GRAND UNION # HOT. = = 5 THOMAS ta Proxe 987. GHEE EE io lao Hh Te an sitentios | Queen Street. ; TON = 3 R EMEDY. and ia in eh Success, Yorgi ers Taher uk es a. at ira & Co. 90. man St, York City, or Lyman os, Co. Lad. Toronter | Hin dott Ne. required setf addressed envelope | to Dr, Chae. Co. Haverstock Rd. Landon, Eng. Try newDragée(Tastciess) Freach * Lovigar hv ial or Mai 0 os Sears Form of Therapion, easy to oT sale, 'asting cure. i JFor Health Drink McCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's. the! best. Agent, R. J. LAWLER { COAL The' kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal » good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. ---- iE Crown Gypsum Hair Plaster saves labor and will make your walls practically inde- structible, P. WALSH 85-57 Barrack Street I COHEN British-American HighClass Ladies' Talloring. WHI remove from 231 Prin- cess Street to. a (iner pre. mises at 267 Princess Street on 4 or about July 15th, Reducing all hig prices in any ladies' garments before moving. Latest style and fit guaran- teed. Quench Your Thirst DUBLIN GINGER ALE, LEMON SYRUP. LIME JUICE, RASPBERRY VINEGAR. LEMONADE. ORANGEADE. D. COUPER, 'Phone 76. 841.8 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery. 7 Tnsnithing& Plumbing YE A rr All kinds of Tinsmith, Plumbing and Contract am, Stoves taken down and stor- ed for the summer at moder- ate rates. Y All work promptly attended 0. Lemmon Bros. : } 'Phone 198. 201 Princess St. 300 Cords Pecled Pulp Wood "This Wood was peeled and plied under cover tp dry. We are offering this Wood to the public at $5.00 per cord. cut in any lengths. This Is the best lot of Wood ever offered for spring and summer use, Try ® and be con- vinced. SOWARDS ara 188. End Ontario Street. let us furnish wl home 3 i iring and Ee .* Fixtures complete, lighting. CHEAPER THAN LoL oI. 7 PRINCESS STRE " { Phone 441 : + i PHONT Plus Street wher | § 1 NOT TO SUBMIT TO THE VACCL NATION ORDER 2 In the Province of Quebec -- A | , Kingston Citizen Glad That There i is a Spirit of Freedom in That { Province, > i Kingston, : tory: | see that the provincial board of bealth for Quebec province is going ita prosecute the municipalities in that | province for failing to enforce . com- { pulsory vaccination, aceording to the iboard's orders. I am a Yittle surpris- led that the municipalities have not | yet, at least a great number of them, iced | complied with the board's regulations, ! but it ouly goes to show that even in | what is sometimes called benighted { Quebec, there is a spirit of freedom, { and - some enlightenment on the ques {tion of vaccination, I have a son working at Montreal, iso I am interested in the compulsory {vaccination law there. I have advised { him not to comply with the order to fo vaccinated, and if he is fined 1 will pay his fine. 1 broeght him through {two pretty strenuous compulsory vac- ieination® "bluffs" here, and if he is a son of his father's, he will not bow to tany such tyranny. Cowpulsory vaccination laws should be repealed at once. They do not be long to the age in which we live. They were made about the middie of the last century, and are worse than conscription which is long since aban- doned. They are on a par with hang ing for witcheraft. There has never been a fine nor an imprisonment in Canada for not com- plying 'With compulsory vaccination. All compulsion has been by coercion oft the part of the anthorivie, which is a contemptible way to enforce a law. There is no doubt that vaccina- tion, as practised in this couptry, is illegal. The seed virus of the vaccine used is human small-pox. I would like to see some one in On- 'tario prosecuted for refusing to be smallpoxed, to test the legality of the question. I will venture to say you could not find a jury of twelve good men and true, if the case was allowed to be presented to them fairly, who wonld conviet the defendant. There is no fear of the health authorities in this province allowing the question to come before a jury. They know too well the weakness of their case. The Whig remembers what 8 time they had: here in Kingston, a few years ago, in trying to get some one on whom to place the regpousibility of enforcing their order; and how ig- nominiously they failed to carry out the "proclamation" posted on the fences and walls of our town. When our daring "Dan" shook his fist in their faces, the city fathers took the nasty looking thing off the fences and J wricd it, [hope for ever; but not before it buried some of or citizens and will bury more as the years roll on. The politicians, too, got a lesson they will po' soon forget. They re member the majority the voters gave the man who stood up for the freedom of the people. And again, they got a "hunch" in the election of the present mayor," who was the only other man among the city fathers who, from the first, stood up against compulsion. | am not saying these men were elected solely on this question, but it had » big influence, which I know for a fact. I have come to the conclusion, if we wish to rid our statute books of this out-of-date and unnecessary, if not useless law, we shall have to take the uestion of compulsion into politics. Get it before the people. It is a pub lic question and one the people should decide. I am convinced that the man who makes it an issue will have the vast majority of the voters with him. let the anti-compulsionists be up and doing. If you are interested enough to want to know who is the writer of this let- ter, if you give the editor your name I am sure he will be pleased to tell you--~ONE INTERESTED, Take Heed of This. roplo whose dally habits are cone ha ly active sgon wear but Nature's delicate machinery, Nervous exhaus- tion, general debility, sleep ete., imvariably follow. An invigorat ing tonic such as Iron Tonic Pills will restore wasting vitality and fone up the system, Price 25 cents at J: B. Meleod's Drug Stores. - Notes on Sports. Cornell won the American intercolle- giate eight-oared race. University of Pennsylvania beat To- ronto {ricket Club, at Toronto. Philadelphia 'Nationils are recalling Southpaw Brennan, who pitched a no hit, no-run game for Bu alo on Suns day. Chicago and New York are running tay Shows forthe Natiaual 1 og ean i latter is ip Walt Doane, the Brooklyn Nation al League catcher, and Tony Smith, the utility in from the same club, have to the Toronto Club. The New York Giants are wing "Mike" Donlin as a pinch hitter. x is now with the Giants regularly, will be retained, in any event, ind Rochester; who an off day on Friday, will hate that day at frie Be of Mon- day, the being made in order to have an idle day before Joly 4th, Pi French may visit are Moreau, ond HAS ADVISED HIS SON June 28:~{To\ the Bdi- A CASINO COSTUME WITH SCARF AND PICTURE HAT. et Over the rich lace and linen frock this transparent wrap of em-! broidered chiffon is most effective, but the black and 'white reproducti| on cannot convey an idea of the lovely color blending, of wrap and ha.t | The wrap is made of black chitfon embroidered with silver, green and | an indescribable ashes of rose pink, and the big leghorn hat is wound | with black malines against which cluster two bunches of silk grapes, | one in a pale, translucent green shade, the other in the delicate alien | of roses color. "NORWAY SOLVES PROBLEM. Maids Cam Only Change Positions Twice Yearly. In Norway they appear to have solved the servant problem to the satisfaction of both mistress and maid. In_such places as Bergen, Christiania, and other large cities, the municipal government, takes entire charge of the matter. There is a central employ: ment bureau under municipal control, and twice a year--once in. summer and once in winter --diseatisfied ser- vants can look out "for new masters, and mistresses, and dissatisfied em ployers can seek to improve their service. The bureau fs open for one week, and the mistress who wants a maid can go to it, fill in a form stating her requirements and the wages she is willing to pay, and then leave all the rest to the bureau. Her card is placed on file and the position she offers is posted in a con spicuouy place on a blackboard. Men and women servants in wan® of work examine these cards, and, when they jecide upon applying for any position, submit their recommendations to the bureau for examination. H these are satisfactory, . the applicant receives a card to the prospective employer, available for one day only. Should the lady hire the servant, she fills up the card with a list of du ties, wages, and forms of service agreed upon, and returns it to the bureau, ese it is carefully filled for future reference if necessary. If the applicant does tot suit, the card is retyrned with "not satisfactory," which indicates that other applicants may be sent.' ---- FISK HANGED AT CALGARY, Went to Gallows Protesting His In. nocence. Calgary, Alta., June 28. ~Protesting his innocence to the last, John Fisk was hi at the Mounted Police Barracks, here, yesterday morning, tor the murder of Tucker Peach, a ranch- er of Okotoks, May 15th, 1910. TB M.. Robertson, whose confession yon. Fisk, will be hanged on murder was traced by ton batting in. the head of the victim, which was found in the Bow river. Fisk 'came = here from Bruce county, Ont. some WHY FALLON IS CHOSEN. Experience as Educator Desirable in Toronto Diocese. _ Loddon, Ont., June. 28. ~The beliel is general here that Bishop Fallon, of ond, will succeed the late Arch bishop McEvay as head of the diocese of Toronto The main reason advariced is that the completion of the great St. Augus- tine seminary will call for the super vision and administration of a man ly in touch with educational work. This is the particularly strong point about Bishop Fallon, who, not aply in Ottawa, but in Buffalo, made his name by educational work. STEEL TRUST D DOMINATES ve | Many Things--What t the Commission] Will Report. . Washington, Jupe 28.--It is prediet- ud, today, that the report of the spe cothmittee investi- ti United States Steel Cor- Sa will he tion HOW TO RAISE A RACE OF PRODIGIES READY FOR OOL- LEGE AT ELEVEN. A Harvard Professor Explains In an Essay--His Thirteen-year-old Son is in His Third Year at Harvard. Boston, June 28.--How to raise a | race of child prodigies ready for col- | lege at eleven is explained by Prof. | Boris Sidis, of Harvard College in an esany. he has just written. Prof. Si- dis' sop' now thirteen, bas just com- pleted his second year at Harvard. "As long as the home is dominated by commercial 'ideals, the school will turn put mediocre tradesmen," says Prof. Sidis. "What wonder that: the children of ten and eleven can hardly read and 'write, are little brutes and waste away their precious life in the early grades of some elementary close, dusty, over-heated rooms of the school ? "There is » period in the child's life, between the ages of five and ten, when he is very inquisitive. The spirit of enquiry, the genius of man, is more sacred than any abstract belief, dogma and creed. | appeal you, fathers and mothers, and to you liberal-minded readers, asking you to turn your at tention to the education of your chil- dren, to the trainihg of the . young generation of * future citi I do not appeal to our official educators, to the clerks of our teaghing shops, for they are beyond all hope." Latimer Budget. Latimer, June 28.--The garden-party held here, on the evening of Corona- tion day was a success, The hear that he has not yet from the fever. chased a ow rubber-tired buggy. Mr. and - Mrs. Guess, of Kingston, spent Sunday evening at Thomas Traves'. Prof. Lanos' Tittle son Alberic, from Kingston, is spending his holidays with Master Cecil Sherwood. Mr. and Mus. J. G. Prickett have returned to many | | friends of Thomas Traves are sorry to | recovered | Harry Darling has pur- | Baker's Cocoa and Chocolate ARE THE STANDARDS OF. THE WORLD 33 Highest Awards in Europe and America THE NEW MILL U.S. A. by the employment of manufact ure, consumers world will be maintained. q To Registered Trade-Mark her father's, Thomas Sherwood's, af through | the states as far as the coast on theif i Was | i ter taking an extended trip honeymoon: Mrs. B. Collings juite seriously injured by a kick from a cow. A little d: aughter has taken up her abode at Mr. "and Mrs. Thom- as Traves'., Edward Cochrane has erected a new machine shed. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Bruce and little 'Jackie' at J. Sherman's; M. Me Culla and vephew; Mr. and Mrs. J. | Renny and Miss Ames, of Kingston, | and Mr. and Mise Vere Woolfe, of Lat- | imer, spent Sunday at B. Hunt's; Mise | Beatrice Traves and Miss Effie Leath- erland, Sydenham High School, and Wiss Mae Taylor, from Perth Road, A ------------------------ At Yonge Mills. Yonge Mills, June 27.--Messrs, James | Hall and Robert Torrance, Toronto, | are spenditig a few days at ames | Purvis'. Mrs. H. Simmons, Rossie, N.Y, is the guest of Mrs. N. Me Lean. Miss Addie Mclean left, yester-! day, to visit her brother in Calgary. Frederick - Kilmurray had the misfor- tune to fall from a w and Trae ture his ankle. Mise Edith Avery, Irackville, gent a few days with her | sister, Mps. Clow. Roy Gib- son in. Saturday, after spending several months in Deer, Alta, r. and Mae. Ee, Collins y, are re. Iw Reott, over Sr rs, J. Hom, Alexan- dria Bay, returned home, jay, after a week with the » Purvis. Mr. En Mrs. Roy m, Brackets have sheen visiting here. Nr. and Mrs. William E. E. Elliott, of + are all home for thei: holidays. | { DORCHESTER, MASS. AT 1000 ALBERT STREET, q For over 131 years these well-known preparations have heen Smade only at the company's mills (the largest in the world) at Dorchester, Mass., In order to keep pace with the rapidly increasing demand for its goods in the Doriiinion of Canada and the British Provinces, a large mill has been put in operation in Montreal. TY } Our Cakes Lead In Quality Try our fee Cream Cake at . . Fi oe . Metal Co. Ltd, Fraser Avenue, Toronto . MONTREAL 1 aq With the finest possible equipment of modern machinery, with the accumulated experience of more than century and a quarter in these lection and b lending of cocoa beans and a perfect mechanical process of and dealers are assured 'that the uniformity of quality and delicacy of flavor which have made these goods the standards of the facilitate the distribution of goods, selling offices are located at Montreal, Winnipeg and Vancouver. We guarantee the absolute purity of these goods under the pure food laws of Canada WALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED MONTREAL, CANADA KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited). "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-sixth year. Fall Term begins August th. Courses 1a Book keepin Shorthand, Tele graphy, Civil Bervics and Bagilish Our graduates got the best positions Within a short time over wsixt toured positions with one of t lar raliway cor porations Tn Canada. Enter any me all or write for informas .F.- Metoalfe, -- Principal, Kingston. Canada. tion. 20900000000000000000000 BAD WATER AGAIN WHY NOT BE SAFEI--DRINK THOMPSON'S Celebrated Dublin and BDeifast GINGER ALE." Guaranteed to equal any fm. ° ported Ginger Ale. Try a case and be convinced, Thompson Bottling Co. one aon eT.