. ae DAILY BRITISH we, SATURDAY, JULY. 1. 1911, + - HOTEL DIR ECTORY. DESERONTO, GO TO THE STEWARY HOUSE, LEAD- fog Gomme re ial Hoel Rates, $1.50 Weg 4 'THOS, STEWART, Prop. ----_-- -------- ™ AVELLING, TINT LITE ~ Dominion Day : | SATURDAY, JULY 1st | Routid rip tickets will be Issued at] SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE, | Good going June 30th and July ist ana good to return until July 4th Tickets sotd (o intermediate points | betwebn Montredl and Toronto in con- | nection Wit the sbove will not be | gond on trains 1 and 4 { Roni Homeseckers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA, «= TUESDAY, JILY 10TH, Tuesday thereafter | wd Lo return with-! gocond 19h... and every until Bept, in 80 dave Th 1h tourist sleepers vh via Chicago, Bt Toronto tol Paul and | 1 berth reservations and information, anpiv t J -furthe rl . HANLEY, Agent. IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. ~ DOMINION DAY Y, JULY lst Round trip tickets will be issued - SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE Good going June 30th and July 1st | and good to return until July 4th. Homeseekers' Excursions Manitoba, Saskatchewan gad Al-| berta, Vv June 27th. July 11th, 25th. August Sth. 22nd. Sept. Gth, 19th. Tickets good for 60 days. | Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Wicket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY: : Gen, Pass. Agent. HAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Uplon Station, Ontario Eitreet, 4 pm. dally (Sunday excepted), for Tweed, Bydenham, Napanee, Deser- onia, Bannockburn and" all points norkh To aecurg fuick despatch te Bannockburn, Mayvnooth, and faints on Central-Ontatio Route your shipments vin Bay of Quinte Raliway. For fur- ther partionlars, apply, RB. H, Ward, ¥ri. Agent; J. H, Welch, I'ass Agent. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers re LAWRENCE PICTURESQUE ST. ROUTE. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. June 23; Fri June 30; Pri, July 21 July 2% July Aug. 4 July 14 "Wri, 'Aug. -11 TO GLASGOW, Sat Victorian, Fri, Corsican, Pri, Virginian, Fri, Funisinn, Fri, MONTREAL fesporinn, Sat. June. 24; onfan, Sat, July 1; Sat Gramplan, Bay, July 8: Sat, Beatian, ,, July 15; Sat. Aug AHONTIIL TO HAVRE LONDON. This service ia composed of ohe class, second cabin steamers, sailing from Montreal every Saturday. : lates modorate. AND Pull Information on application to J. IP. BANLEY, CC. 8°KIRKPATRICK EE TWTEY: . TIRTENCS St i Agents, Kingston. ¥HE ALLAN LINE, 77 Youge Sireet, Toronto, LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Hp Cruises in Conl Latitudes, » 8 "Cascapedin," 1,000 tons, re. cently filed out on the Clyde, speci ally for this service, with all modern comforts % ™ ¥8, at 4 pm, 6th and 20th Nr 17th and 31st August, 14th aay 28th TH and from Quehue t lowin ay at noon for Pictan REA Hug g at Gaspg, Mal Bay ree, ay River, Rutnineraide, 1, and Charlottetown, PEI, "New York From Quebec Vin the Tar-famed River Sagwenny calling &t Gadpe, Charlottetown and Halifax, 88 Trinidad, 2600 tons, galls from Wuebed, at § pm, Hh aml] Jun July, 11h and 25th August, and Sth September. Sevier Excursions, $10 and op, by | the Twin Serew 88 "Bermudian" 6, $98 {ons sailing from New York at 71 , Sth July, and 3 pan, 18th and IMb f ned every 18 days thereaiter biura ure eceoled hy sea breeges sod above 30 degrees. trips of the season tor ROM MONTREAL ON comfort. ed ckotn and atatranms, Apply to # KIRKPAT. | Aa Age i nis, Kingston, Out. QUEBEC TEAMS HIP COMPANY, QUEBEC. I ax ONTARIO AND. NAY = OF STEAMBOAT Co, LTD. » Lo oo ca, dally at! calling at d Gana R lunch, dimnsr, ot on those occasions when good fellows get together, you can't find better ale than - Catholic It has character, uni- form, purity, and an un- usual deliciousness to its flavor. AN INTERESTING STORY ABOUT DR. GRENFELL. Touch of Romance in His Marriage, Which Took Place Two Years Ago --Work Carried on in His Labra- dor ~~ Home. % \Speing to the average Canadian heans a multiplicity of recreations, Ve have worked hard all winter and welcome the change. We give too { little thought to the men who have { worked not only bard, but herpically in places much colder than this--of the Mounted Policeman perishing on duty in the far Northwest, of Dr. Wil- fred T. Grenfell going his perilous rounds as' medical missionary in the, equally rigorous Northeast. De. Grendell, whe received an honor. ary degreé' at Tyronto University. ye cently, has been described as preaci- Ler, teacher, physician, surgeon, navi. | gator, pilot, cnarnly commissioner, or | phans' guardian, wreck investigator, salvager of stranded craft, ana per- | ambulating Providence to every man, { woman and child on the desolate Lab. | rador coast. And at this moment he {and all the people he befriends are | preparing to throw up their hats in | celebration of the break-up of the ice i ields there. A story which Dr. Grenfell once told in Toronto will give an idea of the variety' and non-sectarian character of his work. One day he was called ! to a distant settlement to see a Roman woman who had met with an accident, He found is necessary to amputate one gf her legs, and she begged him to get her a wooden one, | for crippled folk are not among the fit- | test who survive on that rough coast. Presently he heard of the death of a. {man who had used two wooden legs. He was a Methodist, and he had ex- | pressed a wish that 'the legs should | bé turned over to the Deep Sea Mis- { sion. fell, So it happened that Dr. Gren- who is an Episcopalian, fitted a | Methodist leg on a Roman Catholic ORDER FROM "RIGNEY and HICKEY, 136 and 138 Princess St. BREWED BY DOMINICN BREWERY CO. Lid. Toronto { who fascinated him. woman, and the experiment worked very satisfactorily. Dr. Grenfell's marriage two years | ago was & romance indeed, He was turning from London--which he can | visit without any regrets that he is | what he is instead of what he might have been--a fashionable London sur- geon. On shipboard he saw a girl thought much about women before. passenger and said: try to marry that girl." | The friend was astonished, but the { doctor was as good as his word. The | engagement was made on the ship, {ant it turned out that the girl was | Miss Clanahan, daughter of a wealthy Fw Skin| Health A lifetime of disfigure- ment and suffering often results from improper neglect of simple skin af- fections. Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, affords the purest, sweetest and most economical Method of caring for the complexion, preventing minor erup- tions from becoming chronic, and speedily dis- pelling severe eczemas and other torturing humors, itchings and irritations, from infancy to age. Cattoury Hoan ad Ointment ate wid by druggies svarywhere. Potter Dug & Chem. Corp, Sole Props, Boston, Mass. ~ Matied free, Cusisurs Book on fhe care of skin and scalp. SUMMER' SERVICE STEAMERS "TORONTO" AND "KINGSTON" faave Kingston $.08 ar 1,000 Islands, Rapids. St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec and Saguenay. Westbound at 506 pm. for Char lotte (Port Rochester) and Toronto, Dally texcent, Monday) during June. After July 182" daily, Steamer "Belleviiie" betwesn Hamils ton, 'Tovente, Kingston. Montreal and intermediate ports. Leaves Kingston, eastbound, Wednesdays, Westbound, Batu jirdays, For tickets, folders ete, apply to J. P, Hanley Ticked ent, Kingston, or write H one Chaffee, AG.P.A. To- rondo, I TWO CRUISES | AROUND Ty she Disasuship | CLEVELAND» oi TTX Won | wy EE " (THe rst vo age ae ¥ : ox Ax So Tah BE OCEAN oie AINE Ter LINER [js ¥ 8 hora, and Nn Lg ETE AN Le Duration 110 A DAYS AND Pp ment F. | Dominion. , land Canal, | terms of the treaty, t boundary am, sustbound] )! nicago man. She gave up home and he attractions of a big city, and went Lgl ladly with Dr. Grenfell to his lonely { Labrador jlome. Now there is a Wil- {fred Grenfell, } Fix Alaska Boundary Line. On behalf of the Dominion Govern. H. Mackie, of the Interior Department, will shortly start work on the survey of the Alaska boundary Jing from the head of Portland Canal to the open sea. The task is an un- | usually important one, requiring very careful calculations, and will prob- ably occupy three seasons in its ac- 'treatment of the skin or | complishment. trea { Mr. Mackie is one of the most ex. | pert members of the technical staff of WwW. FE chief" astronomer of the He has been engaged in Alaska- boundary work for years, and { has had charge of parties. Last sea- son he was engaged in a region of | snowcaps and glaciers about forty miles inland from the head of Port | wher King, B.C. From, Eagle Point, according to the the imaginary boundary line runs due east to the centre of the canal and thence turns motith to the sea following the centre of the canal. Ordinary methods of riangulation will be adopted in carry- ing out this work. At the entrance of line swings due minating directly -- south -- of Muyon at the south end of Prince of | Wales Island, Alaska, . According to the Canadian conten- tion this will make Dixon Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands territor- ial waters of Canada, ensuring ex- { clusively to Canadians the right to fish on the greatest halibut banks in existence. the canal west, ter- A Timely Question. In the Province of Ontario, there is { a certain judge who is extremely fond fof a game of gol, He is also some- { what given to strong language when v game is not to lis liking. Some { time ago, he had unusually poor luck 'and resorted to a vocabulary more vigorous than judicial. A friend re- monstrated, saying: { "A judge ought to set the rest of | us a better example." "I'm speaking as a golfer, not as a- member of the Bench., was the reply. Whereupon, * the friend related for { his benufit the following story: There was once a German prince { who was also a bishop. In the course | of the hunt, a mischance greatly an- | Swear profusely. When his language | was at ifs worst, a clergyman. ap- proached, who was somewhat shmeked at Jhe fofanity and shop said: 1 "To think that a bi wp sould use | such words!" 1 wy swear as a prince, not as h | bishop." was the reply. may be," was (the quick. re- tort; "but, if the Dy¢vil gets the prince, who will get the bishop?" Greater Influx of Americans. Bruce Walker, Dominion immigra- "tion commissioner at Washington, (has announced that this year will seo at least 200,000 American farmers come into Western Canada, and up {to the present the increase from the i British Isles shows fully 40 per cent. over last year, and will reach the | enormous. total of anothér 200.000 to be added to 'the populati of the i west this year. . Can You Beat sample stool of wl AT. N° Root farm at Warner, Alta, has 102 stalks and was twenty-seven inches high. This is a sample of what win- fter wheat in Warner district is like, severing thoussnds-of ele He had never | 2 the southern land | { boundary starts at Eagle Point, a few | miles from Stewart, the | Cape i i gered this magnate who Jrosteded to | -- . TR-- b--- BIBBY'S = STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone - 201 » P » - Carriage Painting SOME CLASS TO OURS. This is the place to have your Bui hie went 10 a friend who wes a i Auto repainted to stand all kinds of "I am going to { Weather. He didn't | | know her name or anything about her. E. J. DUNPHY, Car. Montreal asd Ordnamce Streetn The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Dizzi. gl mess, and Indigestion. They do their duty, Small Pill, Small Dose, Spall Price. Genuine must bear Signature 2 Jrerrresnsyesansan ne BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. ASBESTIC PLASTER FOR SALE. ALSO OOAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. S. Bennett & Co. Cor, Hagot and Barrack Hts. "Phone 941. VV VVVAOVVSRCSNS CSTV TTL BELT ETICRLC see | rrr errr | THAT AWFUL | BACKACHE Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Morton's Gap, Kentucky.--*1 suf. fered two years with female disorders, so qmy health was very 'fbad and I had a | jcontinual backache dwhich was simply awful. I could not stand on my feet long enough to cook a meal's victuals without my back inearly killing me, - would have i sen- could reness in each side, could not stand t tight clothing, and was irregular. 1 was completely run down. On ad. vice I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and Liver Pills peo am enjoying good health. It is now more than two years and I have not had an ache or pain since: Idoall my own work, washing and everything, and never have the backache any more. 1 think your iwedicine is it to all my neighbors. If you my will help others jou may OODALL, ery Gap, Kentucky. Backache A he nic ment. EE J BEST 'MEN ARE KILLED, Dr. J. A. Macdonald Tells Plain Facts About War. "The civilization is tho international area, and there should be such a meeting A national minds as would make law- ficult and reprciensive as against a sigte The arcs must be civilized." That is the yigorous r e-beDr James A. Macdonald, of to. Canada, editor of The Globe, the Wordd Peace Founda- ablished by Edward Ginn, of and it was uttered during a on of the proposed arbitration betwe en the™ United States, and France. Dr. fo wmald 'think ks the submission of th treatly particularly timely, month mark: the ¥0th f the outbregk of the Twa yrars hente - the : én the two cat i nk =o long a period of ational amity would have been le." continued Dr. Macdonald, "had the 40 miles of Canadian frontier bristled with fortifications and the Great Lakes been patrolied with battleships of the two nations? "The burden of armaments caused by the old uncivilized method of settling differences between nations has become simply intolerable waste of revenue iz oné of the great. ! est obstacles in the way of large social reforms. There is necessarily a limitation in the amount of money | that can be applied to internal im- | war of IR13 centennial of "| provements when a nation like Great Britain spends. $350,000,000 a year on | her war budget. "The warfare against and-crime, &nd to advance the cause | f civilization, and enlightenment and | human -welfare, requires as ;much i | courage and self-sacrifice as are need ed~en--the--battiefield-- Canada not afford the cost of. war. I do not | mean so mueh the money cost as the | cost in men. We need all the brain | and brawn, the courage and patrio- i tism of our people for the fields and shops and to carry on the work»of | government : "The same qualities 'of unselfish- ness and sacsifice that aré drawn out | and stimulated by war are needed in ! the fight against the foes of honest | commercial and industrial life, the | great organized and leagued forces of | greed. The very term 'captain of | industry" is taken from the military | exicon, and perhaps unconsciously 1s the belief that many of our greatest corporations aré organized to defeat the interests of the people and to prevail at the expense of our pub- | lic welfare. i "One of the things that has haunt. | ed me, especially since I was in Eng: | i< the reaction of war on of the pec oe What was true tome under the Caesars and of Frans se following the Napoleonic wars is true to-day. THe standard of the nation's manhood has suffered. In | Scotland 1 found it had been neces. sary to the physical require- ments three times within the last | century to secure men to complete | the regiments. "In war.ihe law of evelution--the | survival of the fittest--works inverse- ily. It is the fittest who are sacrificed and who do not survive. The unjust land laws of Great Britain sent many | of her most ambitious sons over the | and formed one of, the big fac. | social degeneration of A more important fac- | was the loss of capabla | slain on the field of | lower AAS tors in the the country tor, however, and virile men battle." Model Farms y Far 'North. 'he stage which left Edmonton Jor i Athabasca Landing on a recent day | carried among its passengers Mess G. Card and A. J. Bell, formerly of | Guelph and Prince Albert, respective. ly, who will plant and maintain for ears to come along the lonely shores | of the Mackenzie River the most northerly demonstration farms in the | Dominion. Mr. Bell will be which liez on the northern boundary of the Pre Alberta, while Mr. Card's lot will be cast in Fort Simpson, on the Mac kenzie, at one » the headquarters | of the Hudson Bay Co. for the whole north country ! These points were chosen as the | best adapted for-the location of farms | for the demonstration of.the agricul- | turg| possibilities- of Canada's hinter- and at the same time to hold to the northern Indians the man. | life lived by men in civilized | mities For this reason the are to be more or less under the Department of Indian Affairs. stationéd at Fort line of the | vinee of Smith Crime on Increase. Bix m on' s activity of the Ontario proving pulite summar zed in a re- port made at the Parliament Build- | ings recently. The stics are for | toe h year engling April 30. | The work included B44 ease of 100. There were 592 « ns, 316 fines, 133 senter , 0 Sls pe nded sentences and 130 cases pend. ang sta an in- | convics 'Ase, For violation of the liquor license jaid 167 cases, 132 fines and 3 other | sentences, The finés totaled $9,110 The provincial seized 5.463 liguur, 123 gallons, 4 bar. eis, 195 gallons of high wines and Dib gal ions of beer Violation of fish and®game laws: 61 | prosecutions, 47 fines, amount $1,74C. Houses of ill-fame: 2 sentenced io imprisonment, 9 fined, 4 released, ! ise harged. i Sixtyeizht charges with 63 Canadians. Total aggregate of fines, $13,269. police of vagrancy, Rapidly Growing City. Windsor, Omt., is boasting of its | growth, and indeed it seems to have | cause for boasting. The record of building returns for Canada in April | shows that the only piace that beat | Windsor was Prince Albert, which bad | an increase of 825 per cent. Windsor's increase was 335 per cent, and Bt. Thomas camé third with 1871.2 per dent And Windsor is keeping at it. The | amount of its building permits for Jou lev. first hall of May is more than double that of the whole of May, 1910. | Heroes, like sermons, are often' A family tree sometimes domon- strates how respectable 'we ean be in| spite of our ancestors. ' 3 3 great twilight zone of modern | legsness between two nations as dif- | crime | international | statement. | 4 since this. anniversary | mtries will | This } ignorance | _ |For Health CHILDREN | Drink MeCarthey' 8 Ale SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED " and Porter. It's the best. : uo: |Agent, R. Jd LAWLER § Se---- KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited). pon a Sa; » Highest Education at Lowest Cest Tweaty-sixals year, Fall Tern begins August Joth Courses in Bookkeeping, Rorthand, Teles graphy, Civil Service a 4 pn} shy 2 Our ; gradusies get he Lest alt od positions. . Within a aha time "drug stores. over sixty secured positions wit one of the largest raliway cor. jorations in Canada. Enter any time. Call-or write for informa. Meteoalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada to fine RAN TOL TOOTH I AS -------------- TOOTIE tharow igh y clean tion. LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW MET HOD TREATMENT sire t > cal I the attention of all those y Blood or Skin Disease to re "tment is a guaranteed these complamts. There is no ex- 1y person having a distigured face from raring and blotches 0 matter er hereditary or acquired, our specifie tL neutralize ali pol pel them from the perience in the treat $ the most serious and complicated cases enables us tc riect a cure without experiroenting, Wedo business on the plan--Pay Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you have any blood dise ase, con- Charge and let us ) Lly our remedies will " of disease. | Under the infuent © No 'Method Treatment the skin be lear, ulcers, panples "nd blotches larged glands are reduced, fallen s in again. the eyes become mbition and energy return, and the Fiethn reglizes & new life has opened up to 'You CAN ARRANGE TO-PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED ies and treat i the blood ail of the Send for Sooklet on Diseases of Men : "THE GOLDEN MONITOR "FREE If unable yy call, write for a Question List for Home Treatment Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. magn OTICE All letters from Canada must be Addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Oat. If you desire to see us personally it our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in ¢ Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for ( dian business Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address, only. made to order. i When you are jaded---your appe- tite poor---your whole system weary--just try a glass of Labatt's Ale and Stout Pleases the palate, refreshes the body, agrees with . the weakest stomach, A truly wholesorne bever- age that really nourishes, For a 2 milder drink try Labatt's 'London Lager Equal * to the finest brews. Has the true smack Derma choice hops. Very light, palatable, satisfying. Look for the lavender Comet Beer (LAGER STYLE) 'temperarice brew---tastes and Fh like choice lager, but has less than 2/2% of proof spirit. Quenches thirst; refreshes; gives appetite. Premier Beer (ALE STYLE) and delicious, with the real flavor The newest non-intoxicant, uality of good ale Complies with Pa option reqtitements and may be openly anywhere, Order any Labatt po = from your dealer, > -- Ask 4 For 'Agent, James McParland, 339- 1 King St. E., Kingston, i a