, me DaLY BRITISH WHIG. 'TUBSDAY. JULY 4 1011. SANDALS Barefoot Sandals, Best Grades. i F STANDARD BANK |SPRIUAL war OF CANADA {1S WHAT 1S NEEDED IN THE CHURCHES TO-DAY. WOULD - NOT TRUST. And as a Result Considerabije Liti- gation Followed. A Littl faith on the part of either party would have avoided the litign tion betwéen Alfred D. Snider and Rev. F. G. Robinson Talks Plainly | Likan May Saider, of the united Coun- to the People of Princess Street ties of lennox and Addington, aceord- N Methodist Chisrch--The Churches ing to the decision of Justice © Bnit- A Asi ton. A. D. Snider entered mto an re ep, He Declared. {agreement with Mrs. L. M. Snider to Although the weather was oppres- purchase a seventy-five-acre farm om sively warm a good audience gathered April Ist, 1911, but when the time tor in Princess Street Methodist church, fulfilment of the conjract came around Sufiday evebiog, to listen to Rev. the plaintiff would ot give over the Frederick' G. Robinson deliver his money until he ¢fitettd mto full initial discourse to the congregation. session of the lind and the dl, Child's Sizes 3 to 7 12 $1.00 The congregation was impressed at 'would not surrender the farm until $ : once with the speaker's earnest and ghe received the money. In the i- Child's Sizes " convineing manner and his fearless: dence oly Snider said oe on > : 8 bs 10 1 125 : : i 1 AE told that he was dealing with a scaly Boys' & Girls' Sizes 11 to 2 1.35 : - : : ness in proclaiming the gospel. 'Ye shall' class of people, and the defendant said Women's Sizes - 150 B uster Brown He spoke from Acts i, 8: the Holy she had been warned that he was a Men's Sizes . 200 ° Suit Cases... ITGASES Best in Town : $1.50, 2.00, 8.00, 5.00, 6.00 to 20.00 Every Department Is fully Equipped to ensure : Prompt and Efficient Service. Savings Bank at all Branches Specifications For Lambert's Tailoring Good cloth, all wool and properly Shrunk : > ldnings that will wear as good as the outside. Meteriinings such as canvas, haircloth, padding, ete, of the best. 4 : Style to suit the wearer. Coat must fit smoothly on shoulders and neek. Workmanship-- Each garment to be properly moulded and stayed. and the best silk and linen thread to be used in all sewing, which must be neat and sirong Does it cost much to get such Clothing? Suit for $20.00. Thos. Lambert, 157 Princss Strast -- and pockeis to be receive power; after that Ghost will come upon you." He! x L rerson with whom he wou prefaced his remarks by a scathing he careful in dealing. ° Tg londebip a of the Sondition of things in jecides that the money was not in the churches to-day the possession of the plaintiff when "The greatest need in the world to- he demanded the property, and the day is the gospel, and that preached 4 was - in the defendant's hands fearlessly," exclaimed the speaker at ready to be given in exchange for the the outset of his sermon. "The worlds at anv time, so ange is is full of wickedness. We wee it on ev- jased wi ery hand. On bvery hand we see men Jimmi without ost. and women who ure in need of the! gospel. Churches are on the right | hand sod on he get yet Bothing To Pacific seems 10 be done to p men and wo- | : men to live better oy The Bible | a North-Western Railway. says that the time will come when ev-| Special low rate round trip tickets ery knee shall bow, and every tongue ON sale from all points in Canada to confess the Lord Jesus Christ. At this 10% Angeles, San Francisco, Portland rate. of going I think it will be a long [and numerous other Pacific Coast time before such a state of things points, during July, August and Sep- comics to puss. tember. Excellent tkain service. For "The churches are.asleep, They have Hfustrated folders, time tables, and grown too respectable to help-pooeiiull particulaps, address BH Bennett and needy people. One hears of this (General Agent ©. & N. W. Ry.,, 46 chureh being spokén of as the 'fash-|Yonge street, Toronto, Omt. ionable' church. Only well-to-do peo- | : ple are counted®in the congregation, Ministers themselves see that none but | the very best are admitted to the church. Many ministers nowadays are afraid to preach the gospel. They | { think if they did not preach on sensa- | tional subjects, their congregations pom. would dwindle away. 1 would rather| Jones' Falls and return, every Wed be the poorest preacher in Methodism | pesday and Saturday, 6 am., farefor and preach the gospel, than receive round trip, 50c. ? the fattest salary that is handed out Jas. Swift & Co., and preach just to suit the people. J. Hanley, "What is the remedy for this ? you ; {will ask. Get the minister and the | | people imbued with the Holy Spirit and the desired result will be brought about. We need another Pentecost Thep people would not be too tired to come out to church on Sunday morn- mg, and they will look for something | more, than eloquence from the minis ter, "Another thing Not at all. We can build a They're Great for Hot Days. ABERNETHY'S WOLFE ISLAND WOES TROUBLE IN REGARD TO ITS FERRY. a SUMMER TOURIST RATES BAR SOLDER, BABBITT METAL and all INGOT METALS. Headquarters for Quality. Write for Prices. The Canada Meta Co. Ltd, Fraser Avene, Toronto Coast Via Chicago and I I I III AST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED: FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK, MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 286. ; KINGSTON, ONT. HAVING Pretty White Wash Materials nr Nav. for Wednesday, Saturday, at 6 a.m. For Clayton--Every Tuesday, Wed- {nesday, Friday and Saturday, at 6.15 Co., Limited. " Ottawa = every Thursday and Rideau Lakes Steamers leave Monday, o The People Impatient Over the De- lay in Completing Their Boat-- Difficulty Getting a Supply Boat. & The Wolfe Island council js having its troubles over its ferry. Early in May it put its steamer Wolfe Islander on the Davis dry dock have false sides added so as to give the steamer larger carrying chpaeity and | more stability. The work has taken longer than expected, six weeks hav Bovs who have been in the habit of ing been figured upon, although there {bathing off Catarayai bridge will hate was no set time in the contract, and to forego this pleasure in | hecause of this the island council is the future, | "™ Fle i as an-order has been issued preventing | being criticized by many of the peo- en them from swimming = there, whether |Ple: The steamer "Pierrepont was they have tights"on or not after eight | gaged to do the island ferry work o'clock in the mornipg, and before | for six weeks, at the end of which {eight o'clock in iw evening. The | time it 'was expected that the Wolfe boys are wondering "where they will [Islander would be completed. . The {go now, as this was about the only [Thousand Island ' steamboat company {place left Ifor them to enjoy them: {accommodated the island coumeil * mp selves in the 'water. till a few days ago, leasing the steamer for twenty dollars a day, the council to supply the erew and fuel. It was essential for the Pierrepont to go on the Cape Vincent route, and to be first painted, so that boat had to be taken of. Howevér, the com pany fitted out the steamer Jessie Bain to, fill the gap. 'The latter boat 'was insufficient, and af: ter two days it was taken off the route. The climax Aer all there is nothing so nice as White for Summer. White Mater: ials Wash Easily and satisfactorily and always look well, Special Showing Of White Spot Muslins 500 yards fine Sheer Muslin, 6 different size dots : these. : fire parfoc in every way, in fact only put into Stock a Tew days ago Your Choice Wednesday - 1lc per Yard ---- ts NAIA tN, Don't Fail To Get Some of This Lot Head, New Linen White Vesting and in to Saturday Sale To make room for New Goods. _ Beautiful $3.00 to $4.00 Vases only Two Dollars THE " TOKYO" 174 WELLINGTON ST. agents Pp. agent, Where Will the Boys Swim? which is needed in the church to-day is spiritual dyna- mite. The. cannon, the ball and the wder when separated are harmless, but "when. touched with a match in stantly become a mighty force. The | church, the minister and young peo: | ple's societies will all be fruitless un- Surtings, White New Indian New Muslins, SeerSucker, CRUMLEY BROS. Our Big Mid-Summer|$ Fumiture Sale Now On. Fell With Her Baby. At Yarker, Monday morning, while { waiting for the train, a young woman less touched with the power of the!with a baby in her arms, stumbled Holy Ghost. The minister needs thun- {over a suit case, sitting on the plat der and the power of the Holy Ghost | | form, which she did not son, and fell, to enable him to do his work pro- | When falling the baby fell out of her perly." arms and was hurt considerably. She In conclusion Mr. Robinson said that {took the youngster . to a doctor and Christians nowadays are tongue-tied. | Jas a consequence the train went with- They need a surgical operation. One' out her. might be in the company of a Chris- | tian nowadaye for a week or a month and not hear them speak a word about | the Master. The special music Don't Wait till Wash - Day Comes around--make sure Xow that You have one of Eddy's Washboards The Boards With The Labor-Saving Crimp. No other Washboards can give you the same genuine satisfaction. ade in differ- ent styles and sizes to suit the tastes of - different people. At All Good Grocers. was reached on Satur- day whon the council arranged to have the islanders carried to and from the city «n' Grant Pike's stow; towed ty a gasoline yacht. gfhe cus | toms refused to allow this, and ihe Bright Eyes, Rosy Cheeks. That depressing "used-up"' feeling [and pallid face can be quickly ex- hl far, the occasion chariged for happiness and rosy cheeks | y very adcepta ee The Shir Fen: hy a course of "Wade's Iron Tonic ingore wised service had to be abundon ore he anthem, ng o as, Pills. They build up the constitution, | f t charged with h Willi ok ed, although a fee was no g enthusiasm. illiam Mack'ssolo | jnake n new, rich blood, strengthen th M k hiel was well rendered and the qimstette 1 B #1 the passengers. Motor _ boats = neh a 3 nerves and improve digestion. Price | rried islanders were also ordered to setting of "Abide With Me". as ren- a 95 om || de ered by Misses Mitchell and Sherbino eis, | at B, McLeod's Drug | {cease engaging in. the traffic, z they and Messrs. Mack and Williams, made | {are not allowed to go into the pas a fitting close of the service. scnger carrving trade with jut in Flower Sunday was observed in the | spection and a license. Tiny se morning, having been delayed a week hot at the city wharf of the 'gland until the new minister should arrive {ers for a time, and the daw 7 wal The main body of the church was fit sought. 'The steamer Mississquoi re ¢ { lieved the situation by making =a tingly COT wi rR ic ting ts Baw "a hed sold about $100 worth of fishing tackle couple of trips to and from the : er last week. Tourists" have commenced | h bi per ; nd before three o'clock. The " shoot, Ni, Bevis Wilder: 5 a | to come this way, and the local deal- Me nde "did duty on Sunday and enoen s Presider ie Shurch was { fers are well patronized for supplies. 'Monday 0 Monday. ed to the doors and the simple ser- ! x th he Wolfe Teland vice was very beautiful. A number of | , ork It is expected that the Wolfe Islan children from the Orphan's Home, in | Mark Twain's Works. Sw, bor will be able to resume her trip, to charge of Mr. Smeaton, were present If you are interested in obtaini day. She came out of the David dry and occupied a portion of the edifice complete set of all his books at oo) ' dock, Tuesday morning, and eoaled up Choruses, recitations and short ad- half the former price on the easy Pay-| at Swift's wharf. The steamer La dresses by members of the school and ment. plan it will eost nothing to get , de is running' until the Wolfe Is the pastor constituted the.programme full particulars and a new thirty-two|jander is prepared to get back to her which was brought to a close shortly page book. "Little Stories About| 51d trip. after twelve o'clock. : Mark Twain. Address Box wy Britiah Whig office, { GIVEN' BEAUTIFUL GIFTS. Prorrreresssssecssenesl Tinsmithing & Plumbing All kinds of ° Tinsmith, Plumbing and Contract Work. Stoves taken down and stor- ed for the summer af weder- ale rates. All work promptly attended to. Lemmon Bros. 'Phone 098. 201 Princess St. @rrrrssrrsrsrssressrescen ' | Hard on the Fish. The fishing' season has now arrived, land the members of the finny tribe | {will have a hard time of it. One local i dealer stated to the Whig that he had | : + ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ' ¢ ' ¢ : ? ' ' ' Suits For Summer Wear Need the same careful attention given your Crown Gypsum Hair Plaster saves labor and will make your walls practically inde- structible, P. WALSH b6---57 Barrack Street ro L000 00000000000 DAVIS DRY DOCK Co. Is the right place to get zl kinds of Boats and Launches, p Or. Steam and Gasoline Ene gines, Boilers and Maghnery. Repairs done promptly and at reasonable prices. A trial solicited. . Davis NEW ELECTRIC BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS AND CHILDREN'S IRON JLOTS. ¥ BEDROOM SETTS, PARLOR SETTS, " DINING-ROOM SETTS. ! ON SALE AT The Leading Undertaker. "Phone 147. CHILDREN'S DAY Buffalo Bill Tuesday. -Winter apparel. - } 5 " Next Tuesday, July 11th, will be children's day in Kingston, when every < Try Us On A Summer Suit. boy and girl in town will be given a - tréat that will linger in their minds. | CRAWFORD & WALSH] [Fis fmt cow boys and cow girls, for, as the eading Tailors. Princess Bagot 3 guests of Vernon C. Seaver, Jr., the voungest cow boy in the world, they Pa Abt Long Stay in the Cells. = . : Former Four drunks were gathered in by | the police on Saturday, and they had | ' a a long stay in the cells. They had to| Mr. and Mrs. Walter H.. Phillips, wait until Tuesday morning to be | Watertown, N.Y, formerly of this triedd, as there was no session of city, were made the recipients of beau the | police court on the holiday. | day: this | tiful gifts, at Watertown, a few being a daughte: lago. Both are well-known in | city, Mrs. Phillips of Mrs. Johan Apnsley, Earl 'street [The évent took place al the - opening lof the Sunday school of the Arsena: t | street M. E. church, and the. re {sentations were made by the teachers and other members of the school in {appreciation of the: services rexderad {by them as officers of the school. For {many years Mr. Vhillips bar been the | | efficieht superintendent of the school reg LB ey {and through his efforts it has Leon There are: other Hotels, {brought to a high degree of efli none approach the Club 'ciency. Mts. Phillips has been in homelike surreusdiugs, elty- and lcharge of the junior department, and to principal and she, too, has been most successful in Purity . Gra Nuts {her work. They have resigned their 4! positions, as they are leaving for » j fartinad, Oregon, and Mr. Phillips hos isposed of his grocery hasineas. Ms | Phitiips was presated wilh a gentle { man's toilet travetling case, and Mrs { Phillips with a eat glass jordinieve | andi table mirror: One of the school | classes also presented Mrs. Phillips Kingstonians Remembered At the Show ~ Next at Watertown. ot Rd The price of one suit of clothes wise- ly invested will increase your yearly | income by at least 30 per cent. Yes, it's a Moon College ad, but, like all | other Moon College Ad's, it is fact not fiction, . will be given a free ride onthe' back of a genuipe Indian pony and will be lec tured to by competent instructors, who will explain the wonderful de velopment of the west, The little host-torbe is - the son of Col. Vernon C. Seaver, general man- | | ager of the voung Buffalo Wild West | show, which will he 1 in Kingston - for | two performances, afternoon and | night. It is in the afternoon that the | little ones are invited to be guests of | the 'managers son and immediately af- ter the matinee he will receive them. No child will be missed, but everyons | that presents him or herself will be | given a ride. While an educatibnal treat for the children as well as for grown-ups, the Young Buffalo show provides more entertainment and sur- prises than any other circus or wild west 'show in the world. It has with it such celebrities 'ag Annie Oukley, the Bn THECLUBHOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, ~ PS, ww" . - {June Sale Now On Goods You Want The Present Moment At Cut Prices. Long Silk and Lisle Gloves in White, less otie-third of regular prices. " ONE-PIECE DRESSES, The Wholesome but for close stores theatre, Arges are moderate. Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, Phone 420, Ad J THE WRONG DIAGNOSIS, 3 J has never been questioned, This food is scientifically prepared from the field | Black, Cream, Fawn. | -- Prompt the Use of Worthless Rem- edies. Mull and Lawn, nicely trimmed, in White, Pink, less one-third off regular prices. TWO-PIECE WASH SUITS, In White, Cream, Blue, Pink, Grey, 1 Tan and Mauve less one-third | off regular prices, COLORED CHIP AND STRAW HATS, Regular prices, 78¢ to $1.75. NOW 25c¢ BACH. D. M. SPENCE, (lsd, x 19 Princess Brat. Cream, Mauve, Sky, 4 Deekiing woman wing and rifle shot; Ambtose Means, the only man in the world who ever lassoed a full grown Ba, and hundreds of other prominent The big wild west will arrive in this city on its own special train of thirty-four cars. It has 700 names on | its pay rolls and comes here after ao spec trip of success. i At times there are one hundred per- formers in the arena, the entire exhi- bition being staged with a disregard of expense. A big street parade will be given at 'ten o'clock on the morning of the exhibition, at Which time by A his? tire aggregation wi sen 4} out in their holiday attire. . . grains, wheat and barley, in such a way as to pre- serve their "vital" elements which supply nourishment to Body and Braiu. | with a set of solid silver spoons. Completed Their ork. Constables McCarey and Timmerman {completed their sanitary inspection of | | the city, on Satarday. The inspection Thousands know, from actual personal test, the | great nutritive value of this incomparable food, "There's a Reason." Canadian Postum Cereal Co., d.. Sys Soilet. waters, "Prowacs drug Windsor, Ont. Canada. | has been a most thorough one in every | ! respect. Taking the entire city, e inspectors found the houses and sur 1 roundings in a far better condition than a year ago. Firemen Were Given Run, is was Even an experienced physician will {sometimes make a mistake in diagnos is, in which event his entire treatment and may even be injurious to the patient. The advocales of all other hair re storatives save Herpicide have strong: ly diagnosed the cause of Dandruff and Falling Hair. They figure on a functional disease y Whereas it is pow kodwn and generally s jaccepted that hair loss is due Yo a 'parasitie gm which Newbro's Herpi- cide destroys. About three o'clock on Baturday «ai- | Thete is no substitute for Herpicide i ternoon, the firemen were given a run $0 the home of Charles Cunningham, ' 50 Rideau street, where a small bluse { started in one of the rooms, from mu faieti™ danse, The Sxmage was very | slight accept none. Sold by leading druggists 0c. in. stamps for sample to i Herpicide Co. Detroit, Mich ' dollar bottles guarapteed. J, Ledd, special ageot. Send The One B. Me LIGHT FOR HOME Let us furnish your home with Eleetric Wiring and beautiful Fixtures complete, ready for lighting. 8-Room House 10-Room House ..S88.50 12-Room House ..942.78 Your Choice of Fixtures. CHEAPER THAN COAL Off. 79 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 441. H. W. NEWMAN $ ELECTRIC go #anenaaranas ssssesen@ Le = $88.50 =