ineararosrasterecesers TING OF STONE, ---- Stated That Arve offered Torento thas banking service which comes from long experience and com- plete equipment and facilities, Business accounts of very 'description receive careful at- vention. ag Going on in Kingston. There is still more trouble iu tlecal labor circles. masons @re out ob strike again, and as a pesult, building is tied up. Thomas Izzard, the international' ofy dicer, is in the ci bul on: Monday! afternoon, be said he had do state ment to make other were on make oe an what' the ie. x Jearns that it te same old between the masons and the stone cutters as to who shall eut the stone. Mr. land stated that be would prob. ably have a statement to make in the mut on Tuesday. not intimate eity is tied up again, with the excep {tion of the work on the new building at Queen's. William McCartney, the contractor, stated to the Whig. that all the masons were on his job, Good' progress is being made on this work, The Whig was given to understand that this strike is being carried on by the International Union of Pricklayers aud Masons' Union, and that it 'would be fought out to a finish. It will be 'remembered that the masons and the stonecutters were st | loggerheads for some time, but that no settlement wos made in the miat- ter, both parties simply going back to wor No matter what "the outcome will be, it is certainly giving the building trade in Kingston another black eye, and mapy citizens have oxpresewd the wish that the strike would soon be settled. y CHURCH LOSES LEGACY 107 PRINCESS ST. ORORGE 8, McKAY, Manager, gs dling aly S8ssssentesssesssstntey; 000 0000000000000000000 20004 esssecescectsseacsccce. ee0c0scscssesnsscesece Say Your Fruit Trees. THIS 1S THE TIME FOR THE PEADLY CODLING MOTH, > And it is astonishing, but the De- partment of Agriculture says that 50 per cent. of the blossoms are de- stroyed by the Codling Moth, and the only way to get rid of It is siriggle embitternd 'hy liens and) Rev, John | SPRAY I threats of actions, With the Arseunte of lapd for ali | Morrow, the "athletic pastor, has | of | received, the most stag gering blow Sulphate of ANE for | Fungus | nil. Thegug h yut the wearying, health- Growth, {}re ing campaizn for money, he wus sustained Jy the prospect of "receiving 1 Rat ue tel} pou bow 0 go B andl, aly thirteen thousind dollars from} ince ! tha estate of the late _Robert- Dale, whose name the new church bears. On| Arsenate of Lead Saturday Judge Winchester handad | Sulphate of Lime .. .. out judgment in on action : practically wipes out that legacy. Bold only at claim arose ont of a legacy from 1 Mitchel W. A. Mitchell's Hardware Puls mother to his bother James, 0 4 Pi uv } ; 8 which hy, as executor, did not pay in Dealer in Which Properly Belonged to Brother of Deceased Man. Verento, June 26.--- After » three: viars' struggle to build a church. af The full. The balance, sqme $2,000, to- goth vr with compro) interest since | 1877; hing, by the judgment, been a- warded to James Dale, snd Ahn all ox den are, paid. the Dale church | will receive ews than £,000, Entrance Examinations. There are 185 candidates writing at the entrance examinations which gan oh Menwlay in Grant hall. Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables, Fresh and Salt Meals, Figur and Feed, Hay and Straw, and Chinaware. I he Tha examiners are® Will Fight it to a Finisk--~An« other Black Eye to the Building was, but the Whig trouble Jt is Mated that all the. mark in: the of W ich | 5 be- | Little folks will write for three days.' OVER OLD TROUBLE oF CUT-HN HECOVERING. THE: BODY oF THEIR LOST CHILD. Nh 1s Will Reguire Money to Have the Search. Prosecuted--A Diver Weng Down in Asglin's Bay om Sunday. > The pavents of the Lailey lad, whe 'is missing, and who is believed to have been drowned in Anglin's' Bay, sme 'greatly distressed over the eecurrence, and it would be s kindly act on the part of all citizens, to interest theme selves in the ease; and to ald in the that mesons eeovery of the body. Two suceessiully search reguinies monetary assistanes, and the gid of those whe feel concern of in the case, would be greatly preciated. Already; neighbors or fHoted family and to seek the femwery the body, | The little fellow has been missing since last Thursday afterncen, avd that he is drowned there seme to he uo doubt." Ever since, many men have | Police been grappling in the hope of finding. the body, but up till this aftergoon their efforts have been fruitless. On Supdmy afternoon, a diver' made ao short search, but was unable to locate the body at the place where it was thought the lad had been drowned. Further search by a diver is necessary. IN SPORTING CIRCLES. Thomas MeCammon Has Been Given to the Victorias. The long-drawn-out dispute between [Manages Stansbury and , Manager { Hartrick, as to whether McCammon berg to the Athletics or Victorias, and which ended in onch manager giv- ling the other tweniy-four hougs to dis close the name of the one who was supposed to have forged the certificate | which beld McCammon to the "White iBox," is over, by Manager Stansbury releasing MeCammon, { Lacrosse on Saturday. Tecumselis had a hard lime beating {Cornwall 4 Ao 2. Torontos lost "to | Natiotmls by 7 to 3. Vancouver beat | | New Westminster 6 to 0. i Baseball all Results. Eastern League -Saturday's results : "Toronto, 7-11; Providence, 5-5. Halti- i mere, 2-6; Rochester, 0-1. Jersey City, i Buffalo, Newdrk, 3; Montreal, ! Ee s Se x a 6; Pro- videnov, 1 Montreal, 6;° "| Buffalo, 1; Jersey City, 0. American League--Saturday's sults : New York, 11:9; Washington, ' (2. Philadelphia, 7: Boston, 1. Sun- Iday's results : Cleveland, 2-5; St. Low- tis, #1. Chicago, § Detroit, 4. National League-- Saturday' s results: { Philadelphia, 3; Boston, 1. 3; Chicago, 0. New York, T: lyn, 4. Sunday's results: 15:1; Bt. Louis, 1-2. Chicago, 4; Vite burg, 2 Canadian League--Hamilton, 7: St. Thomas, 2. Brantiord, 1; Berlin, 1 i P'rool we | BIEN JeTe Atorthy Newark, 5 Fiewhury,] re i C incinnati, | WEE UNWORTHY ER SAYING ™EY WHR UNWORTHY HELPMEETS. Trawhielicplores the Propeness of Colonists to Marry Natives. . Berlin, June 26.--Soli, the gover- nor of Samos, is very gy © worried over the proneness of German colon: ists on that island to take Samoan wives, accordng to adviees received by the colonial 'office. Of the gover nat's iwenty married German ficialy | Ha have native wives. A ing | to the last mail reports from' the is- land, a German colonist named Mi BECAUSE SWENTHEART SLAM MED DOOR IN HIS FACE. Calgary - Mounted Police Sergeant is Poder Arfest--A Little Verda, Bay Was - Burned to Deut. Juve 26. Sergt. RR R Tucker, NW. MP, is under arrest for attempting to commit suicide. He called on a girl with whom he was in fatuated. - The door was slammed in [his face, and-he ried to kill himself, putting a bullet. in his left arm. chaelis sent a letter to} a local paper fant , in which he complained of this habit, snl said the native wo | helpmates of white! meg more expepsive than man gi the iollowing day dreds of } Samapn women ermad with whips, sticks, garden toals and other) weapons, gathered for the purpose of making an attack om Michaelis. The! arrived just in lime to smuggle the colonist to. the jail. The women were pot appeased, and attempted to storm the jail, and were ouly od vented from doing so by the officers | of the troops who had 'been © ealled | out, threatening to order the men to { fire. In order to preyent further trouble the goieipor was © to hme from the in] have Mis land. CANADL A N LOCOMOTIV E CO. Increased to $35,000,000 Mr. Harty Optimistic. ' The name of the Hon. William Harty > indelibly assodated with the industrial developments of this city. For over twentv years he has been nas the Canadian Locomo- tive "company, being for the past ten years its president. When Mr. Harty took over the company it was on the verge of collanse, due to mismanage- | ment. Mr. Harty , reorganized the company, associate himseli with prac: tical men, as well as with men of capital, and has since that time built up one of the most important manu- | facturing plants in Canada. Duriog recent years the company has been |e rang over LOH per year, and, 'although they have turned out seven- tv-five locomotives a vear, have had] to reinse many attractive orders owing to. their limited capacity. Mr. Harty and the men associated with him in he new company have decided to double the capacity of the plant and are increasing the capitalization to $5,000,000. Instead of including huge | Capital sociated with "quantities of water and thus inflating | the capitalization, the rompany have { simply basad their capitalization upon | the appraisal made by the Canadian | | Appraisal company, In addition, the ny are turning over cash and | other assets of $1,250,000, Thus the! vew company will start as a going | coneern, withveash ass>ts of one and ia quarter million and a complete ~ set | of trained workmen. | It is said thet efforts were made by some of the mew dizestors to imgduce i Mr. Harty to move the plant to To- pected to atlend the + sived jon "Saturday from their outing Yerdun, Que. year-old son of A. burued to death, this {fire which destroyed the home. morning, in a When Ger "| the fice was discovered it had gained hn [great headway. The family escaped / jumping out of the back window, When it was. found that the youngest was missing, the father tried to go back for him, and was sevevely burn- od. The smoke proveuted him locating the child. INCIDENTS OF | OF ¥ THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs aphs Picked: Up BW Reporters - Their Rounds. "Grape juice," Prouse's Brug Store. shirk Davis spent Sunday with his parents in Lianamughie. * Grape juice, ugrts, at Gibs i's. SV. B. Carroll, of Sanufoyue, was a visitor in the aty, to day. "Buy grape juice." Gibson's. Miss Florence Mc Millan, first street, is visiting friends in Sunbury. William Swaine, piano tuber. Orders received at MeAulay's. Phone 778. Miss Jennie Cummings, Big Ureek, is spending a few days in the cily. 'uy Abby salt" at Gibson' 8. Mrs. R. Richardson is quite serious ly ill, at her home, on Vidtoria street. Mr. and Mis. PD. Robinson, and daughter, Bath, spent Sunday in the "uy Abby galt" at Gibson's. Willimn Spriggs; of Picton, came down, on the steamer North hing, en Sunday. is Carrie the week eud in tives. "© puy feuit salt" at Gibsou's. very large crowd of bays are ex Y.M.C.A. camp Napanee, spent city with vela Loucks, the tor boys. The Y.M.C.A. Boy Beouts will meet to-morrow evenhig at the Y.M.C.A., at seven o'clock. "hay fruit salt" at Gibsan's. Edward Mackie, of Montreal, is spending his 'holidays with his wister on Garrett street. > The stepmer America had a good crowd on ber excursion to Cape I Vimeent on Sunday H. Cunningham, pisso tuner, 2 King Sndel Leave orders at Mo {| Auley's bookstore. Mr. und Mrs. W. R. Givens returned with the Conadinn Press Association. . ; lime juice" at Gibson's. Mullin lns sold a lot om E. Ww. C. H. Pickering London, 7; Guelph, 2. -- lronto or Montreal, as they were larger |x Ch crest, owned by Jan es Latur Baseball League Standing. {industrial centres. Mr. Harty, however |, py, hn rr Eastern League--Rochester, .661 per | has such faith in this city as a centre | free orangeade" all this week cent.: Baltimore, .503; Toronto, .567; | that he refused to consider such * leach eustomer making a purchase Buffalo, .500; Moutreal, alors. Inspector Stuart, Principal Sliter, Principal Quinn and Mise A. Ryder. -- Gil Married Prisoner, to at 490 PRINCESS STREET, Buffalo, N.Y., June 26.-- Miss Audrey ' 530. Phone | Belwy, telephone operator of Wash- Seb etees | ington, D.C, came here, yesterday, and was married to Edward V. Lee, pay- WILLIAM MURRAY, master's clerk, who stole $48,000 from neer, the battleship Georgia, ountey Stivy Care~ sy Corns ro Setresrsiee SHEP P EPPS W. Spooner apd wife, of "Montrent; who have just returned from an ex tended tour of the Pacific coast and Mexieo, were guests of his parents, » ona . Herbert J. Smith, Bt. Col. and Maa. C. N. Spooner, Glenbur- | Mimerurs who i nie, over Bunday, leaving, Monday, for [feneral of his Iwothir, G.. iT. Smith, ly i Seltace" at Gibson's! ft to-day for New York, where he ¥ {8 N will sperd a week, returning to King- He. S k o. ile . \ at oh st' n Mefore goin: home, man, 1 ~ Shader i n Miss Gertrude Jones, Johnson street, R . pi ul Be is presiding at the enlrance examina: Pp & Reid's Ambulance lications -hav tion at Cataragui. Quik ea ihe ol applica ion - Alter a. time Joose morals DRY. aectite been. received for the position of pre fost hold on us. ; in the public schools. "R i y "Buy Bromo-Seltzer" at Gibson's. | Buy talcum powders" at Gibson 5 The seven vear old -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Catarsqu, passed away -at their residence on Ea- turday, from an. attack of heart failure. The funeral took place Mon day afternoon, from their residence; to lhe cemetery. Service was. cow ducted by Rev. T. C. Cassidy, Joseph. attend the 1 14 BT YOUR PROPERTIES NOW . FOR SALE OR TO RENT BALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLEUTRU "WIRE INSURANCE. CONVEFASNCING AND REAL ESTATE. E. Blake Thompson, NORTHERN CROWN BANK. «ARRET 3 ARR, Stersisashenqat Sask 8 The Gamunts we sell mast always be of reliable for we sell no Clothes that we S cnmet fully 8 5 If a Purchase is in any way unsatisfact efund cash as cheerfully as we- take it We solicit your favors. Take a Jook at our ~ MEN'S SUITS AT $12.00 and $15.00. GE ------., hs t a City, ABS; Providence, 393; Newark, AT. American League--Detroit, eent.; Philadelphia, 655; New York, 579; Chicago, 556; Boslon, 542; Cleveland, 422; Washington, 333; St. Louis, 262. National Leagne--Chicago, 617 cent.; New York,..617; Philadelphia. B00: Pittsburg, 583; St. Louis, Cincignati, .14); Brooklyn, .367; ton, 233. = Canading Léague--Berlin, G06 cont; Hamilton, 559; London. Guelph, 500; Brantford, A457: I homas, 364. Poe "- fo St. STOCK QUOT. ATIONS From McCunig Bros, Montreal | Through J. 0. Hutton. Jube 26th, 1911 Asked. Offered. Canada Cement «.P.R Detroit T nited . Dominion Steet . Montreal Power . Nova Scolia Steel | Richelien .& Outario | Twin City Co en J Railway fey STOC WK Furnished by R. B. Lyman & Co, Anchor Buildieg. June With, 1173 1084 =. 137s MARKET 1911. Amaia: ro tks Ama opper i Swelters ...... | ' re & Ohio ... frookive, Rapid Transit oe n b {ont sapplies. "Tpassed away at Trovideoee, K.1., " L o'clock, to Cataracui cemetery. 383 chell, Frank Morri A473: Jersey proposition and has won over his as- Gibson's Red Cross drag ! gociates. Harty said that Kingston was] Mie £78 per the best located city on the continent } Hor the manufacturing of locomotives, | ax both the Grand Trunk and Cana- dian Pacific railways enter ther yards with the Canadian Northern about to or | come in. In addition, they had their * {own wharves, where the largest boats * teouba deck, thus bringing in or taking | Mr. Harty also stated | that the future outlook, not only for the Canadian Locomotive Works, but for the whole of Canadas, tionally bright. "We have,' said Mr. Hasty, "ouly {eight million people in Canada to-day, Hore it is over we will have one {crad million people. - Our present rail- way mileage of twenty-five thousand will be incresssd "many fold. The | present, therefore, is the right moment | to increase the capavity of our | plant. We are looking forwapd to al | tremendous expansibn in {pointing to railway development { Canada, 4 | for us in| Died at "at Providence, R.L Eliza'eth Lupd, wile Lund, Jormerly of this of city, on Jue 20h The remains left som. and arrived | onday and were | Mrs. 1 Th mas | Hatuiday, { thers Saturday at 4 in the city al noo taken in charge by 5. 5. dectaker. Deceased was a sister of Benjamin Davy, Union street, and the fun val will be conducted from his residence Tuesday mornin ¢ at Ja Th private sarvice, which wil be of » Rev. T ature, will be conducted by W. Savary. Accused of Contempt. Washington, June 26.--A pew charge of contempt of vourt was lod, to-day, acainst Samuel Livmps Jolin. Mit: labor Imders.! the supreme Capt. Macoun's Condition. London, Jime 26.--The king and the Duke and Duchess of Argyll have en auired about the condition of Capiam {ination officer, who Hacoumn, She was be removed from the J i by he rendn ou Saturday. 'Accused of Theft. Toronto, June 36.--Heary Rapport, was arrested, jodag, on a warrant was shit to ars i The case comes court, on July 17th. two years old. boro to answer a charge of -------- resumed 'duty after a week's vacation spent with i in Rome, N.Y, and Svesouse. Mrs. Bateson is at pre Ps fo lt Se was excep I {but this is Canada's eentury, and be | hun- | everything | Locbett, un-| 'for a top gallery seat. Police Constable James Bateson has ted W.1 Mr. Sagar conducted the services in ithe Methodist church, Portsmouth, on Sunday, and preached able sermons. Mr. and Mrs. A. McConanell, of Yar. fker, spent a few days in the city, the {guests of Thomas Killoran, Brock sirest. [ "Buy Je juice" £* Mrs, Turner, Nelson street, the eal hospital, with Jer three lohildren, who have contracted scarlet fever. Chief Police William Baillie, of Kingstoi, will attend the convention of Canadian chiefs of police who meet in Ottawa, on Tuesday. "Buy Bromo-Seltzer ' at Gibgon's. Saturday was one+ent day to Lake fintario Park and 2,400 children took ths epportunity of visiting this popu lar resort. 'Al this week" the customers Gitsou's Red Cross drug store wnioy cool refreshing oran reade of Shaye. Rev. TI. W. Neal, of Sydenham Street { Methodist church, wha preached floral "services in Gananoque, Sunday; re turned home Monday The patrol boat Navireh iy ist Belle: ville, with a great quantity of nets picked up in the waters between Gana {Roque and Dgservute. I one PECLINED A i a aia Because so Pulsome in Majesties' Praise. London, June 26.- Fuetything is ready for the state performance, to night, at Covent Gardén. Desting, Melbh and Tetrazzini will wing. Ap hundrad thousand roses ure decorating the theatre, Five thousand dollars re fused for a box; twenty dollars paid Austin's Cor- fonation Ode is not published. It is igaid he wroie one, but the praise of Jtheir majestics wal -so fulsome they declared it impossible to allow its pub- ication. at Gibson's. at may free beaded New Power Company. Montreal, June 26.--A new power company, known as "The Lele. au Her- {om spenent oupany. 1 _ being incorporated Lo develop pow chime Rapi - pro power available at 40,000 08 hotse-power. To Teach for a Month. A. A. Jordan, principal of Vietoria school, will open a teachers' training school at Br Ont.; on July 3rd, 40d o_continte Tor 3 month. Try » sack of "Quality" four for bread pasty. & and you will be de ehied with. esa "Mrs. Jared Tratther. aged seventy dead Monday from is in} @resscssssssssasssassl SPT VLTVVTRVVLTLBEY To-Morrow 910 6 We will have a Spe- cial Sale of 200 Kimona and Fushima Crepes These Cotton Ore arc in very beautiful ealorings and in dain- ty designs. They wash well and ge- guire no iroping, and will be sold at g price that should meet with # quick response. 120 LENGTHS of 7 Yards Each for Long Kimonas. £0 LENGTHS of 3} Yards for Short Kimonas. 30 Lengths of 4§ Yards for Short Kimonas, The entire lot will be sold at 15¢ Yard. As these patterns are all different there will bo a choice that you cannot get again ia a long time. POSITIVELY no telephone orders accepted for these 7 Butterick's LATEST -- JULY Kimona Patterns NOW ON SALE. J. Laidlaw & Son 1 i i i ) ' | | i | : ~@ At 20 aC Cent. Fe 5 Starting this week we will clear out all our "Men's Oxford Shoes, Men's Ten Oxfords Men' s Calf Oxfords - Men's Patent Oxfords All new this fresson. All nice goods. : $5.00 for $4.00, $4.50 for $3.60, $4.00for $3.20 THE. LOGKETT SHOE STORE $@ OSES IE SERRE TRAE