! : * THE DALY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1011. A ---- we "LE TCHIDREN'S WHITE SHOES A LARGER LOCOMOTIVE Yund,. who died in Providence, R.L,! 4 i THE LATE MRS. THOMAS LUND.S e OF CANADA FOR ; : ; PLANT IN CANADA. + The Accounts of Corporations, Merchants, Present Plant at Kingston Inade- Bo He eer ia Yrother. | 'Manufacturers and Individuals Solicited. quate to Handle the Business| Denjsmin Davy, 23 Union street, the | : : a op (Femains having arrived on onday, ae "Small Savings Bank Accounts receive Offersd--The Selling Stork "(companied by deceased's husband, her Special Attention. path Made. lon Edward, and het nephew, Norman ---- pm-- . The remarkable railway development | Robertson. She also leaves four sisters of Canadian 'railways has enovmously Mrs. Hugh Robertson, of Providence, increased the demand for locomotives Mrs. C. Camimings, Fort "William, Mrs, of ever-inereasing size, power and cost, Spd Fur_Lanbet's Talon Good cloth, all wool and properly shrunk. Linings that will wear as good as the outside. InterHnings such as canvas, haircloth, padding, etc, and pockets to be of the best. > { . Style to suit the wearer. Coat must fit smoothly on shoulders and neck. Workmanship Each garment to be properly moulded and stayed. and the best silk and linen thread to be used in all sewing, which must be neat and strong . : Does it cost much to get such Clothing? Not at all... We can build a Suit for $20.00. Thos. Lambert, 157 Priscess Strast Children's White Canvas Strap and Lace Canvas goer tuasing aise, power aud uusty 1B Del a Shoes----neat, cool and comfortable. Every little in any line of manufrcture,« {jamin and John, all of Kingston. The + . . 3 Theron bik Bd for a Jaeger and [burial bervico was conducted by Rev. Girl would like Them= Canada--the present plat of the Can {The late Mrs. Lund had been ill for » y 2 Rael, : & up-to-date locomotive building plaat in {T. W. Savary, of St. James' church. adian Loédmotive Company, -of King- long Sine. She wus aged A at peight : . ston is entirely inadequate to handle | Years. Among t oral offierings were: i 2 86¢ Bes rad vas its orders and Fart on there are con-| Pillow from hushond "and ho Sizes 3t0 71-2 - t a 8 of ~ Can and tracts in sight which would keep an Wreath, son, Edward; sheaf of roses, i Bes Lea 15 i augmented oS busy until the end of {Rhode Island District 1.0.0.F. M.U.; Sizes 8 to 10 1-2 $1.00 t of ther used bn Buje : 1913. The owuers of the plant--a pow. | Wreath, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Veog, : h . r erful syndicate of English and Can- | Greystone, R.I. spray of carnations, Sizes 11 to 2 fae $1.25 and Heels. adian capitaliste--ntend to enlarge | Mrs. Hagan and family, Greystone, R. : : the works so as to cope wilh the in- {1 everlasting wreth, Mr. and Mes, na - creasing demands for locomotives "in |Parby, Greystone, ..ll; wreath, James Canada. The present output is not | Chamley, Granatevilie, R.I; wreath, : : : much over seventy-five engines a year-- {Mr. and Mrs. W. Teller, wreath of for- a : . idepending on the type required--and E°t-me-nots, Mrs. Augustas and Mj W : | many valuable contracts have to be Crundy; spray of carnations, Mrs. asd : {Miss Bucknell; spray of roses and lilies Mr. and Mre. D. Donnelly; spray of : > carnations, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Win 5 : bury; sheath, Mv. and Mrs. R. Steven or {declined owing to the company's in- Iability to deliver. It is now intended | . Have You Yet Visited to double the capacity of the plant, Japanese * land perhaps treble it. Goods Store? | To enable them to make this ex- {5% cut flowers, Mrs. George Davy ; ! {pansion the: company ~ are \ssuing spray of carnations, Mrs. Dora Davy; spray of carnations, Mr. and Mrs. ithrough Aemelius Jarvis & Co., and as p {ammounced elsewhere in this issue 81, Charles, Davy: bouquet of roses, 500,000 of 7 per cent. cumulative pre nny" Davy; wreath, Mr. and Mrs, {ferred stock carrying a'bonus of twen- {B- Davy. {ty-five per cent. common stock, | ANTES. (aN ERT fi Hung exempt from taxation and with | THE-TRIP OF THE 14TH, . itlle danger from labor. troubles as | Reg R SEPARATE lexplained in President Harty's letter | iment -Parades Tuesday. Evening . {as in the prospectus, the company is] for Annpal Muster. lin an exceptionally favorable position! The 14th Regiment will parade at the ito manufacture most profitably, | armourics this evening for its annaal Figuring on Their Financial - 1 Difficulties. Ne ; 4 + a 3 Fhe company's prenuses oceupy three | Muster, and to receive final orders as! blocks in the city of Kingston; having 10 the trip to be taken to Niagara | MAAAAAARAAARYY | § street drontage of about S63 feet hy | Falls, Ont. Maj. Charles A. Low has| At the next meeting of the separate |a depth of about 555 fevt--t0 a front returned from Niagara, where he made [school bosrd, one of the trustees will {age on Lake Ontario of 1,175 feet-- the all arrangements for the reception , of |introduce the question of medical in- -- {area enclosed being 333,600 square | the vegimeut, which will leave King- | spection of the children, and suggest e - 10 Dozen Ladies' Fine Elastic Ribbed Combinations, tfeet. There are about a dozen build- | Ston next Sunday night - at ten iy,at the board unite with the Summer weight, all sizes, very special vdlue 49c a Suit. I hh dd a : cn ee " " FOR MEDICAL INSPECTION IN THE " TOKYO' NSPECTIO 174 WELLINGTON ST. mes Would the Board, of Education Agree J=--Separate School Trustees WA Suits For Summer Wear Need the same careful attention given your Winter apparel. : Try Us On A Summer Suit. lings, including one of the finest power o'clock. The men will be given an op- |poard of Fducation and use the same {plants in the country, a magnificent Portunity of visiting (Queenston | oreo as will be engaged for the pub- erecting shop with huge travelling | Heights and Niagara-on-the-Lake, 40 ie schools Members of the Board of | cranes, boiler shops, riveting shops, say nothing of Buffalo, N.Y, on July | Education have been approached in {machine shops, tank shops, tender ith, as the regiment will not leave | 110 matter see if the one nurse Ishops, blacksmith shops, foundry and | the Falls for home until Tuesday even- | id 'not he utilized pattern rooms, paint shops and car '°f- Kingston will be reached on the "Fp hgh + school board will have penter shop. In all, the works occupy return trip early Wednesday morning, 4 - a. pl oF debt wpe seven acres. The company has its | ef Los 0 (en eT a . rt Iv own 'branch railway Hine a Kingston | Bread Trade Heavy. the schools and _ decide very shortly land i 'on og ed : : how it is to be wiped out, so that an land its own wharves and docking faci- | Bakers in the city say that : 3 ' iti : . : i "mand addition can be built to St, Mary's ities on Lake Ontario. {trade in bread this month has shoo. So f° the trustees 'think The engines it turns out are the heavier than in years. Many Sle) home' 9 e A lo - Ladies' Summer Vests, Fine 1-I Ribb and Jersey Ribb, great values, 15c each or 2 for 25c. the been | 1 people | be made to CRAWFORD & WALSH Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot St June Salé¢ Now On Moment At Cut Prices. Long Silk and Lisle Gloves in White, | less one-third of regular prices. f Black, Cream, Fawn. \ ONE-PIECE DRESSES, on and Lawn, nlcely trimmed, in White, Cream, Mauve, Sky, nk, less one-third off regular prices. TWOPIECE WASH SUITS, In White, Cream, Blue, Pink, Grey, Tan and Mauve. less one-third off regular prices, COLORED CHIP AND STRAW HATS. Regular prices, 75¢ to $1.75. NOW 25c EACH. : : D ' M. SPEN CE, rv 119 Princess Street. Brass sssssasssssssass@Precacssasssascsscacaal | PARLOR - FURNITURE SPECIALS, 5-PLECE SUITE, Upholstered in Velburs, $22.50. NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT FOR HOME Let us furnish your home with Electric Wiring and beautiful Fixtures complete, ready for lighting. '8-Room House 10-Room House 12-Room House Your Choice of Fixtures. CHEAPER THAN QOAL OIL. j "Phone 441. Perret TLTITRRTRTRLTRT of i 99 PRINCESS STREET. . § ci 3 6t every joint und was most up-to-date possible, and that | they are satisfactory in service is proved by repeat orders from all pre- vious buyers. The C.P.R., the G.T.R., | the L.U.R., the National Transcontin- | {ontal, the Canadian Northern and the i government owned Temsaskaming & | Northern Ontario railroad, all are pa- trons of the Canadian Locomotive Co., Kingston, Six engines recently turned out for the T. & N. 0. are said to be the largest ever built inCanada. Chair- man knglehart, of the T. & N. C., speaking of those engines, declared them to be the fisiest he hail ever seen, aud were giving the greatest satisfac tion. At present the company has vontracts for some fifty engines with the C.P.R., the G.N.R., the LC. R., and the Algoma Central and it is becom- ing increasingly difficult to keep up with the orders. The working staff is strong and a big proportion of the employees have grown up with the works and own their own homes in the neighborhood. This fact is a pret- ty/ strong safeguard against labor troubles common in other centres. The men who are to control the new about S00 [their boat houses in the vicinity wonder why this is go. It is due the fact that the month of June this year has been considerably cooler than in other years, and statigtics go to show that people eat more bread in cool weather than when it is not. If there is one man who is heartily glad of the cool weather, it is the baker. ™ Owners of To Clear Out the Weells. motor boatsfwho have of the K. & P, round house are preparing to make war on the weeds near the shore, They will endeavor to get out all the weeds near their houses, so that the boats may navigate around there with safety. A Welcome Shower. The shower prédicted by the weather man, for Monday night, arrived at Seven o'clock, and it was a most wel come rain too, following a hot spell. The farmers: have had almost too much rain, but it served to cool the atmosphere, and citizens were pleased. Added to Board. company are recognized powers in the financial world. The banking firm in charge of the business is Aemelins Jar- vis & Co., of Toronto, and associated with them are the well-known firm of Brown, Shipley & bankers, of London - England, The directors Harty, Kingston; Co., are Hon. William John L. Whiting, K.C., Kingston; Aemilins Jarvis, To ronto: Robert Hobson, Hamilton; Frank G. Wallace, Pittsburg, Pa.; War ren YY. Soper, Htawa; James Red- mond, Montreal. On the large amount for which firm subscriptions have been received, and which will be allotted 'cn full; it = worthy of note that Paris (France) and London, (England) have taken a substantial sum. >" Called it Reciprocity. W. J. Fraoklin, of Pittsburg ship, and a number of his male friends hold a fishing party every summer at Birmingham's Landing, on the Rideau canal. Yast Wednesday was the ocea- sion of the/yearly fmstival and in ad- dition to the fishing stunt the christ- ening of a new boat which was built in town for the Franklin brothers was {to be an important event. The christ toning of the new boat was left to {James Martin, who it happened, the only. conservative in the crowd. {After the boat was placed in the wat- town- for it was found that she was leaking (hath duties had been peformied, sleep soon full "of | was a stranger to my pillow titl near water, When about to christen the {boat Me, Martin asked the name and {wns told to name it what he wished, {When he broke the bottle of wine be liamed ®t "Reciprocity." | These new directors have been added ito the R. & 0. Navigation company's { list: Messrs. C. A. Barnard, K.C., Mon- {treal; Edmund Bristol, K.C.; 5 | Toronto; Jams Playiair, Midland; J. IR. Binning, Montreal; and W. Grant | Morgan, Routreal. Carling's Malt Extract, "'Prouse's |Diug Store." {| Prevost, Brock street, has {all his sprink and summer his order clothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' furn- ishings 'department. They are all well assorted with new goods. "Day lime juice" at Gibson's, The rule that governs to-day may be absolutely worthless to-morrow. Neilson's chocolates, "Prouse's Drug Store. The minister's salary many forces a hand-to-mouth existence, received WANTED TO SLEEP. Curious That a Tired should Have Such Desire. A minister speaks of the curious ef fect of Grape-Nuts food on bum how it hus relieved Jim. understand how "You will doubtless ithe suffering from indigestion {work an simost unendurable burden ; land why it was that after my Sab- ily daylight. * i "I had to be very careful as t6 what iI ate, and even with all my cave l ex- | perienced poignant physical distress * lafter meals, and my food never: satis- to | goods for | times | Preacher and with was which 1 used to be troubled made my pg. party partook of tea under that an appeal should wealthy Roman Catholics to egntri bute liberally to, the education of the young. Enough money, they think, might be raised by subscription to erect a wing. The only: other way is to increase the separate school rate, and this is objectéd to, because it would be higher tFEm that of the pub- lic schools. A HAPPY EVENT. A Wedding at St. Paul's R.C. Church, Toronto. A very pretty but quiet wedding took place, Wednesday, June 2st, at St. Paul's church, when Agnes Foley Presnail, of Kingston, Ont., was um ted in mariage to Archibald J. Ste wart, of Queen's, but now of Bala, Muskoka. The ceremony, witnessed by only the immediate relatives, was per formed at 6 a.m., by the Rev. Father Cullinane. Miss Mamie Dulan, wearing a blue costume and tuscan hat, with pink rosebuds and white willow plumes was ah attractive bridesmaid. The bride wore her travelling suit of king's blue with dainty flower toque. 'The groom was assisted hy Dr. F. Kelley, Orillia. The dejuner was served at 'the residence of Mrs. 1. Dulan, 195 River street. The numerous presents received were varied und beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, left for a trip through the northern lakes, to Fort William Un their retarn they will reside at tala, Muskoka. 2 Objected to the Shackles. Rev. George M, Atlaz, who was ro turned 'to penitentiary by Deputy Sheriff Jarvis, objected to being shack led on his trip east, and promised to make things warm for the veteran de- puty when he was freed shortly Atlas did not think that such an indignity fehould be placed upon him in a rail | way train," but Mr. Jarvisi who has | never lost a prisoner since he began {bringing convicts to penitentiary forty five years ago, ago, does not take anv chances. The law allows him to shackle a prisoner if he sees fit. Young Ladies Had Picnic. "The Victoria Guild of Cooke's church held picnie at. Lake Ontario Park, Mon day aftemoon. About thirty of the {members and their friends were in at tendance. A pie-eating contest was en- in and the prize was won by guild, the shelter of umbrellas. They rete a bap- py bunch of young ladies. Another outing will be held in the near future. Mark Twain's Works. If you are interested in. obtaining a somplete set of all his books at one hall the former price on the easy pay- ment plan it will cost nothing to get a new thirty-two | gaged ia popular young lady of the Sleeves, 12 1-2¢, 15c¢, 20c, 25¢, 35¢ and 50c. Extra large sizes 35c and 25c each. ® Children's Cool Summer Underwear and Style 10c to 25c each. CRUMLEY BROS. } 100000000 0000000000000 0000000 LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT _ SALRS NEGOTIATED. RENTS OOLLECIXD. FIRE INSURANCE, CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARK, 'Phone 286 KINGSTON, ONT. AT LAKE ONTARIO PARK. A Fine Vaudeville Bill is Presented This Week. Notwithstanding of the weather downpour of vain carly in the evening, the at tendance at Lake (mtario Park, Mon day evening, was gqaite fair. The pro gramme was entirely changed from the previous week, an excellent bill it moving pictures | First ie | Our Big Mid-Summer Fumiture Sale the, gloomy aspect and heavy and proved to be. The were "The Bad Man's 22) hat Awful Brother,' Broken Cross' In the illustrated pictures, vear It's Your Dear." An acrobatic comedy, entitled, Clown, the \Gitl and the Kid," presented by Milmar, Morris and Baby Estella, a pretty tot of four Their work was novel and interesting "Jack" Mackie, & native of the hea ther, who was dressed in his national costume, delighted the lovers of Seotch songs by his rendition of 'Annie's Letter," "Hieland Maggie" and "The Airship Man," or "McCoy, the Avia tor." He will prove a drawing card for the week. The same bill will be presented to-night. ' Cartage. Having completed our equipment, : Lhe with and connection Mis voice, . Rose Gee, but a Friend from Moonlight in good to Meot Town," sang ireat Home and "The was venrs BHASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS AND CHILDREN'S IRON COTS, BEDROOM SETTS, PARLOR SETTS, DINING-ROOM SETTS. ON SALE AT JAMES REID {said he in explanation, '% hold water." horses, lorries, ete, wef are prepared to perform all kinds of cartage. Next tishe you need a carter, call us up. ELECTRIC C0 | rr ------ fied me. _ ifull particulars "Since | began to use Grape-Nuts|page book. "Lit Stories About the benefits 1 have derived from it are Mark Twain." Address Box 409, tish Whig office. Bost service assured. James Swift & Co. "Phone 135. wary definite. 1 no longer suffer from | * Fishermen Busy. : . - , and I began to improve from the time Grape-Nwta appeared on day ow table. 5 I That Brophy's Point is still a popu-| It would be better times : "1 find that by eating a dish of this [iar fishing resort ix shown by the ati] cap sould ba ie after my Sabbath w is done. | yamber who have already made pre Pretentions are sometimes of pacations for an outing there. This is {more substance than bubbles. (and I always do 50 DoW) my nerves sw i and i one of the best spots in this district Blood Humors "quieted and rest sleep 4 for the followers of Isaac Walton. Commonly cause pimples, boils, hives, ------------ x Good Wishes. The Christian Guardain, in speaking 's constitutional changes, re- | eczema or malt rheum, or some other form of eruption. but sometimes they exist In the system, in®icated by feel. : "Queen's has done a grand york in the past and we trust her ings of weakness, languor, loss of ap- petite, or general debility, without ature will be even brighter thab her k : causing any breaking out. They are expelied and the whole sys- tem ie renovated, strengthened and toned by .Hood's Sarsaparilla Cet it today. Said By sli druggists cYErywhegs 100 Doser One Dojlar The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone 147. Ci The kind you are looking for no 1s the Kind we sell Scranton Coal. ws good coal and we guarantee BOOTH & CO. saves labor -and will make your walls practically inde structible, _ P. WALSH 56---57 Barrack Street WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY cle Jrork " uated ed card =n will call pr ly your fatindiy. 155 WRLLIS Td La Peiv een Brock sad Clarence Sis i ; i i i gE bis ite Hj i i 1 | J Game Wednesday Evening. A postponed game between the Rail- roaders and Wormwiths will be played at the cricket field Wednesday even | land alwo one in the Sunday school league between Brock and Bethel which j was nid over from this evéning. == ? F = i % 8 £ & 7 i i 11 ; : The many friends of Miss Featherstone « will be glad to | Mary's: ory NY, as nurse, She will now leave for Syrs- user Y., to try her finals. - i : i & z g ¥ ie ii