PB YEAR 78 NO: 10 - KINGSTON, ONTARIO; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28. wi LAST EDITION ---------- In House ots to Begin Today. TO BE INTRODUCED BY LORD LANSDOWNE. This Amendment Will Exclude From the Operation of the Bill Any Measure Affecting FPrerogatives of Crowns London, June 28. gle in the house of lords over the veto bill in sehedaled to begin tor day. Lord Lansdowne has given no- tice that he will introduce an amend- ment of the most sweeping charic- "er, It is designed to exclude from operation of the bill, should it be conle law, any measure aflectiog the prerogatives of the erown, the right of succession to the throne, the -es- "The great strug: the tablishment in any part of the United | Kingdom of a separate legislature, and. provides that on all issues great gravity, where the sentiment of the country has not beén sufficiently ascertained, a measure pertaining to such issues must be submitted to a re ferendum vote. of SEPARATED THIRTY YEARS, Kansas Maa's Appeal (0 Gayernor of lowa, Junetion City, Kan., June Cari Stevenson, a contractor, of city, has just found his brother a separation of thirty years. 7 The brother is u business man of. Omaha, ond" the Stevenson family will go thers in July for a reunion. The Ste vemson family lived in a small lowa town when the brotheis were ne parated. 'The mother died when Carl Stevenson was two weeks old ard he end his sisters were taken by their grandparents. The elder brother was taken By friends who moved away Sineo then many efforts were made to find the lost brother. A few vears ago the matter was published in the lows papers, but the brother was not found. 'Appeal was then made to the governor of Towa, who said that if the misi nz brother was in the state he would find him. The newspapers took up the case and the story was read by the Omkha business man, who with Mr. Stevenson, with the result that his identity was established gi reprise & ROBS A COLLECTION PLATE Masked Man Commits Outrage in POS SUB Taking Che Wheeling, W.Va. ' June WN. Brooke Adams, treasurer of the First Chris tian church, was held up by a masked bandit and robbed of the church col lection, Sunday; in the pastor's study, when a Jarge congregation was_listen- ing to the morning sermon, not Twenty feet away. His face masked with a handhere hief, the man made his appearance through a rear door, He levelled a revolver at Adams, who was counting the col lection, took the small basket and dia appeared. Adams immediately called help ftom the congregation, bul no trace of the robber was found, a8; this after PLUNGED FROM STEAMER DECK And Saved Life of Boy in Black River. Cobalt, June 28.Frederick Stover, twelve years © was saved rom dro in Black River, on Saturday when Rodden, of Haileybury, , plunged in from the deck of a small steamer and grabbed him just as. he . was winking. The boat had gone about a hundred ards before it was ' moticed that the y had fallen off. Seven hundred dollars = were collect vd in fines from a crowd of Finlander saloon , when they appeared or sal yesterday, on a charge of illegal \ egal liquor eliod, Killed by a Pitched Ball. Conn, June hain. its first vigtim many voars 'in this uy, lohn oN EE: Ha ball has' EA oh t and died a wot" boen dafiituly decided. A THEY NEVER SPEAK AS THEY PASS BY. Jett and Jack Johnson Exchange Stormy Glares in London Re- staurant. London, Jupe 28.-Jim" Jefiries and "Jack" Johnson met accidentally in the Thocadero restaurant, Satur- day night. The meeting of the form- er ring antagomists crested a sensa- [tion among the diners, who seemed for a moment to fear a renewal of the Reno hbstilities." Jefiries, who has just arrived from Carsibad, where he has been taking a cotirse of the walers, was dining with his wife and several friends, including Walter Kelly, the "Virginia indge," when Johnson entered. The fighters saw each other, Wht, Jel fries glared stonily in the other direc tion and refused to. recognize Johnson. The noise of the gay restaurant im- mediately ceased. Johuson, how: ever, avoided a scene. With his wile scintillating with diamonds, he passed Jefivies, and took a table at the td side of the room. effiries appeared highly uncomfort- nble and hastily finished his meal and departed, leaving Johnson laughing aver his wine. T0 ANSWER FOR DEATH oF HALF-DEMENTED MAN WHO DISAPPEARED . 3 From His Custody While Being De- LATEST TIDINGS Distant Places THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. ~ SIBLE FORM. i Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--lLittle of Everything Easily Read and 'Re- membered. Berlin's population is 15,147. Montreal wants policemen, buf can. not secure applicants, » Mrs. Pierre Deslippe, Windsor, dead. She was born in 1812 'Phe Chief Constables' Association of Canada may issue an official paper. London, Ont., is to ask its medical health officer, Dr. Hutchinson, to re- sign. fi acoln Beechy flew over Niagara Falls and under the upper steel - arch bridge. At Ror Hood, N.S kinto Mackenzie & ; Mews mine, will be a total loss. John Mearns was elected grand chief of the Grand Evocampinent, Sons of Scotland, at London, Ont. At Bears Paw, Alta, the Imperial is , water is pouring It ported -- Ernest QC. Stewart, is Under Arrest. Winnipeg, June 28. Froest C. Stew: ard, a real ness hers for some months past; and | formerly United Stules immigration officer at Neche, N.1., was Arrested, yestetlay, at the instance of Sheriff Foster, of Pembina county; N, nv. nearly 'two 'Vedrs ago, of a Canadian, | Phillip: Worrall. Worrall, who was | half demented, was stopped at the! boundary for 1909, and while in Steward's charge he disappeared. *His, fate was a mys tery until his bones were found in a shallow bush grave three miles from Meche, 'on March 11th last, and Stew ard's arrckt now follows. He 'has waived éxamination and went south last night. wr CANADIAN NORTHERN RR. a The Tenders for the Moungain Sec. tion Aw Satie ® cendlors of for the Conn: Toronto, June the heavy mountain section British Columbia end of the disn Northern railway have, been awarded and the contracts will = ba signed. this week, according to D. IL Henna, vice-president of the rail round. There are 160 miles in this sec tion in the canons of the Fraser and South Thompson rivers. | The contract from Port the Pacific coast, to Hope, B.C, cighty miles, is under construction. 'I'he new contracts cover the construe tien of the gap between Hope and Kamloops. This section must "be com pleted in two years. No tenders have yet been called for the construetion 'of the section between the Yellow: head Pass and Kamloops, a distance of 200 miles. ami i bap Honored by McMaster, Toronto, June 28.--At vocation of MeMaster University, in Walmer Road Baptist church, night; honorary degrees were conferred on the following : LL.D.---Sir Goorge Watson Macalpine, hi, chairman of the Missionary Un ion, London, Eng.; Rey. Robert Stu art' MacArthur, pastor of Calvary Baptist church, New York City. DD. Rev. Frederick Brotherton Mayer, ng of Regent's Park Bapt ist charch, London, Eng. Rev. John William Ewing, pastor of Peckham Baptist church, London, Eng.; Rev Charles Brown, pastor Ferme Park Bapdist church, Horfsey, North lon. don, Eng. Rev. Reuben Saillens, Par: is, France. Mann, on a special con held last Otlawa, June 28. In | preparation for the coming of the Duke of Con naught, the public works department will commence, in a fow weeks, ihe ervttion of two new cottages along side government house for the upe of thy staf and wlso n , it having beori intimated that his royal high: ness will travel bye motor as much - "| possible. "The buildings will cost $50,000. It is to transform the chapel a oak room. This, however, nam- ol interior: improvements al gov- mt hase are alts to to be made. One Man Kitted. London, Opk., June 28 --Timothy 0. on: on the Grand Trunk 5 { work train. PoC ES estate agent, doing busi- {Otter Elliott, all of Toronto, appoint Steward is chafged with the murder, | Father Lord ¥s Limited, west-bound, collided with a Eight were inured. Armsrong, Robert Wilson and ed . censors of moving picture films. Today is the twenty-fifth anoiver- sary of the first Canadian Pacific trans- continental train leaving Montreal. For attacking the Bishop of Maine, forbidden to preach by {the head of the Jesuit order at Mon- treal. Reports received indicate that, alter deportation in October, | having caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, the Chinese famine is now al an end. East Peterboro liberals nominated F. n. Rakr, Peterboro, for the commons, and BE. Hawthorn, Warsaw, for the ri. . A commitiee has been appointed at Montreal to arrange for a demonstra tion for Sir Wilfrid Laurier on his re turn from England. The Omtario government has com pleted nexotintions for the purchasm of the Nipissing Central railway, and will extend the road. At Montreal, the Church of Jean Baptiste was stouck by lightning and completely destroyed. Loss, two i yg doll, "Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dorey, former residents, located for a number of years at Vancouver, B.CU., are spend ing come time here with relatives, C.. 0. Fairbanks, Petrolea, was no- minited by East Lambton liberals for the commons, and R. R. McCormick, M.P.P., renominated for the legisla- ure Winme, the of Otix Robbins, wre burned to with matches to bed, W. C. Mitchell, formerly general su- perintendent of the Dominion Steel company, Sydney, has heen appointed' superintendent of the Algoma Steel company at Sault Ste. Marie. CHOOSING SITES. FOR 6. T. PACIAIC HOTELS Stoel Now Within Twesty Miles of Where First Will Probably Be Located. Montreal, June W.-H. R. Charlton, general advertising agent of the GTR. and Grand Trunk Pacific railway, has left Tor the west, on an extended'trip. At Edmonton he will meet Dr. A. Wheelgr, director of the Canadiaw Al- pine Club, and Mr. Douglass, superin- tendent the Canadian National Parks, and will proceed to Jasper Park, the new national park of 5,000 square miles, reserved in the heart of the Canadinn Rockies. Mi, Charlton made the trip last year over the mountains, through Yellow- head P'asx to Fort George and many points were suggested in his reported hotel sites. On the present expedition sites that are considered the most at- tractive will be chosen and surveyed, so that the building of these moun- tain hotels may be proceeded with by 'the Grand Trank Pacific as early as possible. The steel ise now within twenty miles; 'of where probably the first of the hotels: will be Aognted, Wedded at Paterson. NJ. New York, June 2.~Dayid G. 8 St. four-year-old daughter Deep Brook, N.S. death while playing alter she had been put Gut Despatches From Near and LAST OF pm CHIEFS. No Successors to Quanah Parker Will: be Elected. Lawton, Okla., June 28--No | {will the Indian (vibe of Bouth-weststn | {Oklahoma recognize bribal lhaders de- signated for many years past as chief. No one has been elected to succeed Chief Unanah Parker, whe died. four months aga, and pone will be. His name will go down to poster: ity as that of the last of the Com- aniche chiefs This announcement was made by Lieut. Ernest Stecker; agent for the South-western Oklahoma tribes in addressing the great inter-tribal council of the Kiowas, Apaches, and Comanches near here. ---------------- A Wave of Economy. Washington, June 28--A wave of economy is sweeping the country, ac- cording to figures of the bureau of statistics of the department of com: merce and labor, which discloses the fact that Americans cut their import: ed champagne bill in two and adorned themselves with $7,000,000 worth of diamonds less in the last eleven months than in the same period last year. At the same time the United States managed te increase its im ports over the corresponding of - 1910 by more, than $145,000,000, JAMES BE senator from New Jersey, Us Dropped Dead. Sarnia, June 28. ~Mrs. Jared Thatcher, one of Sarmia's oldest resi dents, dropped dead from beart fail ure. The decessed was the danghter of the late Tilton Howard, formerly of Brogkville, and was born here in NN, She is survived by her husband and a beother, Edward (. Howard, Washington, D.C. FOUND LYING IN BOAT ARTHUR BELFIE HAD BEEN OVERCOME BY GAS While Making Repairs to His Craft --mtario Wheel Co., Gananoque, Installing a Sprinkling System Gananoque June 285.--Arthur Belfie, a well-known young motor beat own- er of the town, son of Gilbert Belfie, Market street, in /making some repairs to his boat, was overcome by the gas and found unconscious in the bottom of the craft, by his father, on Monday evening. Medical aid was at once summoned and he was sogn restored to eonsciousness The Willing Cirele of King's Daugh- tes met at the home of Mrs. W. J Wilson, Pine street, last For to complet the details of their 'tag day," on Saturday, July lst. Mr. and Mrs, George Mack, Stone street, are mourning -the loss of their infant daughter, Gertrude Mabel, who passed to rest, yesterday. The funeral takes place to Gananoque cemetery this afternoon. Gananoque lodge, No. 114, 1.O.OF,, thas arranged to celebrate its memori- al day at Gananoque cemetery on Sunday, July 9h. The Salvation Army band will accompany the lodge. A number from town went out to Maple Grove, last evening, to enjoy the entertainment at the Methodist church there, Nr. Campbell, of Montreal, and an assistant, arrived 'here. on Monday, and are installing a new sprinkler system in connection with the works of the Ontario Wheel company, who have been victims of fire on two oeca- sions during the past year. The coal schooner Horace Taber ar- rived, vesterday, with another eargo. Rev. T. W. Neal, of Sydenham Street Methodist church, Kingston, who de lighted the congregation of Grace church, at (heir flower Sunday ser vices, was taken back to Kingston by James Donevan, in his motor launch, on Monday. « Frederick V. Skinoer, pupil 'of gain ity College Rehool,' Port Hope, home to spend his vacation with hie parents, Mei and Mrs. Frederick J. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Fredorick Hill, "Vancouver, BUS spent the past fow dave in town, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Severe Darey, Victoria avepub' Mr. HITE loft, vestetduy, for New York, and home by way of Chicago. Mra will spend the summer here with jven. Mr. and Mrs. Beri. Ormis- ton, of Providence, RL, are spending 1werisang, . ' ---- pedis ' $3 And Distress in China is Now Over. FAMINE FROM CANADA AND OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD, ' There Have Been Hundreds of Deaths--Had Aid Been Sent Earlier it is Thought Thousands of Lives Would Have Been Saved. Washington, June 28.--After several months of extreme suffering, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths, the Chinese famine is coming to an end. Reports from the consular offi ces in various sections of the affected district forwarded to the state de partment by Minister Calhoun, bring the news that the crops are now be |w, ing harvested and there is no longer peed of assistance from the United States. The American Red Cross upon receipt of this information aunounced that mo further contributions for the Chinese relief fund are desired. It is said that had all the aid con- tributed .by American people been a- vailable a month to three months earlier thousands of people who per- ished from starvation could haye been saved, dhe plague which has ravaged a portion of Manchuria is also reported to be almost stamped out. THE LIST CLOSED. a There are Great Many Applying for "5 Stock, Toronto, June 28.--The Canadian Locomotive issue has been largely oversubscribed. It is announced that; owing to the large amount of applica: tions received for Canadian locono- tives, preferred stock, which has been offered through. Aemilius Jarvis & thatthe subscription lists closed | today (Wednesday) at noon, instead of on Friday, and allotment of shares is to, bs made as soon as possible thereafter. Condemn the Declaration. london, Eng., June 28. A 'meeting of lawyers, naval officers and members of parliament, to-day, condemned: the dedinration of London which provides for international prize courts. They say this would enable an inferior na- Yul fuser to starve England into, sub, misdic Ce --_ ns ---- Queen Sends Flowers. London, June 28.-Queen Mary, yes: terday, sent flowers to Capt. Macoun, the injured Canadian officer, who is progressing favorably towards oom- plete réigvery. His majesty also makes daily enquiries as to is condition. Auto Stolen in Toronto. Toronto, June 2M. ---An automobile. the property of F, A. Roth, was stolen from the shed of the Lambton Golf Club. It has a dark blue body and yellow wheels. The police throughout the province have been notified. SAVED FALLING MAN FROM: AWFUL DEATH A Rivetter Caught Victim as We Reached 19th Floor and Broke Nis Fall. Chicago, June 28. Patrick Eustice fell from the twenty-seventh storey of a steel structure under consiructjon. At he nineteenth floor he was caught by John Murray, who leaned away out from the beam. Murray was not able fo hold on, bat he 2) Fustice in and he struck a bit of wooden planking on the eighteenth floor. Ha was bruised, but not seriously injured. Murray went right ahead riveiting. Gave $20,000 for Dental Campaign. Syracuse, June 28. An appropria tion of $20,008 to be 4 fr cam- paign Tor the education of the public in the proj eave of the teeth was voted at the semi-annual meeti the Empire State Dental Society. The money will be ¢ in newspaper ad- ist the distribution of booklets and ofher rer td media in the cities and towns of the state. Made Permanent Under Secretary. London, June 28. -Sir J. Anderson, who recesived the thanks of the Do- minion of Canada for his services on the Alaskan commission; has been ap o | pointed t undersecretary of state for the_colonies colonies. Sneak Thief ak Thief Sentenced. Toronto, Jone 98 James Noran, wher said he cam: from i WE convicted of sheak theiving in wich he got foo bupdred dollars worth of y and sent to penitentiary. ©. JF. Weymouth, the supposed vie] tim of a murder at Biddeford, Maine, |W. for whith two men are held, bas been £ Ibe taken hack: to: Maine: The Canadian Pacific, and the New SEEK NO MORE RELIEF = when tw fel from his found at Sherbrooke, Quebec, and will|l CHILD SEEN WITH GYPSIES. And Some Think, it May be the Lailey Lad. A story has been circulated to the effect that there is great reason 'for suspecting» band of gypsies who were inthe vicinity of Kingston on the day that little George Lailey was missed from. the wharf where he was seen last. 'It seems that some one who came from Gasanoque had heard that a child was seen with 4 band of gypsies near. that town. The parents those who 'are assisting in the search are much interested and ave ready to take up auy reasonable clue. Those who koow frends along the K. & P. railway, pumbers 'of the soldiers are known to havecome from, have written their friends to be on the lookout for the lide fellow if he should happen to drunken soldiers have him away with them, thinking at the time that it would be a 1ark. The polive are keeping a pri watch, doing it work very quietly and have sent pd scriptions th the country: of the lad. Several clergymen have interested themselves The bottom of the harbor surround. ing the wharf was dypamited again Wednesday morning, without any ap- parent result. A large pile of refuse which had been 2 in the water was uprooted, but produced nothing: It is the request of the parents that no more refuse be dumped anywhere near this particular place until the body of the boy rises at the end of the nine days, if it is there. Dating from the time the boy was seen last, his body should rise to the surface Saturday afternoon. re ------y len WILLIAM TROY HAD MIRACUL. OUS ESCAPE. Sat in His Window to Cool Off, Went to Sleep and Suffered Bad Fall--Suffered Two Fractures of Left Arm, William Troy. a middle-aged man, employed as yardman at the Queen's hotel, had a miraculous escape from death, early on Wednesday morning, 8 the third floor of the hotel, into ard. He suffered two fractures left arm, and in addition, he had a bad "shaki up. He wis at tended by Dr. McCarthy, and, is now a patient at the Hotel Dien, and is doing nicely, The accident occurred about 12.30 o'clock. As it was o very warm at. Troy sat in his window" to eool o it were. His room is at the reat of the hotel, aud the window gives ample roo! for a person to sit comfortably in it. Troy was enjoying the cool breeze, when he fell 'asleep. Some time afterwards, however, he was awakened by some noise, and the sud- ot lean too far out' of the window, with the result that he fell out. Had Troy struck on his head, he would certainly have been killed. 'ile is doing asgwell as can be expected under the circumstances. FINE MUSTER PARADE. Held by 14th Regiment on Tuesday Evening. The 14th Regiment, P.W.0. Rifles, held & fine muster parade, on Tuesday night, there being 350 men in line. Final orders were given for the trip to Niagara Falls. The men will par- ade at B30 o'clock on Sunday night, and will entrain at the Kin ngston and Pembroke station at ten o'clock, and go to the falls via the Canadian Pa cific railway. The meh will be provided with colon- ist cars and will arrive at the Falls on Monday morning, when breakfast will be served at the park. Provision has been made for the men to sleep on the cars. They will leave for home on Tuesday eveming, at X.30 o'clock, arriving in Kingston at five o'clock on Wedngeday morning. { SHORTAGES. ARE CAUSED BY THE SEAMEN'S STRIKE Provisions Getting Scarce in Britain Millers. Short of. Wheat and | Railways of Coal. London, June ~The senmen's strike is causing a great shortage In provisions throughsui 'the "Pountry Many millers have quit work because of the shortage ih wheat, Railways are becoming disorganized becabse of shortage in coal. Ehip owners are weakening in the firm stand at frat taken against the vpn 3 he parents think hate some |. CLEARING SALE To den start he was given caused him to |. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, OB. June 28, 10 a.m --Ot- tawa Valley and Upper Lawrence Fresh north-west winds; west and fair and cooler, Thursday, winds: fair and cool - Will close " during July and Aaa ar pm, SatuMaye etapad, Opportunity DRESS LINENS Morrow Many weaves, many colors, in the lot are Linen Serges, Canvas Cloths, Egyptian Cloths, Widewales, in colors Sky, Creme, Old Rose, Pink, Tiger Brown, Helio. an. Amy, Copenhagen, ete THESE MATERIALS Are guaranteed all pure linen, Some are 1 yard wide, most of them 45 inches wide. | Regular Prices 50c, 60c and 8c. AT 25 HIGH-CLASS FABRICS You'll feel proud to wear, whether it be in a Suit, Loug Coat or Bkirt for motoring, boating or outing gar- ment of any sort. GOODS ON NDOW, STEACY'S USUAL SATURDAY AND CLOSED MONDAY ALL DAY. BORN. inverary, and 'Mrs Jun 26th, 1911, BMITH---At James Smith, a to Mr son MARRIED. Bh. FLEUR---~In the red Heart, McGARY £) Y th, 191%, urch Wolfe isk , nine o'el ward MeGarvey, Chesney, Ont | "Phone 577. JAMES REID = Ap BRASS 'BEDS. Five of them that we i clear at a acrifice price. TURK'S. 'Phone 706, ROWNTREE'S Coronation. Chocolates CHRISTIE'S JAMES REDDEN & C0. CEDAR RAPIDS POWER. Baseball Hecords Eastern lesghe---Toronto, 1-10, Balti. | 8-4. Rochester, 4; Providence, | v8 Newark, + Buffalo, 1. Montreal, I, New York, 67; Philadelphis, 6 Bos Prtteburg, $4. Cincomati 1. Chicags, 3% St. Louis, 15, leagie{ hucage, 3 Ie unit 0 0 hilatetybia. 7 Boston, 3 56; New York, 3. «i nu league Berlin, 3; London, Holiday on Monday. The Whig and wil he ite along the great body of our cits | i 1 hiday ou Monday ---- The Balt 5 Winnlpeg, werd vary Fiver, J t "ret will publish on Saterday { done it. with funeral services over "Han, 1. Hege. The ae body. was sent harms}: of Sain a be vei pions {The Montreal, Company Wants its 'Plans Approved. Gttawa, June 28. ~The Montreal d in the de of power. at the Cedar Rapids. is } the government for approv ite plans, which some Lime ago ween protested agaivst vigorously a de legation representing navigstion and other interests. The department of {public works is awsiting a report irom Hs distrit engineer at Montreal {respec ting the matter ---------- Ask questions, demand evidence, in on nates of hupdreds who have Thirty<day shorthand must be thoroughly = (yet impartially), inves | tigated in or to be fully Appear {ted. A card brings our oo Co 286 Yonge street, Toronto Col- i Peller ii with bis through poh regions to San eo waster ly To-Morrowthey'reyours DISPLAY IN WEST P