were oe y mirers, and although barely move than s eurt lant salutation on those who more for him than for all the. others. | The Montelair demael er Tis face » i , i nak mighty change that astutely saw great she eveired the two seasons with . Mrs, Gentry juiuutivghess, but she marsgled muck i changed the subject. possibilisios in beri i) Shewtill stood belore him, a di- but clumsy braids. had been no bevies admirers in those days. Willie Ges-1. if you ; dev + hand had gri Many May Seo But it Takes Genius >to Realize. When James Wail saw the steam using, the kettle lid to jump up and down he said, "There must be power in thst steam that it can lift such a was, prior to him had seen the 8 afd regnided od il as ialery. scientific research. has put ite |w 0 the 'cause' of dandruff, (all- [tr is, ¢ ble ture by or trom OLEAN, CONVENIENT. COOK WITH GAS. | to the Office of Queen Street, or "Phone bring the necessary infor} bra ters lat run of refusal slips, you flosking wo - to. submit good-by was young, but she Now it was difierent. Willie was only an humble one in the growp fluttering male moths flame Mamie's personalit; feast, this scemed to be the condition to the denser brains of the men who 'watched them. With the* women it was different. They see the trend of Mamie's thought. Much of the Moutclaic were kept replon- of a fectory nund soap-- ymie. She wos given , seasons in fhe pod automobiles her I, aud in fact, for which she wished was laid at her | little feet. She ran the gamut of in- wocent pleasures, She sounded the depths of every man's man ees" Wace Borenely be watobed her remained In these the family coffers ished from the manufacturing as spent ips a achts youd {olis; ¥ which eats the root hair. fr Beis a human hatro triumphs, but. bis at his unskill a stick for 4 hero and a frump for a heroine. His stuf was unreal, less, His eliusions hastened Jy back when submitted to the mage- iam. Just before ot Toddytows on another acrosh the seas, she youth a 'whole afternoon § is aw tious weeret Mamie Montclair tiously to the | "Have you she url, "Not yet," acknowledged valy, "but 1 have Zecived twa let- . t . niet and HO from clasp, and afler several attempls 'had convulsively spoken y and hurried away. understood. Bias days William _ with two fingers he wes "painfully; learning the intricacies the typewriter, at fiction signed Mit hod aud pleas: aropod Yipes Ind Begun to 'destroy much good white paper, aud | nde , and 400 pounds, ' 1s fifteen and ten miles." | there that' she wae a thor envious contingent of the town. When ie, | a gawky giel in pigails, had been ! thrust upon a fram and went to Mrs. Gentry's finishing school at Baven- (je * She lowered her eyed, was no one to they h y was to take place n inihe ol wen he forma Mumie the iy: Ab exidting could currency -- etrope wite al anything a laborously of orude, were y pencil generally building life- prompt- Mamie had taken leave: sudden trip given the, liam had not wholly improved unities. He had not spoken of love. 0 He had, however, broken iuto the crypt of his heart to pavade his ambi» bad listened sa- any of your Soties?™ deftly, arranging a dark editors--outside 'Williars my "I believe 1 ean do mueh--il you want me 10," w he said {om thirty hick you that i you. ra "if you mean J swered meekly, --40 sel inet it thet 1 dide' They were oa the ¥i rinda of the Noutelnir mausion--a "* yy, I've sold a story Iu bis elation Gaylord abruptly "f--} am so glad," whispergd the of beauty with eves miputive lowered. 1 told you you could win would." Gaylord came resolutely up closed fiereé arms about her. : "Pm going to marry vou," he said, loudly. ""And--and mo darned count eam butt in" ' Such was the manner of Gaylord's wooing. ------ WHAT CHINESE COOLIES DO. Can Cavey 107 Pounds Forty Miles a "A Chinese toolie," said a mission- , "will carry 107 pounds forty '% day over difficult and moun tainobs roads. His pay will be six cents a day, and on this he will live well enough; eggs, for example" chet jug only two cents a doen in inland China. "Thers is no porter on earth equal the wen, with loads "of com) tea on their . Salt, coal, calico, cop- per andl tea are carried by coalies thonsands of miles. ¥ . "The express coolie, with bis light miles. woblics, Jamel respectively with 200 do twen Cave Builget. ? Myer's | Cave, June 27.--Straw [ant crop is repo ; county, who were the ts » Rintoul's parents, he" and Mrs, ed Bh ) land Pink, Mrs. John Curtis visited their daugh- d, Northbroov, y y . Mr. Lloyd is very , Miss Mabel Soott, of Toronto, iw vi her parents, Mr. and Mr C. Hegtt. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Perry en: torte of 'the 16th, George Cou: nots, of Harlowe, is repairing over the Jlissinsippo at Myer's end. toe gallery or city churches. 'picking is about over and an al "fsound and senmble. rted. Fheuutiogk foe . Gar- . McGregor, for a few days, return- ' Th last. Couri- 56. Charles, :| the frec entry of their products a lew of their friends on the! "tha! Hui i £ E didn't. You seemed' - remaining time until 1730. In the afternoons, when at the ace, her majesty, usually visits ospital or sof, charitable istitu- tian, or perhaps some interosting place {fu or near as the pic- I in the country, she goes upon ap expedi- tion with her children to places in the neighborhood of historical or lo- eal interest, or visits some local insti- tution. After tea she mds the in- tevvening hours until dinner upon her entrespondency, of in giving inter- views. After dinner she reads until 1030, aml then retirds Co rest. The letter gives an interesting in- sight into the que's attitude toward charities, statihg that :-- "As to the charities and other iu- stitutions, her majesty pays visits (more ur less surprise omes) to all those to which she gives ber name, i and inquires carefully into the work. ings of ti She also takes great pains to get the right people on the Sotnitine, often asking theas her- "The queen is very particular ex to the i on which the charities ls * {are worked. She believes firmly in not Spauperizing, but helping people to {hip themselves, and she always con ® w or assistance givén lo the individual! will help the whole community, or merely cridte a class dependent upon it. "With the exveption of a fow char " bities taken up by the late Ducirss of Teck, and kept om for love of her 5 the queen's name to & charity is rally a guarantees that it is good and properly worked. The queen be lieves in charactor as against senti- mental talk, and feeling, and would wgver pander to the popular fad of the day wnbees the fad was "Of course, therefore, she been properly appoxiated by man in the street, but she ie gitning to be understood by t peaple, and will be so and more as time goes on. | it is her innate sense of truth and t that prevents her oy SWAY, 848 80 ANDY wor men ave, by the feeling of the mo- ment." : Logic of Political Emergency. New York Tribune. Some of the statesmen of Washing: ton who have been enlarging upon the not the be- all mare think has :' calamity which will overtake the Am- erican farmer if the Canadian recipro- '| eity agreement is put into effect have much to learn before they become '{ Binished all-round prophets of disaster, "| The « who ean teach them is the Hon. R. L. Bordan, a member of the Canadian. perliament and the leader of the opheervative party in that body who has been making a trip through western Gpoada persuade the farmers of that region that they have nothing to gain from nto the American market. gs Jasden. there is no ] to ain, bul only po i de A ing to all known laws of exchange, even inclnd- ing those of horse-desling, it is im- write 3 ity Fy i if 1 - ¥ i fig, 3 fee she | trying-4o: . {ply, "will need the bumlance. The railways -~ - A QUAINT WRAP IN THE An indisputable French coutw which appeared at the races in bon is the dernier eri, some cases--a fashion borrowed fro pink satin, SOCIAL EVENT AT PARHAM. Which Methodist Parsonage Mortgage Was Burned. Parham, Jum On Friday even- ing, June 2rd, garden parity was held on J. A. Goodiellow's lawn, Rev, J. Talman Pitcher, of Gananoque, chairman of Kingston district, was present, also Rev. A. W. Stewart and wife, of Wolle Island. The social was one Of the best ever held in the vil lage. The proceeds amounted to §U8, One of the principal features wags the burning of the mortgage on fhe Méth- odist parsonage, and a display of fire works, br. and At IN a N. B. Topping, the new pastor, family have arrived at the par: sonage. The several students of Syd: enham high school ure home for the { holidays. A private picnic was held on Engle Lake, Saturday, June 20th; {about forty-five enjoyed the sumptu ous dinner. Dr. Topping was very generous, by giving the picnickers fre quent trips in his large motor boat among ithe picturesque islands. A goodly number of the youug people at- tended the lawn social at Tichborne last evening. Miss Muriel Howes and Master Richard Goodiellow are ex pected home, to-day, from Harrow smith, where they have been writing on the recent emtrance examinations J. A. Goodfellow: spent "Sunday last at Yarker. ~ Visitors : Miss Mildred Goodiellow, Ear! Bertrim and David Goodfellow, at W.. DD. Black's; G. H. Goediellow, Temagami, home on a short holi day. Miss Lena Dawson, of St. Paul, Minn., at G. W. Killins'; J. T. Con- nolly, Yarker, at J. A. Goodiellow's Miss I. Lillins, at James Davison's R. 'T. Snook, principal of the public school staff, left for Montreal, on Sun day, returning to-day, accompanied by his wife and little daughter, May, from England, 1s THE WESTERN HARVEST. 0 Forty Thousand Mgn Handle pie' Crop. Reports from fhe Capadian. west extimate the confing crop ut 200,000, Ye bushels; the Jargest iu the history of 'this country! There is a much larger area unde cultivation this year than ever before, {and the climatic con- ditions have so Yar been ideal. An army of men will be required ter handle this crop, beiween 38,000 and $0,000 and the west is looking to the east for the larger part of the sap Saskaichewan aloe, it is officially stated, will require at. least 20,000 har yesters, almost double what it secured last year, and Manitoba and Alberta will, of course, run harvest excursions al ret rates, as in former years, commencing early in August, and aa good" wages ace likely 'to rale, thon sands of young men will doubtless be attracted to the west this autgnn and will be able to return with" lots of cash and valuable experivhoe. ---------------------- As a Compliment. sondent informs us. that at tig of the Zoo logical Society eld Thomas de scribed a jon of menimals from Eastern Asis, and stated that, in re ition ._of the help given by the e of Redford, in forming this col lection, he proposed to sane & pew species of Striped Shrew, alter the duchess. -- Punch. #4 0 » Sleeper to and From Toronto, The Grand Trunk reilway are pera 4 sleeping ear io apd from The car A. eo the lst sotentific » ting . onto for the summer season, it open to receive at the city station 9.30 pom, leaving wf 12.5 am, for Toronto snd ceturving tomes Toromto 10.30 p.m, allowing passaigers to occupy the car Tere un til 5.99 am. . : ; x 4 Paris one day inst month. panel at the back is particularly smart and the These pleatings of silk wrap is made of changeable gray and pink taffeta and is Tor i Because his wife has 8 punch thai VERY NEWEST FASHION. vier is sponsor for this little wrap The long trimming of pleated rib are even ravelled in m a mode of fifty years ago. The lined with shell i BARRIEFIELD CHILE HURT. on Board Walk and Cut Her Knee Badly. June 28. =Mise Hilda is training in Solvay general hospital, Detroit, passed her exsminations, successfully, and - has been accepted nurse-in-training Mrs. Dived], has been visiting her mother, Mrs. G. Medley, his {ple for her home Syracuse, N.Y. Mes Daley, city, is visiting Mrs, Me Niece Mise Irene Stauton is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. N. Saunders, city, Miss MN Turner has returned from visiting at Cushendall, Miss Beatrice Allen is vis- iting at her brother's, Allandale. Froderick Allan lost a valuable hound Little Miss Myrtle Pugh had a pain ful aesident on Sunday pight. While walking on the sidewalk below Barrie field hill, she tripped aad fell, and re- knee which had She is doing os Tripped Barriefield, kK. Allan, who as who in eoived a gash in her to have six stitches well as can be expected Miss Bertha. Pugh and Miss Ethel Anderson leave for Gananogue, to vis it frionds. Miss Lillie Pugh leaves, next month, for New York, where she will enter the New York hospiial for a course in nursing, and will resign her position ag organist of St Mark's church. Mrs. W. Hunter, Isle of Man, visited her mother, Mrs. W. Norman Miss Alice Norman is visiting at the Isle of Man. Robert Stanton leaves for Simcoe Island, to camp for a few weeks, Rev. A. H. Mefireer is away on a few days' visit, but will be bag on Saturday. Miss leave Hutohings has returned to her home in the city, after wisiting friends at "The Pines." Mrs. W. Stanton, city, spent Sunday at her brother's, 8. Salsbury. Miss B, Allan iy expecting visitors from To- Mys. Frank Allan, Rochester, her mother, Mrs, hay Montreal ronto visiting left for Lrange, Trouser Skirts 2,000 B.C, During a lecture at the Royal Inet tution, Dr. W. L. Courtenay pointed out that the fresco painting in - the Cretan palaces of the period about 2, 000 years BA. showed that the wo men were tight-laced and pinched in their waists, that they had foupced or accordinn-pleated skirts, an elabor- ate coifiure, wore dainty with high heels, hats which might have come from a Parisian hat shop, and ope lady might even be des ribed wearing a "jupe cullotte." Ono of the chief amusemenia of these ladies was watching bull fights, shoes Complexions Made Sightig. A complexion that is mmred by pimples, blotches other eruptions can be made smooth and fair by the uso of Wade's Ointment. It is the owe thing to remember when any healing remedy is required. It cures eczoma (salt rheum), old sores, bed sores, piles, catarrli; dand tuff and all scaly or ching eruptions of the wkin. In bix boxes, 25 cenils at Jag. B, Mgleod's drug étore. Cashier Short: Skipped Out. - Syracuse; N.Y., "June 30 ~Peserting his invalid wife and sick daughter, Guy BH. Clark, for many years cashier of the First National bank of Ener ville, has disappearsd, leaving behind him a, hote in which he confessed to Baving misappropristed $43,000, IF the amount siolen, $35,000 be longed to the bank while the remain dor war money placed io his hands for aulekeoping by trusting friends. He find, at least $7,000 with him when be 'went sway. mean a meal in a moment ~-- for a cube makes a cupful of rich delicious bedf-tea. ; ; 4 Cubes, roc. o x E UR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Gramwisied Sugar Has been tried and found excellent for preservi table . use, Price In siways right. ANDREW MACLEAN, Outarie Street. SONS P0OINOS INNO ® ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR, x ® The place to get joe Cream thal Kkiths [that tired feeling Berved go raat pariers All in Bright; «© kinds of California Fralts ia - season. e 184 Princess Street. 'Phoue 848, a 00000000000 0000000000 Hee With the "Rosster™ un Is crowing louder ag he goo along, Only 46¢c per pound. "For chewing and smoking AT A, MAULEAN'S, Ontario Street, NOTHING LIKE HAVING YOUR PICTURES FRAMED RIGHT, Every shop cannot do it Rut we can Our. customers know tits; but If you do not bring us your pictures and let us show low satisfactory it is to have us de your framing, you wil not know how Our caoliection of high-class Pictures will alse be attractive WEESE & CO, Pine Photographer, HECLUBHOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, ha Princess), There are Other hotels, but" none approach the Club for homelike surroundings. . located in centre of city and cide to principal stores and T re Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week, PF. M. THOMPSON, FPreprieter, HPV BVA VE TVW SUITS FOR ALL Men's and Boys Suits and Over coats. Ladies' Suits. Rugs, Curtains, Oflcloths, Blanks ots, ote «Jewellery, Art Squares ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN. All kinds of Boots and Shoes. Ladies', Men's, Children's. Cheapest ' prices, Call and sxsmine the Goods snd "Joseph Abramsky 268 PRINCHES- STREET. All kinds of Tinamithing and Plumb ing on shortest notice, "8s fore in oves taken down and good dty store room. : We make a specialty of Hol "Ais Heating. Good American Coal Oil at ldo. per gallon, delivered to all parts of the W. C. BENNETT Phone 1033 : 373 King St. Agerts Jor the Souvenir Stoves and C. H. Pickering Dealer in Groceries, Frulf and Vegelables, Fresh and Halt Meals, Flour and Feed, Hay and Birav and Chinaware. C. H. Pickering 409 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 530. » WE . Try onr Jee Cream Cake ut Piovence Cake at .... Swiss Mountain at . . Angel Cakes at ... ----