| > Nis Np r Are offered Tn The Bank of Toronto that i satisfactory banking service which com from long experience and co plete equipment and facilities, Business accounts of every description receive careful at- tention. BANK OF TORONTO RESOURCES.... $50,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, 0000000000000 0000000000000 eeocesesecnscscecscnee Spray Your Fi Tress. THIS 18 THE TIME - FORTHE DEADLY CODLING MOTH, And It Is astonishing, but the De- partment of Agriculture says that 50 per cont. of the blossoms are do stroyed hy the Codling Moth, and the only way lo get rid of it is : SPRAY With the Arsenate of Lead for all Insects and Sulphate of Lime for Growth. all Fungus Let us tell yon how to do it and Increase your yield cent, 25¢ 1b. 76¢ gal, Arsenate of Lead Sulphate of Lime .. Sold only at Ww A Mitchell's Hardware TEP EEE2S 40420 NN0 WILLIAM MURRAY, : Auctioneer, ony and Country Sales Care~ . fuily Conducted, - + Market Square, Kingston, " > Lanassasss ls] 300 Cords Peed Pup Wood This Wood was posleq 4 and plied under cover to dry. We are offering this Wood to the Raniie at $5.00 per cord, cut in any] hs. This is the best lot of Wood ever offered for spring and summer use. Try it and be con- vinced . ™~ SOWARDS 'Phone 165. North End Outario Street. BAD WATER AGAIN THOMPSON'S Celebrated Dublin sad Belfast GINGER ALN. ys Guaranteed to equal a d tm. y ported Ginger Ale. Try case and be convinced, Thompson Bottling Co. PRINCESS STREET. am 'Phone 304. |: te ee Poe The Up-to-date Restaurant and Eating House. ents. "lighted. ¥ i our Full Course Dinner, 0 Jtinally decided to' take no action of fruit 50 pery ng OF AND PRESBYTERIANS. For Three Months--Rev. Mr, Pawson Says Presbyterian Church is Self-Sustaining, Methodist church, at Portsmouth, on Monday night, the question. of union with the Preshyterians of the village, was again discussed, but it was! at the present time. Jt way decided to go on with the work for three months longer, in order to give it another trial, and to if better Progress vould be made, Sagar, who was appointed Mn hon just recently, resigned, the charge will have to be filled supply. © I. F. Harrison oecupied the chair, representing the Methodist conference. and the other members present, tepre senting the conference were Rev. =, Sellery, Abraham Shaw, Elmer Davis and G. A. Bateman. The members of | the Portsmouth Methodist church pre. sent were Messrs. William J. Kerr, T/ Kh. Nicholson, W. Kenny and J. Butler, Jr. Mr-Sagar has left for Peterborb, wo to and by | proposition may be put on foot fora ! union with the other church. In gonversation with Rev, John Dawson, pastor of the church in Portsmouth, the Whig lenrns that the article "in Saturday's paper | is likely i sion. Mr. Dawson wavs the Methodist minister quoted was vpparently not aware of the facts. It is true that | about two vears ago the Presbyterians ther contemplating the building of --& church, approached the Methodists with a view to union. No arrange ment was arrived at, The present agi- tation for union, he saves, arose en- tirely with the Methodists; who have | been finding it extremely difficult to meet expenses, even with substantial | help from Methodists outside the vil- lage. r says | that while the Presbyterians are ati present entirely self-supporting, there is no doubt that | Portsmouth is one of the places where some kind of organie union woull be mutually advantageous, Dawson THE LATE MISS DAVIDSON. The Funeral on Monday--\ Garden| of Flowers. i The funcral of the late Miss Edith | May Davidson took place, on Monday afternoon, trom her tather's rosidenc oy Portsmouth. 'Lhe service was conduct- ed by Rec. J. A. Shaver, lurmnr pas- tor of Porismouth Presbyterian church, asdsted by Rev, John Dawson. As a tribute to the warm love which de- ceased bore for music, a short musical # rvice was given by the Misses Bull and Halliday, and Messrs. Shea, Halli day and A. Arbuckle, violinist. The hymns sung were 'Peace, Perfect feace," "When the Day of Toil is Done," and "Beautiful Isle of Some- where. Ihe casket was carried by the three brothers of deceased, and R, Mul- lin, F. ¥onison and N. Potter, and the remains were laid to rest in Cota- | raqui cemetery. the funeral was large- ly attended, testifying to the loving regard in which deconsed was held, Flowets were contributed by the fol- lowing : Three brothers, anchor; Rock- wood hospital, anchor, pillow and two Hockey Club, Junior Hockey stafi of Northern Crown bank, cross; Mrs, and Miss McRae, erces; R. Mullin, wreath; Mr. and Mrs. B. and Miss M. Culcheth, wreath. he following sent sheafs : 'Mrs. Davidson and Mr. and Mes. T. A. and Mrs. John Tavlor, and Mrs, McArthur, Brockville, Miss E. Hens: tridge, the Misses EK. and T. Camp bell, the Misses Beaton and Elder, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walkem, Mr. and Mrs. I. Evans, Me. and Mrs. F. Burke, Mr. ad Mrs. A. Atking, Mr. and Mes. J. Dennison, KR. Robinson, Miss 1 Capt. and Mss. C. Renupre, Rev. Mrs. J. 0, Grisp, P. Lawson, Mr. Mrs. A. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Arbuckle,J. Cousins, FF. Birch, Miss A. Melver, Mr. and Mrs. 8. MoCullough, W. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. W, Carr, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hactrick, Mrs. J. Bear- ance, 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Day; sprays from Mr. and Mrs. F. Horsibrook, Miss Rull, Mies A. Martin, Miss E. MePavish, F. Nicholson, Miss IK. Ryan, Miss. K. McCammon. H. SUGARMAN, Dealer in all kinds of New and Second. Hand Goods. Anyone having -goods for sale drop a card to 342 Ontario Street. sheafs; Frontenac wreath; Portsmouth Club, wreath: R. K. and and At a meeting of the members of the | At the end of the three months, ia Preshy terian to give an erroneous impres f Davidson, Mr. | AL NEAR GAN saNAnogy i and L. C, Lockett's Boat First in the Motor Class. A very interesting cruising race was | started from the yacht club on Sa- turday afterncon, the destination be ing Dowinicn Lands No. 1, above Gun moque, the sajling yachts going ky the south Chafinel and the mgtor boats by way of the North Channel. There was a from about the south and the bgd a splendid run down, fast time. The sailing yachts divided into two classes, those in (lass 1 being the Heather, Isis, Chir} livn and Tegn and these boats sailed under the L.Y.R.A, riles. The other boats sailed under , a special handi- cap. | In class I boats the Heather finish- ted first, the Isig second, and the Chiriva "third. The Jsis was leading {at Burnt Island and would likely have finished first but her bn struck la boulder ard this caused her to {lose several minutes, The Isis has {protested the Heather for a foul on the way down, and this may dis {qualify the Heather. in class 2 H. P. Smith's ifnished first with a good. lead, lowed by John Davy's Harmony lwith R. E. Buin? Freda third. The motor boats had a fine {down, but quite a number of them | were disqualified for exceeding the speed given jo their entries. I he win- mers--were + Loekett--first;--~bohn | MeKay 8% - and C. E. Willis third I'he time was taken at the finish by {Commodore W. C. la prize for the motor boats and an- other for the sailing yachts. * Nearly the whole fleet of the yacht {club took part in the difierent events land this was one of the most suecess- {ful cruising races ever held by the | clish. The yachts cruised among the {islands over the holiday, arriving {home Morday afternoon and evin'ng. The weather was delightful for eruis- jing and a most en; oyable time was, by the yachtsmen on their out ing. This was the first time the mo [to baat men took part in a cruising race and it proved =o enjoyable that | it 1# likely to be repeated. yachts Oweenee and race i spent In Case of Sunstroke. The great thing to Jo with patients ! so stricken is to lower the tempta- ture of the body very gradually. The person shold be placed at once in a warm bath, and the water gradu ally cooled until it is down to nine ty -eight degrees, or normal heat. Par- ticular care should be taken not to wive shock, such as would result from | the apulication of cold water, na might have serious effects. Children] especially: syffering from the efiects of cathedral, the host should be stripped, placed in a warm bath, and the water coole gradually. Made Presentation. Ralph. Bowron; who physical instructor, at the Y.M.C.A., foft for his home, in Hamilton, Tuesday - noon. At the Grand station, he was waited on by a num- ber 'of Y.M.C.A. hoys, and presented | with a fine (ald mounted silk umbrella | K. | Prevented Dangerous Blaze Tuesday!" | which was suitably engraved. Knapp made the presentation. was accompanied yd an address, real Hy Samuel Lilley. Bowron was a good 'man for the id, at the Y.M.C. A., was very popular with the boys, and all are very sorry to see hime leave. The gift Mirrors Were Broken. T. Saskell, proprietor of the laream parlor on Princess street, was having some new mirrors put in on | 'tuesday. Eight or ten large ones were {leaning against. the front of the store {on the sidewalk. Somehow, the bal: i ! } ice {toppled over on the walk. Every mir cor was broken, and that the losd will be about 2400, Queen's Man Appointed. | "Registrar G. Y. Chown, of Queen's Liniversity, has received word the commissioners of the exhibition of | 1851, Soience Research scholarship, stating that "W. A. Bell, B.Sc, Bt. Thomas, had been appointed as Queen's university representative enjoy this scholarship for next yea {The scholarship is valued at $1,250. . Horse Ran Into Anto. A horse which wag running away in Portsmouth, on Monday, collided with an automobile 'belongin, of the city, and the on auto were broken. The horse was considerably bruised. It had freed itself from the buggy: to which it was attached, and was running {ree when {it struck the auto. Not Defiditely Settled Yet. No decision has vet been. arrived at 'as to whether the street cars are guards of the making in the shade on Sunday, lyeve the report of Prof. A. P. fol- Kent, who! donated } - | street, this | | | Mrs. resigned as on {Ting on Monday afternoon by Trunk | Reid, undertaker. | Shea, | ance was lost and the whole case full yardmen acted promptly, it is estimated | from { the | to | 1 Ask. of CPR to a resident | Detroit United . PORTSMOUTH cits HELD 70 DOMINION LAND No. 1, teres. "DEGREES IN THE | | SHADE ON MONDAY. | Methodists Decide to Continue on'The Heather Finished First in Class! Kingston, Mowever, - "Was Cool - 1, the Oweenee First in Class 2, Compared to Other Places--To- ronto's Temperature Was 103 in the Shade--The Hot Spell Wan-| ing. In view of the reports kom so many 'other places throughout the province | concerning the extreme heat of Bun- day and Monday, K bas no reason Yor complaining of the hot | spell. While Toronto sweltered, with | beautiful breeze blowing gb. 'thor ometer at M3 iu the shade, i Kingston's highest official Semporntore | | mg to ight, was ' ternoon it was eighty-five degrees. | the downtown districts, on Mon | ng the thermometer was not above | ninety. There were no heat prostra- | tions in Kingston, and, although the | sweated a little, they had cause | to be thankful that they were '"'not ao other men" in the east and west On Sunday afternoon, the street | cars would have been well patronized had they been running to Lake On- tario park, for that was one after: noon 'of the summer that many people wodld have been glad of & chance to have got out of the city. Sunday was agreed to be hot en- ough, but Monday "'went one 'etter,' the mercury in the shaded spots reach; ing eighty- five degrees: There was also 'less breeze on Monday, especially in the evening. It is a quarter of a. cen- tury since Kin geton's official maximum temperature has gone higher "than it | did on Monday, and the people would - just as soon that this record remain unbroken. The weather Tuesday was not as hot | as on Monday. At 8 a.m. the ther? mometer stood at seventy-one degrees | in the shade, and it was not expected | to go over eighty in the afternoon. Kingston seems to be about the cool- est place in the province during the | summer, At 3 p.m., Dr. Knight reported the highest temperature recorded Tuesday was 82.6 degrees, STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS, -~ that for | And Died in the Hotel Bien on Mon- | day Morning. | Mary Smith, living at 39 Pine was stricken with paralysis about eleven o'clock, Saturday morn ing while at ork at her home, anc | was conveyed to the Hotel Dieu in [Corbett's ambulance. - She died about tn o'clock, 'Monday morning. She was the widow of the late hen | | Wade Smith, who died from burrs ye |° ceived four years age in the cotton | 'mill. She leaves a grown-up family, | {She was a Homan Catholic in reli- {irion, apd her funeral will take place rom hér late residence to St. Mary's where a solemn requiem | | mass will be --_- = Mrs, Died at t Rookwood, Enna Jarvis, an inmate of | {Rockwood hospital died in that insti- tution en Sunday, aged fifty-eight | yenrs. Her remminsg were gent to Stir R. J. QUICK WORK OF FIREMEN Morning. About 8.20 Tuesday started on the railway tracks wear Tete de Pont barracks, whee a ear | of oil belonging to the city, and used for the streets was standing The quick work of the fire prévented 4 bad blaze, as had the cur caught fire, there would have been serious trouble, | The men Trom the lower station: were | able to put out the five with chemi: | iwals. Several other ears were the tracks, but the morning, fire on had the ears out of danger. At 230 o'clock, on Monday after noon, the firemen at the upper station | had a telephone call from the Y. W C. A., where a chimney was giving ome trouble. No damage. STOCK Qu OTATIONS Montreal Hutton. 4th, (From Met mag - Bros, Through J. 0. July im. $ Bid. 2404 b oh 30 22% diy 73 84 169] 143 53 330 224 | Eastern Canada Pulp Ps Crown "Reserve Canada Cement Dominion Steel 7 | 3 si Hoy | | 2 1434 Ww oN NY J Duluth Superior . Montreal Power Minn, & St. Paul . Toronto Railway Dominion Textile Twin C ty oe ara Nova Scotia .-... - Lake of the Woods. Porta Rica b. pRochester, jat Uhuildings, | Randall and Miss Thurza Salsbury, | RB tica, oe { Bmmgston & Pembroke anid soon | wt ON PRES VIG CRG ETE omy Y SHELTERED Colds or Fevers Are broken up in & single night, and | Serious illness prevented, by taking | Hood's Pills - All Groggiste. 35 coms, * Store Closes at 5 O'clock Bach Day Except Saturday Duriog July and August, HE DAY'S PSE LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences in ~Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. Kool Kingston ! 8 Gibson's. vy Cold cream i the City and Vicinity A evol wave is promised for Thars- i ~two degrees, while on Monday day or Frifay. A. uarnigaa speat the 'Gananoyue, Ont. Miss bessie Gleeson left Monday, for Ottawa. iss Laurs' Feeney hak gone NY, for a few days, "Buy taleum 'powders, Gibson's. kite Torontoians blistered with the heat, Kingstonians were comfortable. There was a heavy thunderstorm in the Prescott district Saturday night Nearly twosthirds of the hundreds of holidays at noon, cottages at Thousand Island Park are | ocoupied., toronto, 103 degrees; This tells the story of - lighthul climate. Fhe hot weather has dreds to the Thousand the past'few days. J. B. Walkem shows Roses, potatoes not flowers. ers are big and eptable. Thomas Jackson; ~of-¥Khtateth; Nod is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R Allen, University avenue. 'duck' Powell, Joseph™) Neil i Bertram Stansbury have a few days in Rochester, N.Y. "lee cream bricks," Gibson's, * No, Johmy, there will not be snow fall, to-morrow, but the tempor ature may be a few degrees lower. _ Charles Green has returned to his howe in Péterboro after spending a few. days with I, Walsh, Baght strect. "Buy lemon kak," Gibson's. Mrs. James Salsbury, barviehield, turned, Saturday, from an ed visit to Magara Falls and NX Kingston, Kingston's de 35. Brought Islands some The and Prof, the during Denys. R. Meck, Cirand Patriarch Grand Encampment, T.0.0.F,, the Prescott Encampment, an night Buy abby Mis. W. H Montreal, ar {guests of Horace Charles E organ in St, the Millner, Mar: of is presiding uhsence I'rof, of visited Monday Gibson's Emme and family, visiting in the city, Attwood, salts," Major Pavid Seath, Montreal Board of Harbor commission ers; and Mrs. Seath, spent a couple of ave iw hingston. Fhe CPR. boat - Lake Champlain, on whic bh bean Bidwell was going |, to { Fagland, will not sail until "Saturday Linstead of Thursday. Kingston is the place Canada. Compare temperatures; arg' twelve to sixteen degrees than any place else. "Buy lemon kali," ( Mrs. Celia St. secretory © wolest mn we cooler aibson's Clair, Miss Annie of N.Y., are the guests of Mrs Salsbury, Barriefield St. John's Sunday school will picnic at Brophy's Point, on Thursday, July 6th. Steamer leaves Folger's wharf at 1'pom., and Portsmouth pier at 1.15 The home-comers from Uhicago get tickets to Kingston and return for $18.60, good for thirty days and stop over privileges. The special train promises to be crowded A. PEC KHANDS MADE A FUSS Because They Were "Not Served With © Eggs. wers they Because they not served jezgs Just when fthrde deck hands Kingston made a with wanted them, on the teamey nig fuss shortly af iter the vessel left Charlotte, Monday [might, and. in 'the exeitément some dishes were smashed. As a result, the { deck hands, William Spaicing, Arthur Francis, and Walter Hunter, were {taken "in charge by the police when | | the boat reached Kingston, and in the i police court, they were charged with | being disorde rly and with damaging { property. One of the night watchmen {and the night gave evidence against them. Tie men denied dam | aging property. The evidence of an luther employes of the boat is desired, {eo after some evidence had been taken an adjournment was made until Thurs iday. The cook, in his evidence, that orderd had been issued not give the men eggs, but that after. wards, this order had been vhanged, and eggs were on the bill of fare for them. However, the meri ereated the disturbmnce after they had been given the eggs. cook statad | Sree Motors installed. w | Crd i hun during | Early tub Ww. | left to spend | nd re | an extend- | Utica, | cathedral | Paul | the | of of the city 1 of the | on | to} Mid Summer Sale Jommences To-Morrow, when the follow ing Summdr Wash Goods will * be sold at geently reduced prices. <<. 1,800 Yards Chambrays, Ging- hams, Linen Suitings, Fancy Muslins, English Drills --And many other TIE, Thése will be sold at " One-Third Off for the Next Few Days. Women's White Dresses Many naw and stylish designs now ready. Taes» wlresses are a decided comfort, as thy ace properly cut and made ready to slip on. You May Choose a Summer Outfit At small cost, and if not quite ready to buy, have it placed aside uutil ready. ----. Our Alteration Department T Isin charge of an expert and any ready- to-wear garment can be altered to suit you in the most satisfactory manner. White Waists In a great varlety, now ready. $1.00, 1.25, 1 50, 1.75, 2.00 and up to 5 00. Children's White Dresses That save trouble and annoyance, Here they are ready to slip on. J. Laidlaw & Son Tr | + ood at dated ts outlast to | AT} | ts | Penman's, com. { Richelieu & Ontario Big Day at the Park. Monday was the biggest day in the historysof Lake Ontario park, since it 27 ope i. Supacidieodons Nickle said matat, Hruwe this morn that nev, X so large oy there a -- dn Baths; 10 H.P., Jackson's Wood Yard, '| here were 5800 people carried to she foot King street: 12 HP, WN. Hed park and brought home after six mond, Lumber and Sash Factory, i- o'v,ock last evening on eleven cars. vision amd Colborne stengts.: They in | One var coming in from the park re- [vite you to consult them When needing givtered 153 Jaren. Jey car was -- in electrical power. There was not a te a single 3 Ln a Fay with the ex-| "Buy lemon kaii," Gibson's. ception of the burning of about a] The local customs import duties fa foot of fuse. A couple of ladies got | Hune were 816.914.5% off the car backwards, but were not hurt mach, There was 'only one-drank al he was very "I'he only thing we lacked," said Nr. Nickle, "was a double track and more cars. W. Newman, Electric Co., 79 Pio wtreet, have iutatall] and ace installing motors weekly. v recent- ly sold and installed. One HP. mo Cansdian Freeman; one 5 H.T, Bruce & Mullin marble cutters; D. Campbell. Torkich . A192 'tun to Lake Ontario park on Sunday | lor not. Superintendent Nickle said | last week that ja decision would be jastived at in. a few days, but when seen again, Tuesday morning he said that he did "i know what the com pany would do Intanid "Revenue. Collections. Collections at the inland revenve of- fice for June : Spirits, $5,168.22; malt, £399.72; wbacco and cigare, $1,867.22; bonded factory (vinegai), $204.91; athy. spirits, $36.86; other receipts, 2; total collections, $7,704.1%. Treat for Patients. The members of the Ladies' Auxiliary White Canvas Shoes: FOR LADIES--COOL LOOKING AND VERY COMFORTABLE Very nice assortisent, 75 and $1.00 $1.50 and 200. 150 and 200 Straps, Weawy Soles and $3.00 and $3.50 We have just receive ' Oxfords with Leather Wels " Plain Tie Shoes, Wood Heels and 1 Strap Pomps * Pumps, with or without Heels . | sr s------ 'Back to Old Kingston. ames Dugizan, a former, and popu- | page RR ucing that . wight ago, and Nv i t time Re Hotawk, N.X., has returned this city, and will io future roside the vicinity ; of Kingston. Barks Herbs have great pS madicinal SL Oawar ary pat} to their ighest ficiency Purifying apd turk Ty Tox in. Hood's he 40.368 testimonials received by actual count in two years. Be sure to lake = Hood's Sarsaparilia Got It today, Sold by all everywhere. 100 Doses . Swiss ot a iii Cakes Angel BB avs prviinn olin ae Sak are see 20¢, BSc. . Be. wee B3e. . Ne we THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE STORE CLOSES AT 5 P.M., JULY AND AUGUST. to in