THREE GENERATIONS Sept Nealthy By BE. Merse's Tndian Rout Pils Over ify years ago people began to find out the effectiveness of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills in correcting constipation and toning up the system. Since then the po pity of this reliable old family. medicine has grown steadily , and the increase inl sales during the past year was the greatest ir the whole half century. As Jong as livers get shyggish, constipated or kidneys irfactive, just sc long will Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills cure these condjtions and bapish their distressing effects' for those who are wise enough to use them, Sick headaches, coated tongues, in- digestion, biliousness, dyspepsia, rheu- matism and similar disorders are almost invariably caused by impurities which . should be removed from the system by the ls, the kidneys and the pores Lt . _ By toning up these organs #0 that they can do their work properly, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cute,-or reves altogether, a large proportion of common everyday. ailments which many people miserable. Made by W. H. "Comstock Ceo., Limited, Brockville, Ont., and sold by all dealers at 25c¢. a box. 2 Ld P . : > : Tage 70 OURS. 8 This is the place to have your Auto repainted to stand all kinds of eather. E. J. DUNPHY, cee. Montreal and Ordasunce Streets bowes LL COHEN Ladies' Tailoring. Ek Will remove from 231 Prin- cess Street to. a [finer pre- mises at 267 Princess Street on or abogt July 15th. Reducing all his any ladies' garments ® moving. 2 Latest style and fit guaran: prices in before SEEKS FATHER'S FORTY YEARS. Once More a Quincy, Mass, Woman Bessons' Watch the Glacier Yield s Out th~----Will Iys Dead? taliney, Mass, July 7.--Hoping that the traditions _ of the Bessons glacier of Mont Blane will hold true fgreher and give up its dead alter forty years Mes. Fdith £'. Dundall, whose father, foh 1. Randall, a banker, his life, with' ten others, on Septémnber 2d, 1570; will soon start for Chas noaix, at the foot of the mountain, and take wp her vigil in the expecta. tion that the body will be dyggorged. she has visited the jey tomb of the wiiney banker three times--ilwice Just 10 gaze ut his | temporary - burial pot, aud last vear on a similar evr cand 'to this, which proved fruitless. Alpenstocks and other articles be- onging to the party recently have wen discovered as the ice of the ier melted and ran to the sea, or this reason Miss Randall hat at last may recover body. Mr. Randall, Dr. James B af Joneshorough, Tenn., and the Rev. George M. Corkindale, Seotland, with eight trained glides, the ones to he swept to their -- the summit of Mount Blane in Mr. Randall had fod many years ¢ planning an ascent of the thin that has taken a toll of half housand climbers, and he left ome in May, 1570, Mount Blane is 15,782 feet igh. AT the ten thousand Jopt Poiay -- a shelter house wherd spend the night and make an dash the next morning forthe mit. Then they to the sheMer the same day. The Randall party reached the gop, as was recorded in Mr. Bean's put on the return trip they were gver- taken by a terrible stgrm. The party was seen from Chamonix plocesting slowly, but finally the snow beeame so thick that they were hidden from view. The top of the moupt was not FIGS Are a valuable and nutritions laxative fruit, owing to an active medicinal principal. FIG PILLS contain the active principal of FIGS, combined with other valuable medica- ments, and are guaranteed to cure WEAK BLADDER, LAME BACK and all KIDNEY, LIVER, STOMACH and BOWEL DISORDERS. Atall dealers 23 exis per box, or The Fig Pill Con St. Thomas, Ont. to lost gla and hopes she ol were 1870, be his early are BAR SOLDER, BABBITT METAL and all INGOT METALS. Headquarters for Quality. The Canada Metal Co. Ltd., Write for Prices. Fraser Avenue, Toronto the | Bean, | death-on- moun- a t the liber prs sum- enabled jo return diary, - % soft_and limp. the suggestion of a frame inside. T embroidery and the brim is made of mull edged with Quaker lace, bonnet, back of the deep frills. visible agin for eight davs. Five of the partw--Dr. Bean and the Rev. Mr. Corkindale, with three guides--were found, but friends and relatives of the ocher' aight are still anxiously, await ing further proof of the tradition that the glacier always yields its dead, It never has failed heretofore, WILD CATTERS ARE AT WORK. Grand [Trunk Pacific Takes Legal Action Against Private Companies Using Its Name. Winnipeg, July 6.~The Grand Trunk Pacific has issued formal warning against real estate men who are offer: ling in the name of the railway com- pany to sell Jots in bogus townsites along its lines in the western provinces and has given notice that all such peo- aon will be prosecuted in the courts. D'Aeccy Tate, solicitor "for the com- pany, states that actions are now pend ing in the courts against six oF seven concerns that are using the company's name, and that all wild. eatters will be brought to justicd in an endemyor to prevent the repetitions of such misrepresentations as have al ready occurred in a number of cases. This sonouncement is official, and states that the company itself has es- tallished all divisional points and stations, that =the sales will © be through its bhoni fide agents. The authorities cite and made = the power to enjoy to the full life's work and pleasure--comes only with 8 gad digestion, tondiup weak stomachs--supply the digestive juices which are lacking--ensure Louk foot > Sef > properly converted into brawa and sinew, red blood 30 active 80c. a at your druggist's or from \ 32 Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, + + «BEAVER FLOUR" is the un friend of the housewife. It saves her ning fe Keeping twe two piv of ee for of bread and 'blend $F Manitoba Spring = wheat ad "Ontario Fal wheat, it gives to the rich, Bison the former and h Ee ea ie She loaf of delicate textyre and exquisi , biscuits and cakes, | BEAVE X FLOUR cannot he's as an example of fraudulent ad- vertising the exploitation of the town- site of Alix, on the Calgary-Edmon- ton line of the Grand Trunk Pacific. This: has been widely advertised as a divisional point and lots have sold at correspondingly high figures. As a matter of fact," the actual divisional point ix at Mirwvor, some six miles {away from the townsite of Alix, and {the railway has no interest whatsobver in the townsite last named, Other instances are cited Whate the Grand Trunk Pacific name has . been used to sel lots in townsites miles away from station, and without any authority whatsoever from the [ company. Action das been brought (against the Grand Trunk Pa- afi Transfer Company, of Van lcouver, to restrain that con- corn from future trading under the namé of the big corporation, and will ishortly be brought against the Grand Trunk. Lauds company, which also is a private concern. Scores of veal [Gstate companies, employment agenc- | ies, hotels, livery stables, transfer jecompapies and grocery establishments theoughoirt the west make use of the name of the Grand Trunk Pacific, and it is President Hays' intention to put " stop to all unauthorived use of the name' Graml Trunk Pacific by any private concern. The use of Yhe name by land panies is described as intended to mis- lead .innocent pyrchasers, for the a those whe wish to buy lots for the uterease in value following set tlement {of the suivounding country, and the rapid growth of the towns themselves 6Where there is no station service thete will b¢ no town, and such sales therefore would be fraudu- lent and lend. to lass. The public. is notified that all such intending par. chasers should communicate direct with the railways agency, ths Transcontin- ental Townsite Company, at Winnipeg' company any com - and get the facts, © School No, 13, Wolfe Island. School, No 13, St Lawrence, Wolfe Island, was closed on Thursday, 29th , with a short musical programme given by the scholars and 2 notable oa tke was the présentation of prizes ine ahd Miss H. B. Boalop, Gorebridge, Mid-Lothian, Scotland. The successiul prize winners were © Rano; first in fourth Dag a] Maggie Joslin; first class, 1st, Michew:, Sud, Sanford Michea: special for good canduct, Maggie Josling speci- {Sadie Padua t uring sescon, yah Ralph 4 aid in the Watertown, N, least. tal Monda € night. He was a ob the: steamer y . ot and B and had sailed the Lam: % best and Robert Wallae, of la There ars bat fw sure things old world. Omeof them is Tongs, spending the past few months lin Vancouver, B.C., bas ret aE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, 7, 19 THE DAILY BRITISH , FRIDAY, JULY 7. 191 BODY jem BURIED BENEATH GLACIER FOR r THE LITTLE MAID'S SLOPPY BONNET. Over sweet little faces, surrounded by flufly curls, of unstifiened lingerie frills are vastly that when off the headthey may be folded together without a crown of eyelet | the drooping brims bocoming. Some of these hats are so hat' has his pretty frills of white pleated two very soft A pink satin bow decorates the front of the GANANOQUE TIDINGS. What Is Transpiring in the Little River Town. Gananoque, July 5.--The Circle of King's Daughters as a sult of their tag day have netted the handsome sum of $330 doMars, which ;ill materially assist them in their ommendable 'philanthropic work, The coal schooner Horace Taber has arrived with another cargo for Taylor land Green. Departmental = Matriculation and Normal Entrance Exams, are now on in charge of Inspector Johnston, at the high school here. Some] twenty candidates are at work in the various departments. The local Salvation Army corps has inaugurated a series of Sunday even ing sacred concerts at the Public Park, and are drawing out large crowds. Mrs. S. Latimer, Stone street, who has been ill for several weeks past, has been removed to the Hotel Dieu, King- ston for treatment. A. Lalonde, for pwveral weeks past undergoing treal- ment in Hotel Dieu, Kingston, has re- turied home much improved. Mrs, W, F. Lague, Bing street, en. tertained a number of her friends on Monday evening. Robt. Campbell, while trimming the {grass around a plot in Gananoque 'gemetery, on Monday had the misfor- tune of gashing his hand badly with sickle, he was using. George Funnell, brought" W, i ampson's handsome new motor launch "Sea Bird" to town yesterday. She is handsome craft, and it is under- tood cost $1,000, The workmen of the Gananoque Harness Co. Ltd., held 4 picnic at the pper pavilion, on Monday alternoon. Miss Bessie Turner, graduate of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, is holidaving hers with her mother, Mrs. ohn B. Turner. Miss Leah William- son, nurse-in-training at the Fort Wayne, Ind., Hospital, is on furlough here, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, King street. Miss Aonie Wright, nurse-in-traiming at Kingston General Hospital, is visiting relatives in town. Melsry. Alexander and Robert Allan spent the past few dave in Montreal, having pone there to meet the former's wife and family, who were passengérs 'on the Grampian, from Glasgow, Scot Jand. Mr. and Mes. Allan will take up vesidence at their new home, on South street, recently purchased from 8 Steacy. Miss Janet Crouch, teacher Midland Public school, is spending | + acation here with her mother, Mm. Wm. Crouch. Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Parke, New York ety, are guests of the former's parents, Mr. N. Parke, King street. Miss Lloyd, of the staff of the publi sc hool is holidayin; with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, Smith's Falls, were guest during ths past few days of the latter's visitor, Mrs. O. W. Sheets, King street. } Gordon Davis accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. Coulthard, Syracuse, N.Y., are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. aod Mrs. James Davis, King street. Willing re- The Misses Bertha Pugh and A. And- érson, were guests of Mrs, E. X. Bel nois, King street, for the past few ays. Mr. aud Mars, Saunders and son, Raymond, of Belleville, spent the past few days in town, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hazel, Sydenhgm Tireet. D, A. McKellar, Montreal, is spending 'a ishort time here with relatives. Mrs. F. H. Hurd, Kingston, spent a short time with relatives in town this week. Mre. H. R. Aikens, spending the past week with Watertown relatives, has returned home. E. Belnois, spent the past few days in Lowville, N.Y., guest of his brother, P. J. Bel: ois. Roland La Fraoce, Syracuse, N. Y., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mes, I. La France, Porth street. Wm. to own. Mrs. J. S. Shields and family, and Mrs, Alfred Coyne Lane, arrived from (Fort William, to spend the summer with relatives, T. F. Milne, of the staff of Port Arthur High school, is . spending the vacation here, with his wife and amily, and on his return to Port Arthur will move his family | there. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McPherson, Toronto, are guests of the latter's pareats, Mr. and Mr. 8, Adams, may be pot into circulaton. 7 and Mrs. A. | Hazel | toto Ts ve 1. to good health and good spirits is often the result of smoking. ordinary cigarettes. Better play safe and smoke Black Cat 10 CIGARETTES 10¢ No other via cigarette affords half the smoke satisfaction--because in no other } is the tobacco so good. Begin to-day to acquaint yourself with the . smooth, delicate flavor of these even, fragrant smokes. ____The choicest leaves of a selected southern crop, thorsughly mellowed and blended, is all that you get in Black Cats, But from these you get a kind of satisfac- tion such as is seldom afforded by cigarettes. Try One to-day--At all good tobacconists. CARRERAS & MARCIANUS CIGARETTES, Limited, Montreal, Quebec + The Temperate Answer to the Temperature Best Ontario barley and finest hops make your old favorite, Regal Lager, the ideal summer beverage. Users keep appetite and energy in 'the hottest weather. Always Right Especially Now At Liquor Datlen and Laing Hotes Cafes Hamilton Brewing Association, Limited, Hamilton, Om. Jas. McParland Regal Agent In Kingston. . SUGARMAN, Dealer in all Kinds of New and Second. hand Goods. Anyone having goods @r shle drop a card to 343 Onjario Sige' a --_---- BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone - - 0 -------- THAT "TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on louder as he goes along, Is crowing For chewing and Only 5c per pound. smoking. ¢ AT A. MAULEAN'S, Outarie Street. 00000000 QCC00RORRQRENNSNS ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR, The place to get ice Cream that kills that tired feelin Served hright cool pariors of California Fruits * » . ® All ® in ® 184 Princéian Sticet. "Phone 849, So000000 For Health Drink McCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best... Agent, R. J. LAWLER The" American Cafe 185Wellington St. +The p-to-date--Restanrant and Eating House. Separate appartments. Wel furnished and lighted. Try our Full Course Dinner, 26e. THOMAS GUY, Prop. Crown Gypsum Hair Plaster saves labor will make your walls practically' inde- structible, P. WALSH 55---67 Barrack Street BOBO BVIRNS { Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OIL, ~ FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVER. W. F. KELLY. | Clarence and Ontario Streets. 'Toye's Building. Gress rrsverrresscaa KEPT THE PUBLIC IN HOT WATER. But of an agreeable temperaturs by supplying gas for all purposes at one dollar per thousand A card addressed to the Office of the Works, Queen Street, Phone 197 will bring 1he nece infor- mation and TTT TTRTTLETRRTRTRERN or ary CHEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT. COOK WITH GAS, Light, Heat & Power Dept C. C FOLGER, Gen. Mgr, linaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS" Supplied Under Royal Warrant of Appointment to His MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. A