¥ - HOTEL DIRECTORY. NTO, GO TO THE STEWART HOUSE, LEAD- : ing Commercial Hotel, Rates, $1.50 " THOS, STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING, VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. PORTLAND. SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES, SAN DIEGO. Good to return until October 31st. RoundTrip Homeseekers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA, TUESDAY, JULY 11TH, And every wmecond Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 18th. Good to return with- in 60 days, Through {ourist sleepers, Toronto te Edmonton, via Chicdge, St. Paul and Winnipeg For berth reservations and further information, apply to g J. P. HANLEY Cor. Ontario and Johnson Sts THOMAS COPLEY PHONE 987. card to 19 Pine Btreet whe: wanting anythin, £ done in the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on al of repairs and Drop a 1} new work Hardw Floors of all kinds. orders will réceive prompt atten shop, 40 Quegn Street. ww Wood's The Great Pnglis Remedy. Tones gnd invigorates the whole ryous system, makes new old Veins. Cures Nerv nd Brain Wi a, Emi Abuse One will please, tion KINGSTON PEMBROKE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY." y wd in ous Debllity, Mental a dency, eakmnes Bator, nd Effects of Price 51 per box, six for 43. will care. ia by all ry, not al plain rece CO. 2a he Wood Medicine Co. pe a HTH HE i | AT STLEY'S GROVE ON FRIDAY {Baseball Game With Queen Street ; kind» also | Al | ions, Si six or mailed in wt Eo, -y nL THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, " " my oe . - ' i DEADLY ANAEMIA. 1 COOKE'S PICNIC HELD, "0 | {Casts a Shadow Over Lives of Thou-| sands of Women and Girls. : |: "Not enough blood" is the simple | mesning of the term anaemia, though | lit should scarcely need explaining, | . « or, unfortunately, anaemia is one of Was Won by Cooke's, 3 to 1--Re-| the greatest evils in this country, suits of the Races. afflictinz women of all ages, includ I'he picnic under phe auspices of the mg young girls, The signs of blood | Sunday school of Cooke's ctiurch, ;at | lessness are plain enough--paliid lips Staley 3 Grove, on Friday, sand cheeks, and aching back, = fre thoroughly cojoyable affair, quent headaches, with breathlessness, | The vaseball game between the june | heart palpitation and great weak iors of Queen sireet and Looe s ness. The only effective treatment is {sunday schools was an exhibition of siren then and build up the [lirst-class playing. 'Though the blood, amd it is just by this power grounds were somewhat uneven the of 'making new, rich blood, that Dr {playing was snappy. 'Ihe score stood Williams' Pink Pills have cured an i5 to 1 in favor of Cooke's, but the aemia in more cases than it is pos. igame was more evenly balanced than sible te. place on record. Among the {the score would indicate, for luck host cured of ' this trouble by Dr liavored the winvers at = opportune Williams' Pink Fills 1s Miss C. N\. | times, . William Evaas, for the win- | Koberge, of Sorél, Qué, who bad i ners, pitched great ball, and he was ben in poor health for 'several an. {well supported all around the dia- Miss Roberge says: "I believe "that mond. if 1 had not taken Dr. Williams' the following are the Pink Pills my illness would have ners : proved fatal. The trouble came on Boys of primary' class--William Can- (50 gradually that I ean scarcely tell nem, George Anderson. the point at which it did'begin. The 4irls of primary clasy--Gladys Mont | first noticeable symptom was loss of gomert, Gladys MacTavish. 'color and a feeling of lassitude. Then Boys of junior class--Kenoeth Doug- | began to lose my dppetite, had fre- i las, Kussell Bird. : quent "headaches, and spells of dizzi Girls of junior :eclass--Dorothy New. ness, and became unable to do any iman, Lillian Turner. * housework withont being completely The litte "tots" --Jack Reid, Jessie | exhanisted. Finally my trouble be- MacTavish. {came aggravated by a persistent Boys, under eight--Robert McKellar, | cough. I took several kinds of medi Alex. Jamieson. cine, but did not get any reliol. At Gicls under ten--Irene McCullough, last 1 was advised to try Dr. © Wil Letitia 'l'urner. {liams' Pink Pills and decided to -. do ._Boys under ten--Stuart Toland, Earl <c ter 1 had taken several hoxes 5 DAY AFTERNOON. was BO \ prize win- 1 Simmons. there was a noticeable improvement in Girls under twelve--Florence Mont-|my condition and 1 continued using ---- Homeseekers™ ~ Excursions and Al KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited). "Mighest- Education at Lowest Cost' Twenty-sixth year. Fall Term begins August 30th. Courses in Bookleeping Bhorthand, Tele- graphy, Civil Bervice and English Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway cor- porations In Canada. Enter any Call or write for inforuuss F. Metcalfe, Principal, Kingston, Canada. Saskatchewan berta, June 27th. July 11th, 256th. August Sth. 22nd. Sept. 6th, 19th: Tickets good for 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.PR. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY. Gen. Pass. Agent. "Manitoba, 2 ) SUITS FOR ALL Men's and boys Suits and Over coats. Ladies' Suits. Rugs, Curtains, ste, etc. Jewellery, Art Squares. ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN. All kinds of Boots and Shoes-- Ladies', Men's, Children's. Cheapest prices. Call and examine the Goods and Prices. Joseph Abramsky 263 PRINCESS STREET. SEALE AALAALL040400004 ALLAN LINE[ "Royal Mail Steamers Watermelons California Plums Apricots and Peaches A. J. REES 166 Princess Street. "Phone 58. --_-->.AGNIWJ opp .z: Oilcloths, Blank BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Unloh Station, Ontario Street, 4 pm. dally (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser. Bannockburn, and all points north. To secure quick despatth tc Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario Route your shipments vig Bay of Quinte Railwa for fur- the articulars, apply, .'H. Ward Fre. Raent; JH. Welch, Pass Agent. 'Phone No. 3, ¢» PICTURESQUE ST. LAWRENCE _ "ROUTE. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian, Fri, June 23; Fri, July 21 Corsican, Fri, June 30; Fri, July 28 Virginian, Fri, July 7; Fri. Aug. 4. Tunisian, Fri, July 14; Fri, Aug. 11 . MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Hesperian, Sat, June 24; Sat, July 22 Tonia Bat, July 1; Sat, July 29. Grampian, Sat. July $; Bat, Aug. Scotian, Sat, July 15; Sat, Aug. 12 LONDON. MONTREL TO HAVRE AND This service is composed of one class, second cabin steamers, sailing from Montreal every Saturday. Rates moderate: . : v 5, . FERRER eRe PLLLLLLL00000000000000 | Full Information on application to J. P. HANLEY, C. 8 KIRKPATRICK, G.T.Ry. Clarence St Agents, Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes, 8.8. "Cascapedia" 1900 tons, re. cently fitted out on the Clyde, speci: ally for this service, with all modern comforts SAILS FROM MONTREAL THURSDAYS, at 1 p.m July, 3rd, 17th and 31st August, and 28th September, and from the following gay at noon {for Pictou, N8, calling at _Gaspe Mal Bay Perce,' Grand River, "Summerside, PEL, and Charlottetown, P.EI, New York From Quebec ¥ia the far-famed River Saguenay, ealling at Gaspe, Charlottetown and Halifax, S.8 rinidad, 2.600. tons, salle from Quebec, at 8 pm, 14th and 28th July, 1ith and 26th August, and Sth September. Spmmer Excursions, aie and up, by ther Pwin Screw 8S. "Bermudian 5,- £00 tons, sailing from New York at 3 mi. 18th and 29th July and every 10 3 ve? thereafter. Temperature cooled 'by. sea hreezes seldom rises above $0 Toes. ae Timest trips of the season for 'and comfort. : ickats and staterooms, RX te PP. HANLEY, or C. 8 KIRKPAT. Ticket Agents, Kingston. Ont QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY, QUEBEC. LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY OF QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, LTD. ~ Strs. Caspian North King 1000 ISLANDS AND ROCHESTER, N.Y eR Ta A , . sian n Alexandria Bay, Rockport and aan. ue. Return} at & p.m. for Charlotte, NY. Rochester), calling -" Bay of Quinte ports. BE ER N i POOR PLUMBING IS DANGEROUS. Filth decay, otlors, disease a menace to the outcome of plumbing Can you sume such you be wise obnoxious germ healt A afford risk? in so deh ON 20th 14th ugbec a Ww a 1 <? Our modern. open plumbinbing in af sdur service at prices To sult you. DAVID HALL ¢ 668 BROCK ST. 'Phone 335. VUPIIYVYIYYYYYYYEYeYY Duration i By the Steamship AROUND xs on seosms 41g" gays -- HE | 500 Tena {COST $650 AND TP A CELELAL0AA00400000000004000000000068 VIVIIIIIIIIII III III III VIII PIII III III hd | TWO CRUISES | : (Ann vi [Arnon Eien Jie 3 SY Bou | Aken HL 16,500 tons. A EIERLACANERAY, LF 600 am 09 Islands, Montreal, Leave Kingston dally at Eastbound for 1.9 'Rapids, St. Lawrence, Quebec and Saguenay Westbound dally at 560 p Charlotte (port Rochest Toronto, Steamer "Belleville" m., for er) and Kingston, AStDOUNS, westbound, Saturdays For tickets, folders, ete. apply te J P. Hanley, t Agent, Ki ton, or write, H. ¢ AGEN, Torente, VIGIIIIIIVIIVIIIIIIIe 4 the Pills until I had taken nine box- The result in my opinjn was mdr- ms gomery, Georgina Amy. Girls under fourteen--FEna McKellar, es. Fdith Chapman. | vellous. My appetite returned, Ihrowing ball (girls)-- Kathleen | nerves were strengthened, my weight Smith, Mildred: Kell. increas d, headaches disappeared, and Throwing ball (boys)--Andrew Dun-{1 am en oying the best health of my lop, Harold Dunlap. life. In gratitude for what Dr. Wil Young ladies' race--Stella Arniel, liams' Pink Pills have done for me Ella Keill. I give this statement in the hope Married Aadies' Reid, | that it may bring new health to some { Mrs. W. Laird | other sufferer." { Lady teachers' race--Irene Dunlop, | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all Agnes Johnston |those troubles due to poor blood, Young men's Pipe, such as anaemia, indigestion, rhew Andrew Dunlop. matism, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, Bovs under fourteen--Denald Doug-|partial paralysis, and the troubles las, Harold Leslie which attack girls budding to Pitching quoits--~H. W. Newman and | manhood and women of maj ur vears Sold 'by medicine dealers E. | svervwhere, or by mail at Oe. a box | boxes for $2.50, from the br Medicine~ Co, Brockville, race--Mrs. race--Kenneth wo | Major A. Sharpe i : Thon | Fat man's race--Thomas FE. Wathem. Moore, lor six Nenem---------------- | Williams' Rideau Lakes Nav. Co., Limited. |, Steamers leave for Ottawa . every | #nday, Wednesday, Thursday and | i wwurday, at 6 a.m. | For C(layton--Every | esday, Friday and Saturday, mente PROBLEMS. HARBOR TRAFFIC Yacsday at Wes) Harbor Scavengers--A Harbor Chaplain--Marine Oil Engines. July S.--Encrmous sums i New fut ure °r easing botably Jm. Pe Falls and return, every Wed- | New York, esday and Saturday, 6 a.m. fare for | must. be expended in improving ound trip, 50e. York harbor in whe immediate Jas. Swift & Co., agents. if it is to keep pace with its inc J. P. Hanley, agent. ommerce. ' European ports, > Hamburg, set. an example' of progress What Quarter? which must be imitated more or fess Brantford Expositor closely. Within the past ten years, the The conferring of knighthood upon inports by sea have more than dou jet-Rich-Gnick Aitken, "the hoy won: bled. The registered tonnage in for- {der," still continues to excite Vigor-fo.,, trade in this period has increased jous protests in Canada, and it is from 30,000,000 to about 42,000, jratieabie that the kicks come & hiefly a ru gain of lorty-ive : pot from the conservative editors, who cent. The appearance of the' 900 foot sem to think they are hereby having } Emi . i | A . 5 'boat in New York harbor, the "Olym ia. fling at either the Asquith or Laur DAL : a ow her jer government. It safe to say Pc, and of the? "Imperator" and h that the responsibility for the un- | sister ship of the Hamburg American called-for distinction conferred upon a Line, demamls a radi al improvement to an entirely [in the harbor facilities. The - depth of * water, the crowding of the water-way, no less than the length of the docks, | present serious problems which the en should lose no time in attack | = ! { unionist MP. belongs { different quarter. Row on Queen Street. between two of King exceedingly altercation gineer residents of the lower end street east, which grew The broad rivers about New York are warm at times, furnished a great deal |Kepl as clear from refuse of atl kind of 'excitement at Yimes, on Friday [as the city streets A special boat pa evening, for nearby residents Accord: | trols the harbor day ing to all accounts a male resident the regulations are rigidly enforced. It slapped the face of a youngster is forbidden to throw even a stick or longing to a woman, and she threat from ened to make things warm for him. A wordy : ing. amd night, and be docks or flies a triangular which Even the the baat stone overboard river-craft. The patrol conspicuous penbant, {flag with a large eve, the business in band a Broke Leg Second Time. signifies (larence Uornwall, aged eleven, Nap nd. ance, was brought to the city on the which carry the city's rubbish and un midnight train Friday, and taken to load far out at sea must be trimmed the general hospital suffering from a so that not even a newspaper shall fracture of the left leg above the blow overboard. Even the housekeepers knee. His left leg was Hroken once bhe- |" the canal boats and the engineers fore, as was also his right leg. He (on boats big aad little are cautioned Iwas taken to the hospital in Corbetl's agamst littering up the harbor, and | ambulance. the penalty for breaking the law severe. It is obvious that if one son | were permittesl to throw over stows is per Mark Twain's Works, JULY 8. 1911, PAGE SEVEN. SE DRAGGED BY HAIR. Woman Travels Quarter Mile a Heels of Horse: r Mouut Holly, N..J, 7.~Mrs George H. Kirby, an expert "oman, was dragged a guarter mile her hair; not from her. : wryouny horse We Was driving: 1) horse . 'became frightened when team passed it at oid shied and the carriage was upset wrecked Mrs. Kirby's thick caught on a ¢urtain button, and with the wreck horse hme ar gait the horse dashed away age of the carriage she with it In fact the strain on hair_held her head and shoulder the grourd and saved life wards the end' of the much of her hair was way by the By that however, the had dragged home, she soon was in the hand of a physician He found bruises and cuts on her, but was of her To torn tune horse \ roots animal and man none hem is dr nrerous It Kirb: ited self heretofore ny Her «ne and was wrecked erturned. without that Mrs he horse was loft win mSgiving driving has me ner n bem horse CATT ens Mrs. J McMullen, Frankford, who on. 24th an operation floating ney, . at Trenton, tisfactorily, and to. be sufficiently the hospital + with her parents, Mi Mav, East Trentor Piles, fissures, ete., successfully treat »d without an operation. Write fo iree booklet and references. Ii Hawke, 21 Wellesley street, Toronto Moreover, faint bank account om wins a fair lady. (Rev.) N Tune for progressing went hopes in few recovered to leave I a1 a few Mrs and rest J a sel As Seiseis sans sseiieo desde vss dsasese ward a single stick, all would do 0, and the enormous floating populat of the great harbor would gradually fill up the channels, besides littering the water with unsightly' floating ob If you are interested in obtaining a complete set of all his books at one hall the former price the easy pay- ment plan it will cod nothing to get, full particulars and a new thirty-two page book. 'Little Stories About jects. Mark Twain." Address Box 409, A novel craft has been added to the 'British Whig office." great fleet of New York harboy within me pac the last few day s4 The Splvation Army Caught a 22 Pound Maskinonge. (has gone to sea. A well-equipped boat D. P. Bravnigan and the theatrical now darts about the rivers mamed by party who were fishing with him, officers of this earnest army. Its er caught a maskinonge just off Simcoe rand is one of mercy aod wot profit Island. Friday afternoon, weighing Wherever sailors are sick or dying, or about twenty-two pounds. While 4. 8S. in distress, they may count on a fries Qantalnh and a friend were fiching the Rideau they caught a black bass is probably the same as that weighing live pounds. avmy ashore. The little craft . the entire waterfront. Bibby's great 69¢. shirt sale is on. | Wore than two hundred fifty Now is vour opportunity to acquire ships are now equipped, or being fit through MeCann, a lot, a house and ted. with oil engines. Such instalia lot, or a farm, at a price thal will tions range from three hundred horse Safford you a good profit in a year Power to five hundred horse-power Jor Iwo. Hid | Bibby's great July shirt sale. {Many of the submarines and other way Eves notice that when a girl marries (craft of the French navy are now run a man to reform him she always picks [bw the new motor power. Russia has out a rich one? {several cum-boats and cruisers thus Men's 35 patent colt Oxford, Good- |*quipped, and 'a number of tank ships year welt, to clear $2.95. Dutton's, are running on regula: schedule. The 209 Princess street. {largest engines of this type in the What has become of the oldiash- world are those aboard the 9.000 ton 'oned spinster who used to envy mar- iHamburg-American Line ships now ied women ? (building. The economy of pace and Ribby's 69¢. shirt sale is on. |weight is valuable alike to warships {and merchant marine. The engines can ® be arranged below the armor 2 with most of the machinery below the | waterline, thas rendering hem in- jvulnerable. The guns on such ships | { of patrols | and CLEANING LACE CURTAINS, We excel in the cleaning of lace curtains. Sead your cur- tains to us to be "done up" and have them looking right. {may be turned to any point of the! horizon and their number and size in- | ; on the Salvation Army boat. Its work i the | experimental stage is well passed, | m | deck | t cost OUNT it he pay? nerves always demar Think o seared Think of i 1 yord irritated i the an « Think of the brain-fag and of are Think liquor which a part of ence af all th company drinking if it were not an act of Provi Gatlin Ss eves ss sess see treatment was ing or ra DA 3 : with all SHORT . a - pad death and io Drink 18 death . sure . » in responsibil a is home and the misery The banker in his line than is ¢ in his It is no respecier of the ambition bility it ruins the - . . . . " he . the capability : renders normally . . . . the estion "his drinks tion nowadays, asked as drink?" If a 'characte he . . » » 's) to be . & 1 No - & 5 1.000 Islands-- Rochester, Steamers Cagpian leave at 10.15 a.m. daily for Dyers and Cleaners, 5 $3 PRINCESS STREET, Kingston. Ont. 00000000000000000000 nd} See csoveveedee NY. J. P. Danley, agent. and North King ! Thousa Islands, and al 5 p.m. for Rochester. { . ih a ma a ih ibe sm Sess nese t ese dragged her wild run of the her of days and and r of drink! thie <i di de ed busine chi 1 r -- Goodyear Black, Boys' Boots, sizes 1 to Bargain Price $1.35 $5.50, $5.00 Bargain Price 70 Brock Street BOOT AND. SHOE BARGAINS Odd sizes Son's "Bargain Price | Jack Johnston's Shoe Store sizes 11 to 13 a. S20 oe HN Pees Pie es ss es cass ass r ens enssRsNsst snes Stop Drink-Watch the Business Grow The Gatlin {Treatment Hundreds of the Most Successful - Business Men of This Community---That is Why They Are Successful ONLY THREE DAYS : ore BE stomach physical itr nker ey CRUSE drinks hodearrier who dr persons the hone st, men UNSAFE and IRRESPONSIBLE. When a young man is looking for a th is, has GATLIN INSTITUTE 428° RMS STREET, TORONTO, ONT. > PHONE NORTH 4538 . w A MAN who declared: * Money talks," (The scheming and saving old fox.) Said, "A shine for a dime! Nay, nay--POLO for mine-- Fifty shines has a single dime box." SHOE OLO BIG boxes n« POLISH ot ly give youn more for your money, but kpbp the paste fresh longer than a smaller box can. Ask your grocer or shoeman for Polo --the polish in the BIG box--black or tan. The tan both cleans and polishes. 17 "Good for Leather-- Stands the Weather" Sas Ress sr esse pasar Has Destroyed the Liquor Appetite in Sass dep Fie naie se Sees es sR Ess Re sponsibility rebels hypodermic injections, ex from he drinker "No Ap e Tor liquor poison ig prescn Gatlin freatn he drinker, a rd first drink t he had thai day. . That { three days' treatment a "xe od refunded finishes trea!men than on emen institute upder legally of endless end) iraet or the fee paid will is Bo safer mediately the patient patient jndges whether or hi satisfactorily not . Be Th x A tan again gonsibie / e Gatlin CARDO come SL SPN errr rss Pest d Teese rs esas Call telegraph for 1K 8 at is or writ telephone Boes he Chan bor of particulars, copies of contract and ------ ---------- ~ - tA pA AN NP SA Har Pit aN i AA A PN SS - Vee no other information A. HARGRAVE, Mgr.