ideal for the skin ailments peculiar to child- ren. Rexall Fezema Ointment white in color, has a pleasant odor, and is very cleanly for use. If you are a sufferer of skin irritations = or eruptions in aay form whatever, we urge you to try a box at our risk, At the mere hint of dissatisfaction you may have your money back, Sizes, He. nl $1. only sold at our store--~The Store. G. W, Mahood. the type, very is grayish- Two texall AN ARGUMENT PICTURESQUE ST. ROUTE. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. lctatian, Fri, Jude 2%; Pri, wri, June 0; Fri, Viggtotan, "Fri, July 7; Fri Aug 4 T vn Pri ay Fri, Ang 1n . MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. iba i June 23; Suc. Jay va! iy 1% Sat July » uty 3; Nat, ug, 5 Hy a Pom Fuly 15: Sat, A 12. MONTREL TO HAVRE AND i "LONDON. LAWRENCE | July 21 * uty x This service Is composed of one second cabin steamers, sailing Montreal every Saturday, moderate. Full nformation on application to pe Ly ; C8 RIREPATRICK. s, Kingston, JaLiAx LINE, reel, Toreat to. » SNE AND BAY ay . eave on ns wn moe, Kingston daily ar sin Ena ai and hath larence St An argument based solely on cheapness is a poor argument. Yet we repeat gas is undoubtedly the cheapest of fuels. Now If we give you good service and satisfactory results in addition to the aboye we give you not only the CHEAPEST, but the BEST. A card. addressed to the Office of the Works, Queen Street, will bring the weessary information, or 'phone 197, and we will send a man to an it over. light, Heat & Power Dot V C. C. FOLGER, : Gen. Mgr. SUMMER SERVICE STREAMERS AND Leave ing for 1,000 1 Mon at §. Jotte {Port est. Daily fox! hept My After Iu ¥ ist Steamer "Bell ei pik: Eon mun * Char- &nd Toronto. ) during June. "between Hamat 1 and 4 relief can bel eczema of ill-smelling | kind, } Remember, © it is) ha TBE DAILY BRITISH Wil, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS: = A Doings ag Jones' Falls, WHAT WHIG Ioan Jones' Falls, June 21.--The farmers 3 TELL US. jére all taking care of 'their corn and potatoes, which promise-#n be good The Tidings From Various Points fuer wpe. * The cheese factory is peng tard op ta good supply of milk. The wild Eastern © On What People; {strawberries have beén quite plesiti Are Doing. and What They Ares, Fhe farmers are through doing Saying. E road work. Samuel and Orman Baxter ? - went, on Monday, to work on the new | Notes From Salem. railroad dt' Chaffey's Locks. Frank] Salem, June 21.--Dr. F. B. Thornton | Wills had the misfortune to loss a} passed through yesterday in his new valuable vearling on Saturday. Fred- | auto to attend the little - son of D.lerick Jackson also lost' two. Nir, Whitney, who was injured by a bull, { Bradiord it recovering from his hurt; Johnson, Consecon, has purchased | which he received by slipping and | an auto. J. H. Young's a cabic saw striking his side on a board patiition mill is sawing at E. C. Wannamaker's, in his hog pen The ' census ha Charles Kemp 16 rebn wiiding + his bs ry {been - taken in 'this neighborhood "yet. | Rov Vancott; Albert College, is home |. Visitors :- Mrs. Alexander Sherwood | for a couple of weeks. Among. recent' and Mrs. 'Adam McBride, of "Wi wer gy visitors:--Mr. and Mrs. F. Hidkerson town, are spending a week with their and Mrs. Bruce Henesev, relatives. Charles Hutchings, Mrs. | A. 0. Henesey's; Mr. aad Mrs. Hughston, and Mrs. Tavior, Latimer, Findall, Hillier, Mr. George and Lotan Bufteh's and Robert Bas- Alma Sager, at €. J. Hawley's; Mr. {ter's; ad Cheetham, Sedey' _"" Bay, and Mrs, J. Itvine, at Elon Parlig- 8! C. Caird's; Nr. and Mrs. Charles | ments. Garnet, are working at ca a Miss {nt Blackman, Seeloy' s Bay, and Mr. and i Mrs. Burton Blackman, and little Miss Tamworth Briefs. | Bek Roddick, of Lyndhurst, at H.|{ » Stuart's; Samuel and Orman Bax- | Famworth, ter spent a comple of days at Glen f close every 1 Puell; Mr. «and Mrs. Robert Baxter | ing uly ane : lupent Sunday with their daughter. New Ontario, was in town on Thurs tn Leonard. MoEratney, Inverery: day last, visiting Mr, Paul, MP, Ww. i Norris and Miss Jessie Cheet- G. Wilsun, Napnnos, waa in town Of Tham, visited here on Sunday; Sey Saturday Jant Shields and Saul have oUF Baxter, at R. Simpson's; Mrs their yu brick . yuri running full Burton Blackman, Lyndhurst has Blast, turning out 100 to 12,000 per | dirs ins with her day. Mr. Nisbet, of Newburgh, visited | been spending a few days Mr. Paul, M.P., over. Sunday. The! i parents. Freo Masons attended the Methodist | church in a body on Sunday after] noon last. Rev. Mr. Dixon preached a | very able sermon. Frederick York, | Napanee; was in town over Saturday | ast. Mr. and Mrs®UGalbraith, Camden | Hill Presbyterian church was held at | { East, spent Sunday at thethome of {the home of Mrs. John MeKendry, on | thar parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rog Tuesday, the 20th. Mrs, MeNeely had | ors, lcharge of the opening after | a. which Mrs. Reade presided, and in her Farewell at Bell Rock. | opening remarks referred Yo the pro Bell Rock, June 21.-- Rev. B, June 23. All stores will] Wednesday afterooon dur- Adipust. Mr. Black, of | Sand Hill Mission Meeting. Sand Hill, June 23.--The first an- niversary meeting of the Ladies' Aid | and Missionary society of the Sand CXercises Pierce, loress of the year's work and gave as] preached his farewell sermon here last [the motto fer the coming vear, At- Sunday. - Mrs, James Yorke is going | fempt great things for God and ex slowly, after a sivers attack of heart | peut great things from God." The fall | {trouble. Mrs. R, Grant has returned {ep easn of 'huliness was? pleasantly {home from the Kingston hospital iy oken with a piano number by Miss Humell Grant, W iFren Percy and Miss tp MeKendry. Arrangements were Uornelia Yorke will write at the en | completed for a festival and a tea at tramoe examinations at Rarrowsmith, yj, A." Actor's" The cook: hook cor next week. Mrs. E. James, Mrs, . hy cht Cire and Miss Ha Percy were guests |itiee reported eootigh funds in sig a. to proceed with the preparation of jag the Hartman-Clough wedding, last } oh . he . Ihe week. Miss Margaret Yorke and Miss the manuseript wrgh ie Pinter: : : i <Q | treasurer reported about $320 on hand. | Maude Sunderaaty pant Jaa . sturday {The missionary _hour was in the ea-| Amev has his census work completed, | pable hands of the missionary secre) Visitors: Mr. and - Mrs. W. Drew, of [tary, Mrs. MeKendry., Her words of Wagarville; and Miss Olivia Sanborn. | welcome to the members and friends | Mclesn, at GG, M. Sanborn's; Mr. and [weve well chosen and given in an ear Mrs. Thomas Timmons, Enterprise, at {nest manner. Mrs. Dillon read an in John Timmons': Thomas (Cucroll and [teresting selection on "The Word in Mrs. .R. Carroll, at J. Yorke's; Mis. [China,"" which told of the work of | E. M. Yorke and Miss Edith Yorke, [love of the converted Chinese in pre Verona, at J. Pomeroy's. [senting to the royal family copies of | : {the New Testament printed in. their | [native tongue and bound in silver | beautifully engraved. The meeting ad- | {journed to meet at Mrs. Burns', | Cushendall, in July, The hostess wan! | assisted in serving the delicious te | { freshments by her duighters and Wiss | M. McKendry and Miss Kells, Sun {bury. Miss McCallum gave piano se actions during the lunch manner in] ther usual capahle manner. : | Budget From Verona. Verona, lute Mrs, June 21.~The funeral of the Dixon took place to the Methodist church. Rev. B. Pierce, of- | ficiated, The remains were laid to] rest "in the family plot in Lakeview cemetery here, Fhe patrois of Verona cheese factory were paid for May milk 85 43-50 pe leent.; average pounds {pound of cheese, 10 "of milk for | 19-25. Inspector | -------------------- Herbert Brintnell called at the factory BUDGET FROM CROSBY. lately and found ~vervthiog O.K. W. Usns, cheesemaker, is giving entire sa {The Farmers Expect the Best Crop | tisfaction. . ; Year on Record. i Herbert Huffman; who sprained hie | June :2k~Furmeis - throughs | {ankle some time ago, iv just able to vicinity are wearing broad-| | got about with the aid of a cane. Miss | ) fa ver] J. R. Grant has returned from a brief | the prospees ou . | visit to friends in Kingston. | heavy hay and grain crop. ore wi The soldier bovs are expected home looking fine and the récent rains have feom Kingston and Petawawa on. Sa. | kept the pastures in good condition turday. Quite a number from re at: Cows never milked as well as they tended the camp meeting at Odessa, [nse this spring, and cheese has been Mist Agnes Dillon, Brewer's Mills, a fairly good price. There is every in visiting at T. H. Cenigs. Mr. this being the best year Mrs, J. H. Crimmins, visiting their |[€VeT. son, Frank, High Falls, have returned | The C_N.R. contractors have arrived home to Watertown, N.Y. R, E. Curl [at our station with their construction has erected a very lengthy flagpole outfits, and are busy hauling them to near his residence. The Gillies . spar |Forfar and Chaffey's Locks, where mine, west of Mud Lake, is giving bet- [work will be commenced at once. ter promise as the work goes on.| The WM.S. held its annual open There are several other mining proper-{meeting and sale on the 13th. After ties lying hard by quite undeveloped. | the sale refreshments were served in Mrs. Ira Reynolds has been quite ill | the hall, then all repaired to the from the effects of measles. FE. M. |church, where a musical and literary | Yorke has had a new cement. walk {programme of a high order was car laid "around his residence. Several {vied out." Rev. Mr. Humphrey, the from here attended the Hartman-Clow |pastor, acted jas chairman. The mem wedding at Parham last week. Lewis bers of this society deserve great credit Vanest is building a handsome addi Hor having made such a grand success tion to his residence. George Jetfory [of their eatertaimment. Proceeds, in- " eluding amounted to over thirty (dollars, i George Howard, Elgin, was through ihere, recently, taking the census, Miss iCulbett, of At hens, was A aveekend her ancle, T. Culbert, She acceptably in the on Sunda Wesley | Pyne, who has engaged with his breandiather; J.-D. Knowlton, as farm laborer, is sporting the swellest ear: riage seen here for some time. Roy Landon, Lyndhurst, is visiting at George - Churelh's. Jom Knowlion is spending the simmer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, N. Koowiton. Bb. Pyne and G. Church have pupchased a gaso- line launch. Mrs. Blake, foals Xilln is the guest of her sister, Mrs. B eg a2 dries wilt Sanit, ett. C. Steadraan, who has been quite seriously ill, is very mich wn proved, and is now well on the road 10 regovery. Between = thie constriction of the CNR and the building of good roads it will be no difficulty for men to se Dr. de Yan's Peale Pills cure employment here." Farm laborers or: te ver fails, These | ATe very soarce and a number of immi- nr the grants have had to be imported from apie. Refuse | England: Oe farmer advanced trans- to any portation charges to an immigrant sale ahood's D : agent for a man, which was to be re Yor a M : Stare, i by the man in work, but when . P . > - rrived in Montreal he evidently de E ag : I ting ark appearance 'and the farmer has PDs CLASS TO OURS, come {o the conelusion that he has repaint AT have yOurij.en been stfing. ' Such conduct should be Alto nied d_all kinds of Hinvestigated. "At any rate, the farmer which will amount to over forty dol ars. W. Pyne and the Misses Proud spent Sunday i in Westport. Pr. Andrew WacPhud | is still in the Crosby, out this smiles over and a | dic ation of sale, guest of | sang a solo very | Methodist chygeh, THE KIDDIES CANNOT GET TOO . MUCH SANTTOL. More than a mere tooth cleanser, SANT TOL TOOTH POWDER effectually safe guards oral health. Effective germicide-- it meutrabocs harmful aeids---is an active ~ antiseptic. Promotes and maintaing sennd, Wheres conditions." Refreshing E 3 tiviaus te taste; more than efficient cided otherwise, as hé has not put in should mot have 'to stand the Joss MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1011. T ' Baker's Cocoa and Chocolate ARE THE STANDARDS OF THE WORLD > 53. Highest Awards in Europe and America 3 mE me THE NEW MILL AT 000 ALBERT STREET, ZIONTREAL @ For over 131 vears these well-known preparations have heen made 'only Mass., In order to keep pace with the rapidly increasing demand for its la and the Brifish-Provincesataorge mith-has-- been put in operation in Montreal. at the company's mills (the largest in the world) at Dorchester, 1.8. A. goods in the Domini on of Canad @ With the finest possible equipment of modern machinery, with the accumulated experience of more than a century and a quarter in the selection and blending of cocoa beans and a perfect mechanical process of manufacture, consumers are assured that the uniformity of quality and delicacy of flavor which have made these goods the standards of the world will be maintained. qg To are located at Montreal, Winnipeg by the employment of and dealers facilitate the distribution of goods, selling offices ' and Vane ouver., -t 4 We guarantee the absolute purity of these goods under thie pure food laws of Canada WALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED DORCHESTER, MASS. MONTREAL, CANADA BAY WATER /AGAIN § NOT RE SAFE!N-DRINK THOMPSON'S Celebrated Dublin and Belfast GINGER ALE, teed to equal port winger Ale, and be convinced, 'Thompson Bottling Co. 292 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 304. Quench Your Thirst DUBLIN GINGER ALE, LEMON SYRUP, LIME JUICE, HASPBERRY VINEGAR. LEMONADE, ORANGEADE, D. COUPER, "Phone 76. 841-8 Princess Street. Prompt. Delivery, WHY Guarar any im. Try a case WE HAVE A PRETTY LINE OF Ladies' Slippers and Oxford Ties For warm weather wear. There is cool and comfortable, and nothing stylish. FEE MADE IN ALL LEATHERS. PRICE, $1.50 TO $3.50, nothing quite so guite ® neat and AI es