Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jul 1911, p. 8

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HOTEL DIRECTORY. ~EEEE Ean, THOS. STEWART, Prop. VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. PORTLAND. SAN DIEGO. Good to return until October 31st. > WESTERN CANADA, TUESDAY, JULY UITH, And every second Tuesday thereafter until Sept, 19th. Good to return with. fn _60 days. rough tourist sleepers, Toronto to Edmonton, via Chicago, St. Paul and Winn! For berth reservations and further information, Apr to Ontario andPJiohnson Sts Cor. KINCSTONG P gl: LOT RAILWAY IN, CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIAIC RAILWAY. Homeseekers' Excursions Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al berta, June 27th. . July 11th, 256th. August 8th. 22nd. Sept. 5th, 19th. + Tickets good for 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P/ and] C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY. Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train Jeaves Union Station, Ontarlo , dally (Sunday excepted), "Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- Bannockburn an all points '0 secure quick AL to nnockburn, Maynooth, and points on tral Ontaflo Route your shipments Bay of Quinte Railway. For fur- fo Rhett Bon Rell fears ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Fictarian, el, June 33; Fri. ro June 30; Fri, lh » u af Vira ni July 1; ¥ri. Yirginia ah, FA. "July 14% Fri, Aug. ' MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. esperian, Sat, June 24; Sat, July 22 we net od us Sal. July N --" he LON LAWRENCE pulp. 3 Bat., 8, 5; Sat. ne a. HAVRE AND This service is composed ef one class, second cabin steamers, salling from Montreal every Saturday. Rates moderate. Fall information on application to J. P, HANLEY, C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, G.T.Ry. Clarence St. Agents, Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, NT Yonge Street, Toronto, Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Bat Dreites 2 Tv Distribution OF HIS FAMOUS PAW-PAW THOUSANDS OF THE PEOPLE OF KIN N ARE NOW TESTING THIS WONDERFUL FRUIT-- A Notable Tribute Tos DR. MUNYON Who Stated to Our Reporte at an Interesting Interview That Action means life, means progress, means succese, = "The sentiment of 'suceessful men. of to-day -is expressed in the word "now." The great God Now, not yesterday, Do 1 salute and homage 'pay. We must no longer be governed by the customs, the usages and doctrines of the past. Adhering to old methods, governed by worn-out dogmas, is responsible for most of our ills and.misfortunes. For thousands of years people have been led to expect sickness, decrepi- tude and death, has been "Prepare * The teaching of the pulpi "Prepare to Die" instead to Live." The public, as well as physicians, have taken it for granted that a man after. he gets (0 be seventy, eighty or nitfety years of age, is a useless mem- ber of society. These fallacious doc- trines must be eliminated from our thoughts. People generally get what they expect. I would have the public sghools int culcate into the minds of all scholars that men should live almost indeéfinite- ly. That they are Gods of their own destiny. My theory, that the lower bowel is responsible for most ills, sorrows and failures, as well as premature death; has awakened a general interest. Lib eral physicians and scientists are com- ing me for this bold stand, for they recognize that if the bowels are clogged, indigestion, liver troubles, heart affections and kindred ailments are sure to follow: Munyon's Paw-Paw Laxative Pills flush the bowels without irritating. They build yp the system instead of +| weakening it. They digest everything that is put into the stomach. They habittiate the bowels to act regularly without any foreign assistance, and I don't believe. there was ever a better blood purifier than these pills. I want every person why is constipated, every person who has) any liver ailments, every person whq has pimples or any skin eruptions, every person who is nervous and debilitated, to get a pack- age of Munyon's. Paw-Paw Laxative Pills. Forty- -five pills for twenty-five cents (25¢.). Purchase them with a distinct understanding that if they don't do all that I claim for them, if they don't keep you well and make you happy, I will refund your money. MUNYON. asgapedia." 1,900 fons, re- Bata out on the Clyde, speci. or this siryice, with all modern MONTREAL ON .m., §th and 20th August, 14th 28th September, and from Quebec day at noon or Pictou, pe, Mal Bay, callin at aT L and Gna iver Summerside ew York From Quebec a pwn town, and Ro ont pov ust, and ait Fo aan Sd Summer cursions, $10 and up, by re tu a 37 oF Thuen toe : Bai eT Ie to ERR COMPANY, QUEBEC. | LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY OF QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO. LTD. Westbound er at 5.00 Pp. ARs Char ) anita If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer. We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we'do, if it did not do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Rexall "93" Hair Tonic not give en- tire satisfaction to users, they would lose faith in we and our state- 4 | ments, and in .consequenion our business: 4 | prestige 'would suffer. We assure vou that if your beginning to unnaturally fall odt or if you have amy scalp trowble/ Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradi- cate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent ture baldness. Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic i¥ 50 strong that we ask you to try it on our tive 'guarantes that your money will be ar refunded i it he claim. Two sizes, 50c, and $1. Sold only at our store-- The Rexall store. G. Ww. Mahood. J Summer air is Leave Kingston dail at & 'a.m. Eastbound or Tone lusandn Quebec and y for and Hamil Steamies "Belleville" tw ® | fable. THE DAILY WHAT. WHIG' CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and -What They Are Saying. News From Glenvale. Glenvale, July 4.-The bot, dry weather has ripened the hay very quickly, and farmers are busy cutting and gathering their crops. Michael Haw! is 'seriously ill at his home bere. Mise Mildred Orser is suffering with poneumonia, at Sydenham, where she was attending the high school. Miss Kathleen Oreer, nurse-in-trainisg at the Mary Fletcher hospital, Burl. young ' people from here attended pie- nics held at Sydenham and Kepler last week. Mise Ella Wood, who taught school here for the past year, returned 'to her home in Toronto, on Monday. Miss Inda' Toplifie is laid up with a sprained ankle. Sidney Alport intends moving his family to the west in the fall. Miss Harriet Rounds is visiting relatives at. Mount Chesney. Mise . Gordon and Miss M. Hamilton are at home for the vacation. Miss Bella VanOrder, Binguoa, is visiting her parents here. A¢ Crow Lake. Crow Lake, July ~4.--Farmers throughout this vibinity are wearing BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY; JULY 7 ---- - DEATH AT BURNT HILLS Of Samuel Williams, Aged Seventy Years 'Battersea, duly 4. --Samuel Williams, resident ' living about four hr north of the village, on the Burnt Hills . Road, passed away, on Sunday last, after a severe illness of several months, from cancer, sof, the stomagh. The was past sev enty years of age, sod had lived on the farm where he died for forty years, and was well liked by those who came in contact with him. He is survived by his wife and eleven children, ten of whom were able to attend the funeral. The funeral was conducted by Under- taker Sly, of Seeley's Bay. The ser- vice was in the Methodist church, here, Rev. Barry Pierce officiating. Thompson Ennis and Heeekiah Van- volkenburg are' ill. Some have been temporarily laid aside by the extreme , Vt., is at home. A number of | heat Samuel Jamieson and daughter, Alice, left, last week, for Saskatoon, Sask., to be gone about six weeks. Alice Jamieson, Irene Lake, Elwood Keeler and Vietor! Clark, from this le- cality, were successful in the Syden- ham high school examinations. Miss Eva Pyke, of Wolie Island pre, here, last week. There were only eleven candidates writing. Miss Grace Citnningham, teacher at Cedar Lake school, has gone to spend her vaca tion at her home in' Boston, Mass. . S. M. Anglin has returned from a two ms Lsojourn at Boston, where he was siudying music under a noted *y sided at 'the eptrance examination | 1011. YARKER Is IN DESPAIR and School. Marker, July 5.--The Holiness Move ment camp meeting at Yarker closed on Sunday night, There was an . im- mene crowd t. The intense heat of Sunday overcame a few on the camp ground. The entry of the V.N.R. into Yarker places the Methodist church and the schoolhouse in a very bad position. The cost of a subway would be too great and would practically close up the Methodist' church and as it is, it will shut out a large part of the congregation. The only way seems to be to dispose of both to the C.N.R. An overhead bridge is asked for at Carroll's crossing near the village. The hay crop promises a good vield and farmers hdve commenced baying. The churches were slimly at tended, Sunday evening, as the camp meeting drew 'the crowd. Bishop Mills preached here, Sunday, in St. An thony's church, A. W. Benjamin and family have gone. to their summer home at Sydenham Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Doller, of Napanee, are - spend ing 'their vacation with them. William Silver and wile Have gone to Water- town, N.Y.. Yarker school, from second to third Percy Gordon, 38; Ernest 313; Ross Seery, 397: Batatone, 333. Aubrey Crouther, 330 Helen Walsh, 300; Helena Holland, 205; Clifiord Redden, 276; Keith Wal- ker, 266; Florence Convery, 239, May Young, 204; Bruce Redden, 325. Marks to pass, 235. lass : Smith, professor: He will spend some time at Mrs. WJ. D. Shibley and daughter, ------ broad smiles over the prospect of very heavy hay and grain crop. School has closed for the holidays. Service was conducted by Rev. D. D. Tapping on Sunday. William Sly has engaged with J. Hawley for the summer. A wee girlie has come to stay at James Mahon's. 8S. Mahon and Miss Mahon t Sunday at Mabtrly. John Knapp, Jr., is ill. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds, at 0 Rich- ard Reynolds'; Mrs. W. Tharrett and daughter, Amy, at J. v Knapp'; Miss Annie Cassell, of Bolingbrook, is visiting Miss A. Tharvett; Mrs. A: Har- rise spent a few days with her par- ents; Mrs. John Knapp smade a trip to West recently, on business; Miss a Drader and her brother, from Devil Lake, were the Ei of Miss Ida Bain, Crow Lake; C. Knapp Sun a few days with his daughter, William THarrett. NEW BOARDER KNEW HOW, Taught by Experience Best Manner of Handling Landiadies. When the new boarder went the dining-room and sat down, there was only one other person at the table. The new boarder had a kind heart and thought he would be af into' "1 ¢'poose you've boarded here for some time ?"' "he said to the other man, "Yes, quite a while." "How is it?" Any good ¥' "Yes, pretty fair. 1 have no plaint to make" "Landlady treat you decent *" "Well, perhaps 1 ought to"-- then he hesitated. "Oh; "hever_ mind, old man," the new boarder said." "That's all right, I'm on. But, say, mebbe you never tried chucking her under the chin once in a while. 1 the way to get on with 'om. 1 never had a |! ady that didn't treat nie Al yet. It's all in the way you handle 'em. See! I'll bet I can live hers for a month on end with- out being asked for a shilling. Watch me banter her wiieh- she comes in. Be- fore this time to-morrow she'll be telling me her family history. Poor old girl ! She looks as, if she'd had her troubles. Probably got tied to some John Henry, who was about man enough to shoo chickens out of the yard, and that's all. Mv name's Smith. Let's wee, | haven't heard yours, have I?" "No, i believe not. But j ' the com- and it land- THE KING AND QUEEN PASSING ST. JAMES' PALACE ON THEIR RETURN FROM THE Their Majesties Wearing the Crown, After the Coronation Ceremony, are Rey Shown in the Famous State 'oach With Its Eight Cream Horses. his home here before returning to his musical vocation at Brandon, Man. United States and city tourists are daily arriving and our 'summer ho- tels are filling up. Other visitors : Miss Ethel Sills, Sydenham, and C. Quinn, Toronto, at Ww. J Merriman's: 8. Kirk and wife and Misses McKee and Paul, Kingston, at-F. W. Ball's; Ernest Spencer and wife, of Ganano- que, at Dr. Lake's; O. R. Sears, Mont- real, at J. L. Sears'; Samuel Anglin and wife, Charles Anglin, Kingston, and Robert Anglin and Miss Minnie Anglin, Kingston Mills, at W. J Anglin's; Mrs. McLaughlin and Valda Ruttan, Kingston, at J. Ruttan's. : Particolored Bear. | The particolored bear (Aeluropus me- lanoleucus), is so rare an animal that it ves more than passing notice. This particular specimen was acquired by W. N, Ferguson, a missionary in Szethuen, from a Thibetan hunter. Its habitat is the dwarf bamboo and rhoddendron forests, which clothe the hills at an altitude of from 9,000 to 11,000 feet in this part of hina. It is a vegetable feeder. The soles of the feet are hairy, and, though very bea: like in appearance, it has been named the great panda by Sir Ray Laopkes ter, as the structure of the skull and skeleton shows it to be closely related to the Himalayan panda or wah. It has never been obtained by an Euro pean sportamnan and was originally discovered in 1869 by Tere David in the mountaing of East Thibet. The panda, a very handsomely colored beast, is the only old world represen tative of the raccon.--Exchange, Thumb Rings and Ankle Bracelets. Thumb rings, magpie chains ; and ankle bracelets are in, favor in Paris at present. An actress recently wore a thumb ring of 'a desiizn so wide * that it reached fearly to the nail, and the emeralds which composed it-matched her green gown and hair ornaments. After that theatrical first night the jewelers received orders for thumb rings of unique designe and there are many to be seen now. Serpents set. with rubies or emer: alds are popular for ankle bracelets, and those of plain gold with jeweled eyes are also fashionable. The short tight dresses make ankle ordaments a necessity, it is declared, and when the gowns are lo the lowe hems are of lace and chiffon so the anklets can be seen and appreciated.--New York Sun. - ! Heap of 1,250,000 Dead Flies. San Antonio, Texas, July 7.--One and a quarter maihon dead fies in one heap, being a pile three fest high and five feet wide, represents the slaughter wrought by small boys: as the result of a fly kilhng contest, which 'closed here, to-day. Robert Basse carried off the first prize of $10 with a record of 454,320 dead flies, The devil is always extremely anxious for an introduction. ABBEY. Helen, spent a few days at the home of her parests here. Henry Good has returned from Toronto. Dr. McQuaid is _here from New York city. Word Was received here of the seri ous illness of Robert O'Laughlin, New York city.. B. S. Sunday for New York. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thornton left here for Ar den, Monday. F. A. Walsh, of Mon treal, spent a few days here with his family, Where the A certain wsceptic was contending be fore a minister that the work. of the Creator was manifestly imperfect 'Have you not yourself," he asked, "noted "defects in the human organ ism, for instance, and thought of bet ter contrivances ?""' To his delight there was the frank reply, "Why, yes, 1 really think have." "Why," drawled the parson, see when | want to shut out anything disagreeable from my sight 1 can draw down my eyelids and it's all done, but unfortunately I haven't any flaps my ears." Free conversation that point. Parson Scored. "you ceased at That better position, with better pay and shorter hours, may require better vyualifications. Moon College has. de livered thousands from bomdage If the average man ha® occasion to generate a good, hearty laugh once: a month, he is playing in great nek Spinsters and widows never woman who has a husband port. envy - a to sup MINISTER'S TESTIMONY Rev, Charles Hartley, says: "For years I was a from bronchial catarrh, and had spaired of anything like a cure. Judge of my pleasant surprise when I firet used Hyomei, which. brought complete relief. Hyomei has been a godsend." Hyomei (pronounced, High-o-me) medicated iair, full of the healthy vir tues' of the mountain pines breathe in the delightful antiseptic air, and as it passes over the inflamed and geni®hdden membrace. Hyomed cures catarrh, coughs, colds, bron chitis, asthma, and croup, Hyomei is guaranteed to do this or wour money back. : Sardinia, de A complete Hyomei outht, including & hard rubber inhaler, costs but $1, and ag extra bottle of Hvomei, if af terwards needed, costs but 30 cents All druggists, or postpaid from The R. T. Booth Co., 1td., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by Jas, B, Me Leod, DAVIS DRY DOCK Co. Is the right place to get aly CAST ORIA For Infants and Children. Toh Kiet You lag Age Bug Bears the Signature of kinds of Boats and Launches, or Steam and Gasoline Ea- gines, Boilers and Machnery. Repairs done promptly and 7 Al a Over CAR Passing "Through Church oe 1 is simply impgisible for this ce-saving IDEAL Folding Bed to close accidentally. Itis self Dalaticing in any position. Works with springs, hot weights, and is so light and per. fectly balanced that a child can operateit. All metal --therefore vermi f. No parts to work loose, wear out or break. Beading kept mn perfect order, always to air. Canopy permits artistic draping--open or itis a piece of fumiture. Be sure.8d ask for the IDEAL Folding Bed, and see that it bears our ¢ ade mark, _ ok Yor wise of dodles --nearest- you. % Write for Free Folder No. F120 o, IDEAL BEDDING Climo MONTREAL -- TORONTO -- WINNIPEG O'Loughlin left here | to about LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT . SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ovr - EE ---- Our Cakes Lead In Quality 20¢, Try our Ice Cream Cake at Florence Cake at Swiss Mountain at .. Angel Cakes at | R. H. TOYE, 302 King St, @rvrrsssprssessrssvesieresssssenesesscscvecl . When you want to clear your house of flies, see that you get WILSON'S FLY PADS 7 sufferer | veritable = You | THE INTENSE HEAT OF THE PAST FEW DAYS -------------------- Makes the 5 oe Jock ear ly closingmovement of great benefit to oir employees.- Will Custom ers kindly shop early~loring July and August so that our help can get full" benefit of the early closing movement. A vidit to our Store, will show some good values in sedsonable shoes. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOGD SHOES

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