Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jul 1911, p. 8

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_PAGE Nou. dh L Progressive Business Men Are offered In The Bank of Toronto that satisfactory banking service which comes from long. experience and eom- plete equipment and facilities. +2|STREET-CARS T0- RUN ONTARM) FROM 1 TO 9 PM. T0 the Lord's Day Aliance. The Sunday 'street car guestion was ldecided Thursday afternoon wien W. Richardson, president of the King- ston, Portsmouth and Caslaraqui Elee- Business deseription tention, "accounts of every careful at- Omtarid Park during the hot weather. In an interview with the Whig Thurs ® [day afternoon, Mr. Richardson said . the franchise when given to the com- e | {pany called for service to the public ' o [and if the public demanded Sunday : ears it was under obligations to give it the service, "We are not Sunday cars to make money, but to e g.ve the people the service. The mér- ® , hant and the professional man ® his summer cottage, automobile, ® | otor boat, and he will not be bene ° fited by this move, but ft is the work- » {ng man that we are catering to. @' 'We have been warned that ® Lord's Pay Alliance will prosecute for infringement of the lord's Day e Act, and while we have no desire to eo be drawn into the law courts, we will ® defend ourselves. If the public will give ® us an expression' of opinion as to Hwhether they want the Sundav service e Or not, we will abide by ii. H the ma- @ jority want Sunday cark we will give Sessesscscssccesiccce them the service; if thee don't want Sb ee sp ------ them we will not run them. «2 "Nothing will be sold in the park Spay. Your Fit Tress. land no questionable amusements will he permitted. The pavilion will be free, T™IS "and any religous denonsnation tht DEADLY CODLING MOTH, receive BANK OF TORONTO ; ® EESOURCES---- $50,000,000 PURGES the Gs KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager, 200800000000 000000000000000 AAAAAAAALAS 04959949090 IS THE TIME FOR THE 'wishes to will be privileged to hold! services there." Many have raised objections" said lr. Richardson, "on account of the fn that the employees of the road would be compelled to work om Sunday paper was drawn up at the office and the men were told thatf they to work on Sundav to sign she paper. | Every man signed it. one wav. And It is astonishingy but the De- partment of Agriculture says that 60 _Pper cent. of the blossoms are de- stroyed by the Codling Moth, and the only way to get rid of it 1a "The service will be omly SPRAY | ho. The cars will gordowh Princess street fith the Arsenate of Lead for all and out to the park by King gnd Un lasects and ion streets; Ten minute services will be Sulphate of Lime for all given, COMINENcINS next Sandav:" Growth. or e---------------- Let us tell you how to do it and facrease your yleld of fruit 50 per tent Fungus Messsssssssassassssssesl COAL! The kind you 'are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal th good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery, BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Arsenate of lead Bulphate of Lime .. fold onlv at" W. A. Mitchell's Hardware The Ottawa "dihyle tery nan" debided not to grant the petition of 'the seced- ara from Erskine Presbytesian. ehucch, which asked that they receive recogni tion as a daly organized eengregation to be known as Westminster congre gation. . The gal. 5 1 RTT VVTVBDTBTVVTBVLLOS } : ¢ : : : : : : § - ] Blouses White: Muslin, short and long Sleeves, Lace and Embroidery 'Lrimwmed, also 15 dozen Tailor-Made Laundried Collar and Cuffs. Prices range from £1.00 to 1.50 SATURDAY 38¢ Skirts White Linen and Muslin Lace and Em- broidery insertion trimmed. You can not buy the Goods they ave made of for the price -§3.00 to 4.00, SATURDAY 98¢c "5 Skirts White Indian Repp, with either Insertion set in. Head and Horrockses Lace or Embroidery - SATURDAY $1.98 Sl Dresses Up-to-date in every detail, in Muslin, Cotton, Foulards and Linen, all colors, sell in the regular way at $5.00 to 7.25 SATURDAY $298 Dresses 'These Dresses are the very newest, direct from New York, neatly trimmed with Lace and Insertion. Some braided, come in Muslin, Linen and Folards Well worth regular prics, --$9.50 to 12.50 SATURDAY $398 PARK, SU NDAYS, Street Railway Company. so Decides ! Will Wighe Any Opposition of | C1 Mrs. ® 'tric Railway company, smmounced that | the company would run cars to Lake | running | has | wished | TOCA OLBONGT C [heen tRenty days of great heat, dam- 1911. THE DAILY pnrmisa WHIG, THRSDAY: oy 6, » INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. '4 [Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up or OUT Reporters on Their Rounds. "Buy ice orenm bricks." Gibson's. Cooked ham, tongue, bolpgna, lion | thin, at Gilbert's Stores. i Lamphorated Cold Cream for sun- burn, "Prouse's drug store." i | Shop early! Boer ten o'clock in} the morning is the best time. William Swaine, piano tuner. Urders ireceived at' McAuley's. 'Phone 778. ° R. Bryant, George street, who thas been very ill, is getting better. "Buv ice cream bricks." Gibson's. Miss Isabella Dunn, Montreal, is vis- iting Mes. L. Robinson, Arch. street. Extra strong hose supporters 25e., | white belts, 10%. New York Press i Reform. Miss Mary Dickson, eet, is enjoying tive at Toronto. i "Joo cream in bricks.' W. . J. Renton, University "avenue, has returned to the city after imonth's trip to the coast. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 {King street. Leave orders at Ne Anley's bookstore, Gananoque is a real summer tows, Clayton, N.Y, is said to be : desl owing to local option laws. | Miss. A. Harvey, Fredericton, N.B., is expected here, to-day, to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. H. Wilton, Arch street. "They give vou life," Blaud's fron | Ald. Abrabam Shaw is a candidste PRAISED THE NURSES CUT "DOWN ESTIMATES... Their Goes Work With the Fire Apparatus, The usual monthly medting of "hoard of governors, the h Jroeral hospital was held Wed inesdany " 8k Rui tafternogn, mi the boardrooms. Property Committee Used Knife aud J. A. Mines, {chuirman}; - F. Cut Ont Many Things--To Report |; jour 8B. W. MNobertsos, A "to Bodrd ag Special Meeting to be (own, Col. Dyfi, T. F. Hartison Héld on Friday Night, Francis King. x Nothing of very great At o_-meeting of the property hrought before th the hoard, mitfee of the board of educaticn, held on Wednesday hight it desided committee of man agement, i p V., , 8 » 3 wed a ita ont down on the proposed expen a ase than . 1 L 4 diture for the new schogl and keep 0 oC - the total expinditure to SHLO00, the on hon he rst Bx r . « A I in amount which was voted. by the rate: » a large payers for the mew school : crease, in the number of patients treat It will tie Teiembered: that ab eds The Soumiitten desire to place ; . ei ' {last meeting of the board the TO i Hedf) yo on : {party committee reported that if the EE | CB i | lowest tenders were for "the MWI™ } shat:4 o Ye Jura 3s { work tht the eos wh close he . Se hap ou rg as stress by <n to BI8,000 and for this reason it ghtniny, during the reoent electric walk recommended 'that the council. be SOT They, used the hose and * five asked to give a further grant of apparatus connected with the hneisig + 008 for the new building that it 'was utmecsssary to eall ont A' deputation from the somiinities fire brigade, and hy their prompt waited upon the finance committee at sPresutef} what might have teen its meeting Friday night and placed a, watigus i of 8 Aton, the matter before the members, giving mn ' Ki of the viniting governors, the commitige all the particulars. The Francis King, brought in "the committee gave the deputation no en- among other things mentioned that couragement, in fact they made it the time of their vist all the clear that no more funds would be TOONS Were oceupind, afid they stated {fortheoming,, at least they would not that it gratifying" to note that for the deputy graod mastership of the {make such a recommendation, ni the detuned for more space comes from jas a result the property pay grand od sof Masons for Untario. Committee B Class of patients prepared to { Men's ite canvas Saale Ses than hell: th meeting" Wednesday night for for the very best accommodation. One } oat, $1.25 a pair. Dutton's Shocjthe Prracse of sing 'the knife on the hundred and twenty patients were asd Stare, 207 Pricsess streets atin tin, mitted during June and one hundred | Colin Macpherson, wife atid children, | Tn - order to keap the expenditume 38d twenty-seven discharged. | University avenue, have left Jor Lan- [down to #40000 the committe: found by resolution, it decided that caster where they will spend the sum |it necrsshry to cut off many things the board would not weet acyin until mer. {For instex(®, inside the schopl Geor the first Monday in September, Midsummer clearing sale of. _teupke gin pine was--to-be sed, now Lina. S17 Lhe all _of the, chairman, (and suitenses. Dutton's, 209 Princess | tdiann pine will fill the bill; pain®will Chown and T. F. Hanson wil ; street, . Sh {1e- used instead of oil and varnish: all © for the pre i Buy lime juice." Gibson's. {the stone masonry will | be ent out month. Mrs. Awhrose Latrimouille, Toronto, {with the exception of that under the is here to spend a month with her pa- {window sills. retit<, Mr. and Mrs. 0, Raudry, Uueen | It is also stated street, 1 Vi 2 capes will be cut off Midsammer clearing sale. All white | 4, ub a great shoes, men's, women's und . children's, | cugsion. "The Foard : {less than cost. Dutton's; 209 ¥Friveess | gd wave and ried nv street. { 4 . | an Lawlor," secretary of th ¢ shoot. with fre escapes. i . , eR that =ometh ny else inadian Foresty Association, { for At in te thig city. He leotures, to-night, Nredition uf fhe - it Tvereny. committee have been taking Meu's- sox, n the wai Yew I rincess Frontens ae ' ' $20,006, There will an entire change of | programme at Lake Ontario park this | Aring evening. The attendance was ag A the | big Inst night. mittee hox made | Fray Bentos-shiced at Gilbert's, ke Liggente) F.. W. Juekson, ( hieago, manager of || of thy board, the Harrisburg Poundry and Ma hine PERU Works, is in thé ety: to spend short vacativn with his paronts, Special sale of 32 chocplate black Oxlords, : $1.65. Dutton's Store. Lockhart A. tp XPENDITE RE FOR NEW SCHOOL TO BE KEPT WITHIN $40,000. of resent sand importance by the The re activity, : eom- o was was month of June, and iu months WAS ule on the the | pro of of Ordaance two weeks' vaca- sel vices acoaitexd m charge ' Gibson's. "afc "i would re a £5.- 80 the JOSS, report . at private was was unless A... siting governors --------s Notes From Kepler, duly 5 Farmers weather js down, ruke np, and day A smecessiul Sunday was held in George hursday Mr ret He, Her city Mi fron He {av Kepler in hay he that the fire Are 1 his deal will os so dey they an he school ing cut saye pene will, of have proteet It; i will have is the ree commitloe i no dis draw ur tao the likely [grove, lust 1 has in 8 Week " , calige Cranston's Hed stwnd lobo mon ved hi the to 1 is in the Ruby in Queen's wn ix hom Miss | Maud feline Pipe, Toronto, Lati have mos whist r, end and visited Alived do to two pairs for 26c. New of cutting d Dress Neform, 20 ' school, E. Sith, nd Orser's hous % : Mise Adeline 1" Fownsend, « 1 a Miss ¢ i wel | Richard which mer fami he heen made Ambrose the report, alterations have original plans and out a at to he 1 & sbecind | wilt held on it fiecorge Crm Prownvill Miss Alma ms Herbert visited mg ay # | he as possible Horning, He called as eas raing's ommitiee wk as 80 has heen the meeting fal t fohns Lalu | awrence wnrele's, Bath, and family a ns {anxious to have the new school started I y at We on Henny Willi his par recently ined My tend or Shoe | jean. tha thes Ly indsay im { Nieho! recently "CHARGE, | ents at Opinicon, L A | v and daughter, vi hown, Deacon street, has saceess'ully passed second division {K. of civil swavice esaminations, marks béing over 600, Miss Isabelle Wilmot left Thursday | for Ualghry to join the other nem: | [ies of the family, who preceded her | HELD ON BIGAMY ToinguTwisters. . nile 1 his | went Known Former Alderman Ac. - on dhe-M ain cused by Douglas Campbell. Lally Provinee, fune Ex Alda. ol. a wel From the At Fr: i ization writes insurance on dog's Its business: {idle Hundlebeny a seieherung sgesellschaft. Imagine pt ting that on a post eard or telephon the typesetting the dropping of the makes chemi at | on the appeayance Or nies yn Organ Vancou hives Can EF, anagh, i was wy of big wut two ta nths ago. known real estate operator, Wiggr revolving rubber heels, put on rested, Inst night, on a charge atiy. Later in the evening he was given his freedom on a hond of 3H, 000. This: morning hiz case was énll MeVetty, who have ed in police court, bul adjourned. The information against Mr. ( riagh was sworn by Douglas ( th whose sister, Miss Lilly: Campbell, je white {DOW married (o the Accused, i; Dut | whom he has one child. Tt log that this martiage took place while «titl the husband of Cavanagh, many of Fanersen, Man os ing it! Since machines came mio use terpretive hyphens namenclgture take a ; 0 tof some of those Gerinan free of "gharge, I5¢c., 25e., 35 Sole agri Putton's, 209 street, Mr. and . Mes, heer spending the past three weeks in the city, returned to their home, at Milwaukew, yesterday. | Men | heep cool by wearing {canvas boots, clearing at $1.25, tons, 209 Princess street. | Moonlight excursion, Monday, { 10th, under auspices of Y.P.5., denham street church. Steamer lerica, 7.45 p.m. Tickets, 35e. "Bay cold creams." Gibson's. ('ards have been received from some of the Kingston boys who weit over , a pair, Princoss in erie run into a single word Fo Ebrhich-Hata's "606," about medical world has talked so known dios tories ample which the much is technically liamidoarsenohenzol. and hy "w ged ; ax J le 'avanagh wae uly " Sy. | Mrs. Mary F years a r.sident Am § . 2 inew living at jeity | Mr. Cavanagh's career Not the Tailor's Kanit. From the. Washington Governor W. R. Stubbs, of apropos of a bill he pre been said at a Yecent banquet {eventful during '(he last few years. Hel "The opponents of _ this to the coronation. They expected tg Won 8 fair-sized fortune a owealty | uh with it, Well, in that, eave for home last Monday. operator, but was overloaded with mind me of Jack Hughes, (Clearing Roman sandals, barefoot | property hy years ago, Bo} "fhe tailor, brought Jack sandals, white shoes for "children, all! held®a se in the council 8 repre low suit the other day. Jack went up less thin cost. Dutton's, 2080 Irig- |rentative for Ward Three. He left the | 4 ars to try it hen, cosa stropt. Leity suddenly, and was away for later: he sliouted do¥n to Miss Rs leral months. his return his. af- "That foo head trimmer * in the store of E. p.|feirs have assumad- bette shape, andl ov ft the vest ! | Call, Norwood, is spending her holi {he is said to be comfortably fixed. Tt17goc fonn + Mrs days at her home in Portsmouth ie nnderstood that he was at 'one time | 'Why,' Jack Order yoliir corset at New York Dress | 10 (business with members of the Camp nto. mans at Reform, from $3. Perfect fit guaran. |" ell family. ton-hole many teed. New York Dress Reform. | Mr. Cavanagh is a resicient | Miss. Albee Moran has returned to Lod Escott, Kingston after spending the week-end in Port Hope and will. go to her | home at Elmwood' for the vacation. | Don't suffer with your feet. Wear! asbestos insoles. Sold cnly at Dat- calling at Gananoque 'both WAYE, Te ton's, 209 Princess street. {turning leave Ogdensburg "3230 pam | James Stephenson, who has been | Meals on hoard, Sle. return. visiting friends in this yicipity for al -- couple of days, leit, on" the steamer | Temperature 83 Degrees. i Kingston, this morning, for Montreal! The highest temperature recorded om hoy Sale bathing and running shoes Thursday was eighty three degrees, for 35e, pair, Dution's, 209 Princess same as on Wednesday. | street, | : A large collie dog is a prisoner in the police cells, as ji was found wan. dering around the Steet, and came under the hending of a vagrant. The owner is being looked for. Edward Mooers, who lives in South Dakota, writes to his father, Henry Mooers, Barrie street, that there has for ~ Sear 1121 Davie street, this Kan anoting TH was has ball the find re when Terre ten minutes his tailors made a on. Sev ; wife Since Sn botel | Graham, who has been Hughes he's put a top t the waked bit hut said and a battom > too former | With the thermometer reZistering {deg 'elamming ttselil as comparatively Ha! Ha! Ba pdt would think if it had Kingston's temperature of only 55 degrees on the hotfest doy? | Fhe man with a sleeps almost as well has. none at all. Requets of monarchist among Brockville and Ogdensburg. commences these Ria rees in the shade, Oswego is : : co Steamer America popular weekly trips"; Fat. 'riday, m., constience who clear as the man Las un nsnyg at seamen are declared the ee. | The that better. to longer we live the - are old ~ we engugh Gikbsort's "Buy ice créam Dricks." aging the grain erop very msterialy: "eave juin" Prouse's Pray nig The many frends of William Cr "I'he Laird of Glenhurnie, will pleased to leara that heis koeping up well, and passing through this = hot weather as well as oan be expected. Sale of 81 motor veils, all colors, Bie. New York Dress Reform, 200 Princess street: Auto owners are wyrned of the des- perately bad planking of a smal etlvert about four miles or more from manage. Springs weuld o be smashed by gong swiltly over the ol struction, A Rideau sirvet dog has been an ) seyeli To-dav, the : Store. Closes At 5 O'clock Ewch Day, Except SATURDAY dus- ing July and 'August. Mid Somndr Sale Commences To-Morrow, when the follow- inr Samm r Wash Goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. = 1,800 Yards Chambrays, Ging=~ hams, 'Linen Suitings, Fancy Muslins, English Drills And any othec mab rials. These will be sold at One-Third Off for the Next Few Days. Women's White Dresses Many now and stylish designs now ready. Tacse deesses are. d decided comfort, as thy ave properly ent and made ready to slip on. You May Choose a Summer Outfit At small cost, and if not quite ready buy, haye it placed aside until ready. - LE ' to Our Alteration Department Is in charge of an expert and any ready- to- wear garment can be altered to suit you in the most satisfactory manner. pu White Waists In a great variety, now ready. ~ $400. 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 and up to 5.00. Children's White Dresses That save trouble and annoyance. Here they are ready to slip on. J. Laidlaw & Son | $9000000000000000050000404940004 549099995092 White Canvas FOR LADIES--C00L LOOKING AND VERY COMFORTABLE 'SHOE STORE store CLOSES ATS P. ™. JULY AND AUGUST. 15 and $1.00 $1.50 and 200. 150 and 200 , with or vithoa! Straps, Weawy Soles and : $3.00 amd $350

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