. A Tr MISERABLE WITH STOMACH TROUBLE "FRUIT-A-TIVES" BRINGS THE HAPPINESS OF HEALTH "Pruit-a-tives" cures Stomach Trou- bles because it cures the Liver, Kidneys, Bowels and Skin. Indigestion etc. is not usually the fault of the stomach itself. The bowels are. irregular-- the kidneys are weak or' strained--the skin is inactive--and con. sequently the blood is ig It is the impure blood that really makes bad digestion, © Fruita-tives" purifies the blood by making all the vital organs activeland healthy which in turn relieves she Take * stomach, 'Bruit-a-tives" if * want to g=t rid of all Stomach Trou ae and faults of Digestion, soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At all dealers, or from Fruit-atives Limited, Ottawa, KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited). > "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Tweaty-sixth Jear J Fall Tern u in time ors with way cor- ter any Il or write for Informa~ H. F. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Canadas. That's Why Yeu're Tired--Out of Sorte--Have no Appetite. FARTERSLIMTIE LIVER - Fh their duty, Cure Consti- pation, Biliswsness, Indigestion, and Sick Heedache. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine wus bea Signature Zoot, COWANS PERFECTION COCOA "Great for Breakfast." A day started on Cowan's Cocoa is a day with a clear head and a steady nerve-- a day full of snap and life. Cocoa nourishes the body. It is rich in food value and easy to digest. DO YOU USE COWAN'S £ HOLIDAY White, Tan or Black. | yo Girl's and Children's | Barefoot Sandals. § Boy's Running Sho 413 Boating Shoes. wry 1 Saw Se Soe [ing nor to the and Gibson Ties. $ A BRIDE WAS GAGGED AND TIED IN ARBOR BY A STRANGE MAN. Yerre Haute Woman, Married a Month Ago, Called Out of Home A Former Admirer Likely Guilty. Terre Haute, Ind.,. June 36. Mrs. Ralph Shelburne, married last month, was found tied to -an arbor in the yard of her home, last night, a few 'minutes after she had responded to telephone call. She had told those who were attending a» musicale in the house the call was from the same niknown person who a week alter she wpe ndreind began calling her wp and' inaking threats. <®he days that as she stepped into the yard a demand was made by a man there for letters she had received from a former admirer, and whin she replied that she had burned them he stuffed a handkerchief which she held twisted them behind her tied her hands, and with his own handkerchief her 'to the arbor, YIELDED UP THEIR LIVES To Save Their Wives From Drown- ing--=An Alaskan Tragedy. Washington, June 26.--Drowned be- fore the eyes of their wives, who were helpless to save them, was the tragic fate of Walter L. Hahn, of SpFing- field, S.D., and H. B. Chichester, of Eagle Pass, Tex., government fisheries in Alaska. The details of the disas ter received by Fish Commissione lowers indicate that Chichester and Hahn took their wives out for a sail from St. Paul Island, Alaska, Their boat capsized in a squall. Af- ter heroie efforts the two men succeed ed in rescuing their wives and placed them exhausted on the bottom of the upturned boat. They found the boat sank with their own weight and were compelled to hang to the sides. Weakened by their efforts in saving the women their strength soon gave way and the almost lifeless wives were helpless to save them. First one, then the other, sank beneath the waves. Mrs. Chichester and Mrs. Hahn were resuued several hours later by na- tives. GEN. COTTON'S NARROW ESCAPE Camp Commandant Thrown From Horse While Inspecting. Niagara-On-the-Lake,: Ont. June 26. ~Lieneral Cotton had a very narrow escape from serious injury Friday, when he was thrown from his horse while making his usual rounds of in- speetion. The general and his aide were near the cavalry lines when samethifig frightened the horses. They reared, and General Cotton was thrown heavily to the ground. Seve: ral men at once went to his assist ance, and the ambulance waggon took the camp commandant to the general hospital, when it was found that beyond a severe shaking- up the gene- val had escaped injury. Reciprocity, Not Purchase. Brockville, Jun ~The county council of feed a G ville, at its concluding sessi tayday, turned down the endorsation of a petition to the legislature to purchase all the trunk telephone lines now erected or to build new ones. Iustead legislation was suggested, which will compel now existing trunk lines to give all rural telephone lines connection' on a fair business basis. - ---- - Must Enforce Vaccination. Montreal, Jwne 26.--The provincial board of health is determined to take action against thirty-four . muni- eipalities for failure to comply with the board's order, ealling upon 'them to . enforce compulsory vaccination laws. Perished by Camp Fire. Andrew, Alta., June 26.---Mavie Mil- inchuk, a Galician, aged fifteen, fell asleep by a camp-fire at Shandre. Her clothing caught fire and she died on Thursday as a result. ; There is a rumor in Toronto that the C.P.R, is contemplating the taking over of the Erie railroad. 3 $ Eczema Worse in the Spring The Blood is 'Watery--Difficult to Get the Healing 1 ~ ~ But. Whatever the Cause You Can Relieve the Itching and Hea the Sores With DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT Salt theum and eczema are usually worse at this timé of year Suecnsiue of the sudden : change of tem ture-and the watery condition o the blood. 3 . ein Bok 'neomaaty to refer to the suffering caused from the _intence iteh- of these 'mil- ments to spread over the entire body. 'The essential point is bow to bring about cure, and if you have been the cures reported from time to time in this paper you will already know that there is nothing 'like .Dr. Chase's Ointment as a cure for ecze- ma, salt rheam puoriusia and ever form of Fring skin disease. 4 This ointment stopa the itching al- lessens the [most as soon as for you. We know this because of the reports we have recived from so many oi cans. For instance, there Mrs. Ont., who had Nr ge em eczema so bad that Simoes the whois in the tues of at her face into her mouth and caught' - i mr DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 30 1011. -- WHEN INDIANS MINED COPPER, Researches Show That North Ameri- can Redinan Was Not Lazy. The copper mines in . the Lake Su. perior region were most important to the Indians. When we remember that they did not understand the smelting of ores we can appreciate the value of these mines. In these the native metal occurs both in small pieces and great maswes. The Indians had only to dig away the earth and smash the rotks with stones, some of which they pro- vided with a groove dnd attached to a handle by means of a withe around the groove, reports the Southern Workman, ; . Archaeologi ts have found that they | also fuilt fires upon the rocks and thus racked them that they might more easily, he smashed with hammens. One piece of . copper propped upoy poles over fifteen feet i the su face of the ground wag found by éx: plorers where it had been abandobied by the ~ Indian quarrymen. Weighing almost three tons, it was a monument to the industry of the North American Indians, and who, we must remember, had only the simplest tools with which to raise this heavy mass. One of their shafts, which contained a mass of copper weighing several tons, was twenty-six feet deep and the mass of a been raised several feet, probably the only means the Tridians had 'of raising it being wedges and sticks. These were exceptionally-deep shafts, many others being smaller. In one place an area of about four hundred acrés had been worked over. Judging from the number of stone hammers or mauls found in a given bulk of debris excavated from these ancient diggings thousands and thousands of the ham- mers must have been used, and may be found by clearing out the old workings. , BOOTH'S PRISON PLANS, "Give a Man a Chance" is His Motto, London, June 26.--General Booth, the veteran commander-in-chief of the Salvation Army, is going to make ths prisons of England model institutions for all the world: Interviewed about his prison plans the general said : "My whole scheme in a nutshell is this: Treat the eri minal 'a8 a human being. Give him a man's chance before you despair of making a man of him. I would have much more discrimination in passing what I eall a punitive sentence on a criminal, and 1 would add to the de terminate punitive sentence an in- determinable detention for as long time as was necessary man for earning an hensst living whey ke is set free." CHURCH TO RAFFLE MAN. Tickets an Most--Demand by Young AVomen and Old Maids. Philadelphia, Pa., June 26~To raise money to pay off the debt of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Germantown, the societies affiliated with the church' will hold a lawn fete, at which an eligible bachelor =i! be rafiledl off to the woman who holds the lucky ticket. The tickets, selling at from ten cenls © $10, are mostly in demand by young women and old maids. The church authorities refuse to make public the name of the man who is willing to stake his matrimonial happiness on a lottery, but say he is straight in limb, sound of mind and able to support a wife. Weds on Death Bed. London, June 26,--The Standard prints the following from its Berlin correspondent : "Felix Motti, conductor of the Muni- cipal Opera House, married F. Fass- ninder, one of the foremost singers of that theatre, yesterday. The wedding took place in Motti's bedroom, where he lies on what is feared may be hi death bed. \ "When Motti became aware of his dangerous condition he insisted on the marriage being solemnized with all possible speed. Motti's breakdown is poe partly to overwork and partly to mental worry in connection with his recent divorce from his first wife" He is fifty-six years old and his bride thirty-five. Gathering of Women. The Woodburn Woman's Missionary Society met at Mrs. Campbell's, June 20th, with Mrs. Carey as leader. There wore over thirty present. Mes. Lucy and Mrs. Carey, delegates to the mis- sionary convention held in Gananoque recently, gave very interesting Yeports of the meetings. Rev. Mr. McConnell and Misses Bessie Carey and Eva Campbell also assisted with the pro- gramnme. A committee wis appointed to make area ents fer holding an ice cream social. At the cloke of the meeting Mrs. Campbell assisted by Miss Lennox, served refreshments. The next regular meeting is to be held at Mrs. Yule's, July 7th. New Soap Company. Toronto, June 26.--The Dominion Soap company, of Hamilton, has been incorporated with a capital of $100, 000. The promoters are E. Clarkson, Chailes Scott, William MeClemount, E. > Appelbe and Florenss Austin, Ham. iiton. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' furh- ishings department. They are all well assorfed with new goods. The reeve of Westport, Mr. Whit- Mateh, addressed Leeds council, asking. B geant, of $400 for repairing a bridge in Westport, in bad condition. A grant - fof $200 was made. Try a sack of "Quality" four for bread and pastry, and 'you will be de lighted with results. Thomas 8. Purvis, yetesinary | surgeon, Belleville, died, Friday Deceased, about fifty years of age, wr lived in Belleville many years and was well known. William Caryle, prominent ineat "in educa: tional matters in ord for the past "dEhirty years, died | *uddnly at Wood stock. fabrication from beginning to end. The td prepare the | NAILING DOWN FAKE STORIES, Queen Mary Has Not Dictated Con- cerniag Skirts, A short time ago there appeared in the American press a seosational story to the effect that the queen had js sued instructionss governing the - dress- es of the ladies who were to ba ad- mitted to the royal enclosurg at As cot. It was said that her majesty had insisted that all skirts were to be made wide, . and that togues should take the place of hig hats. Hobble skirts were said to be absolutely bar. red, the gueen having placed them under the royal -ban. : It id transpires that the story, as many supposed at the time, was a English papers to hand contain a par- agraph to the effect that the queen issued no such instructions or regula- tions, her majesty having too much sense to dictate to people what they shall wear. Another palpably fale story is 19 the effect that at a recent drawing- room, her majesty frowned". upon a well-known peeress beca the latter happened to: ve wearing a Jose-fitting PAGE SEVEN. IDEAL FOR FINE® LINENS SUNLIGHT SOAP, free from chemicals or ub no hard bony bingo doen toes "works equally well in hard or soft water. | Suaight Soup leaves cloies pure white, leas jd sweet neling--~sindiuicly gown. The story is false because the ween is too _well-bred to evinee any Succ in. ts in public even though she may have felt annoyed. Bat it is {tobuble that her majesty was not en annoyed. . 1 . Neilson's chocolates, '"'Prouse's Drug Store. SESE a METALS. The Canada Metal Co. Ltd., BAR SOLDER, BABBITT METAL and all INGOT Headquarters for Quality. Write for Prices Fraser Avenue, Toronto Common Stock . First Mortgage, PLAN "A" 107, on Application 7% on Allotment HON. WM. Carrying a Ilonus of 25 77 Cumulative Preference Stock . : . PAYMENTS MAY DE HARTY, Kingston JOHN L: WIlITING, K.C., Kingston HEMILIUS JARVIS, Toronto Offer on behalf of the Owners of the CAPITALIZATION 40 Year Sinking Fund -Bonds APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR $1,000,000 OF THESE SHARES WHICH WILL BE ALLOTTED IN FULL. TORONTO, Authorized $1,500,000 - 2,000,000 2,000,000 APPLICATION LISTS will be opened at the office of Amilius Jarvis; & Co.,, 103 Bay Street, 'Toronto, oa Moaday, Jur ao and will close on or before Friday, June 30th, at 3 o'clock p.m. ZEMILIUS JARVIS & CO. BANKERS & BROKERS 3 ONT. $1,500,000 7% Cumulative Preference Stock Canadian Locomotive Company, Limited At $100 Per Share in Common Stock Tesued $1,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 MADE ON EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING PLANS: " PLAN «"B" 107. on Application 15, on Allotment THE FOLLOWING HAVE CONSENTED TCG ACT AS DIRECTORS: ROBERT HOBSON, Hamilton PRANK G. WALLACE, Pittshurg, Pa. WARREN Y. SOPER, Ottawa JAMES REDMOND, Montreal 257, on August Ist, 1911 25, on September 1st, 1911 25 on October 1st, 1911 Real Estate, Buildings, Plant and Goodwill The appraical of the Properties, Appraisal Company, Limited, unde Rat June 16, 1011, shows the following Reproductive value : Depreciated value Net Current Assets: Inventories and Aécounts Ricoiy Cash in banks and on hand Municipal and -other Bonds. ......... Less,--Current Liabilities ® he 4 We have examined the books and and certify that the Current During the period covered hy annum), after providing for depreciation, only $167,032.03. The profits for the thre the business of the year 1010 is 'explain defective steel castings purchased by the Cu STATEMENT. SHOWING ASSITS PURCHASE AND THE CAPITAL Buildi 8. Plant and Equipment m ade oy the Canadian accounts of The Canadian Assets and Liabilitie r examination, the j yoars, I by the manager mpany under contract, Srmugy D AND LIABILITIES STOCK AND BONDS a THE ASSUMED 151.0 ven Per (x rized and to lw i$ 36488873 * 15018 ine lnde p have in no ye Hmouy 1907, und 190% t as being » TO.BE 1 | Secwrities to be issued: , for a period of four years ending December jim, stent whi oy wted abont &27 500 An appraisal of the Company's property and plant has been made by the Canadian Appraisal Company, and is included in Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Co's Audit of Accounts as set out herewith: The Canadian Locomotive Company. ; Limited. SSUMED AS AT DECEMBER gist, yUED gre, ative I": [ ed £1 500 000 00 2.000.000 .00 1,000.00 1,500,000 00 i $5,000,000.00 1910, 0 per Ht the vear 1810 fits amounted to raged 4 ; . per annum and the fallin off in lmeat of rations i resuiting from the delivery of Yours very truly, PRICE, WATERHOUSE & (0. Chartered Acenuntants FIELD OF OPERATION. in operation and over 6,000 vader constriction + being surveyed. required fof every six miles of frark there were 4,079 locomotives in use, in year to replace existing equipment, really oaly "al its miles The Timited. Canada to-day has over 25,000 miles of railroad According to statisties furnished by the Department of Railways, one locomotive is "Last yout Canady The completion of the present 6,000 miles Lander construction will call for 1.000 new locomotives, In addition, 400 locomotives will be required each The railroad development wilich is taking place in Canada is --ad it is expected that within the next ten years the present railway in Canada will be mere than doubled. id of operation is thetefore almost un: PLANT AND POU PAT The Canadian Lo have been building * Limited, » and have At 5 locomotives many sis faotary imited capacity. The Com 0st ap-to-date and modern plsot in Caunds, covering 333,000 sq. ft In addition the Company have » and ou which they ean erpet add tional be Lg i, zs required, all ge enlarge their plant at the mintmim of cost, The Company tunate in having cheap pamet unoexec lied facilities, and in being exemy from taxition, cxeept Schorr] taxes np to the year 1916. They have probally ihe best trained and most loval stafl of skilled workmen on the continent DCO Comp: locomot ves since pany hay I Ri O60 sg It ESTIMATED EARNINGS. 2 estimated that as a result plated if rease to the of the econtem plant, the earnings within the next | vedrs wild be at least $600 000 per gpnum;: or iu the ae ighlgrhood of I8% on the Tomgon Stack witer firoviding for Bond Interest, Siokiug Fund, and Preferred Stock Dividend, fs m ng Apaeity of ent ring into provision for an increase in the their. plant, the « GiNpany are not % new and untried field. They have 8 thorough knowledge of the business, dnd the in "od output can be munaged with the same sid selling stuffs. Other econ ed through manufacturing ind th bas bern the cast id the past. The repaint | tice of the Company is s6 good thar the demand for their locomutives far exeomds the ipply. sine will be ger numbers 5 and Stock Exchanges. = TRANSFER AGENTS, TORONTO: oy National Trust Co., Limited eh TRANSFER AGENTS, MONTREAL : Montreal Trust Cory Jimited "* Bankers: Bank of Montreal CO. - Jarvis KINGSTON, will be' made in due course to list the Preference and Common Shares on the Toronto and Montreal so» REGISTRAR, TORONTO: Toronto Safe Deposit & Agency Co., Limited REGISTRAR, MONTREAL : Montreal Trust Co. Lintited, Auditors: Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Co., Tofonto MEAD OFFICE AND WORKS: More complete information and forms of application for Shares may be obtained from AMILIUS JARVIS & ONT. Building, TORONTO.