rr" o_ ori is a |The 25 Za WEN write GREELS. £3 Mel ITIK it Attorneys, ashinglon, PD. some frventive ahili ' {He land can give pointers to many {have not reached his years. He follows id. F. NeKay, lox ESS EXCURSKIN'S OUTING TO GEORGIAN BAY, 5 ; {A Delightful Tour of Two Days in Which Some 250 Newspaper Mon and Women Participated. The lour days that the journalists of {Ontario spent Yogether last week, were Hull of terest aud: enjoyment, The pressmen cate closer together than ever before and found themselves mutually concerned on 'many matters of business, and in the conduct ticic papers. Wor (wo days the mea talked about trade, advertising, cost of production, editorial ethigs, train- ing of correspondesits and on. kindred themés, and receiving helpful information. C. W. Young, of the Cornwall Free holder, was elected president. He is a thorough paced worker and fun-maker, a fisherman and a favorite with all is about sixty-two years Young who of giving of the Toronto Globe, whose months in office were replste {with valuable work, giving an impetus jto Canadidn journalisss not felt in xy. | lmany years. Ihe vice-chairs are filled Mesassssssasssissncash Geo. Muller & Son ae, Lazio, AC repaired. Telephone 1082. S KINGSTON, 379 King St Pr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator ; never are exceeding ive port, hi the female system ert HA Spi # box, or thiee Bosbell Drax For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. Tol Ta ia ia 13s the de a's are adi at Be Catharines. Ont. lunch was of the very THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on Is crowing louder as he Only 45c per pound. smoking, AT A, MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. oes along. For chewing and fy Messrs i R Bone, ob the Toronto {Star and H. P. Donly, of the Simeoe Reformer, both fine aggressive men. J. BR. Cranston, Toronto Star, makes a painstaking secretary, Officered by these men and a file hody of execulive {councillors the press association is {bound to prosper. It is boped to add {this year several hundred men to the 1400 already enr In the evenings the Toronto pen- ipushers gave wjoyable #htertainments, the sicker concert at the King Ed ward giving an opportunity for the hearing of Toronto's best musical tal efit. And if Certainly was 'good. The entertainment, cigars, company and best. Wednésday night was given over to a trip to Searboro Beach, Toronto's Coney Is Tancd. There th ¢taid and serious minded editors aud business managers grew young again and disported them- selves in a way that was wonderful to behold, The Toronto Street Railway spread. . The ladies enjoyerl the vaudeville and the many other startling novelties and viewed with. delight the gay scenes de- pitted by electric light. Tuesday after- noon the Turonto Women's Press Club gave the visiting ladies views of Tor- onto from tally-ho tops and then gave them a tea at the Brown Betty, and all was to the Queen's taste. After the association had closed up the sessions, on Thursday, 22nd, some two hundred and "fifty members took n during Corset can be + nt rable B relia wil fit it exactly to your figure tra charge for my services, #4 or 'phone for appointment your convenience, Girls wanted to canvass. ARG. 18s Wellington St. Phone 878, your Corset these hot days laundered without rust or breakage. Send Apply &t ARET DUNNETT, Corsettiere, to 2000000000000 0 000000 ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR. The place to get Ice Cream that kills 'that tired feelin Served bright, cool arlors All of California Fruits in NpTHING | LIKE KT YOUR RES FRAMED GHT, Beery sho wir do it. But a n, Our customers know th ut if you do not bring us your pletures and let us show how satisfactory It is us do your framing, 'not Know how Our collection of high-class Pictures will also be atiractive. WEESE & 00, Fine Photographer, "THECLUBHOTEL here a SF apis petike arroundl baig But Located city am lode t to PHACIDAl ores boo Cliarges are moderate. Special rates by the week, P. NM, THOMPSON, Proprietor, Yow ms fo WE SPECIAL- = on AMONDS AND SO FOR HALF » WE 3 st, . RS IN a Th. He FTONES AND | DEAD RIGHT, AS PRY INCREASED CARRY E { ie 2 ih: $1.00 Oxforis, NOW m of a long GT.R. special train in readiness for the trip to Penetanguishene, Through the smiling farm lands they sfed until the spark ling waters of the Georgian Bay were seen, and a short walk from the wharf brought the party t&6 the Penetangui- shene hotel, beautifully decorated with Union Jacks. The large company sang a verse of the national anthem and "Rule sHeitennin" re doing justice 16 the excellent: uskheon pro- vided by the mayor and town A short speech of 'welcome was given by Mayor Jennings, to which C: W. Young, president of the C.P.A., replied in charming terms, referring to the in- } Flansely s histories pity town, and {on stirringly pet fclers of the Sard fro ig no gave their lives for the cause of their religion, Penetanguishebe signifies "The Place pt the White Rolling Sands," so nam- ed from an extensivp bank of sand on Pigery Point 10 the right on entering the harbor, which glistens like gold in the summer's sun and which, like ° the sand danes of Oatario, is-ever shifting, changing, rolling. to the waters be peath, . . . This poetic designation, which is of A-ben'aki ovigin slightly modified by the exegencies of changing | dialects, already. swayed its magic sceptre' Over these waters when the Huron savagéd first 'appedred upon the scene, and is one of the fewy names meldneholy relics, sparsely sgattered hers and there north of the St. Lpw- rence and the" yom Fakeescowhich rd main fo tell g aki occupation. A lovely tip ; rough the wohderful- ly beautiful island seepery of the Georgian Bay took wp all Thursday afternoon, the excursionists being fair- ly roused to enthusiastic admiration of the vistas of islands and, grey-rock- ed mounds rising, out of the fair wa- ters covered with hardy foliage. A glorious sunset: was a fitting finish to such a day, and when Parry Sound, with its formidable lumber piles, was reached; the walk up to the Belvidere was greatly enjoved. Here the pretty dining-room with - its effective blue |" walls and hanging flower baskets was arranged 'for a delightful meal, and afterwards 'an excellent orchestra play- ed entrancing music for the wany dancers. . Herg in the early hours of the morn- ing, David Purvis, president of the {ary Sound Board of Trade, tendered elcome and Messrs, Williams | and Bradwin made response, Parry Sound, a town of three thou- sand inhabitants, built upon the gran- ite "hills whee the Sequin river emptics indo the Sound, is dependent upon the lumber industry for its pro- gress. Within the last ten vears it has become noted as one of the most beautiful summer resorts in Canada, In the mind of anyone who, either as a tourist or prospector, has visited the Parry "Sgfund district, the = first emotion lik¥ly to be excited on refer. ence Ming made to this region, <8 One of delight and pleasure, as the tran- eh beauty of its woodlands and lakelands recurs to memory. Once seen, the recollection of these beauty spots 'eof Ontario never becomes entire ly' effaced from memory, Within the district of Parry Sound. lie some eight hundred lakes, varying from a . mere pond to twenty to thirty miles in length. It is, therefore, not strange that the region is becoming so popu lar year by year, as its advantages be- come more widely known, The Sound is a magnificent body of water, varying in depth from four to one hundred fathoms, extending west- erlv seven miles to Kill Bear Point, and northeasterly into Jeep Bay, twelve miles and having a width in some parts of six miles. Along its coast, north, west and south, are numbers of islands and channels, and a8 the Sound is so completely land- locked, these render it an ideal resort for tourists and cangeists. The Se- Quin 'river, which empties into the Sound. at this point, is noted for its beautiful "scenery of rapids and. falls, and excellent fishing is to be had along its course. The drives about Parry Sound are considered unequalled for their picturesque and rugged scen- er] ways ip Hoaics + Restores color to Gray or Faded hair--Removes Dan* druff and invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth--Stops its. falling out. Isnota dys, $1.00 and Sho at oS RR SE ewsrk, N. J, USA, REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES" Jas. B. McLeod, Agent Shs | Mid-Summer Sale Men's Fine Oxfords 25 Per Cent. Discount On all our Men's Ox- b fords, Tan, Gun Metal and Patent Colt. $ Everything must go. eo : £3.00 Oxfords, NOW .. $3.75 $450 Oxfords; NOW .. $3.40 $3.00 : Geodyear Welt Goods : 84 made by vest Waker. 1 Bell's, ' Harts, . Invictus, Walker, Whitman: The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess St. | 1 Creelman, he second day of the excursion in- cluded a trip on the Germanic from Parry Sound through the ever-increas- ingly beautiful island scenery of the Georgian Bav. The arrival of the party, as the boat went into the splen- did 'Collingwood. harbor, backed by the gorgeous Blue Mountains, the frontage of the fine shipyards, elie iting the admiration of All on board, was hailed by continuous salutes, and' re- sponses from the Germanic. A walk up the busy and beautiful main street. of Collingwood, with its coronation decorations still flying, led to the Temple, owned jointly by the Masons and Oddfellows there.. In a large banquet hall the ladies' auxiliary of the local Y.W.C.A, served a sump- taous lunch, the tables being beauti- fully decorated with June flowers. Mayor Currie presided and welcom- «4, on behalf of the corporation, the mbers of the Press Association and the Women's Press Club, of To- ronto. The king, the guests and the town of Collingwood were toasts fully honored, es being 'made by Messrs. C. W. Young, presidept of the C.P.A.; Town Solicitor Bimje, J. G; Elliott, of Kingston, and George QC, president of the Ontario. Agricultural College. A special tribute of cheers was given by the visitors to David Williams, editor of The Colling- wood Bulletin, and former. president of 'the Canadian Press Association. The indebtedness of the tourists io their hosts was "then tactfully ac knowledged by George E. Scroggie, Toronto, in making the tation to Manager McDonald; of the Northern Navightion company, nd Mrs. Mo id, who had after' the comfort .of the a of "a beautiful set of Crown Derby, A similar honor was paid A, E: Duff by A, T. Wil Qress, gracefully made acknowledgment. taken and a halt made at the laying by 4. F. MacKay, of the of the King G school, where the young people gg in hundreds watch the or: Marte Mackay, on behalf of the Cana- dian Press Association, Svante pew school with a large Union The party the train moved To Ha it's somewhat but acy F Bi Brockville, and the recipients 65 A drive in luxurious automobiles. way | Je. "Phone 1108 Ring 2-1. To-Night & every night-8,30 BIG FREE SHOW Vaudeville -- Motion Pictures -- s Ilustrated Soi FRIDAY--Childran's 1 Cent Super fas NOTICE, = _ THE ANNU AL TGR FRAL MERT- ing of the Kingston Yacht lob As- soctation, Limited, for the Bleetion of Directors and other business will heid at the lub House of the Kin a Yacht Club on Monday, July 1 1811, at § p.m 3 H. MAC JE E, c.~ Treas. eee OONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES First Insertion ie a Te a word, Each nl secutive insertion thereafter halt] tent a word, Minlm = tor! ene inwertign 25e; thee tuserdions, | B6e: six, $1; one month, §2. 3 MEYERAL . BERY. ANT: NO WA ASH- evening, at 38 Baie po FOR SALE. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN Monday. + Piander whl be Tr by returns to Whig office, ENGRAVINGS painted pictures, at Turk's, AND oI. Some Very rare, 'Phoue 705, Bay HORSE, POTR YEARS oLD, with four white fest and while stockings, Sunday night Finder kindi¥ reiltn 10 or communicate with 168 Montreal Htret, TEACHERS WANTED. TONAL ed, small SARE, in Apply the evening, CW eliington direer GOOD COOK, REFERENCES REQUIR- * TEACHER FoR Fybilic School Ap- Riary, 10 Gea. Hyland. Wesrbrooke, Ont. Westbrooke piv. stating Réc, -Treaw. "WARN If any of the members of the Masons' Unton Ne. 10 are found inter- fering with my men seeking to intimi- date or otherwise withdraw them from my job I shall at once take legal pro- ceedings against that union members as whall be guilly legal conduct WIL LIAM McCARTNEY. TENDERS House For Sale TENDERS WILL. BE RECEIVED ap to 12 o'clock nobn of "the Sth of July, 1811, for the purchase and re- moval of House No. 22 Pine Street, The Lighest or . any tender necessarily accepted. All information 'may be abtained at thé Office of the gundersigned, HB AG, Engineer. or such of such not Clery the Maritime Provinges Press Associa- tion to the anfinal meeting, and ac- companied the press party on the trip. This year the presemen. were accom- panied, on invitation, by the Toron- to Women's Press Club, the presence of a score or more of lady writers add- ed much to the pleasure of the outing. Among the leaders were "Kit," Mrs. C. J. H. Snider, - Miss Fraser, Mrs. Mclean, Miss 1lairlie, Miss Saunders, Miss Doyle and Miss Wenover, « They entered into all the pleasures with a zest, and were ready with vigor and spiviness to talk shop. The dear girls want recognition from the C. P.A., and it ie likely they will get what they want. To refuse would be a crime. "Kit" is a pentle mother to her flock and her ambitions are high- flung for them if their profession. ree, COMMITTEE UP IX THE AIR In Regard to the K. and P. Railway Land Question. The civic finance committee is said to be "up in the air," with regard to the question Off securing certain lands froin the Kingston and Pembroke Rail- way company, 'A meeting of the com- mittee was called for Monday last, but no ovegpresent could' explain just what" the mmittee had to do, and an adjournment took place. The eity {solicitor will have ta step in and di- rect thre committee as to what is to be done. Besides getting certain lands of thé government under lease to the Kingston and Pembroke company, the city requires to purchase other por- tions of property, which in turn will be purchased by the Grand Trunk Rail- way company from the city for its new freight, sheds apd yards, in the vicinity of the hay market. The may- or is moving very carefully, and is de termined that he will sign pothing that he does not - fully understand. Some time ago; he signed a memo of agreement with . the. Kingston and Pembroke company, and was taken to task for it hy some membets of the finance committep' Now. his worship will sign no more little arrangements till' authorized: by the. communities or the council. A Very Severe Test, When the .counatitution is meglected, indigestion, sleeplessness. and' nervous- ness will surely follow, A topic is then needed,' and 'the 'proper medicine to take is Wade's Iron Tomic Pills. They build up the system, improve the appetite "nd strengthen the nerves, Price 5c, at J. B. McLeod's drug stores, A Wild West Show Coming. "The Young Buffalo Wild West shew is Billed 'to visit Kingston va Mon Ah July 10th. J. H. Fitgpatrick, the advanes advertising representative, was in the city on Wednesday, mak- ing arrangements. Str. Quinte 'Qacen Leaves Swift's at 8 a m., to-morrow for Alexandria Bay, both channels, 2 hours at the ay. return Ble. 56 at 8 p.m, for evening ri on the river, for only 18¢. n Sale of white Oxfords for children, ; barefoot sandals, 60, TH, She. Running and bathing shoes from n oy Dutlons pilose sist, pe. Harol a, children are in ey Do. visit- Sg father and mother, Mr. and Asselstine, . Baxl street. a havi Uy . Try a sack of and paste he de fd re aglity™ flow 5 the 4 a ag and Dory, and you will'be de wit : Walch for « July 3rd; the best ever, PORTER TO LOOK AFTER BIRRER Shap and Bhine Shoes, Apply to 174 Ontario Streer THREE swan SOY) work: go en. Kingion AP Co, as STEADY 3 to King GIRLS AF XTi oad Cafe, King ™ DINING-ROOM once; good wages tn girls, Apply, King's Street ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER: ove who has had experience In furni- ture business preferred Apply to The Gibbard Furniture Company, Napanee. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY am $100 Jnontnly corresponding OF Rewsnapers. o_o vassin Bend for particulars, x To Syndi: cate, 3.96% Lockport, CAPABLE oLD cou NTRY DOMES. tics, carefully * gelected, arriving ovary onday in June; next party Apply now, The Guild, ELM Street, Montreal, or Grenville Stréet, Toronto. it ONCE, FIRST-CLASS DRAUGH'TS- man with some experience; In ap- ; piication state qualifications, ex- pRrience, and salary expected. Ap- ply. by letter to The Standard 1deal Co., Lid, Port Hope IMMEDIATELY, A general cook and Turkington House, must be able te cook for forty people; references from ast em- lover; state wages. ftugh Turk- ngton, Ivy Lea, Ontario, FIRST-CLASS manager. . for 1,000 Fsiands; EXPERIENCED INSURANCE MEN for Canadian Industrial Company t6 work In Montreal; excellent prospects; salary and comunission Apply, at once, to y hor. Union Lifé Assurance Co, 27% Beigneurs Bireet, Montreal CLERKS T0 SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed In every home, especially by working men; gcod ry; per- manent position; if you are work- ing for- small salary behind the counter, write to-day; you can double » Your wages and bed uy own bons. Apply, Box "E B. Office, WANTED---GENERAL. TO BUY, A DINGEY, ABOUT 11 FEET long, MeCann, 81 Brock Street. A COUPLE oF ndows IN GOOD locality, for rest of summer, Ap- ply to Box 828, Whig office, CUSTOMERS FOR FRESH. PORK Tegnderioing Spare Ribs" Kidneys, any Liver on Thursday morning at N. Maclean's, Ontario Street, ROOM AND BOARD FOR MARRIED couple, viginity of Queen's Uni- versity; use of good verdndah re- quired, Apply, Box Whig office. 626, SHOE REPAIRING OF KVERY DE. scription; "first class work: st Jeather only use used; one trial will uffice. ri your repairs to + Beotts, 206 Barrie Btreet, cor. of Clergy West. WANTED, FARM TO LEASE OR TO buy, about 4 miies from Kingston State acres, condition of out. houses, accommodation and price, Box "X. Y. Z.," Whig office. SBNTL BRING THEIR loth Nave it made up into up- Jo dats wuits. Price and workman- ahlp guaranteed to please. Pressin, an Filia! ng done on the shortes notice, Thomas lloway, 130 Brock St, next Bibby's Livery. ¥ PERSON HAVING GOOD SB- cond-hand Furniture and Stoves before disposing drop me a card I will pay good prices. I have for bale Brass and Iron Beds and all kinds of Furniture in Oak. Happy ges, Will sell reason- ompson, 333 ncess VINANCE AND INSURANCE. PROTESTANT THACHER Shogl Section No "8% must have Normal oe experience: salary, 33 CF Ni See, Millhaven, } FOR Ernesttown; iflcate and Apply to Hplson. and reas. Ont FOR THE ROMAN ¢ ATHOLIC SEPA- rate School Board, 'City of prea: ton, principal, and one as sistant. fermmle Applications to be sent in Before July 15th, stat ing qualifications and salary ex- pected. All appileations to be ad- dressed te J. kk Sehan, Secretary. Siusurer. RUOESSE, Kingston, nt male, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS A ~ > BEEFSTAKE | Restaurant. shortest the 'week, 23 Brock Stree JACKS . EXCHANGE Meals at all hours on notice. Special Shes by night. pen day an BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO Tr. opposite a station, one block from CPR. on street. car line bar supplied with best of wines and Hquwors; charges moderate special rates by the week. Joh: Cousinesu, Prop. THE GRIMNASON HOTEL. rincess Street. by the week sccommodailon. reasonable. Mualville & "risen TO LE1, STORES, WEL. INGS, J, 61 Brock Bt reet, OFFICES, BR. McCann, SUMMER TAGES AND FURNISH. ed. Dwellings. R. MeCann, 61 Brock Street, FURNISHED HOUSE, TWELVE rooms: every convenience, inelud- Ing 'phone, for the summer months Apply; No, 208 King Street. STORAGE FOR ¥U RNITURE, C1. KAN dry. airy rooms, Sosolutely moth vost' s our Store 550 Wy TA - 'Phone $26b, Oo San £2 FROM MAY iat, B 181 Division kitchen; hot ICK HOUSE, Ne. treet; extension Bol io "Fredo "RE Sa o rederic el N 179 Division Street, . - THAT VERY DESIRAWLE BRICK dwelling, 120 Earl Street. with ail modern fmprovements: (immediate occupation Apply, Capt. Fed Daly, 122 Earl, " 4 wd 165 PRINCESS STREET, KNOowN Bijou Theatre, ready for tion In a few day also tenement of three rooms Chas. H, Powell, 103 ¥ AS oecupa- Emall Apply, taglan Bt -- J A FINE BUILDING LOT ON KING Street, within two blocks of the Market. Inquire at Whig office. he Ei oN hg George Bank of Toronto. s "bine SECOND. in re 'to Dy Hay, nd CENTRAL PFROPERTY, an Street, LO and Johnson Streets McKay, SEVEN-ROOM FRAN J Dislajon treet, » ROUSE =n odern Mprovements, with bare and big lot. Apply on premises, 3 MOTOR BOAT, IS FE OVER Awa 4 feet beam; 3 FET sven Davis *haine; in first lane condition: edd; awner leavin it Appl Box 617, Whig ofties. 7 APPLY, TAYLOR SAFE, NEW, HEAVY ALOG K Téa Rina Counters, Shelving. Computing we ales, Top Buggy and Delivery gon Apply, 8, T Kirk, 281 Y ¥ neess Sireet, or 12 Nelson Street, " -¥ FARM LOT Ernestown, more or Odessa, Apply, Street, CONCESSION contafning 40 ac A less, half mile fast of south side of York Hoad, "Miss Purcell, 333: Princess Kingston. TENTS AND AWNINGS, = LEAVE your order for Awnlugs and tents at F. X. Bazeau's, the old reltabl who knows his business; Cater to your wants and 40 right and ne high prices Outario Street, Kigston FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANOES, camping outfits, fishing tackles, maride sopphes, loanch baskets, English raincoats, everything In canvas, kit bags, silk tents, Spray hoods motor boat supplies, Frank W Cooke, 236% Ontario St, 'Phone 891 or 23 FRAME BARN, 2 STOREY, 24 PT. X 30 fr, with-% ta. x 10 in sills; one Phaeton, one Single Top one Two-seated Cutler, ushel winc-lined Grain and X, one Patent Box Ashe J. A, Gardiner, 67 Clar- ence Street VACANT LOTS. ~WILL BUILD NEW solid brick house, 2 storey, 23 ft. Xx 30 ft, and furnish same on a lot 30 ft X 110 ft, with right-of way, south side of Princess Street, east of University Avenue, by ' pur- chaser paying about -one-third cash down: possession within three months after contract made, + land 41, Bt. Lawrence River, $500. Gardiner & Bateman, §7 Clarence Street HOWE FARM OF 75 ACRES Joining the town of an MEA rtest man utacturhog Ontario; all cholce as ib state of cuitfeation! aver 4 of orchard; the frult. on selling for $600 each season: good milk business established (Sc per quart). good bi iiaings anxious 10 sell a1 once farm, crop and dairy outfit T, J. Lackhart, Real Es. tite Agent, 15% Wellington Street, Kingston, Ont, FOR BALE OR TO LET, Wigh acres irees TWO NEW HOUSES, CONVENIENT to Queents College and Collegiate Institute: modern Improvements; gas for light and cooking. fur- naces and good cellars Apply, Fleet Millar, 82 Victoria Street, BRICK HOUSE, No. 38 WELLINGTON Btreet, near Park; ten large rooms; Improvements to suit good tenant Apply te IL Cohen, care of Susman & Cohen, or 138 Queen Street, FINE, N CW FURNISHED COTTAGES stview Park, on St Law. fiye miles fcom city, and for horses; also S-roomed SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, In Hrincess Btreet, Kingston. 8 H, SIMPSON, L. ist, 258 Princess DDS, D t. Tele sin yon INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to W, H. Godwin & Son's Insurance Emporium, over Norehs n Crown 024. DR. C. C, NASH, DENTIST Foon 158! OC. B tant, frig Bank, Brock Street, or ' GENERAL INSURANCE--FIRE, LIFE site: t and Health Pollel lsu DR. A. EB. KNAPP, DENTIST, 19 MONT. real Street, pear Princess Street Phone 652. i es first-class companies; standan TJ. Boom, Agent, a5 Wellington Street. G, A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROKER and insurance, Fire, Lite, Accident or, Ihdemuity in Tirst class com. panies, 'Phone $58. +7 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; 1863; president, | y "Richard Cartwright. money 1 on city and gigpertien. Duni municipal and Ik Tocorved and laterent ar fe jocel vi er Sah Managing S.A. AYKROYD, BDS, 1.0.5, DENT. ist, over Dominion EXPress Office, 18d 0 Wellington' Street Phone BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYW CAN STARRY & mail order business - Joma Ne canvassin, y Be boss Bend for Booklet, Tell bow Heacock. 3989 Lockps UPHOLSTERER, 10 bab Director, ¥7 Clarence "tres LONDON, 'AND GLOBE rance BON AN Azatlable 1,187, nN FY bE gill 5 KC, W, J. GAVIN off | ane | SWITC HE UPHOLSTERING, RE. rag 8d aSarpet work, bair mat. call 316 Bagot Brest" * PERSONALS, rUrys, awn comb ngs supplied: prides MANU. um or mode. factored; material A. Babeook, & Garret Breet. THR EAE Ayo results. : b rod -- i cies & A ex. MeAdam, Outhrto; costing i maoderate Eat application te A ANAT. a: jumions are to: plav Ryden- juniors at Sydenham T MOLES. hm rate and work done promptly. Miss THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRE. mises for many 0h occupied by Henry Skinper Wholesale russ 18, extending from Prin. reset to Queen Btreet, with frontage on both, and including exs tensive buildin Apply to Cun~ ningham & Mudie. ARCHITEODS, HENRY F. SMIT 258 King St eR ARTHU ELLIS, io versity - ARCHITECT, BTC one 345. - ARCHITECT. 10 Avenue, Telephone WN... te BWLANDS & SON, tects, ste. Office, 388 'Phon> $08. ARCHIE. 3 Bagot Street, i POWER a MER. fonts corner ARCHITROTS an Bullding,. Streets. and Wellington REMOVAL, - BD, J. GARBUTT, moved to 149 Bydenham two doors from Princess § facing the Orpheum. Guosmithing a speciality LOCKSMITH, . nw. ay ANKE, BA Firgru A : Sir ao, ay Sl amy 3 _ To put off ordering your Winter's : Coal from us. We expect a big demand. : One Price only.