Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jul 1911, p. 8

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STRIKE 15 SETTLED BAPTIST ONON PENICTHE SPORT RE 1 A = MASONS WILL RETURN vous TWO SUNDAY SCHOOLS irons AND CLossTO MEET, §. |. Al Day. 5 Fotis | WORK ON" TUESDAY. J WERE COMBINED . THIS AFTERNOON. 5 [Steikars and Contractors Had Cone For the Annual Outing--Results of Park Nime Will Go to Napance on i hin ference at City Hall Friday Night. (he Sports Participated in .by| Monday--Cooke's Won Junior ¥ [, 7.30 t | 0. offered in The Bank of --=New Agreement Has Been First and Union Street Schools. Game From St. Paul's--Other oO onto that! satisfactory Drawn Up Satisfactory to 'Both| 1, Bible schools of the First Bap- Sporting News. g service which comes Parties, jin hutch: i" 54 Tgivn : Steeos | 2 is expected that Povey will be the long. experience and com- : at aptist chun picicked at ng Is- only missing man on either team when Plete equipment and facilities. a Da "eon are Inte park, on Friday sitersopm, The theYictorias inte the L.I.C's at the ; k was superb, the sail t- {cricket field this afternoon. A eard Business accounts of every coda egal diy a "ean ful, 'the boat service excellent. re Lar reteived from Cotman on Thurs- Mescription receive careful at- g'|be learned everytning is agreeable to fo or nit Ty Eh Seligntint day. ging We did fiot » Apet od a : x p is a 0 away for t s t tention. both the masons ud jhe Sonicacton. list of the prize winners in the vari- he was wired on Friday = a TE, : A studemen oar ous games for the First Baptist peo- | fort; to imsure his presonce here. Hughes rence of the masons and the bosses, ple iwill hike 1 Dore ness in the wity hall, oun fkrigay night. Boys onde: 3--Willie.. McCullough. bob y replace y behind the { The meeting was well attended, every ' Johnnie Leronge. yg I, Umifactus su The ny, with She sue J (rirls under 7-Hamel Vanhooser Park Nine Go to Napanee. i ine, - + Helen Salsbury, "I The 1 N soba : Yo sity; any could not attead, being | 'Boys, 7 to 9--Vincent MeCullough, ay > as am Soll am wii "rverything has. been settled satis: | ies, Tt 9--Elsie Litton, Floren be hed jn Xapasor gu houas. The : " ' er # ' -- ' +» PlOoTence factonily," "remarked Somes. leary | pee : Spun hate _ecideply boat "of re ast' To ain a ove, to 12-- Howard Salsbury, | ganized local team. and wil expect a have a new agreement, copies of which | Girls, 10 to 12 Mildred Campbell, lively brush, IL am having printed, to-day. Both jg, Lerange. + Noni Won Junior G fifths am, sata ; with; tha soning Oy ta 16--Frank Levangy, Ari! }, 4 ly He Visor aio thur Cruse, win schoo Mr. Izzard stated further that the Girls, 13 to 16--Majory- Lake, Jsabel grounds, Friday evening, Cooke's new agreement would cover up till Ls : ie. : Junior dena trimmed St. Paul's by the seore « runs to 2 in an exceedingly the year 1913, : loys over 16-6 * ria : By the terms of the agreement, the Lo Pickering. eonge. Feiuulship, Mull played ane Sanh tpuiuie is aved cellen and « - aul's stone cutters will cut thé rough stone | ids. ov i mali , over 16---Miss lida 8 . | about which there has been wo much. Miss Pearl Ca a lridge, threw away their chances in the third trouble. Tne new agreenient is a pew | Three legged race-- George and: Roy innings, allowing four runs to tross one 'entirely, Friendship. Y the plate. 'the conference lasted until nearly | Married n 6G. Ph i EE en's race-W. Gi. Picke A midnight, and it is stated that labor Sidney Salsbury, Pickering, At Bowling Green. -- rt oqinatiers wore given a great discussion--Married--ladies rive Mre Vaihso tA Weeen's--etub-- howling green --tust | The strike money arrive! in the city or. > - ight, Skip W. R. Sills defemted Skip - on Jrdday, aliarnaon -amd has pees Collar" and tie race, single {icorge a yous, by a seore of 17 to 8, and istribu among the men. tendship and Mi Dai = Skip Slater won | Ski THIS n THE TIME FOR THE The announcement that the strike ridge, I Tay ney malt: G. 4 Bale by a score of 23 ih hr DEADLY CODUING MOTH, had yoy settled was received ss good Collar and fie rae s, mafried---W,_ (;, teams: y news by citizens in general, and (os Pickering and Mrs. Pickering TW G. Ferguson, A. B. Willi . ¥. pring. . inms, R. | podally by these "who are Shaving Ladies' ball throwing Miss Fihei S. Graham, W. R. Sills. Sa 7. And it Is astonishing, but the De-|Putldings erected, Campbell, Miss Muriel 'Campbell, | M.A. McCall, Dr. R. Specks, CG, E partment of Agriculture says that 50 All the jobs which have heen held ° Special race, young ladies--Miss Mar- | Searle, E. Lyons, skip.--X dhe : per cent. of the blossoms are de-|"P will now be proceeded with, and jory Lake. I Dr. Wallace, W : Cn shalt Ww ' wtroved by the Codling Moth, and the] vty thing will he Oh. A baseball game "between. the First Jackson, T. Sater J ty i : only way lLo-get rid of it ls am church boys and the Union _ xteest © W. ¢', Crazior, H.W. Newman, J. C 5 'hy send six months learn vg bors, was won hy Union street team. M to . shie aq. Re Wal : ga Ye] : SPRAY shorthand ? Our catalogue will And The follow ing w the list of price un ey Sevllinlusralip.1. 5 With the Arsenate of Lead for all} ince you that thirty-day shorthami " id in the Union street school : Baseball Records. Lusects and is-emin ntly satisfactory. Moon Col rimary class--Helen Hermiston, > 3 H Your pportunity to sceme what you may require for Monday and 1 a number of very special items will be offered To-Night at prices tht mean a great saving. 500 Ladies' White Cotton Undervests Fine make some with Crochet Lace Elli ct at neck, some plain, all with short sleeves. These are worth 15e, 18¢, 20¢ cach. Your Pick To-Night, 10c Each. i 480 White Wash Belts ® The balar ce of a manufacturer's stock. Sane are White Tucked Belts, others Embroidery, and some While Mercdrized. The regular value of these are 25c each. ~ Your Pick To-Night 5c Each. § ce SOW seco esesscececcecentssssce a. omistntly Mabel Oakes. Eastern league Montreal 4, Roches | A Sututvuir deter SH Fungus log Fogg Er ym Yn Nr, Patterson's cluiss-- Jamie for. "Vi Newark 2, Providnes 1; Balti-| Growth. Ne Oy roule x aight to No just miston, Phyllis Hermiston, Wima 1' more 10, Jersey City 3. exactly as his father dos al an dll Bg how. 10-45 It. aud, te tao. 5 o nimmat. league Boston 7, New York | ease your yield of fruit 60 per ss Macgilliveay's clas --Chades $3 Dt. Louis 3, Pittsburg 3; Chicago 3, . Fre ---- ry Holland, Fred. ('obet. : hare Cincinnati 2; Brooklyn 3, Philadelphia | WILLIAM MURKAY, : I Miss Cobet's eluss Nellie Woodhouse, 0. | Arsenate of Voad 25 ; + "Auctioneer, 3 Gusiie Larush.= American leiigue--Boston 7. New Sulphate of Lime .. .. Te gal. lo Ory and Country Sales Gare 4 | Mr. Hermiston's class--Misa Edith York 6; Chicago 8, Cleveland I; Phila | + fuily Conducted, @ Herminston, Miss Annie Cobet, delphia 6, Washington 3. i old . * Market Square, Kingston. of, Yoadhery rmce--C. Hermiston, Mrs.!| Canadian Jeague~ Hamilton 5 Ber . | Patterson. lin oF Guelph 8, Brantford London | - A: 'Mitchell Ss Hardware Sesssssstece ssssssrese ned fr Sake's class--Miss Grace Mills, 7, St. Thomas 2. © Judo ; . : vl LOrraine Hermiston, Mis. Slade. | er ts raien's race--R. E. Jones, CC, Hermis- | UNION NOT YET DISCUSSED 90 Fancy Light Parasols All new and Aylin and all Jdifferent Many pretty ones in the lot. Worth $1.25, 1.50, 1.75. Your Pick To-Night 75¢. For the Holiday, Hundreds of Pretty White Shirt Waists New and stylish m kes. S.me with three-quaitersleeves, others full sleeves. Many mikes shown you will not seeclsewhere in town. WIHTE SHIRT WAISTS, 75c and $1. WHITE SHIRT WAISTS, $1.25, 1.49. And on up through a long list to $3, White Dresses New and pretty styles all ready to slip on, Come and see them before deciding eleewhere. $3, $4.50. $5.75, $6.75 and on up. . Laidlaw& Son. fovea ssssssssassese SGP SS SIIRRIIIAIE sranag' m-- {Between the Two Church | St. Andrew's Church Picnic. } Portsmouth, Hadley wn Two hundred of the scholars and | teachers rr Adres Sor ac | There have been reports regarding a {incn butween the Methodist and # attetided the annual picnic on Friday i byterian churches 'in Portsmouth. NES jsiterngan. : 5 ne Biemekers wal, 10. Nethe sist minister stated to the Whig | 3 grove on the steam. meri fon Saturda y that so far there hast tou, Where the on wad spent in {ben no meeting called for the pur os - gab: até: J numer of races | pose of eadeavoEing to combine the a ih I. classes were held | churches in cne. A committee from » " ie o dling infants to the each church has to be appointed and grown People'. Thése sports ended with the two confer on the matter. The! 13 Tate i ., teachers, . which "as matter has then to be taken up by elle Elder Semon, with Miss r- | the ruling bodies of both churches, ated by Sh A ony were bon anyth ng ean be dons. Such a ® £0( stap has not ben taken as vet, 8 She. conclusion of the races.all march- | the respective committees bore rt] ud i a pracession, & to the refreshment | {come toge hr. Furthermore, the | {coun J i a teh by J. W. Fraser, play- [clergymen stated that it was not | Wg the bag pipes. flere the children | the purpose of th: Methodists of [were given hearty supper, and the lit- | Portsmouth to unite with the Pres- & ones w jtle_ on " ao prov ied yh candy { by terians, for the Methodists had been Wet g M ¢ Kindness of Mrs Mackie, ! establish<d there since 1867. The Me ih all returned to the city at eight | thedists are the possessors of a "o'clool i i | -- everyone voted the day well | church while the Présbyterians meet | im a hall. A meeting of the Methe- s AR Car ARe dists is to be hold on Monday even- WILD WEST SHOW. (ing; for thy Yingus ussing of Methodist | Mer $ Balbriggan Un- - derwear, Shirts and |= rr omen Ser SE With the Young Buffalo Wild West | panes | 4 show, which will exhibit in this city And Owner Has Registered a Com-! Tuesday afternoon and night, July | plaint awers Lith, is a group of names to conjire! On Saturday morning, the inspectors ! : with ia the arenic world. Chief among held up «4 boat which was being used them ar Annie Yubley, the world's for carrying people from Wolfe Is ; iy greatest woman rifle shot; Capt. Bo- land to Kingston, holding. that it did Regular 50¢, 60¢ quality for : gardus, the undefeated champion pot come up to requirements; and as {marksman of the world: Ambrose a result one of the interested patties, 39¢ Each Means, the American cotvpuncher, fa: (rant Grimshaw, is res istering a con * nous throughout fhe uri for his plaint. The vessel brought over a car | : reckless exploits in East Africa. He 26, but w \ )ermiskion to po Al siz: 8, 36 to 44. {succended in capturing alive rhinoceri, Foi. ony gift Perm ¥ | lions, igen, girafies, and other deniz | Mr. Grimshaw claims that the vessel is i the forest with his lasso, {fit in every respect, to carry cargoes, Fe {Bursa Shontana Jack, # Bottle' and as he is not charging a fee, he Nose i o i ernon, "Zinct claims that the inspectors have no Tout} il Fepteten a quintette of i hi to hold up the vessel. ough ri the' liké of whom has | The steamer Mississquoi was final never before been gathered under one! ily secured to make a couple of 'trips peanvas. It was Buffalo Vernon who' to the island before thy relock ecole in riding 'Old Steamboat," | > ""° 'W® aM sd L worst outlaw broneo that they TYLE G : $ | were able to produce at the great M B GIRL HBAPPEA RED; TT my TT Cheyenne "'FPioneers' Day" fete. ue |" Located After a Thirty-hour : Allen, Prairie Rose, and Maude Bur- Search. . } bank are a trio of equestriennes who | . . 4 tt {ave known throughout the world for | FBLA TATTLE TATTLE LBES TVTLLLLTTTLLLLVLVLHLTVLVLVVL ETL RLLLTLVLDT LEVER +S TLR EIUS BERET PROVE AAELBTEEGRET aaaYaeS hatact Leaving a note telling her mother that she would sot 'be back, a little hui. Shite Sasson. Com Fogle. i aged thirteen, living on Union ola Veiy can ruralists and lariat throwers, | } streut, Jif het hoine, And. wan. na ency, Ww oy Sovsiarionss NoFth-Western Canadian mounted po- Ca C et oi nd ou. rent for the | aterm fice, Uniled States cavalrymen and | Children's Aid Society was asked ~ p x, 6X Hjraugh riders from all quartens of the |g 4" 0 "og with some assistancs "Bie tele ure with the Youny Buffalo Wild | located the missi a ' i. ; 3 ing girl at a howe in reve 4 Al . ist show mc ie "ot - west o hi Fortemeuth, whee he yy given, shel- Ba : | i 3 " - or, and was alterwa return to Toronto Club House roped. 1 ' i to be the mosi elaborate streot de- | her home in safvty. It is stated ann | Toronto, July L~The Domimion day - ; fe : 'jmonstration ever seen with any tented! mo exhibition. Col. Yeruon Severs, the jhe girl ahd of a nied ox agi a be off ont uk ut destruction « on general manager of this amusement | ume misconduct. flab house, The Argonaut, Hamilton enterprise, has. spared no expense to ---- make this street pageant the most ALLOTMENT Of OF STOCK boat club and others had moved Viti wv litteringls beautiful i el af shells up there last night, and : i \ eile One ob Hie features of OL. Conudita. aot Co. to oe Dat). The sume af fee in Wot Now is. your chance to get a swell American or a anatm Cl. Sot as : Made: Sub, wd lows of the chub howe aud | % Canadian Shoe at a Bargain price {iwenty ox-team. Stewart is the of w ' . ; prin ox driver of the civil war. -. Toronto Seapatch ht Aemuilige ihoats will be a hard blow. All 8: i to th Oxfords i ------ ia dary upmantsriiom. foc Sec ummer ahead to wear them. Oxfords are ® Gow Satuciny si ls ne I ma foi | A a Ee he rv Cocl and Comfortable a Sunday 7.30 a.m. and 2 pam, {og follows Sdow, vet feel © most dejected because 2 : returning up to. Monday evening. One share to teu shares--allotment of anvémia or general sdeltlity. Health i - in full. and happioess are assured by using lima rrr Monday, July 3. Fleven shares to thirty shares--allot- | iWade's Tron Tonic Pills, which make on the water. iment of fifty per cent. of application. new, rich blood, cleanse the system Ruerien Yury "the islands, 2:30 pam. | Thirty-one shares and over--allas. [and tone up the verves.- Price 25c, | : barn {tion y a Be : igi? Te " ~ ne So THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE The Land of Psnamas : From : joel | The failures in in Consda dung the for nH t C Bros', | Is South America, but the stor i ap gn Past week reached 23; same week, 1910, biggest valyes in Panama Pate i Closed Monday Saturday Women's $3 patent t Oxford at Bs I 4 Sebel Bros', Kingston's bat. store. , Open special chocolate Oxfords, $1.65. Put. | See om special suit case on dale a ; [ton's shoe store. tans, 0 in diet" tL "hay ---- Gilman's, J

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