Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jun 1911, p. 7

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| Subscription Lists Close Friday Noon. | Applications may be forwarded by Wire © | APPLICATION LISTS will be opened at the office of Amilius Jarvis & Co, 103 Bay Street, Toronto, on Monday, June 26th, and will close on or before Friday, June 30th; at 3 o'cleck p.m. ZEMILIUS JARVIS & CO. BANKERS & BROKERS TORONTO, ONT. o Cumulative Preferenc - of the Canadian Locomotive Company, tnd | At $100 Per Share: Carrying a Bonus of 257, in Common Stock al IF YOU | You Need 1911 F Newspaper Directory. : According to the 1911 edition of {anadian, Newspaper Directory, out, Casada asd Newfoundland Hoast of 136 daily papers, 1,102 ly or semi-weekly, 265 monthly somi-tnonthly, and publish d frequently, These ngures can be rolied the Capadian Newspaper [hrectory published by the oldest and largest | artwegrht fave a advertising agency in the dominion, JUmp as the buzzer on the wall beside A. McKim, limited, of Montreal and 'gs wes rasped oul a. sharp, insistent Toronto. This is the séventh edition SUmmons. J of their directory, which fills a very] Cartwright had been chief clerk Gof real peed in Canada, and deserves a! the Globe Foundry compasy for five plate on the desk of every business 3% but he had never outgrown his | man, whether he is an advertiser or habit of jumping when he. heard that' oh. jbuzzer, its penetrating rasp was the | In addition to listing and descrilging! ar = authority; for it was on Canadian periodicals, the dirstoryp I by a button ou the desk df % pet ; Y{Mr. Payne, the irascible president of supphes fi comprehensive gazetteer! he © When i i i giving the population, the chief in- nou reall it eS 5 il iy Sie rota, tig, bunk 1 gn en Be, pe ing. to ots oe. ewe mle fling | Swiftly but noiselessly Cartwright eatures ol every newspaper city, town | presented himeell at the elbow of Mr. and village in Canada, | ey in the private office of the Ihe book contains over 475 phges. | latter. 1 is splendidly "bound and cor-| "Cartwright," snapped Mr! Payne, tainly a credit 'alike to the publishers |"I want you to fire that Miss Simp- and to Canadian newspapers . general 'son. » "PBut--but, «ir," stammered the limited, are particularly chief clerk, "I thought you held a high opinion, of Miss Simpson's abil. ity as a stemograpber." "So 1 did--until recently." "Wh----what has happened 18 THE ADVICE OF THE HON. JOHN BURNS, M.P. : Can venk oar He Says There is a Danger of At- tracting Too Many British Emi grants to Canagda--Should Not Overdrain Old Land. According to so good an authority as Hon, Jobn Burns there is a dan gor lest the rush' of emigrants to Ca- nada and other British dominions should over-drain' the supply of hu wanity in the British Jples. In a recent statement prepared for the imperial conference by the minister comparison was made between. the flow of emigration from this coun try in. 1906, and the rate at, which it is proceed now, The returns showed that in 1906 the emigrants who left the United Kingdom nunsher- ed 194,671, of whom 105,178 went to places within the empire, which thus absorbed fifty-four per, cent. of the total. In 1910 the corresponding figures were 233,944, the latter being equiv- alent to sixty-eight per cent. This was a notable increase, hut the sensation a, figures are furnished by the records ol the present year. In four 'months of the present year there has been an increase of 23,000, or twenty-nine per cent., and the empire has taken the whole of that ingrease, Australia and New Zealand have received 10,000 more in the first four months of 1911 then in the simi. lar period of 1910, or 183 per ' cent. jucrease, 1 the rate of increase showy, during these months is continued dur ing the whole of 1911, the total emi gration to all countriés will amount to 300,000, Of these, taking recent records as a basis, it is estimated that 230,000, or nearly eighty per eent., will go countries within the empire. Assuming that this estimate of 300, 000 proves Lo be correct, then there will have departed from these shores no less than dixty per cent. of the natural increase of the poqulation of the United Kingdom during the year Clearly, if by reason of still more vi gorous propaganda, or subsidized pas sages, or by any other means, the numbers of emigrants increase ie anything like the spme ratio,» we mas expect, in the course of two or per haps three years, to witness the emi gration rising to a level when it wil be equal ' to, or even greater than the total increase in population. Mr. Burns, while not suggesting that the time had come for checking emi gration, "argued that there was no need for still greater facilities being given by the imperial government, and that "let well alone" wuld be a sound policy. He characterized' the ex isting flow of British emigrants to the oversea dominions as & 'generous' contribtttion to their population, bul he adiured them, 'do pot empty the tank." tra bens - as oan, ar 4 ' ~ $1,500,000 7° e Stock in y. A. McKim, well qualified to edit and publich this, | the standard book of reference on Ca' nadian publications. They are the pioneers in the advertising agency field 'dg in the dominion, the MeKim Agency [YOUI Opinion, sir » having been founded in Montreal in = Sis getung careless January, 1889, twenty-two years ago, work, i . by Anson MeKim, who is still" at thei. You must be mistaken, sir. Miss head of the business. {Simpson w a very careful worker." During all this time they have been! et she, indeed }.. Perhapa Ao9. con hl en or Thi this an evidence of it," sneered | " hi = ® Mr. Payne, as he produced a type line in Canada, and the agency busi-| : YE i ? {written letter which = had been placed ness hing heen developed from a very' on his desk for i ge heen ; ' ¢ or his signature, This small beginning "then performing only! Je . i A the funetions of the middleman [8 ie maling a wwtetion ou » J »igray iron castings to the Coldren. A very large producing enterprise | Speyer company. What 'do we read ? which runs into the milhons. | "Gentlemen : We are pleased to quote Years ago Mohims recognized that you on gray-eyved castings--'" The one of 'the requisites for sue waful ad: president s ponderous indignation vertising is a thorough knowledge of caused him to top. becan | "Gray eyed js astings 7" he exploded the .¢ anadi an | presently % v's a sample of the which is now work of you elal worker. Why, complete and this letter would have made a laugh- jing-stock of thie company, had it shipped by wy and that isn't the worst part of it. Look at this at the bottom : Yours affectionately.' Two Hoal mistakes in one letter, both due {to earclssness, or what Worse {incompetency, | tell vou, sir, Pub have no shipshod workers around me. And | might add, Cartwright, that lvou'll find it to your interests to 8 Yutinize more carefully the corres Mong Mn " no Jefore spending your hard-earned bos tien You place a fy seal Td money for a six-month 8 course send to caught both of these errors if vou Moon College 252286 Yonge street, had been atfending promptly to the Toronto for their catalogue deseribing work for which this company pays Wday shorthand. you." : A Mormon worker has stirred up | "Perhaps if 1 should warn Miss | CAPITALIZATION to alter . Authort $1,500,000 . . « Thy i . . 2,000,000 2,000,000 First Mortgage, 67 40 Year Sinking Fund Bonds 2,000,000 - 1,500,000 APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR $1,000,000 OF THESE SHARES WHICH WILL BE ALLOTTED IN FULL. PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE ON EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING PLANS: PLAN "B" Tseued $1,500,000 he her | m 7% Cumulative Preference Stock Common Stock o PLAN "A" on Application on Allotmerit 107. on Application 157. on Allotment % on August 1st, 1911 25°. on September lst, 1911 25'. on October 1st, 1911 THE FOLLOWING HAVE CONSENTED TC ACT AS DIRECTORS: HON. WM. HARTY, Kingston ROBERT HOBSON, Hamilton JOHN L. WHITING, K.C,, Kingston FRANK G. WALLACE, Pittsbarg, Pa. ZMILIUS JARVIS, Toronte WARREN Y. SOPER, Ottawa : i JAMES REDMOND, Montreal advertising mediums, and they the publication of Newspaper Directory, recognized ae the aceurate work of the kind published ot most The price, express postage paid, is $2. pre- . Oh, So Easy. what » - = Jessie "Johnny, i an auto erat *"' Johnny "A man what owns an an Leomobile, of course.' Montrea} Star. Py An appraisal of the Company's property and plant has been made by the Canadian Appraisal Company, and 'is included in Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Co's Audit of Accounts as set out herewith: The Canadian Locomotive Company, Limited. ' STATEMENT SHOWING ASSITS PURCHASED AND LIABILITIES ASSUMED AS AT DECEMBER must, tere, AND THE CAPITAL STOCK AND BONDS OF THE CUMPANY 10 BE ISSUED Sr Real Estate, Buildings, Plant and Goodwill $3,820,151.95 Securities to te issued: The appraisal of the Properties, Buildings, Sgyen Prr Cent. Cuniglative Preferred Stock Plant and Equipment made by the Canadian "Authorizes and to be Iesuned i. . Appraisal Company, Limited, under date of Common Steck Authorized and th be Issued. June 16, 1011, shows the following values: First Mortgage 67 Gold Donde Anthorized . $2,000,000.00 Reproductive value . ....... $2,027 227.76 Tobi Issued" Depreciated value 1,501,028.68 Net Current Assets: Inventories and Aceounts Receivable. . .. Cash in banks and om hand... yn Municipal and other Bonds... -------------------- You $1,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 HALF MILLION IN TWO TRUNKS. -- ' Colorado State Will Collect Big In heritance Tax. Denver, Col, dune 26. The chance discovery that two old trunks in a hotel store room hold cash, jewellery and securities aggregating 8H00,000 iy, value, will enable Colorado to collect an inheritance tax from the estate of Horace -Granfield, of Mount Vernon, N.Y., who met death in ai automobile wreck pear hero on May 7th last. Granfield's 'relations came here and took the body home' for burial. Then the .widow began a hunt for pro perty in this state. A friend happen od to mention tothe publie adminis trator that Granfigld was rich and had trunks id a hotel. The ad upd the tranks and opened them, to reveal the money and valuable securities. SMALLPOX IN THE YUKON. 364,588.73 151,012.48 755,024.60 ..8 $1,270902583 F1L07.98 =v 1,179,848.05 if Bo, the Spring is a Most Trying he people of Trinity Methodist church | Simpson," ventured Cartwright, "ther n Toronto, y iwould ke no further cause for com- | ! | 8 "lt would be wasted effort. Thas isa't the first offence. Her letters of . or Bloodless {land erasigne~far too many of them: Il have been long suffering in this mat Time Tor You. passes the limits of my patience. | She'll have to go." " plaints." - Are You Anaemic 1 late have been full of misspelled words | ter, but this Coldren-Speyer letter | "But, sir i | Less --Current Liabilities Fo; w $5,000,000.00 We have examined the books and accounts of The Casadian Locomotive Company I'mited, for a period of four ve : and certify that the Current Assets and Liabilities iocluded in the above Ta are correct f for are ending December: 31st, 910, During the period covered hy our examination, the profits of the Company, including interest on investments (which has.aggregated about $27,500.00 per annum), after providing foe depreciation, have in no ye i amounted to less than £300,000 60, exeepting in the year 1910, when the profits amounted te only $167,032.03. The profits for the three years, 1907, 1908, and 1909, on the basis mentioned, lave averaged § 133,282.08 per annum, snd the falling off in the business of the year 1010 is explained by the management as being largely due to tie curtailment of operations resulting from the delivery of defective stcel castings purchased by the Company under contract, - Your Hope Rests in Getting the Blood Rich and Red by Using "Kindly do net -obtrude your opin ~ $5,000,000.00 ' ions upon me until requested, Cart Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. | (ilu broke in Mr. Payne testily. Shortness © of breath and fatigua | Eflieiency is the watchwged of this with slight exertion, failura of the plant Miss = Sinpson is jnefiient, vital organs to 'properly - perf rm [and is therefore a stumbling lock their functions, and pallor of Lhe in the path of our progress She zums and eyelids are among the i be removed. This is final." dications of anaemia or bloodlessness. For a moment Cartwright's gray The blood is thivner and more |eyes glinted unpleasantly, behind his watery in the spring than at any i thick glasses and his meagre figurd sther season, and for this reason the | straightened; but his resolution died! person who is subject to anaemia, | within him as the steely glance of! or lack of blood, suffers the most. the president bored through him. | You must increase the number oft "Very wcll, sir; he answered, | ted corpuscles in thé blood, and this meekly, as he turned to go. san best he dane by using Dr. Chase's | Cartwright, in the capacity of chief Nerve Food. This great restorative clerk, had' been obliged to discharge | ireatment does not merely stimulate | subordinates . more than once; but he organs to renewed activity, but [they had always been men. He had sures by buildipg up the system. For [never been called upon to "fire" a (his reasbn its benefits are both na- | woman. | tural and lasting. The foundry business was an open' Nleeplessness, indigestion, neuralgic | book' to Cartwright! woman was the and sciatic pains. and weakness and 'reverse. Like 'the--aferage. human | Yours very truly PRICE, WATERHOUSE & 00, Chartered Accountants. ESTIMATED EARNINGS. It is estimated that as a result of the contem- plated increase to the plant, the earnin within the pest few years should be at least +600,000 per gnnum; er in the neighborhood of 18% the Common Stock alter proyiding for Bond Weep, . Sinking Fund, and Preferred Stock Dividend. In making provision for an increases in the capacity of their plant, thé Company ase not entering into a wewoand untried field. They have ho thorough knowledge of the business, and the increased output can be managed with the same PLANT AND EQUIPMENT. The Canadian Locomotive Company, Limited, have been building locomotives since 1835 and have therefore a thorough knowledgeof the business. At the present time they are turning out 75 locomotives per year, but have hig to refuse many satisfactory orders owing to their limited capacity. The Com- pany have the most up-to-date and modern plant in Canada; eovéring 833,000 sq, ft In .addition the Company have 180.000 sq sf reclaimable and on which they can eree: addi tional buildings and, - as' required, stil further snlarge their plant at the minimum of cost. The FIELD OF OPERATION. Canada to-day has over 25,000 miles of raiirond in operation 'and over 6,000 under construction or being surveyed. According to statistics furnished by the Department of Railways, one. locomotive is required for every six miles of track. Last year there were 4.079 locomotives in use in Canada The completion of the present 6,000 miles under construction will eall for 1,000 new locomotives In addition, 400 locomotives will be required each year to replace existing equipment. The railroad development which is taking place in Canada is ! Epidemic of the Dread Disease in Dawson City. Washington, D.C., June 26, Gover por Clark, of Alaska, hay appealed for federal aid to prevent the epidemic of % smallpox in Dawson City from spread ing south into American territory. of ficers of the public health service i Alaskan have been instructed imme diately to establish (uarantines at Eagle City and Skagway. 1 outbreak is regarded as serious 'at this time of the year, when pros pectors are coming south from the Yukon territory into Alaske at the rate of 300 a week, Liovernor Clark fears that the Daw- Aon: quarantine is ineffective. S---------------------- ~ ELMIRA DOCTOR CUTS THROAT. Suleide of Dr. Maemacker Likely Due to Despondency. Elmira, N.Y., June 26. Pr. (3. Hae macker, 'aged twenty-four, committed suicide yesterdny afternoon at his boarding-house Wy cutting his throat in three places with a razor, which was found w ader the lounge where he was lying: At times The appeared to' be very dewpoudent, and no doubt this was the cause of him taking his fe, is hody will be taken to Preston for 'burial: Tie loft a note his frinds good-bye, but gave no cause for the act, Coroner Schultz viewed the Body, and considered an inquest unnecessary. : ---------- . Silver to Faithful Slave. Faithful to the end, Leon Scott, ex slave and member of the bouschold of the Ists Capt. C. N. Schuyler, was the only mother 8b the funeral pf Mrs, Schuyler. . ; The will of Mrs. Schuyler bequeaths the family silver, the list remmant of a departed fortune, to the faithful black servitor, who never deserted het in the days of fisiigoeial ; misfor- "You, sah, I'se been with the Schuylers," said Seott,' Hor 'nigh uns to forty yeahs. Dey was good to me an' I'se alwa a good home. ° when de Cap'n Jolt SK. Loui to go to, Eweka Springs, Ark, de lag' pid to me was, 'Now, Leon, » miseis un' de chill.' | irregularities of the vital organs be comes a thing of the past when Dr. Chase's Nerve Food js used. : It is only natural that you shéuld got strong and well when this build: ing-up treatment ia used, for it sup: plies to the blood in condensed and easily assimilated form the ele- ments which go to form new, - rich blood. Your digestive system has failed to extract sufficient nutrition from the food you eat, and hence the necessity plied to the blood by Dr. Nerve Food, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, at 'all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., limited, Toronto. -™ 1Geo. Muller & Son oi et of such direct nourishment as is sup-' Chase's | proven | pfu swallowed hard. | being, ho feared what 'he did not com- | prehend. He gas in a state of panic | as he faced the dreadful prospect of tedling A woman that the company no | | longer ruquired her services. And such | "a woman! Not one of the fluffy, fri- volous beings who kept one eye on the male clerks and the other on the] office clock, but a sweet, serious girl | wha had the intervsts of the company | at heart. Rufus Cartwright liked Miss son. Had he not been 8; timid where was concerned he might have coniessed to himself that "liked" | was far too mild a term. In the pri- vaey of his 'room at the hoarding house he even dared to dream dreams {about her. And now he must dis- charge her. Cartwrigh It was monstrous. it proceastinated as long ne he dared. | would soon w o realized that'Mr. Payne ant to know if his wishes had been carried out. Suddenly his chin squared, and he en {room in which Miss Simpson toiled. The chief olerk was very red and uncomfortable, as Miss Simpson looked up from her work, "fr--Miss Simpson," he bagan, and then halted: : The stenogr amazement. VoWell, Mr. "Cartwright," she an awored gently. Simp- | femininity apiter looked at him in * he burst "Will you be my wile' au out, nearly fainting ab his own dacity. Miss Simpson blushed She smiled nevertheless. "Why, Mr. Cartwright 1" rhe ex claimed, after a pause. "If it did not sound so dreadfully trite, 1 would say, 'This is so sudden.' »" "I'm wo i Cartwright. : method of telling me so ps ? rosy red, love you, n't your ar ! "1 don't know. This is my first experience," Cartwright managed to blurt ont. . "Me. Cartwright," she said, gently. "Something tells me is = Tell me } tered the little en, serps eT in y of sus-| "No really only at its beginning, and it is expected that within the next tem years the present railway mil in Canada will be more than doubled: The field of operation is therefore almost un limdted M6 Comipany are fortunate in having cheap power, unexeelled shipping fadilities, and in being exempt from tasation; except School taxes, up to the vear" They have probabl most loval staff of skilled workmen on the continent y the best trained anid office and selling wtaffs effectad through manufactuing in lar than has been the case in the past tion: of the Company is so good thet the demand for their locome Other economies will be tr numbers he th tives far exceeds the supply. and London Stock Exchanges. TRANSFER AGENTS, TORONTO wanted thix sweet, sensible woman. "Please answer my question first." "No; you must tell me first." "Mr. Payne ordered me to 'dis chatge you," said Cartwright, coming to the point with sudden resolution. "Why *" asked Miss Simpson ina startled voice. : 4 He said you Wers getting careless in your work. Complained about mis- works and erasions. Showed me & letter J aginit was pretly bad. Miss Simpson. You were quoting the Coldren-Spever on® gray-eyed castings instead of gray iron castings, and you ended the letter 'Yours affec- A " . tionatelly. ~ : "Oh, I thought 1 destroyed that !" cri] Miss Simpson, She was. very indeed red . "I kmow it was a slip," 'soothed "Rufus, intg his eves. What Cartwright in his arms. They were broug by a harsh voice. asked. belligerent, Yt "means that Simpeon, ing his superior : Mr. Payne glar Cartwright. "1 tried to tell' the boss, | time, and then he but he was hami as nickel steel. De] "A rather novel red you had to go at once." A Cartwright," be i raw vou come here what is more - ont." E or Jove They turned and beheld Mr. in the doorway lookmyg very sour and fens more National Trust Co., Limited 'RANSFER AGENTS, MONTREAL Montreal Trust Co., Limited Bankers: Bank _ Auditors: Messrs. Price; Waterhouse & Co. Toronto: HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS: KINGSTON, ONT. -- More complete information and forms of application for Shares may be obtained from -EMILIUS JARVIS & CO. - Jarvis Building, TORONTO. but I've been afraid. This sort of gave me the necessary courage. Miss Simpson rose from: hee she sajl, looking "Can't you Pye been making mistakes lately *" chair. straight guess. why {saw in her eyes hades a reckless Romeo' of, him. "Alice,"' he gasped, as he took her ht back to earth "What is thy meaning of this ¥" i Payne 1 have fired Miss replied Cartwright, look- ly in the eye at them for some smiled » fittle method of doing it, said. "Novel, and » orf on t for ia) all Applications will be made in due course to list the Preference and Common Sharcs on the Toronto and Montreal REGISTRAR, Toronto Safe Deposit REGISTRAR, MONTREAL Montreal Trust Co. Limited, of Mohtrenl -_ / TORONTO & Agency Coi, Limited PRAYER EVEN MOVED MOUND. Astonishing Statemetit of Revivalist at Sunderland. Sunderland, June 27.--Strange scenes marked (he international convention in Surderiand of people. connected with the Pentecostal movement : The manifestalionis of hysterical ex- altation chiefly took place during she sh of Pastor Friemel, fron Prus- sin, whose address' was interpreted by A. Booth Clibborn, son-in-law of Gen. eral Booth. : Speaking of faith in God, he spd that when his congregation was sego tinting for a site for its chapel at Glogan, the site had a huge fortifi- cotion mound on it. The owners would not remove the mound, which made building there impossible, but the Lord told him to purchase the site. They did so, trusting in God, and one morning they found the mound had and | other experienves of a sim. roused the wring to» tesiod by weep This vision which he wtated he had just had. He said he saw the heavens opened and an angel of God breathed fom earth. Rt looked like a smal cloud, and then it shed brillisnt rays on them He nsked God what it meant, and He replied : 1 have now given the ordir that us heavenly mes senger ix to come down to My chil. dren who have "Gpen heacta. 1 will pour My heavenly rays upon them ' Saves Drowning Boy. Pittaburg, Pa, June 26 -Shovieg his hend through the call window to get a breath of cool air, Food Sil ling, an engineer on the Pitsburg, Fort Wane snd Chicago Reiland, sw a twelveyearold boy founder fing in the Alleghany iver - below. Closing down the throttle, Somlling stopped bis freight train on the trestle; speang to the running bosrd - of his engine, nade a dive into the iwater, and soon had the drowning tad by the 'hair. Schilling twought First love cannot noted 8 bears trouble, properly dingy

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