S i kh TSHORT TERMS IN IAL" ome eves | IONS FAVOR - x -- Vest Pocket { 'Ronws New GWEN * DECK HANDS WHO! A, (he bowling grees, Thidday |THE RUNNING OF SUNDAY CARS {two of the best rinks in the . game. Commercial CREATED DISTURBANCE night, a game was pulled off between IN KINGSTON. 9 On the Steamer Kingston the Other | Une rink was skipped by J. M. Fi i » Night--Ringleaders Was Given |liott, and the other by W., P. Spauld- dent of Trades and Labor Council v " .*. Elliott won out by a secre Preparing for Labor Day. i (90) S Calculator and hn, i Re-elected William Buck as Presi- Four Wecks and the Others Given |ing- 7 \ : ~ teen, but it - . Two Weeks Each--Sad Story of a. Ts teams J bas At the meeting of the Trades and | - Btore Closes Daily 1' strong Drink Revealed. W. H. Wormwith, J. C. McConachie, | Labor Council held Thursday cvening » : 3 . : Standard Vest Pocket. Webster's Pronouncing ort ut : R Cua | R. Si {. P. Spaulding, skip--17. [in Labor Hall, the members expressed b O'clock. At the police court, Fridey moru-|W. R. Sills, W. F. Spa a J | themselves unanimously in favor = of | Dictionary. Contains over 28,000 words; also land > : 5 * 4 * S. i . ing, Magistrate Farrell imposed sen-| WM. Sambal, Elliotts skip--18, {Sunday street cars to Lake Ontario | measurements, countries of the world and their - 5 ith t Ari metic g Ww. Corbett, J. M it- a rs ~ 0 v8 he rw Lous nen ho : {Park, recognicing the fact that it|| colonies, hints on etiquette, eic., etc. bance on the steamer Kingston, Mon- Yachts Meet at Cape. [oie gw the warkingman, aug his | Price, cloth, red edges. 15c : . doy night, and a fourth was allowed | The Kingston yachtsmen and motur 8 ehange 19 8 awn ® : Full leather. gold edge, 25c¢. it explains and simplifies' the JOHN M KAY his liberty, the mngisute Ing (boat ars preparing for he 1 : » 3 ; 5 principles of Arithmegic, Mechanics, C that he had been 'led into the trou-|zvous of the Eastern Yacht Racing As- | : a | French-English ang English-French Dictionary) and Mensuration. FURRIER ible and that the time he had already |sociation whieh will be held 5 Cape SES RS German-English and, English-German Diction- Jt will prove: a boon to those | : Id" be sufficient n- | Vi t the 14th and 15th. > i . ary. : ; y s Nt in Jui ould ye waliciut gua f¥fesent ou tho Hh ou [Sei The a -- whe, huetiog ie arith das 449-187 Brock Street. Kingston. rry Sullivan was given four weekd 'and Gananoque clubs will gather here : i published. Juey are most useful to thoge who have If contaiils ih 'entirely. pew. snstem Sy in jail. The magistrate regarded him next Thursday evening, and on Fri ] ob Sf Suickly transiting une language to the of nique tables, short cuts and up- as the ring-leadgr and for this rea-day will have a cruising race to the | H | . . ] : i 's son_gave hum the hardest 3 'cape. The club of the latter place is i "Cloth, red edges, 26¢; full leather. 50c. : . id Sue meitods stance the correct "You did not appear to realize the offering prizes to the winners. The i | VEST POCKET TOAST BOOK aieier nine at practical ak seriousness of what.you were doing," route will be by the foot of Wolie ls- : answer the ? i Toasts for every occasion. and not one but will Bound in Morocco, with pocket y LJ said the court to Sullivan. land, and the tor hodts ad " i vod ke. x : 1 a a wi te} % : | rin . ro - ummer -- i sap ede si ny Suiling TE a] SE Cor Vincent : i E quit Jnuguecy usd, loud: acclaim silicate slate, flap and tit stamped or * | that -he was well mixed up in the mat- there will b# a big dance next Friday } i Cloth, 205¢; leather, Hoc. in gold. Price, Tic. ter. His conduct had been such as gvening, and on Saturday, the 15th, - po C... could not be overlooked. there will be a series of races off the Walter Hunter was also given two cape. That evening a smoker will be | | : i & ' FURNITURE, CARPETS, CUR. |vecks, as the evidence showed that held and the prises presented. : y 9 i HE COl | E( ; E BOOK S | 'ORE = . i ' \ SU he had quite a hand im the fuss. } -- YFAINS, LINOLEUM. At the E ocondings, on Thursday, T.| C.L.C's. vs. Athletics. The time 16 save money 15 now. |J. Rigney intimated that a far more] The Athletics had a good practice INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | Gps will be held until you need serious charge might be niade against | oot evening with Park Njne and 4 i | | pn moo, ; wr pa ou bn Ge: od pels Lagden | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By 4d LENSES but ho additional charge was made ,, Saturday with "Bill" Kennedy's } | ' out against him. ©.' |eluggers. They are a little bit at sea | | | Reporters on Their Rounds. MEN S William - Sparring was given bis li-[y¢ the present time without a man- | I | "Buy ice cream bricks." Gibson's. | t | | ; TIE PINS berty, as the magistrate said that itl, er, but they are doing the ijest they Bibby's 69c.. shirt sale. was his opinion that he had been led [know how in the meantime until ome ' a on | Miss Neva Lapum, Watertown, N.Y., into the trouble. He considered that is elected. The C.L.C.'s are always in i lis visiting friends in the city. | ! the acs had sufficient already in good shape. A headier and eooler team WILLIAM BUCK, v i Fox's Foot' Relief fou sore ching The days Spent i the Jt oh remand (it would be hard (0 Bid. Every mon por of io ceo 5 feet; --'Prouse's-Drug Store: ------ het --------ert John McKee, well up in years, and knows his position and how to play | al of the city on Sunday, and have | Ross Wilson, has returned to Nap- . Mrs. Elizabeth Keenan, much younger,iit. The result is a perfectly balanced | 4 ¢ nite to enjov the cool breezes of anee, after spending a few days here. - We have at present the most ets el, Svat Tor A he puck for me tte, "| Wilam Sane itn yo" Gries | cxicagive showing of PIXE CC N n . g i " oO gs for the en: receiv a cAuley's. one 778. ' 2 PINS we 'e eve v SHnana, by Const aylon a c- Kingston Horses in West, suing vear took place with thé follow | Miss Edith Lockwood, Collins Bay, oo ® Jot need your pre- TE} IN Rave ever Sather. Their arrest makes quite a #tory.| ~Aleyde, owned by Percy Burnham of | 10% result: --President, William Buek; [is visiting Miss Mildred Kiel, Queen p 0 replace a broken : gether. ould be wise Seyve, * © |vice-president, William Mulligam; re street. lens. Bring the pieces. We to choose while the stdck is so complete, as one is always more satisfied with their pur- ut 11.15 o'clock the police receiv-| i; y id i 215 0 : : ' Abo © slof po Kingston, was third in the 2:15 pac {cording secretary, George Turcotte; fin- | Men's sox, two pairs for 25c. New )g analyze them .and exactly chase when chosen from a A -------- le Dining-room Furniture in Oak,|ed a telephone eall which stated that{for a $1,000 purse at London, Ont. | Fa . x foe . ae Mission, Circassian. Walnut, Surfacel, man and woman were out'on the|on Thursday. : {ancial secretary," George Lewis; tieas- [York Dress Reform, 209 Princess duplicate. Or we can make Oak, etc. all reduced 10 per cent. |phreakwater, on King street, that both| W. H. Carson's Mgy Wax has been 0 i iq 1 i0 races . | Preparations for the Labor Day cele | Bibby's great 69¢. shirt sale. that thes had thre monthe old | taking second places regularly. May (bration were started and committees | Come and hear J. "N. Sherlock sing |§ In any of our popular style of baby in a buggy. The baby, so it|Wa¥--is nat yet being extended. * Hor sports and printing were arpoint- {an Queen street chursh, Sunday even- mounts. They arg' secure, was reported, had been dumped out tn ed. The committees say they will have [ing ax } neat and comfortable. of the carriage. Constables McAdoo Il on Thursday. a big time on Labor Day. Extra strong Jone Supporters 25¢., and Naylon hurried out to the scene| Eastern league--Jersey City 6, New- wn | white belts, 10c. New Yor Dress Dr A P Ch and shidrtly afterwards John McKee [ark 4. Baltimore 8, Providence 1. Ro: HAS GIVEN $10,000, | Rom. 2 Mes. 'Walter Lake. of . Chi «A.X. own and Mrs. Keenan were in the cells. [chester 6, Montreal 5. : . bs 1, an WH J oer + e, Ol R id Mrs. Keenan endeavored to give the! National league--St. Louis 13, Phil An Unknown Benefactor of School | TE5, ate Swiling Mrs. James ed, Druggist and Optician, police the slip by breaking a window |adelphia 9. Chicago 6, New York 2. of Mining. [ee eh iu bricks." Gibson's 183 PRINCESS STREET. in her house, and climbing in, but the [Pittsburg 10, Brooklyn 1. Cimcignati | A graduate of the School of Min-| y= Cunningham piano tuner, 21 'Phone 3423 constables brought her out again by|12, Boston 11. ing, who does not desire that his name do stroot g Leave orders at Me- ' the same route. American league--St. Louis 8, Chi shall be made public, has sent £10,000 | tae, foot. Lan CEOs ESELEB ENGI McKee also endeadored to get away [cago 1. Cleveland 4, Philadelphia 0. to Dean Goodwin, who has' placed it | Mrs. Hugh Peel and Miss Irons Peel from the clutches of the law But he| Canadian league--Berlin -5, Guelph (In the hands of (i. Y. Chown, trea- [Ottawa are visiting Mrs. J. Sherman, | syeverererevere: YeYaYe eYereYe) did not make much of a success of 14. St. Thomas 7, Brantford 6. Ham- |surer; to be wed in connection with [johnson street. = ae it. 'ilton 9, London 4. ; the Nicol building in mining amd me-| Men's white canvas boots less'ahan | B . 1 . The - constables Tound half a flask of Er ti 2 tallurgy. feat, £1.25 a pair. Dution's Shoe | 3 argain Bul etin Curtalns in Lace and Tapestry, whiskey in the baby carriage and ST. JOHN'S PICNIC HELD. m-------------------- | Store, 209 Princess "street. : ras and a fine line 10 to 20 per stated that both Mrs. Keenan and Mc- A . Fork Thursd Improved Coronation Pictures, | For sprains, strains and swelling rub ) . Kee were very drunk, but both denied [At Brophy on ursday | ro-night and Saturday afternoon in Dr. Hartz White Liniment, 25c., ® For Saturday oor ol ene. : : ~ A Re and Carpets all cut 10 per the charge very strongly and Salnd o Fn , . 2 land evening the public will be able |' Prouse's Drug Store." . | cent the court was not giving them a| The picnic in connection with St. |{, see at the King Edward theatre, 'Buy ice cream bricks." Gibson's. uwver, Joseph Suave; tyler, i. Andre. |street. up your present prescripti cription choice array SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians, 8330 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Ssccoovieccnceonsecsensoe 1 "square deal", as they termed it. John's Anglican church, Portsmouth, : iebdtes corona. | The excursion of the Bank street ' : Baga '20. Xue Mrs. Keenan is a member of the took place to Brophy's Point, Thurs. he pe es phe Cae I resbyterian church, Otltawa, to King Buyers. / F ' ARRISON Co "prohibited list" and was questioned |day alternoon. About 200 were pre. taken with great id "and attention | ston, is set for July 18th. (®) : . . a |by the court as to where she had sent. The races resulted as follows: | detail, and as the necessary time| Midsummer clearing sale of trunks 1 iR secured her liquor. She claimed that Miss Wright's class of boys--Ist, was given to their development they |and suitcases. Dutton's, 209 Princess | iq Andrew Thompson; 2nd, David Wic- g elopmen hey 12ic, 15¢ and 20c im much | street. : = ' FT +i Miss Harvey Fredericton, N.B., ar |( 13 hg 4 Heights gil. Slase--tut, Mag- th rived Thursday to visit her sister, 0 Dress M Dsl, . new "ar ampbell. Mrs. H. W. Wilton, Arch street, goods, latest esigns, Hamat, -Amoy St. Paul's Church. Order your corset at New York Dress § For 8c Yard. , MADE OVER c rtai nil i ; Nicholson; 2nd, William Webb ; . Lace u ns oh Il you can, in fhe Sogntime recall Sack race for older boys--lst, J,| Will hold their annual Sunday school Reform, from $3. Perfect 51. guaran a miami ; ; where you secured Lie liquor, +* | Smith; 2nd, A. Watts. picnic, Monday; July 10th, fo Bro-|teed. New York Dress Reform. = ® AND J. M. Sherlock, of Toronto, will 5s . ~y Y Sinday * Ladies' White Cotton REPAIRED are fuller, more acourate and clearer than those rushed gut at risk of quality. a woman who came over from ' Roch- $2 . ester gave her the liquor but the ma- 4 gistrate put®no faith in her story and sentonced her to three months inf arte the coun. 1 may Sider Younger boys' sack race--lst, Erie |phy's Point. Boat leaves Folger's| ] A Ising in Queen street church, Our show of Lace Cur- your case." | Watts; 20d, Kenneth Nicholson. wharf at one o'clock. : tains In "Trish Polat, Brussels §} Keenan was vary angry over] poy J. 0. Crisp's clase--lst, E. Er |ovening. cal Drawers, 19¢. ! the decision of the magistrate and Kingswell; 2nd, Janet Gordon. ° Bibby's great July. shirt sale Buy cold creams." Gibson's, Net, Marie Antoinette, Arablan ® stated that she would appeal the de nl, ond, a Coren, - ) Pon't suffer with your feet. Wear a ---------------- . A 4 : # asbestos insoles. "Sold only at Dut i» 3 ton's, 209 Princess street Ladies Fast Black 7 Bingen qualities, is ig lk awaits oJ 8 Nakle and J. a" Sis, Nihal , Ivory and two tone ef-' e court imposed a ally of race--1st, Frank Nicholson; | wg 's F ur § . 1 oo 7 i are as exquisite in design and costs on McKee. He, too, was|2pd, Bessie Wickit. a Kingston's Famous Fur Store | Mrs. James Reid and Mrs. W. J Cotton Hose, 2 pairs 4s the most 'fastidio ould dissatisfied with the decision of the| Miss Campbell's class--Ist, J. Smith; | . H Kelley, Princess wiraty are cxpected for 250 A us. cou magistrate, and said he would ap-|2nd, Wiliam Watts. home from Syracuse, N.Y., to-day "400, desire. : Lied peal. Miss Crisp's class, girls--Ist, Sadie Clearing Roman sandals, barefoot 7s) a NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS The magistrate said that) this was| Nicholson; 2nd, Muriel Graham. sandals, white shoes for, Shien, all 18 Tiny ' rot os : RTA Ng. Mrs. Keenan's third appearance before] Mise Kathleen Crisp's clase--Ist, Wil- - less than cost. Dutton's, 209 Prin- |e Ladies' White Waists = «values at $1.00, the court inside of six months. Mrs. [lie Graham; 2nd, Wilson Redden. = sa cess street. : > : pd 'new from the $1.25, $1.60, : Keenan claimed that her baby had| Mise Smith's class--Ist, Myrtle Tur = br, wud Mrs. MacTavish will leave Ce crisp a 3 ) ' fall ut of the carriage and that (ner; 2nd, Stella Ward; 3rd, Gladys ari on Tuesday morning next on a tiple designer, a sizes. in IRISH POINT CURTAINS, the child a not thrown out: Butler. to the west and will Visit at Regina Ts Signe) and Embroi- $3.50 to $8.00. J. C. McConachis, the agent for the | Miss Baiden's class--Ist, Arthur aad Dumnes . cok ite; Blau', '1 % de } styles. $1.75 Wd ip : : ia Watts; 2nd, Walter Wickhim. "They give vou life, aud s ron } erec 8s y e8. AW MARIE ANTOINETTE from Children's Aid society, was' present, ; re niki : . onic Pills, 100 - 95¢., at (ibso a i Saturday Sale Fone i, er, wellknown ui |@ and $2 values for 98c. $6.00 upward. in the interesta of the society, and Alexander; 2nd. M Redden: 3rd Jom J. Kenney, . was instructed by the magistrate to D ' i en; ' Kingston and Gananoque, died in To. ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. look after the wellare of the child. |Mrs. Campbell. bY the ladies jaf the Of Mil ; 'ronto on, July 6th, aged fifty-five : J elelale en] Pleasant Location In a growing section of the city, Nos 26 and 27 Nelson Street, near John son, Double House, solld brick; 9 rooms each, b. & ¢.; good yard and sheds at back, for $3.400 (8.00) DO! ® pL aS ni a st Nr oe MULLIN » THE 'REAL ESTATE EXPERT. Ladies' Prinoess Dresses, dainty colors, newest styles, all sizes, $5 lines for $2.50. Standard Fashion ) Sheet for August ) FREE, A ts Newman & Shaw; The Always Busy Stoie, -- Sale bathing and running shoes NG! v ° ¢ "SENTE i 35¢. p 's 200 Princess R. McFAUL, No Chance Whatever of University KINGSTON TO BE REPRESENTED for 35 . pair. Dutton's, 200 Prin Being Moved. On the 8.8, Cleveland When She E very article in our Bruce Culcheth, wife and little daughter, Helen, left Thursday after archouse, A despatch from Ottawa to the Whig ey Madns, % Sula in Oetaee. . board Millinery Department | ,.oon, to vidt at Watertown, Chau An agitation is on here as to the the at Heme shows a big reduction in Jimont Bay and uti points, and will i lity Queen's i t Sais "he : . pA d be v a few weeks. ey enominatsonal institu. [Atberican Line, when she sails fiom [| the price these days, but | "guy e cream bricks." Gibsoi's tion, to get it moved from Kingston to Rew. York, Detour Bes on the frst |] for To-morrow only we Sale of $1 motor veils, all colors y i x i i . . 2 50c. Ne [ ross Reform, 208 tan. Tt in pointed out that Jf hy |Already ten have booked from this [| have laid out a dozen or [LS C7 dominion rovernment wold probably, wiy ani Provinos. Iv thi more Trimmea Hats, | A number of young people from the oan 3 . e journey, nearly thirty thousand . city went to Collins Lake, on Thurs substantially support it. On the other | . i 4 y worth up to $7.00 each, hand, Queen's graduates and suoport- miles in length, will cover 110 days I day evening, and held an enjoyable ers residing a a ET ime The party will- stop- at" eighteen differ- They are all new and |ldance. The trip was made in vans poAsible: that certain grants made to Sot FOL 5 he many coundries: Ij beautiful, and we offer [Iand cardages. { rosby & O'Connor's it in the by the ation' of So on y have these trips or- orchestra was present. ; the ity of King carpot oni ganized that the minimum cost, in- them for "Grape juice," Prouse's Drug Store. i nr of ingaton wee one ed cluding all necessary expenses afloat Great reductions in price at Pre St at he one a and ashore, is less than six dollars a vost's, Brock strat, in Feady-hade : . 'day. clothing, gents' furnishings and clot a ig of ita ever being removed | "The globe trofter will visit the prin ing made to order. This clearing sale rony a oity. cipal ports of the Mediterranean and \ . fi to make room for fall and winter im- 1 1 | portations: The Equalization. pass through the Suez Canal en route por o : : Bombay. Some teen yr | - The 'steamer Simbad, owned by the The municipalities' equalization of oo in plot Jot eT ) 8S. F. rs eM es trons, Prince Edward county is : at Ceylon, Burmah, Java, Manila and Hl was glocked, last evening, at the King: |STRICKEN WITH APPENDICITIS. Hallowell ........... .. ene 86,458 31 i | ston" Shipbuilding company's dock for EE se ports, a stay of two weeks is | repairs, owing to damages received in [While Attending Party Last Even. Ameliasburgh ..... a in J | Sophiasburgh ........ Er aie! he fentering the Chicoutimi harbor on tg at Glenburtile. Hillier oo consi nes return trip reverses the order of visits. | June 16th last. Joha Donnelly, insur Frink * Cohe tadent who is North Marveburgh . The: tourists. 'will returs from S * {ance surveyor, is overseeing the re orb ho or the a en South Maryatmegh ERIN Francisco by rail, thus making Jpmins. Some ten plates will have to | FERS nppendicitis. while. attend { : trip across the continent, the x t ing a dance at Collins Lake, lust even \ The Late James Thompson. ing. There were : ord 4 | "With the pa ving away of James fae ihre at the a ais ne a Joel | fa " , ' possthie way given unty & Arrival ol Thompson, who died at 3.30 o'clock {7 2 lance. "fee he cds x {Friday morning st the Hotel Dieu Foshart's balan the er Cian : {from blood-poisoning, "» familiar figure |, hospital at two o'clock, Friday v » ; jon the streets of Kingston for many |, ning. He was meeting well, To-day 50c Neckwear 35c¢. [years hus departed. Two days ago he Le was Lg N icut his hand, and Hlood-poisoning set ine Concert by ROCHA. Band. . 40¢c Neckwear 27c. lin. His system could not withstand | Lo ol thousand people enjoyed the 25¢ N 15e. ithe ravages of the disease long. He | fncert in Macdonald park on Thurs sckwear jwas one of the best known dry goods [fy evening by the band of the Kf in the city and one of the Vij A. which played an excellent pro frery best sellers. He was employed for | gramme under the direction of Bend ; {many years in the store of Ron® | master Light. : ' ; J and Co., clothiers, Princess street. He rent of age sod be Men | Keep cool by wearing white | was about forty' years 126-128 PRINCESS ST. A --------------_---- HEEB EPR EE PPE I O40 OTTAWA WANTS QUEEN'S. congregation on a platform. years. 4 Seles Houses to rent and rents collected Money to loan Fire insurance, Best companies re presented. 'Phone 539, Eee esse e PEPePeE BOs esse rte sence DOOO oe @rrrrrresersssasasesel cD --_ Cc" T= I rm Ss assesae See o® = he . ® Ssesshescessecccnsese rooms, with large ver- ice house, island 1 acre,' 1 1-2 miles west of Portland. i $500. ISLAND, LOUGHRORO LAKE, < D Near Battersea. % ween Rev. Jehn Mackie : Prof. Marshall, 3 acres, at bargain THE CALL OF THE WILTED. HIRTWAISTS, collars shirts and cullé, droop in hot weather, unless starched , right and ironed righe. three doctors and E'VE a reputation for starching and fron- ing that neither heat can wilt nor water fade IT IS "PHONE No. 22 you want to ring up when ever you wish to test that LAUNDERING REPUTATION OF KINGSTON LAUNDRY, Cor, Princess and Sydenham bts. "Phone 22, FFI hil iy if Hi iy : TRV RCTBCT BATT BATTR TT RRY TOTO RRLS Cre BVAS i | side a stepmother, leaves three broth. [canvad beots, clearing st $1.25. Du ws and three sisters, : ton's, 209 Princess street. i . o § S | 'Phone 336 or 621. ri : Besscesssssecceceeee y $0000000000000000000000005 > = i F