JULY AUGUST Store Closes Daily 5 O'clock. JOHN McKAY 140-187 Brock Street. Kingston. =~ Midsummer Furniture Bold in - Guwilight Mre. E. J. Hubbell, Bagot was on Friday afternoon, in honor of granddaughter, Miss Edith Hubbell, of Ottawa, who is visiting her. The drawing-rooms were decorated with pink roses, and the tea table, which was presided over by Mrs. 3 Browne, was prettily arranged with pink carnations. Miss B. Corelli, Winnipeg, served the ices, and the irls who assisted were Miss Kathlesn 4 Hart, Miss Hazel Browne, Mise Waddell, and - Miss Helen € The guests included Miss Helen Gor- don, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Charley Shortt, Misses Doris a Hilda Kent, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Fitch of Detroit, Miss Honor Tett of Newburgh, Miss Vera Carson, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss Christine Coch- rave, Miss Marjorie Merrick, Miss Le nore Hamilton, Miss Eve Martin, Miss M. King, Miss Madeline Higgins, Miss "aldwell of Lan Miss V. and | Hallaway Waddell, Mrs. P. C. THE Pardes, Mrs. Norman Stuart Lesslie, Mrs. c , Miss Elean- or Maedonell, Mrs. Hansard Hore, Mis Lilian Norton-Taylor, Mrs. Vietor Anderson and Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Miss Madge Dawson was hosiess at a most enjoyable lunch at the Coun- try Club, when Miss Margueritte El East Orange, N.J., was the . Pink sweet peas were son, Miss Aileen Rogers, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Dorothy Hill and Miss Helen Gordon: - A A very enjoyable luncheon was giv- en at the Country Club, on Friday, by Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, in hon- or of her sister, Mrs. Victor Anderson, of Ottawa. The table was tastefully decorated with bunches heliotrope. The son, Mrs. Fraok Botterell, Miss Flor- ence Cunningham, Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Alice Macnee and Miss Beesie Richar dson. Mrs. D. Stuart Robertson, Syden- ham street, will entertain at bridge on Thursday aMernoon, in honor of - {Ottawa after visiting Mrs. Prideaux. . | steamer Kingston - {they will visit a few days before start- their deughter, Mrs. Walter Fleming, in Ottaws, have refurned home. Mr. Sidnsy McCann, who was with the colomis' contingent aj the coro- naticn, sailed for home on June 29th Miss Katharine Minnes and Mies Norak Minmes left, on Saturday, for DAILY BRITISH WMIG, SATURDAY. JULY 1, 1011. A GOOP BOOK FOR THE HOLIDAY, WHETHER AT HOME, ON THE STEAMER OR AT CAMP ' REDUCED PRICES ENJOYARLE. IS MOST Lanark, to visit Mrs. T. D. Caldwell. Mis. Harry Scott has returced to Mr. William Lesslie came down from Toronto on Friday to spend the week-end Mra. Charles Gildersieeve, King strect, and Miss Herchmer, of Belle ville, left, on Monday, for Toronto, and will also visit Rochester before returning home. ie \ Miss N. Wood, Cobourg, is the guest of Mrs. W. R. Sills, Mack street. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McFaul, the uests of Capt. Robert Davis and fam- ily, left, yesterday afternoon, on the x , for Toronto, where ing for their California home Rise Lal Allan left, on Friday, for Charlotte, North Caroling, where she will be the t. of her sister, Mrs. Ovens, for the summer months. . - . - There will be a dance at the Yacht Club on Wednesday evening next. . . 35¢ Reprints of $1.50 Fiction, By FOR a Nearly 1.000 titles to from. choose 15¢ Nelson's best English Fiction Pocket size. Cloth bound. 15¢ 20c People's Library of standard Authqrs, . Bue "3¢ Special, cloth bound . Leather Binding Books Boys enjoy. Henty and Alger Series. Cloth Bound. 15¢ Popular Magazines All the latest Magazines and Periodicals. Books For Girls Laura T. Meade and girls' authors. 15 Cents "You'll enjoy every book." favorite Carpet Sale Warm weather prices. Some good bargains all through the de- partments--Furpiture, Carpets, Cur- tains, Linoleum. Wise buyers take advantage of these sales. It's our ¢ up time and your money- saving time. Bessie Petrie of Montreal, Miss Grace Hem- ming, Miss H. Carman, Miss May Rogers, Miss Margueritte Elkins of East Orange, N.J., Miss Phyllis Kuight, Miss Jessie Smith, iss Madge Dawson, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Frances Cotton of Toronto, and Miss Madge Taylor, i ie C treal. Miss Hallie Carman, of Mon rea Mies Donaic. Call, st. bas be Miss Alice Macnee, Barrie street, will ing some time with Mrs. a a at luncheon, at the Country |Sfrachan, King street, returned home Club, on Thursday, in honor of Misses to-day. Etta and Kathleen Kirkpatrick. -- Miss Scully, who has boen Yhe guest of Mrs. E. Ryan, "Rockwood House," Miss. Bessie Richardson, "'Alwing- [returned on Saturday to Montreal. ton," entertained at the tea hour, on{ Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gillies, left to- iday, in honor of Miss Victor An- day for Quebec, after visiting Mr. and derson, of Ottawa. i. - Mrs, J. 8. R. McCann, for several aa J. C. Crookall, King street, Will receive weeks. Mrs. Ross Bradley, of Jamestown, N. next Friday. afternoon. There will be a high tea at the Country Club this evening. Y., arrived in town on Monday, and is Fhe guest --of-Mr--and--Mre-- WA: Nitohell, William street. ~--Other Brief Items of Interest King served fhe frui ; | Mr. Lyman Skinner left oh Wednes:] F247 Read and Remembered. ts included, Mrs. R. W. E Mrs, Thomds Drummond and Miss (day, to spend two weeks with Mrs. iy H. Calvin, Mrs. Walter Boyd, of {Clara Farrell, Barrie street, left to- | Edward Marvin, in Syracuse, N.Y. Ottawa; Mva. W. F. Nickle, Mrs. E. F. /day, to spend the summer at the Torrance, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Hunter Thousand Park. Ogilvie, Miss Macaulay, Mrs. Prideaux, | Col. and Mrs. T. Birchall Wood left, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE oe or 5 ~ [GTEWNA SN | FOR SALE - . . Mrs. W. B. Carey, Albert street, was hostess at a very delightful tea, on Thursday afternoon. The re- ceived her guests in the garden, where the tea was served. Mus. Herbert Rob- ' |binson presided at the tea table, Mrs. H. A. te cut the ices, and Miss GENERAL. Occurrences in the Clty and Vicinity 'Grape juice," Prouse's Drug Store. The Wnig Will not be issued on Mon- day. , "Seidlitz powders," son's. The locomotive works has until Tuesday morning. Russell Waller, Toronto; is spending a few days in the city. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778, Sale, men's socks, two pairs for 25¢. Rutton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess St. Something new doing every minute at the big Irish pienic, Fair grounds, { Monday. "Seidlitz powders," in tin box. son's. Wear rubber heels, put on without lextra charge, 15c., 25¢., 3bc. Dutton's, | shoe store. oo | The locomotive office stali baseball On Thursday last, at the wedding! i isi > ricke of Miss: Ethel 'Victoria~Cowan, - elder | nit - © Pr"*Ui%ing on the cricket daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David A.| "The tourist package" soap, combs, Cowan, to Mr. Robert Vipond Kent, towels and wash cloth, 10¢. Gibson's. eldest son, of Mr. and Mrs. James| Frederick Crozier and Bert' Derrs Kent, of \Westmount, the maid of hon- | yre spending their holidays in To or was Miss Myrtle Cowan and Miss | ronto. May Kent was bridesmaid. The best Camphorated Cold Cream for man was Mr. George Cousins and the burn, *"Prouse's drug store." usherv were Messrs. Harry W. Troop,| Mrs. Bert. Ladouceur, Prescott, is Kenneth Cowan and Nilliam C. Kent. in Kingston on a month's visit to friends. The engagement is announced of | Good boots for men, worth $2.50 fo, Miss Ethelyn A. Tickling, daughter £1.75. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. of Mrs. Jickling, of Temperance sireet, | Nobis Sharp, Division street, is Saskatoon, Sask., to Mr. Richard T.|home from. Petawawa to stay unti C@wn, druggist, of Saskatoon, for: | Tuesday. merly of Kingston. The marriage will | Seo programme for big Irish picnic, take place quietly in Saskatoon onlat Fair grounds, Monday. The best Thursday, July 6th. ever. . Lia Sale, barefoot sandals, 60c., 75c., 8b¢. pair; also Roman sandals, cheap est in the city. Dutton's shoe store. Bishop Mills will conduct confirma. tions at Camden East, Newburgh anc Yarker, on Sunday, Dr. R. F. Nicholls, visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Nicholls, Clarence street. ' Sale of summer corsets, 50c.; alse a corset worth $1, for 5c. New Yori Dress Reform. "Noell Gill has gone to Wolfe Island to officiate at the Anglican church sex vices there to-morrow, H. Cuoningham, piano tuner, King street. . Leave orders at Auley's bookstore. H. H. Gilderddeeve, has been elected a director of. the Travellers' Life As surance company, of Montreal. "The tourist package," 6 towels soap, comb and" wash cloth, 10¢. Gib son's, Vies. ve. Locos. at the big Irish pie mic, Monday, for $100, winner takes all. "High clags sweets." Gibson's. Miss Mary Porter spent the latte: part of the week with her father, John Porter, Catarajui, and returned to the city this. morning. . Coronation sale of white boots: and shoes for men, women and children: Dutton's shoe store. Rev. T. C. Brown and wife, O Farnham, Quebec, arrived in the cit. on Friday and will be the gnests Mr; and Mrs. T. R. Carnovsky until Tuesday. : "4 headache powders," 0c. Gibson's Over fifty kinds of corsets to choos from, 35¢c. and wp. Ordered corsets from 83 up. Perfect fit guarantéed New York Dress Reform. The many friends of Henry March, Division street, who has been very il for the last three weeks, will be glad to hear that he is able to: be around again. : "loa" érenm bricks." Gibson's. and Huyler's high class sweets, son's. Miss Melvina Frasso bas teft = for I to resume her position as nurse in the Verdun hospital, after spending a very pleasant vacation with her parents, Montreal street, $1 motor veils, all colors, exira length, Se. Silk ribbons, all colors, widths, 18c. and 15c. New York Dress Reform, ; |» : » That valuable property "PARLOR SUITES reduced 10 to a Corner of Riss 20 bar cen. Some beastion at $35 on the Corner of Bagot WE do not need your pre- scription to replace. a broken lens. Bring the pleces. We analyze them and exactly duplicate. Or we can make up your present prescription in any of our popular style of mounts. They are secure, neat and comfortable. Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. 000000000000 00000000 in tin box. Gib- Mr. Edward W. Low, of Ottawa, av- Gore Street: Mrs. J. P. Shine, Mrs. T. Birchall jon Thursday by boat, for Little Metis, closed and Gore Streets, rived in town to-day, Yo visit Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Low, Union street, for Wood, J. R. Seagewich, Mzs. E. J. [to visit Prof. and Mrs. James Oappon. Bidwell, Mrs. E. Mowat, Mrs. Herbert | Miss Edith Folger, King street, left, Robinson, Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe; Mrs. [to-day, to spend some time in Ro- E. H. Pense, of Ottawa, Mrs. ' David 'ches MoGill, of Montreal; Mrs. A. B. Cun- ningham, Mrs. Victor Anderson, of Ottawa; Mrs. H. W. Richardson, Mrs. N. 8, Leslie, Mrs. R. C. Carter, Mrs. Hanson Hora, Mrs. W. J. Wolf, Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. J. B. Cochrane, Mrs. J. C. Crooksll, of New York; Mrs. J. R. C. Dobbs, Mrs. Mitchell, of Pembroke, Mrs. Frank Botterel, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Miss Lilian Nprton- Taylor, Misses Fer, » Misses King, Misses Carrie and Ethel Waldron, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Alice Macnee, and Miss Jessie Smith. » - " 'several weeks. Prof. Arthur LI. Clarke, and Marie Clarke, left on Thursday, for Miss May Hinckley, of Toronto, fs expected on Monday on a visit to her parents, 185 University avenue. Maine, where they will spend the sum- mer, Miss Hilda Kent will leave on Wed- poday for St. Andrew-by-the-Sea, N. Mrs. Victor Anderson, . returned to Ottawa, to-day, after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Cun- ningham, King street. Possession immediately little if required y Apply | SMITH BROS. } © Jewellers, Opticians, p 35% KING STREET, } Iswuers- of Marriage Licenses, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, Barrie street, Rent to New York, on Thursday. Mr. C. Baird, of the Bank of Mon- treal, left, to-day, for Perth, to spend vais holidays. Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, West street, and Miss Strange, King street, left, on Friday, for Shawbridge, Que., where they will spend a few days with Med wR. Maitland Hannaford. Miss: Anita Fenwick arrived from Otawa on Friday and is the guest of Mrs. Clarke Hamilton, King street. Mr. D. C. Betts, of the Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville, arrived in town today to spend the week-end, the guest of his mother, Mrs. H. Betts, Albert street Misa Roa, of Belfast, Ireland, is visiting. Mr, and Mrs. William Craig, University avenue. She is awaiting the arrival of her brother from the Malay Peninsula. . Niss Ma been at Montreal, has retu Toronto. . Hartley Robertson, recently of Kingston, who has been in Copper Cliff for the past year, has moved to Loneate, where he will reside for ¥he uture. 4 Gib- NET ReR IRR e ee ee ee ere To-Night Sssseevincanconsoenssece LIBRARY, EXTENSION, DINING and PARLOR TABLES. Great line. RUGS, CARPETS. LINOLEUM, CURTAINS -- everything reduced 10 per cens . Repair and Upholstering prompt-| A. her most. delightful bridge was fm vy on i Er oon al oon, in or of Miss Fitch, bf Mane; 30, Yours, Detroit. The hostess received wearin a preity gown of saxe blue satin, with. white lace yoke and trimmed with bands of black satin. The guests who played were. Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. Frances Hill Macnee, Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Mrs. Han- sord Hora, Mrs. J. C. Crookall (New York), Mrs. Andrew Forman (Mon- treal) Mrs. W. H. Craig, Miss Helen Crowe, Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Mabel Brown- field, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss H. Carmen (Montreal), Miss Irene Swift, Mirs Mildred Jones, Miss Marion Red- den, Miss Bessie Stythe, Miss Madge Dawson and Miss Hilda Kent. Those who came in for tes were Mrs. Frank Botterell (Montreal), Mrs. Howard Folger, Mies Edith Folger and Miss Alice Macnee. The brizes for bridge were, won by Miss Marion Redden and Miss Irene Swift. The tea table was sun Pl AP a COO ORONO OC IO) aret Maclennan, who has ing Trafalgar Institute, in to her home in A big range of Ladies White Waists, with low neck and short sleeves, all sizes To-night . - 21.00 each Our showing of Lace Cure talus in Irish Point, Brussels Nel, Marle Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design § #8 the most fastidious could L desire. } NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. § p ~~8pecial values at $1.00, k $1.25, $1.50, IRISH POINT CURTAINS, @ $3.50 to $8.00. MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER FOR SALE Fash and We keep every Kind of ionable Hosiery for Ladies @® Children Popular ® them to-night The marriage took place in Hamil: ton, on Wednesday, of Miss Violet Grant, daughter of Colonel Grant, of Hamilton, to Mr. Wilfrid Clare White, son of the late Canon White, and Mrs. G. E. White, of Kingston. Ex-Cadet Arthur Chipman, of Mon- treal, has left for a trip to the mari- time provinces, where he expects to spend some time. Miss Effie Elmer, who has been at- tending Macdonald College, Guelph, will spend a few days in 'Toronto the artistically arranged with coral car-{guest of Miss Beatrice Bredner, Brung nations. Mrs. Frances Macnee poured wick avenue, before returning to her coffee and Mrs. Halloway Waddell pour- | home in Kingston. od toa. Mise M. E. Jewett. Toronto, left on Wednesday for a trip abroad. Mrs. G. M. Thompson, Saskatoon, will visit relatives in the city for the summer months. She will be in town prices. See Nx ¥ Ask to see ole 3 Summer Weight Corsets At... ..D0e, TBe. ahd 81.00 pr specials in J sees 08s a vie nal New York, , is Ww "Kingston's . Famous Fur Store.' Dresses At a Discount » - . a The fea given at ithe Yacht Club, 2 Wednesday afternoon was one of the most successful © given this summer. today : ® | There were five tables of bridge in| wy. 0 ro. Slatér, Harrie. stioot. 3 MARIE ANTOINETTE from y, ant those present included Mrs. viding {riatls Toner Street, in $8.00 upward. © say Duff, Mrs. Vars Hooper, Mrs. Bibby, Mrs. ooper, 8.1 Miss Florence Hentig, Princess street, ARABIAN POINT. 33.00. left on Friday, for Montreal, and sails } W. R. Givens, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. SEPP TLIL PEL r0009009¢ BR. E. Kent, Mrs. Higgins, Mrs. Walter from there 'to-day, on the "Teutonic," : : for a trip through England, Scotland, - R. McFAUL, Macnee, Mrs. F, Brownfildd, Mrs. W. and the continent. Desirable Property in down town section. corner Bagot and Kart Streets, consisting of 3 dwelling and shop, all for $2400. Improve ments in dwellings Rents bring in $330 per year, or 12 1-2 per cen net interest on the investment ] I esd dy / A big clearing sale of Fan Dress Musling, also Odd Pieces of Check Ginghams, 008 SER sas sss seas se OOOO OCR Prices range from 124 20, a yard MULLIN THE REAL ESTATE EXPERT. New goods. this ye be sold Hallaway Waddell, Mrs. Hansard Hora, Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, Mus. |o.day to a few days with _ber on aunt, Mrs. Tracey, of idle, Prideaux, Mrs. Frank Strange, Nre. Miss Laura Homuth, of Toronto, is Jeremy Taylor, Mrs. Herbert Robin- son, Mrs. Bernavd Browne, Mrs. Chas. visiting Mrs. Jobn Marshall, Colborne strom. of been A Low, Miss M Hora, Miss Willis, : Miss Vivian Petrie, who has of Halifax, Miss Mons Knight, Miss Vivian Petrie, Miss Bessie Caldwell, of [the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Richard Albert street, leaves on the Lanark; Miss Jessie Smith, of Ottawa; |H . 7th Montreal. Mrs. Laidlaw, and baby F . . 3 Jones 0000000000000 00000000 i Hohl es ' are in town shortly to visit Mr. and Mre. D. M. McDonald, Umiver- sily avenue. - Lesslio, Mrs. Frances H. Macnee, Mrs. Miss H, Carey, William street, loaves Fuesday morning, at lot to clear at Houses to rent and rents collec te Money to loan Fire presented. insurance, Pest "Phone 539, oh compan ies Sees es ® of Montreal; Miss Phyllis Shortt, Mise Jean Dufi, Miss Fitch, of Detroit and Miss Madeline Higgins. - - - Misses Amy and Edith Ferguson who have been visiting in Toronto for Some time returned home, on Thesday. Mr. and Mrs. G E. y eX pect to leave next week, for ir' Wolfe Island. 3 5 re. To-morrow we are offering every hat in our Millinery De. ¥ FOR RCRO CN SE YOR) Ld . e ° ° . e e e ° ° * * » The Always. Busy Store. SEs ees ssimie Gib- & £ 3 i tis . ® ° aro ¢) + . i FIOTEEPIETTe eee eey Beeeecsssesstsssssenes STRAWBERRIES STRAWBERRIES Arriving 'Daily AT A. J. REES 166 Princess Street. , "Phone 58. FEE SYTER EYRE eREeYeey "8 headache powders," 10, Cibson's, "Thigh clase sworte." Gibson's, i £ » = ~ fe it THE CALL OF THE WILTED HIRTWAISTS, shirts and vuflls in hot weather, starched right and right. FEVE a reputation for starching and iron- ing that netiher heat can wilt 'mor water fade IT IS 'PHONE No. 22 you want to ring up when ever you wish to test that LAUNDERING REPUTATION OF KINGSTON LAUNDRY, Cor. Princess and Sydenham Stu. "Phone 22. ; collars In connection with this Millinery Sale we offer 20 per cent. discount on every Dress in our Store. We have no oid droog utiless ironed any to 611 the vacancy caus retirement of William Pil- that position for a Sti hehehe Sessee J