Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jul 1911, p. 4

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as PAGE FOUR. ~~ : : Sa ~ THE DAYLY BRITISH WHIG, TURSDAY, JULY 4. Wi. mo ---- . . " our national aspirations. There are | V0 0000000000000 0008000 G, | 5a y L 18H WHIG, published |several ways of repeating history, of | ® Th ¢ Mar . A ° A > ew, oy Fol Street: Kingst On. . as ins le a For regulating the fario, 'at 36 por year, pditiohs at 536 making it pramive; and Sue wa) is AVES ye X : : ; BIBBYS Limited eu A a TT an o'cloc m. to present certain facts or recall them . ¥ WHIG, 18 , ® : bowels, invig a ofiTion 4 Monday 5 to mind vividly, What meaneth this ? On Watch. . { 5 - bs od * . . E E ! i § 1 the kidneys and Fhursda , mornt 31 nag| was the question the young Ixraclive| 99000000 00esssscsssess Men' and Bo y tal Store be added. making pi was taught to ask at each eelebration S ys n stirring up the lazy --r ot Weel 158 per year. The Lampman can see no reason why "fiver A o best J y IL y - ttached is one of t ob Print| of the Passover, and the answer was there should not be a little bit of anh A heap = . oval a recital of the circumstances attend-jchurch union in Portsmouth. It is ; pressés. po ing the flight of the children of larael (cWious, he says, foc the Methodists || : . . Dr. ' British Publishing Co., Limited [irom Egypt. Every' young Canadian |* ylerians to be paying out ; % Whig { "2! very. young to - mainta tw church AR r. Morse rrougent, |should be encouraged to ask, What is buldage and tee miners lacs RAY TRUNKS, SUIT CASES Indian Dominion day ? What does it mean ? psidiul of people. Portsmouth has a 4 X > .. TORONTO. OFFICE. « And every father should be able to an- {four churches for sbout a thousand |] . Nats In diseses of J - , . - Bpecla Skin, § | - Root Pills or "5% Cndren LW oy SE swer it in no uncertain terms. Jeople. It seems to the Lampman that |} poss' Nerves. Bladder and Special Ail. Smilipeice, J.P. representative, _- I" What progress has been made in the tne churches oer Loony might give it ag Pe -- 4 the churches a few pointers on union, : : . ---- - forty-four years since co: ation it has uni icans. cter- rd : "e bait pentane | Datle WiDIG, [oc eR TE mas de Tes | ESR SEE § Symmer Suits Must Ho 1 ¥ . Nn : . half 'a gentury, in small' population and a somewhat un- gationalists into one church in the - every quarter of the" THE PEOPLE ARE UNCHANGED. [certain outlook. Its lifé was largely nay. ne ind bee y - } ; world, absolutely safe The further west Mr. Borden went [confined to the older provinces. The ai] these religious bodies. rye year ; > 4 effects - the hotter became the demand of the west, especially beyond Manitoba, was ago, when the position of chaplain | p O Nn : ux I y ® ; most ective. people "for - tariff revision and reci- [called the great lone land. The north {Was vacant, the Presbyterians claimed . . / yr 2 25¢. . : procity. -The declaration which be |was little explored, and so practically it Nia Shake tutn to folect. man, but 4 8 ' a box made at Winnipeg, as a result of the [nothing was known of its mineral re- that thie all & the everywhere. 2, party caucus, with Hon, Bob Rogers |sources. The developments 'of recent matter of this "political patronage," - as the moving spirit, in favour of gov-|years have been surprising, 'and they [as there were 100 few of their number ernment ownership of the Hudson's|are but * the prelude to the develop-|in the prison Wearing atripit Bay railway, and the terminal eleva ments which are to come. There are When President. Talt took His slate Riesesscssccsesscccces tors, was nol as captivating as the(some people who would be satisfied [and pencil and od vp Sow muy "9 % - : leader of the opposition ex 1. It|with what has already been accom- thousands of Ya "are now singing . . owas accepted as an earnest of better plished. They would restrain the na- |" God Save the King" in their new > : LUM BER ® (things, but there was no substitute |tional energies and say, "Let well en- hothes a Kanada, al how ay are : . : for reciprocity, and Mr. Borden was ough alone" But they cannot check |i; Dy ohn aT heating s : ------ © ® lassured of this over and over again. [the spirit that now rules, nor defeat began to fear far the future oF the Our Stock is now complete in : The farmers of Alberta ®ere as pro-|ihe activities that are apparent on|Yankee race, the Lampman learns, and Lite. Fi Accid Sekne t : HEMLOCK, SPRUCE ® [nounced upon their wants as the far- {every hand. Added to the national 35 he Serided to save his country vi e re, Accident, Sickness, uu > = i Bay sn by : mers of Saskatchewan, aven more, |growth there is-an ever-increasing tide on Jour of oy uddration mobile, Motor Beat, or Plate Glass pie 'RED PINE ® [They 'intimated in places that they of immigxation. Added to the wlalth the Yankees dearly a he Insurance, Guarantee Bonds (per- : TE P : were not allied with any party. They of Canada is the wealth of Europe, big noise on the days of their nation- (Sonal or for 'Administration of es- WHI INE ® would support that which gave them |Which is seeking and finding profitable a! Jubitaticns. Actus the border this (tate), Real Estate anywhere in Can- * 5 Wl pr, y v + B Dresses, mnehed, or in the g the largest measure of relief, and they Suploymest. a : limited, "although the aS ada, Stocks, Bonds, or Cobalis dnd ! rough. s emphasized their need of a lower tariff he country is fast opening up. In gnite as quiet as a first of July » * ® \ anid freer trade. This further fact be [the west towns appear and grow in a Kingston, hu [Porcepine Biocks. Tall of SOME came clear--that the discontent, with |Dight. At oue time, and twenty-five -- eate with ) present conditions, is widespread, tat [Years ago, ane "transcontinental rail- | The other day the Lampman was| the "education of the grain growers (Way was a burden which seemed to ated oy Lawye: Cantugham did J HUTTON imperil the fortunes of the men who . ave sae nme. of his regiment » » 0 = : : has heen general and complete, and changed, since there is now no Princess that the demonstration made by the [Put their all into the work. Soon|of Wales. This is the first time since . is a v mo. 1 deputation of a thousand last winter [there will be three, with a nét work [the 14th was formed that there has 18 Market Sgreet, Kingston, Ont. 100 Suits of Fine Worsteds and Tweeds. New but feebly. represents the mind and |of branches running north and south, Seen A a: It was Raita) veigin: Greys, Browns, Greens "and ete. Sizes 33 to 42. spirit of the western people. east and west, 'and 'covering every |,' P Yueen-mothar, x xR . os : ne J 'Y | Alexandra, FOR SKIN IRRITATION regular $15.00 and 16.50 Qualities --Hand Tailor-'§S Mr. Borden, in the later reports, is |habitable part of our North-West. No This Kingston regiment. went away g Me . Wg % re . a v : not reported as talking much. He set [one can forsee what Canada will be a | to Niagara Falls, on Sabbath night, | We Guarantee Relief--Your Money ed Garments. Bibbys Clearing Prics $12.00, NN out to say "no" very emphatically to quarter of a century hence. Its future touch, Bader strength. The Lampman Back #7 = isfied. p Li " ' . li sn x {18 to hat ithe n vant - EA ING the rents of the farmers for recipro-| in Yely promusing. All is people have to a Yankee To. en arted to go We have ar \ 4 Possessing ex : ) city, and to persuade them of the er- [to do is continue the faith they now | 4n4 did not care for any of your quiet tra ordinary { permanently re 3 ror of their way. He has not changed [have in it and each other. The few [little holiday jaunts to a place where (lieve all forms of eczema, skin errup- i y POWDER his mind on the great igsue of the day, [who will be pessimistically inclined, | there were no "doings." They wanted | #005, pimples, blotches, ringworm, ; to be. lionized by the dear Yankee tne, tetter, scaly scalfi, hives, all ; lai LH Anglin & Co Cor. Bay. -and Wellington Streets and he has not changed the minds of | who will grouch and grumble without girls over the border. 7+ [forms of itching and irritation caused the people. On the contrary his op-| occasion, should be shown no consid- ' by inset bites. Its power to soothe position has, if anything, strengthened [eration if they cannot be suppressed. The Lampman has heard the ques- [ulcers, scores and wounds is very pro- ' them in their purposes, and their posi- i Assia ve ST tion asked, is iit worth while to keep nounced. = : tion will serve to. five force to the ac. : EDITORIAL NOTES. up 'a theelogital college at a cost of We are so_ positive that Rexall Ecze- tion of the hen then Crude oil is all right"as a medium [$20,000 a year to educate three or {ma Ointment is unexcelled for over- 0 government when the com- for- the laying of dust. Tt must be |f0% students for the Christian minjs- [coming these ailments that we sell it ® : mons. resumen, ret vi A : a try. Yes, is the Lampman's answer, | with our personal promise that it will 3 re mn CL ---- ime ia Sependive than water, laid daily, The eountry is in inp of rhe Wiriniy of not cost the user anything unless it in : 3.8 . > . . i 2 The "Housewife's Terror" J FHE IDEA IS TAKING. ar ome has Nok to breath in and oe: ihe gospel, and must have them no [every way gives satisfaction. We ox' About 8H Pairs of Men's Hand Made summer ds that Keatings Powder Sir Richard Cartwright\will be re- Sasa y swallow. pulverized dirt and matter what the cost. When prosperity {ac® no promise and in no way obli- Ty A + 3 $ Cte Ow ' find the Fas AA quired probably to give fn light | microbes, : 3 in commercial" lines begins to wane, gate the purchaser. You must admit | Trousers, Home spuns and Ete. New Cut, Tt. i8 odorless, dinjess and haem. Jf | "Pon the question of proportional re-| «oo Sneil® he Tom ore Prpathors will appear. Jam at {tht we Roti pot afford to Juake such regular $3.00 and 3.50 Trouser, » nde i : : . er wi e ss | present, brig! ung men, kind 8 broa wal guarantee, except we | » : less except 0 life. Besttutation. h is p subject that - is rife? There should he some way of that the iat aires prefer ne |are certain we could substantiate our | | : . . 1 Sold by all Druggists not generally nderstotey; The Vitoran | ype mining ita ronl value, ' nud. of 088r Hving. than the oharch con give, claim. : Bibbys Clearing Price $2.50 186 In tins only 10, 15, 20, 25¢. statesman poured a lot of light upon proving--or- disprovin hat 4 iq |Queen's sent farth only three young | Rexall Eczema Ointment is a grayvish- 3 : 2 " it in his one talk in Toronto, and 8 P FYa:'® mu ministers this year, the Lam man un- White, pleasant smellinz, antiseptic, has made many. people, 'who heard. or about jit. The militia department derstands, but "they may be hu means [cooling healing salve that is stromgly read what he had to say, "feel that POU act now, + |of saving a good many people from germicidal. It destroys the germs that : ------ going to the devil, even though they |Penetrate the skin and cause eczema 3 » 3 » * xh P - 4 , amting W is deserving of further consideration Not much enthusias pon i in ai x Pig wtf m about yester- |hy exponents of the hi itici fand other tormenting skin ailments. A * * % SOME CLASS TO OURS. For instance, the Montreal Star, which [day. The reason is not apparent. Is --THE Wh Ther, eriticiam. | remedy must do that to be effective, . Kuss the place to airs Jout is not usually in love with a grit or |it that we are having too many holi- hg ffor in no other Way wan in : 11 1 11 a his ideas, says of this ma $1 days, tc i New York Constable Shot Dead. be overcome, sveather. s tery i ays, too many occasions for bursts New York, July 1.--Constable Xondal Rexall Eczema Ointment is ideal for } "In Canadian conditions, the' "large { feeli h 2 etd i aie E. Jd DUNPHY, Be jof feeling, or that our patriotism is sh i {the treatment of skin irritations pecu- an Meateel and Conn' Streets was shot and killed and another con- |! 78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET constituencies .and the privilege of not quite equal to the demands for stable wounded by 3 negro, on West {liar to children, for barber's itch, and electing minority representatives is [it ? Thirty-seventh street, the district [for sore itching feet. rol al a ho est remedy We | AS IISIISIIIRIIIIIISEIIII III IIIS IIINIIIY 3 -------------- an a : what we want. This would give us 1 . ' : : . | Cook's Cotton Root Compound, better men in parliament, a would | Italy is going to monopolize and hows 44 Hells kitshn this momning. {know of, and we urge you to try it The great Uterine and) set the voter free to mark his ballot [manage all the life insurance ? The 1.000 Islands--Rochester, at our risk. Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00. 4 -- according to his convictions without [ETeat American life companiés ~ are | Steamers Caspian and North King I" Fhe Rexull Store. 0. W. Natooh, that deadly sense of hopeless helpless- withdrawing from the field. That Jeave ut 1015 alu. daily Jor Thousand uess which mnowshears down the pen should be a reason why the state NY. 7 an Ls pn. Joe ester, NOTHING LINE RAVING YOUR Lo ni | manent minority man. The majority |*hould keep out of the business instead S------ Every shop cannot do it. But would still' rule, but it would'bs a | Of going into it. Pietro Cisco, Halian laborer; drown- this; Diit it you rg Pd A nia ------ ed at Sault Ste Marie, Ont, our pictures and let us show majority more nearly reflecting the | Bordan & Co., in the west, drew a |- The declaration of London passed how satisfactory it Is to. have real strength of the majority in the glowing picture of the pr it f [the British commons : us do your framing. you will country. Wo should not bave narrow A prosperity of . not know how. Our collection of high-class Pictures will also majorities in the constituencies electing Canada--under liberal rule, of course, be attractive. WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY 01d and Valuable Furniture sverwhelming majorities in parliament, | "Mal deficits were piling up CR i OV m: D N " * 3 ne otegrapher, . "under conservative rule." The opposi- CASTOR 1A . «1 au" . should not have | p 4 Unt or eon prog! Anttase designs, ac vowone SITE LUE I IN ie mp. 40% in doing + commeeably hing in| For Tnfuate and Children. ne Tinsmithing, Gas~Fitting, Plumbing F We Invite citizens and string- ® [tence of their-unjust representation in a Kind Always : we . srs to visit our warerooms and the great assize of the nation." The staff reporter with ¥r.. Borden The You Have Bought CO A I ! or Hot Water Heating D one g juspeet our 5 please rom ty Onco there was a species of minofity [records off the leaders visit td Lioyd- | Bears the - ' . CALL UP 4 representation in spots, and it gave minister : "Strangely, even his appeals | Signature of The kind you are looking. for Ll. LESSES Toronto a member of the commons, {to imperial sentiment brought few 7 is the kind 1 A a ' and the only ome it had in ° many |cheers." The same record, practically, TH / : . We ag : : Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts, years, though the electorate is: nearly jcomes from other places: The west OMAS COPLEY S cra nton Co al 10tt TrOS. WHE Buy oan Sn kinds of @ |Uivided politically. Nothing of . that [sceths to have taken Mr. Borden's. . Prone 987, ' ks Burniture. Highest prices. § [kind i. contemplated by Sir Richard. measure protty well sevice sizinise Sort ih SORTER | § 00d cont and we guarantee Telephone 35 77 Princess Street. and prices w His idea is to group the constituencies ---- ter line. given on all kin prompt delivery. of Canada and to adopt a scheme of of course the opposition in the fede- Yards Fiore of all inde. rt representation by which the better men, ral parliamert will support propor stars ii Tecelve "prompt attention. BOOTH & CO. on' their merits, may be clected and [Honal representation. It [is simply; - ind the minorities have some representa |**Y* the Montreal Star, minority re OUR CRYSTAL "BRAND tion in parliament, Claude Macdonnell [Presentation by another name, and the Ot Standard Granulated Sugar and Edmund Bristol, of 'Toronto, [conservative leaders, like Sir Richoard, Has been tried and found excellent for x Inugh at the thought. They are inclin- have taken a shy gt the question Ju ein and table use, Price Is TINSMITHING and PLUMBING od to treat it folly. They say [on Academic sort of way. Now lk CLEA Emon: pea , al that with popeetione] ato them get down Yo business. Or will ANDREW MACLE All kinds of Tinumithing and Plumb i i at ] shes mame -- shortest notice. the liberals would be out of wer, Is{they, in "a spirit of cussedness, resist on > that not what these men oy And [it because Sir Richard is its cham. | $900000080000000000000s "Stoves taken down and stored in . 2 . good dry store room. ' : if so why should' any objection come [Pion ? . CLEANING LADIES' WEAR. We make a specialty of Ho¥ Air Tom thotn } : Soured milk-wheated, milk, after it : All orders promptly attended to. FOOT WEST STREET. : i With the value in our Ladies' High Grade Shoes, in Gun_Metal, Dongola Kid, Tan Calf and Patent Leather. All New Spring Goods, up-to-date Lasts and Goodyear Welt Sole. 5 For $3.00 This Week. Ladies' Suits: Skirts, Fancy Heating, Sa American Coal Oil at l4e. The Star has the correct idea, and |} been boiled go as to Kill" the bac yt Por Waists, Opera Clanks. | etc., or dy lion, delivered parts it will bear repeating. Proportienal |, . derived from the dust, air, haif, Pa ars satisfy ty. 4 te all g of the mpc lation canhot be ade the im |, ond milk on 'which The Bacillus (6: The Mgt SIRE W. C. BENNE sng uy party to keep iteell in |) purine, or The Bacillus of Long Dyers and Cleaners, Phone 108 : : : 373 King St. power. Ibis not a geymander bY |) has been will be developed is the 69 PRINCESS STREET, pt or the Sobran Biba another name. It is a plan by which iption of an eminent Edinburgh n. Ont. the minoritied' will have some represen: te : att : . a gut physician. It is not quite as atirac | gg g000esee0essssssses tation, but the majorities will rule. tive a drink 2s Coco Cols, but it is : OUR NATIONAL DAY. healthier and should be tested asa > COHEN How quietly Dominion day was [Popular drink. r spent in Kingston ! There was noch | ry, Montreal Gamette misses the | British-American High-Class ing of a public nature to mark ita], i.¢ when it supposes that objection ight. Ladies' Tailoring. passage, and so far av it was an in- |i; taken to the knighting of Sir Max Will remove from 231 Pria- terference with business' it might as | yiiken because he i¢ a conservative. mwaing cess Street to a finer pre- well have been held on Saturday, ac |n Mower Cun 8 mises at 267 Princess Street on s : Fh 8 y or about July 15th. cording: to -siatutary appoin 3 . Q dally. Reducing all his prices In And it is one of the most important, : ton. | @ any ladies' garments before iversaries "of the , that ly moving. : ich thls Soung. sation mo. hore, for idler' . ited FINKLE CO. Latest style and fit guaras-§ "J the union of the provinces into a con- [dental me 2 St. 5 | 3 teed. i in Ma |lederacy was surely the beginuing of |» Z e L H. Jennings, -

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