Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jun 1911, p. 10

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wr HOTEL DIRECTORY. Los 0 & HEAT 4, - ever He a Rates. ¥15 PEO mos. symwanT, Prov. TRAVELLING. WAY 8 TEM BS S SATURDAY, JULY Ist. 'SATURDAY; JULY 1st Rpund trip KING FIRST CLASS FARE, Koing June 30th and July Ist and to return until Joiy 4th. Tickets sold tu intermediate points ween Montreal and Toronto in cob tion with the above wil not be on trains 1 and 4, Nomeseekers' Excarsions| Ww RY CANAD A AY, JUNE 27TH. ascpnd Tuesday (hereafler ill, Good to return with- TO a ever 1] Sept. 80 day roug ton wis Chicago, St. nipeg. or berth reservation®: and further rmation, iy to Mion, SEVP JHANLEY, Agent. wd a "tourist sleepers Toronie to Paul and ECL IR ALLL RAILWAY IN. CONNECTION WITH NADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. OMINION DAY SATURDAY, JULY lst nd trip tickets will be issued st FIRST CLASS FARE God .going Juné 30th and July 1st and good to return until July 4th. : ' * Homeseekers' Excursions Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- : ;, berta, June 27th. July 11th, 26th. August Sth 22ad. Sept. Oth, 19th, Tickets good for 60 days. Pull particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY. mm dally (Sunday excepted), keh. os secure quick despateh Io winte. Railwe . Gen. Pass, Agenty BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. grain 188ves Union Station, Ontario "Sydenham, Napanes, Deer: nnockburn and all points nockburn, Maynooth, and points on Ontario Route your oh) re, A , oH. Relen $s a B88. "Cascipedia" 1,900 tons, re. ce ¥ fitted out on the, Cidlle, specl- ally for this service, with all modern comforts 2 MONTREAL ON pan. Sth and 20th 31st August. 14th er, and from Quebec ay at noon for Pletou, at Gaspe, Mal Bay, y Summerside, PEE, New York From Quebec the fav-famied River Saguenay, ailing at Gaspe Charlottetown and 88 rinidad, 3,600 tons, July, uebec, At August, an i Sambar ' and BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $10 and up, by the in 88. "Bermudian." &,- 600 tons, swiling from New York at 1} a.m. Sth July, and 8 pm 19th and 23h July 4 every 10. days thereafter Temp fature old" by sea breedes seldo oe ove 80 degrees The trig of the oith Shen and staterooms iy Lo "HA TRKPAT. » , PB NLEY C. .8 K rch. Hitkat Agents, Kingston, Ont. UBBKC KAMSHIPF COMPANY, a Sr atinkc. br ( for ip tickets will be tweed &i¥ i : OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Gravwiated Sugar | fins been tried and found excellent for | preserving and table use, Price Is] always right. . =F i ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. { unreliable pitchers may cost him the 1 i i i "HER FAVORITE." | It will cure Sunburn, Cuts HBurss,| Kesemn, sod all Wounds of the Flesh, This fs not an extravagant state- ment when applied to "Electro Baim." PROYE IT We will send you one of our beautiful miniature boxes of Electro Balm, 10 cent size, "Tree upon | request, to enable you to prove it to your own satisfaction In our correspondence many such testimonials (coptéd from fa letter received to- day): ~--"My daughter has long been troubled with Eczema, which had re- sisted a great deal of treatment that is 'not considered inferior, by any means, but the results §0 far. have heen far from satisfactary, The little mple of Eléctro Baim stopped the unning at once She will write you, ut send me a box Immediately." We have such faith in our Electro Balm that we guarantee to refund the price paid for a trial box te any dis- satisfied customer Write to-day for a little free box and we will send you besides our new premium offer to customers, Enclose 2-cent stamp to pay postage. Address-- The . Electric. Bean Chemical . Co, td, Ottawa, we receive as follows PICTURESQUE ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE. EAD TO LIVERPOOL. .. June 283 Pri, $v Tn, ae Tunisian, Fel. July 14; Fri, Aug. 1L MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Hesperfan, July 3%. 1 Jonian t July 1; Bat, July 2 rumpla , Jul Sat. ; te as et Bs: ate, Aug. . MONTREL TO HAVRE 5 qt ni MONDON, "This service is composed of one class, 8 _gabin steamers, sailing is real' every Saturday. Rates moderate. Full information on application to TAN C. 8. KIRKPATRICK. : Clarence St. |gents, Kingston. p N LINE, Sell, June 24; Sat, July 2%. AND AND BAY OF AT 00. LTD says the Information. object of the trade kon proposed by the conference wi sot be to make fective ought to thro unrestricted manufactures. jon of free trade within may have ought to tempt admission of English goods free of duty. No member of the conference any in tail upon the dominion it represent Its sole object will be to provide storehouse of information, from study of -which all concernzd in inquiry may alike learn in what rection modifications of policy promote their several interests. -------------------- All Kinds of Sports. the The Pittsburg club has signed Pitch. of er Al Haynes, of the Univgrsity Vermont team. Lord = Kitchener's coronation charger in ner. . Mcliraw's fondness for hanging on t pennant. The race among ] . pitchers is now to see which will a hit. The Dominion £250 a vear to the owmer of thoroughbred "stallion at publie vice in Canada, under specified ditions. In a yacht race at Toronto, George cup boats, Vivia IJ, Swamba hooked up and again the ne boat won. She beat Swamba by minute. Whirl was third. ever ae viding a great race. The first teams are head and head, with prospect of anybody taking to greasy slide for a while at least. The. annual football tour of 1k August 5th at Toronto and tember 19th. Nineteen games been scheduled for . the Britons States, N.L.U. Standing. Goals. For. Ag 35 10 22 oH 23. R 4 15 Li. 0 0 Tecumseh Montreal . Toronto Nationals Shamrock ... . Cornwall ... ) Capital... wb ------------ WEDDING AT FAIRFAX. Ww we § 3 5 3.1 11 ¥-1 15 } 2 14 3 1 63 Miss Mary Cochrane Married Joseph Slack. this vicinity On Monday sister, Mrs, trip to Kingston. W. T. Parsons, made Mrs. W. her sister, Mrs, Point, who was Greer spent the at Selton and Ivy ter, teacher, at very ill. Woodvale, day! On June daughter, Mary, H. Slack, Beckstedt, son of Mr. and Mre. J. this place. Rev. Mr. young couple were unattended. bride was beautifully gowned in whit The gifts were both beautiful and us ful. After a dainty repast; Mr. ar | Mrs. Slack left, on the train, for © tawa and other points. Mrs. Hawkey is slightly improved in healt The roads are being wonderfully ames Fodey, Jr., travelle here. J. E. the blasting .on the roa ents is doing BlueheFries are being harvested. Stacey took a number of friends Charleston in afternoon. Br ---------- DATES OF FALL FAIRS. a Arnprior Bancroft Belleville oie Spt, arses at England set up a pro- tariff or convince Canada she w open her ports to the British | No attraction the vis to exer- | ¢ise any pressure upon Canada Yo let has fear of the consequences the ap- pointment of the commission may en the di- will | the procession was the steeple: {chaser Moifaa, a grand national win- the American Leagae be ---- the first to keep Ty. Cobb from getting government will give con- the and The National Baseball League is pro- three no the Corinthian team of England will start close Sep- have and these include contests with the strong- est teams in Canada and the United 16+ Outlei, June 27.--Quite a number in are suffering with mumps. last Weldon Bradley and J. Running spent a couple of days last week with William Bryan, Long Miss Faith week-end with friends Lea. Miss B. Webs- was the guest of Mrs. Albert Greer, on Thurs- 21st, a pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, Fairfax, when their was united in mar- riage to Joseph Slack, of Lansdowne, Lansdowne, tied the puptial knot. The The KE. Vandetburg is spending the week with friends in Athens. Charles m- here, by the good roads sys- y commercial and Jeremiah Fodey, Lans- downe, spent Sunday with their par Stacey, Gananoque, Ww. to his launch, on Sunday Sn % windOct. $5 Which is Defemdéd by a College London, June 18.--(To the Editorh-- For several years past many efforts Bave boeh used, and the press through! out the country has brought forth many stringent rebukes, against "the use of profane language, which has be leome just as prevalent in Cavada as London, June 28.--The Spectator commis: mw the United States. There have also been great parades of the Holy Name society and others; who have come forth and endeavoured to eliminate and stamp it out in the United States. But, apparently, there is always op position to be found even in combat: ting the greatest of evils. This can be [fully confirmed by the remarks coming from a College Professor in Amherst, Massachusetts, which have caused great surprise and, given rise to much critic ism from the press throughout United States. The following is one of the many erigicisms which justly deals with the College Prolessor's remarks. It is from the "Mariom, Ohio, Mirror," of April 27th. "Prof. Clarence Andrews, 'of Am- herist College has started all kinds of ieriticism by declaring that 'swearing is a natural form of language and neces sary.' Many people take issue with him. Most intelligent men do not swear. They regard it as a weakness. Profane expletives do not give strength to expression, but show an irritability and want of poise. Many people talk too much. They use too much langu- age for their thought. But profanity is not the cure. Reading, careful investi: gation and sententiousmess may at least be a panacea. Observe a man 1 empive 8. a 0 Fy r w a ie START OF 100 At boys' camp, conducted who uses profanity and you will quick- ly ascertain that about onéthird of his language not only is wasted but beclouds what he does say. Outside of all religious considerations, profanity is to be avoided. : It is vulgar, im- polite and weakens the discussion. It is stronger to speak only what we mean than to indulge in prolix and sulphurous expletives and objurga- [tions One observes that the writer of precision and Torce eschewes volubility and exaggeration. Verboseness and voluminousness, much less profanity, does not add to fact and truth. Yours truly, GEORGE WRIGHT, t. to Take the venom out of neighborhood gossip and you have little left, To Get Poisons From the Blood You Have to Depend on the Filter. ing Process of the Liver and Kidneys. These Organs Alone Can Purify the Blood, and They Do Their "Work Well When Helped by "| DR. CHASE'S | KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. No medical treatment can possibly purily the blood except as it sets' in healthy working order the kidneys, liver and bowels, To these organs is assigoed the duty of filtering from the blood the poison- ous waste matter which is left over when the putritious elements are ex- of of e. o~ h. ate not overcrowded or slow and slug- gish-in action they keep the blood pure and healthy. For this reason Dr. Chase's Kiduey- Liver Pills are the most satisfactory {reatment you can possibly obtain to purify the blood. Their effects are prompt, and certain, The liver aetion is quick ened, the kidneys are invigorated, the ular movement of the bowels is as- sured. It is 'only a matter of a few hours, uatiyou begin to feel the bene- fits of this great medicine. Further Mie, as oftenyas is weoessary fo keep thess organs active, will cleanse and purify the, blood and enable the diges- tive system to pr ly do its work. Backache, ~ headache and bodily d. -q (pains will disappear, and the fatigue which is an accompaniment of poisons 5 in the system will give way to mew vigor and edergy. Ge pill cents a box, at all dealers, or Edman- son, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. WASHING WITHOUT WATER Is Like Trying to Get Rid of Dand. deuft Withous Herpicide. Did .you ever see snyous trying themselves without soap water ¥ $ If you did what would you say x | Bin ? It is every bit as t rid of dendveli to or of foolish to ty to and to prevent the which : rides, © so growers. ; Newbro's Herpicide is successiul be- oanse it attacks and kills the parasitic germ which feeds on the hair roqts. It isthe ovig atiginal ood, oN druggists. Send 10c the |, tracted from the food you eat. If they' definite | 1¥ a dose, 25]3FSt \ ch ng day," Mexico City, June 27. Life in Mexi- co promises to be a moving picture show of investigation within the next few months General Francisco 1. Ma dero has finally admitted in a publi statement that if elected he inlends to set on fool an investigation of all large corporations having, relations with the government through special concessions, He insists it will be a general sped not a special dinquity into any one company. Chapges in the personnel of the board of directors of the national rail- ways are also included in the Madero programme. Another step in the in vestigation line is the order for the arrest of T. Sydney Saunders, mana- ger of the Bank of Montreal at the time of the failure of 'the States Banking company bere. court, in whose hands the United States bank now rests, has issued an order for the arrest of Mr. Saunders. This, it is stated, is preliminary to asking extradition papers, as Mr. Saunders is not thought to be in this country. The charge is retaiming pos- | session of notes- and 'seeurities in ver- | tain operations between the United | States bank and the Bank of Mont i real just before the failure i This ease has an international aspect | and 'the alleged part played by British | diplomatic reprysentatives here under The 1 | } YARDS PASH by Y.M.C.A. on Sand Lake. instructions from Downing street had been the subject of wide comment here, Another investigation which is soon to see light is that of General Manuel Mondragon, chief of ordnance. It has been charged in some quarters that some: of the ammunition sent out was | ' { 50 bad as to be responsible for federal | defeats during the revolution. General Mondragon is now, said to be in Eur pes Fight miles of carriages were in the parade sccompanying the flower bat. tle in Chapultepec Park, Sunday after- noon, in houor of General Madero, Four abreast (he carriages extended from Independence Monument in the Pasco De La Reforma around Chapul tepec Castle, Literally tons of natural flowers were used in the battle. Dur ing the afternoon and night San Fran | cisco street was packed with carriages MANE SECRET WILL NEVER BE BARED Destruction of Vessel So Complete Cause of Explosion Can't Be Told. Tampa, Fla., June 27.-"The of the destruction of the battleship Maine will never be known," WW. H. tixhy, chief of engineers charge of [the work of raising Maine, upon his arrival here last from Havana. The destructio, to vessel wns such, says Cen. Dixby, the deterioration has been: so that it will be "impossible to whether the ship was blown up a forée within or without. The greatest. force, however, from the inside, indicating that forward magazine had whether this was 'from a sympathetic | explosion caused by a torpedo from the outside may forever reiain a mys- | tery. ¢ Gen. Bixby says that unless a frag-| ment of torpedo is found there is no | wav of connecting some" outside ageniy. | with the blowing up of the vessel 4 "We do not fxpext to find any hu i man remains," he said. "The compartments have dikappeared entire | | | | i | i | 1 | | { | secrel said Gen in th night | the and | great tell | | Jrom i ! was | | the | exploded; | Crews Fon | CHINA MAY HAVE TO LOOK | To Other Markets For Future Flour '+. Supplies. 2 Shan, Wash., June 28. "China | will have to lobk to other markets, { probably India, for its flour supplies? in the future, if the price of American | flour remains above $3.10 a. barrel | after the next harvest," declared Rwan ! Kai, of Hong Kong, called, "the flour king of China," who was in Spokane, erday, accompanied by Moy Lack Hui, millionaire Chinese consul i Portland, and J. D. Armstrong, Tacomas. Mr. Kai said be is on prospecting tour over the Pacific | slope country, adding that beeanse of | the failure in many parts of the Chi- | nese empire of the rice crop and' pros | pects for cheaper wheat in the uorth- | western and Pacific states he believes | the exports of grain to China the | pext twelve months will be larger than | ever, i + i i © Originated Father's Day, Spokane, Wash, June x. Mes | John Bruce Dodd, living on Sharp | avenue, is the happiest woman in Spo-| kane today, having reovived hun dreds of autographed books, poems, letters and photographs from promie- | ent men all over the Uhited States, | Canadas, Mexico, Hawaii, Japan, China and countries in Furope, thank- i her for originat) "Father's the third Sunday in June, 4 ms United ERE'S the v thing you'll want this summer--the "IDEAL ' Harimo-Couch. You can tell Jo look at it how much more comfortable and serviceable it is than the saggy, skimpy, shifty ** half-moon " kind. Has springs, and a soft, substantial mattress on a steel frame base. Covered with Heavy tan drill. Strong and roomy. Built for real cpmfort and goed service. Sup- ported by steel frame, or sold separately to hang from porch A to-day for FREE booklet and mames of Couch stores where you can see it, sit.in it and realize what a treasure itis. Address our office nearest you. Ask for Booklet Ne. 10 «* IDEAL BEDDING Celine Inside Information - Take Advantage of the Low Price on those $4.00 and $5.00 Men's Oxford Ties in Tan, Gun Metal and Patent. Marked to Clear at $2.59 J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES E. 5 Christian ¢harch, Ralph W. robbed him of the church - ov [the pastor's study while (he going Water Pan Is Correctly Placed In | WATER PAN il The Sunshine ||| ------ _ Few people realize the importance of the water-pan. Yet, without the moisture evaporated from the water in the pan, the warm air passing through the registers 18 harsh and A dry. It is hard on your lungs and on your furnishings. Now, the water-pan must be cor- i "rectly placed to be of any real use. If it is placed near the bottom of the furnace (see lower Hlustra- tion) the moisture has a long route (see arrows) to travel before it reaches the pipes leading to the rooms. It must pass alongside the fire-pot and radiator, and the terrific heat from these dries out nearly every particle of moisture ascending from the pan. -Very little reaches the pipes or passes through registers, : Now, notice the Jocation of the Sunshine water pan. It is placed over the fuel door The moisture takes ths short, direct route to the pipes leading to _ the rooms. You can always have maoisture-laden, healthful alr passing through your registers, pro- vided you keep the Sunshine water-pan filled withyh water, ' : E-- og 7 £3 Re = AS \ .,e - Bh ee be ait LA Lan Ju if you value your health you'll have our local dealer install the Sunshine, with a guaranfes to heat your house to your eutire satisfaction. at "Clarys shine] For Sale By J. B. Bunt & Company Captain Charles Spavie of Hopting ton, L.1, sged seventy-six, bas won {ibe bond of Miss Elle Kigonm, thictye ine, as alo dBeidionsly courte Bein pilier Rinaldo, iy 7 WH W Two masked robbers held up Brooks Adams, treasurer of the Fim Wheslizy, and % ih i on, 4

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