Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jun 1911, p. 6

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A -------------- © le a A a aaa . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OOOO) = "2 - EXTRAORDINARY = And These Are But a Few of the Big List Ready For You at n 2 0 » [ro -------- ¢ 20 onl Men's o Vout almos . two-piece Pure Wool H t all siges in the lot. ere sold way at $10.00 and $12.00 Take Your Choice For $4:95 un Suits, odd lines' ey & Co's. Big in regular 5 64 Men's Li ht and Dark three-piece Tweed Buits, sizes 34 to : 44 in the lot, regular $10.00 I You Should Be Sure and See The Men's and Young Men's Suits It is a positive fact that the ing shown in the city at $20. We are anxious to unload Our Price is $13.85. ; We have a large range of Boys' Two and Three - Piece Suits which we are clearing out at cost. / we are showing at $13.86 same identical goods are be- On Saturday You Can Have Your. Choice of any Stiff Hat in the Store for | ONE DOLLAR As We Never Handle Amy Cheap Hats (None Below $2.00,) This is Certainly a Big Bargain Ete. If © - 82 Men's Light and Dark Worsted Suits. The kind you always 16 for. All sizes, 34 to 44. y I rant us dea? » They are them out. : Your Choice for $9.75. d lines and en | Children's Wash Suits in Russian, Buster and Sailor Styles NOW GOING AT HALF PRICE 0 wo are ofe been offered either in Kingston, Toronto, or | SALE PRICES on Shirts, Underwear, u havenot been in yet, then yr ring Greater Bargains in Clothing, than have ever We Have Our Hoviery, Ties Belts, u should come, for Montreal. This Is No Idle Boast. | Reasons For Doing This. COME IN 127 PRINCESS STREET PERIL RT eA TNT RFs Tenses ee AS HE AWAITED. ARRIVAL OF HIS SON'S REMAINS, The Bedy of Little Georgs Latey Mad Probably Been Moved by Dynamitihg--Iit Was in a Decom- "The of the body of five-year- od G iley shortly before three clock, Thursday afternoon, Just ek from the time he disappedrod, to a close the mystery which the "whole city wondering Shoce te fellqw disappenred. It came "a sad time, whet, after a week's 2, rents my 46, the grief stricken . a ibility that the boy wright he Biscovery wis minds hy Arthar wir to hope that there 1 who was out mn his bont dog. He found the hady ving on ; oh Ue south skle of Pelle's Juland a few minutes to three o'clock. The Wak lying on its face, and Mr. Tisdale turael it over to make 'surethat it was the iLissing one, and returned: 40 the weia siwoke, He tele phoned the police and 1". C, Mullinger' went out to nvestignte, When he ledraed the details, be connmunicated with police headquarters and Coroner . was notified, Corbeit's ambu lance was sent for and was soon on the scene. y : PL. Mallinger and Mr. Tisdale row- od back to the spot where the body wan, a distance of hall a mile, and towed it in. The lather, who was on the spot, pleaded in vain to be allow. ed to go out in the boat after his won, and when refused sat down on =u, rock and gave way to sobs. He gain od Romtrol of his feelings until the boat with the body reached the shore. zed on the swollen and Sand f his litth n, h storied features oO 1s little 200, he completely, and had to be tod away. The body was in a badly decomposed state, being swollen considerably from beiug in the water so long. he fea ? a were scarcely recognizable, but "(Be clothing which he had on, served 18 identify the shild_as being he missing oe. Coroner Ross viewed the iain, and ordered them removed to 3 's morgue. Upon arriving there Ware examined, and in inquest decided as unnecessary. i The body was found in a direct line from where the little fellow was seen last, und it is the belief that the in' the viewity of where i» ted, had moved - the ad drifted with an un- to the place where he was . Evidently the body had been on the shore for a day or two, - mpath of the whole vom. gi th the bereaved parents = "June 21--Farmers of this wetting bright smiles over ; erop. Thomas Barrett horse last week Visi- av Thomas Young's; und at her lin v's; Mrs, M. Conway and ingen, Edward 0 y %, Cole lake. | Western Christian TO FIX CONCESSION STREET. City and Township Will Egch Pay Half the Cost. A deputatio from Kingston ship council waited on the civie board of works in a body at its meeting Thursday afternoon in regard to the repairing of Concession street roadway, which has been in a bad state of repair for a number of years, and nothing has been done to fix it. The road is the boundary line hetween the city and township of Kingston, and ns such should be in a better state of repair than it is at the pre sont time. The township is quite willing to bear half the expense for wach repuits as would be decided up- oh. 3 It. was decided to leave the matter {o two sul-eommitiees, one appointed from the townrhip council and the othr from thy board of works to do as they thought best regarding the roms. City Fong neer Craig, Ald. Rig- ney and All Bailey were appointed 48 an eommiltes to represent the poard of works in the matter. As soon committees will get town us possible the together Will be a Feature in Clty on July The management of the Young Buf falo Wild West show, which comes to this city for an afternoon and night engagement, Monday, July Fith élaims. to have a syrprise.in stare for the amusement lovers. They elaim up- wards of 700 cowboys, cowgirls, Cin- galose, Mexienn ruralies and larjat throwers, Russian Cossacks, Canadian mounted police, United States caval rymeén, and rough riders from all quar: tersof the globe. They further state that 300 mustangs, broncos, wad In' dinn cow ponies is the sum total of horse flesh with the aggregation. Among the stars of the arenic world is Annie Oakley, the world's gréatest womnh rifle shot; Curtis List and Capt. Stuprt, famous ' ; Ame brose Means, daring American' cows boy, famous on account of his exe ploits in the East African veldt,, vhere he captured, alive, inofery lions, tigers and other fevocius anihills with his lariat. A big street parade Will be given. A Good Lawyer. "What , kind of a career bave ma out for your boy, Josh" "Pm goin' to. make a I& ai you AK (Abi, answered: Farmer Cortitossel. ney for "He's got an uncony tendin' to other folks' bushes an he might as well paid for it." -- dvocate. © 1.000 . Steamers Caspian and North Xing leave at 10.15 a.m. daily for Thousand Islands, and at 5 pm. for Rochester, NY. op, Hanley, agent. : . Williams' Deception. 4 © Willian has © sent hig: wile to the continent Tor his health." ' "His health ¥* a Si a Yodo 1s) told 75 ii THE BOARD OF WORKS THE CITY 1S THREATENED WITH LAWSUIT on be Ser. If it Does Not Move Cabstands Clarence Street--Streets to Paved tp Have Names and vices Early Installed. \ A} the regular session of the Board of Works, which met Thursday afte noon, the following were prasent, Alds. Rigney, (chairman); Bailey, Harrison, Toye and Fraser. A second letter' was read oom W. BH. Compton regarding the building line at which houses should be built, No action could be taken, as under the act relating to ft, provision in a case like that ix only made for cities with a population of 50,000 or over. The cab-stand «question came up again, with the addition that A. WI Cunningham, the complaintant threatened to take action against the ity unless somthing was done. Ac- tioh was deferred for some time, as the stands would have to be removed ag soon as the work of paving the streets is commenced, A communication was read from E. Dennie, Barrie street, complaining about the grates in front of his resi- denice, between Raglan Road and John street. His house is on a side hill, and whenever it: raing, the. "water flows over the sidewalk on his property. He thrastened daniage unless some ac tion is taken. The matter was referred to the city solicitor, for report. It was decided to continue Cowdy street to Adelaide street, and' do the necessary grading. The eity engineer was instructed to proceed with the work as samp as possible. A econerefey walk from Sydenham {Clergy street, on the north side William street, will be built as as possible. i 'A communication wag reml from the engineer regarding the water und gas mains in the territory where perman- ent pavements are to be laid. On Well ington, street, almost the entire street has been dug up in fixing -these pains, and the result is that the street is left in a very unsettled condition. = Work will be started on the lower. end of Clarence street to give this a chance to settle down. In the present state, the foundation is not solid enough. He thought it advisable to have the mains on other streets which will certainly be paved within the next five vears, gone over so that the streets will be brought to a level hefore the pavement is laid. 'A motion was passed that the different departments be notified to have all maing that are not in good con dition -repaiferl on such streafs as wre mentioned by the eity engineer. It was also recommended that in view of the tenders for asphaltic ma cadam pavement being too high. that they be not accepted, and a call for new tenders he extended. isin lime to of soon incurable. "Let me kiss those tears away," he begged tenderly. She fell into his arms and he was busy: for the next few minutes. And vet the tenrs flowed om. "Can nothing stop them ?"" ha asked breathlessly. : "No," she wurmurved; "it is hay fever, you know. But gp on with the treatment." --Silent Partoer. Too Much Hollerin'. an extra session of yy "Well," replied Farmer Corntossel, "some exiry sessions is like some ex- try newspapers. They ain't enough in 'em to justify the hollerin'."~Wash- nglon Star. orts _galote at big Trish pienie, ni. Polo dy gramme. * "What de you think of the idea of | hreadt olay. Sea _ poor ipomox for POEEEmeENORes ERE TEE esses EEE Sesame WEDDING AT LANSDOWNE. § ug -- Death of Mrs. Ann Moorehead, Aged Ninety-five. Lansdowne, June 29. A quiet, wed ding. was solemnized at the residence of Mes, Sarah Fredenburg, on Wednes day, 28th; ~et 10.30 am. wheu he daughter; Mrs, Minnie VianCamp, was united in marriage to Allan W. Burteh, furniture dealer. The bride was be comingly gowned in gray silk, and was unattended, After a dainty luncheon the happy couple left for 'a trip to Hamilton and other western points of interest, Much regret will felt numerous friends of Andrew J. Watty throughout the county, when they learn of his death, which ocenrred at Alexandria -- Bay, N.Y.. 6n Saturday evening, at the home of his daughter, Mre. Buetch, after a fow weeks' ill ness. Deceased was widely known, be ing a great horseman, and was high- ly esteemed for his uprightness, hones ty and. kind-heartédness. The funeral services were held in the Methodist churclon Tuesday, the remains being interred in Lansdowne cemetery, One who was perhaps the oldest resi dent "in this Tocality, passed away, Monday morning, in the person of Mrs, Ann Moorehead, aged ninety-five years And four months, _ Deceased had been blind for the past thirteen years, but pessesséd al] other faculties alinost unimpaired. She was of home-loving dispogition, and beloved lbhy all whe had the pleasure of her acquaintance. She leaves three daungh- ters, Mrs. Shearer, Mrs. Wright, Mrs Killenbeck, and one son, Jamé® The funeral spryvices weve held in the Meth- odist church, on Tuesday, Mr. Beck- stedt officiating. The remains interved ,at Union cemetery. Mr. sud Mrs. A R. Fowler, Brock: ville, spent Wednesday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 8. CC. E. Dixon. Mr. MeAndrow, of the well-known firm, Me Andrew Bros, Toronto, has just com pleted "a beautiful curtain and also scenery, for® the town hall. In spité of the inflement weather on Monday evening, St. John's annual strawberry festival was a success, the receipts being over $40. Miss Myrtle Wallage, of Trgqupis,. who hag been visitifig her brothet for, the past two weeks, leaves, on Saturday, for Her home. be by the a quiet, were Baby's Name Again. Lippincott's"' , A wieely dressed and altogether pre pOssbesing. VosRg woman was tutning over the leaves of a direciory. in a Baltimore drug store whed a testy old gentleinan entered. He, too, wish- ed to consult the directory to learn the address of a man with whom he had some business at that time. He stood nhout now and then casting: heavy looks in the divection of the directory and coughing suggestively leaf after leaf without any apparent intention to decide whether the name she. was seeking was Brown, Smith or Jones, iy : Finally. shen . matters were. begin ning to grew pretty tome, the obd gentleman offered. to ase'st the young woman, suggesting that his experience might tend to save tie Wed Tessen 'her, labor, With a sweet smile full of appreciation che replied: "Oh, thanks * or We most kind * I am trying to find a real pretty. name for my baby." hPa t ------ A "I wish 16 go onthe stage, nit from love of admiration, but to earn my tand butter,' remasked the fa': ieant. FF Then T. guess 1 ean give voll," replied the manager. phia Record. i -------------- Join the Crowd. And come to Camphell Bros', et Four new SRmmer t. favorite siyles from 5%. up. you a Philadel- ' Still the woman placidly turned over | PRET AIETe se Rs eRe deeanT ese sees Ee eee TOWN OF GANANOQUE GARDEN PARTY FOR REALIZED GOOD SUM. Steamer § uin Took a Big Cargo From Gananoque Factories--The Schools" of the Town Have (losed. 30. --~Gananoque BAND Gananoque, June encampment, No. 89, LO.OF., held its semi-annual election of Wed nesday evening, with this result : Jun ior past C.P., Maldolm Harding; C.P., Clarke Allen; H.P., G. A, Smith; S.W_, George 5. Martin; JW, J. EE. Thom son; scribe, NR. Gardner; treasurer, A. H. Allen; ygepreseniative grand en- ecampment at Niagara, Roy Kemp, DDG. ; : The W.M.8. of Gerace church held a business session vesterday alternoon The report of the committee of man agement in charge of the recent con vention gave its financial report, showing a surplus of about £25, The business meeting of the ladies in charge. of the complimentary gar den party at the public park, Satur day afternoon and evening, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Allen, Wednesday evening. As a sult of their efforts, the treasurer handed to W. V. Battams, manage of the band, a cheque for 266.30, to apply: on the new uniforms: for the bandsmen; which are expected here for their use at thé Board of Trade's Do minion day celebration < The coal schooner Britton has ar rived with another cargo of eoal, and is unloading at Britton's wharf. The officers, re has board, made a eall Club's quarters, yesterday: The- coal schooner Horace Taber cleared for Oswego, vesterday, for another eargo Rev. Heury Gracey, attending the session of the Kingston presbytery, in Napanee, has returned home. The big steel freighter, Sequin, rived here about noon yesterday, took on a large quantity of from the D. F. Jones company; from the Steel company of Canada; wheels from the Ontario Wheel com pany; springs from the Gananoque Spring and Axle company; hinges from the Cowah & Britton company, and rivets from Parmenter & Bulloch, all billed, for western points, between Sault We. Marie and Vancouver, B.C The high and public school teach ing stall of the town have finished their duties for the term, the public school closing at noon vesterday, and the following out-of-town members of the staff leave shortly for their homes Miss Edith J. Hind, for Hagersville Miss A. A. Houson, Peterboro: Miss at 'the Uanoe 'ar and shovels moti. antl O'Connor, Kingston; Miss Butler, Napanee: Miss Black, Trenton, and Miss Sykes, Campbeliford. Me. and Mrs. W. 6G. Triest, New York city, spent the past few days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maedonald, at "Blink bonny." Mrs. Tanver, Cedar Rapids, Moot , is. the guest of her sister, Mrs AN. Parker, King street. Donald Serson," pupil of Trinity College School, Port Hope, has arrived to pend his vacation here with his moth- er, Mrs. J. R. Serson, Princess street 2 Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, June 25 Rev. Mr. Dixon A preached his farewell sermon on Sun- day evening last to a large congrega tion. He left for his new field of la- bor on Wednesday dast. Rev. Mr. Barnes will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday evening, Mrs. Sandy Winters, Frankiord, and ber two danghiers are visiting friends in the village after an absence of iwesty : 5a a 2 " Ask your grocer years. , for "Ganlity" four, maxufactured by Maple Len Milling See Bibby 's $15 blue suits, steamer North Queen, with a party on bolts, | Sheldon, Brockville; (he Misses Melber RONEY | & CO.- ge ses mee Pealer in all kinds of New and Second. hand Goods sale drop a card to 242 Ontario Street ees eTa eT ee sade eee feeieine) JWAH LONG'S LAUNDRY First-olacs work guaranteed. Dr me card und 1! wif call pron yd your laundry 156 WELLINGT ST, petw een Brock and Clarence Bts. H. SUGARMAN, . - We Will Sell Saturday Morning, 8.30 "CLOG ho 1" Black Gloria & Taffeta Underskirts Gloria Taffeta is the best imitation of Taf- feta Silk ever made in the world. It rus- tles like silk and wears better. These skirts are sold regular at $1.50 and $1.75. Saturday 98c. A 20 Doz. Ladies' Fine Muslin Night- gowns and Skirts Well made and trimmed. Sold in the reg- ular way, $1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Saturday 98c, i -------- r------ Dresses, Chambrays, Muslin and Ginghams. Prices range $4.00 to 6.00. Also 20 White Linen (not Cotton) Long Coats $6 to 9.00, Saturday $1.98. EN French Mull Dresses, Light and all colors, Lace Trimmed, $5.00 to 8.00. Saturday $2.98 All Linen Hand Embroidered : Dresses. White and all colors, the Jatest New York Productions. $9.50 to 15.00. Saturday $3.98. -- -- - SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. 1% a o .WALDRON|

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