Sa YEAR 78 -NO. 151 CANAL TRAFFIC Shows a Decrease So - Far This Year -------- THOSE FOR THE SAME PERIOD LAST YEAR. : The St. Lawrence Trade is Aliead of and so Also Is That of the Rideau~--Explanation of Soo De- crease. Ottawa, June 20.-Canal trathe, from the opening of navigation till the end of May, shows a considerable comparative decrease. The total tonnage was 5,804,074, ns against 8.310.553 in the corrimponding period, ® decrease of 2,415,166 tons. Of this decrease, 2,416,166 tons was the falling off at the Soo canal and is attributed to the fact (hat last "spring the canal on the American side i for some time, forcing busi ness to the Canadian side Other canals' showing slight de 'creases are the Chambly, Mtawa, St, Peters, and Murray, while incremses are reported from the Wellund, St, Lawrence, Rideau and Trent cannls ------ NEEPLE BATH FOR TRAMPS. Soaps Too, Aids Winona to Get Rid of Hoboes, Winona, Minn, June 29.---The needle bath will be used by the city , of Winofle as a means to induce tramps to give this city a wide berth Mayor Julien B. Séhroth, a week Ago recom that some means be taken by the council to stop the visits "of the wanderers. The street commit- tee turned down a stane pile as being an wxpensive and unprofitable way of obtaining crushed stone, but recom mended the needle bath, and this' will be installed without delay. Tramps hereafter coming to Winona will be compelled, before getting a night's lodging, to take an needle hath, They will placed in the neidle bath department and then water will be let loose on them in fine streams from all directions. Alter such treatment jt is believed they will not come this way agam. ------ DULUTH TO LIVERPOOL. Wants United to Help En Washington, June 29.-A plan to make it possible for large ships to navigate from Duluth to Liverpool, Hong Kong, r far and foreign ts contained in an amendment of by Senator Thompson, republi- can, Mwhigan, to the reciprovity bill, wan discussed 'by the Wolverine states men in the seoate. It provides for an agreement between the United States snd Canada for the deepening and widening of the Welland canal and the deepening of shallow stretches on the St. Lawrence river. THOUGHT HER TIME HAD COME. Woman, 108 Years of Age, Passes Away at Lansing, Mich. Lansing, Mich. June 29. "Well, I guess my time has come," said Mw, Latchin Williams, aged 108, ax she stood in the doorway of the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ellen Bannister, talking to a neighbor, yesterday. With the' remark she went inside and lying down on a couch, passed guistly away. Mrs. Williams celebrated her 108th anniversary, New Year's day. -------------- Dr. Oubmet Acquitted. . Ottawa, June 29.-Dr. Ouimet, Hull, Que., charged. with performing a crim- inal operation and with murder, was acquitted this morning. ------------ A Child Killed by Train. London, Ont., June 29.~The son of John Rumpt, toddled upon the rail way track when a train killed him. of | police, because of many different stor tion, {to the prison, and they were farewell sermon wext Sunday + Toronto, CHEAP GERMAN PECORATH The Kaiser Hands Out One to J. Plerpont Morgan, Kiel, June 3.--J. Pierpont. Morgan, who arrived here last night, and was the guest of the kaiser aboard the Hohenzollern, presented (0 bis host the autograph letter written by Martin Luther to Emperor Charles V., which he recently purshased for $25.500. [The kaiser was immensely pleased -and forthwith conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of the Red Eagle on Mr Morgan. = The letter, which is in Latin, is of great historical importance, It was written in 1521, on thé reformer's re turn journey from' the Diet of Worms, and described the proceedings and de fended his attitude. The lefter never reached the. ecmperor, as its contents were such that no one dared deliver it Mr. Morgan, obtained the epistle at an autograph sale at Leipzig on - May rd last. As soon as it became known that the historic document was to go to. America the annoyance of the Ger man public was expressed in many newspapet editotials. "NELLIE BLY" IS IN SERIOUS TROUBLE Asks for State Inguiry Into Bank Who Let Employes Cash Forged Cheques ° Albany, N.Y. June 2 -- Alleging she hus been practically ruined finangsily through the thievery and forgery of her employers, and that more than 81,600,000 in cheques, bearing forgeries of her name, had been cashed hy them, Mrs. E. . Seaman, hetter known as "Nellie Bly," the newspaper "globe trotier," has appealed to Gov. Dix for a searching enquiry by the State Banking department. Mrs, Seaman specifically urged that the Broadway Bank of Brooklyn should be made to explain why, al though she kept no accounts with that institution, it honored thousands . of aollars of cheques, never signed by her, but labelled "E. C. Seaman, trea surer for the Ironclad Manufacturing company.' She declares that the: Iron- clad Manifactaring company, be questhed to her by her husband, has besn looted to the extent of hundreds of thousands, but she believes a, state igvestigation will disclose the crim litals, : : A Florence dealer, representing SOME ASTOUNDING EVIDENCE, Live Children and Dead Infants Bathed in Same Water. Now <¥ dren' in the hospitals on Hollman ls- land unless they scrubbed floors for the public officials; thal immigrant girls were continually and grossly ine sulted by the orderlies in the institu tions on Hoffman Island; and that live children and dead infants were bathed in the same water, was part of the sensational testimony given under oath in a state inquiry started yesterday al the office of Dr. Alvah H. Doty, health officer of the port of New York , ------ Kill Owner as He Flies. Puebla, Mexico, June 29. Pandits shot. to death Antonio Martinez, a farmer, and after mutilating his body with' machets, burned it. When they attacked" his property, Martine and a few. of his employees barricaded themselves in his home. Tlie ussailants set the building on fire. Martinez and his companions ran from the house and the owner was brought | down by bullets. The bandits then looted the property. Their motive for the assault ix said to have been ven geanvn as well as robbery. Western Town Decides to Move. Winnipeg, June 29.--~Forward, a new town on the branch of the Camadian Pacific railway, now building west from Weyburn, Sask., to Lethbridge, Alta, has decided to stock, and barrel. to a point and ove-hall miles west of its 'sent location, where the new Canadian | Northern branch running in al similar direction will the Canadian Pacific. move, lock, two | pre- | intersect Accept Resignation. Mcntreal, June 290.---The presbytery has accepted the resignation of the Rev. K. J. Macdonald, of St. Mat. thew's chursh. He will preach his "Ven ing. He leaves "town on Wednesday, July Sth. A Young Woman Held. June - 20. Henry Kerwin was drowned from a motor boat in the boy. yesterday. A young woman with At the time was held by the ies of the affair she told. Lynched the Negroes. Alanta, Ga.," Jue 9-.Judge Heand, before whom two necrors had heen convieted of assault, refused 10 | order 'a guard for them on their way lynched Kills Colored' Woman Every Sunday. Atlanta, June 20.~For six conven 10 live Sunday nights a colored woman : : murdered in Atlanta. In sack case the vielim was strangled and the body then mutilated. Won't Repeat It Falls, Ont, June madd a trip through Rapids in a barrel, but ite 4, ~The mo thes) centh storey of a San Franciseo ho- Gee 10 see hr il HEF was instantly "Xitd. A note {Con 29.3 U KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 20 i911. LATEST TIDINGS Despatches From Near and THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Evérybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re. membered, The Democratic State League will hold a meeting in New York in Sep tember. : 3 Mackenzie King, minister of labor, will speak on reciprocity in Waterloof to-night. The arbitration treaty between Grestyliritain and the United States is prattically complete. Governor Dix, of New York state, has vetoed the bill increasing salaries of state hospital employees. The Ontario high court vacancy caused by the death of Justice Me Mahon will not be filled till the fall. The Bank of New Brunswick, with head offices at St. John, N.B., has de- cided to open a branch in Montreal, An iavestigution Ngta the prevalence of infantile paralysisNs being conduct ed by the dominion conservation com: mission. The Temiskaming & Northern On- tario railway has completed the pur- chase of the Nipissing Central railway for $250,000, he new issue of $6,500,000 stock of the Richelien & Ontario merger will be issued very shortly. The issue will be made at par. Near (Cleveland, 0., an unknown nezro, who shot and. wounded John Decker, a farmer, was pursued bv a posse and in a raaning fight killed. No fewer than 24,000 Britishers came to Canada last month according to figurys just available. The increase over the corresponding month last | year was 6,000, | Joseph 1b. Reichman, formerly pre sident of the Carnegie trust company, | New York, was found guilty of mak- | the state ing false statements to banking department, At Montreal, ¥. W. Thompson, man aging director of the Ogilvie Mills Co... Ltd, was thrown from his motor ear when it collided with a street car. He was badly iujured. Miss Florence R. Cushing, of ton, from Honolulu, jumped from the Yos- found in her bedroom, said troubles had made her desperate, HELD WIFE PRISONER YEARS WITH SNAKES Jealous | Kept Her in the House with Rattigrs---Killed by Own Contrivance Punssutawney, Pa., June 29+] Ames Stoner, a mountaineer, was found dead heside a hridge leading to his home in the hills here yesterday. Near him | rattlesnakes fastened by | thongs to the rocks, He had been | bitten to death. A party of fishermen | killel the snakes nnd from the man's | wife, in the cabin across the stream, they loarnel that the dead had | tier 'the snakes there because ho Was | jealous and feared his wile would | have visitors in his absence For five years Stoper had snakes at the little bridge, the wan said, and she had never left the place in that time. She said her hus band became insanely jealous after she accompanied him to a dance and had allowed other men to dance with her. were four man kept wo i |The next day he procured the snakes | Best, M.P and' told her she would never leave the house while 'she was his wife. He | came home intoxicated, she said, slip- ped at the bridge and fell among the | snakes. WIN HUSBANDS AT RAFFLE; ONE GIRL BREAKS CONTRACT. Bashful Swain Remains Bachelor, But Fat Prize Proves Accept- able to Philadelphia | : Maiden. Philadelphia, June 29.--The mich heralded matrimonial raffle took place last night. #1 was only partly snc cessful. = Neither girl knew what kind of a man she was going to get, Ons drew a bashful man, the other a fat man. Miss Mary Dovle, at St. Gregory's church, won William Bowers, the bash- ful swain. AMer jingpecting her win: ning she declared wonld not marey a man she could get for tem cents, and he was raffled off again, this time the proceeds to go toward the pur chase of an organ. Miss Catherine N. Flanagun, at the fair of the Church of the Immaculate tion, drew Thomas Skelly anagan looked at his 250 and at first demurred. But she tit over The i Mise po and will take plaes ---------- Too Much a Fan? cost the street railway $5,000, Goldie Schwarts was ran over by a {eomotives American makers for Flour | The Compaign to Organize an Electric hez [out ok the line. The JAPAN OFDERS LOCOMOTIVES. | i Manifestation of Friendly Relations | Towards United States, | Washinglon, June 29.--~American rail | road equipment is making its way in the Orient on its own merits. Accord ing to reports froma Japan eleven lo- heen ordered from service in Man churia and Korea. The significance of the order is that it follows the origi- nal order for rolling' stock for the Manchurian railways, given several vears ago, indicating that the Ameri- can locomotives have been found sa- tisfactory in competition with other types. As the order comes through the Japanese government, it is also re garded as a manifestation of a friendly disposition towards America. have DUFF-GORDON The well-known Englishwoman who is, having trofible with the govern- mefit on the charge of undervaluing gowns tmported from London LADY CELEBRATES CENTENARY. Congregation Recognizes Interesting Event. Brockville, Ont:, June 29.---The one hundredth anniversary of the English church nt Delta was celebrated, yester- day, in a fitting "manner by the con- gregation and "residents of the sur- rounding country. Bishop Mills con- ducted services in the morning, which were followed by a basket picnic Fhe corper-stone was laid in 1811, al- though the exact date is not known, It iz simply built of stone after the old Celtic fashion, without ehancel, and with a square tower, The bell bears upon it the date 1525, and was the gift. of Sir John Beverley Robin: son, chief justice of Upper Canada. Anglican King Alfonso"s Health Bad. London, June 29.--That:. the condi tion of hing Alonso of Spain is far more serious than hus been admitted is the assertion of the Madrid corres pondent of the Evening Times. Another operation for removing a piece of diseasad bone in his head has become imperative. There is a con stant discharge from the left ear, and the larynx is affected. The royal pa- tient, it is said, suffers acute pain. Father of Lady Laurier Dead, Arthabaska, June 20-0. N. R. La fontaine, father of Lady Laurier, died, vesterday, at the age of ninety-five. The funeral will be private. The de- céased was for many vears a resident of Montreal, where he was engaged in business. He was "living in Montreal in 186%, when Miss Zoe Lafontaine, the faurier was married to student who became pre Lady law future young mer Candidates Chosen. Lindsay, Ont., June 20.--West Vie- toria liberals nominated C. FE. Weeks, Woodville, for the commons Orangeville, Ont,, June 29 Dufferin county conservatives renominated John Uxbridge, Ont., Juve 29. North On tario conservatives renominated Sam- uel Sharpe and 'W. H, Hoyle, M.P.P., for commons and legislature, Raitway--Company Going Speciat to thn Whig Ottawa, June 20. ~The campaign to organize tie Somputy for, she con struction of an electric railway from Ottawa to Kingston, is meeting with a great deal of sutedss in Carleton county. Meetings ars being held in all parts of the county and not only are there. large attendances at each, but the men are contribsliog generously. Robert MeElroy, M.P.P., Edward Kidd, MiP: George Dickinson, ¥. B. Proctor, Upson, the railway construc tion exert, George Boyes, Ex-Al. McGrath, ani others are interested, An efiort is being made to raise 3100, 000 for the fmal surveys and: laying andertaking has beens so very suocessfnl that it looks as il it would not be long before the engineers were at work. The line will follow approximately the west bauk of the Ridean river and the section from Smith's Falls to Ottawa will be built fest. When running it i believed that it wii have heavy trafic ae it wilt supply the needs of 5 country now a F sonsider: distances from amy rail SERIOUS CRISIS I; at Present Being nn THE SEAMAN'S STRIKE CAUSES BIG ADVANCE IN, FOOD PRICES, Factories in 4 Dosen Cities Have Closed--King and Quéen Attend. ed Thanksgiving Service in St. Paul's Cathedral, > London, Eng., June 29.--Englamd to- day is facing the mosl serious crisis of recent years owing to the seamen's strike. Food prices have already ad. vanced twenty-five r cent, 'Rioting is reported from a dozen cities. Coast- wise and foreign traffic is paralysed, with the exception of that of channel steamers. : Vessels coming -into port are 'com pelled to drop anchor as no experien- ced men are available to aid them in entering berths. Crews of light- ships ati the mouth of the Mersey have joined the strikers. If not re placed before night it will mean a terrible danger to incoming vessels. Factories in a dozen cities shut down today because of a lack of raw ma- terials. 2 The small increase granted by the shipping federation without recogni- tion of the union has been rejected by the strikers. . tt Thanksgiving Service. London, June 29.--The king, - queen, Prince of Wales and Princess Mary attended coronation thamksgiving ser- vice in St. Paul's cathedral to-day. Afterwards they had lunch with the mayor and corporation at the Guild hall. The procession, though not so spectacular as the coronation pro- cession, was witnessed by great crowds, Fiftéen thousand' troops lin ed the streets. ure The Bread Was Stolen. "London, June 29.--Saskatchewan's coronation present to the king, which was a silver bread basket, filled with bread; arrived minus the loaves. De tegtivee are working on the mystery, AVIATOR FELL 500 FEET, But All Injury He Sustained Was a yi Broken Ankle: HL Chicago, June 29.-John J. Boyee, aviator, fell five hundred feet. His fall was broken by telephope wires. He sustained only a sprained ankle snd winor injuries. THE LOSS OF WHEAT PLACED AT $55,000 Covered by Insurance--The Calvin Company Busy at the Wrecked : Barge Davie. St. Lawrence Park, N.Y., June 29.-- Work was commenced, Tuesday after noon, in raising the steamer Davie; sunk opposite St. Lawrence Park, about two weeks ago. The boat, laden with a cargo of wheat and oals, was en. route to Montreal, when she struck a rock off Thousand Island Park, put- ting a large hole in the bottom. After water had leaked into the hall to the depth of six feet, the crew headed for Hatnall Point, but were unable to -beach the boat, which tot tered on to its sede in seventy-eight feet of water: - The salvage work i» being done by the Calvin company; Kingston, Ont. and it is expected that the work will be completed in less than a month, The cargo, comsisting of 41,000 bushels of wheat and 5,000 bushels of oats, is ruined. It has been estimated. that the Joss would be about $55,000, which is almost wholly . covered by insurance. The hull, which was the property of the Montreal Transportation come pany, ia not covered by jnsurance. STAMP ISSUE A FAILURE. One of Many Faults is Bad Likeness of King George. London, June 29.---Nobody has a word to say in praise of the new postage stamps, which have béen in circulation since Coronation dav. The poverty of the design and the mediocrity of the Eaving = are rowidly dondemned, o the post. minster-gimeral will be asked in parlia- ment if be will consides, the advisabili- ty «% withdeawing the stamps and Baving a. fresh issue designed with = portrait of King" George thet shall be an sotual miniature likenoss of his majesty. a THREE YEARS IN PEN Ottawa, this morning, was sentenced to three years in penitentiary for stealing Bar- on Gazette, the famous Just belong ing to his employer. The horse was recovered in where Golethe had left it. He was found in Ports mouth by the Kingston police and pleaded guilty. Twelve thousand oils damage done, Thursday morning, by fire in arid Cloak 's warehouse, ¥ ; wo FATHER SHOT BY SON ~ | SR ing Late Hours. Montresl, June 20. ~--Solomon 1 aged fiity-live; was brosgit to geveral hospital, this morning, a 'bullet wound in the right side of his head. He accused his son, aged twen- ty-four, of the shooting. It is said father and son quarvelied over the latter keeping 'late howrs, and the shooting resalted. The son was ar rested. Wer the ROBBERS HELD UP TRAIN. tered" Mail. Glendale, Oregon, June 29.--Robbers held up the Southern Pacific train in Cow Creek canyon. They blew up the safe in the mad car, and. carried off the registered mail. They are believed to have mistaken this for the sscond section of the train which carried four hundred thousand dollars in gold dust. ------------ ny BUNDLE SENT BY AEROPLANE TO. SHP Aviator Delivers Package as Olympic Steams Through Narrows---Feat By Man-Bird, New York, June 20.-<-The first piece of merchandise ever delivered at wea by aeroplane fell on the upper deck the giant White Star line Olympie, ¥, as she steamed through the Narrows, outward-bound on her maid- en eastward passage. W. Atlee Burpee, of Philadelphia, had contracted for delivery before sail. ing with a department store, which en- gaged the services of Thomas Sopwith, the English aviator, for the purpose. With Richard R. Sinclair, secretary of the Awe Club, holding the package, Sopwith rose from the aviation grounds at Garden City, spied out the Olympic as shy bore ponderously down the Hudson, timed his flight to meet her in the Narrows, and set his course over land and sea, Working nearer and nearer, he cir- cled the ship as low as he dared, hovering overhead for an instant and then made back for shore, Ianding safely on the grounds of the Cres cent Athletic Club at Bay Ridge, as be had planned. While Sopwith controlled the adro- plane, Sinclair dropped the package at the given signal. No word came rom on board of whether it had Tanded "or not, Hut 16 those in near by «raft and to the aviator it seemed that it landed all right. Sepwith later flew back to the avia- tion grounds. For making the fight across Long Isdand and out inte the Fwater nnd refarn, Sopwith was od a $1,000 e offered hy the Aero Club, of New oth. "Tha presentation was made at a dinner given at Gar: den City, tendered the aviator by for- mer Lieut.-Gov, Timothy L. Woodruff. First Wedding in Fifty Years. Pittsfield. Mass., June 29---After waiting fifty vears, the town of Mount Washington, in. the southery part of the Berkshire Hills, has had a chonce to witness a wedding. The Rev. Milton Whitiieiv, past i WCongregational church Cents'e, Conn., snd Miss Lama Reid ( Schutt, of Mount Washington, were married yesterday. It was the first in the town in half a century. Stole Canadian Jewellery. London, Eng., June 20 Lieutenants Armour and McCarthy of the Canad ian __ contingent yesterday prosecuted two nomcommissioned officers of the home regular detachment for stealing their jewelery, ete, during their ab. sence on the Coronation days, Several other officers were robbed. The total value of the property taken wns £100 The prisoners got two mouths each Porter's Whisk Will Disappear. Junge 29. The Burlington raflroad has furnished its Pullman porters with vacuum cleaners ~~ with which to take the dust of passengers clothing at the end of trips, instead of with whisk brooms. SANK A STEAMER NEAR MURRAY BAY The Steamer General Wolfe Went Down After Her Passengers Had Quebe, June 29. The steamer Avon more arrived here; this morning, with Chicago, sister wleamer, the General: Wolle, op- posite Muwiray Bay. The pescongbrs and crew $f the Walle were transferred to the Avonmore, just before the Wolle sank in deep water. The boat is a total loss. Bath boats run between Quebec and river posts. SUED FOR COOL MILLION. J. D. McArthur in Ottawa Regarding His Action. Ottawn, Jane 20-J. DD. MeArthur, contractor, for the Winnipeg-Supetior Jumetion section of the Transsontinen: tal railway, is here in connection with the million dollar suit which he is lentering sgaipst the government in teeover deductions made hy the arb trafors on his comtrdel, bothuse overclassifications. The cass will "ba heard in the sxchejuer cofirt thie fall Carp Ate Strawberries. Jee, Mase. June 290 -Fredevick Vo ren, a fii an at Lee Reservow, says he saw a water and ck etrawherties hanging ten inches above the water's sarface, el A tsp nt. Tour of the Islands. , Dominion day, 230 pm. board. * 1 i When He Upbraided Him for Keep-| with | Blew Up Safe and Took the Regis! awatds-| Med. of. any sort. at Rrookfield | the news that yesterday whe struck her | of | t carp reach out of the | 2 LAST EDITION -------- WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronts, Ont. June 29 19 am Ot tawa Valley and Taher St. Lawrence -- inrth- westerly winds: - fine to-day. i Friday, fine and moderately warm, : A A 000003050000 000800000¢ THIS STORB- 3 Will close every day during 5 pm, « CLEARING. SALE --OF-- DRESS LINENS To - Morrow 75¢ DRESS LINENS, 28¢, Many weaves, many colors, in the lot are Linen Serges, Canvas Cloths, Egyptian Cloths, Widewales, eto. In colors Sky, Creme, Old Rose, Plok, Tiger Brown, Helio, ° Tan Amythist, Copenhagen, etc. THESE MATERIALS Are guaranteed all pure linen. Some are 1 yard wide, most of them 45 Inches wide. = Regular Prices 30c, 60¢ and 78¢. To-Morrow they're yours AT: 25¢ HIGH-CLASS FABRICS Youill feel proud to wear, whether e in a Suit, Long Coal. or Skirt for motoring, boating or outing ser- WR i GOODS ON DISPLAY IN WEST WINDOW. STEACY'S THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN AS USUAL SATURDAY AND CLOSED MONDAY ALL DAY. MARRIED DALE --CULLIN--At Gananoque, June 10th. 1811. by Rev T. Pitcher, James 5. Dale to Miss Lena Cullin, both of Kingston. DONOGHU B--DONOGHUE--In - Kings- on Wednesday, June 28th, by the Rev. Father Halligan, Margaret Bernadetta, * youngent daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D Joneghle, city, t6 John Doms inle eldest aon of Mr, P. W, Donoghue, Winnipeg, Man. ---------- i OBERT J. REID, The Undertaker. "Phone B77. Princess Street JAMES REID The ON of U Pd BRASS BEDS. Five of them dhat we will sacrifice price. TURK'E. " ROWNTREE'S Coronation Biscuits JAMES REDDEN & C0. | Drowned in Whey Tank. - | Broekville, Ont, Juge 29 --Orvills, the threevearold son of James Hen tderson, proprietor of the creamery st Athens, was miss from home Tues lgar at a he 105, | day afternoon and after a search of {the neighborhood attention wae dis recten to th creamery whey tank, | where the v was found. i Unnoticed, the child accidentally { tumble] in and apparently made no {oaters as he would have been easily | roard by employees of the cramery. i School Boycott Ended. | Ei, Petersburg, June 29.<A dispatch from Warsaw states thai the congress {of the national democratic parfy, to. day, decided to discontinie the boy- {cots of government schools in Poland, i w-- 1,000 Istands--eRochester, { Steamers Caspian and North King j leave st 10.15 a.m. daily for Thousand islands, and ot 5 pm. for Rothster, INY. J. F. Hanley, agmt. -------- Seely's toilet waters, "Prouss's drag I stove, : Ee ---- RA rd TRE 3 Bp a de Sant a on